import { VOID, PRIMITIVE, ARRAY, OBJECT, DATE, REGEXP, MAP, SET, ERROR, BIGINT } from './types.js'; const env = typeof self === 'object' ? self : globalThis; const deserializer = ($, _) => { const as = (out, index) => { $.set(index, out); return out; }; const unpair = index => { if ($.has(index)) return $.get(index); const [type, value] = _[index]; switch (type) { case PRIMITIVE: case VOID: return as(value, index); case ARRAY: { const arr = as([], index); for (const index of value) arr.push(unpair(index)); return arr; } case OBJECT: { const object = as({}, index); for (const [key, index] of value) object[unpair(key)] = unpair(index); return object; } case DATE: return as(new Date(value), index); case REGEXP: { const {source, flags} = value; return as(new RegExp(source, flags), index); } case MAP: { const map = as(new Map, index); for (const [key, index] of value) map.set(unpair(key), unpair(index)); return map; } case SET: { const set = as(new Set, index); for (const index of value) set.add(unpair(index)); return set; } case ERROR: { const {name, message} = value; return as(new env[name](message), index); } case BIGINT: return as(BigInt(value), index); case 'BigInt': return as(Object(BigInt(value)), index); } return as(new env[type](value), index); }; return unpair; }; /** * @typedef {Array<string,any>} Record a type representation */ /** * Returns a deserialized value from a serialized array of Records. * @param {Record[]} serialized a previously serialized value. * @returns {any} */ export const deserialize = serialized => deserializer(new Map, serialized)(0);