
1894 lines
74 KiB

import {
} from '../script.js';
import { persona_description_positions, power_user } from './power-user.js';
import { getTokenCountAsync } from './tokenizers.js';
import { PAGINATION_TEMPLATE, clearInfoBlock, debounce, delay, download, ensureImageFormatSupported, flashHighlight, getBase64Async, getCharIndex, isFalseBoolean, isTrueBoolean, onlyUnique, parseJsonFile, setInfoBlock } from './utils.js';
import { debounce_timeout } from './constants.js';
import { FILTER_TYPES, FilterHelper } from './filters.js';
import { groups, selected_group } from './group-chats.js';
import { POPUP_RESULT, POPUP_TYPE, Popup, callGenericPopup } from './popup.js';
import { t } from './i18n.js';
import { openWorldInfoEditor, world_names } from './world-info.js';
import { renderTemplateAsync } from './templates.js';
import { saveMetadataDebounced } from './extensions.js';
import { accountStorage } from './util/AccountStorage.js';
import { SlashCommand } from './slash-commands/SlashCommand.js';
import { SlashCommandNamedArgument, ARGUMENT_TYPE, SlashCommandArgument } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandArgument.js';
import { commonEnumProviders } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandCommonEnumsProvider.js';
import { SlashCommandEnumValue } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandEnumValue.js';
import { SlashCommandParser } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandParser.js';
* @typedef {object} PersonaConnection A connection between a character and a character or group entity
* @property {'character' | 'group'} type - Type of connection
* @property {string} id - ID of the connection (character key (avatar url), group id)
/** @typedef {'chat' | 'character' | 'default'} PersonaLockType Type of the persona lock */
* @typedef {object} PersonaState
* @property {string} avatarId - The avatar id of the persona
* @property {boolean} default - Whether this persona is the default one for all new chats
* @property {object} locked - An object containing the lock states
* @property {boolean} - Whether the persona is locked to the currently open chat
* @property {boolean} locked.character - Whether the persona is locked to the currently open character or group
const USER_AVATAR_PATH = 'User Avatars/';
let savePersonasPage = 0;
const GRID_STORAGE_KEY = 'Personas_GridView';
const DEFAULT_DEPTH = 2;
const DEFAULT_ROLE = 0;
export let user_avatar = '';
export const personasFilter = new FilterHelper(debounce(getUserAvatars, debounce_timeout.quick));
* Checks if the Persona Management panel is currently open
* @returns {boolean}
export function isPersonaPanelOpen() {
return document.querySelector('#persona-management-button .drawer-content')?.classList.contains('openDrawer') ?? false;
function switchPersonaGridView() {
const state = accountStorage.getItem(GRID_STORAGE_KEY) === 'true';
$('#user_avatar_block').toggleClass('gridView', state);
* Returns the URL of the avatar for the given user avatar Id.
* @param {string} avatarImg User avatar Id
* @returns {string} User avatar URL
export function getUserAvatar(avatarImg) {
return `${USER_AVATAR_PATH}${avatarImg}`;
export function initUserAvatar(avatar) {
user_avatar = avatar;
* Sets a user avatar file
* @param {string} imgfile Link to an image file
export function setUserAvatar(imgfile, { toastPersonaNameChange = true } = {}) {
user_avatar = imgfile && typeof imgfile === 'string' ? imgfile : $(this).attr('data-avatar-id');
selectCurrentPersona({ toastPersonaNameChange: toastPersonaNameChange });
function reloadUserAvatar(force = false) {
$('.mes').each(function () {
const avatarImg = $(this).find('.avatar img');
if (force) {
avatarImg.attr('src', avatarImg.attr('src'));
if ($(this).attr('is_user') == 'true' && $(this).attr('force_avatar') == 'false') {
avatarImg.attr('src', getUserAvatar(user_avatar));
* Sort the given personas
* @param {string[]} personas - The persona names to sort
* @returns {string[]} The sorted persona names arrray, same reference as passed in
function sortPersonas(personas) {
const option = $('#persona_sort_order').find(':selected');
if (option.attr('value') === 'search') {
personas.sort((a, b) => {
const aScore = personasFilter.getScore(FILTER_TYPES.PERSONA_SEARCH, a);
const bScore = personasFilter.getScore(FILTER_TYPES.PERSONA_SEARCH, b);
return (aScore - bScore);
} else {
personas.sort((a, b) => {
const aName = String(power_user.personas[a] || a);
const bName = String(power_user.personas[b] || b);
return power_user.persona_sort_order === 'asc' ? aName.localeCompare(bName) : bName.localeCompare(aName);
return personas;
/** Checks the state of the current search, and adds/removes the search sorting option accordingly */
function verifyPersonaSearchSortRule() {
const searchTerm = personasFilter.getFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.PERSONA_SEARCH);
const searchOption = $('#persona_sort_order option[value="search"]');
const selector = $('#persona_sort_order');
const isHidden = searchOption.attr('hidden') !== undefined;
// If we have a search term, we are displaying the sorting option for it
if (searchTerm && isHidden) {
// If search got cleared, we make sure to hide the option and go back to the one before
if (!searchTerm) {
searchOption.attr('hidden', '');
* Gets a rendered avatar block.
* @param {string} avatarId Avatar file name
* @returns {JQuery<HTMLElement>} Avatar block
function getUserAvatarBlock(avatarId) {
const isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;
const template = $('#user_avatar_template .avatar-container').clone();
const personaName = power_user.personas[avatarId];
const personaDescription = power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId]?.description;
template.find('.ch_name').text(personaName || '[Unnamed Persona]');
template.find('.ch_description').text(personaDescription || $('#user_avatar_block').attr('no_desc_text')).toggleClass('text_muted', !personaDescription);
template.attr('data-avatar-id', avatarId);
template.find('.avatar').attr('data-avatar-id', avatarId).attr('title', avatarId);
template.toggleClass('default_persona', avatarId === power_user.default_persona);
let avatarUrl = getUserAvatar(avatarId);
if (isFirefox) {
avatarUrl += '?t=' +;
template.find('img').attr('src', avatarUrl);
// Make sure description block has at least three rows. Otherwise height looks inconsistent. I don't have a better idea for this.
const currentText = template.find('.ch_description').text();
if (currentText.split('\n').length < 3) {
template.find('.ch_description').text(currentText + '\n\xa0\n\xa0');
return template;
* Initialize missing personas in the power user settings.
* @param {string[]} avatarsList List of avatar file names
function addMissingPersonas(avatarsList) {
for (const persona of avatarsList) {
if (!power_user.personas[persona]) {
initPersona(persona, '[Unnamed Persona]', '');
* Gets a list of user avatars.
* @param {boolean} doRender Whether to render the list
* @param {string} openPageAt Item to be opened at
* @returns {Promise<string[]>} List of avatar file names
export async function getUserAvatars(doRender = true, openPageAt = '') {
const response = await fetch('/api/avatars/get', {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
if (response.ok) {
const allEntities = await response.json();
if (!Array.isArray(allEntities)) {
return [];
if (!doRender) {
return allEntities;
// If any persona is missing from the power user settings, we add it
// Before printing the personas, we check if we should enable/disable search sorting
let entities = personasFilter.applyFilters(allEntities);
entities = sortPersonas(entities);
const storageKey = 'Personas_PerPage';
const listId = '#user_avatar_block';
const perPage = Number(accountStorage.getItem(storageKey)) || 5;
dataSource: entities,
pageSize: perPage,
sizeChangerOptions: [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000],
pageRange: 1,
pageNumber: savePersonasPage || 1,
position: 'top',
showPageNumbers: false,
showSizeChanger: true,
prevText: '<',
nextText: '>',
showNavigator: true,
callback: function (data) {
for (const item of data) {
afterSizeSelectorChange: function (e) {
afterPaging: function (e) {
savePersonasPage = e;
afterRender: function () {
if (openPageAt) {
const avatarIndex = entities.indexOf(openPageAt);
const page = Math.floor(avatarIndex / perPage) + 1;
if (avatarIndex !== -1) {
$('#persona_pagination_container').pagination('go', page);
return allEntities;
* Uploads an avatar file to the server
* @param {string} url URL for the avatar file
* @param {string} [name] Optional name for the avatar file
* @returns {Promise} Promise that resolves when the avatar is uploaded
async function uploadUserAvatar(url, name) {
const fetchResult = await fetch(url);
const blob = await fetchResult.blob();
const file = new File([blob], 'avatar.png', { type: 'image/png' });
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('avatar', file);
if (name) {
formData.append('overwrite_name', name);
const headers = getRequestHeaders();
delete headers['Content-Type'];
await fetch('/api/avatars/upload', {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
cache: 'no-cache',
body: formData,
await getUserAvatars(true, name);
async function changeUserAvatar(e) {
const form = document.getElementById('form_upload_avatar');
if (!(form instanceof HTMLFormElement)) {
console.error('Form not found');
const file =[0];
if (!file) {
const formData = new FormData(form);
const dataUrl = await getBase64Async(file);
let url = '/api/avatars/upload';
if (!power_user.never_resize_avatars) {
const dlg = new Popup(t`Set the crop position of the avatar image`, POPUP_TYPE.CROP, '', { cropImage: dataUrl });
const result = await;
if (!result) {
if (dlg.cropData !== undefined) {
url += `?crop=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(dlg.cropData))}`;
const rawFile = formData.get('avatar');
if (rawFile instanceof File) {
const convertedFile = await ensureImageFormatSupported(rawFile);
formData.set('avatar', convertedFile);
const headers = getRequestHeaders();
delete headers['Content-Type'];
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
cache: 'no-cache',
body: formData,
if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json();
// If the user uploaded a new avatar, we want to make sure it's not cached
const name = formData.get('overwrite_name');
if (name) {
await fetch(getUserAvatar(String(name)), { cache: 'no-cache' });
if (!name && data.path) {
await getUserAvatars();
await delay(500);
await createPersona(data.path);
await getUserAvatars(true, name || data.path);
// Will allow to select the same file twice in a row
* Prompts the user to create a persona for the uploaded avatar.
* @param {string} avatarId User avatar id
* @returns {Promise} Promise that resolves when the persona is set
export async function createPersona(avatarId) {
const personaName = await`Enter a name for this persona:`, t`Cancel if you're just uploading an avatar.`, '');
if (!personaName) {
console.debug('User cancelled creating a persona');
const personaDescription = await`Enter a description for this persona:`, t`You can always add or change it later.`, '', { rows: 4 });
initPersona(avatarId, personaName, personaDescription);
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
toastr.success(t`You can now pick ${personaName} as a persona in the Persona Management menu.`, t`Persona Created`);
async function createDummyPersona() {
const personaName = await`Enter a name for this persona:`, null);
if (!personaName) {
console.debug('User cancelled creating dummy persona');
// Date + name (only ASCII) to make it unique
const avatarId = `${}-${personaName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '')}.png`;
initPersona(avatarId, personaName, '');
await uploadUserAvatar(default_user_avatar, avatarId);
* Initializes a persona for the given avatar id.
* @param {string} avatarId User avatar id
* @param {string} personaName Name for the persona
* @param {string} personaDescription Optional description for the persona
* @returns {void}
export function initPersona(avatarId, personaName, personaDescription) {
power_user.personas[avatarId] = personaName;
power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId] = {
description: personaDescription || '',
position: persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT,
lorebook: '',
export async function convertCharacterToPersona(characterId = null) {
if (null === characterId) characterId = this_chid;
const avatarUrl = characters[characterId]?.avatar;
if (!avatarUrl) {
console.log('No avatar found for this character');
const name = characters[characterId]?.name;
let description = characters[characterId]?.description;
const overwriteName = `${name} (Persona).png`;
if (overwriteName in power_user.personas) {
const confirm = await`Overwrite Existing Persona`, t`This character exists as a persona already. Do you want to overwrite it?`);
if (!confirm) {
console.log('User cancelled the overwrite of the persona');
if (description.includes('{{char}}') || description.includes('{{user}}')) {
const confirm = await`Persona Description Macros`, t`This character has a description that uses <code>{{char}}</code> or <code>{{user}}</code> macros. Do you want to swap them in the persona description?`);
if (confirm) {
description = description.replace(/{{char}}/gi, '{{personaChar}}').replace(/{{user}}/gi, '{{personaUser}}');
description = description.replace(/{{personaUser}}/gi, '{{char}}').replace(/{{personaChar}}/gi, '{{user}}');
const thumbnailAvatar = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', avatarUrl);
await uploadUserAvatar(thumbnailAvatar, overwriteName);
power_user.personas[overwriteName] = name;
power_user.persona_descriptions[overwriteName] = {
description: description,
position: persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT,
lorebook: '',
// If the user is currently using this persona, update the description
if (user_avatar === overwriteName) {
power_user.persona_description = description;
console.log('Persona for character created');
toastr.success(t`You can now pick ${name} as a persona in the Persona Management menu.`, t`Persona Created`);
// Refresh the persona selector
await getUserAvatars(true, overwriteName);
// Reload the persona description
* Counts the number of tokens in a persona description.
const countPersonaDescriptionTokens = debounce(async () => {
const description = String($('#persona_description').val());
const count = await getTokenCountAsync(description);
}, debounce_timeout.relaxed);
export function setPersonaDescription() {
if (power_user.persona_description_position === persona_description_positions.AFTER_CHAR) {
power_user.persona_description_position = persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT;
$('#persona_depth_position_settings').toggle(power_user.persona_description_position === persona_description_positions.AT_DEPTH);
$('#persona_depth_value').val(power_user.persona_description_depth ?? DEFAULT_DEPTH);
.attr('selected', String(true));
.prop('selected', String(true));
$('#persona_lore_button').toggleClass('world_set', !!power_user.persona_description_lorebook);
* Gets a list of all personas in the current chat.
* @returns {string[]} An array of persona identifiers
function getPersonasOfCurrentChat() {
const personas = chat.filter(message => String(message.force_avatar).startsWith(USER_AVATAR_PATH))
.map(message => message.force_avatar.replace(USER_AVATAR_PATH, ''))
return personas;
* Builds a list of persona avatars and populates the given block element with them.
* @param {HTMLElement} block - The HTML element where the avatar list will be rendered
* @param {string[]} personas - An array of persona identifiers
* @param {Object} [options] - Optional settings for building the avatar list
* @param {boolean} [options.empty=true] - Whether to clear the block element before adding avatars
* @param {boolean} [options.interactable=false] - Whether the avatars should be interactable
* @param {boolean} [options.highlightFavs=true] - Whether to highlight favorite avatars
export function buildPersonaAvatarList(block, personas, { empty = true, interactable = false, highlightFavs = true } = {}) {
const personaEntities = => ({
type: 'persona',
id: avatar,
item: {
name: power_user.personas[avatar],
description: power_user.persona_descriptions[avatar]?.description || '',
avatar: avatar,
fav: power_user.default_persona === avatar,
buildAvatarList($(block), personaEntities, { empty: empty, interactable: interactable, highlightFavs: highlightFavs });
* Displays avatar connections for the current persona.
* Converts connections to entities and populates the avatar list. Shows a message if no connections are found.
export function updatePersonaConnectionsAvatarList() {
/** @type {PersonaConnection[]} */
const connections = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar]?.connections ?? [];
const entities = => {
if (connection.type === 'character') {
const character = characters.find(c => c.avatar ===;
if (character) return characterToEntity(character, getCharIndex(character));
if (connection.type === 'group') {
const group = groups.find(g => ===;
if (group) return groupToEntity(group);
return undefined;
}).filter(entity => entity?.item !== undefined);
if (entities.length)
buildAvatarList($('#persona_connections_list'), entities, { interactable: true });
$('#persona_connections_list').text(t`[No character connections. Click one of the buttons above to connect this persona.]`);
* Displays a popup for persona selection and returns the selected persona.
* @param {string} title - The title to display in the popup
* @param {string} text - The text to display in the popup
* @param {string[]} personas - An array of persona ids to display for selection
* @param {Object} [options] - Optional settings for the popup
* @param {string} [options.okButton='None'] - The label for the OK button
* @param {(element: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any} [options.shiftClickHandler] - A function to handle shift-click
* @param {boolean|string[]} [options.highlightPersonas=false] - Whether to highlight personas - either by providing a list of persona keys, or true to highlight all present in current chat
* @param {PersonaConnection} [options.targetedChar] - The targeted character or gorup for this persona selection
* @returns {Promise<string?>} - A promise that resolves to the selected persona id or null if no selection was made
export async function askForPersonaSelection(title, text, personas, { okButton = 'None', shiftClickHandler = undefined, highlightPersonas = false, targetedChar = undefined } = {}) {
const content = document.createElement('div');
const titleElement = document.createElement('h3');
titleElement.textContent = title;
const textElement = document.createElement('div');
textElement.classList.add('multiline', 'm-b-1');
textElement.textContent = text;
const personaListBlock = document.createElement('div');
personaListBlock.classList.add('persona-list', 'avatars_inline', 'avatars_multiline', 'text_muted');
if (personas.length > 0)
buildPersonaAvatarList(personaListBlock, personas, { interactable: true });
personaListBlock.textContent = t`[Currently no personas connected]`;
const personasToHighlight = highlightPersonas instanceof Array ? highlightPersonas : (highlightPersonas ? getPersonasOfCurrentChat() : []);
// Make the persona blocks clickable and close the popup
personaListBlock.querySelectorAll('.avatar[data-type="persona"]').forEach(block => {
if (!(block instanceof HTMLElement)) return;
block.dataset.result = String(100 + personas.indexOf(;
if (shiftClickHandler) {
block.addEventListener('click', function (ev) {
if (ev.shiftKey) {
shiftClickHandler(this, ev);
if (personasToHighlight && personasToHighlight.includes( {
block.title = block.title + '\n\n' + t`Was used in current chat.`;
if (block.classList.contains('is_fav')) block.title = block.title + '\n' + t`Is your default persona.`;
/** @type {import('./popup.js').CustomPopupButton[]} */
const customButtons = [];
if (targetedChar) {
text: t`Remove All Connections`,
result: 2,
action: () => {
for (const [personaId, description] of Object.entries(power_user.persona_descriptions)) {
/** @type {PersonaConnection[]} */
const connections = description.connections;
if (connections) {
power_user.persona_descriptions[personaId].connections = connections.filter(c => {
if (targetedChar.type == c.type && == return false;
return true;
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
const name = targetedChar.type == 'character' ? characters[]?.name : groups[]?.name;`All connections to ${name} have been removed.`, t`Personas Unlocked`);
const popup = new Popup(content, POPUP_TYPE.TEXT, '', { okButton: okButton, customButtons: customButtons });
const result = await;
return Number(result) >= 100 ? personas[Number(result) - 100] : null;
export function autoSelectPersona(name) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(power_user.personas)) {
if (value === name) {
console.log(`Auto-selecting persona ${key} for name ${name}`);
async function renamePersona(avatarId) {
const currentName = power_user.personas[avatarId];
const newName = await`Rename Persona`, t`Enter a new name for this persona:`, currentName);
if (!newName || newName === currentName) {
console.debug('User cancelled renaming persona or name is unchanged');
power_user.personas[avatarId] = newName;
console.log(`Renamed persona ${avatarId} to ${newName}`);
if (avatarId === user_avatar) {
await getUserAvatars(true, avatarId);
function selectCurrentPersona({ toastPersonaNameChange = true } = {}) {
const personaName = power_user.personas[user_avatar];
if (personaName) {
const shouldAutoLock = power_user.persona_auto_lock && user_avatar !== chat_metadata['persona'];
if (personaName !== name1) {
console.log(`Auto-updating user name to ${personaName}`);
setUserName(personaName, { toastPersonaNameChange: !shouldAutoLock && toastPersonaNameChange });
const descriptor = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar];
if (descriptor) {
power_user.persona_description = descriptor.description ?? '';
power_user.persona_description_position = descriptor.position ?? persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT;
power_user.persona_description_depth = descriptor.depth ?? DEFAULT_DEPTH;
power_user.persona_description_role = descriptor.role ?? DEFAULT_ROLE;
power_user.persona_description_lorebook = descriptor.lorebook ?? '';
} else {
power_user.persona_description = '';
power_user.persona_description_position = persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT;
power_user.persona_description_depth = DEFAULT_DEPTH;
power_user.persona_description_role = DEFAULT_ROLE;
power_user.persona_description_lorebook = '';
power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = {
description: '',
position: persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT,
lorebook: '',
connections: [],
// Update the locked persona if setting is enabled
if (shouldAutoLock) {
chat_metadata['persona'] = user_avatar;
console.log(`Auto locked persona to ${user_avatar}`);
if (toastPersonaNameChange && power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
toastr.success(`Persona ${personaName} selected and auto-locked to current chat`, t`Persona Selected`);
// As the last step, inform user if the persona is only temporarily chosen
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications && !isPersonaPanelOpen()) {
const temporary = getPersonaTemporaryLockInfo();
if (temporary.isTemporary) {`This persona is only temporarily chosen. Click for more info.`, t`Temporary Persona`, {
preventDuplicates: true, onclick: () => {'\n', '<br />'), t`Temporary Persona`, { escapeHtml: false });
* Checks if a connection is locked for the current character or group edit menu
* @param {PersonaConnection} connection - Connection to check
* @returns {boolean} Whether the connection is locked
export function isPersonaConnectionLocked(connection) {
return (!selected_group && connection.type === 'character' && === characters[this_chid]?.avatar)
|| (selected_group && connection.type === 'group' && === selected_group);
* Checks if the persona is locked
* @param {PersonaLockType} type - Lock type
* @returns {boolean} Whether the persona is locked
export function isPersonaLocked(type = 'chat') {
switch (type) {
case 'default':
return power_user.default_persona === user_avatar;
case 'chat':
return chat_metadata['persona'] == user_avatar;
case 'character': {
return !!power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar]?.connections?.some(isPersonaConnectionLocked);
default: throw new Error(`Unknown persona lock type: ${type}`);
* Locks or unlocks the persona
* @param {boolean} state Desired lock state
* @param {PersonaLockType} type - Lock type
* @returns {Promise<void>}
export async function setPersonaLockState(state, type = 'chat') {
return state ? await lockPersona(type) : await unlockPersona(type);
* Toggle the persona lock state
* @param {PersonaLockType} type - Lock type
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} - Whether the persona was locked
export async function togglePersonaLock(type = 'chat') {
if (isPersonaLocked(type)) {
await unlockPersona(type);
return false;
} else {
await lockPersona(type);
return true;
* Unlock the persona
* @param {PersonaLockType} type - Lock type
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function unlockPersona(type = 'chat') {
switch (type) {
case 'default': {
// TODO: Make this toggle-able
await toggleDefaultPersona(user_avatar, { quiet: true });
case 'chat': {
if (chat_metadata['persona']) {
console.log(`Unlocking persona ${user_avatar} from this chat`);
delete chat_metadata['persona'];
await saveMetadata();
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications && !isPersonaPanelOpen()) {`Persona ${name1} is now unlocked from this chat.`, t`Persona Unlocked`);
case 'character': {
/** @type {PersonaConnection[]} */
const connections = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar]?.connections;
if (connections) {
console.log(`Unlocking persona ${user_avatar} from this character ${name2}`);
power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar].connections = connections.filter(c => !isPersonaConnectionLocked(c));
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications && !isPersonaPanelOpen()) {`Persona ${name1} is now unlocked from character ${name2}.`, t`Persona Unlocked`);
throw new Error(`Unknown persona lock type: ${type}`);
* Lock the persona
* @param {PersonaLockType} type - Lock type
async function lockPersona(type = 'chat') {
// First make sure that user_avatar is actually a persona
if (!(user_avatar in power_user.personas)) {
console.log(`Creating a new persona ${user_avatar}`);
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {`Creating a new persona for currently selected user name and avatar...`, t`Persona Not Found`);
power_user.personas[user_avatar] = name1;
power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = {
description: '',
position: persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT,
lorebook: '',
connections: [],
switch (type) {
case 'default': {
await toggleDefaultPersona(user_avatar, { quiet: true });
case 'chat': {
console.log(`Locking persona ${user_avatar} to this chat`);
chat_metadata['persona'] = user_avatar;
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications && !isPersonaPanelOpen()) {
toastr.success(t`User persona ${name1} is locked to ${name2} in this chat`, t`Persona Locked`);
case 'character': {
const newConnection = getCurrentConnectionObj();
/** @type {PersonaConnection[]} */
const connections = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar].connections?.filter(c => !isPersonaConnectionLocked(c)) ?? [];
if (newConnection && {
console.log(`Locking persona ${user_avatar} to this character ${name2}`);
power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar].connections = [...connections, newConnection];
const unlinkedCharacters = [];
if (!power_user.persona_allow_multi_connections) {
for (const [avatarId, description] of Object.entries(power_user.persona_descriptions)) {
if (avatarId === user_avatar) continue;
const filteredConnections = description.connections?.filter(c => !(c.type === newConnection.type && === ?? [];
if (filteredConnections.length !== description.connections?.length) {
description.connections = filteredConnections;
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
let additional = '';
if (unlinkedCharacters.length)
additional += `<br /><br />${t`Unlinked existing persona${unlinkedCharacters.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}: ${unlinkedCharacters.join(', ')}`}`;
if (additional || !isPersonaPanelOpen()) {
toastr.success(t`User persona ${name1} is locked to character ${name2}${additional}`, t`Persona Locked`, { escapeHtml: false });
throw new Error(`Unknown persona lock type: ${type}`);
async function deleteUserAvatar() {
const avatarId = user_avatar;
if (!avatarId) {
console.warn('No avatar id found');
const confirm = await`Delete Persona`,
t`Are you sure you want to delete this avatar?` + '<br />' + t`All information associated with its linked persona will be lost.`);
if (!confirm) {
console.debug('User cancelled deleting avatar');
const request = await fetch('/api/avatars/delete', {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
body: JSON.stringify({
'avatar': avatarId,
if (request.ok) {
console.log(`Deleted avatar ${avatarId}`);
delete power_user.personas[avatarId];
delete power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId];
if (avatarId === power_user.default_persona) {
toastr.warning(t`The default persona was deleted. You will need to set a new default persona.`, t`Default Persona Deleted`);
power_user.default_persona = null;
if (avatarId === chat_metadata['persona']) {
toastr.warning(t`The locked persona was deleted. You will need to set a new persona for this chat.`, t`Persona Deleted`);
delete chat_metadata['persona'];
await saveMetadata();
// Use the existing mechanism to re-render the persona list and choose the next persona here
await loadPersonaForCurrentChat({ doRender: true });
function onPersonaDescriptionInput() {
power_user.persona_description = String($('#persona_description').val());
if (power_user.personas[user_avatar]) {
let object = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar];
if (!object) {
object = {
description: power_user.persona_description,
position: Number($('#persona_description_position').find(':selected').val()),
depth: Number($('#persona_depth_value').val()),
role: Number($('#persona_depth_role').find(':selected').val()),
lorebook: '',
power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = object;
object.description = power_user.persona_description;
$(`.avatar-container[imgfile="${user_avatar}"] .ch_description`)
.text(power_user.persona_description || $('#user_avatar_block').attr('no_desc_text'))
.toggleClass('text_muted', !power_user.persona_description);
function onPersonaDescriptionDepthValueInput() {
power_user.persona_description_depth = Number($('#persona_depth_value').val());
if (power_user.personas[user_avatar]) {
const object = getOrCreatePersonaDescriptor();
object.depth = power_user.persona_description_depth;
function onPersonaDescriptionDepthRoleInput() {
power_user.persona_description_role = Number($('#persona_depth_role').find(':selected').val());
if (power_user.personas[user_avatar]) {
const object = getOrCreatePersonaDescriptor();
object.role = power_user.persona_description_role;
* Opens a popup to set the lorebook for the current persona.
* @param {JQuery.ClickEvent} event Click event
async function onPersonaLoreButtonClick(event) {
const personaName = power_user.personas[user_avatar];
const selectedLorebook = power_user.persona_description_lorebook;
if (!personaName) {
toastr.warning(t`You must bind a name to this persona before you can set a lorebook.`, t`Persona Name Not Set`);
if (event.altKey && selectedLorebook) {
const template = $(await renderTemplateAsync('personaLorebook'));
const worldSelect = template.find('select');
for (const worldName of world_names) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = worldName;
option.innerText = worldName;
option.selected = selectedLorebook === worldName;
worldSelect.on('change', function () {
power_user.persona_description_lorebook = String($(this).val());
if (power_user.personas[user_avatar]) {
const object = getOrCreatePersonaDescriptor();
object.lorebook = power_user.persona_description_lorebook;
$('#persona_lore_button').toggleClass('world_set', !!power_user.persona_description_lorebook);
await callGenericPopup(template, POPUP_TYPE.TEXT);
function onPersonaDescriptionPositionInput() {
power_user.persona_description_position = Number(
if (power_user.personas[user_avatar]) {
const object = getOrCreatePersonaDescriptor();
object.position = power_user.persona_description_position;
$('#persona_depth_position_settings').toggle(power_user.persona_description_position === persona_description_positions.AT_DEPTH);
function getOrCreatePersonaDescriptor() {
let object = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar];
if (!object) {
object = {
description: power_user.persona_description,
position: power_user.persona_description_position,
depth: power_user.persona_description_depth,
role: power_user.persona_description_role,
lorebook: power_user.persona_description_lorebook,
connections: [],
power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = object;
return object;
* Sets a persona as the default one to be used for all new chats and unlocked existing chats
* @param {string} avatarId The avatar id of the persona to set as the default
* @param {object} [options] Optional arguments
* @param {boolean} [options.quiet=false] If true, no confirmation popups will be shown
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function toggleDefaultPersona(avatarId, { quiet = false } = {}) {
if (!avatarId) {
console.warn('No avatar id found');
const currentDefault = power_user.default_persona;
if (power_user.personas[avatarId] === undefined) {
console.warn(`No persona name found for avatar ${avatarId}`);
toastr.warning(t`You must bind a name to this persona before you can set it as the default.`, t`Persona Name Not Set`);
if (avatarId === currentDefault) {
if (!quiet) {
const confirm = await`Are you sure you want to remove the default persona?`, power_user.personas[avatarId]);
if (!confirm) {
console.debug('User cancelled removing default persona');
console.log(`Removing default persona ${avatarId}`);
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications && !isPersonaPanelOpen()) {`This persona will no longer be used by default when you open a new chat.`, t`Default Persona Removed`);
delete power_user.default_persona;
} else {
if (!quiet) {
const confirm = await`Set Default Persona`,
t`Are you sure you want to set \"${power_user.personas[avatarId]}\" as the default persona?`
+ '<br /><br />'
+ t`This name and avatar will be used for all new chats, as well as existing chats where the user persona is not locked.`);
if (!confirm) {
console.debug('User cancelled setting default persona');
power_user.default_persona = avatarId;
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications && !isPersonaPanelOpen()) {
toastr.success(t`Set to ${power_user.personas[avatarId]}.This persona will be used by default when you open a new chat.`, t`Default Persona`);
await getUserAvatars(true, avatarId);
* Returns an object with 3 properties that describe the state of the given persona
* - default: Whether this persona is the default one for all new chats
* - locked: An object containing the lock states
* - chat: Whether the persona is locked to the currently open chat
* - character: Whether the persona is locked to the currently open character or group
* @param {string} avatarId - The avatar id of the persona to get the state for
* @returns {PersonaState} An object describing the state of the given persona
function getPersonaStates(avatarId) {
const isDefaultPersona = power_user.default_persona === avatarId;
const hasChatLock = chat_metadata['persona'] == avatarId;
/** @type {PersonaConnection[]} */
const connections = power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId]?.connections;
const hasCharLock = !!connections?.some(c =>
(!selected_group && c.type === 'character' && === characters[this_chid]?.avatar)
|| (selected_group && c.type === 'group' && === selected_group));
return {
avatarId: avatarId,
default: isDefaultPersona,
locked: {
chat: hasChatLock,
character: hasCharLock,
function updatePersonaUIStates() {
// Update the persona list
$('#user_avatar_block .avatar-container').each(function () {
const avatarId = $(this).attr('data-avatar-id');
const states = getPersonaStates(avatarId);
$(this).toggleClass('default_persona', states.default);
$(this).toggleClass('locked_to_character', states.locked.character);
$(this).toggleClass('selected', avatarId === user_avatar);
// Buttons for the persona panel on the right
const personaStates = getPersonaStates(user_avatar);
$('#lock_persona_default').toggleClass('locked', personaStates.default);
$('#lock_user_name i.icon').toggleClass('fa-lock',;
$('#lock_user_name i.icon').toggleClass('fa-unlock', !;
$('#lock_persona_to_char').toggleClass('locked', personaStates.locked.character);
$('#lock_persona_to_char i.icon').toggleClass('fa-lock', personaStates.locked.character);
$('#lock_persona_to_char i.icon').toggleClass('fa-unlock', !personaStates.locked.character);
// Persona panel info block
const { isTemporary, info } = getPersonaTemporaryLockInfo();
if (isTemporary) {
const messageContainer = document.createElement('div');
const messageSpan = document.createElement('span');
messageSpan.textContent = t`Temporary persona in use.`;
messageContainer.classList.add('flex-container', 'alignItemsBaseline');
const infoIcon = document.createElement('i');
infoIcon.classList.add('fa-solid', 'fa-circle-info', 'opacity50p');
infoIcon.title = info;
// Set the info block content
setInfoBlock('#persona_connections_info_block', messageContainer, 'hint');
} else {
// Clear the info block if no condition applies
* Checks if the currently selected persona is temporary due to either a different default persona
* or a different persona being locked to the current chat. If so, it also returns a string that
* can be used to describe this situation to the user.
* @returns {{isTemporary: boolean, hasDifferentChatLock: boolean, hasDifferentDefaultLock: boolean, info: string?}} An object containing 4 properties:
* - isTemporary: A boolean indicating if the current persona is temporary
* - hasDifferentChatLock: A boolean indicating if the current chat has a different persona locked to it
* - hasDifferentDefaultLock: A boolean indicating if there is a different default persona set
* - info: A string describing the situation, or an empty if not temporary
function getPersonaTemporaryLockInfo() {
const hasDifferentChatLock = !!chat_metadata['persona'] && chat_metadata['persona'] !== user_avatar;
const hasDifferentDefaultLock = power_user.default_persona && power_user.default_persona !== user_avatar;
const isTemporary = hasDifferentChatLock || (!chat_metadata['persona'] && hasDifferentDefaultLock);
const info = isTemporary ? t`A different persona is locked to this chat, or you have a different default persona set. The currently selected persona will only be temporary, and resets on reload. Consider locking this persona to the chat if you want to permanently use it.`
+ '\n\n'
+ t`Current Persona: ${power_user.personas[user_avatar]}`
+ (hasDifferentChatLock ? '\n' + t`Chat persona: ${power_user.personas[chat_metadata['persona']]}` : '')
+ (hasDifferentDefaultLock ? '\n' + t`Default persona: ${power_user.personas[power_user.default_persona]}` : '') : '';
return {
isTemporary: isTemporary,
hasDifferentChatLock: hasDifferentChatLock,
hasDifferentDefaultLock: hasDifferentDefaultLock,
info: info,
async function loadPersonaForCurrentChat({ doRender = false } = {}) {
// Cache persona list to check if they exist
const userAvatars = await getUserAvatars(doRender);
// Define a persona for this chat
let chatPersona = '';
/** @type {'chat' | 'character' | 'default' | null} */
let connectType = null;
// If persona is locked in chat metadata, select it
if (chat_metadata['persona']) {
console.log(`Using locked persona ${chat_metadata['persona']}`);
chatPersona = chat_metadata['persona'];
// Verify it exists
if (!userAvatars.includes(chatPersona)) {
console.warn('Chat-locked persona avatar not found, unlocking persona');
delete chat_metadata['persona'];
chatPersona = '';
if (chatPersona) connectType = 'chat';
// If the persona panel is open when the chat changes, this is likely because a character was selected from that panel.
// In that case, we are not automatically switching persona - but need to make changes if there is any chat-bound connection
if (isPersonaPanelOpen()) {
if (chatPersona) {
// If the chat-bound persona is the currently selected one, we can simply exit out
if (chatPersona === user_avatar) {
// Otherwise ask if we want to switch
const autoLock = power_user.persona_auto_lock;
const result = await`Switch Persona?`,
t`You have a connected persona for the current chat (${power_user.personas[chatPersona]}). Do you want to stick to the current persona (${power_user.personas[user_avatar]}) ${(autoLock ? t`and lock that to the chat` : '')}, or switch to ${power_user.personas[chatPersona]} instead?`,
{ okButton: autoLock ? t`Keep and Lock` : t`Keep`, cancelButton: t`Switch` });
if (autoLock) {
} else {
// If we don't have a chat-bound persona, we simply return and keep the current one we have
// Check if we have any persona connected to the current character
if (!chatPersona) {
const connectedPersonas = getConnectedPersonas();
if (connectedPersonas.length > 0) {
if (connectedPersonas.length === 1) {
chatPersona = connectedPersonas[0];
} else if (!power_user.persona_allow_multi_connections) {
console.warn('More than one persona is connected to this character.Using the first available persona for this chat.');
chatPersona = connectedPersonas[0];
} else {
chatPersona = await askForPersonaSelection(t`Select Persona`,
t`Multiple personas are connected to this character.\nSelect a persona to use for this chat.`,
connectedPersonas, { highlightPersonas: true, targetedChar: getCurrentConnectionObj() });
if (chatPersona) connectType = 'character';
// Last check if default persona is set, select it
if (!chatPersona && power_user.default_persona) {
console.log(`Using default persona ${power_user.default_persona}`);
chatPersona = power_user.default_persona;
if (chatPersona) connectType = 'default';
// Whatever way we selected a persona, if it doesn't exist, unlock this chat
if (chat_metadata['persona'] && !userAvatars.includes(chat_metadata['persona'])) {
console.warn('Persona avatar not found, unlocking persona');
delete chat_metadata['persona'];
// Default persona missing
if (power_user.default_persona && !userAvatars.includes(power_user.default_persona)) {
console.warn('Default persona avatar not found, clearing default persona');
power_user.default_persona = null;
// Persona avatar found, select it
if (chatPersona) {
const willAutoLock = power_user.persona_auto_lock && user_avatar !== chat_metadata['persona'];
setUserAvatar(chatPersona, { toastPersonaNameChange: false });
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
let message = t`Auto-selected persona based on ${connectType} connection.<br />Your messages will now be sent as ${power_user.personas[chatPersona]}.`;
if (willAutoLock) {
message += '<br /><br />' + t`Auto-locked this persona to current chat.`;
toastr.success(message, t`Persona Auto Selected`, { escapeHtml: false });
* Returns an array of persona keys that are connected to the given character key.
* If the character key is not provided, it defaults to the currently selected group or character.
* @param {string} [characterKey] - The character key to query
* @returns {string[]} - An array of persona keys that are connected to the given character key
export function getConnectedPersonas(characterKey = undefined) {
characterKey ??= selected_group || characters[this_chid]?.avatar;
const connectedPersonas = Object.entries(power_user.persona_descriptions)
.filter(([_, desc]) => desc.connections?.some(conn => conn.type === 'character' && === characterKey))
.map(([key, _]) => key);
return connectedPersonas;
* Shows a popup with all personas connected to the currently selected character or group.
* In the popup, the user can select a persona to load for the current character or group, or shift-click to remove the connection.
* @return {Promise<void>}
export async function showCharConnections() {
let isRemoving = false;
const connections = getConnectedPersonas();
const message = t`The following personas are connected to the current character.\n\nClick on a persona to select it for the current character.\nShift + Click to unlink the persona from the character.`;
const selectedPersona = await askForPersonaSelection(t`Persona Connections`, message, connections, {
okButton: t`Ok`,
highlightPersonas: true,
targetedChar: getCurrentConnectionObj(),
shiftClickHandler: (element, ev) => {
const personaId = $(element).attr('data-pid');
/** @type {PersonaConnection[]} */
const connections = power_user.persona_descriptions[personaId]?.connections;
if (connections) {
console.log(`Unlocking persona ${personaId} from current character ${name2}`);
power_user.persona_descriptions[personaId].connections = connections.filter(c => {
if (menu_type == 'group_edit' && c.type == 'group' && == selected_group) return false;
else if (c.type == 'character' && == characters[this_chid]?.avatar) return false;
return true;
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {`User persona ${power_user.personas[personaId]} is now unlocked from the current character ${name2}.`, t`Persona unlocked`);
isRemoving = true;
// One of the persona was selected. So load it.
if (!isRemoving && selectedPersona) {
setUserAvatar(selectedPersona, { toastPersonaNameChange: false });
if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
toastr.success(t`Selected persona ${power_user.personas[selectedPersona]} for current chat.`, t`Connected Persona Selected`);
* Retrieves the current connection object based on whether the current chat is with a char or a group.
* @returns {PersonaConnection} An object representing the current connection
export function getCurrentConnectionObj() {
if (selected_group)
return { type: 'group', id: selected_group };
if (characters[this_chid]?.avatar)
return { type: 'character', id: characters[this_chid]?.avatar };
return null;
function onBackupPersonas() {
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0].replace(/-/g, '');
const filename = `personas_${timestamp}.json`;
const data = JSON.stringify({
'personas': power_user.personas,
'persona_descriptions': power_user.persona_descriptions,
'default_persona': power_user.default_persona,
}, null, 2);
const blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'application/json' });
download(blob, filename, 'application/json');
async function onPersonasRestoreInput(e) {
const file =[0];
if (!file) {
console.debug('No file selected');
const data = await parseJsonFile(file);
if (!data) {
toastr.warning(t`Invalid file selected`, t`Persona Management`);
console.debug('Invalid file selected');
if (!data.personas || !data.persona_descriptions || typeof data.personas !== 'object' || typeof data.persona_descriptions !== 'object') {
toastr.warning(t`Invalid file format`, t`Persona Management`);
console.debug('Invalid file selected');
const avatarsList = await getUserAvatars(false);
const warnings = [];
// Merge personas with existing ones
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data.personas)) {
if (key in power_user.personas) {
warnings.push(`Persona "${key}" (${value}) already exists, skipping`);
power_user.personas[key] = value;
// If the avatar is missing, upload it
if (!avatarsList.includes(key)) {
warnings.push(`Persona image "${key}" (${value}) is missing, uploading default avatar`);
await uploadUserAvatar(default_user_avatar, key);
// Merge persona descriptions with existing ones
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data.persona_descriptions)) {
if (key in power_user.persona_descriptions) {
warnings.push(`Persona description for "${key}" (${power_user.personas[key]}) already exists, skipping`);
if (!power_user.personas[key]) {
warnings.push(`Persona for "${key}" does not exist, skipping`);
power_user.persona_descriptions[key] = value;
if (data.default_persona) {
if (data.default_persona in power_user.personas) {
power_user.default_persona = data.default_persona;
} else {
warnings.push(`Default persona "${data.default_persona}" does not exist, skipping`);
if (warnings.length) {
toastr.success(t`Personas restored with warnings. Check console for details.`, t`Persona Management`);
console.warn(`PERSONA RESTORE REPORT\n====================\n${warnings.join('\n')}`);
} else {
toastr.success(t`Personas restored successfully.`, t`Persona Management`);
await getUserAvatars();
async function syncUserNameToPersona() {
const confirmation = await`Are you sure?`, t`All user-sent messages in this chat will be attributed to ${name1}.`);
if (!confirmation) {
for (const mes of chat) {
if (mes.is_user) { = name1;
mes.force_avatar = getUserAvatar(user_avatar);
await saveChatConditional();
await reloadCurrentChat();
export function retriggerFirstMessageOnEmptyChat() {
if (this_chid >= 0 && !selected_group && chat.length === 1) {
* Duplicates a persona.
* @param {string} avatarId
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function duplicatePersona(avatarId) {
const personaName = power_user.personas[avatarId];
if (!personaName) {
toastr.warning('Chosen avatar is not a persona', t`Persona Management`);
const confirm = await`Are you sure you want to duplicate this persona?`, personaName);
if (!confirm) {
console.debug('User cancelled duplicating persona');
const newAvatarId = `${}-${personaName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '')}.png`;
const descriptor = power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId];
power_user.personas[newAvatarId] = personaName;
power_user.persona_descriptions[newAvatarId] = {
description: descriptor?.description ?? '',
position: descriptor?.position ?? persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT,
depth: descriptor?.depth ?? DEFAULT_DEPTH,
role: descriptor?.role ?? DEFAULT_ROLE,
lorebook: descriptor?.lorebook ?? '',
await uploadUserAvatar(getUserAvatar(avatarId), newAvatarId);
await getUserAvatars(true, newAvatarId);
* If a current user avatar is not bound to persona, bind it.
async function migrateNonPersonaUser() {
if (user_avatar in power_user.personas) {
initPersona(user_avatar, name1, '');
await getUserAvatars(true, user_avatar);
* Locks or unlocks the persona of the current chat.
* @param {{type: string}} _args Named arguments
* @param {string} value The value to set the lock to
* @returns {Promise<string>} The value of the lock after setting
async function lockPersonaCallback(_args, value) {
const type = /** @type {PersonaLockType} */ (_args.type ?? 'chat');
if (!['chat', 'character', 'default'].includes(type)) {
toastr.warning(t`Unknown lock type "${type}"`, t`Persona Management`);
return '';
if (!value) {
return String(isPersonaLocked(type));
if (['toggle', 't'].includes(value.trim().toLowerCase())) {
const result = await togglePersonaLock(type);
return String(result);
if (isTrueBoolean(value)) {
await setPersonaLockState(true, type);
return 'true';
if (isFalseBoolean(value)) {
await setPersonaLockState(false, type);
return 'false';
return '';
* Sets a persona name and optionally an avatar.
* @param {{mode: 'lookup' | 'temp' | 'all'}} namedArgs Named arguments
* @param {string} name Name to set
* @returns {string}
function setNameCallback({ mode = 'all' }, name) {
if (!name) {
toastr.warning('You must specify a name to change to');
return '';
if (!['lookup', 'temp', 'all'].includes(mode)) {
toastr.warning('Mode must be one of "lookup", "temp" or "all"');
return '';
name = name.trim();
// If the name matches a persona avatar, or a name, auto-select it
if (['lookup', 'all'].includes(mode)) {
let persona = Object.entries(power_user.personas).find(([avatar, _]) => avatar === name)?.[1];
if (!persona) persona = Object.entries(power_user.personas).find(([_, personaName]) => personaName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase())?.[1];
if (persona) {
return '';
} else if (mode === 'lookup') {
toastr.warning(`Persona ${name} not found`);
return '';
if (['temp', 'all'].includes(mode)) {
// Otherwise, set just the name
setUserName(name); //this prevented quickReply usage
return '';
function syncCallback() {
return '';
function registerPersonaSlashCommands() {
name: 'persona-lock',
callback: lockPersonaCallback,
returns: 'The current lock state for the given type',
helpString: 'Locks/unlocks a persona (name and avatar) to the current chat. Gets the current lock state for the given type if no state is provided.',
namedArgumentList: [
name: 'type',
description: 'The type of the lock, where it should apply to',
defaultValue: 'chat',
enumList: [
new SlashCommandEnumValue('chat', 'Lock the persona to the current chat.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('character', 'Lock this persona to the currently selected character. If the setting is enabled, mutliple personas can be locked to the same character.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('default', 'Lock this persona as the default persona for all new chats.'),
unnamedArgumentList: [
description: 'state',
enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.boolean('onOffToggle'),
// TODO: Legacy command. Might be removed in the future and replaced by /persona-lock with aliases.
name: 'lock',
/** @type {(args: { type: string }, value: string) => Promise<string>} */
callback: (args, value) => {
if (!value) {
value = 'toggle';
toastr.warning(t`Using /lock without a provided state to toggle the persona is deprecated. Please use /persona-lock instead.
In the future this command with no state provided will return the current state, instead of toggling it.`, t`Deprecation Warning`);
return lockPersonaCallback(args, value);
returns: 'The current lock state for the given type',
aliases: ['bind'],
helpString: 'Locks/unlocks a persona (name and avatar) to the current chat. Gets the current lock state for the given type if no state is provided.',
namedArgumentList: [
name: 'type',
description: 'The type of the lock, where it should apply to',
defaultValue: 'chat',
enumList: [
new SlashCommandEnumValue('chat', 'Lock the persona to the current chat.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('character', 'Lock this persona to the currently selected character. If the setting is enabled, mutliple personas can be locked to the same character.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('default', 'Lock this persona as the default persona for all new chats.'),
unnamedArgumentList: [
description: 'state',
defaultValue: 'toggle',
enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.boolean('onOffToggle'),
name: 'persona-set',
callback: setNameCallback,
aliases: ['persona', 'name'],
namedArgumentList: [
new SlashCommandNamedArgument(
'mode', 'The mode for persona selection. ("lookup" = search for existing persona, "temp" = create a temporary name, set a temporary name, "all" = allow both in the same command)',
[ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, false, 'all', ['lookup', 'temp', 'all'],
unnamedArgumentList: [
description: 'persona name',
isRequired: true,
enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.personas,
helpString: 'Selects the given persona with its name and avatar (by name or avatar url). If no matching persona exists, applies a temporary name.',
name: 'persona-sync',
aliases: ['sync'],
callback: syncCallback,
helpString: 'Syncs the user persona in user-attributed messages in the current chat.',
export async function initPersonas() {
await migrateNonPersonaUser();
$('#persona_delete_button').on('click', deleteUserAvatar);
$('#lock_persona_default').on('click', () => togglePersonaLock('default'));
$('#lock_user_name').on('click', () => togglePersonaLock('chat'));
$('#lock_persona_to_char').on('click', () => togglePersonaLock('character'));
$('#create_dummy_persona').on('click', createDummyPersona);
$('#persona_description').on('input', onPersonaDescriptionInput);
$('#persona_description_position').on('input', onPersonaDescriptionPositionInput);
$('#persona_depth_value').on('input', onPersonaDescriptionDepthValueInput);
$('#persona_depth_role').on('input', onPersonaDescriptionDepthRoleInput);
$('#persona_lore_button').on('click', onPersonaLoreButtonClick);
$('#personas_backup').on('click', onBackupPersonas);
$('#personas_restore').on('click', () => $('#personas_restore_input').trigger('click'));
$('#personas_restore_input').on('change', onPersonasRestoreInput);
$('#persona_sort_order').val(power_user.persona_sort_order).on('input', function () {
const value = String($(this).val());
// Save sort order, but do not save search sorting, as this is a temporary sorting option
if (value !== 'search') power_user.persona_sort_order = value;
getUserAvatars(true, user_avatar);
$('#persona_grid_toggle').on('click', () => {
const state = accountStorage.getItem(GRID_STORAGE_KEY) === 'true';
accountStorage.setItem(GRID_STORAGE_KEY, String(!state));
const debouncedPersonaSearch = debounce((searchQuery) => {
personasFilter.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.PERSONA_SEARCH, searchQuery);
$('#persona_search_bar').on('input', function () {
const searchQuery = String($(this).val());
$('#sync_name_button').on('click', syncUserNameToPersona);
$('#avatar_upload_file').on('change', changeUserAvatar);
$(document).on('click', '#user_avatar_block .avatar-container', function () {
const imgfile = $(this).attr('data-avatar-id');
// force firstMes {{user}} update on persona switch
$('#persona_rename_button').on('click', () => renamePersona(user_avatar));
$(document).on('click', '#user_avatar_block .avatar_upload', function () {
$('#persona_duplicate_button').on('click', () => duplicatePersona(user_avatar));
$('#persona_set_image_button').on('click', function () {
if (!user_avatar) {
console.log('no imgfile');
$('#char_connections_button').on('click', showCharConnections);
eventSource.on('charManagementDropdown', (target) => {
if (target === 'convert_to_persona') {
eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, loadPersonaForCurrentChat);