
892 lines
34 KiB

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const express = require('express');
const writeFileAtomic = require('write-file-atomic');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const sanitize = require('sanitize-filename');
const { jsonParser } = require('../express-common');
const { readAndParseJsonlFile, parseJson, timestampToMoment, humanizedToDate, calculateDuration, minDate, maxDate, now } = require('../util');
const { getAllUserHandles, getUserDirectories } = require('../users');
const readFile = fs.promises.readFile;
const readdir = fs.promises.readdir;
const MIN_TIMESTAMP = 0;
const MAX_TIMESTAMP = new Date('9999-12-31T23:59:59.999Z').getTime();
const MIN_DATE = new Date(MIN_TIMESTAMP);
const MAX_DATE = new Date(MAX_TIMESTAMP);
const STATS_LANGUAGE = 'en';
const STATS_FILE = 'stats.json';
/** @type {Map<string, UserStatsCollection>} The stats collections for each user, accessable via their key - gets set/built on init */
const STATS = new Map();
let lastSaveDate = MIN_DATE;
* Gets the user stats collection. Creates a new empty one, if it didn't exist before
* @param {string} userHandle - The user handle
* @returns {UserStatsCollection}
function getUserStats(userHandle) {
return STATS.get(userHandle) ?? createEmptyStats(userHandle)
* Loads the stats file into memory. If the file doesn't exist or is invalid,
* initializes stats by collecting and creating them for each character.
async function init() {
const userHandles = await getAllUserHandles();
for (const userHandle of userHandles) {
try {
const directories = getUserDirectories(userHandle);
const statsFilePath = path.join(directories.root, STATS_FILE);
const statsFileContent = await readFile(statsFilePath, 'utf-8');
let userStats = parseJson(statsFileContent);
// Migrate/recreate stats if the version has changed
if (userStats.version !== CURRENT_STATS_VERSION) {`Found outdated stats for user ${userHandle} of version '${userStats.version}'. Recreating stats for current version '${CURRENT_STATS_VERSION}'...`);
userStats = await recreateStats(userHandle);
STATS.set(userHandle, userStats);
} catch (err) {
// If the file doesn't exist or is invalid, initialize stats
if (err.code === 'ENOENT' || err instanceof SyntaxError) {
console.warn(`Error on reading stats file for user ${userHandle}. Trying to recreate it... Error was: ${err.message}`);
} else {
throw err; // Rethrow the error if it's something we didn't expect
* Attempts to save charStats to a file and then terminates the process.
* If an error occurs during the file write, it logs the error before exiting.
async function onExit() {
try {
await saveStatsToFile();
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to write stats to file:', err);
* @typedef {object} MessageLine - The chat message object to process.
* @typedef {object} UserStatsCollection - An object holding all character stats, and some additional main stats
* @property {string} version - Version number indication the version of this stats data - so it can be automatically migrated/recalculated if any of the calculation logic changes
* @property {CharacterStats} global - global user/profile stats
* @property {{[characterKey: string]: CharacterStats}} stats - All the dynamically saved stats objecs
* @property {Date} _calculated -
* @property {Date} _recalcualted -
* @typedef {object} CharacterStats
* @property {string} characterKey -
* @property {string} charName -
* @property {string} userName -
* @property {number} chats - The creation date of the chat.
* @property {number} chatSize - The size of all chats
* @property {Date} firstCreateDate -
* @property {Date} lastCreateDate -
* @property {Date} firstlastInteractionDate -
* @property {Date} lastLastInteractionDate -
* @property {AggregateStat} chattingTime -
* @property {AggregateStat} messages -
* @property {AggregateStat} systemMessages -
* @property {AggregateStat} userMessages -
* @property {AggregateStat} charMessages -
* @property {AggregateStat} genTime -
* @property {AggregateStat} genTokenCount -
* @property {AggregateStat} swipeGenTime -
* @property {AggregateStat} swipes -
* @property {AggregateStat} userResponseTime -
* @property {AggregateStat} words -
* @property {AggregateStat} userWords -
* @property {AggregateStat} charWords -
* @property {AggregateStat} perMessageGenTime -
* @property {AggregateStat} perMessageGenTokenCount -
* @property {AggregateStat} perMessageSwipeGenTime -
* @property {AggregateStat} perMessageSwipeCount -
* @property {AggregateStat} perMessageUserResponseTime -
* @property {AggregateStat} perMessageWords -
* @property {AggregateStat} perMessageUserWords -
* @property {AggregateStat} perMessageCharWords -
* @property {{[model: string]: { count: number, tokens: number}}} genModels - model usages
* @property {ChatStats[]} chatsStats -
* @property {Date} _calculated -
* @typedef {object} ChatStats
* @property {string} characterKey -
* @property {string} chatName - The unique identifier for the chat.
* @property {number} chatId - hash
* @property {string} charName - Current character name
* @property {string} userName - Current user name
* @property {number} chatSize -
* @property {Date} createDate - The creation date of the chat. (time in ISO 8601 format)
* @property {Date} lastInteractionDate - (time in ISO 8601 format)
* @property {number} chattingTime -
* @property {number} messages -
* @property {number} systemMessages -
* @property {number} userMessages -
* @property {number} charMessages -
* @property {AggregateStat} genTime -
* @property {AggregateStat} genTokenCount -
* @property {AggregateStat} swipeGenTime -
* @property {AggregateStat} swipes -
* @property {AggregateStat} userResponseTime -
* @property {AggregateStat} words -
* @property {AggregateStat} userWords -
* @property {AggregateStat} charWords -
* @property {{[model: string]: { count: number, tokens: number}}} genModels - model usages
* @property {MessageStats[]} messagesStats - An array of MessageStats objects for individual message analysis.
* @property {Date} _calculated -
* @typedef {object} MessageStats
* @property {boolean} isUser -
* @property {boolean} isChar -
* @property {string} hash -
* @property {Date} sendDate - The time when the message was sent.
* @property {number?} genTime - The total time taken to generate this message and all swipes.
* @property {number?} genTokenCount -
* @property {number?} swipeGenTime - The total generation time for all swipes excluding the first generation.
* @property {number?} swipes - The count of additional swipes minus the first generated message.
* @property {number} words - The number of words in the message.
* @property {Date[]} genEndDates -
* @property {{[model: string]: { count: number, tokens: number}}} genModels - model usages
* @property {Date} _calculated -
* An object that aggregates stats for a specific value
* By adding values to it, it'll automatically recalculate min, max and average
class AggregateStat {
/** @type {number} The number of stats used for this aggregation - used for recalculating avg */
count = 0;
/** @type {number} Total / Sum */
total = 0;
/** @type {number} Minimum value */
min = Number.NaN;
/** @type {number} Maximum value */
max = 0;
/** @type {number} Average value */
avg = 0;
/** @type {number[]} All values listed and saved, so the aggregate stats can be updated if needed when elements get removed */
values = [];
/** @type {number?} The number of stats used when this is aggregated over the totals of aggregated stats, meaning based on any amount of sub/inner values */
subCount = null;
constructor() { }
reset() {
this.count,, this.min, this.max, this.avg = 0, this.subCount = 0;
this.values.length = 0;
* Adds a given value to this aggregation
* If you want to add all values of an `AggregateStat`, use `addAggregated`
* @param {number?} value - The value to add
add(value) {
if (value === null || isNaN(value)) return;
this.count++; += value;
this.avg = / this.count;
this.min = Math.min(isNaN(this.min) ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : this.min, value);
this.max = Math.max(this.max, value);
* Adds the total of the aggregated value as a single value, and also marks the count as sub values for analysis purposes
* @param {AggregateStat} aggregatedValue - The aggregate stat
addAggregatedAsOne(aggregatedValue) {
this.subCount = (this.subCount ?? 0) + aggregatedValue.count;
* Adds all values of a given aggregation as single values
* @param {AggregateStat} aggregatedValue - The aggregate stat
addAggregated(aggregatedValue) {
aggregatedValue.values.forEach(x => this.add(x));
* Removes a given value from this aggregation
* If you want to remove all values of an `AggregateStat`, use `removeAggregated`
* @param {number?} value - The value to remove
remove(value) {
if (value === null || isNaN(value)) return;
this.count--; -= value;
this.avg = this.count === 0 ? 0 : / this.count;
const index = this.values.indexOf(value);
if (index === -1) {
console.warn(`Tried to remove aggregation value ${value} that does not exist. This should not happen...`);
this.values.splice(index, 1);
if (value === this.min) {
this.min = this.values.length > 0 ? Math.min(...this.values) : Number.NaN;
if (value === this.max) {
this.max = this.values.length > 0 ? Math.max(...this.values) : 0;
* Removes all values of a given aggregation as their respective values
* @param {AggregateStat} aggregatedValue - The aggregate stat
removeAggregated(aggregatedValue) {
aggregatedValue.values.forEach(x => this.add(x));
* Removes the total of the aggregated value as a single value, and also marks the count as sub values for analysis purposes
* @param {AggregateStat} aggregatedValue - The aggregate stat
removeAggregatedAsOne(aggregatedValue) {
this.subCount = this.subCount ? this.subCount - aggregatedValue.count : null;
* @param {string} userHandle - User handle
* @returns {UserStatsCollection} The aggregated stats object
function createEmptyStats(userHandle) {
const EMPTY_USER_STATS = { _calculated: MIN_DATE, _recalcualted: MIN_DATE, version: CURRENT_STATS_VERSION, global: newCharacterStats(userHandle, 'Global'), stats: {} };
// Resetting global user stats
const userStats = { ...EMPTY_USER_STATS };
STATS.set(userHandle, userStats);
return userStats;
* @param {string} userHandle - User handle
* @returns {Promise<UserStatsCollection>} The aggregated stats object
async function recreateStats(userHandle) {
console.log('Collecting and creating stats...');
const userStats = createEmptyStats(userHandle);
// Load all char files to process their chat folders
const directories = getUserDirectories(userHandle);
const files = await readdir(directories.characters);
const charFiles = files.filter((file) => file.endsWith('.png'));
let processingPromises =, _) =>
recreateCharacterStats(userHandle, charFileName)
await Promise.all(processingPromises);
// Remember the date at which those stats were recalculated from the ground up
userStats._recalcualted = now();
await saveStatsToFile();`Stats for user ${userHandle} (re)created and saved to file.`);
return userStats;
* Recreates stats for a specific character.
* Should be used very carefully, as it still has to recalculate most of the global stats.
* @param {string} userHandle - User handle
* @param {string} characterKey -
* @return {CharacterStats?}
function recreateCharacterStats(userHandle, characterKey) {
const userStats = getUserStats(userHandle);
// If we are replacing on a existing global stats, we need to "remove" all old stats
if (userStats.stats[characterKey]) {
for (const chatStats of userStats.stats[characterKey].chatsStats) {
removeChatFromCharStats(, chatStats);
delete userStats.stats[characterKey];
// Then load chats dir for this character to process
const charChatsDir = getCharChatsDir(userHandle, characterKey);
if (!fs.existsSync(charChatsDir)) {
return null;
const chatFiles = fs.readdirSync(charChatsDir);
chatFiles.forEach(chatFile => {
const chatName = chatFile.replace(/\.jsonl$/i, '');
triggerChatUpdate(userHandle, characterKey, chatName);
});`(Re)created ${characterKey}'s character stats for user ${userHandle}.`);
return userStats[characterKey];
* @param {string} userHandle - The user handle
* @param {string} characterKey - The character key
* @returns {string} The chats directory for this specific char
function getCharChatsDir(userHandle, characterKey) {
const charName = characterKey.replace('.png', '');
const directories = getUserDirectories(userHandle);
const charChatsDir = path.join(directories.chats, charName);
return charChatsDir;
* @param {string} userHandle - The user handle
* @param {string} characterKey
* @param {string} chatName
* @returns {{chatName: string, filePath: string, lines: object[]}}
function loadChatFile(userHandle, characterKey, chatName) {
const charChatsDir = getCharChatsDir(userHandle, characterKey);
const filePath = path.join(charChatsDir, `${sanitize(chatName)}.jsonl`);
const lines = readAndParseJsonlFile(filePath);
return { chatName, filePath, lines };
* @param {string} userHandle - The user handle
* @param {string} characterKey - The character key
* @param {string} chatName - The name of the chat
* @returns {ChatStats?}
function triggerChatUpdate(userHandle, characterKey, chatName) {
// Load and process chats to get its stats
const loadedChat = loadChatFile(userHandle, characterKey, chatName);
const fsStats = fs.statSync(loadedChat.filePath);
const chatStats = processChat(characterKey, chatName, loadedChat.lines, { chatSize: fsStats.size });
if (chatStats === null) {
return null;
const userStats = getUserStats(userHandle);
// Create empty stats if character stats don't exist yet
userStats.stats[characterKey] ??= newCharacterStats(characterKey);
// Update both the char stats and the global user stats with this chat
updateCharStatsWithChat(userStats.stats[characterKey], chatStats);
updateCharStatsWithChat(, chatStats);
// For global chats, we always overwrite the char name with a default one = 'Character';
userStats._calculated = now();
return chatStats;
* Recalculates character stats based on the current chat.
* Works with both updating/replacing an existing chat and also adding a new one.
* @param {CharacterStats} stats - The stats of the character
* @param {ChatStats} chatStats - The chat stats to add/update
* @returns {boolean}
function updateCharStatsWithChat(stats, chatStats) {
// Check if we need to remove this chat's previous data first
removeChatFromCharStats(stats, chatStats);
stats.chatSize += chatStats.chatSize;
stats.firstCreateDate = minDate(chatStats.createDate, stats.firstCreateDate) ?? stats.firstCreateDate;
stats.lastCreateDate = maxDate(chatStats.createDate, stats.lastCreateDate) ?? stats.lastCreateDate;
stats.firstlastInteractionDate = minDate(chatStats.lastInteractionDate, stats.firstlastInteractionDate) ?? stats.firstlastInteractionDate;
stats.lastLastInteractionDate = maxDate(chatStats.lastInteractionDate, stats.lastLastInteractionDate) ?? stats.lastLastInteractionDate;
Object.entries(chatStats.genModels).forEach(([model, data]) => addModelUsage(stats.genModels, model, data.tokens, data.count));
// Update name (if it might have changed)
stats.charName = chatStats.charName || stats.charName;
stats.userName = chatStats.userName || stats.userName;
stats._calculated = now();
console.debug(`Successfully updated ${stats.charName}'s stats with chat '${chatStats.chatName}'`);
return true;
* Removes the given chat stats from the character stats
* Both removing the saved stats object and also "calculating it out" of all existing values
* @param {CharacterStats} stats - The stats of the character
* @param {ChatStats} chatStats - The chat stats to remove
* @returns {boolean} Whether existed and was removed
function removeChatFromCharStats(stats, chatStats) {
const index = stats.chatsStats.findIndex(x => x.chatName == chatStats.chatName);
if (index === -1) {
return false;
this.values.splice(index, 1);
stats.chatSize -= chatStats.chatSize;
stats.firstCreateDate = minDate(chatStats.createDate, stats.firstCreateDate) ?? stats.firstCreateDate;
stats.lastCreateDate = maxDate(chatStats.createDate, stats.lastCreateDate) ?? stats.lastCreateDate;
stats.firstlastInteractionDate = minDate(chatStats.lastInteractionDate, stats.firstlastInteractionDate) ?? stats.firstlastInteractionDate;
stats.lastLastInteractionDate = maxDate(chatStats.lastInteractionDate, stats.lastLastInteractionDate) ?? stats.lastLastInteractionDate;
Object.entries(chatStats.genModels).forEach(([model, data]) => removeModelUsage(stats.genModels, model, data.tokens, data.count));
console.debug(`Successfully removed old chat stats for chat ${chatStats.chatName}`);
return true;
* @param {string} characterKey
* @param {string} chatName
* @param {object[]} lines
* @param {{chatSize?: number}} [param0={}] - optional parameter that can be set when processing the chat
* @return {ChatStats?}
function processChat(characterKey, chatName, lines, { chatSize = 0 } = {}) {
if (!lines.length) {
console.warn('Processing chat file failed.');
return null;
/** @type {ChatStats} build the stats object first, then fill */
const stats = newChatStats(characterKey, chatName);
// Fill stats that we already can
stats.chatSize = chatSize;
/** @type {MessageStats?} Always remember the message before, for calculations */
let lastMessage = null;
// Process each message
for (const message of lines) {
// Check if this is the first message, the "data storage"
if (message.chat_metadata && message.create_date) {
stats.createDate = humanizedToDate(message.create_date) ?? stats.createDate;
stats.lastInteractionDate = stats.createDate;
stats.chatId = message.chat_metadata['chat_id_hash'];
const messageStats = processMessage(message);
// Update names to the latest message
stats.charName = messageStats.isChar ? : stats.charName;
stats.userName = messageStats.isUser ? : stats.userName;
stats.lastInteractionDate = maxDate(stats.lastInteractionDate, messageStats.sendDate, ...messageStats.genEndDates) ?? stats.lastInteractionDate;
// Aggregate chat stats for each message
// stats.chattingTime - is calculated at the end of message progressing
stats.messages += 1;
stats.systemMessages += message.is_system ? 1 : 0;
stats.userMessages += messageStats.isUser ? 1 : 0;
stats.charMessages += messageStats.isChar ? 1 : 0;
// If this is a user message, we calculate the response time from the last interaction of the message before
if (messageStats.isUser && lastMessage !== null) {
const lastInteractionBefore = lastMessage.genEndDates.sort().findLast(x => x < messageStats.sendDate) ?? lastMessage.sendDate;
const responseTime = calculateDuration(lastInteractionBefore, messageStats.sendDate);
stats.userWords.add(messageStats.isUser ? messageStats.words : null);
stats.charWords.add(messageStats.isChar ? messageStats.words : null);
Object.entries(messageStats.genModels).forEach(([model, data]) => addModelUsage(stats.genModels, model, data.tokens, data.count));
// Remember this as the last message, for time calculations
lastMessage = messageStats;
// Set up the final values for chat
stats.chattingTime = calculateDuration(stats.createDate, stats.lastInteractionDate);
stats._calculated = now();
return stats;
* Process a chat message and calculate relevant stats
* @param {MessageLine} message - The parsed json message line
* @returns {MessageStats}
function processMessage(message, name = null) {
/** @type {MessageStats} build the stats object first, then fill */
const stats = newMessageStats();
stats.isUser = message.is_user;
stats.isChar = !message.is_user && !message.is_system && (!name || == name);
stats.hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(message.mes).digest('hex');
// Count all additional swipes (this array stores the original message too)
stats.swipes = message.swipe_info?.length ? message.swipe_info.length - 1 : null;
// Use utility functions to process each message
stats.words = countWordsInString(message.mes);
stats.sendDate = new Date(timestampToMoment(message.send_date) ?? MIN_TIMESTAMP);
// Only calculate generation time and token count for model messages
if (!message.is_user) {
if (message.gen_started && message.gen_finished) {
stats.genTokenCount = message.extra?.token_count || 0;
stats.genTime = calculateDuration(message.gen_started, message.gen_finished);
stats.genEndDates.push((new Date(message.gen_finished)));
addModelUsage(stats.genModels, message.extra?.model, message.extra?.token_count);
// Sum up swipes. As swiping time counts everything that was not the last, final chosen message
// We also remember the highest timestamp for this message as the "last action"
message.swipe_info?.filter(x => x.gen_started !== message.gen_started && x.gen_started && x.gen_finished)
.forEach(swipeInfo => {
stats.genTokenCount = (stats.genTokenCount ?? 0) + message.extra?.token_count || 0;
const swipeGenTime = calculateDuration(swipeInfo.gen_started, swipeInfo.gen_finished);
stats.genTime = (stats.genTime ?? 0) + swipeGenTime;
stats.swipeGenTime = (stats.swipeGenTime ?? 0) + swipeGenTime;
stats.genEndDates.push((new Date(swipeInfo.gen_finished)));
addModelUsage(stats.genModels, swipeInfo.extra?.model, swipeInfo.extra?.token_count);
stats._calculated = now();
return stats;
/** @param {{[model: string]: { count: number, tokens: number}}} obj, @param {string} model, @param {number} tokens @param {number} count */
function addModelUsage(obj, model, tokens, count = 1) {
if (!model) return;
obj[model] ??= { count: 0, tokens: 0 };
obj[model].count += (count ?? 1);
obj[model].tokens += (tokens ?? 0);
/** @param {{[model: string]: { count: number, tokens: number}}} obj, @param {string} model, @param {number} tokens @param {number} count */
function removeModelUsage(obj, model, tokens, count = 1) {
if (!model || !obj[model]) return;
obj[model].count -= (count ?? 1);
obj[model].tokens -= (tokens ?? 0);
if (obj[model].count <= 0)
delete obj[model];
* Counts the number of words in a string.
* @param {string} str - The string to count words in.
* @returns {number} - The number of words in the string.
function countWordsInString(str) {
const words = Array.from(new Intl.Segmenter(STATS_LANGUAGE ?? 'en', { granularity: 'word' }).segment(str))
.filter(it => it.isWordLike);
return words.length;
* Creates a new, empty character stats object
* @param {string} characterKey - The character key
* @param {string} charName - The characters' name
* @returns {CharacterStats}
function newCharacterStats(characterKey = '', charName = '') {
return {
characterKey: characterKey,
charName: charName,
userName: '',
chats: 0,
chatSize: 0,
firstCreateDate: MAX_DATE,
lastCreateDate: MIN_DATE,
firstlastInteractionDate: MAX_DATE,
lastLastInteractionDate: MIN_DATE,
chattingTime: new AggregateStat(),
messages: new AggregateStat(),
systemMessages: new AggregateStat(),
userMessages: new AggregateStat(),
charMessages: new AggregateStat(),
genTime: new AggregateStat(),
genTokenCount: new AggregateStat(),
swipeGenTime: new AggregateStat(),
swipes: new AggregateStat(),
userResponseTime: new AggregateStat(),
words: new AggregateStat(),
userWords: new AggregateStat(),
charWords: new AggregateStat(),
perMessageGenTime: new AggregateStat(),
perMessageGenTokenCount: new AggregateStat(),
perMessageSwipeGenTime: new AggregateStat(),
perMessageSwipeCount: new AggregateStat(),
perMessageUserResponseTime: new AggregateStat(),
perMessageWords: new AggregateStat(),
perMessageUserWords: new AggregateStat(),
perMessageCharWords: new AggregateStat(),
genModels: {},
chatsStats: [],
_calculated: now(),
* Creates a new, empty chat stats object
* @param {string} characterKey - The character key
* @param {string} chatName - The chats' name
* @returns {ChatStats}
function newChatStats(characterKey, chatName) {
return {
characterKey: characterKey,
chatName: chatName,
chatId: 0,
charName: '',
userName: '',
chatSize: 0,
createDate: MAX_DATE,
lastInteractionDate: MIN_DATE,
chattingTime: 0,
messages: 0,
systemMessages: 0,
userMessages: 0,
charMessages: 0,
genTime: new AggregateStat(),
genTokenCount: new AggregateStat(),
swipeGenTime: new AggregateStat(),
swipes: new AggregateStat(),
userResponseTime: new AggregateStat(),
words: new AggregateStat(),
userWords: new AggregateStat(),
charWords: new AggregateStat(),
genModels: {},
messagesStats: [],
_calculated: now(),
* Creates a new, empty message stats object
* @returns {MessageStats}
function newMessageStats() {
return {
isUser: false,
isChar: false,
hash: '',
sendDate: MIN_DATE,
genTime: null,
genTokenCount: null,
swipeGenTime: null,
swipes: null,
words: 0,
genEndDates: [],
genModels: {},
_calculated: now(),
* Saves the current state of charStats to a file, only if the data has changed since the last save.
* @param {string?} [userHandle] - Optionally only save file for one user handle
async function saveStatsToFile(userHandle = null) {
const userHandles = userHandle ? [userHandle] : await getAllUserHandles();
for (const userHandle of userHandles) {
const userStats = getUserStats(userHandle);
if (userStats._calculated > lastSaveDate) {
try {
const directories = getUserDirectories(userHandle);
const statsFilePath = path.join(directories.root, STATS_FILE);
await writeFileAtomic(statsFilePath, JSON.stringify(userStats));
lastSaveDate = now();
} catch (error) {
console.log('Failed to save stats to file.', error);
const router = express.Router();
* @typedef {object} StatsRequestBody
* @property {boolean?} [global] - Whether the global stats are requested. If true, all other arguments are ignored
* @property {string?} [characterKey] - The character key for the character to request stats from
* @property {string?} [chatName] - The name of the chat file
* Handle a POST request to get the stats fromm
* This function returns the stats object that was calculated and updated based on the chats.
* Depending on the given request filter, it will either return global stats, character stats or chat stats.
* @param {Object} request - The HTTP request object.
* @param {Object} response - The HTTP response object.
* @returns {void}
*/'/get', jsonParser, function (request, response) {
const send = (data) => response.send(JSON.stringify(data ?? null));
/** @type {StatsRequestBody} */
const body = request.body;
const userHandle = request.user.profile.handle;
const userStats = getUserStats(userHandle);
if (!! {
return send(;
if (body.characterKey && body.chatName) {
return send(userStats.stats[body.characterKey]?.chatsStats.find(x => x.chatName == body.chatName));
if (body.characterKey) {
return send(userStats.stats[body.characterKey]);
// If no specific filter was requested, we send all stats back
return send(userStats);
* Triggers the recreation of statistics from chat files.
* - If successful: returns a 200 OK status.
* - On failure: returns a 500 Internal Server Error status.
* @param {Object} request - Express request object.
* @param {Object} response - Express response object.
*/'/recreate', jsonParser, async function (request, response) {
const send = (data) => response.send(JSON.stringify(data ?? {}));
/** @type {StatsRequestBody} */
const body = request.body;
const userHandle = request.user.profile.handle;
try {
if (body.characterKey) {
recreateCharacterStats(userHandle, body.characterKey);
return send(getUserStats(userHandle).stats[body.characterKey]);
await recreateStats(userHandle);
return send(getUserStats(userHandle));
} catch (error) {
return response.sendStatus(500);
module.exports = {