Vector Storage
The model must be downloaded first! Do it with the ollama pull command or click here.
Hint: Set the URL in the API connection settings.
The server MUST be started with the --embedding flag to use this feature! Hint: Set the URL in the API connection settings.
Hint: Set the URL in the API connection settings.

World Info settings

  • Checked: all entries except ❌ status can be activated.
  • Unchecked: only entries with 🔗 status can be activated.

File vectorization settings

Message attachments
Data Bank files

Chat vectorization settings

Vector Summarization
Warning: This will slow down vector generation drastically, as all messages have to be summarized first. Warning: This might cause your sent messages to take a bit to process and slow down response time. Only used when Main API or WebLLM Extension is selected.
Old messages are vectorized gradually as you chat. To process all previous messages, click the button below.