
552 lines
16 KiB
Raw Blame History

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@echo off
REM --------------------------------------------
REM This script was created by: Deffcolony
REM --------------------------------------------
title SillyTavern Launcher
REM ANSI Escape Code for Colors
set "reset="
REM Strong Foreground Colors
set "white_fg_strong="
set "red_fg_strong="
set "green_fg_strong="
set "yellow_fg_strong="
set "blue_fg_strong="
set "magenta_fg_strong="
set "cyan_fg_strong="
REM Normal Background Colors
set "red_bg="
set "blue_bg="
REM Environment Variables (TOOLBOX 7-Zip)
set "zip7version=7z2301-x64"
set "zip7_install_path=%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip"
set "zip7_download_path=%TEMP%\%zip7version%.exe"
REM Environment Variables (TOOLBOX FFmpeg)
set "ffmpeg_url="
set "ffdownload_path=%TEMP%\ffmpeg.7z"
set "ffextract_path=C:\ffmpeg"
set "bin_path=%ffextract_path%\bin"
REM Environment Variables (TOOLBOX Node.js)
set "node_installer_path=%temp%\NodejsInstaller.msi"
REM Environment Variables (winget)
set "winget_path=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps"
REM Check if Winget is installed; if not, then install it
winget --version > nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO]%reset% Winget is not installed on this system.
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO]%reset% Installing Winget...
bitsadmin /transfer "Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe" /download /priority FOREGROUND "" "%temp%\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle"
start "" "%temp%\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle"
echo %green_fg_strong%Winget is now installed.%reset%
) else (
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO] Winget is already installed.%reset%
rem Get the current PATH value from the registry
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Environment" /v PATH') do set "current_path=%%B"
rem Check if the paths are already in the current PATH
echo %current_path% | find /i "%winget_path%" > nul
set "ff_path_exists=%errorlevel%"
rem Append the new paths to the current PATH only if they don't exist
if %ff_path_exists% neq 0 (
set "new_path=%current_path%;%winget_path%"
rem Update the PATH value in the registry
reg add "HKCU\Environment" /v PATH /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%new_path%" /f
rem Update the PATH value for the current session
setx PATH "%new_path%" > nul
echo %green_fg_strong%winget added to PATH.%reset%
) else (
set "new_path=%current_path%"
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO] winget already exists in PATH.%reset%
REM Check if Git is installed if not then install git
git --version > nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo %yellow_fg_strong%[WARN] Git is not installed on this system.%reset%
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO]%reset% Installing Git using Winget...
winget install -e --id Git.Git
echo %green_fg_strong%Git is installed. Please restart the Launcher.%reset%
) else (
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO] Git is already installed.%reset%
REM Check for updates
git fetch origin
for /f %%i in ('git rev-list HEAD...origin/%current_branch%') do (
set "update_status=%yellow_fg_strong%Update Available%reset%"
goto :found_update
set "update_status=%green_fg_strong%Up to Date%reset%"
REM Home - frontend
echo %blue_fg_strong%/ Home%reset%
echo -------------------------------------
echo What would you like to do?
echo 1. Start SillyTavern
echo 2. Update
echo 3. Switch to release branch
echo 4. Switch to staging branch
echo 5. Backup
echo 6. Toolbox
echo 7. Exit
REM Get the current Git branch
for /f %%i in ('git branch --show-current') do set current_branch=%%i
echo ======== VERSION STATUS =========
echo Current branch: %cyan_fg_strong%%current_branch%%reset%
echo Update Status: %update_status%
echo =================================
set /p choice=Choose Your Destiny:
REM Home - backend
if "%choice%"=="1" (
call :start
) else if "%choice%"=="2" (
call :update
) else if "%choice%"=="3" (
call :switch_release
) else if "%choice%"=="4" (
call :switch_staging
) else if "%choice%"=="5" (
call :backup_menu
) else if "%choice%"=="6" (
call :toolbox
) else if "%choice%"=="7" (
) else (
color 6
echo WARNING: Invalid number. Please insert a valid number.
goto :home
REM Check if Node.js is installed
node --version > nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo %red_fg_strong%[ERROR] node command not found in PATH%reset%
echo %red_bg%Please make sure Node.js is installed and added to your PATH.%reset%
echo %blue_bg%To install Node.js go to Toolbox%reset%
goto :home
echo Launching SillyTavern...
pushd %~dp0
call npm install --no-audit
node server.js
goto :home
echo Updating...
pushd %~dp0
REM Check if git is installed
git --version > nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo %red_fg_strong%[ERROR] git command not found in PATH. Skipping update.%reset%
echo %red_bg%Please make sure Git is installed and added to your PATH.%reset%
echo %blue_bg%To install Git go to Toolbox%reset%
) else (
call git pull --rebase --autostash
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
REM incase there is still something wrong
echo There were errors while updating. Please download the latest version manually.
goto :home
REM Check if git is installed
git --version > nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo %red_fg_strong%[ERROR] git command not found in PATH%reset%
echo %red_bg%Please make sure Git is installed and added to your PATH.%reset%
echo %blue_bg%To install Git go to Toolbox%reset%
goto :home
echo Switching to release branch...
git switch release
goto :home
REM Check if git is installed
git --version > nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo %red_fg_strong%[ERROR] git command not found in PATH%reset%
echo %red_bg%Please make sure git is installed and added to your PATH.%reset%
goto :home
echo Switching to staging branch...
git switch staging
goto :home
REM backup - frontend
REM Check if 7-Zip is installed
7z > nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo %red_fg_strong%[ERROR] 7z command not found in PATH%reset%
echo %red_bg%Please make sure 7-Zip is installed and added to your PATH.%reset%
echo %blue_bg%To install 7-Zip go to Toolbox%reset%
goto :home
echo %blue_fg_strong%/ Home / Backup%reset%
echo -------------------------------------
echo What would you like to do?
REM color 7
echo 1. Create Backup
echo 2. Restore Backup
echo 3. Back to Home
set /p backup_choice=Choose Your Destiny:
REM backup - backend
if "%backup_choice%"=="1" (
call :create_backup
) else if "%backup_choice%"=="2" (
call :restore_backup
) else if "%backup_choice%"=="3" (
goto :home
) else (
color 6
echo WARNING: Invalid number. Please insert a valid number.
goto :backup_menu
REM toolbox - frontend
echo %blue_fg_strong%/ Home / Toolbox%reset%
echo -------------------------------------
echo What would you like to do?
REM color 7
echo 1. Install 7-Zip
echo 2. Install FFmpeg
echo 3. Install Node.js
echo 4. Edit Environment - Power Users only!
echo 5. Reinstall SillyTavern
echo 6. Back to Home
set /p toolbox_choice=Choose Your Destiny:
REM toolbox - backend
if "%toolbox_choice%"=="1" (
call :install7zip
) else if "%toolbox_choice%"=="2" (
call :installffmpeg
) else if "%toolbox_choice%"=="3" (
call :installnodejs
) else if "%toolbox_choice%"=="4" (
call :editenvironment
) else if "%toolbox_choice%"=="5" (
call :reinstallsillytavern
) else if "%toolbox_choice%"=="6" (
goto :home
) else (
color 6
echo WARNING: Invalid number. Please insert a valid number.
goto :toolbox
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO] Installing 7-Zip...%reset%
winget install -e --id 7zip.7zip
rem Get the current PATH value from the registry
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Environment" /v PATH') do set "current_path=%%B"
rem Check if the paths are already in the current PATH
echo %current_path% | find /i "%zip7_install_path%" > nul
set "zip7_path_exists=%errorlevel%"
rem Append the new paths to the current PATH only if they don't exist
if %zip7_path_exists% neq 0 (
set "new_path=%current_path%;%zip7_install_path%"
echo %green_fg_strong%7-Zip added to PATH.%reset%
) else (
set "new_path=%current_path%"
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO] 7-Zip already exists in PATH.%reset%
rem Update the PATH value in the registry
reg add "HKCU\Environment" /v PATH /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%new_path%" /f
rem Update the PATH value for the current session
setx PATH "%new_path%"
echo %green_fg_strong%7-Zip is installed. Please restart the Launcher.%reset%
REM Check if 7-Zip is installed
7z > nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo %red_fg_strong%[ERROR] 7z command not found in PATH%reset%
echo %red_bg%Please make sure 7-Zip is installed and added to your PATH.%reset%
echo %blue_bg%To install 7-Zip go to Toolbox%reset%
goto :toolbox
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO]%reset% Downloading FFmpeg archive...
rem bitsadmin /transfer "ffmpeg" /download /priority FOREGROUND "%ffmpeg_url%" "%ffdownload_path%"
curl -o "%ffdownload_path%" "%ffmpeg_url%"
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO]%reset% Creating ffmpeg directory if it doesn't exist...
if not exist "%ffextract_path%" (
mkdir "%ffextract_path%"
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO]%reset% Extracting FFmpeg archive...
7z x "%ffdownload_path%" -o"%ffextract_path%"
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO]%reset% Moving FFmpeg contents to C:\ffmpeg...
for /d %%i in ("%ffextract_path%\ffmpeg-*-full_build") do (
xcopy "%%i\bin" "%ffextract_path%\bin" /E /I /Y
xcopy "%%i\doc" "%ffextract_path%\doc" /E /I /Y
xcopy "%%i\presets" "%ffextract_path%\presets" /E /I /Y
rd "%%i" /S /Q
rem Get the current PATH value from the registry
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Environment" /v PATH') do set "current_path=%%B"
rem Check if the paths are already in the current PATH
echo %current_path% | find /i "%bin_path%" > nul
set "ff_path_exists=%errorlevel%"
rem Append the new paths to the current PATH only if they don't exist
if %ff_path_exists% neq 0 (
set "new_path=%current_path%;%bin_path%"
echo %green_fg_strong%ffmpeg added to PATH.%reset%
) else (
set "new_path=%current_path%"
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO] ffmpeg already exists in PATH.%reset%
rem Update the PATH value in the registry
reg add "HKCU\Environment" /v PATH /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%new_path%" /f
rem Update the PATH value for the current session
setx PATH "%new_path%" > nul
del "%ffdownload_path%"
echo %green_fg_strong%FFmpeg is installed. Please restart the Launcher.%reset%
echo %blue_fg_strong%[INFO]%reset% Installing Node.js...
winget install -e --id OpenJS.NodeJS
echo %green_fg_strong%Node.js is installed. Please restart the Launcher.%reset%
rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
goto :toolbox
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
chcp 65001 > nul
REM Define the names of items to be excluded
set "script_name=%~nx0"
set "excluded_folders=backups"
set "excluded_files=!script_name!"
REM Confirm with the user before proceeding
echo %red_bg%╔════ DANGER ZONE ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗%reset%
echo %red_bg%║ WARNING: This will delete all data in the current branch except the Backups. ║%reset%
echo %red_bg%║ If you want to keep any data, make sure to create a backup before proceeding. ║%reset%
echo %red_bg%╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝%reset%
echo Are you sure you want to proceed? (Y/N)
set /p "confirmation="
if /i "!confirmation!"=="Y" (
REM Remove non-excluded folders
for /d %%D in (*) do (
set "exclude_folder="
for %%E in (!excluded_folders!) do (
if "%%D"=="%%E" set "exclude_folder=true"
if not defined exclude_folder (
rmdir /s /q "%%D" 2>nul
REM Remove non-excluded files
for %%F in (*) do (
set "exclude_file="
for %%E in (!excluded_files!) do (
if "%%F"=="%%E" set "exclude_file=true"
if not defined exclude_file (
del /f /q "%%F" 2>nul
REM Clone repo into %temp% folder
git clone "%temp%\SillyTavernTemp"
REM Move the contents of the temporary folder to the current directory
xcopy /e /y "%temp%\SillyTavernTemp\*" .
REM Clean up the temporary folder
rmdir /s /q "%temp%\SillyTavernTemp"
echo %green_fg_strong%SillyTavern reinstalled successfully!%reset%
) else (
echo Reinstall canceled.
goto :toolbox
REM Create a backup using 7zip
7z a "backups\backup_.7z" ^
"public\assets\*" ^
"public\Backgrounds\*" ^
"public\Characters\*" ^
"public\Chats\*" ^
"public\context\*" ^
"public\Group chats\*" ^
"public\Groups\*" ^
"public\instruct\*" ^
"public\KoboldAI Settings\*" ^
"public\movingUI\*" ^
"public\NovelAI Settings\*" ^
"public\OpenAI Settings\*" ^
"public\QuickReplies\*" ^
"public\TextGen Settings\*" ^
"public\themes\*" ^
"public\User Avatars\*" ^
"public\user\*" ^
"public\worlds\*" ^
"public\settings.json" ^
REM Get current date and time components
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/- " %%d in ("%date%") do (
set "day=%%d"
set "month=%%e"
set "year=%%f"
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=:." %%h in ("%time%") do (
set "hour=%%h"
set "minute=%%i"
REM Pad single digits with leading zeros
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "day=0!day!"
set "month=0!month!"
set "hour=0!hour!"
set "minute=0!minute!"
set "formatted_date=%month:~-2%-%day:~-2%-%year%_%hour:~-2%%minute:~-2%"
REM Rename the backup file with the formatted date and time
rename "backups\backup_.7z" "backup_%formatted_date%.7z"
echo %green_fg_strong%Backup created successfully!%reset%
goto :backup_menu
REM Restore a backup using 7zip
echo List of available backups:
echo =========================
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "backup_count=0"
for %%F in ("backups\backup_*.7z") do (
set /a "backup_count+=1"
set "backup_files[!backup_count!]=%%~nF"
echo !backup_count!. %cyan_fg_strong%%%~nF%reset%
echo =========================
set /p "restore_choice=Enter number of backup to restore: "
if "%restore_choice%" geq "1" (
if "%restore_choice%" leq "%backup_count%" (
set "selected_backup=!backup_files[%restore_choice%]!"
echo Restoring backup !selected_backup!...
REM Extract the contents of the "public" folder directly into the existing "public" folder
7z x "backups\!selected_backup!.7z" -o"temp" -aoa
xcopy /y /e "temp\public\*" "public\"
rmdir /s /q "temp"
echo %green_fg_strong%!selected_backup! restored successfully.%reset%
) else (
color 6
echo WARNING: Invalid backup number. Please insert a valid number.
) else (
color 6
echo WARNING: Invalid number. Please insert a valid number.
goto :backup_menu