{ "To enable multi-account features, restart the SillyTavern server with": "要啟用多帳號功能,請在 config.yaml 文件中將", "set to true in the config.yaml file.": "設為 true,然後重啟 SillyTavern 伺服器。", "To change your user avatar, use the buttons below or select a default persona in the Persona Management menu.": "要更改您的使用者頭像,請使用下方按鈕或在玩家角色管理選單中選擇一個預設人物。", "Set your custom avatar.": "設定您的頭像。", "Remove your custom avatar.": "移除您的頭像。", "This account is password protected.": "這個帳號受到密碼保護。", "This account is not password protected.": "這個帳號並未受到密碼保護。", "Account Actions": "帳號動作", "Manage your settings snapshots.": "管理您的設定值快照。", "Download a complete backup of your user data.": "下載您的完整使用者備份。", "Danger Zone": "危險區域", "Reset your settings to factory defaults.": "將您的設定值還原為原廠預設值。", "Wipe all user data and reset your account to factory settings.": "刪除您所有使用者設定以及帳號,還原成原廠預設值。", "Hi,": "嗨,", " messages": " 訊息", " words": " 文字", "# Messages to Load": "每頁載入的訊息數", "( None )": "( 無 )", "(0 = All)": "(0 = 全部)", "(0 = Disable, 1 = Always)": "(0 = 停用, 1 = 永久)", "(0 = disabled)": "(0 = 停用)", "(0 = unlimited)": "(0 = 無限制)", "(0 = unlimited, use budget)": "(0 = 無限制, 使用預算)", "(A brief description of the personality)": "(個性的簡短描述)", "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(機器人製作者的名字 / 聯繫資訊)", "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(互動的情況和上下文)", "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(描述機器人,提供使用技巧,或列出已測試的聊天模型。這將顯示在角色人物列表中。)", "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(聊天對話範例。每個範例以新的行並以「START」開始。)", "(For Chat Completion and Instruct Mode)": "(用於聊天補充和指令模式)", "(Gemini 1.5 Pro/Flash only)": "(僅限於 Gemini 1.5 Pro/Flash)", "(If you want to track character versions)": "(如果您想追蹤角色人物版本)", "(ignored if empty)": "(如果為空則忽略)", "(Not sent with the AI Prompt)": "(不與 AI 提示詞一起發送)", "(Saved to Context Template)": "(已儲存到上下文範本)", "(Text to be inserted in-chat @ designated depth and role)": "(要在聊天中插入的文字 @ 指定深度和角色)", "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(這將是每次聊天開始時角色人物發送的第一條訊息)", "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(使用逗號分隔每個標籤)", "-- Characters not found --": "-- 未找到角色人物 --", "-- Connect to the API --": "-- 連線到 API --", "-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- Horde 模型未載入 --", "-- World Info not found --": "-- 未找到世界資訊 --", "--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- 選擇編輯 ---", "0 = default": "0 = 預設", "0 = disable": "0 = 停用", "0 = unlimited": "0 = 無限制", "1 = disabled": "1 = 停用", "@ Depth": "@ 深度", "A name for this prompt.": "這個提示詞的名稱。", "A relative likelihood of entry activation within the group": "群組內條目啟用的相對可能性", "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "選定的世界資訊將作為此角色人物的知識書附加到此角色人物。", "A-Z": "A-Z", "Abort request": "中止請求", "Abort script execution": "中止腳本執行", "About Token 'Limits'": "關於符記數「限制」", "Account Info": "帳號資訊", "Account": "帳號", "Activation Regex": "啟用正規表示式", "Activation Settings": "啟用設定", "Active World(s) for all chats": "所有聊天啟用中的世界書", "Add bias entry": "新增偏見條目", "Add BOS Token": "新增 BOS 符記", "Add character names to completion objects.": "新增角色人物名稱來補充物件", "Add Chat Start and Example Separator to a list of stopping strings.": "將聊天開始和範例分隔符號加入終止字串中。", "Add Members": "新增成員", "Add Memo": "新增備忘錄", "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "在這裡新增文字,使 AI 生成您不希望在輸出中出現的內容。", "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative": "在提示詞的開頭新增 bos_token。停用此功能可以使回應更具創造性", "Add to Favorites": "新增至我的最愛", "Add to group": "新增到群組", "Add": "新增", "Additional Lorebooks": "額外的知識書", "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "根據 worker 的能力調整上下文大小", "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "根據 worker 的能力調整回應長度", "Admin Panel": "管理面板", "Advanced Character Search": "進階角色人物搜尋", "Advanced Defininitions": "- 進階定義", "Advanced Definition": "進階定義", "Advanced Formatting": "進階格式化", "Advanced": "進階", "Affects": "影響", "After AN": "作者備註之後", "After Char Defs": "角色人物定義之後", "After EM": "範例訊息之後", "After Main Prompt / Story String": "在主要提示詞 / 故事字串之後", "Aggressive": "積極", "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "上鎖 = AI 設定面板將保持開啟", "AI Message Blur Tint": "AI 訊息模糊色調", "AI Module": "AI 模組", "AI reply prefix": "AI 回覆前綴", "AI Response Configuration": "AI 回應配置", "AI Response Formatting": "AI 回應格式化", "AI21 API Key": "AI21 API 金鑰", "AI21 Model": "AI21 模型", "Alert if your world info is greater than the allocated budget.": "如果您的世界資訊超過分配的預算則提醒", "Alert On Overflow": "溢出時警告", "All articles will be concatenated into a single file.": "所有文章將連接成一個檔案。", "Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members": "允許群組中的 AI 訊息包含其他群組成員說的話", "Allow fallback routes Description": "如果選擇的模型無法滿足要求,會自動選擇替代模型。", "Allow fallback routes": "允許備援路徑", "Allow for Chat Completion APIs": "允許聊天補充 API", "Allow Jailbreak": "允許越獄", "Allow NSFW images from Horde": "允許來自 Horde 的 NSFW 圖片", "Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile": "允許通過拖動重新定位某些 UI 元素。僅適用於 PC 版。", "Allow self responses": "允許自我回應", "Allow the model to use the web-search connector.": "允許模型使用網頁搜尋連接器", "Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "允許在最後的聊天訊息上使用滑動手勢以觸發滑動生成。僅適用於行動裝置版。", "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "允許機器人訊息中使用 {{char}}:", "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "允許機器人訊息中使用 {{user}}:", "Allowed Length": "允許長度", "Alphabetically": "按字母順序", "Also wipe user data.": "同時清除使用者資料。", "Alt Method": "替代方法", "Alt. Greetings": "額外問候語", "Alternate Greetings Hint": "額外問候語的提示訊息", "Alternate Greetings": "額外問候語", "Alternate_Greetings_desc": "這些將在開始新聊天時顯示為第一條訊息的滑動選項。\n群組成員可以選擇其中之一來開始對話。", "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "替代伺服器 URL(留空以使用預設值)。", "Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps": "數值取樣參數的替代 UI,步驟更少", "Always add character's name to prompt": "總是將角色人物名稱新增到提示詞中", "Always allowed": "總是允許", "Always forbidden": "總是禁止", "Always include examples": "總是包含範例", "Always Include": "總是包含", "Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'": "始終顯示聊天訊息的訊息動作上下文項目的完整列表,而不是將它們隱藏在「...」後面。", "AND ALL": "AND 所有", "AND ANY": "AND 任何", "and pick a character": "並選擇一個角色人物", "and pick a character.": "並選擇一個角色人物。", "and select a": "並選擇一個", "Anthropic's developer console": "Anthropic 的開發者控制台", "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "此處的任何內容將取代此角色人物使用的預設越獄提示詞。(v2 規範:post_history_instructions)", "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "此處的任何內容將取代此角色人物使用的預設主要提示詞。(v2 規範:system_prompt)", "Aphrodite API key": "Aphrodite API 金鑰", "Aphrodite Model": "Aphrodite 模型", "API Connections": "API 連線", "API key (optional)": "API 金鑰(可選)", "API key": "API 金鑰", "API Type": "API 類型", "API url": "API URL", "Applies additional processing to the prompt before sending it to the API.": "這個選項會在將提示詞送往 API 之前,對它進行額外的處理。", "Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI": "將自訂 CSS 樣式應用於所有 ST GUI", "Are you sure you want to delete this user?": "您確定要刪除此使用者嗎?", "Are you sure you want to reset your settings to factory defaults?": "您確定要將設定重設為原廠預設值嗎?", "as": "作為", "Ask AI to write your message for you": "請 AI 為您撰寫訊息", "Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead": "當新角色人物含有知識書時,詢問是否要匯入嵌入的世界資訊/知識書。如果未選中,則會顯示簡短的訊息。", "Assistant Impersonation Prefill": "助理扮演時的預先填充", "Assistant Message Prefix": "助理訊息前綴", "Assistant Message Suffix": "助理訊息後綴", "Assistant Prefill": "預先填充助理訊息", "Assistant": "助理", "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "將一個或多個輔助知識書與此角色人物關聯。", "at Depth AI": "@D 🤖 在 AI 深度", "at Depth System": "@D ⚙️ 在系統深度", "at Depth User": "@D 👤 在使用者深度", "at the end!": "在最後!", "Attach a File": "附加檔案", "Authentication (optional)": "授權驗證(選填)", "Author's Note": "作者備註", "Authorize": "授權", "Auto Mode delay": "自動模式延遲", "Auto Mode": "自動模式", "Auto-connect to Last Server": "自動連線到上次伺服器", "Auto-connect": "自動連線", "Auto-Continue": "自動繼續", "Auto-Expand Message Actions": "自動展開訊息動作", "Auto-fix Markdown": "自動修正 Markdown", "Auto-load Last Chat": "自動載入最後的聊天", "Auto-save Message Edits": "自動儲存編輯的訊息", "Auto-scroll Chat": "自動滾動聊天", "Auto-select this preset for Instruct Mode": "自動選擇此預設用於指令模式", "Auto-select this preset on API connection": "在 API 連線時自動選擇此預設", "Auto-select": "自動選擇", "Auto-swipe": "自動滑動", "Autocomplete Matching": "自動完成配對", "AutoComplete Settings": "自動完成設定", "Autocomplete Style": "自動完成樣式", "Autocomplete Width": "自動完成寬度", "Automatic (PC)": "自動(PC)", "Automatically adjust generation parameters to ensure free image generations.": "自動調整生成參數以確保生成免費的圖片。", "Automatically hide details": "自動隱藏詳細資訊", "Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria": "根據可配置標準自動拒絕並重新生成 AI 訊息。", "Automatically select a background based on the chat context": "根據聊天上下文自動選擇背景", "Automation ID": "自動化 ID", "Available Models": "可用模型", "Avatar Hover Magnification": "頭像懸停時的放大倍數", "Avatar Style": "頭像樣式", "Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 512x768": "避免裁剪和調整匯入的角色人物圖像大小。未勾選時將會裁剪/調整大小到 512x768。", "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "避免發送敏感資訊到 Horde。", "Avoid spending Anlas": "避免消耗 Anlas 點數", "Back to parent chat": "返回上層聊天", "Background Sound Only": "僅背景音效", "Backup your personas to a file": "將您的玩家角色人物備份到檔案中", "Backup": "備份", "Ban EOS Token": "禁止 EOS 符記", "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "禁止 eos_token。這迫使模型不會提前結束生成", "Banned Tokens": "禁止的符記", "Ban_EOS_Token_desc": "對於 KoboldCpp (以及可能也適用於 KoboldAI 的其他符記),禁止使用序列結束 (End-of-Sequence, EOS) 符記。這個設定對於故事創作很有幫助,但不應該在聊天和指令模式中使用。", "Base": "基準值", "Beam search": "波束搜尋", "Before AN": "作者備註之前", "Before Char Defs": "角色人物定義之前", "Before EM": "範例訊息之前", "Before Main Prompt / Story String": "在主要提示詞 / 故事字串之前", "Before you get started, you must select a persona name.": "在開始之前,您必須選擇一個玩家角色人物名稱", "bg_chat_hint_1": "使用擴充套件", "bg_chat_hint_2": "所產生的背景圖片將會出現在這裡。", "Bind to Context": "附加到上下文", "Bind user name to that avatar": "將使用者名稱附加到該頭像", "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "滑動的黑名單詞語數量", "Blacklisted words": "黑名單詞語", "Blur strength on UI panels.": "UI 面板上的模糊強度", "Blur Strength": "模糊強度", "Bottom of Author's Note": "作者備註的底部", "Bubbles": "氣泡", "Budget Cap": "預算上限", "Bulk delete characters": "批量刪除角色人物", "Bulk select all characters": "全選所有角色人物", "Bulk_edit_characters": "批量編輯角色人物\n\n點選以切換角色人物\nShift + 點選以選擇/取消選擇一範圍的角色人物\n右鍵以查看動作", "Bypass API status check": "繞過 API 狀態檢查", "Bypass status check": "繞過狀態檢查", "Calculating...": "計算中...", "Can be used to automatically activate Quick Replies": "可用於自動啟用快速回覆", "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "僅將已批准的 worker 排隊,可以幫助處理不良回應。可能會延長回應時間。", "Cancel": "取消", "Case Sensitive": "區分大小寫", "Case-Sensitive": "區分大小寫", "CFG Prompt Cascading": "CFG 提示詞級聯", "CFG Scale": "CFG 比例", "CFG": "CFG", "Change Background Image": "更換背景圖片", "Change it later in the 'User Settings' panel.": "稍後可在「使用者設定」面板中變更", "Change Password": "變更密碼", "Change persona image": "更改玩家角色人物圖片", "Changes the style of the generated text.": "變更生成文字的樣式。", "Char List Subheader": "角色人物列表子標題", "Character Attachments": "角色人物附件", "Character Author's Note (Private)": "角色人物作者備註(私人)", "Character CFG": "角色人物 CFG", "Character Description": "角色人物描述", "Character Exclusion": "角色人物排除", "Character Handling": "角色人物處理", "Character Lore First": "角色人物知識書優先", "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "角色人物知識書插入策略", "Character Lore": "角色人物知識書", "Character Management": "角色人物管理", "Character Names Behavior": "角色人物名稱行為", "Character Negatives": "角色人物負面提示詞", "Character Version": "角色人物版本", "Character's Note": "角色人物筆記", "Character-specific negative prompt prefix": "角色人物特定負面提示詞前綴", "Character-specific prompt prefix": "角色人物特定提示詞前綴", "Characters Hotswap": "角色人物快速選擇", "Characters sorting order": "角色人物排序依據", "character_names_completion": "字元限制:僅限拉丁字母數字和底線。不適用於所有來源,特別是:Claude、MistralAI、Google。", "character_names_none": "除了團體和過去的玩家角色人物外。否則,請確保在提示中提供名字。", "Chat API": "聊天 API", "Chat Attachments": "聊天附件", "Chat Background": "聊天背景顏色", "Chat Backgrounds": "聊天背景圖片", "Chat CFG": "聊天 CFG", "Chat Completion Source": "聊天補充來源", "Chat Completion": "聊天補充", "Chat history won't change, only the prompt as the request is sent (on generation).": "聊天歷史不會改變,只有在發送請求時提示詞會改變(生成時)。", "Chat History": "聊天紀錄", "chat input box": "聊天輸入框", "Chat Lore": "聊天知識", "Chat Lorebook for": "聊天知識書", "Chat Lorebook": "聊天知識書", "Chat Messages Wrapping": "聊天訊息換行", "Chat Name (Optional)": "聊天名稱(選填)", "Chat Negatives": "聊天負面提示詞", "Chat Scenario Override": "聊天情境覆寫", "Chat Start": "聊天開始符號", "Chat Style:": "對話框樣式:", "Chat Timestamps": "對話框時間戳記", "Chat Truncation": "聊天截斷長度", "Chat Width (PC)": "對話框寬度(PC)", "Chat Width": "對話框寬度", "Chat/Message Handling": "聊天/訊息處理", "Chatty": "健談", "chat_world_template_txt": "選定的世界資訊將附加到此聊天。\n在生成 AI 回覆時,它將與全域和角色知識書中的條目結合。", "Checkpoints inherit the Note from their parent, and can be changed individually after that.": "檢查點繼承其上級的註釋,之後可以單獨更改", "Circle": "圓形", "Classic, blocking": "經典,阻塞", "Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon": "無分類器導引。更多有用提示訊息即將推出", "Claude Model": "Claude 模型", "Clear your API key": "清除您的 API 金鑰", "Clear your cookie": "清除您的 Cookie", "Click Authorize below or get the key from": "點選下方的授權或從以下取得金鑰", "Click for stats!": "點選查看統計!", "click these icons!": "點選這些圖示!", "Click to allow/forbid the use of external media for this character.": "點選以允許/禁止此角色人物使用外部媒體", "Click to allow/forbid the use of external media for this group.": "點選以允許/禁止此群組使用外部媒體", "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "點選以將所選玩家角色人物上鎖到目前聊天。再次點選以移除上鎖。", "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "點選以選擇此角色人物的新頭像", "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "點選以選擇此群組的新頭像", "Click to set a new User Name": "點選以設置新使用者名稱", "Click to set additional greeting messages": "點選以設置額外的問候訊息", "Click to set user name for all messages": "點選以設置所有訊息的使用者名稱", "Click": "點選", "clickslidertips": "點選滑桿下的數字可手動輸入。", "Close all Entries": "關閉所有條目", "Close chat": "關閉聊天", "close": "關閉", "Cohere API Key": "Cohere API 金鑰", "Cohere Model": "Cohere 模型", "Collapse Consecutive Newlines": "折疊連續的換行符號", "Combine positive/negative prompts from other boxes.": "結合其他文字方塊中的正/負提示詞", "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "將連續的系統訊息合併為一個(不包括範例對話)。可能會提高某些模型的一致性。", "Comma separated (required)": "逗號分隔(必填)", "Comma separated list (ignored if empty)": "逗號分隔列表(如果為空則忽略)", "Comma separated list": "逗號分隔列表", "Common prompt prefix": "通用提示詞前綴", "Compact Input Area (Mobile)": "緊湊的輸入區域(行動版)", "Completion": "補充", "Confirm message deletion": "確認刪除訊息", "Confirm New Password:": "確認新密碼:", "Confirm Password:": "確認密碼:", "Confirm": "確認", "Confused or lost?": "困惑或迷路了嗎?", "Connect": "連線", "Constant": "常數", "Contact the developers": "聯繫開發者", "Content": "內容", "Contest Winners": "比賽獲勝者", "Context %": "上下文百分比", "Context Formatting": "上下文格式", "Context Order": "上下文順序", "Context Size (tokens)": "上下文大小(符記數)", "Context Size": "上下文大小", "context size(tokens)": "上下文大小(符記數)", "Context Template": "上下文範本", "context_allow_jailbreak": "如果在角色人物卡中定義了越獄,且啟用了「偏好角色人物卡越獄」,則會在提示詞的結尾加入越獄內容。\n這不建議用於文字完成模型,因為可能導致不良的輸出結果。", "Continue nudge": "繼續輔助提示詞", "Continue Postfix": "繼續後綴", "Continue prefill": "繼續預先填充", "Continue script execution": "繼續腳本執行", "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "繼續將最後的訊息作為助理角色發送,而不是帶有指令的系統訊息。", "Continue the last message": "繼續上次的訊息", "Continue": "繼續", "Contrastive search": "對比搜尋", "Contrastive_search_txt": "一種取樣器,通過利用大多數 LLM 的表示空間的等向性,鼓勵多樣性的同時保持一致性。詳情請參閱 Su 等人於2022年發表的論文《A Contrastive Framework for Neural Text Generation》。", "Convert to group": "轉換為群組", "Convert to Persona": "轉換為玩家角色人物", "Copy this message": "複製此訊息", "Copy to system backgrounds": "複製到系統背景圖片", "Copy": "複製", "Count Penalty": "計數懲罰", "Create a dummy persona": "建立一個假玩家角色人物", "Create Branch": "建立分支", "Create Character": "建立角色人物", "Create checkpoint": "建立檢查點", "Create New Character": "建立新角色人物", "Create New Chat Group": "建立新聊天群組", "Create new workflow": "建立新的 workflow", "Create": "建立", "Created by": "建立者", "Created:": "建立於:", "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "建立者的中繼資料(不會與 AI 提示詞一起發送)", "Creator's Metadata": "建立者的中繼資料", "Creator's Notes": "建立者備註", "Current Members": "目前成員", "Current Password:": "目前密碼:", "Current summary:": "目前摘要:", "Custom API Key": "自訂 API 金鑰", "Custom CSS": "自訂 CSS", "Custom Endpoint (Base URL)": "自訂端點(Base URL)", "Custom model (optional)": "自訂模型(選填)", "Custom Separator:": "自訂分隔符:", "Custom Stopping Strings": "自訂停止字串", "Custom": "自訂", "Customize displayed samplers or add custom samplers.": "自訂顯示的取樣器或新增自訂取樣器。", "Dark": "深色", "Data Bank": "資料儲藏庫", "Date (Newest First)": "日期(最新優先)", "Date (Oldest First)": "日期(最舊優先)", "Debug Menu": "偵錯選單", "Debug Warning": "偵錯警告", "Default (completions compatible)": "預設(相容補充)", "Default Author's Note": "預設作者註釋", "Default": "預設", "Delay until recursion (this entry can only be activated on recursive checking)": "延遲遞迴(此條目只能在遞迴檢查時啟用)", "Delete a theme": "刪除主題", "Delete background": "刪除背景圖片", "Delete Character": "刪除角色人物", "Delete chat file": "刪除聊天檔案", "Delete messages": "刪除訊息", "Delete persona": "刪除玩家角色人物", "Delete preset": "刪除預設", "Delete Proxy": "刪除代理伺服器", "Delete tag": "刪除標籤", "Delete the preset": "刪除預設", "Delete this message": "刪除此訊息", "Delete workflow": "刪除 workflow", "Delete world info entry": "刪除世界資訊物件", "Delete World Info": "刪除世界資訊", "Delete": "刪除", "Deleting:": "刪除中:", "Denoising strength": "重繪幅度", "Depth ↗": "深度 ↗", "Depth ↘": "深度 ↘", "Depth": "深度", "Depth:": "深度:", "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "在此描述角色人物的身體和心理特徵。", "Determines how entries are found for autocomplete.": "決定如何找到自動完成的條目", "Disabled": "停用", "Disables animations and transitions": "停用動畫和過渡效果", "Disallow embedded media from other domains in chat messages": "禁止在聊天訊息中嵌入來自其他領域的媒體。", "Display Name:": "顯示名稱:", "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "生成時逐位顯示回應。", "Do Sample": "進行取樣", "Document": "文件", "Documentation on sampling parameters": "取樣參數的說明文件。", "Don't add character names.": "不要新增角色人物名稱", "Don't forget to save a snapshot of your settings before proceeding.": "在繼續之前,請不要忘記儲存您的設定快照。", "Don't include the page name!": "不要包括頁面名稱!", "Double Newline": "雙換行", "Download Backup": "下載備份", "Download chat as plain text document": "將聊天下載為純文字檔案", "Download": "下載", "Drag and drop files here to upload.": "拖放檔案到這裡以上傳。", "Drag to reorder tag": "拖動以重新排序標籤", "DreamGen API key": "DreamGen API 金鑰", "DreamGen Model": "DreamGen 模型", "DRY Repetition Penalty": "DRY 重複懲罰", "DRY_Allowed_Length_desc": "可以重複而不受懲罰的最長序列長度。", "DRY_Base_desc": "控制隨著序列長度增加,懲罰增加的速度。", "DRY_Multiplier_desc": "將值設為大於 0 來啟用 DRY。控制對最短受懲罰序列的懲罰幅度。", "DRY_Repetition_Penalty_desc": "DRY 會懲罰那些將輸入的結尾擴充為已在先前輸入中出現過序列的符記。將乘法器設為 0 以停用。", "DRY_Sequence_Breakers_desc": "序列停止繼續配對的符記,使用引號包裹字串並以逗號分隔清單。", "Duplicate Character": "複製角色人物", "Duplicate world info entry": "複製世界資訊物件", "Duplicate World Info": "複製世界資訊", "Duplicate": "複製", "DYN variants of SMEA samplers often lead to more varied output, but may fail at very high resolutions.": "SMEA 取樣器的 DYN 變體通常會產生更多樣化的輸出,但在非常高的解析度下可能會失敗。", "DYN": "DYN", "Dynamic Temperature": "動態溫度", "Each article will be saved as a separate file.": "每篇文章將另存為一個檔案。", "Early Stopping": "提前停止", "Edit summarization prompt, insertion position, etc.": "編輯摘要提示詞、插入位置等。", "Edit": "編輯", "Embed file or image": "嵌入檔案或圖片", "Empty": "空", "Enable automatic replies from this character": "啟用此角色人物的自動回覆", "Enable Cohere web-search connector": "啟用 Cohere 網頁搜尋連接器", "Enable magnification for zoomed avatar display.": "啟用放大顯示頭像", "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "啟用 OpenAI 補充串流", "Enable simple UI mode": "啟用簡單 UI 模式", "Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled": "啟用自動滑動功能。此部分的設定僅在啟用自動滑動時有效。", "Enabled": "啟用", "Enables a magnification effect on hover when you display the zoomed avatar after clicking an avatar's image in chat.": "當你在聊天中點選頭像的圖片後,這會啟用滑鼠懸停時的放大效果。", "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "編碼器重複懲罰", "Enhance": "增強", "Enlarge": "放大", "Enter a base URL of the MediaWiki to scrape.": "輸入要抓取的 MediaWiki 的基礎 URL。", "Enter a URL or the ID of a Fandom wiki page to scrape:": "輸入 URL 或 Fandom 維基頁面的 ID 來抓取:", "Enter a video URL to download its transcript.": "輸入影片 URL 來下載其文字記錄。", "Enter it in the box below": "請在下面的框中輸入", "Enter web URLs to scrape (one per line):": "輸入要抓取的網頁 URL(每行一個):", "Enter your name": "輸入您的名字", "Enter": "輸入", "entire chat width": "整個聊天寬度", "Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters": "完全解除所有數值取樣參數的限制。", "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "條目可以通過提及其關鍵字來啟用其他條目", "Entry Title/Memo": "條目標題/備註", "Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled": "Epsilon 截斷設定排除符記的機率下限", "Epsilon Cutoff": "Epsilon 截斷", "Eta Cutoff": "Eta 截斷", "Eta": "Eta", "Eta_Cutoff_desc": "Eta 截斷是特殊 Eta 取樣技術的主要參數。\n單位為 1e-4;合理值為 3。\n設為 0 以停用。\n詳情請參見 Hewitt 等人(2022)撰寫的論文《Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing》。", "Everything here is optional": "此處所有內容均為選填", "Example Dialogues": "對話範例", "Example Messages Behavior": "訊息行為範例:", "Example Separator": "分隔符號範例", "Example:": "範例:", "Example:": "範例:", "Example:": "範例:", "Example:": "範例:", "Example:": "範例:", "Example: ": "範例: ", "Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]": "範例:\n一些文字 [42, 69, 1337]", "Example: username:password": "範例:帳號:密碼", "Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]": "範例:[{{user}} 是一個 28 歲的羅馬尼亞貓娘。]", "Example:": "範例:", "Examples of dialogue": "對話範例", "Examples:": "範例:", "Exclude from recursion": "不可遞迴(此條目不會被其他條目啟用)", "Exclude message from prompts": "從提示詞中排除訊息", "Execute": "執行", "Expand the editor": "展開編輯器", "Experimental feature. May not work for all backends.": "實驗性功能。可能不適用於所有後端", "Exponent": "指數", "Export a theme file": "匯出布景主題檔案", "Export and Download": "匯出和下載", "Export JSONL chat file": "匯出 JSONL 聊天檔案", "Export preset": "匯出預設設定檔", "Export World Info": "匯出世界資訊", "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "匯出角色人物時,也會匯出嵌入 JSON 資料中的選定知識書檔案。", "Expression API": "表達 API", "Ext. Media": "外部媒體權限", "Extension will build its own prompt using messages that were not summarized yet. Blocks the chat until the summary is generated.": "擴充套件將使用尚未總結的訊息來建立自己的提示詞。在生成摘要之前阻塞聊天。", "Extension will build its own prompt using messages that were not summarized yet. Does not block the chat while the summary is being generated. Not all backends support this mode.": "擴充套件將使用尚未總結的訊息來建立自己的提示詞。在生成摘要時不阻塞聊天。並非所有後端都支援此模式。", "Extension will use the regular main prompt builder and add the summary request to it as the last system message.": "擴充套件將使用一般的主要提示詞生成器,並將摘要請求新增為最後的系統訊息。", "Extensions": "擴充套件", "extension_token_counter": "符記:", "Extras API key (optional)": "Extras API 金鑰(選填)", "Extras API URL": "Extras API URL", "Extras API:": "Extras API:", "Extras Installation Guide": "Extras 安裝指南", "ext_regex_affects": "影響對象", "ext_regex_ai_output": "AI 輸出", "ext_regex_desc": "正規表示式(Regex)是一種使用正規表示式尋找/取代字串的工具。如果您想了解更多,請點選標題旁邊的(?)", "ext_regex_import_script": "匯入腳本", "ext_regex_min_depth_placeholder": "無限制", "ext_regex_open_editor": "打開編輯器", "ext_regex_other_options": "其他選項", "ext_regex_replace_string_placeholder": "使用 {{match}} 來包含來自尋找正規表示式的匹配文字或 $1、$2 等捕獲組。", "ext_regex_saved_scripts": "已儲存的腳本", "ext_regex_substitute_regex_desc": "在執行「尋找正規表示式」前取代 {{macros}}", "ext_regex_trim_placeholder": "在取代之前,全域修剪正規表示式匹配中的任何不需要的部分。每個元素用輸入鍵分隔。", "ext_regex_user_input": "使用者輸入", "ext_sum_memory_template_placeholder": "{{summary}} 會解析為目前的摘要內容。", "ext_sum_prompt_placeholder": "這個提示詞將發送給 AI 以請求生成摘要。{{words}} 將解析為「字數」參數。", "Fallback Expression": "回退表達式", "Fast": "快", "Favorite characters to add them to HotSwaps": "將角色人物加入到最愛來新增到快速切換", "Favorite": "我的最愛", "Favorites": "我的最愛", "Featured Characters": "特色角色人物", "File per article": "每篇文章一個檔案", "Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords": "用關鍵字填充空的備忘錄/標題", "Filter to Character(s)": "角色人物篩選", "Filter": "篩選", "Find Regex": "尋找正規表示式", "First Assistant Prefix": "首個助理前綴", "First message": "初始訊息", "flag": "旗標", "Flat": "扁平", "Follow Theme": "參照佈景主題", "Follow": "遵循", "Font Scale": "字型比例", "Font size": "字體大小", "For example, ticking the chat, global, and character boxes combine all negative prompts into a comma-separated string.": "例如,勾選聊天、全域和角色人物框將所有負面提示詞合併為一個逗號分隔的字串", "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "基於安全性考量,重新載入頁面後,您的 API 金鑰將被隱藏。", "Forbid External Media": "禁止使用外部媒體", "Forbid Media Override explanation": "當前角色/群組在聊天中使用外部媒體的能力。", "Forbid Media Override subtitle": "禁止媒體覆寫副標題", "Force for Groups and Personas": "強制用於群組和玩家角色人物", "Force Instruct Mode formatting": "強制指示模式格式化", "Force_Instruct_Mode_formatting_Description": "如果同時啟用「指令模式」和這個選項,\nSillyTavern 會根據目前的進階格式化設定(不包括指令系統提示)來格式化提示詞。\n如果停用這個選項,提示詞將由 OpenRouter 來進行格式化。", "Frequency Penalty": "頻率懲罰", "from supported sources or view": "從支援的來源或檢視", "full window width": "全視窗寬度", "Fuzzy": "模糊", "GBNF Grammar": "GBNF 語法", "Generate Image": "生成圖片", "Generate only one line per request": "每次請求僅生成一行", "Gestures": "手勢", "Get your NovelAI API Key": "取得您的 NovelAI API 金鑰", "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "使用 OAuth 流程取得您的 OpenRouter API 符記。您將被重新導向到 openrouter.ai", "ggerganov/llama.cpp": "ggerganov/llama.cpp", "Global Attachments": "全域附件", "Global CFG": "全域 CFG", "Global Lore First": "全域知識書優先", "Global Negatives": "全域負面提示詞", "GNBF or ENBF, depends on the backend in use. If you're using this you should know which.": "GNBF 或 ENBF,取決於所使用的後端。如果您使用此功能,應該知道是哪一種", "Google Model": "Google 模型", "Gradual push-out": "逐步推出", "Grammar String": "語法字串", "Groq API Key": "Groq API 金鑰", "Groq Model": "Groq 模型", "Group by vendors Description": "將 OpenAI 、 Anthropic 等等的模型放各自供應商的群組中。可以與排序功能結合使用。", "Group by vendors": "按供應商分組", "group chats!": "群組聊天!", "Group Controls": "群組控制", "Group generation handling mode": "群組生成處理模式", "Group Nudge Prompt Template": "群組推動提示詞範本", "Group reply strategy": "群組回應策略", "Group Weight": "群組權重", "guikoboldaisettings": "GUI KoboldAI 設定", "Handle:": "使用者名稱:", "HD": "高畫質", "Height": "高度(H)", "Helpful tip coming soon.": "更多有用提示訊息即將推出。", "Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "幫助模型將訊息與角色人物關聯起來。", "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "有助於禁止或強化某些符記的使用", "Hide avatars in chat messages.": "在聊天訊息中隱藏頭像", "Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button": "在編輯器面板中將角色人物定義隱藏在劇透按鈕後面。", "Hide Chat Avatars": "隱藏聊天頭像", "Hide Muted Member Sprites": "隱藏靜音成員精靈", "Hint": "提示訊息", "Hint: Save an API key in Horde KoboldAI API settings to use it here.": "提示訊息:在 Horde KoboldAI API 設定中儲存一個 API 金鑰,以便在此使用。", "Hint: Save an API key in the NovelAI API settings to use it here.": "提示訊息:在 NovelAI API 設定中儲存一個 API 金鑰,以便在此使用。", "Hires steps (2nd pass)": "高解析步驟 (2nd pass)", "Hires. Fix": "高解析度修正", "How do I use this?": "我該如何使用這個?", "How many messages before the current end of the chat.": "在聊天目前結束前有多少訊息。", "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "角色人物在群組聊天中說話的頻率!", "How to start chatting?": "如何開始聊天?", "Human message": "人類訊息、指令等。\n當空白時不加入任何內容,也就是需要一個帶有使用者角色的新提示詞。", "If a stop sequence is generated, everything past it will be removed from the output (inclusive).": "如果生成了停止序列,包括該序列以及之後的所有內容將從輸出中刪除。", "If both sliders are non-zero, then both will trigger summary updates at their respective intervals.": "如果兩個滑塊都不為零,則兩者將在各自的間隔內觸發摘要更新。", "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead": "如果選中並且角色人物卡包含越獄覆寫(歷史指示後),則使用該提示詞。", "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead": "如果選中並且角色人物卡包含提示詞覆寫(系統提示詞),則使用該提示詞。", "If enabled, System Sequences will be the same as User Sequences.": "如果啟用,系統序列將與使用者序列相同。", "If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "如果在進階角色人物定義中設定,這個欄位將顯示在角色人物清單中。", "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "如果條目鍵僅包含一個詞,則不會作為其他詞的一部分進行配對", "If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe": "如果生成的訊息比這個短,將觸發自動滑動。", "If you're new to this, enable the simplified UI mode below.": "如果您是新手,請啟用下方的簡化 UI 模式", "Ignore EOS Token": "忽略 EOS 符記", "Ignore the EOS Token even if it generates.": "即使生成也忽略 EOS 符記", "Image Generation": "圖片生成", "Image Prompt Templates": "圖片提示詞範本", "Image Quality": "圖片品質", "Image Style": "圖片樣式", "image_inlining_hint_1": "如果模型支援(例如: GPT-4V、Claude 3 或 Llava 13B),則在提示詞中發送圖片。\n使用任何訊息上的", "image_inlining_hint_2": "動作或", "image_inlining_hint_3": "選單來附加圖片文件到聊天中。", "Impersonate": "AI 扮演使用者", "Impersonation prompt": "AI 扮演提示詞", "Import a theme file": "匯入布景主題檔案", "Import Card Lore": "匯入卡片中的知識書", "Import Card Tags": "匯入卡片中的標籤", "Import Character from File": "從檔案匯入角色人物", "Import Chat": "匯入聊天", "Import content from external URL": "從外部 URL 匯入內容", "Import Extension From Git Repo": "從 Git 倉庫匯入擴充套件", "Import preset": "匯入預設", "Import Script": "匯入腳本", "Import Tags": "匯入標籤", "Import World Info": "匯入世界資訊", "Important to set the character's writing style.": "設定角色人物的寫作樣式很重要。", "Important:": "重要:", "In Story String / Prompt Manager": "在故事字串 / 提示詞管理器", "In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters": "在角色人物管理面板中,顯示加入到最愛角色人物的快速選擇按鈕。", "in the chat bar": "到聊天欄中", "In-chat @ Depth": "聊天中 @ 深度", "In-Chat Position not affected": "摘要和作者的注釋順序僅在未設定聊天中位置時受影響。", "Include in World Info Scanning": "包括在世界資訊掃描中", "Include message in prompts": "在提示詞中包含訊息", "Include Names": "包含名稱", "Include Newline": "包含換行符號", "Includes": "包含", "Inclusion Group": "包含的群組", "Inclusion Groups ensure only one entry from a group is activated at a time, if multiple are triggered.": "包含群組確保一次只啟用群組中的一個條目,如果多個條目被觸發。\n\n文件:世界資訊 - 包含的群組", "InfermaticAI API Key": "InfermaticAI API 金鑰", "InfermaticAI Model": "InfermaticAI 模型", "Injection depth. 0 = after the last message, 1 = before the last message, etc.": "注入深度。0 = 在最後一條訊息之後,1 = 在最後一條訊息之前,以此類推。", "Injection Position": "注入位置", "Injection position. Next to other prompts (relative) or in-chat (absolute).": "注入位置。與其他提示詞相鄰(相對位置)或在聊天中(絕對位置)。", "Injection Template": "注入範本", "Inline Image Quality": "內嵌圖片品質", "Input": "輸入", "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "在任一框中插入 {{original}} 以包含系統設定中的預設提示詞。", "Inserted after a System message.": "插入在系統訊息之後", "Inserted after a System prompt.": "插入在系統提示詞之後。", "Inserted after a User message.": "插入在使用者提示詞之後。", "Inserted after an Assistant message.": "插入在助理訊息之後。", "Inserted after each part of the joined fields.": "插入在合併欄位的每一部分之後。", "Inserted before a System (added by slash commands or extensions) message.": "插入在系統(透過斜線命令或擴充套件增加)訊息之前。", "Inserted before a System prompt.": "插入在系統提示詞之前。", "Inserted before a User message and as a last prompt line when impersonating.": "插入在使用者訊息之前,並在扮演使用者時作為最後一行提示詞。", "Inserted before an Assistant message and as a last prompt line when generating an AI reply.": "插入在助理訊息之前,並在生成 AI 回覆時作為最後一行提示詞。", "Inserted before each part of the joined fields.": "插入在合併欄位的每一部分之前。", "Inserted before the first Assistant's message.": "插入在第一個助理的訊息之前。", "Insertion Depth:": "插入深度:", "Insertion Frequency": "插入頻率", "Install extension": "安裝擴充套件", "Instruct Mode Sequences": "指示模式序列", "Instruct Mode": "指示模式", "Instruct": "指示", "instruct_bind_to_context": "如果啟用此選項,系統會根據所選擇的指令範本名稱或偏好,自動選取對應的上下文範本。", "instruct_last_output_sequence": "插入在最後一個助理的訊息之前,或在生成 AI 回覆時作為最後一行提示詞(除了中立/系統角色)。", "Italics Text": "斜體文字", "Jailbreak": "越獄", "Join character cards (exclude muted)": "加入角色人物卡(排除靜音)", "Join character cards (include muted)": "加入角色人物卡(包括靜音)", "Join Prefix": "加入前綴", "Join Suffix": "加入後綴", "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "加入 SillyTavern Discord", "JSON Schema": "JSON 結構", "JSON serialized array of strings": "JSON 序列化字串數組", "JSON-serialized array of strings.": "序列化JSON的字串陣列。", "Karras (not all samplers supported)": "Karras(並非所有取樣器都支援)", "Keywords or Regexes (ignored if empty)": "關鍵字或正規表示式(如果為空則忽略)", "Keywords or Regexes": "關鍵字或正規表示式", "kobldpresets": "Kobold 預設設定檔", "KoboldAI Horde": "KoboldAI Horde", "KoboldAI": "KoboldAI", "koboldcpp API key (optional)": "KoboldCpp API 金鑰(可選)", "Last Assistant Prefix": "末尾助理前綴", "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "了解如何將閒置的 GPU 週期貢獻給 Horde", "Learning rate of Mirostat": "Mirostat 的學習率", "Least chats": "最少聊天", "Least tokens": "最少符記", "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "如果您手動使用引號進行發言,請關閉。", "Legacy API (pre-OAI, no streaming)": "傳統 API(OAI之前,無串流)", "LEGACY": "遺留", "Length Penalty": "長度懲罰", "Light": "輕", "Link to Source": "連結到來源", "Link to World Info": "連結到世界資訊", "List order": "清單順序", "LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only": "僅限 LLaMA / Mistral / Yi 模型", "llama.cpp only. Determines the order of samplers. If Mirostat mode is not 0, sampler order is ignored.": "僅適用於 llama.cpp。決定取樣器的順序。如果 Mirostat 模式不為 0,則忽略取樣器順序。", "Load default order": "載入預設順序", "Load koboldcpp order": "載入 koboldcpp 順序", "Lock": "上鎖", "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "上鎖 = 角色人物管理面板將保持開啟", "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "上鎖 = 世界編輯器將保持開啟", "Log prompts to console": "將提示詞記錄到控制台", "Logic": "邏輯", "Logit Bias": "Logit 偏差", "Logout": "登出", "Looking for AI characters?": "正在尋找 AI 角色人物?", "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "在上下文中查找條目鍵將區分大小寫", "Lorebook Import Dialog": "匯入知識書對話框", "MAD LAB MODE ON": "瘋狂實驗室模式", "Mad Lab Mode": "瘋狂實驗室模式", "Main API": "主要 API", "Main Prompt": "主要提示詞", "Main Text": "主要文字", "Main": "主要", "Make a Snapshot": "建立快照", "Make sure you run it with": "確保您使用以下方式執行它", "MakerSuite API Key": "MakerSuite API 金鑰", "Manage chat files": "管理聊天檔案", "Manage extensions": "管理擴充套件", "Manager Users": "管理使用者", "Mancer API key": "Mancer API 金鑰", "Mancer Model": "Mancer 模型", "Match Whole Words": "完全配對", "Max Depth": "最大深度", "Max messages per request": "每個請求的最大訊息數", "Max prompt cost:": "最多提示詞費用", "Max Response Length (tokens)": "最大回應長度(符記數)", "Max Tokens Second": "最大符記/秒", "Maximum Temp": "最高溫度", "Medium": "中等", "Merges_all_system_messages_desc_1": "合併所有系統訊息,直到第一條非系統角色的訊息,並通過 google 的", "Merges_all_system_messages_desc_2": "字段發送,而不是與其餘提示詞內容一起發送。", "Message Actions": "訊息動作", "Message Content": "訊息內容", "Message IDs": "訊息 ID", "Message Sound": "訊息音效", "Message Timer": "訊息計時器", "Min Activations": "最小啟動次數", "Min Depth": "最小深度", "Min Length": "最小長度", "Min P": "Min P", "Minimum generated message length": "生成的訊息最小長度", "Minimum number of blacklisted words detected to trigger an auto-swipe": "檢測到的黑名單詞語數量觸發自動滑動的最小值。", "Minimum Temp": "最低溫度", "Min_P_desc": "Min P 設定基本最小機率。\n這個值會根據最高符記的機率進行調整。例如,如果最高符記機率為 80%,而 Min P 設為 0.1 ,那麼只有機率高於 8% 的符記會被考慮。\n設定為 0 以停用。", "Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat(mode=1僅適用於llama.cpp)", "Mirostat Eta": "Eta", "Mirostat LR": "Mirostat 學習率", "Mirostat Mode": "Mode", "Mirostat Tau": "Tau", "Mirostat": "Mirostat", "Mirostat_desc": "Mirostat 是輸出困惑度的恆溫器。\nMirostat 會將輸出的困惑度與輸入的困惑度相配對,\n從而避免了重複陷阱(在這個陷阱中,隨著自回歸推理產生字串,輸出的困惑度趨於零)和混亂陷阱(困惑度發散)。\n有關詳細資訊,請參閱 Basu 等人於 2020 年發表的論文《A Neural Text Decoding Algorithm that Directly Controls Perplexity》。\n模式選擇 Mirostat 版本。0=停用,1=Mirostat 1.0(僅限 llama.cpp),2=Mirostat 2.0。", "Mirostat_Eta_desc": "這個設定控制 Mirostat 的學習率。", "Mirostat_Mode_desc": "0 表示完全停用 Mirostat。1 表示使用 Mirostat 1.0 版本,2 表示使用 Mirostat 2.0 版本。", "Mirostat_Tau_desc": "這個設定控制了 Mirostat 輸出的可變性。", "Misc. Sequences": "其他序列", "Misc. Settings": "其他設定", "Miscellaneous": "其他", "MistralAI API Key": "MistralAI API 金鑰", "MistralAI Model": "MistralAI 模型", "Mode": "模式", "Model Icon": "模型圖示", "Model Order": "模型順序", "Model Providers": "模型供應商", "Model": "模型", "Models": "模型", "More...": "更多...", "Most chats": "最多聊天", "Most tokens have a leading space.": "大多數符記有前導空格", "Most tokens": "最多符記", "Movable UI Panels": "可移動的 UI 面板", "Move down": "下移", "Move message down": "下移訊息", "Move message up": "上移訊息", "Move up": "上移", "MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions": "MovingUI 預設。預先定義/儲存可拖動位置。", "MUI Preset": "MUI 預設", "Multiple swipes per generation": "每次生成多次滑動", "Multiplier": "乘法器", "Name (A-Z)": "名稱(A-Z)", "Name (Z-A)": "名稱(Z-A)", "Name this character": "為此角色人物命名", "Name": "名稱", "Narrate": "敘述", "Natural order": "自然順序", "Negative common prompt prefix": "負面通用提示詞前綴", "Negative Prompt": "負面提示詞", "Neutralize Samplers": "中和取樣器", "Never include examples": "永不包含範例", "Never resize avatars": "永不調整頭像大小", "New Chat": "新聊天", "New Entry": "新條目", "New Example Chat": "新範例聊天", "New Group Chat": "新群組聊天", "New Password:": "新密碼:", "New preset": "新預設", "New User": "新使用者", "New": "新增", "Newest": "最新", "Newline": "換行", "No Blur Effect": "無模糊效果", "No connection...": "沒有連線...", "No Module": "無模組", "No persona description": "無玩家角色人物描述", "No Repeat Ngram Size": "無重複Ngram大小", "No Text Shadows": "無文字陰影", "No WI/AN": "無 WI/AN", "No": "否", "Non-markdown strings": "非 Markdown 字串", "None": "無", "Normal": "正常", "NOT ALL": "NOT 所有", "NOT ANY": "NOT 任何", "Not connected to API!": "未連線到 API!", "Not connected...": "尚未連線...", "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "注意:這些選項是選填的,在角色人物匯出時不會保留!", "Notify on extension updates": "擴充套件更新時通知", "Novel AI Model": "NovelAI 模型", "Novel API key": "NovelAI API 金鑰", "NovelAI": "NovelAI", "novelaipresets": "NovelAI 預設設定檔", "NSFW": "NSFW", "Nucleus Sampling": "核心取樣", "Number of Beams": "波束數量", "Off": "關閉", "Oldest": "最舊", "Ollama Model": "Ollama 模型", "Omit World Info and Author's Note from text to be summarized. Only has an effect when using the Main API. The Extras API always omits WI/AN.": "從要總結的文本中省略世界資訊和作者備註。僅在使用主要 API 時有效。額外 API 總是省略 WI/AN。", "onboarding_import": "匯入", "Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens": "僅在您的模型支援超過4096個符記的上下文大小時啟用此功能", "Only Format Display": "僅格式化顯示", "Only Format Prompt (?)": "僅格式化提示詞(?)", "Only one entry with the same label will be activated": "僅會啟用具有相同標籤的一個條目", "Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "僅在 ST 的瀏覽器分頁未聚焦時播放音效。", "Only the entries with the most number of key matches will be selected for Inclusion Group filtering": "只有符合最多鍵值數量的條目將被選中進行包含群組過濾", "Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "僅適用於 Ooba。決定取樣器的順序。", "Open all Entries": "開啟所有條目", "Open checkpoint chat": "開啟檢查點聊天", "Open Data Bank": "打開資料儲藏庫", "Open Editor": "打開編輯器", "Open workflow editor": "開啟 workflow 編輯器", "OpenAI API key": "OpenAI API 金鑰", "OpenAI Model": "OpenAI 模型", "openaipresets": "OpenAI 預設設定檔", "openai_inline_image_quality_auto": "自動", "openai_inline_image_quality_high": "高", "openai_inline_image_quality_low": "低", "OpenRouter API Key": "OpenRouter API 金鑰", "OpenRouter Model": "OpenRouter 模型", "openrouter_force_instruct": "這個選項已經過時,將來會被移除。如果要使用指令格式,請改在 Text Completion API 中選擇 OpenRouter。", "Optional Filter": "選填過濾器", "Opus tier": "Opus 級別", "or": "或", "Order ↗": "順序 ↗", "Order ↘": "順序 ↘", "Order": "順序", "Order:": "順序:", "Other Options": "其他選項", "Output": "輸出", "Parser Flags": "解析器標誌", "Password:": "密碼:", "Pause script execution": "暫停腳本執行", "Pause": "暫停", "Peek a password": "顯示密碼", "Penalty Alpha": "懲罰 Alpha", "Penalty Range": "懲罰範圍", "Permanent tokens": "永久符記", "Permanent": "永久", "Perplexity API Key": "Perplexity API 金鑰", "Perplexity Model": "Perplexity 模型", "Persona Description": "玩家角色人物描述", "Persona Management": "玩家角色人物管理", "Persona Name:": "玩家角色人物名稱", "Persona": "玩家角色人物", "Personality Format Template": "個性格式範本", "Personality summary": "個性摘要", "Phrase Repetition Penalty": "片語重複懲罰", "Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "訊息生成完成時播放音效。", "popup_text_cancel": "取消", "popup_text_import": "匯入", "popup_text_no": "否", "popup_text_save": "儲存", "popup_text_yes": "是", "Position:": "位置:", "Positive Prompt": "正面提示詞", "Post a GitHub issue": "發布 GitHub 問題", "Preamble": "前言", "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "偏好角色人物卡越獄", "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "偏好角色人物卡提示詞", "Prepend character names to message contents.": "在訊息內容前新增角色人物名稱", "Presence Penalty": "存在懲罰", "Preset for prompt prefix and negative prompt": "提示詞前綴和負面提示詞的預設設定", "Presets": "預設設定檔", "Press Send to continue": "按下傳送繼續", "Prevent further recursion (this entry will not activate others)": "防止進一步遞迴(此條目不會啟用其他條目)", "Price": "價格(最便宜的)", "Primary Keywords": "主要關鍵字", "Primary Lorebook": "主要知識書", "Prioritize this entry: When checked, this entry is prioritized out of all selections.": "優先考慮此條目:選中時,此條目在所有選擇中優先。\n如果多個條目被優先考慮,則選擇「順序」最高的條目", "Priority": "優先順序", "Probability": "機率", "Prompt builder": "提示詞生成器", "Prompt Overrides": "提示詞覆寫", "Prompt Post-Processing": "提示詞後處理", "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "用於 AI 模仿功能的提示詞", "Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored": "在角色人物匯入時提示詞匯入嵌入的卡片標籤。否則,嵌入的標籤將被忽略。", "Prompt": "提示詞", "prompt_manager_absolute": "絕對位置", "prompt_manager_depth": "深度", "prompt_manager_edit": "編輯", "prompt_manager_name": "名稱", "prompt_manager_position": "位置", "prompt_manager_relative": "相對位置", "Prose Augmenter": "散文增強器", "Proxy Name": "代理伺服器名稱", "Proxy Password": "代理伺服器密碼", "Proxy Presets": "代理伺服器預設設定檔", "Proxy Server URL": "代理伺服器 URL", "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine": "PygmalionAI/aphrodite 引擎", "Quick 'Continue' button": "快速「繼續」按鈕", "Quick Prompts Edit": "快速提示詞編輯", "Quote Text": "引用文字", "Random": "隨機", "Raw, blocking": "原始,阻塞", "Raw, non-blocking": "原始,非阻塞", "Recent": "最近", "Rectangle": "矩形", "Recursive Scan": "遞迴掃描", "Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window": "減少聊天高度,並在聊天視窗後放置一個靜態 Sprite。", "Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs": "降低 API URL 的格式要求。", "Reduced Motion": "減少動作", "Refine": "精煉", "Refresh models": "重新整理模型", "Refresh": "重新整理", "Regenerate": "重新生成", "Regex Editor": "正規表示式編輯器", "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "註冊Horde帳號以縮短排隊時間", "Relax message trim in Groups": "放寬群組中的訊息修剪", "Relaxed API URLS": "寬鬆的 API URL 格式", "Reload and redraw the currently open chat": "重新載入並重繪目前開啟的聊天", "Reload Chat": "重新載入聊天", "Remove from group": "從群組中移除", "Remove text shadow effect": "移除文字陰影效果。", "Remove the file": "刪除檔案", "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "在此框中輸入任何內容之前,從API面板中刪除您的實際OAI API金鑰", "Remove": "刪除", "removes blur from window backgrounds": "從視窗背景中移除模糊效果,以加快算繪速度。", "Rename background": "重新命名背景圖片", "Rename chat file": "重新命名聊天檔案", "Rename World Info": "重新命名世界資訊", "Rename": "重新命名", "Render Formulas": "算繪公式", "Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX": "在聊天訊息中算繪 LaTeX 和 AsciiMath 方程式標記。由 KaTeX 提供支援。", "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "重複懲罰頻率", "Rep. Pen. Presence": "重複懲罰存在", "Rep. Pen. Range.": "重複懲罰範圍", "Rep. Pen. Slope": "重複懲罰斜率", "rep.pen decay": "重複懲罰衰減", "rep.pen range": "重複懲罰範圍", "rep.pen": "重複懲罰", "Repetition Penalty": "重複懲罰", "Replace / Update": "取代 / 更新", "Replace all {{getvar::}} and {{getglobalvar::}} macros with scoped variables to avoid double macro substitution.": "將所有 {{getvar::}} 和 {{getglobalvar::}} 巨集取代為作用域變量以避免雙重巨集取代", "Replace Author's Note": "取代作者註釋", "Replace empty message": "取代空訊息", "Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "取代自訂停止字串中的巨集", "Replace Macro in Sequences": "取代序列中的巨集", "Replace With": "取代為", "REPLACE_GETVAR": "REPLACE_GETVAR", "Request token probabilities": "請求符記機率", "Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": "從 API 請求 logprobs 用於符記機率功能。", "Reset Code:": "重設驗證碼:", "Reset Everything": "重設全部", "Reset MovingUI panel sizes/locations.": "重置 MovingUI 面板大小/位置", "Reset Settings": "重設設定值", "reset": "重設", "Resolution": "解析度", "response legth(tokens)": "回應長度(符記數)", "Restore collage avatar": "還原預設頭像", "Restore current preset": "還原目前預設", "Restore default format": "還原預設格式", "Restore default prompt": "還原預設提示詞", "Restore default": "還原預設", "Restore Faces": "修復臉部", "Restore new chat prompt": "還原新聊天的提示詞", "Restore new group chat prompt": "還原預設群組聊天提示詞", "Restore Previous": "還原上一個", "Restore unsaved user input on page refresh": "在頁面刷新時還原未儲存的使用者輸入。", "Restore User first message": "還原使用者第一個訊息", "Restore User Input": "還原使用者輸入", "Restore your personas from a file": "從檔案還原您的角色人物", "Restore": "還原", "Reverse Proxy": "反向代理伺服器", "Review the Privacy statement": "檢視隱私聲明", "Role": "角色", "Role:": "角色:", "Run On Edit": "編輯時執行", "Sample characters": "範例角色人物", "Sampler Priority": "取樣器優先順序", "Sampler Select": "選擇取樣器", "Samplers Order": "取樣器順序", "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "取樣器將按從上到下的順序應用。請小心使用。", "Sampling method": "取樣方法", "Sampling steps": "取樣步數", "Sanitize prompts (recommended)": "清理提示詞(建議)", "Save as a new theme": "儲存成新的布景主題", "Save checkpoint": "儲存檢查點", "Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type": "在輸入時自動儲存訊息的編輯。", "Save movingUI changes to a new file": "將移動UI變更儲存到新檔案", "Save preset as": "儲存預設為", "Save Proxy": "儲存代理伺服器", "Save style": "儲存樣式", "Save": "儲存", "Saved addresses and passwords.": "已儲存的地址和密碼", "Saved locally. Not exported.": "本機儲存。不匯出。", "Saved Scripts": "已儲存的腳本", "Scale API Key": "Scale API 金鑰", "Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "根據機率變化,動態調整每個符記的溫度", "Scale": "比例", "Scan chronologically until reached min entries or token budget.": "按時間順序掃描直到達到最小條目或符記預算", "Scan Depth": "掃描深度", "Scenario Format Template": "情境格式範本", "Scenario Override": "情境覆寫", "Scenario": "情境", "scenario_format_template_part_1": "使用", "scenario_format_template_part_2": "來標示要插入內容的位置。", "Scheduler": "調度器", "Script Name": "腳本名稱", "sd_auto_auth_warning_1": "使用", "sd_auto_auth_warning_2": "旗標執行 SD Web UI!伺服器必須能夠被 SillyTavern 主機存取。", "sd_auto_url": "範例: {{auto_url}}", "sd_Background": "背景", "sd_character_negative_prompt_placeholder": "不應出現在選定角色人物上的任何特徵。這些特徵將增加在負面通用提示詞前綴之後。例如:珠寶、鞋子、眼鏡。", "sd_character_prompt_placeholder": "描述當前選擇角色人物的特徵。這些特徵將增加在通用提示詞前綴之後。\n例如:女性、綠色眼睛、棕色頭髮、粉紅色襯衫。", "sd_comfy_url": "範例: {{comfy_url}}", "sd_drawthings_auth_txt": "執行 DrawThings 應用程式並在介面中啟用 HTTP API 開關!伺服器必須能夠被 SillyTavern 主機存取。", "sd_drawthings_url": "範例: {{drawthings_url}}", "sd_expand": "使用文字生成模型自動擴充提示詞。", "sd_expand_txt": "自動擴充提示詞", "sd_help_1": "請求生成一張圖片並將其發佈到聊天中(除非指定了 quiet=true 參數)。支援的參數包括:", "sd_help_2": "其他任何事情都會觸發「自由模式」,根據你的提示詞生成內容。例如:", "sd_help_3": "將生成一張蘋果樹的圖片,並回傳圖片的連結。", "sd_interactive_mode": "當發送「給我一張貓的圖片」這類訊息時,自動生成圖片。", "sd_interactive_mode_txt": "互動模式", "sd_Me": "玩家", "sd_multimodal_captioning": "根據使用者和角色人物的頭像,使用多模態模型描述生成肖像提示詞。", "sd_multimodal_captioning_txt": "對肖像使用多模態模型描述", "sd_prompt_0": "角色人物(你自己)", "sd_prompt_1": "使用者(我)", "sd_prompt_10": "肖像(多模態模型)", "sd_prompt_2": "情境(整篇故事)", "sd_prompt_3": "原始最後訊息", "sd_prompt_4": "最後訊息", "sd_prompt_5": "肖像(你的臉)", "sd_prompt_7": "背景", "sd_prompt_8": "角色人物(多模態模型)", "sd_prompt_9": "使用者(多模態模型)", "sd_prompt_prefix_placeholder": "使用 {prompt} 指定生成的提示詞將被插入的位置。", "sd_Raw_Last_Message": "最後一個原始訊息", "sd_refine_mode": "允許在傳送至生成 API 前,手動編輯提示詞字串", "sd_refine_mode_txt": "生成前編輯提示詞", "sd_snap": "對於具有特定長寬比的生成請求(如肖像、背景),將其調整至最接近的已知解析度,同時儘量保持絕對像素數(建議用於SDXL)。", "sd_snap_txt": "自動調整解析度", "sd_The_Last_Message": "最後一個訊息", "sd_The_Whole_Story": "整篇故事", "sd_vlad_url": "範例: {{vlad_url}}", "sd_Yourself": "角色人物", "sd_Your_Face": "角色人物的臉", "Search / Create Tags": "搜尋/建立標籤", "Search Settings": "搜尋設定", "Search": "搜尋", "Search...": "搜尋...", "Seed": "種子", "Select a token to see alternatives considered by the AI.": "選擇一個符記以檢視 AI 考慮的替代方案", "Select a World Info file for": "選擇世界資訊檔案", "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "選擇此作為新聊天的預設玩家角色人物。", "Select/Create Characters": "選擇/建立角色人物", "Selective": "選擇性", "Send a message": "發送訊息", "Send inline images": "發送內嵌圖片", "Send on Enter": "按下 Enter 鍵發送:", "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "為支援的模型發送系統提示詞。停用時,使用者訊息將新增到提示詞的開頭。", "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "當文字方塊為空時,發送此字串而不是空白。", "Sent at the end of the group chat history to force reply from a specific character.": "在群組聊天歷史結束時發送以強制特定角色人物回覆", "separate with commas w/o space between": "用逗號分隔,之間無空格", "Sequence Breakers": "序列中斷器", "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "您不希望在輸出中出現的序列。每行一個,使用文字或符記 ID。", "Server url": "伺服器 URL", "Set a group chat scenario": "設定群組聊天情境", "Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state.": "將所有取樣器設定為中性/停用狀態。", "Set at the beginning of Dialogue examples to indicate that a new example chat is about to start.": "設定在對話範例的開頭以表明即將開始新的範例聊天", "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start.": "設定在聊天歷史的開頭以表明即將開始新的聊天", "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new group chat is about to start.": "設定在聊天歷史的開頭以表明即將開始新的群組聊天", "Set at the end of the chat history when the continue button is pressed.": "按下繼續按鈕時設定在聊天歷史的末尾", "Set to get deterministic results. Use -1 for random seed.": "設置以獲取確定性結果。使用 -1 作為隨機種子", "Sets default flags for the STscript parser.": "設置 STscript 解析器的預設標誌", "Sets the font size of the autocomplete.": "設置自動完成的字體大小", "Sets the style of the autocomplete.": "設置自動完成的樣式", "Sets the width of the autocomplete.": "設置自動完成的寬度", "Settings Snapshots": "設定值快照", "Shadow Color": "陰影顏色", "Show / Hide Description and First Message": "顯示/隱藏描述和第一條訊息", "Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message": "在輸入區域顯示一個按鈕,請求 AI 繼續(擴充)其最後一條訊息", "Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log": "在聊天記錄中為每條訊息顯示時間戳記。", "Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only": "僅在角色人物列表顯示實際檔案名稱。", "Show an icon for the API that generated the message": "顯示生成訊息的 API 圖示。", "Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile": "在最後的聊天訊息中顯示箭頭按鈕,以生成替代的 AI 回應。適用於 PC 和行動裝置版", "Show avatar filenames": "顯示頭像檔案名", "Show External models (provided by API)": "顯示外部模型(由 API 提供)", "Show Message Token Count": "顯示訊息符記數量", "Show notifications on switching personas": "切換角色人物時顯示通知", "Show reply prefix in chat": "在聊天中顯示回覆前綴", "Show sequential message numbers in the chat log": "在聊天記錄中顯示連續的訊息編號。", "Show tagged character folders in the character list": "在角色人物列表中顯示標籤角色人物資料夾。", "Show tags in responses": "在回應中顯示標籤", "Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log": "在聊天記錄中顯示每條訊息中的符記數量", "Shy": "害羞", "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "SillyTavern 文件網站", "SillyTavern is aimed at advanced users.": "SillyTavern 旨在進階使用者", "Simple": "簡單", "Single file": "單個檔案", "Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "單行訊息輸入區域。僅適用於行動裝置版。", "Size (Largest First)": "尺寸(由大到小)", "Size (Smallest First)": "尺寸(由小到大)", "Skew": "Skew", "Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown": "跳過編碼訊息文字中的 < 和 > 字符,允許一部分 HTML 標記以及 Markdown", "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "跳過範例對話的格式設定", "Skip Special Tokens": "跳過特殊符記", "Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "Slack 和 Poe 的 Cookie 在此無效,請勿嘗試。", "Slash Commands": "斜線命令", "Slow": "慢", "SMEA versions of samplers are modified to perform better at high resolution.": "SMEA 版本的取樣器經過修改,能在高解析度下表現更佳。", "SMEA": "SMEA", "Smooth Sampling": "平滑取樣", "Smooth Streaming": "平滑串流", "Smoothing Curve": "平滑曲線", "Smoothing Factor": "平滑因子", "Smooth_Sampling_desc": "允許您使用二次/三次變換來調整分佈。較低的平滑因子值將更具創造性,通常在 0.2-0.3 之間是最佳點(假設曲線=1)。較高的平滑曲線值會使曲線更陡峭,這將更加激烈地懲罰低概率選擇。1.0 的曲線值相當於僅使用平滑因子。", "Sorted Evenly": "均等排序", "Source": "來源", "Space": "空格", "Spaces Between Special Tokens": "特殊符記之間的空格", "Specify colors for your theme.": "為您的主題指定顏色", "Speculative Ngram": "推測性 Ngram", "Spoiler Free Mode": "無劇透模式", "Square": "方形", "Squash system messages": "合併系統訊息", "Standard": "標準", "Start Claude's answer with...": "開始 Claude 的回答...", "Start new chat": "開始新聊天", "Start Reply With": "開始回覆", "Starts with": "開始於", "Status:": "狀態:", "Still have questions?": "還有問題嗎?", "Stop Sequence": "停止序列", "Story String": "故事字串", "Streaming FPS": "串流 FPS", "Streaming": "串流", "Streaming_desc": "生成時逐位顯示回應。當此功能關閉時,回應將在完成後一次顯示。", "Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS": "對比搜尋正則化項的強度。設定為0以停用CS", "Strength of the text shadows": "文字陰影的強度", "STRICT_ESCAPING": "STRICT_ESCAPING", "STscript Settings": "STscript 設定", "Style": "樣式", "Substitute Regex": "取代正規表示式", "Summarize now": "立即總結", "Summarize with:": "總結使用:", "Summary Prompt": "摘要提示詞", "Summary Settings": "摘要設定", "Summary will be generated here...": "摘要將在此生成...", "Summary": "摘要", "Supported file types: Plain Text, PDF, Markdown, HTML, EPUB.": "支援的檔案類型:純文字,PDF,Markdown,HTML,EPUB。", "Swap character cards": "交換角色人物卡", "Swipes": "滑動", "Switch to plaintext mode": "切換到純文字模式", "Switch to stricter escaping, allowing all delimiting characters to be escaped with a backslash, and backslashes to be escaped as well.": "切換到更嚴格的字元跳脫,允許所有分隔符號使用反斜線跳脫,反斜線自己也可以跳脫。", "System Backgrounds": "系統背景圖片", "System Instruction Prefix": "系統指令前綴", "System Message Prefix": "系統訊息前綴", "System Message Suffix": "系統訊息後綴", "System Prompt Prefix": "系統提示詞前綴", "System Prompt Suffix": "系統提示詞後綴", "System Prompt Wrapping": "系統提示詞換行", "System Prompt": "系統提示詞", "System same as User": "系統與使用者相同", "System": "系統", "Tabby API key": "Tabby API 金鑰", "Tag": "標籤", "Tags as Folders": "標籤作為資料夾", "Tags to Embed": "嵌入標籤", "Tags_as_Folders_desc": "最近更改:標籤必須在標籤管理選單中標記為資料夾才能顯示為此類。點選這裡打開。", "Tail Free Sampling": "無尾取樣", "Tail-Free Sampling (TFS)": "無尾取樣(TFS)", "Tail_Free_Sampling_desc": "無尾取樣(Tail-Free Sampling, TFS)會透過分析符記機率的變化率(使用導數)來尋找分佈中的低機率符記尾部。\n它會根據標準化的二階導數,保留直到某個閾值(例如0.3)的符記。\n數值越接近 0 ,表示會棄去越多符記。設定為 1.0 以停用。", "Talkativeness": "健談度", "Target length (tokens)": "目標長度(符記)", "Tau": "Tau", "Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "溫度控制符記選擇中的隨機性", "Temperature Last": "最後的溫度", "Temperature": "溫度", "Temperature_Last_desc": "使用最後應用溫度取樣器。這幾乎總是明智的做法。\n啟用時:首先取樣一組合理的符記,然後應用溫度來調整它們的相對機率(技術上講,是 logits)。\n停用時:首先應用溫度調整所有符記的相對機率,然後從中取樣合理的符記。\n停用「最後應用溫度取樣」會增加分佈尾部的概率,這傾向於放大獲得不連貫回應的機會。", "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "暫時停用此角色人物的自動回覆", "Test Message": "測試訊息", "Test Mode": "測試模式", "Text Adventure": "文字冒險", "Text Completion presets": "文字補充預設", "Text Completion": "文字補充", "Text or token ids": "文字或符記 ID", "Text Shadow Width": "文字陰影寬度", "The next chunk of the continued message will be appended using this as a separator.": "繼續訊息的下一塊將使用此作為分隔符附加", "The number of chat history messages to load before pagination.": "每頁載入的聊天歷史訊息數", "The prompt to be sent.": "要發送的提示詞。", "The server must be accessible from the SillyTavern host machine.": "伺服器必須能夠被 SillyTavern 主機存取。", "Theme Colors": "佈景主題顏色", "Theme Toggles": "佈景主題選項", "these directions": "這些指示", "These files are available for all characters in all chats.": "這些檔案在所有聊天中的所有角色人物中可用。", "These files are available the current character in all chats they are in.": "這些檔案在當前角色人物參與的所有聊天中可用。", "These files are available to all characters in the current chat.": "這些檔案在當前聊天中的所有角色人物中可用。", "These files will be available for extensions that support attachments (e.g. Vector Storage).": "這些檔案將可用於支援附件的擴充套件(例如向量存儲)。", "These settings only apply to DALL-E 3": "此設定僅會套用在 DALL-E 3", "This action is irreversible.": "此動作不可逆轉。", "This message is invisible for the AI": "此訊息對 AI 不可見", "This prompt cannot be overridden by character cards, even if overrides are preferred.": "即使啟用偏好覆寫,此提示詞也不能被角色卡片覆寫。", "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "這將是每次聊天開始時角色人物發送的第一條訊息。", "This will create a new subfolder...": "這將建立一個新的子資料夾...", "This will show up as your saved preset.": "這將顯示為您儲存的預設", "Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log": "計時 AI 的訊息生成,並在聊天記錄中顯示持續時間。", "Title A-Z": "標題 A-Z", "Title Z-A": "標題 Z-A", "to get your OpenAI API key.": "以取得您的 OpenAI API 金鑰。", "to use anonymous mode.": "以使用匿名模式。", "To whom this message will be attributed.": "此訊息將隸屬於誰。", "TogetherAI API Key": "TogetherAI API 金鑰", "TogetherAI Model": "TogetherAI 模型", "Toggle character grid view": "切換角色人物網格視圖", "Toggle character info panel": "切換角色人物資訊面板", "Toggle grid view": "切換網格視圖", "Toggle Panels": "切換面板", "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "符記計數可能不準確,僅供參考。", "Token Padding": "符記填充", "Token Probabilities": "符記機率", "Tokenizer": "符記化工具", "Tokens persona description": "符記角色人物描述", "Tokens ↗": "符記 ↗", "Tokens ↘": "符記 ↘", "Tokens": "符記", "Top A Sampling": "Top A 取樣", "Top A": "Top A", "Top K Sampling": "Top K 取樣", "Top K": "Top K", "Top of Author's Note": "作者備註的頂部", "Top P & Min P": "Top P 和 Min P", "Top P": "Top P", "Top_A_desc": "Top A 根據最高符記機率的平方設定符記選擇的門檻。\n例如,如果 Top A 值為 0.2,而最高符記機率為 50%,那麼低於 5%(0.2 * 0.5^2) 的符記機率就會被排除。\n設定為 0 以停用。", "Top_K_desc": "Top K 設定可以選擇的最高符記數量。\n例如,Top K 為 20,這意味著只保留排名前 20 的符記(無論它們的機率是多樣還是有限的)。\n設定為 0 以停用。", "Top_P_desc": "Top P(又名核心取樣)會將所有頂級符記加總,直到達到目標百分比。\n例如,如果前兩個符記都是 25%,而 Top P 設為 0.5,那麼只有前兩個符記會被考慮。\n設定為 1.0 以停用。", "Total tokens": "符記總計", "Translate files into English before processing": "處理前將檔案翻譯成英文", "Translate message": "翻譯訊息", "Trigger %:": "觸發%", "Trigger a message from this character": "觸發此角色人物的訊息", "Trigger a summary update right now.": "立即觸發摘要更新。", "Trigger Stable Diffusion": "觸發 Stable Diffusion", "Trigger% ↗": "觸發% ↗", "Trigger% ↘": "觸發% ↘", "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "修剪不完整的句子", "Trim Out": "修剪掉", "Trim spaces": "修剪空格", "Trusted workers only": "僅限受信任的 worker", "Try to automatically adjust the interval based on the chat metrics.": "嘗試根據聊天度量自動調整間隔。", "Type a message, or /? for help": "輸入一個訊息,或輸入 /? 取得支援", "Type here...": "在此輸入...", "Type in the desired custom grammar": "輸入所需的自定義語法", "Type in the desired JSON schema": "輸入所需的 JSON 結構", "Type the user's handle below to confirm:": "在下方輸入使用者的控制代碼以確認:", "Typical P": "Typical P", "Typical_P_desc": "Typical P 取樣根據符記偏離集合平均熵的程度進行優先排序。\n它會保留累積機率接近預設閾值(例如0.5)的符記,強調那些具有平均信息量的符記。\n設定為 1.0 以停用。", "T_Position": "↑角色人物:角色人物定義之前\n↓角色人物:角色人物定義之後\n↑備註:作者備註之前\n↓備註:作者備註之後\n@深度", "UI Background": "介面背景顏色", "UI Border": "介面邊框顏色", "UI Colors": "介面顏色", "UI Language": "介面語言", "UI Language": "介面語言:", "UI Theme": "介面佈景主題", "UID ↗": "UID ↗", "UID ↘": "UID ↘", "Underlined Text": "帶底線的文字", "Unique to this chat": "此聊天獨有", "Unlimited": "無限制", "Unlock": "解鎖", "Unlocked Context Size": "解鎖的上下文大小", "unlocked": "解鎖", "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "上下文滑桿的無限制最大值", "Update a theme file": "更新主題檔案", "Update current preset": "更新目前預設", "Update every": "更新每隔", "Update frequency": "更新頻率", "Update speed of streamed text.": "更新串流文字的速度", "Upscale by": "放大倍率", "Upscaler": "放大演算法", "Usage Stats": "使用統計", "Use a different speculative decoding method without a draft model": "使用不含草稿模型的不同推測性解碼方法。", "Use AI21 Tokenizer": "使用 AI21 符記器", "Use as Stop Strings": "用作停止字串", "Use character author's note": "使用角色人物作者備註", "Use character CFG scales": "使用角色人物 CFG 比例", "Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring": "使用模糊配對,並通過所有資料欄位在列表中搜尋角色人物,而不僅僅是通過名稱子字串。", "Use global setting": "使用全域設定", "Use Google Tokenizer": "使用 Google 符記器", "Use Group Scoring": "使用群組評分", "Use personality to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "使用個性標記插入內容的位置", "Use Probability": "使用機率", "Use Proxy password field instead. This input will be ignored.": "請改用代理密碼欄位。此輸入將被忽略", "Use scenario to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "使用情境標記插入內容的位置", "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "使用樣式標籤修改輸出的寫作樣式。", "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "使用系統提示詞(僅限 Claude 2.1+)", "Use system prompt": "使用系統提示詞", "Use tag as folder": "將標籤用作資料夾", "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "通過 Google 模型的 API 使用適當的符記器。提示詞處理速度較慢,但提供更準確的符記計數。", "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Jurassic models, which is more efficient than GPT's.": "對於 Jurassic 模型使用適當的符記器,比 GPT 的更高效", "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "如果CFG Scale未在全域、每個聊天或角色人物中設定,則使用", "User Filler Message": "使用者填充訊息", "User first message": "使用者第一條訊息", "User Handle:": "使用者控制代碼:", "User Input": "使用者輸入", "User inputs until next insertion:": "使用者輸入直到下一次插入:", "User Message Blur Tint": "使用者訊息模糊色調", "User Message Prefix": "使用者訊息前綴", "User Message Suffix": "使用者訊息後綴", "User Settings": "使用者設定", "User": "使用者", "Utility Prompts": "實用提示詞", "Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs": "Mirostat 輸出的變異性參數", "Vectorized": "向量化", "Vectors Model Warning": "向量模型警告", "Very aggressive": "非常積極", "Very light": "非常輕", "View / Edit bias preset": "查看/編輯偏見預設", "View all tags": "查看所有標籤", "View API Usage Metrics": "查看 API 使用指標", "View character card": "查看角色人物卡", "View contents": "檢視內容", "View hidden API keys": "查看隱藏的 API 金鑰", "View my Anlas": "檢視我的 Anlas 點數", "View my Kudos": "查看我的稱讚", "View Remaining Credits": "檢視剩餘點數", "vLLM API key": "vLLM API 金鑰", "vLLM Model": "vLLM 模型", "vllm-project/vllm": "vllm-project/vllm", "Waifu Mode": "Waifu 模式", "Want to update?": "想要更新嗎?", "Warning:": "警告:", "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "我們無法為使用非官方 OpenAI 代理伺服器時遇到的問題提供支援", "Web-search": "網頁搜尋", "Welcome to SillyTavern!": "歡迎來到 SillyTavern!", "welcome_message_part_1": "閱讀", "welcome_message_part_2": "官方文件", "welcome_message_part_3": "。", "welcome_message_part_4": "在聊天輸入框內輸入", "welcome_message_part_5": "來顯示巨集或命令列表。", "welcome_message_part_6": "加入", "welcome_message_part_7": "取得公告和資訊。", "welcome_message_part_8": "這個隨時可以透過", "welcome_message_part_9": "圖示來變更。", "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "這個關鍵字對 AI 應意味著什麼,逐字發送", "When 'Join character cards' is selected, all respective fields of the characters are being joined together.": "當選擇「加入角色人物卡」時,所有角色人物的相應字段將被連接在一起。\n這意味著,例如在故事字串中,所有角色人物描述將被連接成一個大文本。\n如果您希望這些字段分開,您可以在此定義前綴或後綴。\n\n此值支持普通巨集,並且還將 {{char}} 取代為相關角色人物的名稱,將 取代為部分的名稱(例如:描述、個性、情境等)", "When applied to prompts or display, only affect messages no more than N levels deep. 0 = last message, 1 = penultimate message, etc. Only counts WI entries @Depth and usable messages, i.e. not hidden or system.": "應用於提示詞或顯示時,僅影響不超過 N 層深的訊息。0 = 最後一條訊息,1 = 倒數第二條訊息,等。僅計算 @Depth 的 WI 條目和可用訊息,即不包括隱藏或系統。", "When applied to prompts or display, only affect messages that are at least N levels deep. 0 = last message, 1 = penultimate message, etc. Only counts WI entries @Depth and usable messages, i.e. not hidden or system.": "應用於提示詞或顯示時,僅影響至少 N 層深的訊息。0 = 最後一條訊息,1 = 倒數第二條訊息,等。僅計算 @Depth 的 WI 條目和可用訊息,即不包括隱藏或系統。", "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "生成 AI 回覆時,將與全域世界資訊選擇器中的條目結合。", "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "關閉時,回應將在完成後一次性顯示。", "WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal🔗 Vectorized❌ Disabled": "WI條目狀態:🔵常數🟢正常🔗向量❌停用", "Width of the main chat window in % of screen width": "主聊天視窗寬度占螢幕寬度的百分比", "Width": "寬度(W)", "Will be automatically added as the Author's Note for all new chats.": "將自動新增為所有新聊天的作者備註", "Will be automatically added as the author's note for this character. Will be used in groups, but can't be modified when a group chat is open.": "將自動新增為此角色人物的作者備註。將在群組中使用,但在群組聊天開啟時無法修改", "Will be automatically added as the CFG for this character.": "將自動新增為此角色人物的 CFG", "Will be inserted as a last prompt line when using system/neutral generation.": "在使用系統/中立生成時作為最後一行提示詞插入。", "Will be inserted at the start of the chat history if it doesn't start with a User message.": "如果聊天歷史不是以使用者訊息開始,將在聊天歷史的開頭插入。", "Will be used as a password for the proxy instead of API key.": "將用作代理的密碼,而不是 API 金鑰", "Will be used as the default CFG options for every chat unless overridden.": "將作為每次聊天的預設 CFG 選項,除非被覆寫", "Window AI Model": "Window AI 模型", "WI_Entry_Status_Constant": "🔵", "WI_Entry_Status_Disabled": "❌", "WI_Entry_Status_Normal": "🟢", "WI_Entry_Status_Vectorized": "🔗", "Won't be shared with the character card on export.": "不會在匯出時與角色人物卡共享", "Won't be used in groups.": "不會用在群組", "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "您不想生成的文字,使用逗號分隔", "World Info Format Template": "世界資訊格式範本", "World Info": "世界資訊", "Worlds/Lorebooks": "世界/知識書", "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "在發送之前將整個使用者訊息用引號包裹。", "Wrap in Quotes": "用引號包裹", "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "用換行符包裹序列", "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "發送前將使用者訊息用引號括起來", "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt.": "在插入提示詞前包裝已啟用的世界資訊條目。", "write short replies, write replies using past tense": "撰寫簡短回覆,使用過去式撰寫回覆", "Yes": "是", "You can browse a list of bundled characters in the Download Extensions & Assets menu within": "您可以在「下載擴充套件和資產」選單中瀏覽內建角色人物列表", "Your Persona": "您的玩家角色人物", "Z-A": "Z-A", "Zen Sliders": "Zen 滑桿" }