import { callPopup, eventSource, event_types, saveSettings, saveSettingsDebounced, getRequestHeaders, substituteParams, renderTemplate, animation_duration } from '../script.js'; import { hideLoader, showLoader } from './loader.js'; import { isSubsetOf, setValueByPath } from './utils.js'; export { getContext, getApiUrl, loadExtensionSettings, runGenerationInterceptors, doExtrasFetch, modules, extension_settings, ModuleWorkerWrapper, }; export let extensionNames = []; let manifests = {}; const defaultUrl = 'http://localhost:5100'; let saveMetadataTimeout = null; let requiresReload = false; export function saveMetadataDebounced() { const context = getContext(); const groupId = context.groupId; const characterId = context.characterId; if (saveMetadataTimeout) { console.debug('Clearing save metadata timeout'); clearTimeout(saveMetadataTimeout); } saveMetadataTimeout = setTimeout(async () => { const newContext = getContext(); if (groupId !== newContext.groupId) { console.warn('Group changed, not saving metadata'); return; } if (characterId !== newContext.characterId) { console.warn('Character changed, not saving metadata'); return; } console.debug('Saving metadata...'); newContext.saveMetadata(); console.debug('Saved metadata...'); }, 1000); } /** * Provides an ability for extensions to render HTML templates. * Templates sanitation and localization is forced. * @param {string} extensionName Extension name * @param {string} templateId Template ID * @param {object} templateData Additional data to pass to the template * @returns {string} Rendered HTML */ export function renderExtensionTemplate(extensionName, templateId, templateData = {}, sanitize = true, localize = true) { return renderTemplate(`scripts/extensions/${extensionName}/${templateId}.html`, templateData, sanitize, localize, true); } // Disables parallel updates class ModuleWorkerWrapper { constructor(callback) { this.isBusy = false; this.callback = callback; } // Called by the extension async update(...args) { // Don't touch me I'm busy... if (this.isBusy) { return; } // I'm free. Let's update! try { this.isBusy = true; await this.callback(...args); } finally { this.isBusy = false; } } } const extension_settings = { apiUrl: defaultUrl, apiKey: '', autoConnect: false, notifyUpdates: false, disabledExtensions: [], expressionOverrides: [], memory: {}, note: { default: '', chara: [], wiAddition: [], }, caption: { refine_mode: false, }, expressions: { /** @type {string[]} */ custom: [], }, dice: {}, regex: [], tts: {}, sd: { prompts: {}, character_prompts: {}, character_negative_prompts: {}, }, chromadb: {}, translate: {}, objective: {}, quickReply: {}, randomizer: { controls: [], fluctuation: 0.1, enabled: false, }, speech_recognition: {}, rvc: {}, hypebot: {}, vectors: {}, variables: { global: {}, }, }; let modules = []; let activeExtensions = new Set(); const getContext = () => window['SillyTavern'].getContext(); const getApiUrl = () => extension_settings.apiUrl; let connectedToApi = false; function showHideExtensionsMenu() { // Get the number of menu items that are not hidden const hasMenuItems = $('#extensionsMenu').children().filter((_, child) => $(child).css('display') !== 'none').length > 0; // We have menu items, so we can stop checking if (hasMenuItems) { clearInterval(menuInterval); } // Show or hide the menu button $('#extensionsMenuButton').toggle(hasMenuItems); } // Periodically check for new extensions const menuInterval = setInterval(showHideExtensionsMenu, 1000); async function doExtrasFetch(endpoint, args) { if (!args) { args = {}; } if (!args.method) { Object.assign(args, { method: 'GET' }); } if (!args.headers) { args.headers = {}; } if (extension_settings.apiKey) { Object.assign(args.headers, { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${extension_settings.apiKey}`, }); } const response = await fetch(endpoint, args); return response; } async function discoverExtensions() { try { const response = await fetch('/api/extensions/discover'); if (response.ok) { const extensions = await response.json(); return extensions; } else { return []; } } catch (err) { console.error(err); return []; } } function onDisableExtensionClick() { const name = $(this).data('name'); disableExtension(name, false); } function onEnableExtensionClick() { const name = $(this).data('name'); enableExtension(name, false); } async function enableExtension(name, reload = true) { extension_settings.disabledExtensions = extension_settings.disabledExtensions.filter(x => x !== name); await saveSettings(); if (reload) { location.reload(); } else { requiresReload = true; } } async function disableExtension(name, reload = true) { extension_settings.disabledExtensions.push(name); await saveSettings(); if (reload) { location.reload(); } else { requiresReload = true; } } async function getManifests(names) { const obj = {}; const promises = []; for (const name of names) { const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(`/scripts/extensions/${name}/manifest.json`).then(async response => { if (response.ok) { const json = await response.json(); obj[name] = json; resolve(); } else { reject(); } }).catch(err => { reject(); console.log('Could not load manifest.json for ' + name, err); }); }); promises.push(promise); } await Promise.allSettled(promises); return obj; } async function activateExtensions() { const extensions = Object.entries(manifests).sort((a, b) => a[1].loading_order - b[1].loading_order); const promises = []; for (let entry of extensions) { const name = entry[0]; const manifest = entry[1]; const elementExists = document.getElementById(name) !== null; if (elementExists || activeExtensions.has(name)) { continue; } // all required modules are active (offline extensions require none) if (isSubsetOf(modules, manifest.requires)) { try { const isDisabled = extension_settings.disabledExtensions.includes(name); const li = document.createElement('li'); if (!isDisabled) { const promise = Promise.all([addExtensionScript(name, manifest), addExtensionStyle(name, manifest)]); promise .then(() => activeExtensions.add(name)) .catch(err => console.log('Could not activate extension: ' + name, err)); promises.push(promise); } else { li.classList.add('disabled'); } = name; li.innerText = manifest.display_name; $('#extensions_list').append(li); } catch (error) { console.error(`Could not activate extension: ${name}`); console.error(error); } } } await Promise.allSettled(promises); } async function connectClickHandler() { const baseUrl = $('#extensions_url').val(); extension_settings.apiUrl = String(baseUrl); const testApiKey = $('#extensions_api_key').val(); extension_settings.apiKey = String(testApiKey); saveSettingsDebounced(); await connectToApi(baseUrl); } function autoConnectInputHandler() { const value = $(this).prop('checked'); extension_settings.autoConnect = !!value; if (value && !connectedToApi) { $('#extensions_connect').trigger('click'); } saveSettingsDebounced(); } function addExtensionsButtonAndMenu() { const buttonHTML = ''; const extensionsMenuHTML = ''; $(document.body).append(extensionsMenuHTML); $('#leftSendForm').prepend(buttonHTML); const button = $('#extensionsMenuButton'); const dropdown = $('#extensionsMenu'); //dropdown.hide(); let popper = Popper.createPopper(button.get(0), dropdown.get(0), { placement: 'top-start', }); $(button).on('click', function () { if (':visible')) { dropdown.fadeOut(animation_duration); } else { dropdown.fadeIn(animation_duration); } popper.update(); }); $('html').on('click', function (e) { const clickTarget = $(; const noCloseTargets = ['#sd_gen', '#extensionsMenuButton']; if (':visible') && !noCloseTargets.some(id => clickTarget.closest(id).length > 0)) { $(dropdown).fadeOut(animation_duration); } }); } function notifyUpdatesInputHandler() { extension_settings.notifyUpdates = !!$('#extensions_notify_updates').prop('checked'); saveSettingsDebounced(); if (extension_settings.notifyUpdates) { checkForExtensionUpdates(true); } } /* $(document).on('click', function (e) { const target = $(; if ( return; if ( &&':hidden')) { dropdown.toggle(200); popper.update(); } if (target !== dropdown && target !== button &&":visible")) { dropdown.hide(200); } }); } */ async function connectToApi(baseUrl) { if (!baseUrl) { return; } const url = new URL(baseUrl); url.pathname = '/api/modules'; try { const getExtensionsResult = await doExtrasFetch(url); if (getExtensionsResult.ok) { const data = await getExtensionsResult.json(); modules = data.modules; await activateExtensions(); eventSource.emit(event_types.EXTRAS_CONNECTED, modules); } updateStatus(getExtensionsResult.ok); } catch { updateStatus(false); } } function updateStatus(success) { connectedToApi = success; const _text = success ? 'Connected to API' : 'Could not connect to API'; const _class = success ? 'success' : 'failure'; $('#extensions_status').text(_text); $('#extensions_status').attr('class', _class); } function addExtensionStyle(name, manifest) { if (manifest.css) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const url = `/scripts/extensions/${name}/${manifest.css}`; if ($(`link[id="${name}"]`).length === 0) { const link = document.createElement('link'); = name; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = url; link.onload = function () { resolve(); }; link.onerror = function (e) { reject(e); }; document.head.appendChild(link); } }); } return Promise.resolve(); } function addExtensionScript(name, manifest) { if (manifest.js) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const url = `/scripts/extensions/${name}/${manifest.js}`; let ready = false; if ($(`script[id="${name}"]`).length === 0) { const script = document.createElement('script'); = name; script.type = 'module'; script.src = url; script.async = true; script.onerror = function (err) { reject(err, script); }; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () { // console.log(this.readyState); // uncomment this line to see which ready states are called. if (!ready && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'complete')) { ready = true; resolve(); } }; document.body.appendChild(script); } }); } return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Generates HTML string for displaying an extension in the UI. * * @param {string} name - The name of the extension. * @param {object} manifest - The manifest of the extension. * @param {boolean} isActive - Whether the extension is active or not. * @param {boolean} isDisabled - Whether the extension is disabled or not. * @param {boolean} isExternal - Whether the extension is external or not. * @param {string} checkboxClass - The class for the checkbox HTML element. * @return {string} - The HTML string that represents the extension. */ async function generateExtensionHtml(name, manifest, isActive, isDisabled, isExternal, checkboxClass) { const displayName = manifest.display_name; let displayVersion = manifest.version ? ` v${manifest.version}` : ''; let isUpToDate = true; let updateButton = ''; let originHtml = ''; if (isExternal) { let data = await getExtensionVersion(name.replace('third-party', '')); let branch = data.currentBranchName; let commitHash = data.currentCommitHash; let origin = data.remoteUrl; isUpToDate = data.isUpToDate; displayVersion = ` (${branch}-${commitHash.substring(0, 7)})`; updateButton = isUpToDate ? `` : ``; originHtml = ``; } let toggleElement = isActive || isDisabled ? `` : ``; let deleteButton = isExternal ? `` : ''; // if external, wrap the name in a link to the repo let extensionHtml = `

${updateButton} ${deleteButton} ${originHtml} ${DOMPurify.sanitize(displayName)}${displayVersion} ${isExternal ? '' : ''} ${toggleElement}

`; if (isActive && Array.isArray(manifest.optional)) { const optional = new Set(manifest.optional); modules.forEach(x => optional.delete(x)); if (optional.size > 0) { const optionalString = DOMPurify.sanitize([...optional].join(', ')); extensionHtml += `

Optional modules: ${optionalString}

`; } } else if (!isDisabled) { // Neither active nor disabled const requirements = new Set(manifest.requires); modules.forEach(x => requirements.delete(x)); const requirementsString = DOMPurify.sanitize([...requirements].join(', ')); extensionHtml += `

Missing modules: ${requirementsString}

`; } return extensionHtml; } /** * Gets extension data and generates the corresponding HTML for displaying the extension. * * @param {Array} extension - An array where the first element is the extension name and the second element is the extension manifest. * @return {Promise} - An object with 'isExternal' indicating whether the extension is external, and 'extensionHtml' for the extension's HTML string. */ async function getExtensionData(extension) { const name = extension[0]; const manifest = extension[1]; const isActive = activeExtensions.has(name); const isDisabled = extension_settings.disabledExtensions.includes(name); const isExternal = name.startsWith('third-party'); const checkboxClass = isDisabled ? 'checkbox_disabled' : ''; const extensionHtml = await generateExtensionHtml(name, manifest, isActive, isDisabled, isExternal, checkboxClass); return { isExternal, extensionHtml }; } /** * Gets the module information to be displayed. * * @return {string} - The HTML string for the module information. */ function getModuleInformation() { let moduleInfo = modules.length ? `

${DOMPurify.sanitize(modules.join(', '))}

` : '

Not connected to the API!

'; return `

Modules provided by your Extras API:

${moduleInfo} `; } /** * Generates the HTML strings for all extensions and displays them in a popup. */ async function showExtensionsDetails() { let popupPromise; try { showLoader(); let htmlDefault = '

Built-in Extensions:

'; let htmlExternal = '

Installed Extensions:

'; const extensions = Object.entries(manifests).sort((a, b) => a[1].loading_order - b[1].loading_order); const promises = []; for (const extension of extensions) { promises.push(getExtensionData(extension)); } const settledPromises = await Promise.allSettled(promises); settledPromises.forEach(promise => { if (promise.status === 'fulfilled') { const { isExternal, extensionHtml } = promise.value; if (isExternal) { htmlExternal += extensionHtml; } else { htmlDefault += extensionHtml; } } }); const html = ` ${getModuleInformation()} ${htmlDefault} ${htmlExternal} `; popupPromise = callPopup(`
`, 'text', '', { okButton: 'Close', wide: true, large: true }); } catch (error) { toastr.error('Error loading extensions. See browser console for details.'); console.error(error); } finally { hideLoader(); } if (popupPromise) { await popupPromise; } if (requiresReload) { showLoader(); location.reload(); } } /** * Handles the click event for the update button of an extension. * This function makes a POST request to '/update_extension' with the extension's name. * If the extension is already up to date, it displays a success message. * If the extension is not up to date, it updates the extension and displays a success message with the new commit hash. */ async function onUpdateClick() { const extensionName = $(this).data('name'); $(this).find('i').addClass('fa-spin'); await updateExtension(extensionName, false); } /** * Updates a third-party extension via the API. * @param {string} extensionName Extension folder name * @param {boolean} quiet If true, don't show a success message */ async function updateExtension(extensionName, quiet) { try { const response = await fetch('/api/extensions/update', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ extensionName }), }); const data = await response.json(); if (!quiet) { showExtensionsDetails(); } if (data.isUpToDate) { if (!quiet) { toastr.success('Extension is already up to date'); } } else { toastr.success(`Extension ${extensionName} updated to ${data.shortCommitHash}`, 'Reload the page to apply updates'); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); } } /** * Handles the click event for the delete button of an extension. * This function makes a POST request to '/api/extensions/delete' with the extension's name. * If the extension is deleted, it displays a success message. * Creates a popup for the user to confirm before delete. */ async function onDeleteClick() { const extensionName = $(this).data('name'); // use callPopup to create a popup for the user to confirm before delete const confirmation = await callPopup(`Are you sure you want to delete ${extensionName}?`, 'delete_extension'); if (confirmation) { await deleteExtension(extensionName); } } export async function deleteExtension(extensionName) { try { await fetch('/api/extensions/delete', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ extensionName }), }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); } toastr.success(`Extension ${extensionName} deleted`); showExtensionsDetails(); // reload the page to remove the extension from the list location.reload(); } /** * Fetches the version details of a specific extension. * * @param {string} extensionName - The name of the extension. * @return {Promise} - An object containing the extension's version details. * This object includes the currentBranchName, currentCommitHash, isUpToDate, and remoteUrl. * @throws {error} - If there is an error during the fetch operation, it logs the error to the console. */ async function getExtensionVersion(extensionName) { try { const response = await fetch('/api/extensions/version', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ extensionName }), }); const data = await response.json(); return data; } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); } } /** * Installs a third-party extension via the API. * @param {string} url Extension repository URL * @returns {Promise} */ export async function installExtension(url) { console.debug('Extension installation started', url);'Please wait...', 'Installing extension'); const request = await fetch('/api/extensions/install', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ url }), }); if (!request.ok) { const text = await request.text(); toastr.warning(text || request.statusText, 'Extension installation failed', { timeOut: 5000 }); console.error('Extension installation failed', request.status, request.statusText, text); return; } const response = await request.json(); toastr.success(`Extension "${response.display_name}" by ${} (version ${response.version}) has been installed successfully!`, 'Extension installation successful'); console.debug(`Extension "${response.display_name}" has been installed successfully at ${response.extensionPath}`); await loadExtensionSettings({}, false); eventSource.emit(event_types.EXTENSION_SETTINGS_LOADED); } /** * Loads extension settings from the app settings. * @param {object} settings App Settings * @param {boolean} versionChanged Is this a version change? */ async function loadExtensionSettings(settings, versionChanged) { if (settings.extension_settings) { Object.assign(extension_settings, settings.extension_settings); } $('#extensions_url').val(extension_settings.apiUrl); $('#extensions_api_key').val(extension_settings.apiKey); $('#extensions_autoconnect').prop('checked', extension_settings.autoConnect); $('#extensions_notify_updates').prop('checked', extension_settings.notifyUpdates); // Activate offline extensions eventSource.emit(event_types.EXTENSIONS_FIRST_LOAD); extensionNames = await discoverExtensions(); manifests = await getManifests(extensionNames); if (versionChanged) { await autoUpdateExtensions(); } await activateExtensions(); if (extension_settings.autoConnect && extension_settings.apiUrl) { connectToApi(extension_settings.apiUrl); } } export function doDailyExtensionUpdatesCheck() { setTimeout(() => { if (extension_settings.notifyUpdates) { checkForExtensionUpdates(false); } }, 1); } /** * Checks if there are updates available for 3rd-party extensions. * @param {boolean} force Skip nag check * @returns {Promise} */ async function checkForExtensionUpdates(force) { if (!force) { const STORAGE_NAG_KEY = 'extension_update_nag'; const currentDate = new Date().toDateString(); // Don't nag more than once a day if (localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_NAG_KEY) === currentDate) { return; } localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_NAG_KEY, currentDate); } const updatesAvailable = []; const promises = []; for (const [id, manifest] of Object.entries(manifests)) { if (manifest.auto_update && id.startsWith('third-party')) { const promise = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const data = await getExtensionVersion(id.replace('third-party', '')); if (data.isUpToDate === false) { updatesAvailable.push(manifest.display_name); } resolve(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error checking for extension updates', error); reject(); } }); promises.push(promise); } } await Promise.allSettled(promises); if (updatesAvailable.length > 0) {`${ => `• ${x}`).join('\n')}`, 'Extension updates available'); } } async function autoUpdateExtensions() { if (!Object.values(manifests).some(x => x.auto_update)) { return; } const banner ='Auto-updating extensions. This may take several minutes.', 'Please wait...', { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 10000 }); const promises = []; for (const [id, manifest] of Object.entries(manifests)) { if (manifest.auto_update && id.startsWith('third-party')) { console.debug(`Auto-updating 3rd-party extension: ${manifest.display_name} (${id})`); promises.push(updateExtension(id.replace('third-party', ''), true)); } } await Promise.allSettled(promises); toastr.clear(banner); } /** * Runs the generate interceptors for all extensions. * @param {any[]} chat Chat array * @param {number} contextSize Context size * @returns {Promise} True if generation should be aborted */ async function runGenerationInterceptors(chat, contextSize) { let aborted = false; let exitImmediately = false; const abort = (/** @type {boolean} */ immediately) => { aborted = true; exitImmediately = immediately; }; for (const manifest of Object.values(manifests).sort((a, b) => a.loading_order - b.loading_order)) { const interceptorKey = manifest.generate_interceptor; if (typeof window[interceptorKey] === 'function') { try { await window[interceptorKey](chat, contextSize, abort); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed running interceptor for ${manifest.display_name}`, e); } } if (exitImmediately) { break; } } return aborted; } /** * Writes a field to the character's data extensions object. * @param {number} characterId Index in the character array * @param {string} key Field name * @param {any} value Field value * @returns {Promise} When the field is written */ export async function writeExtensionField(characterId, key, value) { const context = getContext(); const character = context.characters[characterId]; if (!character) { console.warn('Character not found', characterId); return; } const path = `data.extensions.${key}`; setValueByPath(character, path, value); // Process JSON data if (character.json_data) { const jsonData = JSON.parse(character.json_data); setValueByPath(jsonData, path, value); character.json_data = JSON.stringify(jsonData); // Make sure the data doesn't get lost when saving the current character if (Number(characterId) === Number(context.characterId)) { $('#character_json_data').val(character.json_data); } } // Save data to the server const saveDataRequest = { avatar: character.avatar, data: { extensions: { [key]: value, }, }, }; const mergeResponse = await fetch('/api/characters/merge-attributes', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(saveDataRequest), }); if (!mergeResponse.ok) { console.error('Failed to save extension field', mergeResponse.statusText); } } jQuery(function () { addExtensionsButtonAndMenu(); $('#extensionsMenuButton').css('display', 'flex'); $('#extensions_connect').on('click', connectClickHandler); $('#extensions_autoconnect').on('input', autoConnectInputHandler); $('#extensions_details').on('click', showExtensionsDetails); $('#extensions_notify_updates').on('input', notifyUpdatesInputHandler); $(document).on('click', '.toggle_disable', onDisableExtensionClick); $(document).on('click', '.toggle_enable', onEnableExtensionClick); $(document).on('click', '.btn_update', onUpdateClick); $(document).on('click', '.btn_delete', onDeleteClick); /** * Handles the click event for the third-party extension import button. * Prompts the user to enter the Git URL of the extension to import. * After obtaining the Git URL, makes a POST request to '/api/extensions/install' to import the extension. * If the extension is imported successfully, a success message is displayed. * If the extension import fails, an error message is displayed and the error is logged to the console. * After successfully importing the extension, the extension settings are reloaded and a 'EXTENSION_SETTINGS_LOADED' event is emitted. * * @listens #third_party_extension_button#click - The click event of the '#third_party_extension_button' element. */ $('#third_party_extension_button').on('click', async () => { const html = `

Enter the Git URL of the extension to install

Disclaimer: Please be aware that using external extensions can have unintended side effects and may pose security risks. Always make sure you trust the source before importing an extension. We are not responsible for any damage caused by third-party extensions.


`; const input = await callPopup(html, 'input'); if (!input) { console.debug('Extension install cancelled'); return; } const url = input.trim(); await installExtension(url); }); });