import { saveSettingsDebounced, callPopup, getRequestHeaders, substituteParams, eventSource, event_types, animation_duration } from '../../../script.js'; import { getContext, extension_settings } from '../../extensions.js'; import { getSortableDelay, escapeHtml, delay } from '../../utils.js'; import { executeSlashCommands, registerSlashCommand } from '../../slash-commands.js'; import { ContextMenu } from './src/ContextMenu.js'; import { MenuItem } from './src/MenuItem.js'; import { MenuHeader } from './src/MenuHeader.js'; import { loadMovingUIState } from '../../power-user.js'; import { dragElement } from '../../RossAscends-mods.js'; export { MODULE_NAME }; const MODULE_NAME = 'quick-reply'; const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000; let presets = []; let selected_preset = ''; const defaultSettings = { quickReplyEnabled: false, numberOfSlots: 5, quickReplySlots: [], placeBeforeInputEnabled: false, quickActionEnabled: false, AutoInputInject: true, }; //method from worldinfo async function updateQuickReplyPresetList() { const result = await fetch('/api/settings/get', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({}), }); if (result.ok) { var data = await result.json(); presets = data.quickReplyPresets?.length ? data.quickReplyPresets : []; console.debug('Quick Reply presets', presets); $('#quickReplyPresets').find('option[value!=""]').remove(); if (presets !== undefined) { presets.forEach((item) => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value =; option.innerText =; option.selected = selected_preset.includes(; $('#quickReplyPresets').append(option); }); } } } async function loadSettings(type) { if (type === 'init') { await updateQuickReplyPresetList(); } if (Object.keys(extension_settings.quickReply).length === 0) { Object.assign(extension_settings.quickReply, defaultSettings); } if (extension_settings.quickReply.AutoInputInject === undefined) { extension_settings.quickReply.AutoInputInject = true; } // If the user has an old version of the extension, update it if (!Array.isArray(extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots)) { extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots = []; extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots = defaultSettings.numberOfSlots; for (let i = 1; i <= extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots; i++) { extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots.push({ mes: extension_settings.quickReply[`quickReply${i}Mes`], label: extension_settings.quickReply[`quickReply${i}Label`], enabled: true, }); delete extension_settings.quickReply[`quickReply${i}Mes`]; delete extension_settings.quickReply[`quickReply${i}Label`]; } } initializeEmptySlots(extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots); generateQuickReplyElements(); for (let i = 1; i <= extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots; i++) { $(`#quickReply${i}Mes`).val(extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i - 1]?.mes).trigger('input'); $(`#quickReply${i}Label`).val(extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i - 1]?.label).trigger('input'); } $('#quickReplyEnabled').prop('checked', extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplyEnabled); $('#quickReplyNumberOfSlots').val(extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots); $('#placeBeforeInputEnabled').prop('checked', extension_settings.quickReply.placeBeforeInputEnabled); $('#quickActionEnabled').prop('checked', extension_settings.quickReply.quickActionEnabled); $('#AutoInputInject').prop('checked', extension_settings.quickReply.AutoInputInject); } function onQuickReplyInput(id) { extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[id - 1].mes = $(`#quickReply${id}Mes`).val(); $(`#quickReply${id}`).attr('title', String($(`#quickReply${id}Mes`).val())); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onQuickReplyLabelInput(id) { extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[id - 1].label = $(`#quickReply${id}Label`).val(); addQuickReplyBar(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } async function onQuickReplyContextMenuChange(id) { extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[id - 1].contextMenu = JSON.parse($(`#quickReplyContainer > [data-order="${id}"]`).attr('data-contextMenu')); saveSettingsDebounced(); } async function onQuickReplyCtxButtonClick(id) { const editorHtml = $(await $.get('scripts/extensions/quick-reply/contextMenuEditor.html')); const popupResult = callPopup(editorHtml, 'confirm', undefined, { okButton: 'Save', wide: false, large: false, rows: 1 }); const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[id - 1]; if (!qr.contextMenu) { qr.contextMenu = []; } /**@type {HTMLTemplateElement}*/ const tpl = document.querySelector('#quickReply_contextMenuEditor_itemTemplate'); const fillPresetSelect = (select, item) => { [{ name: 'Select a preset', value: '' }, ...presets].forEach(preset => { const opt = document.createElement('option'); { opt.value = preset.value ??; opt.textContent =; opt.selected = == item.preset; select.append(opt); } }); }; const addCtxItem = (item, idx) => { const dom = tpl.content.cloneNode(true); const ctxItem = dom.querySelector('.quickReplyContextMenuEditor_item'); ctxItem.setAttribute('data-order', idx); const select = ctxItem.querySelector('.quickReply_contextMenuEditor_preset'); fillPresetSelect(select, item); dom.querySelector('.quickReply_contextMenuEditor_chaining').checked = item.chain; $('.quickReply_contextMenuEditor_remove', ctxItem).on('click', () => ctxItem.remove()); document.querySelector('#quickReply_contextMenuEditor_content').append(ctxItem); }; [...qr.contextMenu, {}].forEach((item, idx) => { addCtxItem(item, idx); }); $('#quickReply_contextMenuEditor_addPreset').on('click', () => { addCtxItem({}, document.querySelector('#quickReply_contextMenuEditor_content').children.length); }); $('#quickReply_contextMenuEditor_content').sortable({ delay: getSortableDelay(), stop: () => { }, }); $('#quickReply_autoExecute_userMessage').prop('checked', qr.autoExecute_userMessage ?? false); $('#quickReply_autoExecute_botMessage').prop('checked', qr.autoExecute_botMessage ?? false); $('#quickReply_autoExecute_chatLoad').prop('checked', qr.autoExecute_chatLoad ?? false); $('#quickReply_autoExecute_appStartup').prop('checked', qr.autoExecute_appStartup ?? false); $('#quickReply_hidden').prop('checked', qr.hidden ?? false); $('#quickReply_hidden').on('input', () => { const state = !!$('#quickReply_hidden').prop('checked'); qr.hidden = state; saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#quickReply_autoExecute_appStartup').on('input', () => { const state = !!$('#quickReply_autoExecute_appStartup').prop('checked'); qr.autoExecute_appStartup = state; saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#quickReply_autoExecute_userMessage').on('input', () => { const state = !!$('#quickReply_autoExecute_userMessage').prop('checked'); qr.autoExecute_userMessage = state; saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#quickReply_autoExecute_botMessage').on('input', () => { const state = !!$('#quickReply_autoExecute_botMessage').prop('checked'); qr.autoExecute_botMessage = state; saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#quickReply_autoExecute_chatLoad').on('input', () => { const state = !!$('#quickReply_autoExecute_chatLoad').prop('checked'); qr.autoExecute_chatLoad = state; saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#quickReply_ui_title').val(qr.title ?? ''); if (await popupResult) { qr.contextMenu = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#quickReply_contextMenuEditor_content > .quickReplyContextMenuEditor_item')) .map(item => ({ preset: item.querySelector('.quickReply_contextMenuEditor_preset').value, chain: item.querySelector('.quickReply_contextMenuEditor_chaining').checked, })) .filter(item => item.preset); $(`#quickReplyContainer[data-order="${id}"]`).attr('data-contextMenu', JSON.stringify(qr.contextMenu)); qr.title = $('#quickReply_ui_title').val(); saveSettingsDebounced(); updateQuickReplyPreset(); onQuickReplyLabelInput(id); } } async function onQuickReplyEnabledInput() { let isEnabled = $(this).prop('checked'); extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplyEnabled = !!isEnabled; if (isEnabled === true) { $('#quickReplyBar').show(); } else { $('#quickReplyBar').hide(); } saveSettingsDebounced(); } // New function to handle input on quickActionEnabled async function onQuickActionEnabledInput() { extension_settings.quickReply.quickActionEnabled = !!$(this).prop('checked'); saveSettingsDebounced(); } async function onPlaceBeforeInputEnabledInput() { extension_settings.quickReply.placeBeforeInputEnabled = !!$(this).prop('checked'); saveSettingsDebounced(); } async function onAutoInputInject() { extension_settings.quickReply.AutoInputInject = !!$(this).prop('checked'); saveSettingsDebounced(); } async function sendQuickReply(index) { const prompt = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[index]?.mes || ''; return await performQuickReply(prompt, index); } async function executeQuickReplyByName(name) { if (!extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplyEnabled) { throw new Error('Quick Reply is disabled'); } let qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots.find(x => x.label == name); if (!qr && name.includes('.')) { const [presetName, qrName] = name.split('.'); const preset = presets.find(x => == presetName); if (preset) { qr = preset.quickReplySlots.find(x => x.label == qrName); } } if (!qr) { throw new Error(`Quick Reply "${name}" not found`); } return await performQuickReply(qr.mes); } window['executeQuickReplyByName'] = executeQuickReplyByName; async function performQuickReply(prompt, index) { if (!prompt) { console.warn(`Quick reply slot ${index} is empty! Aborting.`); return; } const existingText = $('#send_textarea').val(); let newText; if (existingText && extension_settings.quickReply.AutoInputInject) { if (extension_settings.quickReply.placeBeforeInputEnabled) { newText = `${prompt} ${existingText} `; } else { newText = `${existingText} ${prompt} `; } } else { // If no existing text and placeBeforeInputEnabled false, add prompt only (with a trailing space) newText = `${prompt} `; } // the prompt starts with '/' - execute slash commands natively if (prompt.startsWith('/')) { const result = await executeSlashCommands(newText); return typeof result === 'object' ? result?.pipe : ''; } newText = substituteParams(newText); $('#send_textarea').val(newText); // Set the focus back to the textarea $('#send_textarea').trigger('focus'); // Only trigger send button if quickActionEnabled is not checked or if (!extension_settings.quickReply.quickActionEnabled) { $('#send_but').trigger('click'); } } function buildContextMenu(qr, chainMes = null, hierarchy = [], labelHierarchy = []) { const tree = { label: qr.label, mes: (chainMes && qr.mes ? `${chainMes} | ` : '') + qr.mes, children: [], }; qr.contextMenu?.forEach(ctxItem => { let chain = ctxItem.chain; let subName = ctxItem.preset; const sub = presets.find(it => == subName); if (sub) { // prevent circular references if (hierarchy.indexOf( == -1) { const nextHierarchy = [...hierarchy,]; const nextLabelHierarchy = [...labelHierarchy, tree.label]; tree.children.push(new MenuHeader(; sub.quickReplySlots.forEach(subQr => { const subInfo = buildContextMenu(subQr, chain ? tree.mes : null, nextHierarchy, nextLabelHierarchy); tree.children.push(new MenuItem( subInfo.label, subInfo.mes, (evt) => { evt.stopPropagation(); performQuickReply(subInfo.mes.replace(/%%parent(-\d+)?%%/g, (_, index) => { return nextLabelHierarchy.slice(parseInt(index ?? '-1'))[0]; })); }, subInfo.children, )); }); } } }); return tree; } async function doQuickReplyBarPopout() { //shared elements const newQuickRepliesDiv = '
'; const popoutButtonClone = $('#quickReplyPopoutButton'); if ($('#quickReplyBarPopout').length === 0) { console.debug('did not see popout yet, creating'); const template = $('#zoomed_avatar_template').html(); const controlBarHtml = `
`; const newElement = $(template); let quickRepliesClone = $('#quickReplies').html(); newElement.attr('id', 'quickReplyBarPopout') .removeClass('zoomed_avatar') .addClass('draggable scrollY') .empty() .append(controlBarHtml) .append(newQuickRepliesDiv); //empty original bar $('#quickReplyBar').empty(); //add clone in popout $('body').append(newElement); $('#quickReplies').append(quickRepliesClone).css('margin-top', '1em'); $('.quickReplyButton').on('click', function () { let index = $(this).data('index'); sendQuickReply(index); }); $('.quickReplyButton > .ctx-expander').on('click', function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); let index = $(this.closest('.quickReplyButton')).data('index'); const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[index]; if (qr.contextMenu?.length) { evt.preventDefault(); const tree = buildContextMenu(qr); const menu = new ContextMenu(tree.children);; } }); $('.quickReplyButton').on('contextmenu', function (evt) { let index = $(this).data('index'); const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[index]; if (qr.contextMenu?.length) { evt.preventDefault(); const tree = buildContextMenu(qr); const menu = new ContextMenu(tree.children);; } }); loadMovingUIState(); $('#quickReplyBarPopout').fadeIn(animation_duration); dragElement(newElement); $('#quickReplyBarPopoutClose').off('click').on('click', function () { console.debug('saw existing popout, removing'); let quickRepliesClone = $('#quickReplies').html(); $('#quickReplyBar').append(newQuickRepliesDiv); $('#quickReplies').prepend(quickRepliesClone); $('#quickReplyBar').append(popoutButtonClone).fadeIn(animation_duration); $('#quickReplyBarPopout').fadeOut(animation_duration, () => { $('#quickReplyBarPopout').remove(); }); $('.quickReplyButton').on('click', function () { let index = $(this).data('index'); sendQuickReply(index); }); $('.quickReplyButton > .ctx-expander').on('click', function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); let index = $(this.closest('.quickReplyButton')).data('index'); const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[index]; if (qr.contextMenu?.length) { evt.preventDefault(); const tree = buildContextMenu(qr); const menu = new ContextMenu(tree.children);; } }); $('.quickReplyButton').on('contextmenu', function (evt) { let index = $(this).data('index'); const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[index]; if (qr.contextMenu?.length) { evt.preventDefault(); const tree = buildContextMenu(qr); const menu = new ContextMenu(tree.children);; } }); $('#quickReplyPopoutButton').off('click').on('click', doQuickReplyBarPopout); }); } } function addQuickReplyBar() { let quickReplyButtonHtml = ''; var targetContainer; if ($('#quickReplyBarPopout').length !== 0) { targetContainer = 'popout'; } else { targetContainer = 'bar'; $('#quickReplyBar').remove(); } for (let i = 0; i < extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots; i++) { const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i]; const quickReplyMes = qr?.mes || ''; const quickReplyLabel = qr?.label || ''; const hidden = qr?.hidden ?? false; let expander = ''; if (extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i]?.contextMenu?.length) { expander = ''; } quickReplyButtonHtml += `
`; } const quickReplyBarFullHtml = `
`; if (targetContainer === 'bar') { $('#send_form').prepend(quickReplyBarFullHtml); } else { $('#quickReplies').empty().append(quickReplyButtonHtml); } $('.quickReplyButton').on('click', function () { let index = $(this).data('index'); sendQuickReply(index); }); $('#quickReplyPopoutButton').off('click').on('click', doQuickReplyBarPopout); $('.quickReplyButton > .ctx-expander').on('click', function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); let index = $(this.closest('.quickReplyButton')).data('index'); const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[index]; if (qr.contextMenu?.length) { evt.preventDefault(); const tree = buildContextMenu(qr); const menu = new ContextMenu(tree.children);; } }); $('.quickReplyButton').on('contextmenu', function (evt) { let index = $(this).data('index'); const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[index]; if (qr.contextMenu?.length) { evt.preventDefault(); const tree = buildContextMenu(qr); const menu = new ContextMenu(tree.children);; } }); } async function moduleWorker() { if (extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplyEnabled === true) { $('#quickReplyBar').toggle(getContext().onlineStatus !== 'no_connection'); } if (extension_settings.quickReply.selectedPreset) { selected_preset = extension_settings.quickReply.selectedPreset; } } async function saveQuickReplyPreset() { const name = await callPopup('Enter a name for the Quick Reply Preset:', 'input'); if (!name) { return; } const quickReplyPreset = { name: name, quickReplyEnabled: extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplyEnabled, quickReplySlots: extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots, numberOfSlots: extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots, AutoInputInject: extension_settings.quickReply.AutoInputInject, selectedPreset: name, }; const response = await fetch('/savequickreply', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(quickReplyPreset), }); if (response.ok) { const quickReplyPresetIndex = presets.findIndex(x => == name); if (quickReplyPresetIndex == -1) { presets.push(quickReplyPreset); const option = document.createElement('option'); option.selected = true; option.value = name; option.innerText = name; $('#quickReplyPresets').append(option); } else { presets[quickReplyPresetIndex] = quickReplyPreset; $(`#quickReplyPresets option[value="${name}"]`).prop('selected', true); } saveSettingsDebounced(); } else { toastr.warning('Failed to save Quick Reply Preset.'); } } //just a copy of save function with the name hardcoded to currently selected preset async function updateQuickReplyPreset() { const name = $('#quickReplyPresets').val(); if (!name) { return; } const quickReplyPreset = { name: name, quickReplyEnabled: extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplyEnabled, quickReplySlots: extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots, numberOfSlots: extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots, AutoInputInject: extension_settings.quickReply.AutoInputInject, selectedPreset: name, }; const response = await fetch('/savequickreply', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(quickReplyPreset), }); if (response.ok) { const quickReplyPresetIndex = presets.findIndex(x => == name); if (quickReplyPresetIndex == -1) { presets.push(quickReplyPreset); const option = document.createElement('option'); option.selected = true; option.value = name; option.innerText = name; $('#quickReplyPresets').append(option); } else { presets[quickReplyPresetIndex] = quickReplyPreset; $(`#quickReplyPresets option[value="${name}"]`).prop('selected', true); } saveSettingsDebounced(); } else { toastr.warning('Failed to save Quick Reply Preset.'); } } async function onQuickReplyNumberOfSlotsInput() { const $input = $('#quickReplyNumberOfSlots'); let numberOfSlots = Number($input.val()); if (isNaN(numberOfSlots)) { numberOfSlots = defaultSettings.numberOfSlots; } // Clamp min and max values (from input attributes) if (numberOfSlots < Number($input.attr('min'))) { numberOfSlots = Number($input.attr('min')); } else if (numberOfSlots > Number($input.attr('max'))) { numberOfSlots = Number($input.attr('max')); } extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots = numberOfSlots; extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots.length = numberOfSlots; // Initialize new slots initializeEmptySlots(numberOfSlots); await loadSettings(); addQuickReplyBar(); moduleWorker(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function initializeEmptySlots(numberOfSlots) { for (let i = 0; i < numberOfSlots; i++) { if (!extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i]) { extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i] = { mes: '', label: '', enabled: true, }; } } } function generateQuickReplyElements() { let quickReplyHtml = ''; for (let i = 1; i <= extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots; i++) { quickReplyHtml += `
`; } $('#quickReplyContainer').empty().append(quickReplyHtml); for (let i = 1; i <= extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots; i++) { $(`#quickReply${i}Mes`).on('input', function () { onQuickReplyInput(this.closest('[data-order]').getAttribute('data-order')); }); $(`#quickReply${i}Label`).on('input', function () { onQuickReplyLabelInput(this.closest('[data-order]').getAttribute('data-order')); }); $(`#quickReply${i}CtxButton`).on('click', function () { onQuickReplyCtxButtonClick(this.closest('[data-order]').getAttribute('data-order')); }); $(`#quickReplyContainer > [data-order="${i}"]`).attr('data-contextMenu', JSON.stringify(extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i - 1]?.contextMenu ?? [])); } } async function applyQuickReplyPreset(name) { const quickReplyPreset = presets.find(x => == name); if (!quickReplyPreset) { toastr.warning(`error, QR preset '${name}' not found. Confirm you are using proper case sensitivity!`); return; } extension_settings.quickReply = quickReplyPreset; extension_settings.quickReply.selectedPreset = name; saveSettingsDebounced(); loadSettings('init'); addQuickReplyBar(); moduleWorker(); $(`#quickReplyPresets option[value="${name}"]`).prop('selected', true); console.debug('QR Preset applied: ' + name); } async function doQRPresetSwitch(_, text) { text = String(text); applyQuickReplyPreset(text); } async function doQR(_, text) { if (!text) { toastr.warning('must specify which QR # to use'); return; } text = Number(text); //use scale starting with 0 //ex: user inputs "/qr 2" >> qr with data-index 1 (but 2nd item displayed) gets triggered let QRnum = Number(text - 1); if (QRnum <= 0) { QRnum = 0; } const whichQR = $('#quickReplies').find(`[data-index='${QRnum}']`); whichQR.trigger('click'); } function saveQROrder() { //update html-level order data to match new sort let i = 1; $('#quickReplyContainer').children().each(function () { const oldOrder = $(this).attr('data-order'); $(this).attr('data-order', i); $(this).find('input').attr('id', `quickReply${i}Label`); $(this).find('textarea').attr('id', `quickReply${i}Mes`); $(this).find(`#quickReply${oldOrder}CtxButton`).attr('id', `quickReply${i}CtxButton`); $(this).find(`#quickReply${oldOrder}ExpandButton`).attr({ 'data-for': `quickReply${i}Mes`, 'id': `quickReply${i}ExpandButton` }); i++; }); //rebuild the extension_Settings array based on new order i = 1; $('#quickReplyContainer').children().each(function () { onQuickReplyContextMenuChange(i); onQuickReplyLabelInput(i); onQuickReplyInput(i); i++; }); } async function qrCreateCallback(args, mes) { const qr = { label: args.label ?? '', mes: (mes ?? '') .replace(/\\\|/g, '|') .replace(/\\\{/g, '{') .replace(/\\\}/g, '}') , title: args.title ?? '', autoExecute_chatLoad: JSON.parse(args.load ?? false), autoExecute_userMessage: JSON.parse(args.user ?? false), autoExecute_botMessage: JSON.parse( ?? false), autoExecute_appStartup: JSON.parse(args.startup ?? false), hidden: JSON.parse(args.hidden ?? false), }; const setName = args.set ?? selected_preset; const preset = presets.find(x => == setName); if (!preset) { toastr.warning('Confirm you are using proper case sensitivity!', `QR preset '${setName}' not found`); return ''; } preset.quickReplySlots.push(qr); preset.numberOfSlots++; await fetch('/savequickreply', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(preset), }); saveSettingsDebounced(); await delay(400); applyQuickReplyPreset(selected_preset); return ''; } async function qrUpdateCallback(args, mes) { const setName = args.set ?? selected_preset; const preset = presets.find(x => == setName); if (!preset) { toastr.warning('Confirm you are using proper case sensitivity!', `QR preset '${setName}' not found`); return ''; } const idx = preset.quickReplySlots.findIndex(x => x.label == args.label); const oqr = preset.quickReplySlots[idx]; const qr = { label: args.newlabel ?? oqr.label ?? '', mes: (mes ?? oqr.mes) .replace('\\|', '|') .replace('\\{', '{') .replace('\\}', '}') , title: args.title ?? oqr.title ?? '', autoExecute_chatLoad: JSON.parse(args.load ?? oqr.autoExecute_chatLoad ?? false), autoExecute_userMessage: JSON.parse(args.user ?? oqr.autoExecute_userMessage ?? false), autoExecute_botMessage: JSON.parse( ?? oqr.autoExecute_botMessage ?? false), autoExecute_appStartup: JSON.parse(args.startup ?? oqr.autoExecute_appStartup ?? false), hidden: JSON.parse(args.hidden ?? oqr.hidden ?? false), }; preset.quickReplySlots[idx] = qr; await fetch('/savequickreply', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(preset), }); saveSettingsDebounced(); await delay(400); applyQuickReplyPreset(selected_preset); return ''; } async function qrDeleteCallback(args, label) { const setName = args.set ?? selected_preset; const preset = presets.find(x => == setName); if (!preset) { toastr.warning('Confirm you are using proper case sensitivity!', `QR preset '${setName}' not found`); return ''; } const idx = preset.quickReplySlots.findIndex(x => x.label == label); preset.quickReplySlots.splice(idx, 1); preset.numberOfSlots--; await fetch('/savequickreply', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(preset), }); saveSettingsDebounced(); await delay(400); applyQuickReplyPreset(selected_preset); return ''; } async function qrContextAddCallback(args, presetName) { const setName = args.set ?? selected_preset; const preset = presets.find(x => == setName); if (!preset) { toastr.warning('Confirm you are using proper case sensitivity!', `QR preset '${setName}' not found`); return ''; } const idx = preset.quickReplySlots.findIndex(x => x.label == args.label); const oqr = preset.quickReplySlots[idx]; if (!oqr.contextMenu) { oqr.contextMenu = []; } let item = oqr.contextMenu.find(it => it.preset == presetName); if (item) { item.chain = JSON.parse(args.chain ?? 'null') ?? item.chain ?? false; } else { oqr.contextMenu.push({ preset: presetName, chain: JSON.parse(args.chain ?? 'false') }); } await fetch('/savequickreply', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(preset), }); saveSettingsDebounced(); await delay(400); applyQuickReplyPreset(selected_preset); return ''; } async function qrContextDeleteCallback(args, presetName) { const setName = args.set ?? selected_preset; const preset = presets.find(x => == setName); if (!preset) { toastr.warning('Confirm you are using proper case sensitivity!', `QR preset '${setName}' not found`); return ''; } const idx = preset.quickReplySlots.findIndex(x => x.label == args.label); const oqr = preset.quickReplySlots[idx]; if (!oqr.contextMenu) return; const ctxIdx = oqr.contextMenu.findIndex(it => it.preset == presetName); if (ctxIdx > -1) { oqr.contextMenu.splice(ctxIdx, 1); } await fetch('/savequickreply', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(preset), }); saveSettingsDebounced(); await delay(400); applyQuickReplyPreset(selected_preset); return ''; } async function qrContextClearCallback(args, label) { const setName = args.set ?? selected_preset; const preset = presets.find(x => == setName); if (!preset) { toastr.warning('Confirm you are using proper case sensitivity!', `QR preset '${setName}' not found`); return ''; } const idx = preset.quickReplySlots.findIndex(x => x.label == label); const oqr = preset.quickReplySlots[idx]; oqr.contextMenu = []; await fetch('/savequickreply', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(preset), }); saveSettingsDebounced(); await delay(400); applyQuickReplyPreset(selected_preset); return ''; } async function qrPresetAddCallback(args, name) { const quickReplyPreset = { name: name, quickReplyEnabled: JSON.parse(args.enabled ?? null) ?? true, quickActionEnabled: JSON.parse(args.nosend ?? null) ?? false, placeBeforeInputEnabled: JSON.parse(args.before ?? null) ?? false, quickReplySlots: [], numberOfSlots: Number(args.slots ?? '0'), AutoInputInject: JSON.parse(args.inject ?? 'false'), }; await fetch('/savequickreply', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(quickReplyPreset), }); await updateQuickReplyPresetList(); } async function qrPresetUpdateCallback(args, name) { const preset = presets.find(it => == name); const quickReplyPreset = { name:, quickReplyEnabled: JSON.parse(args.enabled ?? null) ?? preset.quickReplyEnabled, quickActionEnabled: JSON.parse(args.nosend ?? null) ?? preset.quickActionEnabled, placeBeforeInputEnabled: JSON.parse(args.before ?? null) ?? preset.placeBeforeInputEnabled, quickReplySlots: preset.quickReplySlots, numberOfSlots: Number(args.slots ?? preset.numberOfSlots), AutoInputInject: JSON.parse(args.inject ?? 'null') ?? preset.AutoInputInject, }; Object.assign(preset, quickReplyPreset); await fetch('/savequickreply', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(quickReplyPreset), }); } let onMessageSentExecuting = false; let onMessageReceivedExecuting = false; let onChatChangedExecuting = false; /** * Executes quick replies on message received. * @param {number} index New message index * @returns {Promise} */ async function onMessageReceived(index) { if (!extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplyEnabled) return; if (onMessageReceivedExecuting) return; try { onMessageReceivedExecuting = true; for (let i = 0; i < extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots; i++) { const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i]; if (qr?.autoExecute_botMessage) { const message = getContext().chat[index]; if (message?.mes && message?.mes !== '...') { await sendQuickReply(i); } } } } finally { onMessageReceivedExecuting = false; } } /** * Executes quick replies on message sent. * @param {number} index New message index * @returns {Promise} */ async function onMessageSent(index) { if (!extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplyEnabled) return; if (onMessageSentExecuting) return; try { onMessageSentExecuting = true; for (let i = 0; i < extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots; i++) { const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i]; if (qr?.autoExecute_userMessage) { const message = getContext().chat[index]; if (message?.mes && message?.mes !== '...') { await sendQuickReply(i); } } } } finally { onMessageSentExecuting = false; } } /** * Executes quick replies on chat changed. * @param {string} chatId New chat id * @returns {Promise} */ async function onChatChanged(chatId) { if (!extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplyEnabled) return; if (onChatChangedExecuting) return; try { onChatChangedExecuting = true; for (let i = 0; i < extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots; i++) { const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i]; if (qr?.autoExecute_chatLoad && chatId) { await sendQuickReply(i); } } } finally { onChatChangedExecuting = false; } } /** * Executes quick replies on app ready. * @returns {Promise} */ async function onAppReady() { if (!extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplyEnabled) return; for (let i = 0; i < extension_settings.quickReply.numberOfSlots; i++) { const qr = extension_settings.quickReply.quickReplySlots[i]; if (qr?.autoExecute_appStartup) { await sendQuickReply(i); } } } jQuery(async () => { moduleWorker(); setInterval(moduleWorker, UPDATE_INTERVAL); const settingsHtml = `
Quick Reply
Customize your Quick Replies:
`; $('#extensions_settings2').append(settingsHtml); // Add event handler for quickActionEnabled $('#quickActionEnabled').on('input', onQuickActionEnabledInput); $('#placeBeforeInputEnabled').on('input', onPlaceBeforeInputEnabledInput); $('#AutoInputInject').on('input', onAutoInputInject); $('#quickReplyEnabled').on('input', onQuickReplyEnabledInput); $('#quickReplyNumberOfSlotsApply').on('click', onQuickReplyNumberOfSlotsInput); $('#quickReplyPresetSaveButton').on('click', saveQuickReplyPreset); $('#quickReplyPresetUpdateButton').on('click', updateQuickReplyPreset); $('#quickReplyContainer').sortable({ delay: getSortableDelay(), stop: saveQROrder, }); $('#quickReplyPresets').on('change', async function () { const quickReplyPresetSelected = $(this).find(':selected').val(); extension_settings.quickReplyPreset = quickReplyPresetSelected; applyQuickReplyPreset(quickReplyPresetSelected); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); await loadSettings('init'); addQuickReplyBar(); eventSource.on(event_types.CHARACTER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, onMessageReceived); eventSource.on(event_types.USER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, onMessageSent); eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, onChatChanged); eventSource.on(event_types.APP_READY, onAppReady); }); jQuery(() => { registerSlashCommand('qr', doQR, [], '(number) – activates the specified Quick Reply', true, true); registerSlashCommand('qrset', doQRPresetSwitch, [], '(name) – swaps to the specified Quick Reply Preset', true, true); const qrArgs = ` label - string - text on the button, e.g., label=MyButton set - string - name of the QR set, e.g., set=PresetName1 hidden - bool - whether the button should be hidden, e.g., hidden=true startup - bool - auto execute on app startup, e.g., startup=true user - bool - auto execute on user message, e.g., user=true bot - bool - auto execute on AI message, e.g., bot=true load - bool - auto execute on chat load, e.g., load=true title - bool - title / tooltip to be shown on button, e.g., title="My Fancy Button" `.trim(); const qrUpdateArgs = ` newlabel - string - new text fort the button, e.g. newlabel=MyRenamedButton ${qrArgs} `.trim(); registerSlashCommand('qr-create', qrCreateCallback, [], `(arguments [message])\n arguments:\n ${qrArgs} – creates a new Quick Reply, example: /qr-create set=MyPreset label=MyButton /echo 123`, true, true); registerSlashCommand('qr-update', qrUpdateCallback, [], `(arguments [message])\n arguments:\n ${qrUpdateArgs} – updates Quick Reply, example: /qr-update set=MyPreset label=MyButton newlabel=MyRenamedButton /echo 123`, true, true); registerSlashCommand('qr-delete', qrDeleteCallback, [], '(set=string [label]) – deletes Quick Reply', true, true); registerSlashCommand('qr-contextadd', qrContextAddCallback, [], '(set=string label=string chain=bool [preset name]) – add context menu preset to a QR, example: /qr-contextadd set=MyPreset label=MyButton chain=true MyOtherPreset', true, true); registerSlashCommand('qr-contextdel', qrContextDeleteCallback, [], '(set=string label=string [preset name]) – remove context menu preset from a QR, example: /qr-contextdel set=MyPreset label=MyButton MyOtherPreset', true, true); registerSlashCommand('qr-contextclear', qrContextClearCallback, [], '(set=string [label]) – remove all context menu presets from a QR, example: /qr-contextclear set=MyPreset MyButton', true, true); const presetArgs = ` enabled - bool - enable or disable the preset nosend - bool - disable send / insert in user input (invalid for slash commands) before - bool - place QR before user input slots - int - number of slots inject - bool - inject user input automatically (if disabled use {{input}}) `.trim(); registerSlashCommand('qr-presetadd', qrPresetAddCallback, [], `(arguments [label])\n arguments:\n ${presetArgs} – create a new preset (overrides existing ones), example: /qr-presetadd slots=3 MyNewPreset`, true, true); registerSlashCommand('qr-presetupdate', qrPresetUpdateCallback, [], `(arguments [label])\n arguments:\n ${presetArgs} – update an existing preset, example: /qr-presetupdate enabled=false MyPreset`, true, true); });