import cloneDeep from 'lodash.clonedeep'; import userAgents from './user-agents.json'; // Normalizes the total weight to 1 and constructs a cumulative distribution. const makeCumulativeWeightIndexPairs = (weightIndexPairs) => { const totalWeight = weightIndexPairs.reduce((sum, [weight]) => sum + weight, 0); let sum = 0; return[weight, index]) => { sum += weight / totalWeight; return [sum, index]; }); }; // Precompute these so that we can quickly generate unfiltered user agents. const defaultWeightIndexPairs ={ weight }, index) => [weight, index]); const defaultCumulativeWeightIndexPairs = makeCumulativeWeightIndexPairs(defaultWeightIndexPairs); // Turn the various filter formats into a single filter function that acts on raw user agents. const constructFilter = (filters, accessor = parentObject => parentObject) => { let childFilters; if (typeof filters === 'function') { childFilters = [filters]; } else if (filters instanceof RegExp) { childFilters = [ value => ( typeof value === 'object' && value && value.userAgent ? filters.test(value.userAgent) : filters.test(value) ), ]; } else if (filters instanceof Array) { childFilters = => constructFilter(childFilter)); } else if (typeof filters === 'object') { childFilters = Object.entries(filters).map(([key, valueFilter]) => ( constructFilter(valueFilter, parentObject => parentObject[key]) )); } else { childFilters = [ value => ( typeof value === 'object' && value && value.userAgent ? filters === value.userAgent : filters === value ), ]; } return (parentObject) => { try { const value = accessor(parentObject); return childFilters.every(childFilter => childFilter(value)); } catch (error) { // This happens when a user-agent lacks a nested property. return false; } }; }; // Construct normalized cumulative weight index pairs given the filters. const constructCumulativeWeightIndexPairsFromFilters = (filters) => { if (!filters) { return defaultCumulativeWeightIndexPairs; } const filter = constructFilter(filters); const weightIndexPairs = []; userAgents.forEach((rawUserAgent, index) => { if (filter(rawUserAgent)) { weightIndexPairs.push([rawUserAgent.weight, index]); } }); return makeCumulativeWeightIndexPairs(weightIndexPairs); }; const setCumulativeWeightIndexPairs = (userAgent, cumulativeWeightIndexPairs) => { Object.defineProperty(userAgent, 'cumulativeWeightIndexPairs', { configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: false, value: cumulativeWeightIndexPairs, }); }; export default class UserAgent extends Function { constructor(filters) { super(); setCumulativeWeightIndexPairs(this, constructCumulativeWeightIndexPairsFromFilters(filters)); if (this.cumulativeWeightIndexPairs.length === 0) { throw new Error('No user agents matched your filters.'); } this.randomize(); return new Proxy(this, { apply: () => this.random(), get: (target, property, receiver) => { const dataCandidate = && typeof property === 'string' &&, property) &&, property); if (dataCandidate) { const value =[property]; if (value !== undefined) { return value; } } return Reflect.get(target, property, receiver); }, }); } static random = (filters) => { try { return new UserAgent(filters); } catch (error) { return null; } }; // // Standard Object Methods // [Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => ( ); toString = () => ( ); random = () => { const userAgent = new UserAgent(); setCumulativeWeightIndexPairs(userAgent, this.cumulativeWeightIndexPairs); userAgent.randomize(); return userAgent; }; randomize = () => { // Find a random raw random user agent. const randomNumber = Math.random(); const [, index] = this.cumulativeWeightIndexPairs .find(([cumulativeWeight]) => cumulativeWeight > randomNumber); const rawUserAgent = userAgents[index]; = cloneDeep(rawUserAgent); } }