'use strict';

import {
} from '../script.js';

import { favsToHotswap } from './RossAscends-mods.js';
import { hideLoader, showLoader } from './loader.js';
import { convertCharacterToPersona } from './personas.js';
import { createTagInput, getTagKeyForEntity, getTagsList, printTagList, tag_map, compareTagsForSort, removeTagFromMap } from './tags.js';

 * Static object representing the actions of the
 * character context menu override.
class CharacterContextMenu {
     * Tag one or more characters,
     * opens a popup.
     * @param {Array<number>} selectedCharacters
    static tag = (selectedCharacters) => {

     * Duplicate one or more characters
     * @param {number} characterId
     * @returns {Promise<any>}
    static duplicate = async (characterId) => {
        const character = CharacterContextMenu.#getCharacter(characterId);
        const body = { avatar_url: character.avatar };

        const result = await fetch('/api/characters/duplicate', {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: getRequestHeaders(),
            body: JSON.stringify(body),

        if (!result.ok) {
            throw new Error('Character not duplicated');

        const data = await result.json();
        await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_DUPLICATED, { oldAvatar: body.avatar_url, newAvatar: data.path });

     * Favorite a character
     * and highlight it.
     * @param {number} characterId
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    static favorite = async (characterId) => {
        const character = CharacterContextMenu.#getCharacter(characterId);
        const newFavState = !character.data.extensions.fav;

        const data = {
            name: character.name,
            avatar: character.avatar,
            data: {
                extensions: {
                    fav: newFavState,
            fav: newFavState,

        const mergeResponse = await fetch('/api/characters/merge-attributes', {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: getRequestHeaders(),
            body: JSON.stringify(data),

        if (!mergeResponse.ok) {
            mergeResponse.json().then(json => toastr.error(`Character not saved. Error: ${json.message}. Field: ${json.error}`));

        const element = document.getElementById(`CharID${characterId}`);

     * Convert one or more characters to persona,
     * may open a popup for one or more characters.
     * @param {number} characterId
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    static persona = async (characterId) => await convertCharacterToPersona(characterId);

     * Delete one or more characters,
     * opens a popup.
     * @param {number} characterId
     * @param {boolean} [deleteChats]
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    static delete = async (characterId, deleteChats = false) => {
        const character = CharacterContextMenu.#getCharacter(characterId);

        await deleteCharacter(character.avatar, { deleteChats: deleteChats });

    static #getCharacter = (characterId) => characters[characterId] ?? null;

     * Show the context menu at the given position
     * @param positionX
     * @param positionY
    static show = (positionX, positionY) => {
        let contextMenu = document.getElementById(BulkEditOverlay.contextMenuId);
        contextMenu.style.left = `${positionX}px`;
        contextMenu.style.top = `${positionY}px`;


        // Adjust position if context menu is outside of viewport
        const boundingRect = contextMenu.getBoundingClientRect();
        if (boundingRect.right > window.innerWidth) {
            contextMenu.style.left = `${positionX - (boundingRect.right - window.innerWidth)}px`;
        if (boundingRect.bottom > window.innerHeight) {
            contextMenu.style.top = `${positionY - (boundingRect.bottom - window.innerHeight)}px`;

     * Hide the context menu
    static hide = () => document.getElementById(BulkEditOverlay.contextMenuId).classList.add('hidden');

     * Sets up the context menu for the given overlay
     * @param characterGroupOverlay
    constructor(characterGroupOverlay) {
        const contextMenuItems = [
            { id: 'character_context_menu_favorite', callback: characterGroupOverlay.handleContextMenuFavorite },
            { id: 'character_context_menu_duplicate', callback: characterGroupOverlay.handleContextMenuDuplicate },
            { id: 'character_context_menu_delete', callback: characterGroupOverlay.handleContextMenuDelete },
            { id: 'character_context_menu_persona', callback: characterGroupOverlay.handleContextMenuPersona },
            { id: 'character_context_menu_tag', callback: characterGroupOverlay.handleContextMenuTag },

        contextMenuItems.forEach(contextMenuItem => document.getElementById(contextMenuItem.id).addEventListener('click', contextMenuItem.callback));

 * Represents a tag control not bound to a single character
class BulkTagPopupHandler {
     * The characters for this popup
     * @type {number[]}

     * A storage of the current mutual tags, as calculated by getMutualTags()
     * @type {object[]}

     * Sets up the bulk popup menu handler for the given overlay.
     * Characters can be passed in with the show() call.
    constructor() { }

     * Gets the HTML as a string that is going to be the popup for the bulk tag edit
     * @returns String containing the html for the popup
    #getHtml = () => {
        const characterData = JSON.stringify({ characterIds: this.characterIds });
        return `<div id="bulk_tag_shadow_popup">
            <div id="bulk_tag_popup">
                <div id="bulk_tag_popup_holder">
                    <h3 class="marginBot5">Modify tags of ${this.characterIds.length} characters</h3>
                    <small class="bulk_tags_desc m-b-1">Add or remove the mutual tags of all selected characters.</small>
                    <div id="bulk_tags_avatars_block" class="avatars_inline avatars_inline_small tags tags_inline"></div>
                    <div id="bulk_tags_div" class="marginBot5" data-characters='${characterData}'>
                        <div class="tag_controls">
                            <input id="bulkTagInput" class="text_pole tag_input wide100p margin0" data-i18n="[placeholder]Search / Create Tags" placeholder="Search / Create tags" maxlength="25" />
                            <div class="tags_view menu_button fa-solid fa-tags" title="View all tags" data-i18n="[title]View all tags"></div>
                        <div id="bulkTagList" class="m-t-1 tags"></div>
                    <div id="dialogue_popup_controls" class="m-t-1">
                        <div id="bulk_tag_popup_reset" class="menu_button" title="Remove all tags from the selected characters" data-i18n="[title]Remove all tags from the selected characters">
                            <i class="fa-solid fa-trash-can margin-right-10px"></i>
                        <div id="bulk_tag_popup_remove_mutual" class="menu_button" title="Remove all mutual tags from the selected characters" data-i18n="[title]Remove all mutual tags from the selected characters">
                            <i class="fa-solid fa-trash-can margin-right-10px"></i>
                        <div id="bulk_tag_popup_cancel" class="menu_button" data-i18n="Cancel">Close</div>

     * Append and show the tag control
     * @param {number[]} characterIds - The characters that are shown inside the popup
    show(characterIds) {
        // shallow copy character ids persistently into this tooltip
        this.characterIds = characterIds.slice();

        if (this.characterIds.length == 0) {
            console.log('No characters selected for bulk edit tags.');

        document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', this.#getHtml());

        const entities = this.characterIds.map(id => characterToEntity(characters[id], id)).filter(entity => entity.item !== undefined);
        buildAvatarList($('#bulk_tags_avatars_block'), entities);

        // Print the tag list with all mutuable tags, marking them as removable. That is the initial fill
        printTagList($('#bulkTagList'), { tags: () => this.getMutualTags(), tagOptions: { removable: true } });

        // Tag input with resolvable list for the mutual tags to get redrawn, so that newly added tags get sorted correctly
        createTagInput('#bulkTagInput', '#bulkTagList', { tags: () => this.getMutualTags(), tagOptions: { removable: true } });

        document.querySelector('#bulk_tag_popup_reset').addEventListener('click', this.resetTags.bind(this));
        document.querySelector('#bulk_tag_popup_remove_mutual').addEventListener('click', this.removeMutual.bind(this));
        document.querySelector('#bulk_tag_popup_cancel').addEventListener('click', this.hide.bind(this));

     * Builds a list of all tags that the provided characters have in common.
     * @returns {Array<object>} A list of mutual tags
    getMutualTags() {
        if (this.characterIds.length == 0) {
            return [];

        if (this.characterIds.length === 1) {
            // Just use tags of the single character
            return getTagsList(getTagKeyForEntity(this.characterIds[0]));

        // Find mutual tags for multiple characters
        const allTags = this.characterIds.map(cid => getTagsList(getTagKeyForEntity(cid)));
        const mutualTags = allTags.reduce((mutual, characterTags) =>
            mutual.filter(tag => characterTags.some(cTag => cTag.id === tag.id)),

        this.currentMutualTags = mutualTags.sort(compareTagsForSort);
        return this.currentMutualTags;

     * Hide and remove the tag control
    hide() {
        let popupElement = document.querySelector('#bulk_tag_shadow_popup');
        if (popupElement) {

        // No need to redraw here, all tags actions were redrawn when they happened

     * Empty the tag map for the given characters
    resetTags() {
        for (const characterId of this.characterIds) {
            const key = getTagKeyForEntity(characterId);
            if (key) tag_map[key] = [];



     * Remove the mutual tags for all given characters
    removeMutual() {
        const mutualTags = this.getMutualTags();

        for (const characterId of this.characterIds) {
            for(const tag of mutualTags) {
                removeTagFromMap(tag.id, characterId);



class BulkEditOverlayState {
     * @type {number}
    static browse = 0;

     * @type {number}
    static select = 1;

 * Implement a SingletonPattern, allowing access to the group overlay instance
 * from everywhere via (new CharacterGroupOverlay())
 * @type BulkEditOverlay
let bulkEditOverlayInstance = null;

class BulkEditOverlay {
    static containerId = 'rm_print_characters_block';
    static contextMenuId = 'character_context_menu';
    static characterClass = 'character_select';
    static groupClass = 'group_select';
    static bogusFolderClass = 'bogus_folder_select';
    static selectModeClass = 'group_overlay_mode_select';
    static selectedClass = 'character_selected';
    static legacySelectedClass = 'bulk_select_checkbox';
    static bulkSelectedCountId = 'bulkSelectedCount';

    static longPressDelay = 2500;

    #state = BulkEditOverlayState.browse;
    #longPress = false;
    #stateChangeCallbacks = [];
    #selectedCharacters = [];
    #bulkTagPopupHandler = new BulkTagPopupHandler();

     * @typedef {object} LastSelected - An object noting the last selected character and its state.
     * @property {string} [characterId] - The character id of the last selected character.
     * @property {boolean} [select] - The selected state of the last selected character. <c>true</c> if it was selected, <c>false</c> if it was deselected.

     * @type {LastSelected} - An object noting the last selected character and its state.
    lastSelected = { characterId: undefined, select: undefined };

     * Locks other pointer actions when the context menu is open
     * @type {boolean}
    #contextMenuOpen = false;

     * Whether the next character select should be skipped
     * @type {boolean}
    #cancelNextToggle = false;

     * @type HTMLElement
    container = null;

    get state() {
        return this.#state;

    set state(newState) {
        if (this.#state === newState) return;

        eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_GROUP_OVERLAY_STATE_CHANGE_BEFORE, newState)
            .then(() => {
                this.#state = newState;
                eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_GROUP_OVERLAY_STATE_CHANGE_AFTER, this.state);

    get isLongPress() {
        return this.#longPress;

    set isLongPress(longPress) {
        this.#longPress = longPress;

    get stateChangeCallbacks() {
        return this.#stateChangeCallbacks;

     * @returns {number[]}
    get selectedCharacters() {
        return this.#selectedCharacters;

     * The instance of the bulk tag popup handler that handles tagging of all selected characters
     * @returns {BulkTagPopupHandler}
    get bulkTagPopupHandler() {
        return this.#bulkTagPopupHandler;

    constructor() {
        if (bulkEditOverlayInstance instanceof BulkEditOverlay)
            return bulkEditOverlayInstance;

        this.container = document.getElementById(BulkEditOverlay.containerId);

        eventSource.on(event_types.CHARACTER_GROUP_OVERLAY_STATE_CHANGE_AFTER, this.handleStateChange);
        bulkEditOverlayInstance = Object.freeze(this);

     * Set the overlay to browse mode
    browseState = () => this.state = BulkEditOverlayState.browse;

     * Set the overlay to select mode
    selectState = () => this.state = BulkEditOverlayState.select;

     * Set up a Sortable grid for the loaded page
    onPageLoad = () => {

        const elements = this.#getEnabledElements();
        elements.forEach(element => element.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleHold));
        elements.forEach(element => element.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleHold));
        elements.forEach(element => element.addEventListener('contextmenu', this.handleDefaultContextMenu));

        elements.forEach(element => element.addEventListener('touchend', this.handleLongPressEnd));
        elements.forEach(element => element.addEventListener('mouseup', this.handleLongPressEnd));
        elements.forEach(element => element.addEventListener('dragend', this.handleLongPressEnd));
        elements.forEach(element => element.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleLongPressEnd));

        // Cohee: It only triggers when clicking on a margin between the elements?
        // Feel free to fix or remove this, I'm not sure how to.
        //this.container.addEventListener('click', this.handleCancelClick);

     * Handle state changes
    handleStateChange = () => {
        switch (this.state) {
            case BulkEditOverlayState.browse:
                this.#contextMenuOpen = false;
            case BulkEditOverlayState.select:

        this.stateChangeCallbacks.forEach(callback => callback(this.state));

     * Block the browsers native context menu and
     * set a click event to hide the custom context menu.
    enableContextMenu = () => {
        this.container.addEventListener('contextmenu', this.handleContextMenuShow);
        document.addEventListener('click', this.handleContextMenuHide);

     * Remove event listeners, allowing the native browser context
     * menu to be opened.
    disableContextMenu = () => {
        this.container.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this.handleContextMenuShow);
        document.removeEventListener('click', this.handleContextMenuHide);

    handleDefaultContextMenu = (event) => {
        if (this.isLongPress) {
            return false;

     * Opens menu on long-press.
     * @param event - Pointer event
    handleHold = (event) => {
        if (0 !== event.button && event.type !== 'touchstart') return;
        if (this.#contextMenuOpen) {
            this.#contextMenuOpen = false;
            this.#cancelNextToggle = true;

        let cancel = false;

        const cancelHold = (event) => cancel = true;
        this.container.addEventListener('mouseup', cancelHold);
        this.container.addEventListener('touchend', cancelHold);

        this.isLongPress = true;

        setTimeout(() => {
            if (this.isLongPress && !cancel) {
                if (this.state === BulkEditOverlayState.browse) {
                } else if (this.state === BulkEditOverlayState.select) {
                    this.#contextMenuOpen = true;

            this.container.removeEventListener('mouseup', cancelHold);
            this.container.removeEventListener('touchend', cancelHold);

    handleLongPressEnd = (event) => {
        this.isLongPress = false;
        if (this.#contextMenuOpen) event.stopPropagation();

    handleCancelClick = () => {
        if (false === this.#contextMenuOpen) this.state = BulkEditOverlayState.browse;
        this.#contextMenuOpen = false;

     * Returns the position of the mouse/touch location
     * @param event
     * @returns {(boolean|number|*)[]}
    #getContextMenuPosition = (event) => [
        event.clientX || event.touches[0].clientX,
        event.clientY || event.touches[0].clientY,

    #stopEventPropagation = (event) => {
        if (this.#contextMenuOpen) {

    #enableClickEventsForGroups = () => this.#getDisabledElements().forEach((element) => element.removeEventListener('click', this.#stopEventPropagation));

    #disableClickEventsForGroups = () => this.#getDisabledElements().forEach((element) => element.addEventListener('click', this.#stopEventPropagation));

    #enableClickEventsForCharacters = () => this.#getEnabledElements().forEach(element => element.removeEventListener('click', this.toggleCharacterSelected));

    #disableClickEventsForCharacters = () => this.#getEnabledElements().forEach(element => element.addEventListener('click', this.toggleCharacterSelected));

    #enableBulkEditButtonHighlight = () => document.getElementById('bulkEditButton').classList.add('bulk_edit_overlay_active');

    #disableBulkEditButtonHighlight = () => document.getElementById('bulkEditButton').classList.remove('bulk_edit_overlay_active');

    #getEnabledElements = () => [...this.container.getElementsByClassName(BulkEditOverlay.characterClass)];

    #getDisabledElements = () => [...this.container.getElementsByClassName(BulkEditOverlay.groupClass), ...this.container.getElementsByClassName(BulkEditOverlay.bogusFolderClass)];

    toggleCharacterSelected = event => {

        const character = event.currentTarget;

        if (!this.#contextMenuOpen && !this.#cancelNextToggle) {
            if (event.shiftKey) {
                // Shift click might have selected text that we don't want to. Unselect it.

            } else {

        this.#cancelNextToggle = false;

     * When shift click was held down, this function handles the multi select of characters in a single click.
     * If the last clicked character was deselected, and the current one was deselected too, it will deselect all currently selected characters between those two.
     * If the last clicked character was selected, and the current one was selected too, it will select all currently not selected characters between those two.
     * If the states do not match, nothing will happen.
     * @param {HTMLElement} currentCharacter - The html element of the currently toggled character
    handleShiftClick = (currentCharacter) => {
        const characterId = currentCharacter.getAttribute('chid');
        const select = !this.selectedCharacters.includes(characterId);

        if (this.lastSelected.characterId && this.lastSelected.select !== undefined) {
            // Only if select state and the last select state match we execute the range select
            if (select === this.lastSelected.select) {
                this.toggleCharactersInRange(currentCharacter, select);

     * Toggles the selection of a given characters
     * @param {HTMLElement} character - The html element of a character
     * @param {object} param1 - Optional params
     * @param {boolean} [param1.markState] - Whether the toggle of this character should be remembered as the last done toggle
    toggleSingleCharacter = (character, { markState = true } = {}) => {
        const characterId = character.getAttribute('chid');

        const select = !this.selectedCharacters.includes(characterId);
        const legacyBulkEditCheckbox = character.querySelector('.' + BulkEditOverlay.legacySelectedClass);

        if (select) {
            if (legacyBulkEditCheckbox) legacyBulkEditCheckbox.checked = true;
        } else {
            if (legacyBulkEditCheckbox) legacyBulkEditCheckbox.checked = false;
            this.#selectedCharacters = this.#selectedCharacters.filter(item => String(characterId) !== item);


        if (markState) {
            this.lastSelected.characterId = characterId;
            this.lastSelected.select = select;

     * Updates the selected count element with the current count
     * @param {number} [countOverride] - optional override for a manual number to set
    updateSelectedCount = (countOverride = undefined) => {
        const count = countOverride ?? this.selectedCharacters.length;
        $(`#${BulkEditOverlay.bulkSelectedCountId}`).text(count).attr('title', `${count} characters selected`);

     * Toggles the selection of characters in a given range.
     * The range is provided by the given character and the last selected one remembered in the selection state.
     * @param {HTMLElement} currentCharacter - The html element of the currently toggled character
     * @param {boolean} select - <c>true</c> if the characters in the range are to be selected, <c>false</c> if deselected
    toggleCharactersInRange = (currentCharacter, select) => {
        const currentCharacterId = currentCharacter.getAttribute('chid');
        const characters = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#' + BulkEditOverlay.containerId + ' .' + BulkEditOverlay.characterClass));

        const startIndex = characters.findIndex(c => c.getAttribute('chid') === this.lastSelected.characterId);
        const endIndex = characters.findIndex(c => c.getAttribute('chid') === currentCharacterId);

        for (let i = Math.min(startIndex, endIndex); i <= Math.max(startIndex, endIndex); i++) {
            const character = characters[i];
            const characterId = character.getAttribute('chid');
            const isCharacterSelected = this.selectedCharacters.includes(characterId);

            // Only toggle the character if it wasn't on the state we have are toggling towards.
            // Also doing a weird type check, because typescript checker doesn't like the return of 'querySelectorAll'.
            if ((select && !isCharacterSelected || !select && isCharacterSelected) && character instanceof HTMLElement) {
                this.toggleSingleCharacter(character, { markState: currentCharacterId == characterId });

    handleContextMenuShow = (event) => {
        this.#contextMenuOpen = true;

    handleContextMenuHide = (event) => {
        let contextMenu = document.getElementById(BulkEditOverlay.contextMenuId);
        if (false === contextMenu.contains(event.target)) {

     * Concurrently handle character favorite requests.
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    handleContextMenuFavorite = async () => {
        const promises = [];

        for (const characterId of this.selectedCharacters) {

        await Promise.allSettled(promises);
        await getCharacters();
        await favsToHotswap();

     * Concurrently handle character duplicate requests.
     * @returns {Promise<number>}
    handleContextMenuDuplicate = () => Promise.all(this.selectedCharacters.map(async characterId => CharacterContextMenu.duplicate(characterId)))
        .then(() => getCharacters())
        .then(() => this.browseState());

     * Sequentially handle all character-to-persona conversions.
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    handleContextMenuPersona = async () => {
        for (const characterId of this.selectedCharacters) {
            await CharacterContextMenu.persona(characterId);


     * Gets the HTML as a string that is displayed inside the popup for the bulk delete
     * @param {Array<number>} characterIds - The characters that are shown inside the popup
     * @returns String containing the html for the popup content
    static #getDeletePopupContentHtml = (characterIds) => {
        return `
            <h3 class="marginBot5">Delete ${characterIds.length} characters?</h3>
            <span class="bulk_delete_note">
                <i class="fa-solid fa-triangle-exclamation warning margin-r5"></i>
                <b>THIS IS PERMANENT!</b>
            <div id="bulk_delete_avatars_block" class="avatars_inline avatars_inline_small tags tags_inline m-t-1"></div>
            <div id="bulk_delete_options" class="m-b-1">
                <label for="del_char_checkbox" class="checkbox_label justifyCenter">
                    <input type="checkbox" id="del_char_checkbox" />
                    <span>Also delete the chat files</span>

     * Request user input before concurrently handle deletion
     * requests.
     * @returns {Promise<number>}
    handleContextMenuDelete = () => {
        const characterIds = this.selectedCharacters;
        const popupContent = BulkEditOverlay.#getDeletePopupContentHtml(characterIds);
        const promise = callPopup(popupContent, null)
            .then((accept) => {
                if (true !== accept) return;

                const deleteChats = document.getElementById('del_char_checkbox').checked ?? false;

                toastr.info('We\'re deleting your characters, please wait...', 'Working on it');
                return Promise.allSettled(characterIds.map(async characterId => CharacterContextMenu.delete(characterId, deleteChats)))
                    .then(() => getCharacters())
                    .then(() => this.browseState())
                    .finally(() => hideLoader());

        // At this moment the popup is already changed in the dom, but not yet closed/resolved. We build the avatar list here
        const entities = characterIds.map(id => characterToEntity(characters[id], id)).filter(entity => entity.item !== undefined);
        buildAvatarList($('#bulk_delete_avatars_block'), entities);

        return promise;

     * Attaches and opens the tag menu
    handleContextMenuTag = () => {

    addStateChangeCallback = callback => this.stateChangeCallbacks.push(callback);

     * Clears internal character storage and
     * removes visual highlight.
    clearSelectedCharacters = () => {
        document.querySelectorAll('#' + BulkEditOverlay.containerId + ' .' + BulkEditOverlay.selectedClass)
            .forEach(element => element.classList.remove(BulkEditOverlay.selectedClass));
        this.selectedCharacters.length = 0;

export { BulkEditOverlayState, CharacterContextMenu, BulkEditOverlay };