import { main_api, saveSettingsDebounced, callPopup, } from '../script.js'; import { power_user } from './power-user.js'; //import { BIAS_CACHE, displayLogitBias, getLogitBiasListResult } from './logit-bias.js'; //import { getEventSourceStream } from './sse-stream.js'; //import { getSortableDelay, onlyUnique } from './utils.js'; //import { getCfgPrompt } from './cfg-scale.js'; import { setting_names } from './textgen-settings.js'; const TGsamplerNames = setting_names; const forcedOnColoring = 'color: #89db35;'; const forcedOffColoring = 'color: #e84f62;'; let userDisabledSamplers, userShownSamplers; // Goal 1: show popup with all samplers for active API async function showSamplerSelectPopup() { const popup = $('#dialogue_popup'); popup.addClass('large_dialogue_popup'); const html = $(document.createElement('div')); html.attr('id', 'sampler_view_list') .addClass('flex-container flexFlowColumn'); html.append(` <div class="title_restorable flexFlowColumn alignItemsBaseline"> <div class="flex-container justifyCenter"> <h3>Sampler Select</h3> <div class="flex-container alignItemsBaseline"> <div id="resetSelectedSamplers" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" title="Reset custom sampler selection"> <i class="fa-solid fa-recycle"></i> </div> </div> <!--<div class="flex-container alignItemsBaseline"> <div class="menu_button menu_button_icon" title="Create a new sampler"> <i class="fa-solid fa-plus"></i> <span data-i18n="Create">Create</span> </div> </div>--> </div> <small>Here you can toggle the display of individual samplers. (WIP)</small> </div> <hr>`); const listContainer = $('<div id="apiSamplersList" class="flex-container flexNoGap"></div>'); const APISamplers = await listSamplers(main_api); listContainer.append(APISamplers); html.append(listContainer); callPopup(html, 'text', null, { allowVerticalScrolling: true }); setSamplerListListeners(); $('#resetSelectedSamplers').off('click').on('click', async function () { console.log('saw sampler select reset click'); userDisabledSamplers = []; userShownSamplers = []; power_user.selectSamplers.forceShown = []; power_user.selectSamplers.forceHidden = []; await validateDisabledSamplers(true); }); $('#textgen_type').on('change', async function () { console.log('changed TG Type, resetting custom samplers'); //unfortunate, but necessary unless we save custom samplers for each TGTytpe userDisabledSamplers = []; userShownSamplers = []; power_user.selectSamplers.forceShown = []; power_user.selectSamplers.forceHidden = []; await validateDisabledSamplers(); }); } function setSamplerListListeners() { // Goal 2: hide unchecked samplers from DOM let listContainer = $('#apiSamplersList'); listContainer.find('input').off('change').on('change', async function () { const samplerName ='_checkbox', ''); let relatedDOMElement = $(`#${samplerName}_${main_api}`).parent(); let targetDisplayType = 'flex'; if (samplerName === 'json_schema') { relatedDOMElement = $('#json_schema_block'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (samplerName === 'grammar_string') { relatedDOMElement = $('#grammar_block_ooba'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (samplerName === 'guidance_scale') { relatedDOMElement = $('#cfg_block_ooba'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (samplerName === 'mirostat_mode') { relatedDOMElement = $('#mirostat_block_ooba'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (samplerName === 'dry_multiplier') { relatedDOMElement = $('#dryBlock'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (samplerName === 'dynatemp') { relatedDOMElement = $('#dynatemp_block_ooba'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (samplerName === 'banned_tokens') { relatedDOMElement = $('#banned_tokens_block_ooba'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (samplerName === 'sampler_order') { //this is for kcpp sampler order relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_order_block_kcpp'); } if (samplerName === 'samplers') { //this is for lcpp sampler order relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_order_block_lcpp'); } if (samplerName === 'sampler_priority') { //this is for ooba's sampler priority relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_priority_block_ooba'); } if (samplerName === 'penalty_alpha') { //contrastive search only has one sampler, does it need its own block? relatedDOMElement = $('#contrastiveSearchBlock'); } if (samplerName === 'num_beams') { // num_beams is the killswitch for Beam Search relatedDOMElement = $('#beamSearchBlock'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (samplerName === 'smoothing_factor') { // num_beams is the killswitch for Beam Search relatedDOMElement = $('#smoothingBlock'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } // Get the current state of the custom data attribute const previousState ='selectsampler'); if ($(this).prop('checked') === false) { //console.log('saw clicking checkbox from on to off...'); if (previousState === 'shown') { console.log('saw previously custom shown sampler'); //console.log('removing from custom force show list'); relatedDOMElement.removeData('selectsampler'); $(this).parent().find('.sampler_name').removeAttr('style'); power_user?.selectSamplers?.forceShown.splice(power_user?.selectSamplers?.forceShown.indexOf(samplerName), 1); console.log(power_user?.selectSamplers?.forceShown); } else { console.log('saw previous untouched sampler'); //console.log(`adding ${samplerName} to force hide list`);'selectsampler', 'hidden'); console.log('selectsampler')); power_user.selectSamplers.forceHidden.push(samplerName); $(this).parent().find('.sampler_name').attr('style', forcedOffColoring); console.log(power_user.selectSamplers.forceHidden); } } else { // going from unchecked to checked //console.log('saw clicking checkbox from off to on...'); if (previousState === 'hidden') { console.log('saw previously custom hidden sampler'); //console.log('removing from custom force hide list'); relatedDOMElement.removeData('selectsampler'); $(this).parent().find('.sampler_name').removeAttr('style'); power_user?.selectSamplers?.forceHidden.splice(power_user?.selectSamplers?.forceHidden.indexOf(samplerName), 1); console.log(power_user?.selectSamplers?.forceHidden); } else { console.log('saw previous untouched sampler'); //console.log(`adding ${samplerName} to force shown list`);'selectsampler', 'shown'); console.log('selectsampler')); power_user.selectSamplers.forceShown.push(samplerName); $(this).parent().find('.sampler_name').attr('style', forcedOnColoring); console.log(power_user.selectSamplers.forceShown); } } await saveSettingsDebounced(); const shouldDisplay = $(this).prop('checked') ? targetDisplayType : 'none'; relatedDOMElement.css('display', shouldDisplay); console.log(samplerName,'selectsampler'), shouldDisplay); }); } function isElementVisibleInDOM(element) { while (element && element !== document.body) { if (window.getComputedStyle(element).display === 'none') { return false; } element = element.parentElement; } return true; } async function listSamplers(main_api, arrayOnly = false) { let availableSamplers; if (main_api === 'textgenerationwebui') { availableSamplers = TGsamplerNames; const valuesToRemove = new Set(['streaming', 'bypass_status_check', 'custom_model', 'legacy_api']); availableSamplers = availableSamplers.filter(sampler => !valuesToRemove.has(sampler)); availableSamplers.sort(); } if (arrayOnly) { console.debug('returning full samplers array'); return availableSamplers; } const samplersListHTML = availableSamplers.reduce((html, sampler) => { let customColor, displayname; let targetDOMelement = $(`#${sampler}_${main_api}`); if (sampler === 'sampler_order') { //this is for kcpp sampler order targetDOMelement = $('#sampler_order_block_kcpp'); displayname = 'KCPP Sampler Order Block'; } if (sampler === 'samplers') { //this is for lcpp sampler order targetDOMelement = $('#sampler_order_block_lcpp'); displayname = 'LCPP Sampler Order Block'; } if (sampler === 'sampler_priority') { //this is for ooba's sampler priority targetDOMelement = $('#sampler_priority_block_ooba'); displayname = 'Ooba Sampler Priority Block'; } if (sampler === 'penalty_alpha') { //contrastive search only has one sampler, does it need its own block? targetDOMelement = $('#contrastiveSearchBlock'); displayname = 'Contrast Search Block'; } if (sampler === 'num_beams') { // num_beams is the killswitch for Beam Search targetDOMelement = $('#beamSearchBlock'); displayname = 'Beam Search Block'; } if (sampler === 'smoothing_factor') { // num_beams is the killswitch for Beam Search targetDOMelement = $('#smoothingBlock'); displayname = 'Smoothing Block'; } if (sampler === 'dry_multiplier') { targetDOMelement = $('#dryBlock'); displayname = 'DRY Rep Pen Block'; } if (sampler === 'dynatemp') { targetDOMelement = $('#dynatemp_block_ooba'); displayname = 'DynaTemp Block'; } if (sampler === 'json_schema') { targetDOMelement = $('#json_schema_block'); displayname = 'JSON Schema Block'; } if (sampler === 'grammar_string') { targetDOMelement = $('#grammar_block_ooba'); displayname = 'Grammar Block'; } if (sampler === 'guidance_scale') { targetDOMelement = $('#cfg_block_ooba'); displayname = 'CFG Block'; } if (sampler === 'mirostat_mode') { targetDOMelement = $('#mirostat_block_ooba'); displayname = 'Mirostat Block'; } const isInForceHiddenArray = userDisabledSamplers.includes(sampler); const isInForceShownArray = userShownSamplers.includes(sampler); let isVisibleInDOM = isElementVisibleInDOM(targetDOMelement[0]); const isInDefaultState = () => { if (isVisibleInDOM && isInForceShownArray) { return false; } else if (!isVisibleInDOM && isInForceHiddenArray) { return false; } else { return true; } }; const shouldBeChecked = () => { if (isInForceHiddenArray) { customColor = forcedOffColoring; return false; } else if (isInForceShownArray) { customColor = forcedOnColoring; return true; } else { return isVisibleInDOM; } }; console.log(sampler, targetDOMelement.prop('id'), isInDefaultState(), isInForceShownArray, isInForceHiddenArray, shouldBeChecked()); if (displayname === undefined) { displayname = sampler; } return html + ` <div class="sampler_view_list_item wide50p flex-container"> <input type="checkbox" name="${sampler}_checkbox" ${shouldBeChecked() ? 'checked' : ''}> <small class="sampler_name" style="${customColor}">${displayname}</small> </div> `; }, ''); return samplersListHTML; } // Goal 3: make "sampler is hidden/disabled" status persistent (save settings) // this runs on initial getSettings as well as after API changes export async function validateDisabledSamplers(redraw = false) { const APISamplers = await listSamplers(main_api, true); if (!Array.isArray(APISamplers)) { return; } for (const sampler of APISamplers) { let relatedDOMElement = $(`#${sampler}_${main_api}`).parent(); let targetDisplayType = 'flex'; if (sampler === 'json_schema') { relatedDOMElement = $('#json_schema_block'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (sampler === 'grammar_string') { relatedDOMElement = $('#grammar_block_ooba'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (sampler === 'guidance_scale') { relatedDOMElement = $('#cfg_block_ooba'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (sampler === 'mirostat_mode') { relatedDOMElement = $('#mirostat_block_ooba'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (sampler === 'dynatemp') { relatedDOMElement = $('#dynatemp_block_ooba'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (sampler === 'banned_tokens') { relatedDOMElement = $('#banned_tokens_block_ooba'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (sampler === 'sampler_order') { //this is for kcpp sampler order relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_order_block_kcpp'); } if (sampler === 'samplers') { //this is for lcpp sampler order relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_order_block_lcpp'); } if (sampler === 'sampler_priority') { //this is for ooba's sampler priority relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_priority_block_ooba'); } if (sampler === 'dry_multiplier') { relatedDOMElement = $('#dryBlock'); targetDisplayType = 'block'; } if (sampler === 'penalty_alpha') { //contrastive search only has one sampler, does it need its own block? relatedDOMElement = $('#contrastiveSearchBlock'); } if (sampler === 'num_beams') { // num_beams is the killswitch for Beam Search relatedDOMElement = $('#beamSearchBlock'); } if (sampler === 'smoothing_factor') { // num_beams is the killswitch for Beam Search relatedDOMElement = $('#smoothingBlock'); } if (power_user?.selectSamplers?.forceHidden.includes(sampler)) { //default handling for standard sliders'selectsampler', 'hidden'); relatedDOMElement.css('display', 'none'); } else if (power_user?.selectSamplers?.forceShown.includes(sampler)) {'selectsampler', 'shown'); relatedDOMElement.css('display', targetDisplayType); } else { if ('selectsampler') === 'hidden') { relatedDOMElement.removeAttr('selectsampler'); relatedDOMElement.css('display', targetDisplayType); } if ('selectsampler') === 'shown') { relatedDOMElement.removeAttr('selectsampler'); relatedDOMElement.css('display', 'none'); } } if (redraw) { let samplersHTML = await listSamplers(main_api); $('#apiSamplersList').empty().append(samplersHTML); setSamplerListListeners(); } await saveSettingsDebounced(); } } export async function initCustomSelectedSamplers() { userDisabledSamplers = power_user?.selectSamplers?.forceHidden || []; userShownSamplers = power_user?.selectSamplers?.forceShown || []; power_user.selectSamplers = {}; power_user.selectSamplers.forceHidden = userDisabledSamplers; power_user.selectSamplers.forceShown = userShownSamplers; await saveSettingsDebounced(); $('#samplerSelectButton').off('click').on('click', showSamplerSelectPopup); } // Goal 4: filter hidden samplers from API output // Goal 5: allow addition of custom samplers to be displayed // Goal 6: send custom sampler values into prompt