import { characters, saveSettingsDebounced, this_chid, callPopup, menu_type, getCharacters, entitiesFilter, printCharacters, buildAvatarList, } from '../script.js'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars import { FILTER_TYPES, FILTER_STATES, isFilterState, FilterHelper } from './filters.js'; import { groupCandidatesFilter, groups, selected_group } from './group-chats.js'; import { download, onlyUnique, parseJsonFile, uuidv4, getSortableDelay, debounce } from './utils.js'; import { power_user } from './power-user.js'; export { TAG_FOLDER_TYPES, TAG_FOLDER_DEFAULT_TYPE, tags, tag_map, filterByTagState, isBogusFolder, isBogusFolderOpen, chooseBogusFolder, getTagBlock, loadTagsSettings, printTagFilters, getTagsList, printTagList, appendTagToList, createTagMapFromList, renameTagKey, importTags, sortTags, compareTagsForSort, }; const CHARACTER_FILTER_SELECTOR = '#rm_characters_block .rm_tag_filter'; const GROUP_FILTER_SELECTOR = '#rm_group_chats_block .rm_tag_filter'; function getFilterHelper(listSelector) { return $(listSelector).is(GROUP_FILTER_SELECTOR) ? groupCandidatesFilter : entitiesFilter; } const redrawCharsAndFiltersDebounced = debounce(() => { printCharacters(false); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.character); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.group_member); }, 100); export const tag_filter_types = { character: 0, group_member: 1, }; const ACTIONABLE_TAGS = { FAV: { id: 1, name: 'Show only favorites', color: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)', action: filterByFav, icon: 'fa-solid fa-star', class: 'filterByFavorites' }, GROUP: { id: 0, name: 'Show only groups', color: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5)', action: filterByGroups, icon: 'fa-solid fa-users', class: 'filterByGroups' }, FOLDER: { id: 4, name: 'Always show folders', color: 'rgba(120, 120, 120, 0.5)', action: filterByFolder, icon: 'fa-solid fa-folder-plus', class: 'filterByFolder' }, VIEW: { id: 2, name: 'Manage tags', color: 'rgba(150, 100, 100, 0.5)', action: onViewTagsListClick, icon: 'fa-solid fa-gear', class: 'manageTags' }, HINT: { id: 3, name: 'Show Tag List', color: 'rgba(150, 100, 100, 0.5)', action: onTagListHintClick, icon: 'fa-solid fa-tags', class: 'showTagList' }, UNFILTER: { id: 5, name: 'Clear all filters', action: onClearAllFiltersClick, icon: 'fa-solid fa-filter-circle-xmark', class: 'clearAllFilters' }, }; const InListActionable = { }; const DEFAULT_TAGS = [ { id: uuidv4(), name: 'Plain Text', create_date: }, { id: uuidv4(), name: 'OpenAI', create_date: }, { id: uuidv4(), name: 'W++', create_date: }, { id: uuidv4(), name: 'Boostyle', create_date: }, { id: uuidv4(), name: 'PList', create_date: }, { id: uuidv4(), name: 'AliChat', create_date: }, ]; const TAG_FOLDER_TYPES = { OPEN: { icon: '✔', class: 'folder_open', fa_icon: 'fa-folder-open', tooltip: 'Open Folder (Show all characters even if not selected)', color: 'green', size: '1' }, CLOSED: { icon: '👁', class: 'folder_closed', fa_icon: 'fa-eye-slash', tooltip: 'Closed Folder (Hide all characters unless selected)', color: 'lightgoldenrodyellow', size: '0.7' }, NONE: { icon: '✕', class: 'no_folder', tooltip: 'No Folder', color: 'red', size: '1' }, }; const TAG_FOLDER_DEFAULT_TYPE = 'NONE'; let tags = []; let tag_map = {}; /** * Applies the basic filter for the current state of the tags and their selection on an entity list. * @param {Array} entities List of entities for display, consisting of tags, characters and groups. * @param {Object} param1 Optional parameters, explained below. * @param {Boolean} [param1.globalDisplayFilters] When enabled, applies the final filter for the global list. Icludes filtering out entities in closed/hidden folders and empty folders. * @param {Object} [param1.subForEntity] When given an entity, the list of entities gets filtered specifically for that one as a "sub list", filtering out other tags, elements not tagged for this and hidden elements. * @param {Boolean} [param1.filterHidden] Optional switch with which filtering out hidden items (from closed folders) can be disabled. * @returns The filtered list of entities */ function filterByTagState(entities, { globalDisplayFilters = false, subForEntity = undefined, filterHidden = true } = {}) { const filterData = structuredClone(entitiesFilter.getFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.TAG)); entities = entities.filter(entity => { if (entity.type === 'tag') { // Remove folders that are already filtered on if (filterData.selected.includes( || filterData.excluded.includes( { return false; } } return true; }); if (globalDisplayFilters) { // Prepare some data for caching and performance const closedFolders = entities.filter(x => x.type === 'tag' && TAG_FOLDER_TYPES[x.item.folder_type] === TAG_FOLDER_TYPES.CLOSED); entities = entities.filter(entity => { // Hide entities that are in a closed folder, unless that one is opened if (filterHidden && entity.type !== 'tag' && closedFolders.some(f => entitiesFilter.isElementTagged(entity, && !filterData.selected.includes( { return false; } // Hide folders that have 0 visible sub entities after the first filtering round const alwaysFolder = isFilterState(entitiesFilter.getFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.FOLDER), FILTER_STATES.SELECTED); if (entity.type === 'tag') { return alwaysFolder || entity.entities.length > 0; } return true; }); } if (subForEntity !== undefined && subForEntity.type === 'tag') { entities = filterTagSubEntities(subForEntity.item, entities, { filterHidden : filterHidden }); } return entities; } function filterTagSubEntities(tag, entities, { filterHidden = true } = {}) { const filterData = structuredClone(entitiesFilter.getFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.TAG)); const closedFolders = entities.filter(x => x.type === 'tag' && TAG_FOLDER_TYPES[x.item.folder_type] === TAG_FOLDER_TYPES.CLOSED); entities = entities.filter(sub => { // Filter out all tags and and all who isn't tagged for this item if (sub.type === 'tag' || !entitiesFilter.isElementTagged(sub, { return false; } // Hide entities that are in a closed folder, unless the closed folder is opened or we display a closed folder if (filterHidden && sub.type !== 'tag' && TAG_FOLDER_TYPES[tag.folder_type] !== TAG_FOLDER_TYPES.CLOSED && closedFolders.some(f => entitiesFilter.isElementTagged(sub, && !filterData.selected.includes( { return false; } return true; }); return entities; } /** * Indicates whether a given tag is defined as a folder. Meaning it's neither undefined nor 'NONE'. * @returns {boolean} If it's a tag folder */ function isBogusFolder(tag) { return tag?.folder_type !== undefined && tag.folder_type !== TAG_FOLDER_DEFAULT_TYPE; } /** * Indicates whether a user is currently in a bogus folder. * @returns {boolean} If currently viewing a folder */ function isBogusFolderOpen() { const anyIsFolder = entitiesFilter.getFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.TAG)?.selected .map(tagId => tags.find(x => === tagId)) .some(isBogusFolder); return !!anyIsFolder; } /** * Function to be called when a specific tag/folder is chosen to "drill down". * @param {*} source The jQuery element clicked when choosing the folder * @param {string} tagId The tag id that is behind the chosen folder * @param {boolean} remove Whether the given tag should be removed (otherwise it is added/chosen) */ function chooseBogusFolder(source, tagId, remove = false) { // If we are here via the 'back' action, we implicitly take the last filtered folder as one to remove const isBack = tagId === 'back'; if (isBack) { const drilldown = $(source).closest('#rm_characters_block').find('.rm_tag_bogus_drilldown'); const lastTag = drilldown.find('.tag:last').last(); tagId = lastTag.attr('id'); remove = true; } // Instead of manually updating the filter conditions, we just "click" on the filter tag // We search inside which filter block we are located in and use that one const FILTER_SELECTOR = ($(source).closest('#rm_characters_block') ?? $(source).closest('#rm_group_chats_block')).find('.rm_tag_filter'); if (remove) { // Click twice to skip over the 'excluded' state $(FILTER_SELECTOR).find(`.tag[id=${tagId}]`).trigger('click').trigger('click'); } else { $(FILTER_SELECTOR).find(`.tag[id=${tagId}]`).trigger('click'); } } /** * Builds the tag block for the specified item. * @param {Object} item The tag item * @param {*} entities The list ob sub items for this tag * @param {*} hidden A count of how many sub items are hidden * @returns The html for the tag block */ function getTagBlock(item, entities, hidden = 0) { let count = entities.length; const tagFolder = TAG_FOLDER_TYPES[item.folder_type]; const template = $('#bogus_folder_template .bogus_folder_select').clone(); template.addClass(tagFolder.class); template.attr({ 'tagid':, 'id': `BogusFolder${}` }); template.find('.avatar').css({ 'background-color': item.color, 'color': item.color2 }).attr('title', `[Folder] ${}`); template.find('.ch_name').text('title', `[Folder] ${}`); template.find('.bogus_folder_hidden_counter').text(hidden > 0 ? `${hidden} hidden` : ''); template.find('.bogus_folder_counter').text(`${count} ${count != 1 ? 'characters' : 'character'}`); template.find('.bogus_folder_icon').addClass(tagFolder.fa_icon); // Fill inline character images buildAvatarList(template.find('.bogus_folder_avatars_block'), entities); return template; } /** * Applies the favorite filter to the character list. * @param {FilterHelper} filterHelper Instance of FilterHelper class. */ function filterByFav(filterHelper) { const state = toggleTagThreeState($(this)); filterHelper.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.FAV, state); } /** * Applies the "is group" filter to the character list. * @param {FilterHelper} filterHelper Instance of FilterHelper class. */ function filterByGroups(filterHelper) { const state = toggleTagThreeState($(this)); filterHelper.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.GROUP, state); } /** * Applies the "only folder" filter to the character list. * @param {FilterHelper} filterHelper Instance of FilterHelper class. */ function filterByFolder(filterHelper) { const state = toggleTagThreeState($(this)); filterHelper.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.FOLDER, state); } function loadTagsSettings(settings) { tags = settings.tags !== undefined ? settings.tags : DEFAULT_TAGS; tag_map = settings.tag_map !== undefined ? settings.tag_map : Object.create(null); } function renameTagKey(oldKey, newKey) { const value = tag_map[oldKey]; tag_map[newKey] = value || []; delete tag_map[oldKey]; saveSettingsDebounced(); } function createTagMapFromList(listElement, key) { const tagIds = [...($(listElement).find('.tag').map((_, el) => $(el).attr('id')))]; tag_map[key] = tagIds; saveSettingsDebounced(); } function getTagsList(key) { if (!Array.isArray(tag_map[key])) { tag_map[key] = []; return []; } return tag_map[key] .map(x => tags.find(y => === x)) .filter(x => x) .sort(compareTagsForSort); } function getInlineListSelector() { if (selected_group && menu_type === 'group_edit') { return `.group_select[grid="${selected_group}"] .tags`; } if (this_chid && menu_type === 'character_edit') { return `.character_select[chid="${this_chid}"] .tags`; } return null; } function getTagKey() { if (selected_group && menu_type === 'group_edit') { return selected_group; } if (this_chid && menu_type === 'character_edit') { return characters[this_chid].avatar; } return null; } /** * Gets the tag key for any provided entity/id/key. If a valid tag key is provided, it just returns this. * Robust method to find a valid tag key for any entity * @param {object|number|string} entityOrKey An entity with id property (character, group, tag), or directly an id or tag key. * @returns {string} The tag key that can be found. */ export function getTagKeyForEntity(entityOrKey) { let x = entityOrKey; // If it's an object and has an 'id' property, we take this for further processing if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && 'id' in x) { x =; } // Next lets check if its a valid character or character id, so we can swith it to its tag const character = characters.indexOf(x) >= 0 ? x : characters[x]; if (character) { x = character.avatar; } // We should hopefully have a key now. Let's check if (x in tag_map) { return x; } // If none of the above, we cannot find a valid tag key return undefined; } function addTagToMap(tagId, characterId = null) { const key = getTagKey() ?? getTagKeyForEntity(characterId); if (!key) { return; } if (!Array.isArray(tag_map[key])) { tag_map[key] = [tagId]; } else { tag_map[key].push(tagId); tag_map[key] = tag_map[key].filter(onlyUnique); } } function removeTagFromMap(tagId, characterId = null) { const key = getTagKey() ?? getTagKeyForEntity(characterId); if (!key) { return; } if (!Array.isArray(tag_map[key])) { tag_map[key] = []; } else { const indexOf = tag_map[key].indexOf(tagId); tag_map[key].splice(indexOf, 1); } } function findTag(request, resolve, listSelector) { const skipIds = [...($(listSelector).find('.tag').map((_, el) => $(el).attr('id')))]; const haystack = tags.filter(t => !skipIds.includes( =>, b) => a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase())); const needle = request.term.toLowerCase(); const hasExactMatch = haystack.findIndex(x => x.toLowerCase() == needle) !== -1; const result = haystack.filter(x => x.toLowerCase().includes(needle)); if (request.term && !hasExactMatch) { result.unshift(request.term); } resolve(result); } function selectTag(event, ui, listSelector) { let tagName = ui.item.value; let tag = tags.find(t => === tagName); // create new tag if it doesn't exist if (!tag) { tag = createNewTag(tagName); } // unfocus and clear the input $('').trigger('input'); // Optional, check for multiple character ids being present. const characterData ='#bulk_tags_div')?.dataset.characters; const characterIds = characterData ? JSON.parse(characterData).characterIds : null; if (characterIds) { characterIds.forEach((characterId) => addTagToMap(, characterId)); } else { addTagToMap(; } saveSettingsDebounced(); // add tag to the UI and internal map - we reprint so sorting and new markup is done correctly printTagList(listSelector, { tagOptions: { removable: true } }); printTagList($(getInlineListSelector())); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.character); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.group_member); // need to return false to keep the input clear return false; } function getExistingTags(new_tags) { let existing_tags = []; for (let tag of new_tags) { let foundTag = tags.find(t => === tag.toLowerCase()); if (foundTag) { existing_tags.push(; } } return existing_tags; } async function importTags(imported_char) { let imported_tags = imported_char.tags.filter(t => t !== 'ROOT' && t !== 'TAVERN'); let existingTags = await getExistingTags(imported_tags); //make this case insensitive let newTags = imported_tags.filter(t => !existingTags.some(existingTag => existingTag.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase())); let selected_tags = ''; const existingTagsString = existingTags.length ? (': ' + existingTags.join(', ')) : ''; if (newTags.length === 0) { await callPopup(`

Importing Tags For ${}

${existingTags.length} existing tags have been found${existingTagsString}.

`, 'text'); } else { selected_tags = await callPopup(`

Importing Tags For ${}

${existingTags.length} existing tags have been found${existingTagsString}.

The following ${newTags.length} new tags will be imported.

`, 'input', newTags.join(', ')); } // @ts-ignore selected_tags = existingTags.concat(selected_tags.split(',')); // @ts-ignore selected_tags = => t.trim()).filter(t => t !== ''); //Anti-troll measure if (selected_tags.length > 15) { selected_tags = selected_tags.slice(0, 15); } for (let tagName of selected_tags) { let tag = tags.find(t => === tagName); if (!tag) { tag = createNewTag(tagName); } if (!tag_map[imported_char.avatar].includes( { tag_map[imported_char.avatar].push(; console.debug('added tag to map', tag,; } } saveSettingsDebounced(); await getCharacters(); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.character); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.group_member); // need to return false to keep the input clear return false; } function createNewTag(tagName) { const tag = { id: uuidv4(), name: tagName, folder_type: TAG_FOLDER_DEFAULT_TYPE, sort_order: tags.length, color: '', color2: '', create_date:, }; tags.push(tag); return tag; } /** * @typedef {object} TagOptions * @property {boolean} [removable=false] - Whether tags can be removed. * @property {boolean} [selectable=false] - Whether tags can be selected. * @property {function} [action=undefined] - Action to perform on tag interaction. * @property {boolean} [isGeneralList=false] - If true, indicates that this is the general list of tags. * @property {boolean} [skipExistsCheck=false] - If true, the tag gets added even if a tag with the same id already exists. */ /** * Prints the list of tags. * @param {JQuery} element - The container element where the tags are to be printed. * @param {object} [options] - Optional parameters for printing the tag list. * @param {Array} [options.tags] Optional override of tags that should be printed. Those will not be sorted. If no supplied, tags for the relevant character are printed. * @param {object|number|string} [options.forEntityOrKey=undefined] - Optional override for the chosen entity, otherwise the currently selected is chosen. Can be an entity with id property (character, group, tag), or directly an id or tag key. * @param {boolean} [options.empty=true] - Whether the list should be initially empty. * @param {function(object): function} [options.tagActionSelector=undefined] - An optional override for the action property that can be assigned to each tag via tagOptions. * If set, the selector is executed on each tag as input argument. This allows a list of tags to be provided and each tag can have it's action based on the tag object itself. * @param {TagOptions} [options.tagOptions={}] - Options for tag behavior. (Same object will be passed into "appendTagToList") */ function printTagList(element, { tags = undefined, forEntityOrKey = undefined, empty = true, tagActionSelector = undefined, tagOptions = {} } = {}) { const key = forEntityOrKey !== undefined ? getTagKeyForEntity(forEntityOrKey) : getTagKey(); const printableTags = tags ?? getTagsList(key); if (empty) { $(element).empty(); } for (const tag of printableTags) { // If we have a custom action selector, we override that tag options for each tag if (tagActionSelector && typeof tagActionSelector === 'function') { const action = tagActionSelector(tag); if (action && typeof action !== 'function') { console.error('The action parameter must return a function for tag.', tag); } else { tagOptions.action = action; } } appendTagToList(element, tag, tagOptions); } } /** * Appends a tag to the list element. * @param {JQuery} listElement List element. * @param {object} tag Tag object to append. * @param {TagOptions} [options={}] - Options for tag behavior. * @returns {void} */ function appendTagToList(listElement, tag, { removable = false, selectable = false, action = undefined, isGeneralList = false, skipExistsCheck = false } = {}) { if (!listElement) { return; } if (!skipExistsCheck && $(listElement).find(`.tag[id="${}"]`).length > 0) { return; } let tagElement = $('#tag_template .tag').clone(); tagElement.attr('id',; //tagElement.css('color', 'var(--SmartThemeBodyColor)'); tagElement.css('background-color', tag.color); tagElement.css('color', tag.color2); tagElement.find('.tag_name').text(; const removeButton = tagElement.find('.tag_remove'); removable ? : removeButton.hide(); if (tag.class) { tagElement.addClass(tag.class); } if (tag.icon) { tagElement.find('.tag_name').text('').attr('title',; } if (tag.excluded && isGeneralList) { toggleTagThreeState(tagElement, { stateOverride: FILTER_STATES.EXCLUDED }); } if (selectable) { tagElement.on('click', () => onTagFilterClick.bind(tagElement)(listElement)); } if (action) { const filter = getFilterHelper($(listElement)); tagElement.on('click', () => action.bind(tagElement)(filter)); tagElement.addClass('actionable'); } /*if (action && === 2) { tagElement.addClass('innerActionable hidden'); }*/ $(listElement).append(tagElement); } function onTagFilterClick(listElement) { const tagId = $(this).attr('id'); const existingTag = tags.find((tag) => === tagId); let state = toggleTagThreeState($(this)); // Manual undefined check required for three-state boolean if (existingTag) { existingTag.excluded = isFilterState(state, FILTER_STATES.EXCLUDED); saveSettingsDebounced(); } // Update bogus folder if applicable if (isBogusFolder(existingTag)) { // Update bogus drilldown if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { appendTagToList($('.rm_tag_controls .rm_tag_bogus_drilldown'), existingTag, { removable: true }); } else { $(listElement).closest('.rm_tag_controls').find(`.rm_tag_bogus_drilldown .tag[id=${tagId}]`).remove(); } } runTagFilters(listElement); updateTagFilterIndicator(); } function toggleTagThreeState(element, { stateOverride = undefined, simulateClick = false } = {}) { const states = Object.keys(FILTER_STATES); const overrideKey = states.includes(stateOverride) ? stateOverride : Object.keys(FILTER_STATES).find(key => FILTER_STATES[key] === stateOverride); const currentStateIndex = states.indexOf(element.attr('data-toggle-state')) ?? states.length - 1; const targetStateIndex = overrideKey !== undefined ? states.indexOf(overrideKey) : (currentStateIndex + 1) % states.length; if (simulateClick) { // Calculate how many clicks are needed to go from the current state to the target state let clickCount = 0; if (targetStateIndex >= currentStateIndex) { clickCount = targetStateIndex - currentStateIndex; } else { clickCount = (states.length - currentStateIndex) + targetStateIndex; } for (let i = 0; i < clickCount; i++) { $(element).trigger('click'); } console.debug('manually click-toggle three-way filter from', states[currentStateIndex], 'to', states[targetStateIndex], 'on', element); } else { element.attr('data-toggle-state', states[targetStateIndex]); // Update css class and remove all others states.forEach(state => { element.toggleClass(FILTER_STATES[state].class, state === states[targetStateIndex]); }); console.debug('toggle three-way filter from', states[currentStateIndex], 'to', states[targetStateIndex], 'on', element); } return states[targetStateIndex]; } function runTagFilters(listElement) { const tagIds = [...($(listElement).find('.tag.selected:not(.actionable)').map((_, el) => $(el).attr('id')))]; const excludedTagIds = [...($(listElement).find('.tag.excluded:not(.actionable)').map((_, el) => $(el).attr('id')))]; const filterHelper = getFilterHelper($(listElement)); filterHelper.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.TAG, { excluded: excludedTagIds, selected: tagIds }); } function printTagFilters(type = tag_filter_types.character) { const filterData = structuredClone(entitiesFilter.getFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.TAG)); const FILTER_SELECTOR = type === tag_filter_types.character ? CHARACTER_FILTER_SELECTOR : GROUP_FILTER_SELECTOR; $(FILTER_SELECTOR).empty(); $(FILTER_SELECTOR).siblings('.rm_tag_bogus_drilldown').empty(); // Print all action tags. (Exclude folder if that setting isn't chosen) const actionTags = Object.values(ACTIONABLE_TAGS).filter(tag => power_user.bogus_folders || !=; printTagList($(FILTER_SELECTOR), { empty: false, tags: actionTags, tagActionSelector: tag => tag.action, tagOptions: { isGeneralList: true } }); const inListActionTags = Object.values(InListActionable); printTagList($(FILTER_SELECTOR), { empty: false, tags: inListActionTags, tagActionSelector: tag => tag.action, tagOptions: { isGeneralList: true } }); const characterTagIds = Object.values(tag_map).flat(); const tagsToDisplay = tags .filter(x => characterTagIds.includes( .sort(compareTagsForSort); printTagList($(FILTER_SELECTOR), { empty: false, tags: tagsToDisplay, tagOptions: { selectable: true, isGeneralList: true } }); runTagFilters(FILTER_SELECTOR); // Simulate clicks on all "selected" tags when we reprint, otherwise their filter gets lost. "excluded" is persisted. for (const tagId of filterData.selected) { toggleTagThreeState($(`${FILTER_SELECTOR} .tag[id="${tagId}"]`), { stateOverride: FILTER_STATES.SELECTED, simulateClick: true }); } if (power_user.show_tag_filters) { $('.rm_tag_controls .showTagList').addClass('selected'); $('.rm_tag_controls').find('.tag:not(.actionable)').show(); } updateTagFilterIndicator(); } function updateTagFilterIndicator() { if ($('.rm_tag_controls').find('.tag:not(.actionable)').is('.selected, .excluded')) { $('.rm_tag_controls .showTagList').addClass('indicator'); } else { $('.rm_tag_controls .showTagList').removeClass('indicator'); } } function onTagRemoveClick(event) { event.stopPropagation(); const tag = $(this).closest('.tag'); const tagId = tag.attr('id'); // Check if we are inside the drilldown. If so, we call remove on the bogus folder if ($(this).closest('.rm_tag_bogus_drilldown').length > 0) { console.debug('Bogus drilldown remove', tagId); chooseBogusFolder($(this), tagId, true); return; } // Optional, check for multiple character ids being present. const characterData ='#bulk_tags_div')?.dataset.characters; const characterIds = characterData ? JSON.parse(characterData).characterIds : null; tag.remove(); if (characterIds) { characterIds.forEach((characterId) => removeTagFromMap(tagId, characterId)); } else { removeTagFromMap(tagId); } $(`${getInlineListSelector()} .tag[id="${tagId}"]`).remove(); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.character); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.group_member); saveSettingsDebounced(); } // @ts-ignore function onTagInput(event) { let val = $(this).val(); if (tags.find(t => === val)) return; // @ts-ignore $(this).autocomplete('search', val); } function onTagInputFocus() { // @ts-ignore $(this).autocomplete('search', $(this).val()); } function onCharacterCreateClick() { $('#tagList').empty(); } function onGroupCreateClick() { // Nothing to do here at the moment. Tags in group interface get automatically redrawn. } export function applyTagsOnCharacterSelect() { //clearTagsFilter(); const chid = Number($(this).attr('chid')); printTagList($('#tagList'), { forEntityOrKey: chid, tagOptions: { removable: true } }); } function applyTagsOnGroupSelect() { //clearTagsFilter(); // Nothing to do here at the moment. Tags in group interface get automatically redrawn. } export function createTagInput(inputSelector, listSelector) { $(inputSelector) // @ts-ignore .autocomplete({ source: (i, o) => findTag(i, o, listSelector), select: (e, u) => selectTag(e, u, listSelector), minLength: 0, }) .focus(onTagInputFocus); // <== show tag list on click } function onViewTagsListClick() { $('#dialogue_popup').addClass('large_dialogue_popup'); const list = $(document.createElement('div')); list.attr('id', 'tag_view_list'); const everything = Object.values(tag_map).flat(); $(list).append(`

Tag Management

Drag the handle to reorder.
${(power_user.bogus_folders ? 'Click on the folder icon to use this tag as a folder.
' : '')} Click on the tag name to edit it.
Click on color box to assign new color.
`); const tagContainer = $('
'); list.append(tagContainer); const sortedTags = sortTags(tags); for (const tag of sortedTags) { appendViewTagToList(tagContainer, tag, everything); } makeTagListDraggable(tagContainer); callPopup(list, 'text'); } function makeTagListDraggable(tagContainer) { const onTagsSort = () => { tagContainer.find('.tag_view_item').each(function (i, tagElement) { const id = $(tagElement).attr('id'); const tag = tags.find(x => === id); // Fix the defined colors, because if there is no color set, they seem to get automatically set to black // based on the color picker after drag&drop, even if there was no color chosen. We just set them back. const color = $(tagElement).find('.tagColorPickerHolder .tag-color').attr('color'); const color2 = $(tagElement).find('.tagColorPicker2Holder .tag-color2').attr('color'); if (color === '' || color === undefined) { tag.color = ''; fixColor('background-color', tag.color); } if (color2 === '' || color2 === undefined) { tag.color2 = ''; fixColor('color', tag.color2); } // Update the sort order tag.sort_order = i; function fixColor(property, color) { $(tagElement).find('.tag_view_name').css(property, color); $(`.tag[id="${id}"]`).css(property, color); $(`.bogus_folder_select[tagid="${id}"] .avatar`).css(property, color); } }); saveSettingsDebounced(); // If the order of tags in display has changed, we need to redraw some UI elements. Do it debounced so it doesn't block and you can drag multiple tags. redrawCharsAndFiltersDebounced(); }; // @ts-ignore $(tagContainer).sortable({ delay: getSortableDelay(), stop: () => onTagsSort(), handle: '.drag-handle', }); } function sortTags(tags) { return tags.slice().sort(compareTagsForSort); } function compareTagsForSort(a, b) { if (a.sort_order !== undefined && b.sort_order !== undefined) { return a.sort_order - b.sort_order; } else if (a.sort_order !== undefined) { return -1; } else if (b.sort_order !== undefined) { return 1; } else { return; } } async function onTagRestoreFileSelect(e) { const file =[0]; if (!file) { console.log('Tag restore: No file selected.'); return; } const data = await parseJsonFile(file); if (!data) { toastr.warning('Empty file data', 'Tag restore'); console.log('Tag restore: File data empty.'); return; } if (!data.tags || !data.tag_map || !Array.isArray(data.tags) || typeof data.tag_map !== 'object') { toastr.warning('Invalid file format', 'Tag restore'); console.log('Tag restore: Invalid file format.'); return; } const warnings = []; // Import tags for (const tag of data.tags) { if (! || ! { warnings.push(`Tag object is invalid: ${JSON.stringify(tag)}.`); continue; } if (tags.find(x => === { warnings.push(`Tag with id ${} already exists.`); continue; } tags.push(tag); } // Import tag_map for (const key of Object.keys(data.tag_map)) { const tagIds = data.tag_map[key]; if (!Array.isArray(tagIds)) { warnings.push(`Tag map for key ${key} is invalid: ${JSON.stringify(tagIds)}.`); continue; } // Verify that the key points to a valid character or group. const characterExists = characters.some(x => String(x.avatar) === String(key)); const groupExists = groups.some(x => String( === String(key)); if (!characterExists && !groupExists) { warnings.push(`Tag map key ${key} does not exist.`); continue; } // Get existing tag ids for this key or empty array. const existingTagIds = tag_map[key] || []; // Merge existing and new tag ids. Remove duplicates. tag_map[key] = existingTagIds.concat(tagIds).filter(onlyUnique); // Verify that all tags exist. Remove tags that don't exist. tag_map[key] = tag_map[key].filter(x => tags.some(y => String( === String(x))); } if (warnings.length) { toastr.success('Tags restored with warnings. Check console for details.'); console.warn(`TAG RESTORE REPORT\n====================\n${warnings.join('\n')}`); } else { toastr.success('Tags restored successfully.'); } $('#tag_view_restore_input').val(''); saveSettingsDebounced(); printCharacters(true); onViewTagsListClick(); } function onBackupRestoreClick() { $('#tag_view_restore_input') .off('change') .on('change', onTagRestoreFileSelect) .trigger('click'); } function onTagsBackupClick() { const timestamp = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0].replace(/-/g, ''); const filename = `tags_${timestamp}.json`; const data = { tags: tags, tag_map: tag_map, }; const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)], { type: 'application/json' }); download(blob, filename, 'application/json'); } function onTagCreateClick() { const tag = createNewTag('New Tag'); appendViewTagToList($('#tag_view_list .tag_view_list_tags'), tag, []); printCharacters(false); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function appendViewTagToList(list, tag, everything) { const count = everything.filter(x => x ==; const template = $('#tag_view_template .tag_view_item').clone(); template.attr('id',; template.find('.tag_view_counter_value').text(count); template.find('.tag_view_name').text(; template.find('.tag_view_name').addClass('tag'); template.find('.tag_view_name').css('background-color', tag.color); template.find('.tag_view_name').css('color', tag.color2); const tagAsFolderId = + '-tag-folder'; const colorPickerId = + '-tag-color'; const colorPicker2Id = + '-tag-color2'; if (!power_user.bogus_folders) { template.find('.tag_as_folder').hide(); } template.find('.tagColorPickerHolder').html( ``, ); template.find('.tagColorPicker2Holder').html( ``, ); template.find('.tag_as_folder').attr('id', tagAsFolderId); template.find('.tag-color').attr('id', colorPickerId); template.find('.tag-color2').attr('id', colorPicker2Id); list.append(template); setTimeout(function () { document.querySelector(`.tag-color[id="${colorPickerId}"`).addEventListener('change', (evt) => { onTagColorize(evt); }); }, 100); setTimeout(function () { document.querySelector(`.tag-color2[id="${colorPicker2Id}"`).addEventListener('change', (evt) => { onTagColorize2(evt); }); }, 100); updateDrawTagFolder(template, tag); // @ts-ignore $(colorPickerId).color = tag.color; // @ts-ignore $(colorPicker2Id).color = tag.color2; } function onTagAsFolderClick() { const element = $(this).closest('.tag_view_item'); const id = element.attr('id'); const tag = tags.find(x => === id); // Cycle through folder types const types = Object.keys(TAG_FOLDER_TYPES); const currentTypeIndex = types.indexOf(tag.folder_type); tag.folder_type = types[(currentTypeIndex + 1) % types.length]; updateDrawTagFolder(element, tag); // If folder display has changed, we have to redraw the character list, otherwise this folders state would not change printCharacters(true); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function updateDrawTagFolder(element, tag) { const tagFolder = TAG_FOLDER_TYPES[tag.folder_type] || TAG_FOLDER_TYPES[TAG_FOLDER_DEFAULT_TYPE]; const folderElement = element.find('.tag_as_folder'); // Update css class and remove all others Object.keys(TAG_FOLDER_TYPES).forEach(x => { folderElement.toggleClass(TAG_FOLDER_TYPES[x].class, TAG_FOLDER_TYPES[x] === tagFolder); }); // Draw/update css attributes for this class folderElement.attr('title', tagFolder.tooltip); const indicator = folderElement.find('.tag_folder_indicator'); indicator.text(tagFolder.icon); indicator.css('color', tagFolder.color); indicator.css('font-size', `calc(var(--mainFontSize) * ${tagFolder.size})`); } function onTagDeleteClick() { if (!confirm('Are you sure?')) { return; } const id = $(this).closest('.tag_view_item').attr('id'); for (const key of Object.keys(tag_map)) { tag_map[key] = tag_map[key].filter(x => !== id); } const index = tags.findIndex(x => === id); tags.splice(index, 1); $(`.tag[id="${id}"]`).remove(); $(`.tag_view_item[id="${id}"]`).remove(); printCharacters(false); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onTagRenameInput() { const id = $(this).closest('.tag_view_item').attr('id'); const newName = $(this).text(); const tag = tags.find(x => === id); = newName; $(`.tag[id="${id}"] .tag_name`).text(newName); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onTagColorize(evt) { console.debug(evt); const id = $('.tag_view_item').attr('id'); const newColor = evt.detail.rgba; $('.tag_view_name').css('background-color', newColor); $(`.tag[id="${id}"]`).css('background-color', newColor); $(`.bogus_folder_select[tagid="${id}"] .avatar`).css('background-color', newColor); const tag = tags.find(x => === id); tag.color = newColor; console.debug(tag); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onTagColorize2(evt) { console.debug(evt); const id = $('.tag_view_item').attr('id'); const newColor = evt.detail.rgba; $('.tag_view_name').css('color', newColor); $(`.tag[id="${id}"]`).css('color', newColor); $(`.bogus_folder_select[tagid="${id}"] .avatar`).css('color', newColor); const tag = tags.find(x => === id); tag.color2 = newColor; console.debug(tag); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onTagListHintClick() { $(this).toggleClass('selected'); $(this).siblings('.tag:not(.actionable)').toggle(100); $(this).siblings('.innerActionable').toggleClass('hidden'); power_user.show_tag_filters = $(this).hasClass('selected'); saveSettingsDebounced(); console.debug('show_tag_filters', power_user.show_tag_filters); } function onClearAllFiltersClick() { console.debug('clear all filters clicked'); // We have to manually go through the elements and unfilter by clicking... // Thankfully nearly all filter controls are three-state-toggles const filterTags = $('.rm_tag_controls .rm_tag_filter').find('.tag'); for(const tag of filterTags) { const toggleState = $(tag).attr('data-toggle-state'); if (toggleState !== undefined && !isFilterState(toggleState ?? FILTER_STATES.UNDEFINED, FILTER_STATES.UNDEFINED)) { toggleTagThreeState($(tag), { stateOverride: FILTER_STATES.UNDEFINED, simulateClick: true }); } } // Reset search too $('#character_search_bar').val('').trigger('input'); } jQuery(() => { createTagInput('#tagInput', '#tagList'); createTagInput('#groupTagInput', '#groupTagList'); $(document).on('click', '#rm_button_create', onCharacterCreateClick); $(document).on('click', '#rm_button_group_chats', onGroupCreateClick); $(document).on('click', '.character_select', applyTagsOnCharacterSelect); $(document).on('click', '.group_select', applyTagsOnGroupSelect); $(document).on('click', '.tag_remove', onTagRemoveClick); $(document).on('input', '.tag_input', onTagInput); $(document).on('click', '.tags_view', onViewTagsListClick); $(document).on('click', '.tag_delete', onTagDeleteClick); $(document).on('click', '.tag_as_folder', onTagAsFolderClick); $(document).on('input', '.tag_view_name', onTagRenameInput); $(document).on('click', '.tag_view_create', onTagCreateClick); $(document).on('click', '.tag_view_backup', onTagsBackupClick); $(document).on('click', '.tag_view_restore', onBackupRestoreClick); });