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import { waitUntilCondition } from "./utils.js";
const storageKey = "language";
export const localeData = await fetch("i18n.json").then(response => response.json());
export function applyLocale(root = document) {
const overrideLanguage = localStorage.getItem("language");
var language = overrideLanguage || navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;
language = language.toLowerCase();
//load the appropriate language file
if (localeData.lang.indexOf(language) < 0) language = "en";
const $root = root instanceof Document ? $(root) : $(new DOMParser().parseFromString(root, "text/html"));
//find all the elements with `data-i18n` attribute
$root.find("[data-i18n]").each(function () {
//read the translation from the language data
const keys = $(this).data("i18n").split(';'); // Multi-key entries are ; delimited
for (const key of keys) {
const attributeMatch = key.match(/\[(\S+)\](.+)/); // [attribute]key
if (attributeMatch) { // attribute-tagged key
const localizedValue = localeData?.[language]?.[attributeMatch[2]];
if (localizedValue) {
$(this).attr(attributeMatch[1], localizedValue);
} else { // No attribute tag, treat as 'text'
const localizedValue = localeData?.[language]?.[key];
if (localizedValue) {
if (root !== document) {
return $root.get(0).body.innerHTML;
function addLanguagesToDropdown() {
if (!Array.isArray(localeData?.lang)) {
for (const lang of localeData.lang) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = lang;
option.innerText = lang;
const selectedLanguage = localStorage.getItem(storageKey);
if (selectedLanguage) {
jQuery(async () => {
waitUntilCondition(() => !!localeData);
window["applyLocale"] = applyLocale;
$('#ui_language_select').on('change', async function () {
const language = $(this).val();
if (language) {
localStorage.setItem(storageKey, language);
} else {