import { chat, main_api, getMaxContextSize } from '../script.js'; import { timestampToMoment, isDigitsOnly } from './utils.js'; import { textgenerationwebui_banned_in_macros } from './textgen-settings.js'; import { replaceInstructMacros } from './instruct-mode.js'; import { replaceVariableMacros } from './variables.js'; /** * Returns the ID of the last message in the chat. * @returns {string} The ID of the last message in the chat. */ function getLastMessageId() { const index = chat?.length - 1; if (!isNaN(index) && index >= 0) { return String(index); } return ''; } /** * Returns the ID of the first message included in the context. * @returns {string} The ID of the first message in the context. */ function getFirstIncludedMessageId() { const index = document.querySelector('.lastInContext')?.getAttribute('mesid'); if (!isNaN(index) && index >= 0) { return String(index); } return ''; } /** * Returns the last message in the chat. * @returns {string} The last message in the chat. */ function getLastMessage() { const index = chat?.length - 1; if (!isNaN(index) && index >= 0) { return chat[index].mes; } return ''; } /** * Returns the last message from the user. * @returns {string} The last message from the user. */ function getLastUserMessage() { if (!Array.isArray(chat) || chat.length === 0) { return ''; } for (let i = chat.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (chat[i].is_user && !chat[i].is_system) { return chat[i].mes; } } return ''; } /** * Returns the last message from the bot. * @returns {string} The last message from the bot. */ function getLastCharMessage() { if (!Array.isArray(chat) || chat.length === 0) { return ''; } for (let i = chat.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!chat[i].is_user && !chat[i].is_system) { return chat[i].mes; } } return ''; } /** * Returns the ID of the last swipe. * @returns {string} The 1-based ID of the last swipe */ function getLastSwipeId() { const index = chat?.length - 1; if (!isNaN(index) && index >= 0) { const swipes = chat[index].swipes; if (!Array.isArray(swipes) || swipes.length === 0) { return ''; } return String(swipes.length); } return ''; } /** * Returns the ID of the current swipe. * @returns {string} The 1-based ID of the current swipe. */ function getCurrentSwipeId() { const index = chat?.length - 1; if (!isNaN(index) && index >= 0) { const swipeId = chat[index].swipe_id; if (swipeId === undefined || isNaN(swipeId)) { return ''; } return String(swipeId + 1); } return ''; } /** * Replaces banned words in macros with an empty string. * Adds them to textgenerationwebui ban list. * @param {string} inText Text to replace banned words in * @returns {string} Text without the "banned" macro */ function bannedWordsReplace(inText) { if (!inText) { return ''; } const banPattern = /{{banned "(.*)"}}/gi; if (main_api == 'textgenerationwebui') { const bans = inText.matchAll(banPattern); if (bans) { for (const banCase of bans) { console.log('Found banned words in macros: ' + banCase[1]); textgenerationwebui_banned_in_macros.push(banCase[1]); } } } inText = inText.replaceAll(banPattern, ''); return inText; } function getTimeSinceLastMessage() { const now = moment(); if (Array.isArray(chat) && chat.length > 0) { let lastMessage; let takeNext = false; for (let i = chat.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const message = chat[i]; if (message.is_system) { continue; } if (message.is_user && takeNext) { lastMessage = message; break; } takeNext = true; } if (lastMessage?.send_date) { const lastMessageDate = timestampToMoment(lastMessage.send_date); const duration = moment.duration(now.diff(lastMessageDate)); return duration.humanize(); } } return 'just now'; } function randomReplace(input, emptyListPlaceholder = '') { const randomPatternNew = /{{random\s?::\s?([^}]+)}}/gi; const randomPatternOld = /{{random\s?:\s?([^}]+)}}/gi; if (randomPatternNew.test(input)) { return input.replace(randomPatternNew, (match, listString) => { //split on double colons instead of commas to allow for commas inside random items const list = listString.split('::').filter(item => item.length > 0); if (list.length === 0) { return emptyListPlaceholder; } var rng = new Math.seedrandom('added entropy.', { entropy: true }); const randomIndex = Math.floor(rng() * list.length); //trim() at the end to allow for empty random values return list[randomIndex].trim(); }); } else if (randomPatternOld.test(input)) { return input.replace(randomPatternOld, (match, listString) => { const list = listString.split(',').map(item => item.trim()).filter(item => item.length > 0); if (list.length === 0) { return emptyListPlaceholder; } var rng = new Math.seedrandom('added entropy.', { entropy: true }); const randomIndex = Math.floor(rng() * list.length); return list[randomIndex]; }); } else { return input; } } function diceRollReplace(input, invalidRollPlaceholder = '') { const rollPattern = /{{roll[ : ]([^}]+)}}/gi; return input.replace(rollPattern, (match, matchValue) => { let formula = matchValue.trim(); if (isDigitsOnly(formula)) { formula = `1d${formula}`; } const isValid = droll.validate(formula); if (!isValid) { console.debug(`Invalid roll formula: ${formula}`); return invalidRollPlaceholder; } const result = droll.roll(formula); return new String(; }); } /** * Substitutes {{macro}} parameters in a string. * @param {string} content - The string to substitute parameters in. * @param {Object} env - Map of macro names to the values they'll be substituted with. If the param * values are functions, those functions will be called and their return values are used. * @returns {string} The string with substituted parameters. */ export function evaluateMacros(content, env) { if (!content) { return ''; } // Legacy non-macro substitutions content = content.replace(//gi, typeof env.user === 'function' ? env.user() : env.user); content = content.replace(//gi, typeof env.char === 'function' ? env.char() : env.char); content = content.replace(//gi, typeof === 'function' ? :; content = content.replace(//gi, typeof === 'function' ? :; // Short circuit if there are no macros if (!content.includes('{{')) { return content; } content = diceRollReplace(content); content = replaceInstructMacros(content); content = replaceVariableMacros(content); content = content.replace(/{{newline}}/gi, '\n'); content = content.replace(/{{input}}/gi, () => String($('#send_textarea').val())); // Substitute passed-in variables for (const varName in env) { if (!Object.hasOwn(env, varName)) continue; const param = env[varName]; content = content.replace(new RegExp(`{{${varName}}}`, 'gi'), param); } content = content.replace(/{{maxPrompt}}/gi, () => String(getMaxContextSize())); content = content.replace(/{{lastMessage}}/gi, () => getLastMessage()); content = content.replace(/{{lastMessageId}}/gi, () => getLastMessageId()); content = content.replace(/{{lastUserMessage}}/gi, () => getLastUserMessage()); content = content.replace(/{{lastCharMessage}}/gi, () => getLastCharMessage()); content = content.replace(/{{firstIncludedMessageId}}/gi, () => getFirstIncludedMessageId()); content = content.replace(/{{lastSwipeId}}/gi, () => getLastSwipeId()); content = content.replace(/{{currentSwipeId}}/gi, () => getCurrentSwipeId()); content = content.replace(/\{\{\/\/([\s\S]*?)\}\}/gm, ''); content = content.replace(/{{time}}/gi, () => moment().format('LT')); content = content.replace(/{{date}}/gi, () => moment().format('LL')); content = content.replace(/{{weekday}}/gi, () => moment().format('dddd')); content = content.replace(/{{isotime}}/gi, () => moment().format('HH:mm')); content = content.replace(/{{isodate}}/gi, () => moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')); content = content.replace(/{{datetimeformat +([^}]*)}}/gi, (_, format) => { const formattedTime = moment().format(format); return formattedTime; }); content = content.replace(/{{idle_duration}}/gi, () => getTimeSinceLastMessage()); content = content.replace(/{{time_UTC([-+]\d+)}}/gi, (_, offset) => { const utcOffset = parseInt(offset, 10); const utcTime = moment().utc().utcOffset(utcOffset).format('LT'); return utcTime; }); content = bannedWordsReplace(content); content = randomReplace(content); return content; }