
462 lines
17 KiB

import {
} from '../../../script.js';
import { groups, selected_group } from '../../group-chats.js';
import { loadFileToDocument, delay } from '../../utils.js';
import { loadMovingUIState } from '../../power-user.js';
import { dragElement } from '../../RossAscends-mods.js';
import { SlashCommandParser } from '../../slash-commands/SlashCommandParser.js';
import { SlashCommand } from '../../slash-commands/SlashCommand.js';
import { ARGUMENT_TYPE, SlashCommandNamedArgument } from '../../slash-commands/SlashCommandArgument.js';
const extensionName = 'gallery';
const extensionFolderPath = `scripts/extensions/${extensionName}/`;
let firstTime = true;
// Exposed defaults for future tweaking
let thumbnailHeight = 150;
let paginationVisiblePages = 10;
let paginationMaxLinesPerPage = 2;
let galleryMaxRows = 3;
* Retrieves a list of gallery items based on a given URL. This function calls an API endpoint
* to get the filenames and then constructs the item list.
* @param {string} url - The base URL to retrieve the list of images.
* @returns {Promise<Array>} - Resolves with an array of gallery item objects, rejects on error.
async function getGalleryItems(url) {
const response = await fetch(`/api/images/list/${url}`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
const data = await response.json();
const items = => ({
src: `user/images/${url}/${file}`,
srct: `user/images/${url}/${file}`,
title: '', // Optional title for each item
return items;
* Initializes a gallery using the provided items and sets up the drag-and-drop functionality.
* It uses the nanogallery2 library to display the items and also initializes
* event listeners to handle drag-and-drop of files onto the gallery.
* @param {Array<Object>} items - An array of objects representing the items to display in the gallery.
* @param {string} url - The URL to use when a file is dropped onto the gallery for uploading.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - Promise representing the completion of the gallery initialization.
async function initGallery(items, url) {
'items': items,
thumbnailWidth: 'auto',
thumbnailHeight: thumbnailHeight,
paginationVisiblePages: paginationVisiblePages,
paginationMaxLinesPerPage: paginationMaxLinesPerPage,
galleryMaxRows: galleryMaxRows,
galleryPaginationTopButtons: false,
galleryNavigationOverlayButtons: true,
galleryTheme: {
navigationBar: { background: 'none', borderTop: '', borderBottom: '', borderRight: '', borderLeft: '' },
navigationBreadcrumb: { background: '#111', color: '#fff', colorHover: '#ccc', borderRadius: '4px' },
navigationFilter: { color: '#ddd', background: '#111', colorSelected: '#fff', backgroundSelected: '#111', borderRadius: '4px' },
navigationPagination: { background: '#111', color: '#fff', colorHover: '#ccc', borderRadius: '4px' },
thumbnail: { background: '#444', backgroundImage: 'linear-gradient(315deg, #111 0%, #445 90%)', borderColor: '#000', borderRadius: '0px', labelOpacity: 1, labelBackground: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, 0)', titleColor: '#fff', titleBgColor: 'transparent', titleShadow: '', descriptionColor: '#ccc', descriptionBgColor: 'transparent', descriptionShadow: '', stackBackground: '#aaa' },
thumbnailIcon: { padding: '5px', color: '#fff', shadow: '' },
pagination: { background: '#181818', backgroundSelected: '#666', color: '#fff', borderRadius: '2px', shapeBorder: '3px solid var(--SmartThemeQuoteColor)', shapeColor: '#444', shapeSelectedColor: '#aaa' },
galleryDisplayMode: 'pagination',
fnThumbnailOpen: viewWithDragbox,
eventSource.on('resizeUI', function (elmntName) {
const dropZone = $('#dragGallery');
//remove any existing handlers'dragover');'dragleave');'drop');
// Set dropzone height to be the same as the parent
dropZone.css('height', dropZone.parent().css('height'));
// Initialize dropzone handlers
dropZone.on('dragover', function (e) {
e.stopPropagation(); // Ensure this event doesn't propagate
$(this).addClass('dragging'); // Add a CSS class to change appearance during drag-over
dropZone.on('dragleave', function (e) {
e.stopPropagation(); // Ensure this event doesn't propagate
dropZone.on('drop', function (e) {
e.stopPropagation(); // Ensure this event doesn't propagate
let file = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files[0];
uploadFile(file, url); // Added url parameter to know where to upload
//let images populate first
await delay(100);
//unset the height (which must be getting set by the gallery library at some point)
$('#dragGallery').css('height', 'unset');
//force a resize to make images display correctly
* Displays a character gallery using the nanogallery2 library.
* This function takes care of:
* - Loading necessary resources for the gallery on the first invocation.
* - Preparing gallery items based on the character or group selection.
* - Handling the drag-and-drop functionality for image upload.
* - Displaying the gallery in a popup.
* - Cleaning up resources when the gallery popup is closed.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - Promise representing the completion of the gallery display process.
async function showCharGallery() {
// Load necessary files if it's the first time calling the function
if (firstTime) {
await loadFileToDocument(
await loadFileToDocument(
firstTime = false;'Images can also be found in the folder `user/images`', 'Drag and drop images onto the gallery to upload them', { timeOut: 6000 });
try {
let url = selected_group || this_chid;
if (!selected_group && this_chid) {
const char = characters[this_chid];
url = char.avatar.replace('.png', '');
const items = await getGalleryItems(url);
// if there already is a gallery, destroy it and place this one in its place
if ($('#dragGallery').length) {
initGallery(items, url);
} else {
setTimeout(async () => {
await initGallery(items, url);
}, 100);
} catch (err) {
* Uploads a given file to a specified URL.
* Once the file is uploaded, it provides a success message using toastr,
* destroys the existing gallery, fetches the latest items, and reinitializes the gallery.
* @param {File} file - The file object to be uploaded.
* @param {string} url - The URL indicating where the file should be uploaded.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - Promise representing the completion of the file upload and gallery refresh.
async function uploadFile(file, url) {
// Convert the file to a base64 string
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = async function () {
const base64Data = reader.result;
// Create the payload
const payload = {
image: base64Data,
// Add the ch_name from the provided URL (assuming it's the character name)
payload.ch_name = url;
try {
const headers = await getRequestHeaders();
// Merge headers with content-type for JSON
Object.assign(headers, {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
const response = await fetch('/api/images/upload', {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
const result = await response.json();
toastr.success('File uploaded successfully. Saved at: ' + result.path);
// Refresh the gallery
$('#dragGallery').nanogallery2('destroy'); // Destroy old gallery
const newItems = await getGalleryItems(url); // Fetch the latest items
initGallery(newItems, url); // Reinitialize the gallery with new items and pass 'url'
} catch (error) {
console.error('There was an issue uploading the file:', error);
// Replacing alert with toastr error notification
toastr.error('Failed to upload the file.');
$(document).ready(function () {
// Register an event listener
eventSource.on('charManagementDropdown', (selectedOptionId) => {
if (selectedOptionId === 'show_char_gallery') {
// Add an option to the dropdown
$('<option>', {
id: 'show_char_gallery',
text: 'Show Gallery',
* Creates a new draggable container based on a template.
* This function takes a template with the ID 'generic_draggable_template' and clones it.
* The cloned element has its attributes set, a new child div appended, and is made visible on the body.
* Additionally, it sets up the element to prevent dragging on its images.
function makeMovable(id = 'gallery') {
console.debug('making new container from template');
const template = $('#generic_draggable_template').html();
const newElement = $(template);
newElement.css('background-color', 'var(--SmartThemeBlurTintColor)');
newElement.attr('forChar', id);
newElement.attr('id', `${id}`);
newElement.find('.drag-grabber').attr('id', `${id}header`);
newElement.find('.dragTitle').text('Image Gallery');
//add a div for the gallery
newElement.append('<div id="dragGallery"></div>');
// add no-scrollbar class to this element
// get the close button and set its id and data-related-id
const closeButton = newElement.find('.dragClose');
closeButton.attr('id', `${id}close`);
closeButton.attr('data-related-id', `${id}`);
$('#dragGallery').css('display', 'block');
$(`.draggable[forChar="${id}"]`).css('display', 'block');
$(`.draggable[forChar="${id}"] img`).on('dragstart', (e) => {
console.log('saw drag on avatar!');
return false;
$('body').on('click', '.dragClose', function () {
const relatedId = $(this).data('related-id'); // Get the ID of the related draggable
$(`#${relatedId}`).remove(); // Remove the associated draggable
* Creates a new draggable image based on a template.
* This function clones a provided template with the ID 'generic_draggable_template',
* appends the given image URL, ensures the element has a unique ID,
* and attaches the element to the body. After appending, it also prevents
* dragging on the appended image.
* @param {string} id - A base identifier for the new draggable element.
* @param {string} url - The URL of the image to be added to the draggable element.
function makeDragImg(id, url) {
// Step 1: Clone the template content
const template = document.getElementById('generic_draggable_template');
if (!(template instanceof HTMLTemplateElement)) {
console.error('The element is not a <template> tag');
const newElement = document.importNode(template.content, true);
// Step 2: Append the given image
const imgElem = document.createElement('img');
imgElem.src = url;
let uniqueId = `draggable_${id}`;
const draggableElem = newElement.querySelector('.draggable');
if (draggableElem) {
// Find a unique id for the draggable element
let counter = 1;
while (document.getElementById(uniqueId)) {
uniqueId = `draggable_${id}_${counter}`;
} = uniqueId;
// Ensure that the newly added element is displayed as block = 'block';
//and has no padding unlike other non-zoomed-avatar draggables = '0';
// Add an id to the close button
// If the close button exists, set related-id
const closeButton = draggableElem.querySelector('.dragClose');
if (closeButton) { = `${uniqueId}close`;
closeButton.dataset.relatedId = uniqueId;
// Find the .drag-grabber and set its matching unique ID
const dragGrabber = draggableElem.querySelector('.drag-grabber');
if (dragGrabber) { = `${uniqueId}header`; // appending _header to make it match the parent's unique ID
// Step 3: Attach it to the body
// Step 4: Call dragElement and loadMovingUIState
const appendedElement = document.getElementById(uniqueId);
if (appendedElement) {
var elmntName = $(appendedElement);
// Prevent dragging the image
$(`#${uniqueId} img`).on('dragstart', (e) => {
console.log('saw drag on avatar!');
return false;
} else {
console.error('Failed to append the template content or retrieve the appended content.');
$('body').on('click', '.dragClose', function () {
const relatedId = $(this).data('related-id'); // Get the ID of the related draggable
$(`#${relatedId}`).remove(); // Remove the associated draggable
* Sanitizes a given ID to ensure it can be used as an HTML ID.
* This function replaces spaces and non-word characters with dashes.
* It also removes any non-ASCII characters.
* @param {string} id - The ID to be sanitized.
* @returns {string} - The sanitized ID.
function sanitizeHTMLId(id) {
// Replace spaces and non-word characters
id = id.replace(/\s+/g, '-')
.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, '-')
.replace(/\W/g, '');
return id;
* Processes a list of items (containing URLs) and creates a draggable box for the first item.
* If the provided list of items is non-empty, it takes the URL of the first item,
* derives an ID from the URL, and uses the makeDragImg function to create
* a draggable image element based on that ID and URL.
* @param {Array} items - A list of items where each item has a responsiveURL method that returns a URL.
function viewWithDragbox(items) {
if (items && items.length > 0) {
const url = items[0].responsiveURL(); // Get the URL of the clicked image/video
// ID should just be the last part of the URL, removing the extension
const id = sanitizeHTMLId(url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, url.lastIndexOf('.')));
makeDragImg(id, url);
// Registers a simple command for opening the char gallery.
SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'show-gallery',
aliases: ['sg'],
callback: showGalleryCommand,
helpString: 'Shows the gallery.',
SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'list-gallery',
aliases: ['lg'],
callback: listGalleryCommand,
returns: 'list of images',
namedArgumentList: [
new SlashCommandNamedArgument(
'char', 'character name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false,
new SlashCommandNamedArgument(
'group', 'group name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false,
helpString: 'List images in the gallery of the current char / group or a specified char / group.',
function showGalleryCommand(args) {
async function listGalleryCommand(args) {
try {
let url = args.char ?? ( ? groups.find(it=> == : null) ?? (selected_group || this_chid);
if (!args.char && ! && !selected_group && this_chid) {
const char = characters[this_chid];
url = char.avatar.replace('.png', '');
const items = await getGalleryItems(url);
return JSON.stringify(>it.src));
} catch (err) {
return JSON.stringify([]);