
918 lines
59 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"clickslidertips": "单击滑块以手动输入值。",
"kobldpresets": "Kobold 预设",
"guikoboldaisettings": "KoboldAI 用户界面设置",
"novelaipreserts": "NovelAI 预设",
"openaipresets": "对话补全预设",
"text gen webio(ooba) presets": "WebUI(ooba) 预设",
"response legth(tokens)": "响应长度(以词符数计)",
"select": "选择",
"context size(tokens)": "上下文长度(以词符数计)",
"unlocked": "解锁",
"Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "请只选择支持上下文大小大于 4096 个词符的模型。除非您知道自己在做什么,否则不要增加此值。",
"rep.pen": "重复度惩罚",
"WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal❌ Disabled": "世界书条目状态:\n🔵 不变\n🟢 正常\n❌ 禁用",
"rep.pen range": "重复度惩罚范围",
"Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "温度控制词符选择中的随机性:\n- 低温(<1.0)导致更可预测的文本,优先选择高概率的词符。\n- 高温(>1.0)鼓励创造性和输出的多样性,更多地选择低概率的词符。\n将值设置为 1.0 以使用原始概率。",
"temperature": "温度",
"Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from": "Top K 设定了可以选择的最高概率词符的最大数量。",
"Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling)": "Top P又称核采样将所有高概率词符聚集在一起直到达到特定的百分比。\n换句话说如果前两个词符分别都有 25% 的概率,而 Top-P 为 0.50,那么只有这两个词符会被考虑。\n将这个值设置为 1.0 就相当于关闭了这个功能。",
"Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set": "典型P采样会根据词符与整体熵的平均差异来优先选择词符。\n那些累积概率接近特定阈值比如 0.5)的词符会被保留,这样就能区分出那些含有平均信息量的词符。\n将这个值设置为 1.0 就相当于关闭了这个功能。",
"Min P sets a base minimum probability": "Min P 设定了一个基础的最小概率,它会根据最高词符概率来进行优化。\n如果最高词符概率是 80%而Min P设定为 0.1那么只有那些概率高于8%的词符会被考虑。\n将这个值设置为 0 就相当于关闭了这个功能。",
"Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability": "Top A 设定了一个阈值,用于根据最高词符概率的平方来选择词符。\n如果 Top A 设定为 0.2,而最高词符概率是 50%,那么概率低于 5% 的词符会被排除0.2 * 0.5^2。\n将这个值设置为 0 就相当于关闭了这个功能。",
"Tail-Free Sampling (TFS)": "无尾采样TFS通过分析词符概率变化率以及二阶导数来搜索分布中概率较低的尾部词符\n词符会被保留到某个阈值例如 0.3),这取决于统一的二阶导数。\n这个值越接近 0被拒绝的词符数量就越多。将这个值设置为 1.0 就相当于关闭了这个功能。",
"Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled": "ε 截止设置了一个概率下限,低于该下限的词符将被排除在采样之外。\n以 1e-4 单位;合适的值为 3。将其设置为 0 以禁用。",
"Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "根据概率的变化动态地缩放每个词符的温度。",
"Minimum Temp": "最小温度",
"Maximum Temp": "最大温度",
"Exponent": "指数",
"Mirostat Mode": "Mirostat 模式",
"Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat τ",
"Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat η",
"Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs": "Mirostat 输出的变异性参数。",
"Learning rate of Mirostat": "Mirostat 的学习率。",
"Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS": "对比搜索正则化项的强度。 将值设置为 0 以禁用对比搜索。",
"Temperature Last": "温度放最后",
"Use the temperature sampler last": "温度采样器放到最后使用。 这通常是合理的。\n当启用时首先进行潜在词符的选择然后应用温度来修正它们的相对概率技术上是对数似然。\n当禁用时首先应用温度来修正所有词符的相对概率然后从中选择潜在词符。\n禁用此项可以增大分布在尾部的词符概率这可能加大得到不相关回复的几率。",
"LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only": "LLaMA / Mistral / Yi模型专用。首先确保您选择了适当的词符化器。\n这项设置决定了你不想在结果中看到的字符串。\n每行一个字符串。可以是文本或者[词符id]。\n许多词符以空格开头。如果不确定请使用词符计数器。",
"Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]": "例如:\n一些文本\n[42, 69, 1337]",
"Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon": "无分类器指导CFG。更多有用的提示敬请期待。",
"Scale": "缩放比例",
"GBNF Grammar": "GBNF 语法",
"Usage Stats": "使用统计",
"Click for stats!": "点击查看统计!",
"Backup": "备份",
"Backup your personas to a file": "将我的角色备份到文件中",
"Restore": "恢复",
"Restore your personas from a file": "从文件中恢复我的角色",
"Type in the desired custom grammar": "输入所需的自定义语法",
"Encoder Rep. Pen.": "编码器重复惩罚",
"Smoothing Factor": "平滑系数",
"No Repeat Ngram Size": "无重复n-gram大小",
"Min Length": "最小长度",
"OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "OpenAI 反向代理",
"Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "备用服务器 URL留空以使用默认值。",
"Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "在键入任何内容之前,从 API 面板中删除您的真实 OAI API 密钥",
"We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "我们无法为使用非官方 OpenAI 代理时遇到的问题提供支持",
"Legacy Streaming Processing": "旧版流式处理",
"Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "如果流式传输与您的代理不兼容,请启用此选项",
"Context Size (tokens)": "上下文长度(以词符数计)",
"Max Response Length (tokens)": "最大回复长度(以词符数计)",
"Temperature": "温度",
"Frequency Penalty": "频率惩罚",
"Presence Penalty": "存在惩罚",
"Top-p": "Top-p",
"Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "生成时显示机器人回复的文本片段",
"Top A": "Top A",
"Typical Sampling": "典型采样",
"Tail Free Sampling": "无尾采样",
"Rep. Pen. Slope": "重复度惩罚斜率",
"Single-line mode": "单行模式",
"Top K": "Top K",
"Top P": "Top P",
"Do Sample": "进行采样",
"Add BOS Token": "添加 BOS 词符",
"Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative": "在提示词的开头添加 bos_token。 禁用此功能可以使回复更具创意",
"Ban EOS Token": "禁止 EOS 词符",
"Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "禁止 eos_token。 这将强制模型永远不会提前结束生成",
"Skip Special Tokens": "跳过特殊词符",
"Beam search": "束搜索",
"Number of Beams": "束数量",
"Length Penalty": "长度惩罚",
"Early Stopping": "提前停止",
"Contrastive search": "对比搜索",
"Penalty Alpha": "惩罚系数 α",
"Seed": "种子",
"Epsilon Cutoff": "ε 截断",
"Eta Cutoff": "η 截断",
"Negative Prompt": "负面提示词",
"Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostatmode=1 仅用于 llama.cpp",
"Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity": "Mirostat 是输出困惑度的恒温器",
"Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "请在此处添加文本,以避免生成您不希望出现在输出中的内容。",
"Phrase Repetition Penalty": "短语重复度惩罚",
"Preamble": "序文",
"Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "使用样式标签修改输出的写作风格。",
"Banned Tokens": "禁用的词符",
"Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "您不希望出现在输出中的字符串。 每行一个。",
"AI Module": "AI 模块",
"Changes the style of the generated text.": "更改生成文本的样式。",
"Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "如果无分类器指导CFG缩放比例未在全局设置它将作用于每个聊天或每个角色",
"Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "将越狱提示词插入为最后一个系统消息。",
"This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "这告诉 AI 忽略其通常的内容限制。",
"NSFW Encouraged": "鼓励 NSFW",
"Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "告诉 AI NSFW 是允许的。",
"NSFW Prioritized": "优先考虑 NSFW",
"NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "NSFW 提示词文本首先出现在提示词中以强调其效果。",
"Streaming": "流式传输",
"Dynamic Temperature": "动态温度",
"Restore current preset": "恢复当前预设",
"Neutralize Samplers": "置采样器参数为失效值",
"Text Completion presets": "文本补全预设",
"Documentation on sampling parameters": "有关采样参数的文档",
"Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state.": "将所有采样器设置为失效/禁用状态。",
"Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens": "仅在您的模型支持大于4096个词符的上下文大小时启用此选项",
"Display the response bit by bit as it is generated": "逐位显示生成的响应",
"Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "每个请求仅生成一行仅限KoboldAIKoboldCpp不支持。",
"Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "禁止 EOS 词符用KoboldCpp会出现的词符可能还有其他用KoboldAI会出现的词符。",
"Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "适用于写故事,但不应该用于聊天和指导模式。",
"Enhance Definitions": "增强定义",
"Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "使用OpenAI知识库来增强对公众人物和已知虚构角色的定义",
"Wrap in Quotes": "用引号包裹",
"Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "在发送之前用引号包裹整个用户消息。",
"Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "如果您手动使用引号包裹对话,请忽略此项。",
"Main prompt": "主提示词",
"The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "用于设置模型行为的主提示词",
"NSFW prompt": "NSFW 提示词",
"Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "在 NSFW 开关打开时使用的提示词",
"Jailbreak prompt": "越狱提示词",
"Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "在越狱开关打开时使用的提示词",
"Impersonation prompt": "AI帮答提示词",
"Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "用于AI帮答功能的提示词",
"Logit Bias": "Logit 偏置",
"Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "有助于禁止或加强某些单词的使用",
"View / Edit bias preset": "查看/编辑偏置预设",
"Add bias entry": "添加偏置条目",
"Jailbreak activation message": "越狱启用消息",
"Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "自动越狱时发送的消息。",
"Jailbreak confirmation reply": "越狱确认回复",
"Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "机器人必须发送此内容以确认越狱",
"Character Note": "角色注释",
"Influences bot behavior in its responses": "影响机器人在其响应中的行为",
"Connect": "连接",
"Test Message": "发送测试消息",
"API": "API",
"KoboldAI": "KoboldAI",
"Use Horde": "使用Horde",
"API url": "API地址",
"PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine": "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine用于OpenAI API的包装器",
"Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "注册Horde帐户以加快排队时间",
"Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "了解如何将您的空闲 GPU 时钟周期贡献给 Horde",
"Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "根据工作单元能力调整上下文大小",
"Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "根据工作单元能力调整响应长度",
"API key": "API密钥",
"Tabby API key": "Tabby API密钥",
"Get it here:": "在此获取:",
"Register": "注册",
"TogetherAI Model": "TogetherAI模型",
"Example:": "示例127.0.0.1:5001",
"ggerganov/llama.cpp": "ggerganov/llama.cpp",
"Example:": "示例127.0.0.1:8080",
"Example:": "示例127.0.0.1:11434",
"Ollama Model": "Ollama模型",
"Download": "下载",
"TogetherAI API Key": "TogetherAI API密钥",
"-- Connect to the API --": "-- 连接到API --",
"View my Kudos": "查看我的荣誉",
"Enter": "输入",
"to use anonymous mode.": "以使用匿名模式。",
"For privacy reasons": "出于隐私考虑",
"Models": "模型",
"Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "按住 Control / Command 键选择多个模型。",
"Horde models not loaded": "Horde模型未加载",
"Not connected...": "未连接...",
"Novel API key": "Novel AI API密钥",
"Follow": "跟随",
"these directions": "这些说明",
"to get your NovelAI API key.": "以获取您的NovelAI API密钥。",
"Enter it in the box below": "在下面的框中输入",
"Novel AI Model": "Novel AI模型",
"If you are using:": "如果您正在使用:",
"oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "oobabooga/text-generation-webui",
"Make sure you run it with": "确保您在运行时加上",
"flag": "标志",
"API key (optional)": "API密钥可选",
"Server url": "服务器URL",
"Custom model (optional)": "自定义模型(可选)",
"Bypass API status check": "绕过API状态检查",
"Mancer AI": "Mancer AI",
"Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "使用API密钥仅Mancer需要",
"Blocking API url": "阻止API URL",
"Example:": "示例127.0.0.1:5000",
"Legacy API (pre-OAI, no streaming)": "传统APIOAI之前无流式传输",
"Bypass status check": "绕过状态检查",
"Streaming API url": "流式传输API地址",
"Example: ws://": "示例ws://",
"Mancer API key": "Mancer API密钥",
"Example:": "示例",
"to get your OpenAI API key.": "获取您的OpenAI API密钥。",
"Window AI Model": "Window AI模型",
"OpenAI Model": "OpenAI模型",
"Claude API Key": "Claude API密钥",
"Get your key from": "从以下位置获取您的密钥",
"Anthropic's developer console": "Anthropic的开发者控制台",
"Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "Slack和Poe的cookie在这里不起作用请不要尝试。",
"Claude Model": "Claude模型",
"Scale API Key": "Scale API密钥",
"Alt Method": "备用方法",
"AI21 API Key": "AI21 API密钥",
"AI21 Model": "AI21模型",
"View API Usage Metrics": "查看API使用情况",
"Show External models (provided by API)": "显示外部模型由API提供",
"Bot": "机器人",
"Allow fallback routes": "允许后备方案",
"Allow fallback routes Description": "如果所选模型无法响应您的请求,则自动选择备用模型。",
"OpenRouter API Key": "OpenRouter API密钥",
"Connect to the API": "连接到API",
"OpenRouter Model": "OpenRouter模型",
"View Remaining Credits": "查看剩余额度",
"Click Authorize below or get the key from": "点击下方授权或从以下位置获取密钥",
"Auto-connect to Last Server": "自动连接到上次的服务器",
"View hidden API keys": "查看隐藏的API密钥",
"Advanced Formatting": "高级格式化设置",
"Context Template": "上下文模板",
"AutoFormat Overrides": "自动格式覆盖",
"Disable description formatting": "禁用描述格式化",
"Disable personality formatting": "禁用人格格式化",
"Disable scenario formatting": "禁用情景格式化",
"Disable example chats formatting": "禁用示例聊天格式化",
"Disable chat start formatting": "禁用聊天开始格式化",
"Custom Chat Separator": "自定义聊天分隔符",
"Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "替换自定义停止字符串中的宏",
"Strip Example Messages from Prompt": "从提示词中删除示例消息",
"Story String": "故事字符串",
"Example Separator": "示例分隔符",
"Chat Start": "聊天开始",
"Activation Regex": "激活正则表达式",
"Instruct Mode": "指示模式",
"Wrap Sequences with Newline": "用换行符包裹序列",
"Include Names": "包括名称",
"Force for Groups and Personas": "强制适用于群聊和我的角色",
"System Prompt": "系统提示词",
"Instruct Mode Sequences": "指示模式序列",
"Input Sequence": "输入序列",
"Output Sequence": "输出序列",
"First Output Sequence": "第一个输出序列",
"Last Output Sequence": "最后一个输出序列",
"System Sequence Prefix": "系统序列前缀",
"System Sequence Suffix": "系统序列后缀",
"Stop Sequence": "停止序列",
"Context Formatting": "上下文格式",
"(Saved to Context Template)": "(已保存到上下文模板)",
"Tokenizer": "词符化器",
"None / Estimated": "无 / 估计",
"Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)",
"Token Padding": "词符填充",
"Save preset as": "另存预设为",
"Always add character's name to prompt": "始终将角色名称添加到提示词",
"Use as Stop Strings": "用作停止字符串",
"Bind to Context": "绑定到上下文",
"Generate only one line per request": "每次请求只生成一行",
"Misc. Settings": "其他设置",
"Auto-Continue": "自动继续",
"Collapse Consecutive Newlines": "折叠连续的换行符",
"Allow for Chat Completion APIs": "允许使用聊天补全API",
"Target length (tokens)": "目标长度(以词符数计)",
"Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "在提示词中保留示例消息",
"Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "从输出中删除空行",
"Disabled for all models": "对所有模型禁用",
"Automatic (based on model name)": "自动(基于模型名称)",
"Enabled for all models": "对所有模型启用",
"Anchors Order": "锚定顺序",
"Character then Style": "角色然后样式",
"Style then Character": "样式然后角色",
"Character Anchor": "角色锚点",
"Style Anchor": "样式锚点",
"World Info": "世界书",
"Scan Depth": "扫描深度",
"Case-Sensitive": "区分大小写",
"Match Whole Words": "匹配整个单词",
"Use global setting": "使用全局设置",
"Yes": "是",
"No": "否",
"Context %": "上下文百分比",
"Budget Cap": "Token预算上限",
"(0 = disabled)": "(0 = 禁用)",
"depth": "深度",
"Token Budget": "词符预算",
"budget": "预算",
"Recursive scanning": "递归扫描",
"None": "无",
"User Settings": "用户设置",
"UI Mode": "UI 模式",
"UI Language": "语言",
"MovingUI Preset": "可移动UI 预设",
"UI Customization": "UI 自定义",
"Avatar Style": "头像样式",
"Circle": "圆形",
"Rectangle": "矩形",
"Square": "正方形",
"Chat Style": "聊天样式",
"Default": "默认",
"Bubbles": "气泡",
"No Blur Effect": "禁用模糊效果",
"No Text Shadows": "禁用文本阴影",
"Waifu Mode": "视觉小说模式",
"Message Timer": "AI回复计时器",
"Model Icon": "模型图标",
"# of messages (0 = disabled)": "消息数量0 = 禁用)",
"Advanced Character Search": "高级角色搜索",
"Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "在机器人消息中允许 {{char}}",
"Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "在机器人消息中允许 {{user}}",
"Show tags in responses": "在响应中显示标签",
"Aux List Field": "辅助列表字段",
"Lorebook Import Dialog": "传说书导入对话框",
"MUI Preset": "可移动 UI 预设",
"If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "如果在高级角色定义中设置,此字段将显示在角色列表中。",
"Relaxed API URLS": "宽松的API URL",
"Custom CSS": "自定义 CSS",
"Default (oobabooga)": "默认oobabooga",
"Mancer Model": "Mancer 模型",
"API Type": "API 类型",
"Aphrodite API key": "Aphrodite API 密钥",
"Relax message trim in Groups": "放松群组中的消息修剪",
"Characters Hotswap": "角色卡快速热切换",
"Request token probabilities": "请求词符概率",
"Movable UI Panels": "可移动 UI 面板",
"Reset Panels": "重置面板",
"UI Colors": "UI 颜色",
"Main Text": "主要文本",
"Italics Text": "斜体文本",
"Quote Text": "引用文本",
"Shadow Color": "阴影颜色",
"FastUI BG": "FastUI 背景",
"Blur Tint": "模糊色调",
"Font Scale": "字体比例",
"Blur Strength": "模糊强度",
"Text Shadow Width": "文本阴影宽度",
"UI Theme Preset": "UI 主题预设",
"Power User Options": "高级用户选项",
"Swipes": "刷新回复按钮",
"Miscellaneous": "杂项",
"Theme Toggles": "主题切换",
"Background Sound Only": "仅背景声音",
"Auto-load Last Chat": "自动加载上次聊天",
"Auto-save Message Edits": "自动保存消息编辑",
"Auto-fix Markdown": "自动修复 Markdown",
"Allow : in bot messages": "在机器人消息中允许 :",
"Auto-scroll Chat": "自动滚动聊天",
"Render Formulas": "渲染公式",
"Send on Enter": "按 Enter 发送",
"Always disabled": "始终禁用",
"Automatic (desktop)": "自动(桌面)",
"Always enabled": "始终启用",
"Debug Menu": "调试菜单",
"Restore User Input": "恢复用户输入",
"Character Handling": "角色处理",
"Example Messages Behavior": "示例消息行为",
"Gradual push-out": "逐渐推出",
"Chat/Message Handling": "聊天/消息处理",
"Always include examples": "始终包含示例",
"Never include examples": "永远不包含示例",
"Forbid External Media": "禁止外部媒体",
"System Backgrounds": "系统背景",
"Name": "名称",
"Your Avatar": "您的头像",
"Extensions API:": "扩展API地址:",
"SillyTavern-extras": "SillyTavern扩展",
"Auto-connect": "自动连接",
"Active extensions": "启用扩展",
"Extension settings": "扩展设置",
"Description": "描述",
"First message": "第一条消息",
"Group Controls": "群聊控制",
"Group reply strategy": "群聊回复策略",
"Natural order": "自然顺序",
"List order": "列表顺序",
"Allow self responses": "允许自我回复",
"Auto Mode": "自动模式",
"Add Members": "添加成员",
"Current Members": "当前成员",
"text": "文本",
"Delete": "删除",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Advanced Defininitions": "高级定义",
"Personality summary": "个性摘要",
"A brief description of the personality": "个性的简要描述",
"Scenario": "情景",
"Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "对话的情况和背景",
"Talkativeness": "健谈度",
"How often the chracter speaks in": "角色在其中讲话的频率",
"group chats!": "群聊中!",
"Shy": "害羞",
"Normal": "普通",
"Chatty": "话多",
"Examples of dialogue": "对话示例",
"Forms a personality more clearly": "更清晰地形成个性",
"Save": "保存",
"World Info Editor": "世界书编辑器",
"New summary": "新摘要",
"Export": "导出",
"Delete World": "删除世界",
"Chat History": "聊天记录",
"Group Chat Scenario Override": "群聊情景覆盖",
"All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "所有群聊成员将使用以下情景文本,而不是在其角色卡中指定的内容。",
"Keywords": "关键词",
"Separate with commas": "用逗号分隔",
"Secondary Required Keywords": "第二个必需关键词",
"Content": "内容",
"What this keyword should mean to the AI": "这个关键词对 AI 的含义",
"Memo/Note": "备忘录/注释",
"Not sent to AI": "不发送给 AI",
"Constant": "不变",
"Selective": "选择性",
"Before Char": "角色定义之前",
"After Char": "角色定义之后",
"Insertion Order": "插入顺序",
"Tokens:": "词符:",
"Disable": "禁用",
"${characterName}": "${角色名称}",
"CHAR": "角色",
"is typing": "正在输入...",
"Back to parent chat": "返回到父级聊天",
"Save bookmark": "保存书签",
"Convert to group": "转换为群聊",
"Start new chat": "开始新聊天",
"View past chats": "查看过去的聊天记录",
"Delete messages": "删除消息",
"Impersonate": "AI 帮答",
"Regenerate": "重新生成",
"PNG": "PNG",
"presets": "预设",
"Message Sound": "消息声音",
"Author's Note": "作者注释",
"Send Jailbreak": "发送越狱",
"Replace empty message": "替换空消息",
"Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "当文本框为空时,发送此文本而不是空白。",
"NSFW avoidance prompt": "禁止 NSFW 提示词",
"Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "NSFW 开关关闭时使用的提示词",
"Advanced prompt bits": "高级提示词片段",
"World Info format": "世界信息格式",
"Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "在插入到提示词之前包装激活的世界信息条目。使用 {0} 标记内容插入的位置。",
"Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "AI可见的最大上下文长度",
"Chat Completion Source": "聊天补全来源",
"Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "避免向 Horde 发送敏感信息。",
"Review the Privacy statement": "查看隐私声明",
"Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "了解如何将您的空闲 GPU 时钟周期贡献给 Horde",
"Trusted workers only": "仅信任的工作单元",
"For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "出于隐私原因,重新加载页面后您的 API 密钥将被隐藏。",
"-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- Horde 模型未加载 --",
"Example: ": "示例http://",
"No connection...": "没有连接...",
"Get your NovelAI API Key": "获取您的 NovelAI API 密钥",
"KoboldAI Horde": "KoboldAI Horde",
"Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "Text Gen WebUIooba",
"NovelAI": "NovelAI",
"Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "对话补全OpenAI、Claude、Window/OpenRouter、Scale",
"OpenAI API key": "OpenAI API 密钥",
"Trim spaces": "修剪空格",
"Trim Incomplete Sentences": "修剪不完整的句子",
"Include Newline": "包括换行符",
"Non-markdown strings": "非 Markdown 字符串",
"Replace Macro in Sequences": "替换序列中的宏",
"Presets": "预设",
"Separator": "分隔符",
"Start Reply With": "以...开始回复",
"Show reply prefix in chat": "在聊天中显示回复前缀",
"Worlds/Lorebooks": "世界书/传说书",
"Active World(s)": "当前启用的世界书",
"Activation Settings": "启用配置",
"Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "角色世界书条目插入策略",
"Sorted Evenly": "均匀排序",
"Active World(s) for all chats": "已启用的世界书(全局有效)",
"-- World Info not found --": "-- 未找到世界书 --",
"--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- 选择以编辑 ---",
"or": "或",
"New": "新建",
"Priority": "优先级",
"Custom": "自定义",
"Title A-Z": "标题 A-Z",
"Title Z-A": "标题 Z-A",
"Tokens ↗": "词符 ↗",
"Tokens ↘": "词符 ↘",
"Depth ↗": "深度 ↗",
"Depth ↘": "深度 ↘",
"Order ↗": "顺序 ↗",
"Order ↘": "顺序 ↘",
"UID ↗": "UID ↗",
"UID ↘": "UID ↘",
"Trigger% ↗": "触发频率% ↗",
"Trigger% ↘": "触发频率% ↘",
"Order:": "顺序:",
"Depth:": "深度:",
"Character Lore First": "角色世界书优先",
"Global Lore First": "全局世界书优先",
"Recursive Scan": "递归扫描",
"Case Sensitive": "区分大小写",
"Alert On Overflow": "溢出警报",
"World/Lore Editor": "世界书编辑器",
"--- None ---": "--- 无 ---",
"Comma seperated (ignored if empty)": "逗号分隔(如果为空则忽略)",
"Use Probability": "使用概率",
"Exclude from recursion": "从递归中排除",
"Entry Title/Memo": "条目标题/备忘录",
"Position:": "位置:",
"T_Position": "↑Char在角色定义之前\n↓Char在角色定义之后\n↑AN在作者注释之前\n↓AN在作者注释之后\n@D在深度D处",
"Before Char Defs": "角色定义之前",
"After Char Defs": "角色定义之后",
"Before AN": "作者注释之前",
"After AN": "作者注释之后",
"at Depth": "在深度",
"Order": "顺序:",
"Probability:": "概率:",
"Update a theme file": "更新主题文件",
"Save as a new theme": "另存为新主题",
"Minimum number of blacklisted words detected to trigger an auto-swipe": "触发自动滑动刷新回复所需检测到的最少违禁词数量。",
"Delete Entry": "删除条目",
"User Message Blur Tint": "用户消息模糊色调",
"AI Message Blur Tint": "AI 消息模糊色调",
"Chat Backgrounds": "聊天背景",
"Chat Background": "聊天背景",
"UI Background": "UI 背景",
"Mad Lab Mode": "疯狂实验室模式",
"Show Message Token Count": "显示消息词符数",
"Compact Input Area (Mobile)": "紧凑输入区域(移动端)",
"Zen Sliders": "禅意滑块",
"UI Border": "UI 边框",
"Chat Style:": "聊天风格:",
"Chat Width (PC)": "聊天宽度PC",
"Chat Timestamps": "聊天时间戳",
"Tags as Folders": "标签作为文件夹",
"Chat Truncation": "聊天截断",
"(0 = unlimited)": "(0 = 无限制)",
"Streaming FPS": "流式传输帧速率",
"Gestures": "手势",
"Message IDs": "显示消息编号",
"Prefer Character Card Prompt": "角色卡提示词优先",
"Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "角色卡越狱优先",
"Press Send to continue": "按发送键以继续",
"Quick 'Continue' button": "快速“继续”按钮",
"Log prompts to console": "将提示词记录到控制台",
"Never resize avatars": "永不调整头像大小",
"Show avatar filenames": "显示头像文件名",
"Import Card Tags": "导入卡片标签",
"Confirm message deletion": "删除消息前确认",
"Spoiler Free Mode": "隐藏角色卡信息",
"Auto-swipe": "自动滑动",
"Minimum generated message length": "生成的消息的最小长度",
"Blacklisted words": "黑名单词语",
"Blacklisted word count to swipe": "触发滑动的黑名单词语数量",
"Reload Chat": "重新加载聊天",
"Search Settings": "搜索设置",
"Disabled": "已禁用",
"Automatic (PC)": "自动PC",
"Enabled": "已启用",
"Simple": "简单",
"Advanced": "高级",
"Disables animations and transitions": "禁用动画和过渡效果",
"removes blur from window backgrounds": "从窗口背景中移除模糊效果",
"Remove text shadow effect": "移除文本阴影效果",
"Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window": "缩小聊天窗口的高度,并在聊天窗口后面放置一个固定的精灵图像。",
"Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'": "始终显示聊天消息的操作菜单完整列表,而不是将它们隐藏在“...”后面",
"Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps": "为数值采样参数提供一个步骤更少的替代用户界面。",
"Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters": "完全解除所有数字采样参数的限制",
"Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log": "对 AI 生成消息的时间进行计时,并在聊天记录中显示持续时间。",
"Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log": "在聊天日志中为每条消息显示时间戳",
"Show an icon for the API that generated the message": "为生成消息的API显示图标",
"Show sequential message numbers in the chat log": "在聊天日志中显示连续的消息编号",
"Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log": "在聊天日志中显示每条消息中的词符数",
"Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "单行消息输入区域。仅适用于移动设备对PC无影响",
"In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters": "在角色管理面板中,显示快速选择按钮以选择收藏的角色",
"Show tagged character folders in the character list": "在角色列表中显示已标记的角色文件夹",
"Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "当消息生成完成时播放声音",
"Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "仅在ST的浏览器选项卡未聚焦时播放声音",
"Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs": "减少API URL的格式化要求",
"Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead": "询问是否为每个具有嵌入的世界书的新角色导入世界书。如果未选中,则会显示简短的消息",
"Restore unsaved user input on page refresh": "在页面刷新时恢复未保存的用户输入",
"Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile": "允许通过拖动重新定位某些UI元素。仅适用于PC对移动设备无影响",
"MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions": "可移动UI预设。预定义/保存的可拖动位置",
"Save movingUI changes to a new file": "将可移动UI更改保存到新文件中",
"Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI": "将自定义CSS样式应用于所有ST GUI",
"Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring": "使用模糊匹配,在列表中通过所有数据字段搜索字符,而不仅仅是名称子字符串",
"If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead": "如果角色卡包含提示词,则使用它替代系统提示词",
"If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead": "如果角色卡包含越狱(后置历史记录指令),则使用它替代系统越狱",
"Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600": "避免裁剪和放大导入的角色图像。关闭时,裁剪/放大为400x600",
"Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only": "在角色列表显示中,显示磁盘上实际的文件名。",
"Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored": "在导入角色时提示词导入嵌入式卡片标签。否则,嵌入式标签将被忽略",
"Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button": "在编辑器面板中,将角色定义隐藏在一个剧透按钮后面。",
"Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message": "在输入区域中显示一个按钮询问AI是否继续延长其上一条消息",
"Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile": "在聊天窗口的最后一条信息上显示箭头按钮以生成AI的其他回复选项。适用于电脑和手机端。",
"Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "允许在最后一条聊天消息上使用滑动手势触发滑动生成。仅适用于移动设备对PC无影响",
"Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type": "在键入时保存对消息的编辑而无需确认",
"Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX": "在聊天消息中渲染LaTeX和AsciiMath方程式符号。由KaTeX提供支持",
"Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages": "在聊天消息中禁止来自其他域的嵌入式媒体",
"Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown": "跳过消息文本中的编码和字符允许一部分HTML标记以及Markdown",
"Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members": "允许组中的AI消息包含其他组成员说的话",
"Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": "从API请求对数概率数据用于实现词符概率功能。",
"Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria": "根据可配置的条件自动拒绝并重新生成AI消息",
"Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled": "启用自动滑动功能。仅当启用自动滑动时,本节中的设置才会生效",
"If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe": "如果生成的消息短于此长度,则触发自动滑动",
"Reload and redraw the currently open chat": "重新加载并重新渲染当前打开的聊天",
"Auto-Expand Message Actions": "自动展开消息操作菜单",
"Not Connected": "未连接",
"Persona Management": "人设管理",
"Persona Description": "人设描述",
"Your Persona": "您的人设",
"Show notifications on switching personas": "切换人设时显示通知",
"Blank": "空白",
"In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "在故事字符串/聊天补全模式中:在角色卡之前",
"In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "在故事字符串/聊天补全模式中:在角色卡之后",
"In Story String / Prompt Manager": "在故事字符串/提示词管理器中",
"Top of Author's Note": "作者注的顶部",
"Bottom of Author's Note": "作者注的底部",
"How do I use this?": "怎样使用?",
"More...": "更多...",
"Link to World Info": "链接到世界书",
"Import Card Lore": "导入人物卡的世界书",
"Scenario Override": "场景覆盖",
"Rename": "重命名",
"Character Description": "角色描述",
"Creator's Notes": "创作者的注释",
"A-Z": "A-Z",
"Z-A": "Z-A",
"Newest": "最新",
"Oldest": "最旧",
"Favorites": "收藏夹",
"Recent": "最近",
"Most chats": "最多聊天",
"Least chats": "最少聊天",
"Back": "返回",
"Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "提示词覆盖适用于OpenAI/Claude/Scale API、Window/OpenRouter和指令模式",
"Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "将{{original}}插入到任一框中,以包含系统设置中的相应默认提示词。",
"Main Prompt": "主要提示词",
"Jailbreak": "越狱",
"Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "创作者的元数据不与AI提示词一起发送",
"Everything here is optional": "这里的一切都是可选的",
"Created by": "创作者",
"Character Version": "角色版本",
"Tags to Embed": "嵌入的标签",
"How often the character speaks in group chats!": "角色在群聊中说话的频率!",
"Important to set the character's writing style.": "设置角色的写作风格,很重要!",
"ATTENTION!": "注意!",
"Samplers Order": "采样器顺序",
"Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "采样器将按自上而下的顺序应用。请谨慎使用。",
"Repetition Penalty": "重复度惩罚",
"Rep. Pen. Range.": "重复度惩罚范围。",
"Rep. Pen. Freq.": "频率重复度惩罚",
"Rep. Pen. Presence": "存在重复度惩罚",
"Enter it in the box below:": "在下面的框中输入它:",
"separate with commas w/o space between": "用逗号分隔,不要空格",
"Document": "文档",
"Suggest replies": "建议回复",
"Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "显示建议的回复。并非所有机器人都支持此功能。",
"Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "使用“解锁上下文”以启用分块生成。",
"It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "它通过牺牲回复生成的速度来扩展上下文窗口。",
"Continue": "继续",
"CFG Scale": "CFG缩放",
"Editing:": "编辑:",
"AI reply prefix": "AI回复前缀",
"Custom Stopping Strings": "自定义停止字符串",
"JSON serialized array of strings": "JSON序列化的字符串数组",
"words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "不想生成的单词,用逗号','分隔",
"Extensions URL": "扩展URL",
"API Key": "API密钥",
"Enter your name": "输入您的名字",
"Name this character": "为这个角色命名",
"Search / Create Tags": "搜索/创建标签",
"Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "在这里描述您角色的身体和精神特征。",
"This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "这将是角色在每次聊天开始时发送的第一条消息。",
"Chat Name (Optional)": "聊天名称(可选)",
"Filter...": "过滤...",
"Search...": "搜索...",
"Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "此处的任何内容都将替换用于此角色的默认主提示词。v2规范system_prompt",
"Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "此处的任何内容都将替换用于此角色的默认越狱提示词。v2规范post_history_instructions",
"(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(机器人制作者的姓名/联系信息)",
"(If you want to track character versions)": "(如果您想跟踪角色版本)",
"(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(描述机器人,提供使用技巧,或列出已经测试过的聊天模型。这将显示在角色列表中。)",
"(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(编写一个以逗号分隔的标签列表。)",
"(A brief description of the personality)": "(性格的简要描述)",
"(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(交互的情况和背景)",
"(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(聊天对话的示例,每个示例都另起一行以<START>开头。)",
"Injection text (supports parameters)": "注入文本(支持参数)",
"Injection depth": "注入深度",
"Type here...": "在此处输入...",
"Comma separated (required)": "逗号分隔(必填)",
"Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "逗号分隔(如果为空则忽略)",
"What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "这个关键词对AI的含义逐字发送",
"Filter to Character(s)": "应用到角色",
"Character Exclusion": "反选角色",
"Inclusion Group": "包含群组",
"Only one entry with the same label will be activated": "只有一个带有相同标签的条目将被激活",
"-- Characters not found --": "-- 未找到角色 --",
"Not sent to the AI": "不发送到AI",
"(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(这将是角色在每次聊天开始时发送的第一条消息。)",
"Not connected to API!": "未连接到API",
"AI Response Configuration": "AI响应配置",
"AI Configuration panel will stay open": "AI配置面板将保持打开",
"Update current preset": "更新当前预设",
"Create new preset": "创建新预设",
"Import preset": "导入预设",
"Export preset": "导出预设",
"Delete the preset": "删除预设",
"Auto-select this preset for Instruct Mode": "在指示模式下自动选择此预设",
"Auto-select this preset on API connection": "在API连接时自动选择此预设",
"NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "结果提示词中NSFW部分放在最前面",
"Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "启用OpenAI文本补全流式传输",
"Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "在发送之前将用户消息用引号括起来",
"Restore default prompt": "恢复默认提示词",
"New preset": "新预设",
"Delete preset": "删除预设",
"Restore default jailbreak": "恢复默认越狱",
"Restore default reply": "恢复默认回复",
"Restore defaul note": "恢复默认备注",
"API Connections": "API连接",
"Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "可以通过仅排队批准的工作单元来帮助处理不良回复。这可能会减慢回复速度。",
"Clear your API key": "清除您的API密钥",
"Refresh models": "刷新模型",
"Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to": "使用OAuth流程获取您的OpenRouter API令牌。您将被重定向到",
"Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "通过发送简短的测试消息验证您的API连接。请注意您将因此而消耗额度",
"Create New": "新建",
"Edit": "编辑",
"Locked = World Editor will stay open": "锁定 = 世界编辑器将保持打开状态",
"Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "条目可以通过提及它们的关键字来激活其他条目",
"Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "在上下文中查找条目键将保持大小写敏感",
"If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "如果条目键只由一个单词组成,则不会作为其他单词的一部分匹配",
"Open all Entries": "打开所有条目",
"Close all Entries": "关闭所有条目",
"Create": "创建",
"Import World Info": "导入世界书",
"Export World Info": "导出世界书",
"Delete World Info": "删除世界书",
"Duplicate World Info": "复制世界书",
"Rename World Info": "重命名世界书",
"Refresh": "刷新",
"Primary Keywords": "主要关键字",
"Logic": "逻辑",
"AND ANY": "与任意",
"AND ALL": "与所有",
"NOT ALL": "非所有",
"NOT ANY": "非任何",
"Optional Filter": "可选过滤器",
"New Entry": "新条目",
"Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords": "使用关键字填充空的备忘录/标题",
"Save changes to a new theme file": "将更改保存到新的主题文件",
"removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "消除模糊并为div使用替代背景颜色",
"AI Response Formatting": "AI响应格式化",
"Change Background Image": "更改背景图片",
"Extensions": "扩展",
"Click to set a new User Name": "点击设置新的用户名",
"Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "单击以将您选择的我的角色锁定到当前聊天。再次单击以移除锁定。",
"Click to set user name for all messages": "点击为所有消息设置用户名",
"Create a dummy persona": "创建空人设",
"Character Management": "角色管理",
"Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "锁定 = 角色管理面板将保持打开状态",
"Select/Create Characters": "选择/创建角色",
"Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "词符计数可能不准确,仅供参考。",
"Click to select a new avatar for this character": "单击以为此角色选择新的头像",
"Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]": "示例:[{{user}}是一个28岁的罗马尼亚猫娘。]",
"Toggle grid view": "切换网格视图",
"Add to Favorites": "添加到收藏夹",
"Advanced Definition": "高级定义",
"Character Lore": "角色世界书",
"Export and Download": "导出并下载",
"Duplicate Character": "创建角色副本",
"Create Character": "创建角色",
"Delete Character": "删除角色",
"View all tags": "查看所有标签",
"Click to set additional greeting messages": "单击以设置其他问候消息",
"Show / Hide Description and First Message": "显示/隐藏描述和第一条消息",
"Click to select a new avatar for this group": "单击以为该群组选择新的头像",
"Set a group chat scenario": "设置群组聊天场景",
"Restore collage avatar": "恢复拼贴头像",
"Create New Character": "新建角色",
"Import Character from File": "从文件导入角色",
"Import content from external URL": "从外部URL导入内容",
"Create New Chat Group": "创建新的聊天群组",
"Characters sorting order": "角色排序顺序",
"Add chat injection": "添加聊天注入",
"Remove injection": "移除注入",
"Remove": "移除",
"Select a World Info file for": "为...选择一个世界书文件",
"Primary Lorebook": "主要世界书",
"A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "所选的世界书将会于该角色绑定,作为该角色自己的世界书",
"When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "在生成AI回复时它将与全局世界书选择器中的条目相结合。",
"Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "导出角色还将导出嵌入在JSON数据中的所选世界书文件。",
"Additional Lorebooks": "附加世界书",
"Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "将一个或多个辅助世界书与此角色关联。",
"NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "注意:这些选项是可选的,并且不会在角色导出时被一并导出!",
"Rename chat file": "重命名聊天文件",
"Export JSONL chat file": "导出JSONL聊天文件",
"Download chat as plain text document": "将聊天下载为纯文本文档",
"Delete chat file": "删除聊天文件",
"Delete tag": "删除标签",
"Translate message": "翻译消息",
"Generate Image": "生成图片",
"Narrate": "叙述",
"Prompt": "提示词",
"Create Bookmark": "创建书签",
"Copy": "复制",
"Open bookmark chat": "打开书签聊天",
"Confirm": "确认",
"Copy this message": "复制此消息",
"Delete this message": "删除此消息",
"Move message up": "将消息上移",
"Move message down": "将消息下移",
"Enlarge": "放大",
"Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "暂时禁用此角色的自动回复",
"Enable automatic replies from this character": "启用此角色的自动回复",
"Trigger a message from this character": "从此角色触发消息",
"Move up": "向上移动",
"Move down": "向下移动",
"View character card": "查看角色卡片",
"Remove from group": "从群组中移除",
"Add to group": "添加到群组中",
"Add": "添加",
"Abort request": "中止请求",
"Send a message": "发送消息",
"Ask AI to write your message for you": "请求AI为您撰写消息",
"Continue the last message": "继续上一条消息",
"Bind user name to that avatar": "将用户名称绑定到该头像",
"Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "选择此项作为新聊天的默认人设。",
"Change persona image": "更改人设头像",
"Delete persona": "删除人设",
"Reduced Motion": "减少动态效果",
"Auto-select": "自动选择",
"Automatically select a background based on the chat context": "根据聊天上下文自动选择背景",
"Filter": "搜索",
"Exclude message from prompts": "从提示词中排除消息",
"Include message in prompts": "将消息包含在提示词中",
"Create checkpoint": "创建检查点",
"Create Branch": "创建分支",
"Embed file or image": "嵌入文件或图像",
"UI Theme": "UI主题",
"This message is invisible for the AI": "此消息对AI不可见",
"Sampler Priority": "采样器优先级",
"Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "确定采样器的顺序仅适用于Ooba",
"Load default order": "加载默认顺序",
"Max Tokens Second": "每秒最大词符数",
"CFG": "CFG",
"No items": "无项目",
"Extras API key (optional)": "扩展API密钥可选",
"Notify on extension updates": "在扩展更新时通知",
"Toggle character grid view": "切换角色网格视图",
"Bulk edit characters": "批量编辑角色",
"Bulk delete characters": "批量删除角色",
"Favorite characters to add them to HotSwaps": "收藏角色以将它们添加到快速热切换区",
"Underlined Text": "下划线文本",
"Token Probabilities": "词符概率",
"Close chat": "关闭聊天",
"Manage chat files": "管理聊天文件",
"Import Extension From Git Repo": "从Git存储库导入扩展",
"Install extension": "安装扩展",
"Manage extensions": "管理扩展",
"Tokens persona description": "人设描述词符数",
"Most tokens": "最多词符",
"Least tokens": "最少词符",
"Random": "随机",
"Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "跳过示例对话格式化",
"Import a theme file": "导入主题文件",
"Export a theme file": "导出主题文件",
"Unlocked Context Size": "解锁上下文长度",
"Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "随着响应的生成,逐步显示结果。",
"When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "当此选项关闭时,响应将在完成后一次性显示。",
"Quick Prompts Edit": "快速提示词编辑",
"Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "启用OpenAI文本补全流式传输",
"Main": "主要",
"Utility Prompts": "实用提示词",
"Add character names": "添加角色名称",
"Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "在消息对象中发送名称。有助于模型将消息与角色关联起来。",
"Continue prefill": "继续预填充",
"Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "继续发送的是作为助手角色的最后一条消息,而不是带有指示的系统消息。",
"Squash system messages": "压缩系统消息",
"Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "将连续的系统消息合并为一条(不包括示例对话),可能会提高一些模型的连贯性。",
"Send inline images": "发送内联图像",
"Assistant Prefill": "助手预填充",
"Start Claude's answer with...": "以如下内容开始Claude的回答...",
"Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "使用系统提示词仅适用于Claude 2.1+",
"Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "为支持的模型发送系统提示词。如果禁用,则用户消息将添加到提示词的开头。",
"Prompts": "提示词",
"Total Tokens:": "总词符数:",
"Insert prompt": "插入提示词",
"Delete prompt": "删除提示词",
"Import a prompt list": "导入提示词列表",
"Export this prompt list": "导出此提示词列表",
"Reset current character": "重置当前角色",
"New prompt": "新提示词",
"Tokens": "词符数",
"Want to update?": "获取最新版本",
"How to start chatting?": "如何快速开始聊天?",
"Click": "点击",
"and select a": "并选择一个",
"Chat API": "聊天API",
"and pick a character": "并选择一个角色",
"in the chat bar": "在聊天框中",
"Confused or lost?": "获取更多帮助?",
"click these icons!": "点击这些图标!",
"SillyTavern Documentation Site": "SillyTavern帮助文档",
"Extras Installation Guide": "扩展安装指南",
"Still have questions?": "仍有疑问?",
"Join the SillyTavern Discord": "加入SillyTavern Discord",
"Post a GitHub issue": "发布GitHub问题",
"Contact the developers": "联系开发人员",
"Nucleus Sampling": "核采样",
"Typical P": "典型P",
"Top K Sampling": "Top K 采样",
"Top A Sampling": "Top A 采样",
"Off": "关闭",
"Very light": "非常轻",
"Light": "轻",
"Medium": "中",
"Aggressive": "激进",
"Very aggressive": "非常激进",
"Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique.&#13;In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3.&#13;Set to 0 to disable.&#13;See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "η截止是特殊η采样技术的主要参数。&#13;以1e-4为单位合理的值为3。&#13;设置为0以禁用。&#13;有关详细信息请参阅Hewitt等人的论文《Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing》2022年。",
"Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "了解如何将您的空闲GPU时钟周期共享给Horde",
"Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "通过其API为Google模型使用适当的词符化器。处理速度较慢但提供更准确的词符计数。",
"Load koboldcpp order": "加载koboldcpp顺序",
"Use Google Tokenizer": "使用Google词符化器"