2023-10-23 00:27:15 +03:00

902 lines
31 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

import { callPopup, cancelTtsPlay, eventSource, event_types, saveSettingsDebounced } from '../../../script.js'
import { ModuleWorkerWrapper, doExtrasFetch, extension_settings, getApiUrl, getContext, modules } from '../../extensions.js'
import { escapeRegex, getStringHash } from '../../utils.js'
import { EdgeTtsProvider } from './edge.js'
import { ElevenLabsTtsProvider } from './elevenlabs.js'
import { SileroTtsProvider } from './silerotts.js'
import { CoquiTtsProvider } from './coqui.js'
import { SystemTtsProvider } from './system.js'
import { NovelTtsProvider } from './novel.js'
import { power_user } from '../../power-user.js'
export { talkingAnimation };
const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000
let voiceMapEntries = []
let voiceMap = {} // {charName:voiceid, charName2:voiceid2}
let audioControl
let storedvalue = false;
let lastCharacterId = null
let lastGroupId = null
let lastChatId = null
let lastMessageHash = null
const DEFAULT_VOICE_MARKER = '[Default Voice]';
const DISABLED_VOICE_MARKER = 'disabled';
export function getPreviewString(lang) {
const previewStrings = {
'en-US': 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog',
'en-GB': 'Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow',
'fr-FR': 'Portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui fume',
'de-DE': 'Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer quer über den großen Sylter Deich',
'it-IT': "Pranzo d'acqua fa volti sghembi",
'es-ES': 'Quiere la boca exhausta vid, kiwi, piña y fugaz jamón',
'es-MX': 'Fabio me exige, sin tapujos, que añada cerveza al whisky',
'ru-RU': 'В чащах юга жил бы цитрус? Да, но фальшивый экземпляр!',
'pt-BR': 'Vejo xá gritando que fez show sem playback.',
'pt-PR': 'Todo pajé vulgar faz boquinha sexy com kiwi.',
'uk-UA': "Фабрикуймо гідність, лящім їжею, ґав хапаймо, з'єднавці чаш!",
'pl-PL': 'Pchnąć w tę łódź jeża lub ośm skrzyń fig',
'cs-CZ': 'Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy',
'sk-SK': 'Vyhŕňme si rukávy a vyprážajme čínske ryžové cestoviny',
'hu-HU': 'Árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép',
'tr-TR': 'Pijamalı hasta yağız şoföre çabucak güvendi',
'nl-NL': 'De waard heeft een kalfje en een pinkje opgegeten',
'sv-SE': 'Yxskaftbud, ge vårbygd, zinkqvarn',
'da-DK': 'Quizdeltagerne spiste jordbær med fløde, mens cirkusklovnen Walther spillede på xylofon',
'ja-JP': 'いろはにほへと ちりぬるを わかよたれそ つねならむ うゐのおくやま けふこえて あさきゆめみし ゑひもせす',
'ko-KR': '가나다라마바사아자차카타파하',
'zh-CN': '我能吞下玻璃而不伤身体',
'ro-RO': 'Muzicologă în bej vând whisky și tequila, preț fix',
'bg-BG': 'Щъркелите се разпръснаха по цялото небе',
'el-GR': 'Ταχίστη αλώπηξ βαφής ψημένη γη, δρασκελίζει υπέρ νωθρού κυνός',
'fi-FI': 'Voi veljet, miksi juuri teille myin nämä vehkeet?',
'he-IL': 'הקצינים צעקו: "כל הכבוד לצבא הצבאות!"',
'id-ID': 'Jangkrik itu memang enak, apalagi kalau digoreng',
'ms-MY': 'Muzik penyanyi wanita itu menggambarkan kehidupan yang penuh dengan duka nestapa',
'th-TH': 'เป็นไงบ้างครับ ผมชอบกินข้าวผัดกระเพราหมูกรอบ',
'vi-VN': 'Cô bé quàng khăn đỏ đang ngồi trên bãi cỏ xanh',
'ar-SA': 'أَبْجَدِيَّة عَرَبِيَّة',
'hi-IN': 'श्वेता ने श्वेता के श्वेते हाथों में श्वेता का श्वेता चावल पकड़ा',
const fallbackPreview = 'Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet'
return previewStrings[lang] ?? fallbackPreview;
let ttsProviders = {
ElevenLabs: ElevenLabsTtsProvider,
Silero: SileroTtsProvider,
System: SystemTtsProvider,
Coqui: CoquiTtsProvider,
Edge: EdgeTtsProvider,
Novel: NovelTtsProvider,
let ttsProvider
let ttsProviderName
async function onNarrateOneMessage() {
audioElement.src = '/sounds/silence.mp3';
const context = getContext();
const id = $(this).closest('.mes').attr('mesid');
const message = context.chat[id];
if (!message) {
async function moduleWorker() {
// Primarily determining when to add new chat to the TTS queue
const enabled = $('#tts_enabled').is(':checked')
$('body').toggleClass('tts', enabled);
if (!enabled) {
const context = getContext()
const chat = context.chat
// Auto generation is disabled
if (extension_settings.tts.auto_generation == false) {
// no characters or group selected
if (!context.groupId && context.characterId === undefined) {
// Chat changed
if (
context.chatId !== lastChatId
) {
currentMessageNumber = context.chat.length ? context.chat.length : 0
// take the count of messages
let lastMessageNumber = context.chat.length ? context.chat.length : 0
// There's no new messages
let diff = lastMessageNumber - currentMessageNumber
let hashNew = getStringHash((chat.length && chat[chat.length - 1].mes) ?? '')
if (diff == 0 && hashNew === lastMessageHash) {
const message = chat[chat.length - 1]
// We're currently swiping or streaming. Don't generate voice
if (
!message ||
message.mes === '...' ||
message.mes === '' ||
(context.streamingProcessor && !context.streamingProcessor.isFinished)
) {
// Don't generate if message doesn't have a display text
if (extension_settings.tts.narrate_translated_only && !(message?.extra?.display_text)) {
// Don't generate if message is a user message and user message narration is disabled
if (message.is_user && !extension_settings.tts.narrate_user) {
// New messages, add new chat to history
lastMessageHash = hashNew
currentMessageNumber = lastMessageNumber
`Adding message from ${message.name} for TTS processing: "${message.mes}"`
function talkingAnimation(switchValue) {
if (!modules.includes('talkinghead')) {
console.debug("Talking Animation module not loaded");
const apiUrl = getApiUrl();
const animationType = switchValue ? "start" : "stop";
if (switchValue !== storedvalue) {
try {
console.log(animationType + " Talking Animation");
storedvalue = switchValue; // Update the storedvalue to the current switchValue
} catch (error) {
// Handle the error here or simply ignore it to prevent logging
function resetTtsPlayback() {
// Stop system TTS utterance
// Clear currently processing jobs
currentTtsJob = null;
currentAudioJob = null;
// Reset audio element
audioElement.currentTime = 0;
audioElement.src = '';
// Clear any queue items
ttsJobQueue.splice(0, ttsJobQueue.length);
audioJobQueue.splice(0, audioJobQueue.length);
// Set audio ready to process again
audioQueueProcessorReady = true;
function isTtsProcessing() {
let processing = false
// Check job queues
if (ttsJobQueue.length > 0 || audioJobQueue.length > 0) {
processing = true
// Check current jobs
if (currentTtsJob != null || currentAudioJob != null) {
processing = true
return processing
function debugTtsPlayback() {
"ttsProviderName": ttsProviderName,
"voiceMap": voiceMap,
"currentMessageNumber": currentMessageNumber,
"audioPaused": audioPaused,
"audioJobQueue": audioJobQueue,
"currentAudioJob": currentAudioJob,
"audioQueueProcessorReady": audioQueueProcessorReady,
"ttsJobQueue": ttsJobQueue,
"currentTtsJob": currentTtsJob,
"ttsConfig": extension_settings.tts
window.debugTtsPlayback = debugTtsPlayback
// Audio Control //
let audioElement = new Audio()
audioElement.autoplay = true
let audioJobQueue = []
let currentAudioJob
let audioPaused = false
let audioQueueProcessorReady = true
let lastAudioPosition = 0
async function playAudioData(audioBlob) {
// Since current audio job can be cancelled, don't playback if it is null
if (currentAudioJob == null) {
console.log("Cancelled TTS playback because currentAudioJob was null")
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = function (e) {
const srcUrl = e.target.result
audioElement.src = srcUrl
audioElement.addEventListener('ended', completeCurrentAudioJob)
audioElement.addEventListener('canplay', () => {
console.debug(`Starting TTS playback`)
window['tts_preview'] = function (id) {
const audio = document.getElementById(id)
if (audio && !$(audio).data('disabled')) {
else {
async function onTtsVoicesClick() {
let popupText = ''
try {
const voiceIds = await ttsProvider.fetchTtsVoiceObjects()
for (const voice of voiceIds) {
popupText += `
<div class="voice_preview">
<span class="voice_lang">${voice.lang || ''}</span>
<b class="voice_name">${voice.name}</b>
<i onclick="tts_preview('${voice.voice_id}')" class="fa-solid fa-play"></i>
if (voice.preview_url) {
popupText += `<audio id="${voice.voice_id}" src="${voice.preview_url}" data-disabled="${voice.preview_url == false}"></audio>`
} catch {
popupText = 'Could not load voices list. Check your API key.'
callPopup(popupText, 'text')
function updateUiAudioPlayState() {
if (extension_settings.tts.enabled == true) {
let img
// Give user feedback that TTS is active by setting the stop icon if processing or playing
if (!audioElement.paused || isTtsProcessing()) {
img = 'fa-solid fa-stop-circle extensionsMenuExtensionButton'
} else {
img = 'fa-solid fa-circle-play extensionsMenuExtensionButton'
$('#tts_media_control').attr('class', img);
} else {
function onAudioControlClicked() {
audioElement.src = '/sounds/silence.mp3';
let context = getContext()
// Not pausing, doing a full stop to anything TTS is doing. Better UX as pause is not as useful
if (!audioElement.paused || isTtsProcessing()) {
} else {
// Default play behavior if not processing or playing is to play the last message.
ttsJobQueue.push(context.chat[context.chat.length - 1])
function addAudioControl() {
<div id="ttsExtensionMenuItem" class="list-group-item flex-container flexGap5">
<div id="tts_media_control" class="extensionsMenuExtensionButton "/></div>
TTS Playback
$('#ttsExtensionMenuItem').attr('title', 'TTS play/pause').on('click', onAudioControlClicked)
audioControl = document.getElementById('tts_media_control')
function completeCurrentAudioJob() {
audioQueueProcessorReady = true
currentAudioJob = null
lastAudioPosition = 0
talkingAnimation(false) //stop lip animation
// updateUiPlayState();
* Accepts an HTTP response containing audio/mpeg data, and puts the data as a Blob() on the queue for playback
* @param {*} response
async function addAudioJob(response) {
const audioData = await response.blob()
if (!audioData.type in ['audio/mpeg', 'audio/wav', 'audio/x-wav', 'audio/wave', 'audio/webm']) {
throw `TTS received HTTP response with invalid data format. Expecting audio/mpeg, got ${audioData.type}`
console.debug('Pushed audio job to queue.')
async function processAudioJobQueue() {
// Nothing to do, audio not completed, or audio paused - stop processing.
if (audioJobQueue.length == 0 || !audioQueueProcessorReady || audioPaused) {
try {
audioQueueProcessorReady = false
currentAudioJob = audioJobQueue.pop()
} catch (error) {
audioQueueProcessorReady = true
// TTS Control //
let ttsJobQueue = []
let currentTtsJob // Null if nothing is currently being processed
let currentMessageNumber = 0
function completeTtsJob() {
console.info(`Current TTS job for ${currentTtsJob.name} completed.`)
currentTtsJob = null
function saveLastValues() {
const context = getContext()
lastGroupId = context.groupId
lastCharacterId = context.characterId
lastChatId = context.chatId
lastMessageHash = getStringHash(
(context.chat.length && context.chat[context.chat.length - 1].mes) ?? ''
async function tts(text, voiceId, char) {
let response = await ttsProvider.generateTts(text, voiceId)
// RVC injection
if (extension_settings.rvc.enabled && typeof window['rvcVoiceConversion'] === 'function')
response = await window['rvcVoiceConversion'](response, char, text)
async function processTtsQueue() {
// Called each moduleWorker iteration to pull chat messages from queue
if (currentTtsJob || ttsJobQueue.length <= 0 || audioPaused) {
console.debug('New message found, running TTS')
currentTtsJob = ttsJobQueue.shift()
let text = extension_settings.tts.narrate_translated_only ? (currentTtsJob?.extra?.display_text || currentTtsJob.mes) : currentTtsJob.mes
text = extension_settings.tts.narrate_dialogues_only
? text.replace(/\*[^\*]*?(\*|$)/g, '').trim() // remove asterisks content
: text.replaceAll('*', '').trim() // remove just the asterisks
if (extension_settings.tts.narrate_quoted_only) {
const special_quotes = /[“”]/g; // Extend this regex to include other special quotes
text = text.replace(special_quotes, '"');
const matches = text.match(/".*?"/g); // Matches text inside double quotes, non-greedily
const partJoiner = (ttsProvider?.separator || ' ... ');
text = matches ? matches.join(partJoiner) : text;
console.log(`TTS: ${text}`)
const char = currentTtsJob.name
// Remove character name from start of the line if power user setting is disabled
if (char && !power_user.allow_name2_display) {
const escapedChar = escapeRegex(char);
text = text.replace(new RegExp(`^${escapedChar}:`, 'gm'), '');
try {
if (!text) {
console.warn('Got empty text in TTS queue job.');
const voiceMapEntry = voiceMap[char] === DEFAULT_VOICE_MARKER ? voiceMap[DEFAULT_VOICE_MARKER] : voiceMap[char]
if (!voiceMapEntry || voiceMapEntry === DISABLED_VOICE_MARKER) {
throw `${char} not in voicemap. Configure character in extension settings voice map`
const voice = await ttsProvider.getVoice(voiceMapEntry)
const voiceId = voice.voice_id
if (voiceId == null) {
toastr.error(`Specified voice for ${char} was not found. Check the TTS extension settings.`)
throw `Unable to attain voiceId for ${char}`
tts(text, voiceId, char)
} catch (error) {
currentTtsJob = null
// Secret function for now
async function playFullConversation() {
const context = getContext()
const chat = context.chat
ttsJobQueue = chat
window.playFullConversation = playFullConversation
// Extension UI and Settings //
function loadSettings() {
if (Object.keys(extension_settings.tts).length === 0) {
Object.assign(extension_settings.tts, defaultSettings)
for (const key in defaultSettings) {
if (!(key in extension_settings.tts)) {
extension_settings.tts[key] = defaultSettings[key]
$('#tts_narrate_dialogues').prop('checked', extension_settings.tts.narrate_dialogues_only)
$('#tts_narrate_quoted').prop('checked', extension_settings.tts.narrate_quoted_only)
$('#tts_auto_generation').prop('checked', extension_settings.tts.auto_generation)
$('#tts_narrate_translated_only').prop('checked', extension_settings.tts.narrate_translated_only);
$('#tts_narrate_user').prop('checked', extension_settings.tts.narrate_user);
$('body').toggleClass('tts', extension_settings.tts.enabled);
const defaultSettings = {
voiceMap: '',
ttsEnabled: false,
currentProvider: "ElevenLabs",
auto_generation: true,
narrate_user: false,
function setTtsStatus(status, success) {
if (success) {
} else {
$('#tts_status').css('color', 'red')
function onRefreshClick() {
// updateVoiceMap()
]).then(() => {
extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName] = ttsProvider.settings
setTtsStatus('Successfully applied settings', true)
console.info(`Saved settings ${ttsProviderName} ${JSON.stringify(ttsProvider.settings)}`)
}).catch(error => {
setTtsStatus(error, false)
function onEnableClick() {
extension_settings.tts.enabled = $('#tts_enabled').is(
function onAutoGenerationClick() {
extension_settings.tts.auto_generation = !!$('#tts_auto_generation').prop('checked');
function onNarrateDialoguesClick() {
extension_settings.tts.narrate_dialogues_only = !!$('#tts_narrate_dialogues').prop('checked');
function onNarrateUserClick() {
extension_settings.tts.narrate_user = !!$('#tts_narrate_user').prop('checked');
function onNarrateQuotedClick() {
extension_settings.tts.narrate_quoted_only = !!$('#tts_narrate_quoted').prop('checked');
function onNarrateTranslatedOnlyClick() {
extension_settings.tts.narrate_translated_only = !!$('#tts_narrate_translated_only').prop('checked');
// TTS Provider //
async function loadTtsProvider(provider) {
//Clear the current config and add new config
if (!provider) {
// Init provider references
extension_settings.tts.currentProvider = provider
ttsProviderName = provider
ttsProvider = new ttsProviders[provider]
// Init provider settings
if (!(ttsProviderName in extension_settings.tts)) {
console.warn(`Provider ${ttsProviderName} not in Extension Settings, initiatilizing provider in settings`)
extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName] = {}
await ttsProvider.loadSettings(extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName])
await initVoiceMap()
function onTtsProviderChange() {
const ttsProviderSelection = $('#tts_provider').val()
extension_settings.tts.currentProvider = ttsProviderSelection
// Ensure that TTS provider settings are saved to extension settings.
export function saveTtsProviderSettings() {
extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName] = ttsProvider.settings
console.info(`Saved settings ${ttsProviderName} ${JSON.stringify(ttsProvider.settings)}`)
// voiceMap Handling //
async function onChatChanged() {
await resetTtsPlayback()
await initVoiceMap()
function getCharacters(){
const context = getContext()
let characters = []
if (context.groupId === null){
// Single char chat
} else {
// Group chat
const group = context.groups.find(group => context.groupId == group.id)
for (let member of group.members) {
// Remove suffix
if (member.endsWith('.png')){
member = member.slice(0, -4)
return characters
function sanitizeId(input) {
// Remove any non-alphanumeric characters except underscore (_) and hyphen (-)
let sanitized = input.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]/g, '');
// Ensure first character is always a letter
if (!/^[a-zA-Z]/.test(sanitized)) {
sanitized = 'element_' + sanitized;
return sanitized;
function parseVoiceMap(voiceMapString) {
let parsedVoiceMap = {}
for (const [charName, voiceId] of voiceMapString
.map(s => s.split(':'))) {
if (charName && voiceId) {
parsedVoiceMap[charName.trim()] = voiceId.trim()
return parsedVoiceMap
* Apply voiceMap based on current voiceMapEntries
function updateVoiceMap() {
const tempVoiceMap = {}
for (const voice of voiceMapEntries){
if (voice.voiceId === null){
tempVoiceMap[voice.name] = voice.voiceId
if (Object.keys(tempVoiceMap).length !== 0){
voiceMap = tempVoiceMap
console.log(`Voicemap updated to ${JSON.stringify(voiceMap)}`)
if (!extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName].voiceMap) {
extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName].voiceMap = {}
Object.assign(extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName].voiceMap, voiceMap)
class VoiceMapEntry {
constructor (name, voiceId=DEFAULT_VOICE_MARKER) {
this.name = name
this.voiceId = voiceId
this.selectElement = null
let sanitizedName = sanitizeId(this.name)
let defaultOption = this.name === DEFAULT_VOICE_MARKER ?
`<option>${DISABLED_VOICE_MARKER}</option>` :
let template = `
<div class='tts_voicemap_block_char flex-container flexGap5'>
<span id='tts_voicemap_char_${sanitizedName}'>${this.name}</span>
<select id='tts_voicemap_char_${sanitizedName}_voice'>
// Populate voice ID select list
for (const voiceId of voiceIds){
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.innerText = voiceId.name;
option.value = voiceId.name;
this.selectElement = $(`#tts_voicemap_char_${sanitizedName}_voice`)
this.selectElement.on('change', args => this.onSelectChange(args))
onSelectChange(args) {
this.voiceId = this.selectElement.find(':selected').val()
* Init voiceMapEntries for character select list.
export async function initVoiceMap(){
// Gate initialization if not enabled or TTS Provider not ready. Prevents error popups.
const enabled = $('#tts_enabled').is(':checked')
if (!enabled){
// Keep errors inside extension UI rather than toastr. Toastr errors for TTS are annoying.
try {
await ttsProvider.checkReady()
} catch (error) {
const message = `TTS Provider not ready. ${error}`
setTtsStatus(message, false)
setTtsStatus("TTS Provider Loaded", true)
// Clear existing voiceMap state
voiceMapEntries = []
// Get characters in current chat
const characters = getCharacters()
// Get saved voicemap from provider settings, handling new and old representations
let voiceMapFromSettings = {}
if ("voiceMap" in extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName]) {
// Handle previous representation
if (typeof extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName].voiceMap === "string"){
voiceMapFromSettings = parseVoiceMap(extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName].voiceMap)
// Handle new representation
} else if (typeof extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName].voiceMap === "object"){
voiceMapFromSettings = extension_settings.tts[ttsProviderName].voiceMap
// Get voiceIds from provider
let voiceIdsFromProvider
try {
voiceIdsFromProvider = await ttsProvider.fetchTtsVoiceObjects()
catch {
toastr.error("TTS Provider failed to return voice ids.")
// Build UI using VoiceMapEntry objects
for (const character of characters){
if (character === "SillyTavern System"){
// Check provider settings for voiceIds
let voiceId
if (character in voiceMapFromSettings){
voiceId = voiceMapFromSettings[character]
} else if (character === DEFAULT_VOICE_MARKER) {
} else {
const voiceMapEntry = new VoiceMapEntry(character, voiceId)
$(document).ready(function () {
function addExtensionControls() {
const settingsHtml = `
<div id="tts_settings">
<div class="inline-drawer">
<div class="inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header">
<div class="inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down"></div>
<div class="inline-drawer-content">
<div id="tts_status">
<span>Select TTS Provider</span> </br>
<div class="tts_block">
<select id="tts_provider" class="flex1">
<input id="tts_refresh" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Reload" />
<label class="checkbox_label" for="tts_enabled">
<input type="checkbox" id="tts_enabled" name="tts_enabled">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="tts_narrate_user">
<input type="checkbox" id="tts_narrate_user">
<small>Narrate user messages</small>
<label class="checkbox_label" for="tts_auto_generation">
<input type="checkbox" id="tts_auto_generation">
<small>Auto Generation</small>
<label class="checkbox_label" for="tts_narrate_quoted">
<input type="checkbox" id="tts_narrate_quoted">
<small>Only narrate "quotes"</small>
<label class="checkbox_label" for="tts_narrate_dialogues">
<input type="checkbox" id="tts_narrate_dialogues">
<small>Ignore *text, even "quotes", inside asterisks*</small>
<label class="checkbox_label" for="tts_narrate_translated_only">
<input type="checkbox" id="tts_narrate_translated_only">
<small>Narrate only the translated text</small>
<div id="tts_voicemap_block">
<form id="tts_provider_settings" class="inline-drawer-content">
<div class="tts_buttons">
<input id="tts_voices" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Available voices" />
$('#tts_refresh').on('click', onRefreshClick)
$('#tts_enabled').on('click', onEnableClick)
$('#tts_narrate_dialogues').on('click', onNarrateDialoguesClick);
$('#tts_narrate_quoted').on('click', onNarrateQuotedClick);
$('#tts_narrate_translated_only').on('click', onNarrateTranslatedOnlyClick);
$('#tts_auto_generation').on('click', onAutoGenerationClick);
$('#tts_narrate_user').on('click', onNarrateUserClick);
$('#tts_voices').on('click', onTtsVoicesClick)
for (const provider in ttsProviders) {
$('#tts_provider').append($("<option />").val(provider).text(provider))
$('#tts_provider').on('change', onTtsProviderChange)
$(document).on('click', '.mes_narrate', onNarrateOneMessage);
addExtensionControls() // No init dependencies
loadSettings() // Depends on Extension Controls and loadTtsProvider
loadTtsProvider(extension_settings.tts.currentProvider) // No dependencies
addAudioControl() // Depends on Extension Controls
const wrapper = new ModuleWorkerWrapper(moduleWorker);
setInterval(wrapper.update.bind(wrapper), UPDATE_INTERVAL) // Init depends on all the things
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_SWIPED, resetTtsPlayback);
eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, onChatChanged)
eventSource.on(event_types.GROUP_UPDATED, onChatChanged)