import { chat_metadata, getCurrentChatId, saveSettingsDebounced, sendSystemMessage, system_message_types } from '../script.js'; import { extension_settings, saveMetadataDebounced } from './extensions.js'; import { executeSlashCommands } from './slash-commands.js'; import { SlashCommand } from './slash-commands/SlashCommand.js'; import { ARGUMENT_TYPE, SlashCommandArgument, SlashCommandNamedArgument } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandArgument.js'; import { SlashCommandClosure } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandClosure.js'; import { SlashCommandEnumValue } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandEnumValue.js'; import { SlashCommandParser } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandParser.js'; import { SlashCommandScope } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandScope.js'; import { isFalseBoolean } from './utils.js'; const MAX_LOOPS = 100; function getLocalVariable(name, args = {}) { if (!chat_metadata.variables) { chat_metadata.variables = {}; } let localVariable = chat_metadata?.variables[args.key ?? name]; if (args.index !== undefined) { try { localVariable = JSON.parse(localVariable); const numIndex = Number(args.index); if (Number.isNaN(numIndex)) { localVariable = localVariable[args.index]; } else { localVariable = localVariable[Number(args.index)]; } if (typeof localVariable == 'object') { localVariable = JSON.stringify(localVariable); } } catch { // that didn't work } } return (localVariable === '' || isNaN(Number(localVariable))) ? (localVariable || '') : Number(localVariable); } function setLocalVariable(name, value, args = {}) { if (!chat_metadata.variables) { chat_metadata.variables = {}; } if (args.index !== undefined) { try { let localVariable = JSON.parse(chat_metadata.variables[name] ?? 'null'); const numIndex = Number(args.index); if (Number.isNaN(numIndex)) { if (localVariable === null) { localVariable = {}; } localVariable[args.index] = value; } else { if (localVariable === null) { localVariable = []; } localVariable[numIndex] = value; } chat_metadata.variables[name] = JSON.stringify(localVariable); } catch { // that didn't work } } else { chat_metadata.variables[name] = value; } saveMetadataDebounced(); return value; } function getGlobalVariable(name, args = {}) { let globalVariable =[args.key ?? name]; if (args.index !== undefined) { try { globalVariable = JSON.parse(globalVariable); const numIndex = Number(args.index); if (Number.isNaN(numIndex)) { globalVariable = globalVariable[args.index]; } else { globalVariable = globalVariable[Number(args.index)]; } if (typeof globalVariable == 'object') { globalVariable = JSON.stringify(globalVariable); } } catch { // that didn't work } } return (globalVariable === '' || isNaN(Number(globalVariable))) ? (globalVariable || '') : Number(globalVariable); } function setGlobalVariable(name, value, args = {}) { if (args.index !== undefined) { try { let globalVariable = JSON.parse([name] ?? 'null'); const numIndex = Number(args.index); if (Number.isNaN(numIndex)) { if (globalVariable === null) { globalVariable = {}; } globalVariable[args.index] = value; } else { if (globalVariable === null) { globalVariable = []; } globalVariable[numIndex] = value; }[name] = JSON.stringify(globalVariable); } catch { // that didn't work } } else {[name] = value; } saveSettingsDebounced(); } function addLocalVariable(name, value) { const currentValue = getLocalVariable(name) || 0; try { const parsedValue = JSON.parse(currentValue); if (Array.isArray(parsedValue)) { parsedValue.push(value); setLocalVariable(name, JSON.stringify(parsedValue)); return parsedValue; } } catch { // ignore non-array values } const increment = Number(value); if (isNaN(increment) || isNaN(Number(currentValue))) { const stringValue = String(currentValue || '') + value; setLocalVariable(name, stringValue); return stringValue; } const newValue = Number(currentValue) + increment; if (isNaN(newValue)) { return ''; } setLocalVariable(name, newValue); return newValue; } function addGlobalVariable(name, value) { const currentValue = getGlobalVariable(name) || 0; try { const parsedValue = JSON.parse(currentValue); if (Array.isArray(parsedValue)) { parsedValue.push(value); setGlobalVariable(name, JSON.stringify(parsedValue)); return parsedValue; } } catch { // ignore non-array values } const increment = Number(value); if (isNaN(increment) || isNaN(Number(currentValue))) { const stringValue = String(currentValue || '') + value; setGlobalVariable(name, stringValue); return stringValue; } const newValue = Number(currentValue) + increment; if (isNaN(newValue)) { return ''; } setGlobalVariable(name, newValue); return newValue; } function incrementLocalVariable(name) { return addLocalVariable(name, 1); } function incrementGlobalVariable(name) { return addGlobalVariable(name, 1); } function decrementLocalVariable(name) { return addLocalVariable(name, -1); } function decrementGlobalVariable(name) { return addGlobalVariable(name, -1); } /** * Resolves a variable name to its value or returns the string as is if the variable does not exist. * @param {string} name Variable name * @param {SlashCommandScope} scope Scope * @returns {string} Variable value or the string literal */ export function resolveVariable(name, scope = null) { if (scope?.existsVariable(name)) { return scope.getVariable(name); } if (existsLocalVariable(name)) { return getLocalVariable(name); } if (existsGlobalVariable(name)) { return getGlobalVariable(name); } return name; } export function replaceVariableMacros(input) { const lines = input.split('\n'); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { let line = lines[i]; // Skip lines without macros if (!line || !line.includes('{{')) { continue; } // Replace {{getvar::name}} with the value of the variable name line = line.replace(/{{getvar::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, name) => { name = name.trim(); return getLocalVariable(name); }); // Replace {{setvar::name::value}} with empty string and set the variable name to value line = line.replace(/{{setvar::([^:]+)::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, name, value) => { name = name.trim(); setLocalVariable(name, value); return ''; }); // Replace {{addvar::name::value}} with empty string and add value to the variable value line = line.replace(/{{addvar::([^:]+)::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, name, value) => { name = name.trim(); addLocalVariable(name, value); return ''; }); // Replace {{incvar::name}} with empty string and increment the variable name by 1 line = line.replace(/{{incvar::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, name) => { name = name.trim(); return incrementLocalVariable(name); }); // Replace {{decvar::name}} with empty string and decrement the variable name by 1 line = line.replace(/{{decvar::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, name) => { name = name.trim(); return decrementLocalVariable(name); }); // Replace {{getglobalvar::name}} with the value of the global variable name line = line.replace(/{{getglobalvar::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, name) => { name = name.trim(); return getGlobalVariable(name); }); // Replace {{setglobalvar::name::value}} with empty string and set the global variable name to value line = line.replace(/{{setglobalvar::([^:]+)::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, name, value) => { name = name.trim(); setGlobalVariable(name, value); return ''; }); // Replace {{addglobalvar::name::value}} with empty string and add value to the global variable value line = line.replace(/{{addglobalvar::([^:]+)::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, name, value) => { name = name.trim(); addGlobalVariable(name, value); return ''; }); // Replace {{incglobalvar::name}} with empty string and increment the global variable name by 1 line = line.replace(/{{incglobalvar::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, name) => { name = name.trim(); return incrementGlobalVariable(name); }); // Replace {{decglobalvar::name}} with empty string and decrement the global variable name by 1 line = line.replace(/{{decglobalvar::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, name) => { name = name.trim(); return decrementGlobalVariable(name); }); lines[i] = line; } return lines.join('\n'); } function listVariablesCallback() { if (!chat_metadata.variables) { chat_metadata.variables = {}; } const localVariables = Object.entries(chat_metadata.variables).map(([name, value]) => `${name}: ${value}`); const globalVariables = Object.entries([name, value]) => `${name}: ${value}`); const localVariablesString = localVariables.length > 0 ? localVariables.join('\n\n') : 'No local variables'; const globalVariablesString = globalVariables.length > 0 ? globalVariables.join('\n\n') : 'No global variables'; const chatName = getCurrentChatId(); const converter = new showdown.Converter(); const message = `### Local variables (${chatName}):\n${localVariablesString}\n\n### Global variables:\n${globalVariablesString}`; const htmlMessage = DOMPurify.sanitize(converter.makeHtml(message)); sendSystemMessage(system_message_types.GENERIC, htmlMessage); } async function whileCallback(args, command) { const isGuardOff = isFalseBoolean(args.guard); const iterations = isGuardOff ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : MAX_LOOPS; for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { const { a, b, rule } = parseBooleanOperands(args); const result = evalBoolean(rule, a, b); if (result && command) { if (command instanceof SlashCommandClosure) await command.execute(); else await executeSubCommands(command, args._scope, args._parserFlags); } else { break; } } return ''; } async function timesCallback(args, value) { let repeats; let command; if (Array.isArray(value)) { [repeats, command] = value; } else { [repeats, ...command] = value.split(' '); command = command.join(' '); } const isGuardOff = isFalseBoolean(args.guard); const iterations = Math.min(Number(repeats), isGuardOff ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : MAX_LOOPS); for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { if (command instanceof SlashCommandClosure) { command.scope.setMacro('timesIndex', i); await command.execute(); } else { await executeSubCommands(command.replace(/\{\{timesIndex\}\}/g, i), args._scope, args._parserFlags); } } return ''; } async function ifCallback(args, command) { const { a, b, rule } = parseBooleanOperands(args); const result = evalBoolean(rule, a, b); if (result && command) { if (command instanceof SlashCommandClosure) return (await command.execute()).pipe; return await executeSubCommands(command, args._scope, args._parserFlags); } else if (!result && args.else && ((typeof args.else === 'string' && args.else !== '') || args.else instanceof SlashCommandClosure)) { if (args.else instanceof SlashCommandClosure) return (await args.else.execute(args._scope)).pipe; return await executeSubCommands(args.else, args._scope, args._parserFlags); } return ''; } /** * Checks if a local variable exists. * @param {string} name Local variable name * @returns {boolean} True if the local variable exists, false otherwise */ function existsLocalVariable(name) { return chat_metadata.variables && chat_metadata.variables[name] !== undefined; } /** * Checks if a global variable exists. * @param {string} name Global variable name * @returns {boolean} True if the global variable exists, false otherwise */ function existsGlobalVariable(name) { return &&[name] !== undefined; } /** * Parses boolean operands from command arguments. * @param {object} args Command arguments * @returns {{a: string | number, b: string | number, rule: string}} Boolean operands */ function parseBooleanOperands(args) { // Resolution order: numeric literal, local variable, global variable, string literal /** * @param {string} operand Boolean operand candidate */ function getOperand(operand) { if (operand === undefined) { return ''; } const operandNumber = Number(operand); if (!isNaN(operandNumber)) { return operandNumber; } if (args._scope.existsVariable(operand)) { const operandVariable = args._scope.getVariable(operand); return operandVariable ?? ''; } if (existsLocalVariable(operand)) { const operandLocalVariable = getLocalVariable(operand); return operandLocalVariable ?? ''; } if (existsGlobalVariable(operand)) { const operandGlobalVariable = getGlobalVariable(operand); return operandGlobalVariable ?? ''; } const stringLiteral = String(operand); return stringLiteral || ''; } const left = getOperand(args.a || args.left || args.first || args.x); const right = getOperand(args.b || args.right || args.second || args.y); const rule = args.rule; return { a: left, b: right, rule }; } /** * Evaluates a boolean comparison rule. * @param {string} rule Boolean comparison rule * @param {string|number} a The left operand * @param {string|number} b The right operand * @returns {boolean} True if the rule yields true, false otherwise */ function evalBoolean(rule, a, b) { if (!rule) { toastr.warning('The rule must be specified for the boolean comparison.', 'Invalid command'); throw new Error('Invalid command.'); } let result = false; if (typeof a === 'string' && typeof b !== 'number') { const aString = String(a).toLowerCase(); const bString = String(b).toLowerCase(); switch (rule) { case 'in': result = aString.includes(bString); break; case 'nin': result = !aString.includes(bString); break; case 'eq': result = aString === bString; break; case 'neq': result = aString !== bString; break; default: toastr.error('Unknown boolean comparison rule for type string.', 'Invalid /if command'); throw new Error('Invalid command.'); } } else if (typeof a === 'number') { const aNumber = Number(a); const bNumber = Number(b); switch (rule) { case 'not': result = !aNumber; break; case 'gt': result = aNumber > bNumber; break; case 'gte': result = aNumber >= bNumber; break; case 'lt': result = aNumber < bNumber; break; case 'lte': result = aNumber <= bNumber; break; case 'eq': result = aNumber === bNumber; break; case 'neq': result = aNumber !== bNumber; break; default: toastr.error('Unknown boolean comparison rule for type number.', 'Invalid command'); throw new Error('Invalid command.'); } } return result; } /** * Executes a slash command from a string (may be enclosed in quotes) and returns the result. * @param {string} command Command to execute. May contain escaped macro and batch separators. * @returns {Promise} Pipe result */ async function executeSubCommands(command, scope = null, parserFlags = null) { if (command.startsWith('"') && command.endsWith('"')) { command = command.slice(1, -1); } const result = await executeSlashCommands(command, true, scope, true, parserFlags); if (!result || typeof result !== 'object') { return ''; } return result?.pipe || ''; } /** * Deletes a local variable. * @param {string} name Variable name to delete * @returns {string} Empty string */ function deleteLocalVariable(name) { if (!existsLocalVariable(name)) { console.warn(`The local variable "${name}" does not exist.`); return ''; } delete chat_metadata.variables[name]; saveMetadataDebounced(); return ''; } /** * Deletes a global variable. * @param {string} name Variable name to delete * @returns {string} Empty string */ function deleteGlobalVariable(name) { if (!existsGlobalVariable(name)) { console.warn(`The global variable "${name}" does not exist.`); return ''; } delete[name]; saveSettingsDebounced(); return ''; } /** * Parses a series of numeric values from a string. * @param {string} value A space-separated list of numeric values or variable names * @param {SlashCommandScope} scope Scope * @returns {number[]} An array of numeric values */ function parseNumericSeries(value, scope = null) { if (typeof value === 'number') { return [value]; } const array = value .split(' ') .map(i => i.trim()) .filter(i => i !== '') .map(i => isNaN(Number(i)) ? Number(resolveVariable(i, scope)) : Number(i)) .filter(i => !isNaN(i)); return array; } function performOperation(value, operation, singleOperand = false, scope = null) { if (!value) { return 0; } const array = parseNumericSeries(value, scope); if (array.length === 0) { return 0; } const result = singleOperand ? operation(array[0]) : operation(array); if (isNaN(result) || !isFinite(result)) { return 0; } return result; } function addValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, (array) => array.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0), false, args._scope); } function mulValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, (array) => array.reduce((a, b) => a * b, 1), false, args._scope); } function minValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, (array) => Math.min(...array), false, args._scope); } function maxValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, (array) => Math.max(...array), false, args._scope); } function subValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, (array) => array[0] - array[1], false, args._scope); } function divValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, (array) => { if (array[1] === 0) { console.warn('Division by zero.'); return 0; } return array[0] / array[1]; }, false, args._scope); } function modValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, (array) => { if (array[1] === 0) { console.warn('Division by zero.'); return 0; } return array[0] % array[1]; }, false, args._scope); } function powValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, (array) => Math.pow(array[0], array[1]), false, args._scope); } function sinValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, Math.sin, true, args._scope); } function cosValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, Math.cos, true, args._scope); } function logValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, Math.log, true, args._scope); } function roundValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, Math.round, true, args._scope); } function absValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, Math.abs, true, args._scope); } function sqrtValuesCallback(args, value) { return performOperation(value, Math.sqrt, true, args._scope); } function lenValuesCallback(value) { let parsedValue = value; try { parsedValue = JSON.parse(value); } catch { // could not parse } if (Array.isArray(parsedValue)) { return parsedValue.length; } switch (typeof parsedValue) { case 'string': return parsedValue.length; case 'object': return Object.keys(parsedValue).length; case 'number': return String(parsedValue).length; default: return 0; } } function randValuesCallback(from, to, args) { const range = to - from; const value = from + Math.random() * range; if (args.round == 'round') { return Math.round(value); } if (args.round == 'ceil') { return Math.ceil(value); } if (args.round == 'floor') { return Math.floor(value); } return String(value); } /** * Declare a new variable in the current scope. * @param {{_scope:SlashCommandScope, key?:string}} args Named arguments. * @param {String|[String, SlashCommandClosure]} value Name and optional value for the variable. * @returns The variable's value */ function letCallback(args, value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { args._scope.letVariable(value[0], typeof value[1] == 'string' ? value.slice(1).join(' ') : value[1]); return value[1]; } if (args.key !== undefined) { const key = args.key; const val = value; args._scope.letVariable(key, val); return val; } else if (value.includes(' ')) { const key = value.split(' ')[0]; const val = value.split(' ').slice(1).join(' '); args._scope.letVariable(key, val); return val; } args._scope.letVariable(value); } /** * Set or retrieve a variable in the current scope or nearest ancestor scope. * @param {{_scope:SlashCommandScope, key?:string, index?:String|Number}} args Named arguments. * @param {String|[String, SlashCommandClosure]} value Name and optional value for the variable. * @returns The variable's value */ function varCallback(args, value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { args._scope.setVariable(value[0], typeof value[1] == 'string' ? value.slice(1).join(' ') : value[1], args.index); return value[1]; } if (args.key !== undefined) { const key = args.key; const val = value; args._scope.setVariable(key, val, args.index); return val; } else if (value.includes(' ')) { const key = value.split(' ')[0]; const val = value.split(' ').slice(1).join(' '); args._scope.setVariable(key, val, args.index); return val; } return args._scope.getVariable(args.key ?? value, args.index); } export function registerVariableCommands() { SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'listvar', callback: listVariablesCallback, helpString: 'List registered chat variables.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'setvar', callback: (args, value) => setLocalVariable(args.key ||, value, args), returns: 'the set variable value', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'key', 'variable name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'index', 'list index', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING, ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN, ARGUMENT_TYPE.LIST, ARGUMENT_TYPE.DICTIONARY], true, ), ], helpString: `
Set a local variable value and pass it down the pipe. The index argument is optional.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'getvar', callback: (args, value) => getLocalVariable(value, args), returns: 'the variable value', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'key', 'variable name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], false, ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'index', 'list index', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'key', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], false, ), ], helpString: `
Get a local variable value and pass it down the pipe. The index argument is optional.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'addvar', callback: (args, value) => addLocalVariable(args.key ||, value), returns: 'the new variable value', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'key', 'variable name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value to add to the variable', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], true, ), ], helpString: `
Add a value to a local variable and pass the result down the pipe.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'setglobalvar', callback: (args, value) => setGlobalVariable(args.key ||, value, args), returns: 'the set global variable value', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'key', 'variable name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'index', 'list index', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING, ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN, ARGUMENT_TYPE.LIST, ARGUMENT_TYPE.DICTIONARY], true, ), ], helpString: `
Set a global variable value and pass it down the pipe. The index argument is optional.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'getglobalvar', callback: (args, value) => getGlobalVariable(value, args), returns: 'global variable value', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'key', 'variable name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], false, ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'index', 'list index', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'key', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], false, ), ], helpString: `
Get a global variable value and pass it down the pipe. The index argument is optional.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'addglobalvar', callback: (args, value) => addGlobalVariable(args.key ||, value), returns: 'the new variable value', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'key', 'variable name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value to add to the variable', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], true, ), ], helpString: `
Add a value to a global variable and pass the result down the pipe.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'incvar', callback: (_, value) => incrementLocalVariable(value), returns: 'the new variable value', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'key', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Increment a local variable by 1 and pass the result down the pipe.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'decvar', callback: (_, value) => decrementLocalVariable(value), returns: 'the new variable value', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'key', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Decrement a local variable by 1 and pass the result down the pipe.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'incglobalvar', callback: (_, value) => incrementGlobalVariable(value), returns: 'the new variable value', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'key', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Increment a global variable by 1 and pass the result down the pipe.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'decglobalvar', callback: (_, value) => decrementGlobalVariable(value), returns: 'the new variable value', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'key', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Decrement a global variable by 1 and pass the result down the pipe.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'if', callback: ifCallback, returns: 'result of the executed command ("then" or "else")', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'left', 'left operand', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME, ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING, ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], true, ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'right', 'right operand', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME, ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING, ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], true, ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'rule', 'comparison rule', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], true, false, null, [ new SlashCommandEnumValue('gt', 'a > b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('gte', 'a >= b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('lt', 'a < b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('lte', 'a <= b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('eq', 'a == b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('neq', 'a !== b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('not', '!a'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('in', 'a includes b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('nin', 'a not includes b'), ], ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'else', 'command to execute if not true', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.CLOSURE, ARGUMENT_TYPE.SUBCOMMAND], false, ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'command to execute if true', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.CLOSURE, ARGUMENT_TYPE.SUBCOMMAND], true, ), ], helpString: `
Compares the value of the left operand a with the value of the right operand b, and if the condition yields true, then execute any valid slash command enclosed in quotes and pass the result of the command execution down the pipe.
Numeric values and string literals for left and right operands supported.
Available rules:
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'while', callback: whileCallback, returns: 'result of the last executed command', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'left', 'left operand', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME, ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING, ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], true, ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'right', 'right operand', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME, ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING, ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], true, ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'rule', 'comparison rule', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], true, false, null, [ new SlashCommandEnumValue('gt', 'a > b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('gte', 'a >= b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('lt', 'a < b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('lte', 'a <= b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('eq', 'a == b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('neq', 'a !== b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('not', '!a'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('in', 'a includes b'), new SlashCommandEnumValue('nin', 'a not includes b'), ], ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'guard', 'disable loop iteration limit', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, false, null, ['off'], ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'command to execute while true', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.CLOSURE, ARGUMENT_TYPE.SUBCOMMAND], true, ), ], helpString: `
Compares the value of the left operand a with the value of the right operand b, and if the condition yields true, then execute any valid slash command enclosed in quotes.
Numeric values and string literals for left and right operands supported.
Available rules:
Loops are limited to 100 iterations by default, pass guard=off to disable.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'times', callback: timesCallback, returns: 'result of the last executed command', namedArgumentList: [], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'repeats', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], true, ), new SlashCommandArgument( 'command', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.CLOSURE, ARGUMENT_TYPE.SUBCOMMAND], true, ), ], helpString: `
Execute any valid slash command enclosed in quotes repeats number of times.
Loops are limited to 100 iterations by default, pass guard=off to disable.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'flushvar', callback: (_, value) => deleteLocalVariable(value), namedArgumentList: [], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'key', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Delete a local variable.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'flushglobalvar', callback: (_, value) => deleteGlobalVariable(value), namedArgumentList: [], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'key', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Deletes the specified global variable.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'add', callback: addValuesCallback, returns: 'sum of the provided values', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'values', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs an addition of the set of values and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'mul', callback: (args, value) => mulValuesCallback(args, value), result: 'product of the provided values', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'values to multiply', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs a multiplication of the set of values and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'max', callback: maxValuesCallback, returns: 'maximum value of the set of values', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'values', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, true, ), ], helpString: `
Returns the maximum value of the set of values and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'min', callback: minValuesCallback, returns: 'minimum value of the set of values', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'values', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, true, ), ], helpString: `
Returns the minimum value of the set of values and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'sub', callback: subValuesCallback, returns: 'difference of the provided values', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'values', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs a subtraction of the set of values and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'div', callback: divValuesCallback, returns: 'result of division', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'dividend', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), new SlashCommandArgument( 'divisor', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs a division of two values and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'mod', callback: modValuesCallback, returns: 'result of modulo operation', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'dividend', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), new SlashCommandArgument( 'divisor', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs a modulo operation of two values and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'pow', callback: powValuesCallback, returns: 'result of power operation', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'base', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), new SlashCommandArgument( 'exponent', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs a power operation of two values and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'sin', callback: sinValuesCallback, returns: 'sine of the provided value', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs a sine operation of a value and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'cos', callback: cosValuesCallback, returns: 'cosine of the provided value', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs a cosine operation of a value and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'log', callback: logValuesCallback, returns: 'log of the provided value', namedArgumentList: [], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs a logarithm operation of a value and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'abs', callback: absValuesCallback, returns: 'absolute value of the provided value', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs an absolute value operation of a value and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'sqrt', callback: sqrtValuesCallback, returns: 'square root of the provided value', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Performs a square root operation of a value and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'round', callback: roundValuesCallback, returns: 'rounded value', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true, ), ], helpString: `
Rounds a value and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'len', callback: (_, value) => lenValuesCallback(value), returns: 'length of the provided value', unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING, ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], true ), ], helpString: `
Gets the length of a value and passes the result down the pipe. Can use variable names.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'rand', callback: (args, value) => randValuesCallback(Number(args.from ?? 0), Number( ?? (value.length ? value : 1)), args), returns: 'random number', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'from', 'starting value for the range (inclusive)', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], false, false, '0', ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'to', 'ending value for the range (inclusive)', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], false, false, '1', ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'round', 'rounding method for the result', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, false, null, ['round', 'ceil', 'floor'], ), ], helpString: `
Returns a random number between from and to (inclusive).
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'var', callback: (args, value) => varCallback(args, value), returns: 'the variable value', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'key', 'variable name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], false, ), new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'index', 'optional index for list or dictionary', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], false, // isRequired false, // acceptsMultiple ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'variable name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], false, // isRequired false, // acceptsMultiple ), new SlashCommandArgument( 'variable value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING, ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN, ARGUMENT_TYPE.LIST, ARGUMENT_TYPE.DICTIONARY, ARGUMENT_TYPE.CLOSURE], false, // isRequired false, // acceptsMultiple ), ], splitUnnamedArgument: true, helpString: `
Get or set a variable.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'let', callback: (args, value) => letCallback(args, value), returns: 'the variable value', namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'key', 'variable name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], false, ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'variable name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.VARIABLE_NAME], false, ), new SlashCommandArgument( 'variable value', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING, ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER, ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN, ARGUMENT_TYPE.LIST, ARGUMENT_TYPE.DICTIONARY, ARGUMENT_TYPE.CLOSURE], ), ], splitUnnamedArgument: true, helpString: `
Declares a new variable in the current scope.
`, })); }