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import { DOMPurify } from '../lib.js';
import { isMobile } from './RossAscends-mods.js';
import { amount_gen, callPopup, eventSource, event_types, getRequestHeaders, max_context, online_status, setGenerationParamsFromPreset } from '../script.js';
import { textgenerationwebui_settings as textgen_settings, textgen_types } from './textgen-settings.js';
import { tokenizers } from './tokenizers.js';
import { renderTemplateAsync } from './templates.js';
import { POPUP_TYPE, callGenericPopup } from './popup.js';
import { t } from './i18n.js';
let mancerModels = [];
let togetherModels = [];
let infermaticAIModels = [];
let dreamGenModels = [];
let vllmModels = [];
let aphroditeModels = [];
let featherlessModels = [];
let tabbyModels = [];
export let openRouterModels = [];
* List of OpenRouter providers.
* @type {string[]}
'Google AI Studio',
'Amazon Bedrock',
'Together 2',
'SF Compute',
'Mancer 2',
'Hyperbolic 2',
'Lynn 2',
export async function loadOllamaModels(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid Ollama models data', data);
if (!data.find(x => x.id === textgen_settings.ollama_model)) {
textgen_settings.ollama_model = data[0]?.id || '';
for (const model of data) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.id;
option.text = model.name;
option.selected = model.id === textgen_settings.ollama_model;
export async function loadTabbyModels(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid Tabby models data', data);
tabbyModels = data;
tabbyModels.sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id));
tabbyModels.unshift({ id: '' });
if (!tabbyModels.find(x => x.id === textgen_settings.tabby_model)) {
textgen_settings.tabby_model = tabbyModels[0]?.id || '';
for (const model of tabbyModels) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.id;
option.text = model.id;
option.selected = model.id === textgen_settings.tabby_model;
export async function loadTogetherAIModels(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid Together AI models data', data);
data.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
togetherModels = data;
if (!data.find(x => x.name === textgen_settings.togetherai_model)) {
textgen_settings.togetherai_model = data[0]?.name || '';
for (const model of data) {
// Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door.
if (model.display_type === 'image') {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.name;
option.text = model.display_name;
option.selected = model.name === textgen_settings.togetherai_model;
export async function loadInfermaticAIModels(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid Infermatic AI models data', data);
data.sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id));
infermaticAIModels = data;
if (!data.find(x => x.id === textgen_settings.infermaticai_model)) {
textgen_settings.infermaticai_model = data[0]?.id || '';
for (const model of data) {
if (model.display_type === 'image') {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.id;
option.text = model.id;
option.selected = model.id === textgen_settings.infermaticai_model;
export function loadGenericModels(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid Generic models data', data);
data.sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id));
const dataList = $('#generic_model_fill');
for (const model of data) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.id;
option.text = model.id;
export async function loadDreamGenModels(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid DreamGen models data', data);
dreamGenModels = data;
if (!data.find(x => x.id === textgen_settings.dreamgen_model)) {
textgen_settings.dreamgen_model = data[0]?.id || '';
for (const model of data) {
if (model.display_type === 'image') {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.id;
option.text = model.id;
option.selected = model.id === textgen_settings.dreamgen_model;
export async function loadMancerModels(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid Mancer models data', data);
data.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
mancerModels = data;
if (!data.find(x => x.id === textgen_settings.mancer_model)) {
textgen_settings.mancer_model = data[0]?.id || '';
for (const model of data) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.id;
option.text = model.name;
option.selected = model.id === textgen_settings.mancer_model;
export async function loadOpenRouterModels(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid OpenRouter models data', data);
data.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
openRouterModels = data;
if (!data.find(x => x.id === textgen_settings.openrouter_model)) {
textgen_settings.openrouter_model = data[0]?.id || '';
for (const model of data) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.id;
option.text = model.id;
option.selected = model.id === textgen_settings.openrouter_model;
// Calculate the cost of the selected model + update on settings change
export async function loadVllmModels(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid vLLM models data', data);
vllmModels = data;
if (!data.find(x => x.id === textgen_settings.vllm_model)) {
textgen_settings.vllm_model = data[0]?.id || '';
for (const model of data) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.id;
option.text = model.id;
option.selected = model.id === textgen_settings.vllm_model;
export async function loadAphroditeModels(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid Aphrodite models data', data);
aphroditeModels = data;
if (!data.find(x => x.id === textgen_settings.aphrodite_model)) {
textgen_settings.aphrodite_model = data[0]?.id || '';
for (const model of data) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.id;
option.text = model.id;
option.selected = model.id === textgen_settings.aphrodite_model;
let featherlessCurrentPage = 1;
export async function loadFeatherlessModels(data) {
const searchBar = document.getElementById('featherless_model_search_bar');
const modelCardBlock = document.getElementById('featherless_model_card_block');
const paginationContainer = $('#featherless_model_pagination_container');
const sortOrderSelect = document.getElementById('featherless_model_sort_order');
const classSelect = document.getElementById('featherless_class_selection');
const categoriesSelect = document.getElementById('featherless_category_selection');
const storageKey = 'FeatherlessModels_PerPage';
// Store the original models data for search and filtering
let originalModels = [];
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
console.error('Invalid Featherless models data', data);
originalModels = data; // Store the original data for search
featherlessModels = data;
if (!data.find(x => x.id === textgen_settings.featherless_model)) {
textgen_settings.featherless_model = data[0]?.id || '';
// Populate class select options with unique classes
// Retrieve the stored number of items per page or default to 10
const perPage = Number(localStorage.getItem(storageKey)) || 10;
// Initialize pagination
// Function to set up pagination (also used for filtered results)
function setupPagination(models, perPage, pageNumber = featherlessCurrentPage) {
dataSource: models,
pageSize: perPage,
pageNumber: pageNumber,
sizeChangerOptions: [6, 10, 26, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000],
pageRange: 1,
showPageNumbers: true,
showSizeChanger: false,
prevText: '<',
nextText: '>',
formatNavigator: function (currentPage, totalPage) {
return (currentPage - 1) * perPage + 1 + ' - ' + currentPage * perPage + ' of ' + totalPage * perPage;
showNavigator: true,
callback: function (modelsOnPage, pagination) {
modelCardBlock.innerHTML = '';
modelsOnPage.forEach(model => {
const card = document.createElement('div');
const modelNameContainer = document.createElement('div');
const modelTitle = document.createElement('div');
modelTitle.textContent = model.id.replace(/_/g, '_\u200B');
const detailsContainer = document.createElement('div');
const modelClassDiv = document.createElement('div');
modelClassDiv.textContent = `Class: ${model.model_class || 'N/A'}`;
const contextLengthDiv = document.createElement('div');
contextLengthDiv.textContent = `Context Length: ${model.context_length}`;
const dateAddedDiv = document.createElement('div');
dateAddedDiv.textContent = `Added On: ${new Date(model.created * 1000).toLocaleDateString()}`;
if (model.id === textgen_settings.featherless_model) {
card.addEventListener('click', function () {
document.querySelectorAll('.model-card').forEach(c => c.classList.remove('selected'));
// Update the current page value whenever the page changes
featherlessCurrentPage = pagination.pageNumber;
afterSizeSelectorChange: function (e) {
const newPerPage = e.target.value;
localStorage.setItem('Models_PerPage', newPerPage);
setupPagination(models, Number(newPerPage), featherlessCurrentPage); // Use the stored current page number
// Unset previously added listeners
// Add event listener for input on the search bar
searchBar.addEventListener('input', function () {
// Add event listener for the sort order select
sortOrderSelect.addEventListener('change', function () {
// Add event listener for the class select
classSelect.addEventListener('change', function () {
categoriesSelect.addEventListener('change', function () {
// Function to populate class selection dropdown
function populateClassSelection(models) {
const uniqueClasses = [...new Set(models.map(model => model.model_class).filter(Boolean))]; // Get unique class names
uniqueClasses.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
uniqueClasses.forEach(className => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = className;
option.textContent = className;
// Function to apply sorting and filtering based on user input
async function applyFiltersAndSort() {
if (!(searchBar instanceof HTMLInputElement) ||
!(sortOrderSelect instanceof HTMLSelectElement) ||
!(classSelect instanceof HTMLSelectElement) ||
!(categoriesSelect instanceof HTMLSelectElement)) {
const searchQuery = searchBar.value.toLowerCase();
const selectedSortOrder = sortOrderSelect.value;
const selectedClass = classSelect.value;
const selectedCategory = categoriesSelect.value;
let featherlessTop = [];
let featherlessNew = [];
if (selectedCategory === 'Top') {
featherlessTop = await fetchFeatherlessStats();
const featherlessIds = featherlessTop.map(stat => stat.id);
if (selectedCategory === 'New') {
featherlessNew = await fetchFeatherlessNew();
const featherlessNewIds = featherlessNew.map(stat => stat.id);
let filteredModels = originalModels.filter(model => {
const matchesSearch = model.id.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery);
const matchesClass = selectedClass ? model.model_class === selectedClass : true;
const matchesTop = featherlessIds.includes(model.id);
const matchesNew = featherlessNewIds.includes(model.id);
if (selectedCategory === 'All') {
return matchesSearch && matchesClass;
else if (selectedCategory === 'Top') {
return matchesSearch && matchesClass && matchesTop;
else if (selectedCategory === 'New') {
return matchesSearch && matchesClass && matchesNew;
else {
return matchesSearch && matchesClass;
if (selectedSortOrder === 'asc') {
filteredModels.sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id));
} else if (selectedSortOrder === 'desc') {
filteredModels.sort((a, b) => b.id.localeCompare(a.id));
} else if (selectedSortOrder === 'date_asc') {
filteredModels.sort((a, b) => a.created - b.created);
} else if (selectedSortOrder === 'date_desc') {
filteredModels.sort((a, b) => b.created - a.created);
const currentModelIndex = filteredModels.findIndex(x => x.id === textgen_settings.featherless_model);
featherlessCurrentPage = currentModelIndex >= 0 ? (currentModelIndex / perPage) + 1 : 1;
setupPagination(filteredModels, Number(localStorage.getItem(storageKey)) || perPage, featherlessCurrentPage);
// Required to keep the /model command function
for (const model of data) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model.id;
option.text = model.id;
option.selected = model.id === textgen_settings.featherless_model;
async function fetchFeatherlessStats() {
const response = await fetch('https://api.featherless.ai/feather/popular');
const data = await response.json();
return data.popular;
async function fetchFeatherlessNew() {
const response = await fetch('https://api.featherless.ai/feather/models?sort=-created_at&perPage=20');
const data = await response.json();
return data.items;
function onFeatherlessModelSelect(modelId) {
const model = featherlessModels.find(x => x.id === modelId);
textgen_settings.featherless_model = modelId;
setGenerationParamsFromPreset({ max_length: model.context_length });
let featherlessIsGridView = false; // Default state set to grid view
// Ensure the correct initial view is applied when the page loads
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const modelCardBlock = document.getElementById('featherless_model_card_block');
const toggleButton = document.getElementById('featherless_model_grid_toggle');
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Toggle between grid and list view
if (featherlessIsGridView) {
this.title = 'Toggle to grid view';
} else {
this.title = 'Toggle to list view';
featherlessIsGridView = !featherlessIsGridView;
function onMancerModelSelect() {
const modelId = String($('#mancer_model').val());
textgen_settings.mancer_model = modelId;
const limits = mancerModels.find(x => x.id === modelId)?.limits;
setGenerationParamsFromPreset({ max_length: limits.context });
function onTogetherModelSelect() {
const modelName = String($('#model_togetherai_select').val());
textgen_settings.togetherai_model = modelName;
const model = togetherModels.find(x => x.name === modelName);
setGenerationParamsFromPreset({ max_length: model.context_length });
function onInfermaticAIModelSelect() {
const modelName = String($('#model_infermaticai_select').val());
textgen_settings.infermaticai_model = modelName;
const model = infermaticAIModels.find(x => x.id === modelName);
setGenerationParamsFromPreset({ max_length: model.context_length });
function onDreamGenModelSelect() {
const modelName = String($('#model_dreamgen_select').val());
textgen_settings.dreamgen_model = modelName;
// TODO(DreamGen): Consider retuning max_tokens from API and setting it here.
function onOllamaModelSelect() {
const modelId = String($('#ollama_model').val());
textgen_settings.ollama_model = modelId;
function onTabbyModelSelect() {
const modelId = String($('#tabby_model').val());
textgen_settings.tabby_model = modelId;
function onOpenRouterModelSelect() {
const modelId = String($('#openrouter_model').val());
textgen_settings.openrouter_model = modelId;
const model = openRouterModels.find(x => x.id === modelId);
setGenerationParamsFromPreset({ max_length: model.context_length });
function onVllmModelSelect() {
const modelId = String($('#vllm_model').val());
textgen_settings.vllm_model = modelId;
function onAphroditeModelSelect() {
const modelId = String($('#aphrodite_model').val());
textgen_settings.aphrodite_model = modelId;
function getMancerModelTemplate(option) {
const model = mancerModels.find(x => x.id === option?.element?.value);
if (!option.id || !model) {
return option.text;
const creditsPerPrompt = (model.limits?.context - model.limits?.completion) * model.pricing?.prompt;
const creditsPerCompletion = model.limits?.completion * model.pricing?.completion;
const creditsTotal = Math.round(creditsPerPrompt + creditsPerCompletion).toFixed(0);
return $((`
<div class="flex-container flexFlowColumn">
<div><strong>${DOMPurify.sanitize(model.name)}</strong> | <span>${model.limits?.context} ctx</span> / <span>${model.limits?.completion} res</span> | <small>Credits per request (max): ${creditsTotal}</small></div>
function getTogetherModelTemplate(option) {
const model = togetherModels.find(x => x.name === option?.element?.value);
if (!option.id || !model) {
return option.text;
return $((`
<div class="flex-container flexFlowColumn">
<div><strong>${DOMPurify.sanitize(model.name)}</strong> | <span>${model.context_length || '???'} tokens</span></div>
function getInfermaticAIModelTemplate(option) {
const model = infermaticAIModels.find(x => x.id === option?.element?.value);
if (!option.id || !model) {
return option.text;
return $((`
<div class="flex-container flexFlowColumn">
function getDreamGenModelTemplate(option) {
const model = dreamGenModels.find(x => x.id === option?.element?.value);
if (!option.id || !model) {
return option.text;
return $((`
<div class="flex-container flexFlowColumn">
function getOpenRouterModelTemplate(option) {
const model = openRouterModels.find(x => x.id === option?.element?.value);
if (!option.id || !model) {
return option.text;
let tokens_dollar = Number(1 / (1000 * model.pricing?.prompt));
let tokens_rounded = (Math.round(tokens_dollar * 1000) / 1000).toFixed(0);
const price = 0 === Number(model.pricing?.prompt) ? 'Free' : `${tokens_rounded}k t/$ `;
return $((`
<div class="flex-container flexFlowColumn" title="${DOMPurify.sanitize(model.id)}">
<div><strong>${DOMPurify.sanitize(model.name)}</strong> | ${model.context_length} ctx | <small>${price}</small></div>
function getVllmModelTemplate(option) {
const model = vllmModels.find(x => x.id === option?.element?.value);
if (!option.id || !model) {
return option.text;
return $((`
<div class="flex-container flexFlowColumn">
function getAphroditeModelTemplate(option) {
const model = aphroditeModels.find(x => x.id === option?.element?.value);
if (!option.id || !model) {
return option.text;
return $((`
<div class="flex-container flexFlowColumn">
async function downloadOllamaModel() {
try {
const serverUrl = textgen_settings.server_urls[textgen_types.OLLAMA];
if (!serverUrl) {
toastr.info('Please connect to an Ollama server first.');
const html = `Enter a model tag, for example <code>llama2:latest</code>.<br>
See <a target="_blank" href="https://ollama.ai/library">Library</a> for available models.`;
const name = await callPopup(html, 'input', '', { okButton: 'Download' });
if (!name) {
toastr.info('Download may take a while, please wait...', 'Working on it');
const response = await fetch('/api/backends/text-completions/ollama/download', {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
body: JSON.stringify({
name: name,
api_server: serverUrl,
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(response.statusText);
// Force refresh the model list
toastr.success('Download complete. Please select the model from the dropdown.');
} catch (err) {
toastr.error('Failed to download Ollama model. Please try again.');
async function downloadTabbyModel() {
try {
const serverUrl = textgen_settings.server_urls[textgen_types.TABBY];
if (online_status === 'no_connection' || !serverUrl) {
toastr.info('Please connect to a TabbyAPI server first.');
const downloadHtml = $(await renderTemplateAsync('tabbyDownloader'));
const popupResult = await callGenericPopup(downloadHtml, POPUP_TYPE.CONFIRM, '', { okButton: 'Download', cancelButton: 'Cancel' });
// User cancelled the download
if (!popupResult) {
const repoId = downloadHtml.find('input[name="hf_repo_id"]').val().toString();
if (!repoId) {
toastr.error('A HuggingFace repo ID must be provided. Skipping Download.');
if (repoId.split('/').length !== 2) {
toastr.error('A HuggingFace repo ID must be formatted as Author/Name. Please try again.');
const params = {
repo_id: repoId,
folder_name: downloadHtml.find('input[name="folder_name"]').val() || undefined,
revision: downloadHtml.find('input[name="revision"]').val() || undefined,
token: downloadHtml.find('input[name="hf_token"]').val() || undefined,
for (const suffix of ['include', 'exclude']) {
const patterns = downloadHtml.find(`textarea[name="tabby_download_${suffix}"]`).val().toString();
if (patterns) {
params[suffix] = patterns.split('\n');
// Params for the server side of ST
params['api_server'] = serverUrl;
params['api_type'] = textgen_settings.type;
toastr.info('Downloading. Check the Tabby console for progress reports.');
const response = await fetch('/api/backends/text-completions/tabby/download', {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
body: JSON.stringify(params),
if (response.status === 403) {
toastr.error('The provided key has invalid permissions. Please use an admin key for downloading.');
} else if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(response.statusText);
toastr.success('Download complete.');
} catch (err) {
toastr.error('Failed to download HuggingFace model in TabbyAPI. Please try again.');
function calculateOpenRouterCost() {
if (textgen_settings.type !== textgen_types.OPENROUTER) {
let cost = 'Unknown';
const model = openRouterModels.find(x => x.id === textgen_settings.openrouter_model);
if (model?.pricing) {
const completionCost = Number(model.pricing.completion);
const promptCost = Number(model.pricing.prompt);
const completionTokens = amount_gen;
const promptTokens = (max_context - completionTokens);
const totalCost = (completionCost * completionTokens) + (promptCost * promptTokens);
if (!isNaN(totalCost)) {
cost = '$' + totalCost.toFixed(3);
// Schedule an update when settings change
eventSource.removeListener(event_types.SETTINGS_UPDATED, calculateOpenRouterCost);
eventSource.once(event_types.SETTINGS_UPDATED, calculateOpenRouterCost);
export function getCurrentOpenRouterModelTokenizer() {
const modelId = textgen_settings.openrouter_model;
const model = openRouterModels.find(x => x.id === modelId);
if (modelId?.includes('jamba')) {
return tokenizers.JAMBA;
switch (model?.architecture?.tokenizer) {
case 'Llama2':
return tokenizers.LLAMA;
case 'Llama3':
return tokenizers.LLAMA3;
case 'Yi':
return tokenizers.YI;
case 'Mistral':
return tokenizers.MISTRAL;
case 'Gemini':
return tokenizers.GEMMA;
case 'Claude':
return tokenizers.CLAUDE;
case 'Cohere':
return tokenizers.COMMAND_R;
case 'Qwen':
return tokenizers.QWEN2;
return tokenizers.OPENAI;
export function getCurrentDreamGenModelTokenizer() {
const modelId = textgen_settings.dreamgen_model;
const model = dreamGenModels.find(x => x.id === modelId);
if (model.id.startsWith('opus-v1-sm')) {
return tokenizers.MISTRAL;
} else if (model.id.startsWith('opus-v1-lg')) {
return tokenizers.YI;
} else if (model.id.startsWith('opus-v1-xl')) {
return tokenizers.LLAMA;
} else {
return tokenizers.MISTRAL;
export function initTextGenModels() {
$('#mancer_model').on('change', onMancerModelSelect);
$('#model_togetherai_select').on('change', onTogetherModelSelect);
$('#model_infermaticai_select').on('change', onInfermaticAIModelSelect);
$('#model_dreamgen_select').on('change', onDreamGenModelSelect);
$('#ollama_model').on('change', onOllamaModelSelect);
$('#openrouter_model').on('change', onOpenRouterModelSelect);
$('#ollama_download_model').on('click', downloadOllamaModel);
$('#vllm_model').on('change', onVllmModelSelect);
$('#aphrodite_model').on('change', onAphroditeModelSelect);
$('#tabby_download_model').on('click', downloadTabbyModel);
$('#tabby_model').on('change', onTabbyModelSelect);
$('#featherless_model').on('change', () => onFeatherlessModelSelect(String($('#featherless_model').val())));
const providersSelect = $('.openrouter_providers');
for (const provider of OPENROUTER_PROVIDERS) {
providersSelect.append($('<option>', {
value: provider,
text: provider,
if (!isMobile()) {
placeholder: t`Select a model`,
searchInputPlaceholder: t`Search models...`,
searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole',
width: '100%',
templateResult: getMancerModelTemplate,
placeholder: t`Select a model`,
searchInputPlaceholder: t`Search models...`,
searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole',
width: '100%',
templateResult: getTogetherModelTemplate,
placeholder: t`Select a model`,
searchInputPlaceholder: t`Search models...`,
searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole',
width: '100%',
placeholder: t`[Currently loaded]`,
searchInputPlaceholder: t`Search models...`,
searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole',
width: '100%',
allowClear: true,
placeholder: t`Select a model`,
searchInputPlaceholder: t`Search models...`,
searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole',
width: '100%',
templateResult: getInfermaticAIModelTemplate,
placeholder: t`Select a model`,
searchInputPlaceholder: t`Search models...`,
searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole',
width: '100%',
templateResult: getDreamGenModelTemplate,
placeholder: t`Select a model`,
searchInputPlaceholder: t`Search models...`,
searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole',
width: '100%',
templateResult: getOpenRouterModelTemplate,
placeholder: t`Select a model`,
searchInputPlaceholder: t`Search models...`,
searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole',
width: '100%',
templateResult: getVllmModelTemplate,
placeholder: t`Select a model`,
searchInputPlaceholder: t`Search models...`,
searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole',
width: '100%',
templateResult: getAphroditeModelTemplate,
sorter: data => data.sort((a, b) => a.text.localeCompare(b.text)),
placeholder: t`Select providers. No selection = all providers.`,
searchInputPlaceholder: t`Search providers...`,
searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole',
width: '100%',
closeOnSelect: false,
providersSelect.on('select2:select', function (/** @type {any} */ evt) {
const element = evt.params.data.element;
const $element = $(element);