import { disableExtension, enableExtension, extension_settings, extensionNames } from './extensions.js'; import { SlashCommand } from './slash-commands/SlashCommand.js'; import { ARGUMENT_TYPE, SlashCommandArgument, SlashCommandNamedArgument } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandArgument.js'; import { SlashCommandClosure } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandClosure.js'; import { commonEnumProviders } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandCommonEnumsProvider.js'; import { enumTypes, SlashCommandEnumValue } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandEnumValue.js'; import { SlashCommandParser } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandParser.js'; import { equalsIgnoreCaseAndAccents, isFalseBoolean, isTrueBoolean } from './utils.js'; /** * @param {'enable' | 'disable' | 'toggle'} action - The action to perform on the extension * @returns {(args: {[key: string]: string | SlashCommandClosure}, extensionName: string | SlashCommandClosure) => Promise} */ function getExtensionActionCallback(action) { return async (args, extensionName) => { if (args?.reload instanceof SlashCommandClosure) throw new Error('\'reload\' argument cannot be a closure.'); if (typeof extensionName !== 'string') throw new Error('Extension name must be a string. Closures or arrays are not allowed.'); if (!extensionName) { toastr.warning(`Extension name must be provided as an argument to ${action} this extension.`); return ''; } const reload = isTrueBoolean(args?.reload); const internalExtensionName = findExtension(extensionName); if (!internalExtensionName) { toastr.warning(`Extension ${extensionName} does not exist.`); return ''; } const isEnabled = !extension_settings.disabledExtensions.includes(internalExtensionName); if (action === 'enable' && isEnabled) {`Extension ${extensionName} is already enabled.`); return internalExtensionName; } if (action === 'disable' && !isEnabled) {`Extension ${extensionName} is already disabled.`); return internalExtensionName; } if (action === 'toggle') { action = isEnabled ? 'disable' : 'enable'; } reload &&`${action.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + action.slice(1)}ing extension ${extensionName} and reloading...`); if (action === 'enable') { await enableExtension(internalExtensionName, reload); } else { await disableExtension(internalExtensionName, reload); } toastr.success(`Extension ${extensionName} ${action}d.`); return internalExtensionName; }; } /** * Finds an extension by name, allowing omission of the "third-party/" prefix. * * @param {string} name - The name of the extension to find * @returns {string?} - The matched extension name or undefined if not found */ function findExtension(name) { return extensionNames.find(extName => { return equalsIgnoreCaseAndAccents(extName, name) || equalsIgnoreCaseAndAccents(extName, `third-party/${name}`); }); } /** * Provides an array of SlashCommandEnumValue objects based on the extension names. * Each object contains the name of the extension and a description indicating if it is a third-party extension. * * @returns {SlashCommandEnumValue[]} An array of SlashCommandEnumValue objects */ const extensionNamesEnumProvider = () => => { const isThirdParty = name.startsWith('third-party/'); if (isThirdParty) name = name.slice('third-party/'.length); const description = isThirdParty ? 'third party extension' : null; return new SlashCommandEnumValue(name, description, !isThirdParty ? : enumTypes.enum); }); export function registerExtensionSlashCommands() { SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'extension-enable', callback: getExtensionActionCallback('enable'), namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'reload', description: 'Whether to reload the page after enabling the extension', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN], defaultValue: 'true', enumList: commonEnumProviders.boolean('trueFalse')(), }), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Extension name', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: true, enumProvider: extensionNamesEnumProvider, forceEnum: true, }), ], helpString: `
Enables a specified extension.
By default, the page will be reloaded automatically, stopping any further commands.
If reload=false named argument is passed, the page will not be reloaded, and the extension will stay disabled until refreshed. The page either needs to be refreshed, or /reload-page has to be called.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'extension-disable', callback: getExtensionActionCallback('enable'), namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'reload', description: 'Whether to reload the page after disabling the extension', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN], defaultValue: 'true', enumList: commonEnumProviders.boolean('trueFalse')(), }), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Extension name', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: true, enumProvider: extensionNamesEnumProvider, forceEnum: true, }), ], helpString: `
Disables a specified extension.
By default, the page will be reloaded automatically, stopping any further commands.
If reload=false named argument is passed, the page will not be reloaded, and the extension will stay enabled until refreshed. The page either needs to be refreshed, or /reload-page has to be called.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'extension-toggle', callback: async (args, extensionName) => { if (args?.state instanceof SlashCommandClosure) throw new Error('\'state\' argument cannot be a closure.'); if (typeof extensionName !== 'string') throw new Error('Extension name must be a string. Closures or arrays are not allowed.'); const action = isTrueBoolean(args?.state) ? 'enable' : isFalseBoolean(args?.state) ? 'disable' : 'toggle'; return await getExtensionActionCallback(action)(args, extensionName); }, namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'reload', description: 'Whether to reload the page after toggling the extension', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN], defaultValue: 'true', enumList: commonEnumProviders.boolean('trueFalse')(), }), SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'state', description: 'Explicitly set the state of the extension (true to enable, false to disable). If not provided, the state will be toggled to the opposite of the current state.', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN], enumList: commonEnumProviders.boolean('trueFalse')(), }), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Extension name', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: true, enumProvider: extensionNamesEnumProvider, forceEnum: true, }), ], helpString: `
Toggles the state of a specified extension.
By default, the page will be reloaded automatically, stopping any further commands.
If reload=false named argument is passed, the page will not be reloaded, and the extension will stay in its current state until refreshed. The page either needs to be refreshed, or /reload-page has to be called.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'extension-state', callback: async (_, extensionName) => { if (typeof extensionName !== 'string') throw new Error('Extension name must be a string. Closures or arrays are not allowed.'); const internalExtensionName = findExtension(extensionName); if (!internalExtensionName) { toastr.warning(`Extension ${extensionName} does not exist.`); return ''; } const isEnabled = !extension_settings.disabledExtensions.includes(internalExtensionName); return String(isEnabled); }, unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Extension name', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: true, enumProvider: extensionNamesEnumProvider, forceEnum: true, }), ], helpString: `
Returns the state of a specified extension (true if enabled, false if disabled).
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'extension-exists', aliases: ['extension-installed'], callback: async (_, extensionName) => { if (typeof extensionName !== 'string') throw new Error('Extension name must be a string. Closures or arrays are not allowed.'); const exists = findExtension(extensionName) !== undefined; return exists ? 'true' : 'false'; }, unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Extension name', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: true, enumProvider: extensionNamesEnumProvider, }), ], helpString: `
Checks if a specified extension exists.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'reload-page', callback: async () => {'Reloading the page...'); location.reload(); return ''; }, helpString: 'Reloads the current page. All further commands will not be processed.', })); }