mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 02:16:14 +01:00
477 lines
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477 lines
18 KiB
import { getBase64Async, saveBase64AsFile } from "../../utils.js";
import { getContext, getApiUrl, doExtrasFetch, extension_settings, modules } from "../../extensions.js";
import { appendImageToMessage, callPopup, getRequestHeaders, saveSettingsDebounced, substituteParams } from "../../../script.js";
import { getMessageTimeStamp } from "../../RossAscends-mods.js";
import { SECRET_KEYS, secret_state } from "../../secrets.js";
import { isImageInliningSupported } from "../../openai.js";
import { getMultimodalCaption } from "../shared.js";
export { MODULE_NAME };
const MODULE_NAME = 'caption';
const PROMPT_DEFAULT = 'What’s in this image?';
const TEMPLATE_DEFAULT = '[{{user}} sends {{char}} a picture that contains: {{caption}}]';
* Migrates old extension settings to the new format.
* Must keep this function for compatibility with old settings.
function migrateSettings() {
if (extension_settings.caption.local !== undefined) {
extension_settings.caption.source = extension_settings.caption.local ? 'local' : 'extras';
delete extension_settings.caption.local;
if (!extension_settings.caption.source) {
extension_settings.caption.source = 'extras';
if (extension_settings.caption.source === 'openai') {
extension_settings.caption.source = 'multimodal';
extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api = 'openai';
extension_settings.caption.multimodal_model = 'gpt-4-vision-preview';
if (!extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api) {
extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api = 'openai';
if (!extension_settings.caption.multimodal_model) {
extension_settings.caption.multimodal_model = 'gpt-4-vision-preview';
if (!extension_settings.caption.prompt) {
extension_settings.caption.prompt = PROMPT_DEFAULT;
if (!extension_settings.caption.template) {
extension_settings.caption.template = TEMPLATE_DEFAULT;
* Sets an image icon for the send button.
async function setImageIcon() {
try {
const sendButton = $('#send_picture .extensionsMenuExtensionButton');
catch (error) {
* Sets a spinner icon for the send button.
async function setSpinnerIcon() {
try {
const sendButton = $('#send_picture .extensionsMenuExtensionButton');
catch (error) {
* Sends a captioned message to the chat.
* @param {string} caption Caption text
* @param {string} image Image URL
async function sendCaptionedMessage(caption, image) {
const context = getContext();
let template = extension_settings.caption.template || TEMPLATE_DEFAULT;
if (!/{{caption}}/i.test(template)) {
console.warn('Poka-yoke: Caption template does not contain {{caption}}. Appending it.')
template += ' {{caption}}';
let messageText = substituteParams(template).replace(/{{caption}}/i, caption);
if (extension_settings.caption.refine_mode) {
messageText = await callPopup(
'<h3>Review and edit the generated message:</h3>Press "Cancel" to abort the caption sending.',
{ rows: 5, okButton: 'Send' });
if (!messageText) {
throw new Error('User aborted the caption sending.');
const message = {
name: context.name1,
is_user: true,
send_date: getMessageTimeStamp(),
mes: messageText,
extra: {
image: image,
title: messageText,
await context.generate('caption');
* Generates a caption for an image using a selected source.
* @param {string} base64Img Base64 encoded image without the data:image/...;base64, prefix
* @param {string} fileData Base64 encoded image with the data:image/...;base64, prefix
* @returns {Promise<{caption: string}>} Generated caption
async function doCaptionRequest(base64Img, fileData) {
switch (extension_settings.caption.source) {
case 'local':
return await captionLocal(base64Img);
case 'extras':
return await captionExtras(base64Img);
case 'horde':
return await captionHorde(base64Img);
case 'multimodal':
return await captionMultimodal(fileData);
throw new Error('Unknown caption source.');
* Generates a caption for an image using Extras API.
* @param {string} base64Img Base64 encoded image without the data:image/...;base64, prefix
* @returns {Promise<{caption: string}>} Generated caption
async function captionExtras(base64Img) {
if (!modules.includes('caption')) {
throw new Error('No captioning module is available.');
const url = new URL(getApiUrl());
url.pathname = '/api/caption';
const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder': 'bypass',
body: JSON.stringify({ image: base64Img })
if (!apiResult.ok) {
throw new Error('Failed to caption image via Extras.');
const data = await apiResult.json();
return data;
* Generates a caption for an image using a local model.
* @param {string} base64Img Base64 encoded image without the data:image/...;base64, prefix
* @returns {Promise<{caption: string}>} Generated caption
async function captionLocal(base64Img) {
const apiResult = await fetch('/api/extra/caption', {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
body: JSON.stringify({ image: base64Img })
if (!apiResult.ok) {
throw new Error('Failed to caption image via local pipeline.');
const data = await apiResult.json();
return data;
* Generates a caption for an image using a Horde model.
* @param {string} base64Img Base64 encoded image without the data:image/...;base64, prefix
* @returns {Promise<{caption: string}>} Generated caption
async function captionHorde(base64Img) {
const apiResult = await fetch('/api/horde/caption-image', {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
body: JSON.stringify({ image: base64Img })
if (!apiResult.ok) {
throw new Error('Failed to caption image via Horde.');
const data = await apiResult.json();
return data;
* Generates a caption for an image using a multimodal model.
* @param {string} base64Img Base64 encoded image with the data:image/...;base64, prefix
* @returns {Promise<{caption: string}>} Generated caption
async function captionMultimodal(base64Img) {
const prompt = extension_settings.caption.prompt || PROMPT_DEFAULT;
const caption = await getMultimodalCaption(base64Img, prompt);
return { caption };
async function onSelectImage(e) {
const file = e.target.files[0];
if (!file || !(file instanceof File)) {
try {
const context = getContext();
const fileData = await getBase64Async(file);
const base64Format = fileData.split(',')[0].split(';')[0].split('/')[1];
const base64Data = fileData.split(',')[1];
const { caption } = await doCaptionRequest(base64Data, fileData);
const imagePath = await saveBase64AsFile(base64Data, context.name2, '', base64Format);
await sendCaptionedMessage(caption, imagePath);
catch (error) {
toastr.error('Failed to caption image.');
finally {
function onRefineModeInput() {
extension_settings.caption.refine_mode = $('#caption_refine_mode').prop('checked');
async function sendEmbeddedImage(e) {
const file = e.target.files[0];
if (!file || !(file instanceof File)) {
try {
const context = getContext();
const fileData = await getBase64Async(file);
const base64Format = fileData.split(',')[0].split(';')[0].split('/')[1];
const base64Data = fileData.split(',')[1];
const caption = await callPopup('<h3>Enter a comment or question (optional)</h3>', 'input', 'What is this?', { okButton: 'Send', rows: 2 });
const imagePath = await saveBase64AsFile(base64Data, context.name2, '', base64Format);
const message = {
name: context.name1,
is_user: true,
send_date: getMessageTimeStamp(),
mes: caption || `[${context.name1} sends ${context.name2} a picture]`,
extra: {
image: imagePath,
inline_image: !!caption,
title: caption || '',
await context.generate('caption');
catch (error) {
finally {
function onImageEmbedClicked() {
const context = getContext();
const messageElement = $(this).closest('.mes');
const messageId = messageElement.attr('mesid');
const message = context.chat[messageId];
if (!message) {
console.warn('Failed to find message with id', messageId);
.on('change', parseAndUploadEmbed)
async function parseAndUploadEmbed(e) {
const file = e.target.files[0];
if (!file || !(file instanceof File)) {
const fileData = await getBase64Async(file);
const base64Data = fileData.split(',')[1];
const base64Format = fileData.split(',')[0].split(';')[0].split('/')[1];
const imagePath = await saveBase64AsFile(base64Data, context.name2, '', base64Format);
if (!message.extra) {
message.extra = {};
message.extra.image = imagePath;
message.extra.inline_image = true;
message.extra.title = '';
appendImageToMessage(message, messageElement);
await context.saveChat();
jQuery(function () {
function addSendPictureButton() {
const sendButton = $(`
<div id="send_picture" class="list-group-item flex-container flexGap5">
<div class="fa-solid fa-image extensionsMenuExtensionButton"></div>
Send a Picture
$(sendButton).on('click', () => {
if (isImageInliningSupported()) {
console.log('Native image inlining is supported. Skipping captioning.');
$('#embed_img_file').off('change').on('change', sendEmbeddedImage).trigger('click');
const hasCaptionModule =
(modules.includes('caption') && extension_settings.caption.source === 'extras') ||
(extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'openai' && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENAI]) ||
(extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'openrouter' && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENROUTER]) ||
extension_settings.caption.source === 'local' ||
extension_settings.caption.source === 'horde';
if (!hasCaptionModule) {
toastr.error('Choose other captioning source in the extension settings.', 'Captioning is not available');
function addPictureSendForm() {
const inputHtml = `<input id="img_file" type="file" hidden accept="image/*">`;
const embedInputHtml = `<input id="embed_img_file" type="file" hidden accept="image/*">`;
const imgForm = document.createElement('form');
imgForm.id = 'img_form';
$('#img_file').on('change', onSelectImage);
function switchMultimodalBlocks() {
const isMultimodal = extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal';
$('#caption_multimodal_model option').each(function () {
const type = $(this).data('type');
$(this).toggle(type === extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api);
$('#caption_multimodal_api').on('change', () => {
const api = String($('#caption_multimodal_api').val());
const model = String($(`#caption_multimodal_model option[data-type="${api}"]`).first().val());
extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api = api;
extension_settings.caption.multimodal_model = model;
$('#caption_multimodal_model').on('change', () => {
extension_settings.caption.multimodal_model = String($('#caption_multimodal_model').val());
function addSettings() {
const html = `
<div class="caption_settings">
<div class="inline-drawer">
<div class="inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header">
<b>Image Captioning</b>
<div class="inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down"></div>
<div class="inline-drawer-content">
<label for="caption_source">Source:</label>
<select id="caption_source" class="text_pole">
<option value="local">Local</option>
<option value="multimodal">Multimodal (OpenAI / OpenRouter)</option>
<option value="extras">Extras</option>
<option value="horde">Horde</option>
<div id="caption_multimodal_block" class="flex-container wide100p">
<div class="flex1 flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap">
<label for="caption_multimodal_api">API</label>
<select id="caption_multimodal_api" class="flex1 text_pole">
<option value="openai">OpenAI</option>
<option value="openrouter">OpenRouter</option>
<div class="flex1 flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap">
<label for="caption_multimodal_model">Model</label>
<select id="caption_multimodal_model" class="flex1 text_pole">
<option data-type="openai" value="gpt-4-vision-preview">gpt-4-vision-preview</option>
<option data-type="openrouter" value="openai/gpt-4-vision-preview">openai/gpt-4-vision-preview</option>
<option data-type="openrouter" value="haotian-liu/llava-13b">haotian-liu/llava-13b</option>
<div id="caption_prompt_block">
<label for="caption_prompt">Caption Prompt (Multimodal):</label>
<textarea id="caption_prompt" class="text_pole" rows="1" placeholder="< Use default >">${PROMPT_DEFAULT}</textarea>
<label for="caption_template">Message Template: <small>(use <tt>{{caption}}</tt> macro)</small></label>
<textarea id="caption_template" class="text_pole" rows="2" placeholder="< Use default >">${TEMPLATE_DEFAULT}</textarea>
<label class="checkbox_label margin-bot-10px" for="caption_refine_mode">
<input id="caption_refine_mode" type="checkbox" class="checkbox">
Edit captions before generation
$('#caption_refine_mode').prop('checked', !!(extension_settings.caption.refine_mode));
$('#caption_refine_mode').on('input', onRefineModeInput);
$('#caption_source').on('change', () => {
extension_settings.caption.source = String($('#caption_source').val());
$('#caption_prompt').on('input', () => {
extension_settings.caption.prompt = String($('#caption_prompt').val());
$('#caption_template').on('input', () => {
extension_settings.caption.template = String($('#caption_template').val());
$(document).on('click', '.mes_embed', onImageEmbedClicked);