const port = 8000; const whitelist = ['']; //Example for add several IP in whitelist: ['', ''] const whitelistMode = true; //Disabling enabling the ip whitelist mode. true/false const basicAuthMode = false; //Toggle basic authentication for endpoints. const basicAuthUser = {username: "user", password: "password"}; //Login credentials when basicAuthMode is true. const disableThumbnails = false; //Disables the generation of thumbnails, opting to use the raw images instead const autorun = true; //Autorun in the browser. true/false const enableExtensions = true; //Enables support for TavernAI-extras project const listen = true; // If true, Can be access from other device or PC. otherwise can be access only from hosting machine. const allowKeysExposure = false; // If true, private API keys could be fetched to the frontend. const skipContentCheck = false; // If true, no new default content will be delivered to you. // If true, Allows insecure settings for listen, whitelist, and authentication. // Change this setting only on "trusted networks". Do not change this value unless you are aware of the issues that can arise from changing this setting and configuring a insecure setting. const securityOverride = false; module.exports = { port, whitelist, whitelistMode, basicAuthMode, basicAuthUser, autorun, enableExtensions, listen, disableThumbnails, allowKeysExposure, securityOverride, skipContentCheck, };