import path from 'node:path'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import process from 'node:process'; import Handlebars from 'handlebars'; import ipMatching from 'ip-matching'; import { getIpFromRequest } from '../express-common.js'; import { color, getConfigValue } from '../util.js'; const whitelistPath = path.join(process.cwd(), './whitelist.txt'); const enableForwardedWhitelist = getConfigValue('enableForwardedWhitelist', false); let whitelist = getConfigValue('whitelist', []); let knownIPs = new Set(); const DEFAULT_WHITELIST_ERROR_MESSAGE = '


If you are the system administrator, add your IP address to the whitelist or disable whitelist mode by editing config.yaml in the root directory of your installation.

Connection from {{ipDetails}} has been blocked. This attempt has been logged.

'; if (fs.existsSync(whitelistPath)) { try { let whitelistTxt = fs.readFileSync(whitelistPath, 'utf-8'); whitelist = whitelistTxt.split('\n').filter(ip => ip).map(ip => ip.trim()); } catch (e) { // Ignore errors that may occur when reading the whitelist (e.g. permissions) } } /** * Get the client IP address from the request headers. * @param {import('express').Request} req Express request object * @returns {string|undefined} The client IP address */ function getForwardedIp(req) { if (!enableForwardedWhitelist) { return undefined; } // Check if X-Real-IP is available if (req.headers['x-real-ip']) { return req.headers['x-real-ip'].toString(); } // Check for X-Forwarded-For and parse if available if (req.headers['x-forwarded-for']) { const ipList = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'].toString().split(',').map(ip => ip.trim()); return ipList[0]; } // If none of the headers are available, return undefined return undefined; } /** * Returns a middleware function that checks if the client IP is in the whitelist. * @param {boolean} whitelistMode If whitelist mode is enabled via config or command line * @param {boolean} listen If listen mode is enabled via config or command line * @returns {import('express').RequestHandler} The middleware function */ export default function whitelistMiddleware(whitelistMode, listen) { return function (req, res, next) { const clientIp = getIpFromRequest(req); const forwardedIp = getForwardedIp(req); const userAgent = req.headers['user-agent']; if (listen && !knownIPs.has(clientIp)) { console.log(color.yellow(`New connection from ${clientIp}; User Agent: ${userAgent}\n`)); knownIPs.add(clientIp); // Write access log const timestamp = new Date().toISOString(); const log = `${timestamp} ${clientIp} ${userAgent}\n`; fs.appendFile('access.log', log, (err) => { if (err) { console.error('Failed to write access log:', err); } }); } //clientIp = req.connection.remoteAddress.split(':').pop(); if (whitelistMode === true && !whitelist.some(x => ipMatching.matches(clientIp, ipMatching.getMatch(x))) || forwardedIp && whitelistMode === true && !whitelist.some(x => ipMatching.matches(forwardedIp, ipMatching.getMatch(x))) ) { // Log the connection attempt with real IP address const ipDetails = forwardedIp ? `${clientIp} (forwarded from ${forwardedIp})` : clientIp; const errorMessage = Handlebars.compile( getConfigValue( 'whitelistErrorMessage', DEFAULT_WHITELIST_ERROR_MESSAGE, ), ); console.log( `Blocked connection from ${clientIp}; User Agent: ${userAgent}\n\tTo allow this connection, add its IP address to the whitelist or disable whitelist mode by editing config.yaml in the root directory of your SillyTavern installation.\n`, ), ); return res.status(403).send(errorMessage({ ipDetails })); } next(); }; }