.attr('id', `${sliderID}_zenslider`)
.css('width', '100%')
value: sliderValue,
step: stepScale,
min: sliderMin,
max: sliderMax,
create: async function () {
await delay(100);
var handle = $(this).find('.ui-slider-handle');
var handleText, stepNumber, leftMargin;
//handling creation of amt_gen
if (newSlider.attr('id') == 'amount_gen_zenslider') {
handleText = steps[sliderValue];
stepNumber = sliderValue;
leftMargin = ((stepNumber) / numSteps) * 50 * -1;
.css('margin-left', `${leftMargin}px`);
//console.log(`${newSlider.attr('id')} initial value:${handleText}, stepNum:${stepNumber}, numSteps:${numSteps}, left-margin:${leftMargin}`)
//handling creation of rep_pen_range for ooba
else if (newSlider.attr('id') == 'rep_pen_range_textgenerationwebui_zenslider') {
if ($('#rep_pen_range_textgenerationwebui_zensliders').length !== 0) {
handleText = steps[sliderValue];
stepNumber = sliderValue;
leftMargin = ((stepNumber) / numSteps) * 50 * -1;
if (sliderValue === offVal) {
handleText = 'Off';
handle.css('color', 'rgba(128,128,128,0.5');
else if (sliderValue === allVal) { handleText = 'All'; }
else { handle.css('color', ''); }
.css('margin-left', `${leftMargin}px`);
//console.log(sliderValue, handleText, offVal, allVal)
//console.log(`${newSlider.attr('id')} sliderValue = ${sliderValue}, handleText:${handleText}, stepNum:${stepNumber}, numSteps:${numSteps}, left-margin:${leftMargin}`)
//create all other sliders
else {
var numVal = Number(sliderValue).toFixed(decimals);
offVal = Number(offVal).toFixed(decimals);
if (numVal === offVal) {
handle.text('Off').css('color', 'rgba(128,128,128,0.5');
} else {
handle.text(numVal).css('color', '');
stepNumber = ((sliderValue - sliderMin) / stepScale);
leftMargin = (stepNumber / numSteps) * 50 * -1;
.data('newSlider', newSlider);
//console.log(`${newSlider.attr('id')} sliderValue = ${sliderValue}, handleText:${handleText, numVal}, stepNum:${stepNumber}, numSteps:${numSteps}, left-margin:${leftMargin}`)
var isManualInput = false;
var valueBeforeManualInput;
handle.css('margin-left', `${leftMargin}px`)
.attr('contenteditable', 'true')
//these sliders need listeners for manual inputs
.on('click', function () {
//this just selects all the text in the handle so user can overwrite easily
//needed because JQUery UI uses left/right arrow keys as well as home/end to move the slider..
valueBeforeManualInput = newSlider.val();
let handleElement = handle.get(0);
let range = document.createRange();
let selection = window.getSelection();
.on('keyup', function (e) {
valueBeforeManualInput = numVal;
//console.log(valueBeforeManualInput, numVal, handleText);
isManualInput = true;
//allow enter to trigger slider update
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
//trigger slider changes when user clicks away
.on('mouseup blur', function () {
let manualInput = parseFloat(handle.text()).toFixed(decimals);
if (isManualInput) {
//disallow manual inputs outside acceptable range
if (manualInput >= sliderMin && manualInput <= sliderMax) {
//if value is ok, assign to slider and update handle text and position
handleSlideEvent.call(newSlider, null, { value: parseFloat(manualInput) }, 'manual');
valueBeforeManualInput = manualInput;
} else {
//if value not ok, warn and reset to last known valid value
toastr.warning(`Invalid value. Must be between ${sliderMin} and ${sliderMax}`);
handleSlideEvent.call(newSlider, null, { value: parseFloat(valueBeforeManualInput) }, 'manual');
isManualInput = false;
//zenSlider creation done, hide the original
slide: handleSlideEvent,
function handleSlideEvent(event, ui, type) {
var handle = $(this).find('.ui-slider-handle');
var numVal = Number(ui.value).toFixed(decimals);
offVal = Number(offVal).toFixed(decimals);
allVal = Number(allVal).toFixed(decimals);
console.log(numVal, sliderMin, sliderMax, numVal > sliderMax, numVal < sliderMin);
if (numVal > sliderMax) { numVal = sliderMax; }
if (numVal < sliderMin) { numVal = sliderMin; }
var stepNumber = ((ui.value - sliderMin) / stepScale).toFixed(0);
var handleText = (ui.value);
var leftMargin = (stepNumber / numSteps) * 50 * -1;
var perStepPercent = 1 / numSteps; //how far in % each step should be on the slider
var leftPos = newSlider.width() * (stepNumber * perStepPercent); //how big of a left margin to give the slider for manual inputs
/* console.log(`
numVal: ${numVal},
sliderMax: ${sliderMax}
sliderMin: ${sliderMin}
sliderValRange: ${sliderValRange}
stepScale: ${stepScale}
Step: ${stepNumber} of ${numSteps}
offVal: ${offVal}
allVal = ${allVal}
initial value: ${handleText}
left-margin: ${leftMargin}
width: ${newSlider.width()}
percent of max: ${percentOfMax}
left: ${leftPos}`) */
//special handling for response length slider, pulls text aliases for step values from an array
if (newSlider.attr('id') == 'amount_gen_zenslider') {
handleText = steps[stepNumber];
numVal = steps[stepNumber];
//special handling for TextCompletion rep pen range slider, pulls text aliases for step values from an array
else if (newSlider.attr('id') == 'rep_pen_range_textgenerationwebui_zenslider') {
handleText = steps[stepNumber];
if (numVal === offVal) { handle.text('Off').css('color', 'rgba(128,128,128,0.5'); }
else if (numVal === allVal) { handle.text('All'); }
else { handle.css('color', ''); }
numVal = steps[stepNumber];
//everything else uses the flat slider value
//also note: the above sliders are not custom inputtable due to the array aliasing
else {
//show 'off' if disabled value is set
if (numVal === offVal) { handle.text('Off').css('color', 'rgba(128,128,128,0.5'); }
else { handle.text(ui.value.toFixed(decimals)).css('color', ''); }
//for manually typed-in values we must adjust left position because JQUI doesn't do it for us
handle.css('left', leftPos);
//adjust a negative left margin to avoid overflowing right side of slider body
handle.css('margin-left', `${leftMargin}px`);
function switchUiMode() {
$('body').toggleClass('no-blur', power_user.fast_ui_mode);
$('#fast_ui_mode').prop('checked', power_user.fast_ui_mode);
if (power_user.fast_ui_mode) {
$('#blur-strength-block').css('opacity', '0.2');
$('#blur_strength').prop('disabled', true);
} else {
$('#blur-strength-block').css('opacity', '1');
$('#blur_strength').prop('disabled', false);
function toggleWaifu() {
return '';
function switchWaifuMode() {
$('body').toggleClass('waifuMode', power_user.waifuMode);
$('#waifuMode').prop('checked', power_user.waifuMode);
function switchSpoilerMode() {
if (power_user.spoiler_free_mode) {
else {
function peekSpoilerMode() {
function switchMovingUI() {
$('.drawer-content.maximized').each(function () {
$('body').toggleClass('movingUI', power_user.movingUI);
if (power_user.movingUI === true) {
if (power_user.movingUIState) {
} else {
if (Object.keys(power_user.movingUIState).length !== 0) {
power_user.movingUIState = {};
function applyNoShadows() {
$('body').toggleClass('noShadows', power_user.noShadows);
$('#noShadowsmode').prop('checked', power_user.noShadows);
if (power_user.noShadows) {
$('#shadow-width-block').css('opacity', '0.2');
$('#shadow_width').prop('disabled', true);
} else {
$('#shadow-width-block').css('opacity', '1');
$('#shadow_width').prop('disabled', false);
function applyAvatarStyle() {
$('body').toggleClass('big-avatars', power_user.avatar_style === avatar_styles.RECTANGULAR);
$('body').toggleClass('square-avatars', power_user.avatar_style === avatar_styles.SQUARE);
$('#avatar_style').val(power_user.avatar_style).prop('selected', true);
function applyChatDisplay() {
if (!power_user.chat_display === (null || undefined)) {
console.debug('applyChatDisplay: saw no chat display type defined');
console.debug(`poweruser.chat_display ${power_user.chat_display}`);
$('#chat_display').val(power_user.chat_display).prop('selected', true);
switch (power_user.chat_display) {
case 0: {
console.debug('applying default chat');
case 1: {
console.debug('applying bubblechat');
case 2: {
console.debug('applying document style');
function applyChatWidth(type) {
if (type === 'forced') {
let r = document.documentElement;
r.style.setProperty('--sheldWidth', `${power_user.chat_width}vw`);
//document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--sheldWidth', power_user.chat_width);
} else {
//this is to prevent the slider from updating page in real time
$('#chat_width_slider').off('mouseup touchend').on('mouseup touchend', async () => {
// This is a hack for Firefox to let it render before applying the block width.
// Otherwise it takes the incorrect slider position with the new value AFTER the resizing.
await delay(1);
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--sheldWidth', `${power_user.chat_width}vw`);
await delay(1);
function applyThemeColor(type) {
if (type === 'main') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeBodyColor', power_user.main_text_color);
const color = power_user.main_text_color.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',');
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeCheckboxBgColorR', color[0]);
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeCheckboxBgColorG', color[1]);
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeCheckboxBgColorB', color[2]);
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeCheckboxBgColorA', color[3]);
if (type === 'italics') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeEmColor', power_user.italics_text_color);
if (type === 'underline') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeUnderlineColor', power_user.underline_text_color);
if (type === 'quote') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeQuoteColor', power_user.quote_text_color);
/* if (type === 'fastUIBG') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeFastUIBGColor', power_user.fastui_bg_color);
} */
if (type === 'blurTint') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeBlurTintColor', power_user.blur_tint_color);
if (type === 'chatTint') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeChatTintColor', power_user.chat_tint_color);
if (type === 'userMesBlurTint') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeUserMesBlurTintColor', power_user.user_mes_blur_tint_color);
if (type === 'botMesBlurTint') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeBotMesBlurTintColor', power_user.bot_mes_blur_tint_color);
if (type === 'shadow') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeShadowColor', power_user.shadow_color);
if (type === 'border') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--SmartThemeBorderColor', power_user.border_color);
function applyCustomCSS() {
var styleId = 'custom-style';
var style = document.getElementById(styleId);
if (!style) {
style = document.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
style.setAttribute('id', styleId);
style.innerHTML = power_user.custom_css;
function applyBlurStrength() {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--blurStrength', String(power_user.blur_strength));
function applyShadowWidth() {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--shadowWidth', String(power_user.shadow_width));
function applyFontScale(type) {
//this is to allow forced setting on page load, theme swap, etc
if (type === 'forced') {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--fontScale', String(power_user.font_scale));
} else {
//this is to prevent the slider from updating page in real time
$('#font_scale').off('mouseup touchend').on('mouseup touchend', () => {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--fontScale', String(power_user.font_scale));
function applyTheme(name) {
const theme = themes.find(x => x.name == name);
if (!theme) {
const themeProperties = [
{ key: 'main_text_color', selector: '#main-text-color-picker', type: 'main' },
{ key: 'italics_text_color', selector: '#italics-color-picker', type: 'italics' },
{ key: 'underline_text_color', selector: '#underline-color-picker', type: 'underline' },
{ key: 'quote_text_color', selector: '#quote-color-picker', type: 'quote' },
{ key: 'blur_tint_color', selector: '#blur-tint-color-picker', type: 'blurTint' },
{ key: 'chat_tint_color', selector: '#chat-tint-color-picker', type: 'chatTint' },
{ key: 'user_mes_blur_tint_color', selector: '#user-mes-blur-tint-color-picker', type: 'userMesBlurTint' },
{ key: 'bot_mes_blur_tint_color', selector: '#bot-mes-blur-tint-color-picker', type: 'botMesBlurTint' },
{ key: 'shadow_color', selector: '#shadow-color-picker', type: 'shadow' },
{ key: 'border_color', selector: '#border-color-picker', type: 'border' },
key: 'blur_strength',
action: () => {
key: 'custom_css',
action: () => {
key: 'shadow_width',
action: () => {
key: 'font_scale',
action: () => {
key: 'fast_ui_mode',
action: () => {
key: 'waifuMode',
action: () => {
key: 'chat_display',
action: () => {
key: 'avatar_style',
action: () => {
key: 'noShadows',
action: () => {
key: 'chat_width',
action: () => {
// If chat width is not set, set it to 50
if (!power_user.chat_width) {
power_user.chat_width = 50;
key: 'timer_enabled',
action: () => {
key: 'timestamps_enabled',
action: () => {
key: 'timestamp_model_icon',
action: () => {
key: 'message_token_count_enabled',
action: () => {
key: 'mesIDDisplay_enabled',
action: () => {
key: 'hideChatAvatars_enabled',
action: () => {
key: 'expand_message_actions',
action: () => {
key: 'enableZenSliders',
action: () => {
key: 'enableLabMode',
action: () => {
key: 'hotswap_enabled',
action: () => {
key: 'bogus_folders',
action: () => {
$('#bogus_folders').prop('checked', power_user.bogus_folders);
key: 'zoomed_avatar_magnification',
action: () => {
$('#zoomed_avatar_magnification').prop('checked', power_user.zoomed_avatar_magnification);
key: 'reduced_motion',
action: () => {
$('#reduced_motion').prop('checked', power_user.reduced_motion);
key: 'compact_input_area',
action: () => {
$('#compact_input_area').prop('checked', power_user.compact_input_area);
key: 'show_swipe_num_all_messages',
action: () => {
$('#show_swipe_num_all_messages').prop('checked', power_user.show_swipe_num_all_messages);
for (const { key, selector, type, action } of themeProperties) {
if (theme[key] !== undefined) {
power_user[key] = theme[key];
if (selector) $(selector).attr('color', power_user[key]);
if (type) applyThemeColor(type);
if (action) action();
} else {
console.debug(`Empty theme key: ${key}`);
console.log('theme applied: ' + name);
async function applyMovingUIPreset(name) {
await resetMovablePanels('quiet');
const movingUIPreset = movingUIPresets.find(x => x.name == name);
if (!movingUIPreset) {
power_user.movingUIState = movingUIPreset.movingUIState;
console.log('MovingUI Preset applied: ' + name);
* Register a function to be executed when the debug menu is opened.
* @param {string} functionId Unique ID for the function.
* @param {string} name Name of the function.
* @param {string} description Description of the function.
* @param {function} func Function to be executed.
export function registerDebugFunction(functionId, name, description, func) {
debug_functions.push({ functionId, name, description, func });
async function showDebugMenu() {
const template = await renderTemplateAsync('debug', { functions: debug_functions });
callGenericPopup(template, POPUP_TYPE.TEXT, '', { wide: true, large: true, allowVerticalScrolling: true });
function applyPowerUserSettings() {
function getExampleMessagesBehavior() {
if (power_user.strip_examples) {
return 'strip';
if (power_user.pin_examples) {
return 'keep';
return 'normal';
async function loadPowerUserSettings(settings, data) {
const defaultStscript = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(power_user.stscript));
// Load from settings.json
if (settings.power_user !== undefined) {
Object.assign(power_user, settings.power_user);
if (power_user.stscript === undefined) {
power_user.stscript = defaultStscript;
} else {
if (power_user.stscript.autocomplete === undefined) {
power_user.stscript.autocomplete = defaultStscript.autocomplete;
} else {
if (power_user.stscript.autocomplete.width === undefined) {
power_user.stscript.autocomplete.width = defaultStscript.autocomplete.width;
if (power_user.stscript.autocomplete.font === undefined) {
power_user.stscript.autocomplete.font = defaultStscript.autocomplete.font;
if (power_user.stscript.autocomplete.style === undefined) {
power_user.stscript.autocomplete.style = power_user.stscript.autocomplete_style || defaultStscript.autocomplete.style;
if (power_user.stscript.autocomplete.select === undefined) {
power_user.stscript.autocomplete.select = defaultStscript.autocomplete.select;
if (power_user.stscript.parser === undefined) {
power_user.stscript.parser = defaultStscript.parser;
} else if (power_user.stscript.parser.flags === undefined) {
power_user.stscript.parser.flags = defaultStscript.parser.flags;
// Cleanup old flags
delete power_user.stscript.autocomplete_style;
if (data.themes !== undefined) {
themes = data.themes;
if (data.movingUIPresets !== undefined) {
movingUIPresets = data.movingUIPresets;
if (data.context !== undefined) {
context_presets = data.context;
if (power_user.chat_display === '') {
power_user.chat_display = chat_styles.DEFAULT;
if (power_user.waifuMode === '') {
power_user.waifuMode = false;
if (power_user.chat_width === '') {
power_user.chat_width = 50;
if (power_user.tokenizer === tokenizers.LEGACY) {
power_user.tokenizer = tokenizers.GPT2;
// Clean up old/legacy settings
if (power_user.import_card_tags !== undefined) {
power_user.tag_import_setting = power_user.import_card_tags ? tag_import_setting.ASK : tag_import_setting.NONE;
delete power_user.import_card_tags;
$('#single_line').prop('checked', power_user.single_line);
$('#relaxed_api_urls').prop('checked', power_user.relaxed_api_urls);
$('#world_import_dialog').prop('checked', power_user.world_import_dialog);
$('#enable_auto_select_input').prop('checked', power_user.enable_auto_select_input);
$('#enable_md_hotkeys').prop('checked', power_user.enable_md_hotkeys);
$('#trim_spaces').prop('checked', power_user.trim_spaces);
$('#continue_on_send').prop('checked', power_user.continue_on_send);
$('#quick_continue').prop('checked', power_user.quick_continue);
$('#quick_impersonate').prop('checked', power_user.quick_continue);
$('#mes_continue').css('display', power_user.quick_continue ? '' : 'none');
$('#mes_impersonate').css('display', power_user.quick_impersonate ? '' : 'none');
$('#gestures-checkbox').prop('checked', power_user.gestures);
$('#auto_swipe').prop('checked', power_user.auto_swipe);
$('#auto_swipe_blacklist').val(power_user.auto_swipe_blacklist.join(', '));
$('#custom_stopping_strings_macro').prop('checked', power_user.custom_stopping_strings_macro);
$('#fuzzy_search_checkbox').prop('checked', power_user.fuzzy_search);
$('#persona_show_notifications').prop('checked', power_user.persona_show_notifications);
$('#persona_allow_multi_connections').prop('checked', power_user.persona_allow_multi_connections);
$('#persona_auto_lock').prop('checked', power_user.persona_auto_lock);
$('#encode_tags').prop('checked', power_user.encode_tags);
$(`#example_messages_behavior option[value="${getExampleMessagesBehavior()}"]`).prop('selected', true);
$('#context_derived').parent().find('i').toggleClass('toggleEnabled', !!power_user.context_derived);
$('#context_size_derived').prop('checked', !!power_user.context_size_derived);
$('#console_log_prompts').prop('checked', power_user.console_log_prompts);
$('#request_token_probabilities').prop('checked', power_user.request_token_probabilities);
$('#show_group_chat_queue').prop('checked', power_user.show_group_chat_queue);
$('#auto_fix_generated_markdown').prop('checked', power_user.auto_fix_generated_markdown);
$('#auto_scroll_chat_to_bottom').prop('checked', power_user.auto_scroll_chat_to_bottom);
$('#bogus_folders').prop('checked', power_user.bogus_folders);
$('#zoomed_avatar_magnification').prop('checked', power_user.zoomed_avatar_magnification);
$(`#tokenizer option[value="${power_user.tokenizer}"]`).attr('selected', true);
$(`#send_on_enter option[value=${power_user.send_on_enter}]`).attr('selected', true);
$('#confirm_message_delete').prop('checked', power_user.confirm_message_delete !== undefined ? !!power_user.confirm_message_delete : true);
$('#spoiler_free_mode').prop('checked', power_user.spoiler_free_mode);
$('#collapse-newlines-checkbox').prop('checked', power_user.collapse_newlines);
$('#always-force-name2-checkbox').prop('checked', power_user.always_force_name2);
$('#trim_sentences_checkbox').prop('checked', power_user.trim_sentences);
$('#disable_group_trimming').prop('checked', power_user.disable_group_trimming);
$('#fast_ui_mode').prop('checked', power_user.fast_ui_mode);
$('#waifuMode').prop('checked', power_user.waifuMode);
$('#movingUImode').prop('checked', power_user.movingUI);
$('#noShadowsmode').prop('checked', power_user.noShadows);
$('#chat-show-reply-prefix-checkbox').prop('checked', power_user.show_user_prompt_bias);
$('#auto_continue_enabled').prop('checked', power_user.auto_continue.enabled);
$('#auto_continue_allow_chat_completions').prop('checked', power_user.auto_continue.allow_chat_completions);
$('#play_message_sound').prop('checked', power_user.play_message_sound);
$('#play_sound_unfocused').prop('checked', power_user.play_sound_unfocused);
$('#never_resize_avatars').prop('checked', power_user.never_resize_avatars);
$('#show_card_avatar_urls').prop('checked', power_user.show_card_avatar_urls);
$('#auto_save_msg_edits').prop('checked', power_user.auto_save_msg_edits);
$('#allow_name1_display').prop('checked', power_user.allow_name1_display);
$('#allow_name2_display').prop('checked', power_user.allow_name2_display);
//$("#removeXML").prop("checked", power_user.removeXML);
$('#hotswapEnabled').prop('checked', power_user.hotswap_enabled);
$('#messageTimerEnabled').prop('checked', power_user.timer_enabled);
$('#messageTimestampsEnabled').prop('checked', power_user.timestamps_enabled);
$('#messageModelIconEnabled').prop('checked', power_user.timestamp_model_icon);
$('#mesIDDisplayEnabled').prop('checked', power_user.mesIDDisplay_enabled);
$('#hideChatAvatarsEnabled').prop('checked', power_user.hideChatAvatars_enabled);
$('#prefer_character_prompt').prop('checked', power_user.prefer_character_prompt);
$('#prefer_character_jailbreak').prop('checked', power_user.prefer_character_jailbreak);
$('#enableZenSliders').prop('checked', power_user.enableZenSliders).trigger('input');
$('#enableLabMode').prop('checked', power_user.enableLabMode).trigger('input');
$(`input[name="avatar_style"][value="${power_user.avatar_style}"]`).prop('checked', true);
$(`#chat_display option[value=${power_user.chat_display}]`).attr('selected', true).trigger('change');
$('#stscript_autocomplete_autoHide').prop('checked', power_user.stscript.autocomplete.autoHide ?? false).trigger('input');
$('#stscript_matching').val(power_user.stscript.matching ?? 'fuzzy');
$('#stscript_autocomplete_style').val(power_user.stscript.autocomplete.style ?? 'theme');
document.body.setAttribute('data-stscript-style', power_user.stscript.autocomplete.style);
$('#stscript_autocomplete_select').val(power_user.stscript.autocomplete.select ?? (AUTOCOMPLETE_SELECT_KEY.TAB + AUTOCOMPLETE_SELECT_KEY.ENTER));
$('#stscript_parser_flag_strict_escaping').prop('checked', power_user.stscript.parser.flags[PARSER_FLAG.STRICT_ESCAPING] ?? false);
$('#stscript_parser_flag_replace_getvar').prop('checked', power_user.stscript.parser.flags[PARSER_FLAG.REPLACE_GETVAR] ?? false);
$('#stscript_autocomplete_font_scale').val(power_user.stscript.autocomplete.font.scale ?? defaultStscript.autocomplete.font.scale);
$('#stscript_autocomplete_font_scale_counter').val(power_user.stscript.autocomplete.font.scale ?? defaultStscript.autocomplete.font.scale);
document.body.style.setProperty('--ac-font-scale', power_user.stscript.autocomplete.font.scale ?? defaultStscript.autocomplete.font.scale.toString());
$('#stscript_autocomplete_width_left').val(power_user.stscript.autocomplete.width.left ?? AUTOCOMPLETE_WIDTH.CHAT);
document.querySelector('#stscript_autocomplete_width_left').dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
$('#stscript_autocomplete_width_right').val(power_user.stscript.autocomplete.width.right ?? AUTOCOMPLETE_WIDTH.CHAT);
document.querySelector('#stscript_autocomplete_width_right').dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
$('#restore_user_input').prop('checked', power_user.restore_user_input);
$('#smooth_streaming').prop('checked', power_user.smooth_streaming);
$('#main-text-color-picker').attr('color', power_user.main_text_color);
$('#italics-color-picker').attr('color', power_user.italics_text_color);
$('#underline-color-picker').attr('color', power_user.underline_text_color);
$('#quote-color-picker').attr('color', power_user.quote_text_color);
$('#blur-tint-color-picker').attr('color', power_user.blur_tint_color);
$('#chat-tint-color-picker').attr('color', power_user.chat_tint_color);
$('#user-mes-blur-tint-color-picker').attr('color', power_user.user_mes_blur_tint_color);
$('#bot-mes-blur-tint-color-picker').attr('color', power_user.bot_mes_blur_tint_color);
$('#shadow-color-picker').attr('color', power_user.shadow_color);
$('#border-color-picker').attr('color', power_user.border_color);
$('#reduced_motion').prop('checked', power_user.reduced_motion);
$('#auto-connect-checkbox').prop('checked', power_user.auto_connect);
$('#auto-load-chat-checkbox').prop('checked', power_user.auto_load_chat);
$('#forbid_external_media').prop('checked', power_user.forbid_external_media);
for (const theme of themes) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = theme.name;
option.innerText = theme.name;
option.selected = theme.name == power_user.theme;
for (const movingUIPreset of movingUIPresets) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = movingUIPreset.name;
option.innerText = movingUIPreset.name;
option.selected = movingUIPreset.name == power_user.movingUIPreset;
$(`#character_sort_order option[data-order="${power_user.sort_order}"][data-field="${power_user.sort_field}"]`).prop('selected', true);
await loadInstructMode(data);
await loadContextSettings();
await loadSystemPrompts(data);
function toggleMDHotkeyIconDisplay() {
if (power_user.enable_md_hotkeys) {
$('.mdhotkey_location').each(function () {
} else {
function loadCharListState() {
document.body.classList.toggle('charListGrid', power_user.charListGrid);
function loadMovingUIState() {
if (!isMobile()
&& power_user.movingUIState
&& power_user.movingUI === true) {
console.debug('loading movingUI state');
for (var elmntName of Object.keys(power_user.movingUIState)) {
var elmntState = power_user.movingUIState[elmntName];
try {
var elmnt = $('#' + $.escapeSelector(elmntName));
if (elmnt.length) {
console.debug(`loading state for ${elmntName}`);
} else {
console.debug(`skipping ${elmntName} because it doesn't exist in the DOM`);
} catch (err) {
console.debug(`error occurred while processing ${elmntName}: ${err}`);
} else {
console.debug('skipping movingUI state load');
function loadMaxContextUnlocked() {
$('#max_context_unlocked').prop('checked', power_user.max_context_unlocked);
$('#max_context_unlocked').on('change', function () {
power_user.max_context_unlocked = !!$(this).prop('checked');
function switchMaxContextSize() {
const elements = [
const maxValue = power_user.max_context_unlocked ? MAX_CONTEXT_UNLOCKED : MAX_CONTEXT_DEFAULT;
const minValue = power_user.max_context_unlocked ? maxContextMin : maxContextMin;
const steps = power_user.max_context_unlocked ? unlockedMaxContextStep : maxContextStep;
$('#rep_pen_range_textgenerationwebui_zenslider').remove(); //unsure why, but this is necessary.
for (const element of elements) {
const id = element.attr('id');
element.attr('max', maxValue);
if (typeof id === 'string' && id?.indexOf('max_context') !== -1) {
element.attr('min', minValue);
element.attr('step', steps); //only change setps for max context, because rep pen range needs step of 1 due to important values of -1 and 0
const value = Number(element.val());
if (value >= maxValue) {
const maxAmountGen = power_user.max_context_unlocked ? MAX_RESPONSE_UNLOCKED : MAX_RESPONSE_DEFAULT;
$('#amount_gen').attr('max', maxAmountGen);
$('#amount_gen_counter').attr('max', maxAmountGen);
if (Number($('#amount_gen').val()) >= maxAmountGen) {
if (power_user.enableZenSliders) {
// Fetch a compiled object of all preset settings
function getContextSettings() {
let compiledSettings = {};
contextControls.forEach((control) => {
let value = control.isGlobalSetting ? power_user[control.property] : power_user.context[control.property];
// Force to a boolean if the setting is a checkbox
if (control.isCheckbox) {
value = !!value;
compiledSettings[control.property] = value;
return compiledSettings;
// TODO: Maybe add a refresh button to reset settings to preset
// TODO: Add "global state" if a preset doesn't set the power_user checkboxes
async function loadContextSettings() {
contextControls.forEach(control => {
const $element = $(`#${control.id}`);
if (control.isGlobalSetting) {
if (control.defaultValue !== undefined && power_user.context[control.property] === undefined) {
power_user.context[control.property] = control.defaultValue;
if (control.isCheckbox) {
$element.prop('checked', power_user.context[control.property]);
} else {
console.debug(`Setting ${$element.prop('id')} to ${power_user.context[control.property]}`);
// If the setting already exists, no need to duplicate it
// TODO: Maybe check the power_user object for the setting instead of a flag?
$element.on('input', async function () {
const value = control.isCheckbox ? !!$(this).prop('checked') : $(this).val();
if (control.isGlobalSetting) {
power_user[control.property] = value;
} else {
power_user.context[control.property] = value;
console.debug(`Setting ${$element.prop('id')} to ${value}`);
if (!CSS.supports('field-sizing', 'content') && $(this).is('textarea')) {
await resetScrollHeight($(this));
context_presets.forEach((preset) => {
const name = preset.name;
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = name;
option.innerText = name;
option.selected = name === power_user.context.preset;
$('#context_presets').on('change', function () {
const name = String($(this).find(':selected').text());
const preset = context_presets.find(x => x.name === name);
if (!preset) {
power_user.context.preset = name;
contextControls.forEach(control => {
const presetValue = preset[control.property] ?? control.defaultValue;
if (presetValue !== undefined) {
if (control.isGlobalSetting) {
power_user[control.property] = presetValue;
} else {
power_user.context[control.property] = presetValue;
const $element = $(`#${control.id}`);
if (control.isCheckbox) {
.prop('checked', control.isGlobalSetting ? power_user[control.property] : power_user.context[control.property])
} else {
$element.val(control.isGlobalSetting ? power_user[control.property] : power_user.context[control.property]);
if (power_user.instruct.bind_to_context) {
// Select matching instruct preset
for (const instruct_preset of instruct_presets) {
// If instruct preset matches the context template
if (instruct_preset.name === name) {
selectInstructPreset(instruct_preset.name, { isAuto: true });
* Common function to perform fuzzy search with optional caching
* @template T
* @param {string} type - Type of search from fuzzySearchCategories
* @param {T[]} data - Data array to search in
* @param {Array<{name: string, weight: number, getFn?: (obj: T) => string}>} keys - Fuse.js keys configuration
* @param {string} searchValue - The search term
* @param {Object.
}>} [fuzzySearchCaches=null] - Optional fuzzy search caches
* @returns {import('fuse.js').FuseResult[]} Results as items with their score
export function performFuzzySearch(type, data, keys, searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches = null) {
// Check cache if provided
if (fuzzySearchCaches) {
const cache = fuzzySearchCaches[type];
if (cache?.resultMap.has(searchValue)) {
return cache.resultMap.get(searchValue);
const fuse = new Fuse(data, {
keys: keys,
includeScore: true,
ignoreLocation: true,
useExtendedSearch: true,
threshold: 0.2,
const results = fuse.search(searchValue);
// Store in cache if provided
if (fuzzySearchCaches) {
fuzzySearchCaches[type].resultMap.set(searchValue, results);
return results;
* Fuzzy search characters by a search term
* @param {string} searchValue - The search term
* @param {Object. }>} [fuzzySearchCaches=null] - Optional fuzzy search caches
* @returns {import('fuse.js').FuseResult[]} Results as items with their score
export function fuzzySearchCharacters(searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches = null) {
const keys = [
{ name: 'data.name', weight: 20 },
{ name: '#tags', weight: 10, getFn: (character) => getTagsList(character.avatar).map(x => x.name).join('||') },
{ name: 'data.description', weight: 3 },
{ name: 'data.mes_example', weight: 3 },
{ name: 'data.scenario', weight: 2 },
{ name: 'data.personality', weight: 2 },
{ name: 'data.first_mes', weight: 2 },
{ name: 'data.creator_notes', weight: 2 },
{ name: 'data.creator', weight: 1 },
{ name: 'data.tags', weight: 1 },
{ name: 'data.alternate_greetings', weight: 1 },
return performFuzzySearch(fuzzySearchCategories.characters, characters, keys, searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches);
* Fuzzy search world info entries by a search term
* @param {*[]} data - WI items data array
* @param {string} searchValue - The search term
* @param {Object. }>} [fuzzySearchCaches=null] - Optional fuzzy search caches
* @returns {import('fuse.js').FuseResult[]} Results as items with their score
export function fuzzySearchWorldInfo(data, searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches = null) {
const keys = [
{ name: 'key', weight: 20 },
{ name: 'group', weight: 15 },
{ name: 'comment', weight: 10 },
{ name: 'keysecondary', weight: 10 },
{ name: 'content', weight: 3 },
{ name: 'uid', weight: 1 },
{ name: 'automationId', weight: 1 },
return performFuzzySearch(fuzzySearchCategories.worldInfo, data, keys, searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches);
* Fuzzy search persona entries by a search term
* @param {*[]} data - persona data array
* @param {string} searchValue - The search term
* @param {Object. }>} [fuzzySearchCaches=null] - Optional fuzzy search caches
* @returns {import('fuse.js').FuseResult[]} Results as items with their score
export function fuzzySearchPersonas(data, searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches = null) {
const mappedData = data.map(x => ({
key: x,
name: power_user.personas[x] ?? '',
description: power_user.persona_descriptions[x]?.description ?? '',
const keys = [
{ name: 'name', weight: 20 },
{ name: 'description', weight: 3 },
return performFuzzySearch(fuzzySearchCategories.personas, mappedData, keys, searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches);
* Fuzzy search tags by a search term
* @param {string} searchValue - The search term
* @param {Object. }>} [fuzzySearchCaches=null] - Optional fuzzy search caches
* @returns {import('fuse.js').FuseResult[]} Results as items with their score
export function fuzzySearchTags(searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches = null) {
const keys = [
{ name: 'name', weight: 1 },
return performFuzzySearch(fuzzySearchCategories.tags, tags, keys, searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches);
* Fuzzy search groups by a search term
* @param {string} searchValue - The search term
* @param {Object. }>} [fuzzySearchCaches=null] - Optional fuzzy search caches
* @returns {import('fuse.js').FuseResult[]} Results as items with their score
export function fuzzySearchGroups(searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches = null) {
const keys = [
{ name: 'name', weight: 20 },
{ name: 'members', weight: 15 },
{ name: '#tags', weight: 10, getFn: (group) => getTagsList(group.id).map(x => x.name).join('||') },
{ name: 'id', weight: 1 },
return performFuzzySearch(fuzzySearchCategories.groups, groups, keys, searchValue, fuzzySearchCaches);
* Renders a story string template with the given parameters.
* @param {object} params Template parameters.
* @returns {string} The rendered story string.
export function renderStoryString(params) {
try {
// Validate and log possible warnings/errors
validateStoryString(power_user.context.story_string, params);
// compile the story string template into a function, with no HTML escaping
const compiledTemplate = Handlebars.compile(power_user.context.story_string, { noEscape: true });
// render the story string template with the given params
let output = compiledTemplate(params);
// substitute {{macro}} params that are not defined in the story string
output = substituteParams(output, params.user, params.char);
// remove leading newlines
output = output.replace(/^\n+/, '');
// add a newline to the end of the story string if it doesn't have one
if (output.length > 0 && !output.endsWith('\n')) {
if (!power_user.instruct.enabled || power_user.instruct.wrap) {
output += '\n';
return output;
} catch (e) {
toastr.error('Check the story string template for validity', 'Error rendering story string');
console.error('Error rendering story string', e);
throw e; // rethrow the error
* Validate the story string for possible warnings or issues
* @param {string} storyString - The story string
* @param {Object} params - The story string parameters
function validateStoryString(storyString, params) {
/** @type {{hashCache: {[hash: string]: {fieldsWarned: {[key: string]: boolean}}}}} */
const cache = JSON.parse(accountStorage.getItem(storage_keys.storyStringValidationCache)) ?? { hashCache: {} };
const hash = getStringHash(storyString);
// Initialize the cache for the current hash if it doesn't exist
if (!cache.hashCache[hash]) {
cache.hashCache[hash] = { fieldsWarned: {} };
const currentCache = cache.hashCache[hash];
const fieldsToWarn = [];
function validateMissingField(field, fallbackLegacyField = null) {
const contains = storyString.includes(`{{${field}}}`) || (!!fallbackLegacyField && storyString.includes(`{{${fallbackLegacyField}}}`));
if (!contains && params[field]) {
const wasLogged = currentCache.fieldsWarned[field];
if (!wasLogged) {
currentCache.fieldsWarned[field] = true;
console.warn(`The story string does not contain {{${field}}}, but it would contain content:\n`, params[field]);
// validateMissingField('system');
validateMissingField('wiBefore', 'loreBefore');
validateMissingField('wiAfter', 'loreAfter');
if (fieldsToWarn.length > 0) {
const fieldsList = fieldsToWarn.map(field => `{{${field}}}`).join(', ');
toastr.warning(`The story string does not contain the following fields, but they would contain content: ${fieldsList}`, 'Story String Validation');
accountStorage.setItem(storage_keys.storyStringValidationCache, JSON.stringify(cache));
const sortFunc = (a, b) => power_user.sort_order == 'asc' ? compareFunc(a, b) : compareFunc(b, a);
const compareFunc = (first, second) => {
const a = first[power_user.sort_field];
const b = second[power_user.sort_field];
if (power_user.sort_field === 'create_date') {
return sortMoments(timestampToMoment(b), timestampToMoment(a));
switch (power_user.sort_rule) {
case 'boolean':
if (a === true || a === 'true') return 1; // Prioritize 'true' or true
if (b === true || b === 'true') return -1; // Prioritize 'true' or true
if (a && !b) return -1; // Move truthy values to the end
if (!a && b) return 1; // Move falsy values to the beginning
if (a === b) return 0; // Sort equal values normally
return a < b ? -1 : 1; // Sort non-boolean values normally
return typeof a == 'string'
? a.localeCompare(b)
: a - b;
* Sorts an array of entities based on the current sort settings
* @param {any[]} entities An array of objects with an `item` property
* @param {boolean} forceSearch Whether to force search sorting
* @param {import('./filters.js').FilterHelper} [filterHelper=null] Filter helper to use
export function sortEntitiesList(entities, forceSearch, filterHelper = null) {
filterHelper = filterHelper ?? entitiesFilter;
if (power_user.sort_field == undefined || entities.length === 0) {
const isSearch = forceSearch || $('#character_sort_order option[data-field="search"]').is(':selected');
if (!isSearch && power_user.sort_order === 'random') {
entities.sort((a, b) => {
// Sort tags/folders will always be at the top. Their original sorting will be kept, to respect manual tag sorting.
if (a.type === 'tag' || b.type === 'tag') {
// The one that is a tag will be at the top
return (a.type === 'tag' ? -1 : 1) - (b.type === 'tag' ? -1 : 1);
// If we have search sorting, we take scores and use those
if (isSearch) {
const aScore = filterHelper.getScore(FILTER_TYPES.SEARCH, `${a.type}.${a.id}`);
const bScore = filterHelper.getScore(FILTER_TYPES.SEARCH, `${b.type}.${b.id}`);
return (aScore - bScore);
return sortFunc(a.item, b.item);
* Updates the current UI theme file.
async function updateTheme() {
await saveTheme(power_user.theme);
toastr.success('Theme saved.');
async function deleteTheme() {
const themeName = power_user.theme;
if (!themeName) {
toastr.info('No theme selected.');
const template = $(await renderTemplateAsync('themeDelete', { themeName }));
const confirm = await callGenericPopup(template, POPUP_TYPE.CONFIRM);
if (!confirm) {
const response = await fetch('/api/themes/delete', {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
body: JSON.stringify({ name: themeName }),
if (!response.ok) {
toastr.error('Failed to delete theme. Check the console for more information.');
const themeIndex = themes.findIndex(x => x.name == themeName);
if (themeIndex !== -1) {
themes.splice(themeIndex, 1);
$(`#themes option[value="${themeName}"]`).remove();
power_user.theme = themes[0]?.name;
if (power_user.theme) {
toastr.success('Theme deleted.');
* Exports the current theme to a file.
async function exportTheme() {
const themeFile = await saveTheme(power_user.theme);
const fileName = `${themeFile.name}.json`;
download(JSON.stringify(themeFile, null, 4), fileName, 'application/json');
* Imports a theme from a file.
* @param {File} file File to import.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the theme is imported.
async function importTheme(file) {
if (!file) {
const fileText = await getFileText(file);
const parsed = JSON.parse(fileText);
if (!parsed.name) {
throw new Error('Missing name');
if (themes.some(t => t.name === parsed.name)) {
throw new Error('Theme with that name already exists');
if (typeof parsed.custom_css === 'string' && parsed.custom_css.includes('@import')) {
const template = $(await renderTemplateAsync('themeImportWarning'));
const confirm = await callGenericPopup(template, POPUP_TYPE.CONFIRM);
if (!confirm) {
throw new Error('Theme contains @import lines');
await saveTheme(parsed.name, getNewTheme(parsed));
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.selected = false;
option.value = parsed.name;
option.innerText = parsed.name;
toastr.success(parsed.name, 'Theme imported');
* Saves the current theme to the server.
* @param {string|undefined} name Theme name. If undefined, a popup will be shown to enter a name.
* @param {object|undefined} theme Theme object. If undefined, the current theme will be saved.
* @returns {Promise