import { animation_duration, callPopup, chat, cleanUpMessage, event_types, eventSource, Generate, getGeneratingApi, is_send_press, isStreamingEnabled, } from '../script.js'; import { debounce, delay, getStringHash } from './utils.js'; import { decodeTextTokens, getTokenizerBestMatch } from './tokenizers.js'; import { power_user } from './power-user.js'; const TINTS = 4; const MAX_MESSAGE_LOGPROBS = 100; /** * Tuple of a candidate token and its logarithm of probability of being chosen * @typedef {[string, number]} Candidate - (token, logprob) */ /** * Logprob data for a single message * @typedef {Object} MessageLogprobData * @property {number} created - timestamp of when the message was generated * @property {number} hash - hash of the message object * @property {number} messageId - ID of the source message * @property {number} swipeId - ID of the source swipe on the source message * @property {string} api - API used to generate the message * @property {TokenLogprobs[]} messageLogprobs Logprob data for each token, by * its index in the message * @property {string | null} continueFrom - the 'continue' prefix used to * generate the message, if any */ /** * Logprob data for a single token * @typedef {Object} TokenLogprobs * @property {string} token - A token generated by the model * @property {Candidate[]} topLogprobs - Array of top candidate tokens */ let state = { /** @type {TokenLogprobs | null} */ selectedTokenLogprobs: null, /** @type {Map} */ messageLogprobs: new Map(), }; /** * renderAlternativeTokensView renders the Token Probabilities UI and all * subviews with the active message's logprobs data. If the message has no token * logprobs, a zero-state is rendered. */ function renderAlternativeTokensView() { const view = $('#logprobs_generation_output'); if (!':visible')) { return; } view.empty(); state.selectedTokenLogprobs = null; renderTopLogprobs(); const { messageLogprobs, continueFrom } = getActiveMessageLogprobData() || {}; const usingSmoothStreaming = isStreamingEnabled() && power_user.smooth_streaming; if (!messageLogprobs?.length || usingSmoothStreaming) { const emptyState = $('
'); const noTokensMsg = usingSmoothStreaming ? 'Token probabilities are not available when using Smooth Streaming.' : 'No token probabilities available for the current message.'; const msg = power_user.request_token_probabilities ? noTokensMsg : 'Enable Request token probabilities in the User Settings menu to use this feature.'; emptyState.html(msg); emptyState.addClass('logprobs_empty_state'); view.append(emptyState); return; } const prefix = continueFrom || ''; const tokenSpans = []; if (prefix) { const prefixSpan = $(''); prefixSpan.text(prefix); prefixSpan.html(prefixSpan.html().replace(/\n/g, '
')); prefixSpan.addClass('logprobs_output_prefix'); prefixSpan.attr('title', 'Select to reroll the last \'Continue\' generation');; addKeyboardProps(prefixSpan); tokenSpans.push(...withVirtualWhitespace(prefix, prefixSpan)); } messageLogprobs.forEach((tokenData, i) => { const { token } = tokenData; const span = $(''); const text = toVisibleWhitespace(token); span.text(text); span.addClass('logprobs_output_token'); span.addClass('logprobs_tint_' + (i % TINTS)); => onSelectedTokenChanged(tokenData, span)); addKeyboardProps(span); tokenSpans.push(...withVirtualWhitespace(token, span)); }); view.append(tokenSpans); // scroll past long prior context if (prefix) { view.find('.logprobs_output_token').first()[0].scrollIntoView(); } } function addKeyboardProps(element) { element.attr('role', 'button'); element.attr('tabindex', '0'); element.keydown(function (e) { if (e.key === 'Enter' || e.key === ' ') {; } }); } /** * renderTopLogprobs renders the top logprobs subview with the currently * selected token highlighted. If no token is selected, the subview is hidden. */ function renderTopLogprobs() { const view = $('.logprobs_candidate_list'); const hint = $('#logprobs_top_logprobs_hint').hide(); view.empty(); if (!state.selectedTokenLogprobs) { return; } const { token: selectedToken, topLogprobs } = state.selectedTokenLogprobs; let sum = 0; const nodes = []; const candidates = topLogprobs .sort(([, logA], [, logB]) => logB - logA) .map(([text, log]) => { if (log <= 0) { const probability = Math.exp(log); sum += probability; return [text, probability, log]; } else { return [text, log, null]; } }); candidates.push(['', 1 - sum, 0]); let matched = false; for (const [token, probability, log] of candidates) { const container = $(''); const tokenNormalized = String(token).replace(/^▁/g, ' '); if (token === selectedToken || tokenNormalized === selectedToken) { matched = true; container.addClass('selected'); } const tokenText = $('').text(`${toVisibleWhitespace(token)}`); const percentText = $('').text(`${(probability * 100).toFixed(2)}%`); container.append(tokenText, percentText); if (log) { container.attr('title', `logarithm: ${log}`); } addKeyboardProps(container); if (token !== '') { => onAlternativeClicked(state.selectedTokenLogprobs, token)); } else { container.prop('disabled', true); } nodes.push(container); } // Highlight the node if the selected token was not included in the // top logprobs if (!matched) { nodes[nodes.length - 1].css('background-color', 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)'); } view.append(nodes); } /** * onSelectedTokenChanged is called when the user clicks on a token in the * token output view. It updates the selected token state and re-renders the * top logprobs view, or deselects the token if it was already selected. * @param {TokenLogprobs} logprobs - logprob data for the selected token * @param {Element} span - target span node that was clicked */ function onSelectedTokenChanged(logprobs, span) { $('.logprobs_output_token.selected').removeClass('selected'); if (state.selectedTokenLogprobs === logprobs) { state.selectedTokenLogprobs = null; } else { state.selectedTokenLogprobs = logprobs; $(span).addClass('selected'); } renderTopLogprobs(); } /** * onAlternativeClicked is called when the user clicks on an alternative token * in the top logprobs view. It will create a new swipe message and prefill it * with all text up to the selected token, followed by the chosen alternative. * Then it requests a `continue` completion from the model with the new prompt. * @param {TokenLogprobs} tokenLogprobs - logprob data for selected alternative * @param {string} alternative - selected alternative token's text */ function onAlternativeClicked(tokenLogprobs, alternative) { if (!checkGenerateReady()) { return; } if (getGeneratingApi() === 'openai') { return callPopup('

Feature unavailable

Due to API limitations, rerolling a token is not supported with OpenAI. Try switching to a different API.

', 'text'); } const { messageLogprobs, continueFrom } = getActiveMessageLogprobData(); const replaceIndex = messageLogprobs.findIndex(x => x === tokenLogprobs); const tokens = messageLogprobs.slice(0, replaceIndex + 1).map(({ token }) => token); tokens[replaceIndex] = String(alternative).replace(/^▁/g, ' '); const prefix = continueFrom || ''; const prompt = prefix + tokens.join(''); const messageId = chat.length - 1; createSwipe(messageId, prompt); $('.swipe_right:last').click(); // :see_no_evil: Generate('continue').then(_ => void _); } /** * onPrefixClicked is called when the user clicks on the carried-over prefix * in the token output view. It allows them to reroll the last 'continue' * completion with none of the output generated from it, in case they don't * like the results. */ function onPrefixClicked() { if (!checkGenerateReady()) { return; } const { continueFrom } = getActiveMessageLogprobData(); const messageId = chat.length - 1; const prefix = continueFrom || ''; createSwipe(messageId, prefix); $('.swipe_right:last').click(); Generate('continue').then(_ => void _); } function checkGenerateReady() { if (is_send_press) { toastr.warning('Please wait for the current generation to complete.'); return false; } return true; } /** * onToggleLogprobsPanel is called when the user performs an action that toggles * the logprobs view, such as clicking the Token Probabilities menu item or the * close button. */ function onToggleLogprobsPanel() { const logprobsViewer = $('#logprobsViewer'); // largely copied from CFGScale toggle if (logprobsViewer.css('display') === 'none') { logprobsViewer.addClass('resizing'); logprobsViewer.css('display', 'flex'); logprobsViewer.css('opacity', 0.0); renderAlternativeTokensView(); logprobsViewer.transition({ opacity: 1.0, duration: animation_duration, }, async function () { await delay(50); logprobsViewer.removeClass('resizing'); }); } else { logprobsViewer.addClass('resizing'); logprobsViewer.transition({ opacity: 0.0, duration: animation_duration, }, async function () { await delay(50); logprobsViewer.removeClass('resizing'); }); setTimeout(function () { logprobsViewer.hide(); }, animation_duration); } } /** * createSwipe appends a new swipe to the target chat message with the given * text. * @param {number} messageId - target chat message ID * @param {string} prompt - initial prompt text which will be continued */ function createSwipe(messageId, prompt) { // need to call `cleanUpMessage` on our new prompt, because we were working // with raw model output and our new prompt is missing trimming/macro replacements const cleanedPrompt = cleanUpMessage(prompt, false, false); const msg = chat[messageId]; const newSwipeInfo = { send_date: msg.send_date, gen_started: msg.gen_started, gen_finished: msg.gen_finished, extra: { ...structuredClone(msg.extra), from_logprobs: new Date().getTime() }, }; msg.swipes = msg.swipes || []; msg.swipe_info = msg.swipe_info || []; // Add our new swipe, then make sure the active swipe is the one just before // it. The call to `swipe_right` will switch to it immediately. msg.swipes.push(cleanedPrompt); msg.swipe_info.push(newSwipeInfo); msg.swipe_id = Math.max(0, msg.swipes.length - 2); } /** * toVisibleWhitespace receives input text and replaces spaces with · and * newlines with ↵. * @param {string} input * @returns {string} */ function toVisibleWhitespace(input) { return input.replace(/ /g, '·').replace(/▁/g, '·').replace(/\n/g, '↵'); } /** * withVirtualWhitespace inserts line breaks and a zero-width space before and * after the span node if its token begins or ends with whitespace in order to * allow text to wrap despite whitespace characters being replaced with a dot. * @param {string} text - token text being evaluated for whitespace * @param {Element} span - target span node to be wrapped * @returns {Element[]} array of nodes to be appended to the DOM */ function withVirtualWhitespace(text, span) { const result = [span]; if (text.match(/^\s/)) { result.unshift(document.createTextNode('\u200b')); } if (text.match(/\s$/)) { result.push($(document.createTextNode('\u200b'))); } if (text.match(/^▁/)) { result.unshift(document.createTextNode('\u200b')); } // line breaks are trickier. we don't currently handle consecutive line // breaks or line breaks occuring in between non-whitespace characters, but // tokenizers generally don't produce those anyway. // matches leading line break, at least one character, and trailing line break if (text.match(/^\n(?:.|\n)+\n$/)) { result.unshift($('
')); result.push($('
')); } else if (text.match(/^\n/)) { result.unshift($('
')); } else if (text.match(/\n$/)) { result.push($('
')); } return result; } /** * saveLogprobsForActiveMessage receives an array of TokenLogprobs objects * representing the top logprobs for each token in a message and associates it * with the active message. * * **Ensure the active message has been updated and rendered before calling * this function or the logprobs data will be saved to the wrong message.** * @param {TokenLogprobs[]} logprobs - array of logprobs data for each token * @param {string | null} continueFrom - for 'continue' generations, the prompt */ export function saveLogprobsForActiveMessage(logprobs, continueFrom) { if (!logprobs) { // non-streaming APIs could return null data return; } convertTokenIdLogprobsToText(logprobs); const msgId = chat.length - 1; /** @type {MessageLogprobData} */ const data = { created: new Date().getTime(), api: getGeneratingApi(), messageId: msgId, swipeId: chat[msgId].swipe_id, messageLogprobs: logprobs, continueFrom, hash: getMessageHash(chat[msgId]), }; state.messageLogprobs.set(data.hash, data); // Clean up old logprobs data const oldLogprobs = Array.from(state.messageLogprobs.values()) .sort((a, b) => b.created - a.created) .slice(MAX_MESSAGE_LOGPROBS); for (const oldData of oldLogprobs) { state.messageLogprobs.delete(oldData.hash); } } function getMessageHash(message) { // We don't use the swipe ID as a hash component because it's not stable, // deleting a swipe will change the ID of all subsequent swipes. const hashParams = { name:, mid: chat.indexOf(message), text: message.mes, }; return getStringHash(JSON.stringify(hashParams)); } /** * getActiveMessageLogprobData returns the logprobs data for the active chat * message. * @returns {MessageLogprobData || null} */ function getActiveMessageLogprobData() { const hash = getMessageHash(chat[chat.length - 1]); return state.messageLogprobs.get(hash) || null; } /** * convertLogprobTokenIdsToText mutates the given logprobs data's topLogprobs * field keyed by token text instead of token ID. This is only necessary for * APIs which only return token IDs in their logprobs data; for others this * function is a no-op. * @param {TokenLogprobs[]} input - logprobs data with numeric token IDs */ function convertTokenIdLogprobsToText(input) { const api = getGeneratingApi(); if (api !== 'novel') { return input; } const tokenizerId = getTokenizerBestMatch(api); // Flatten unique token IDs across all logprobs const tokenIds = Array.from(new Set(input.flatMap(logprobs =>[token]) => token).concat(logprobs.token), ))); // Submit token IDs to tokenizer to get token text, then build ID->text map const { chunks } = decodeTextTokens(tokenizerId, tokenIds); const tokenIdText = new Map(, i) => [id, chunks[i]])); // Fixup logprobs data with token text input.forEach(logprobs => { logprobs.token = tokenIdText.get(logprobs.token); logprobs.topLogprobs =[token, logprob]) => [tokenIdText.get(token), logprob], ); }); } export function initLogprobs() { const debouncedRender = debounce(renderAlternativeTokensView, 500); $('#logprobsViewerClose').click(onToggleLogprobsPanel); $('#option_toggle_logprobs').click(onToggleLogprobsPanel); eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, debouncedRender); eventSource.on(event_types.CHARACTER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, debouncedRender); eventSource.on(event_types.IMPERSONATE_READY, debouncedRender); eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_DELETED, debouncedRender); eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_EDITED, debouncedRender); eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_SWIPED, debouncedRender); }