import { characters, saveSettingsDebounced, this_chid, callPopup, menu_type, getCharacters, entitiesFilter, } from "../script.js"; import { FILTER_TYPES, FilterHelper } from "./filters.js"; import { groupCandidatesFilter, selected_group } from "./group-chats.js"; import { uuidv4 } from "./utils.js"; export { tags, tag_map, loadTagsSettings, printTagFilters, getTagsList, appendTagToList, createTagMapFromList, renameTagKey, importTags, }; const CHARACTER_FILTER_SELECTOR = '#rm_characters_block .rm_tag_filter'; const GROUP_FILTER_SELECTOR = '#rm_group_chats_block .rm_tag_filter'; function getFilterHelper(listSelector) { return $(listSelector).is(GROUP_FILTER_SELECTOR) ? groupCandidatesFilter : entitiesFilter; } export const tag_filter_types = { character: 0, group_member: 1, }; const ACTIONABLE_TAGS = { FAV: { id: 1, name: 'Show only favorites', color: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)', action: applyFavFilter, icon: 'fa-solid fa-star', class: 'filterByFavorites' }, GROUP: { id: 0, name: 'Show only groups', color: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5)', action: filterByGroups, icon: 'fa-solid fa-users', class: 'filterByGroups' }, HINT: { id: 3, name: 'Show Tag List', color: 'rgba(150, 100, 100, 0.5)', action: onTagListHintClick, icon: 'fa-solid fa-tags', class: 'showTagList' }, } const InListActionable = { VIEW: { id: 2, name: 'Manage tags', color: 'rgba(150, 100, 100, 0.5)', action: onViewTagsListClick, icon: 'fa-solid fa-gear' }, } const DEFAULT_TAGS = [ { id: uuidv4(), name: "Plain Text" }, { id: uuidv4(), name: "OpenAI" }, { id: uuidv4(), name: "W++" }, { id: uuidv4(), name: "Boostyle" }, { id: uuidv4(), name: "PList" }, { id: uuidv4(), name: "AliChat" }, ]; let tags = []; let tag_map = {}; /** * Applies the favorite filter to the character list. * @param {FilterHelper} filterHelper Instance of FilterHelper class. */ function applyFavFilter(filterHelper) { const isSelected = $(this).hasClass('selected'); const displayFavoritesOnly = !isSelected; $(this).toggleClass('selected', displayFavoritesOnly); filterHelper.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.FAV, displayFavoritesOnly); } /** * Applies the "is group" filter to the character list. * @param {FilterHelper} filterHelper Instance of FilterHelper class. */ function filterByGroups(filterHelper) { const isSelected = $(this).hasClass('selected'); const displayGroupsOnly = !isSelected; $(this).toggleClass('selected', displayGroupsOnly); filterHelper.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.GROUP, displayGroupsOnly); } function loadTagsSettings(settings) { tags = settings.tags !== undefined ? settings.tags : DEFAULT_TAGS; tag_map = settings.tag_map !== undefined ? settings.tag_map : Object.create(null); } function renameTagKey(oldKey, newKey) { const value = tag_map[oldKey]; tag_map[newKey] = value || []; delete tag_map[oldKey]; saveSettingsDebounced(); } function createTagMapFromList(listElement, key) { const tagIds = [...($(listElement).find(".tag").map((_, el) => $(el).attr("id")))]; tag_map[key] = tagIds; saveSettingsDebounced(); } function getTagsList(key) { if (!Array.isArray(tag_map[key])) { tag_map[key] = []; return []; } return tag_map[key] .map(x => tags.find(y => === x)) .filter(x => x) .sort((a, b) =>; } function getInlineListSelector() { if (selected_group && menu_type === "group_edit") { return `.group_select[grid="${selected_group}"] .tags`; } if (this_chid && menu_type === "character_edit") { return `.character_select[chid="${this_chid}"] .tags`; } return null; } function getTagKey() { if (selected_group && menu_type === "group_edit") { return selected_group; } if (this_chid && menu_type === "character_edit") { return characters[this_chid].avatar; } return null; } function addTagToMap(tagId) { const key = getTagKey(); if (!key) { return; } if (!Array.isArray(tag_map[key])) { tag_map[key] = [tagId]; } else { tag_map[key].push(tagId); } } function removeTagFromMap(tagId) { const key = getTagKey(); if (!key) { return; } if (!Array.isArray(tag_map[key])) { tag_map[key] = []; } else { const indexOf = tag_map[key].indexOf(tagId); tag_map[key].splice(indexOf, 1); } } function findTag(request, resolve, listSelector) { const skipIds = [...($(listSelector).find(".tag").map((_, el) => $(el).attr("id")))]; const haystack = tags.filter(t => !skipIds.includes( =>, b) => a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase())); const needle = request.term.toLowerCase(); const hasExactMatch = haystack.findIndex(x => x.toLowerCase() == needle) !== -1; const result = haystack.filter(x => x.toLowerCase().includes(needle)); if (request.term && !hasExactMatch) { result.unshift(request.term); } resolve(result); } function selectTag(event, ui, listSelector) { let tagName = ui.item.value; let tag = tags.find(t => === tagName); // create new tag if it doesn't exist if (!tag) { tag = createNewTag(tagName); } // unfocus and clear the input $("").trigger('input'); // add tag to the UI and internal map appendTagToList(listSelector, tag, { removable: true }); appendTagToList(getInlineListSelector(), tag, { removable: false }); addTagToMap(; saveSettingsDebounced(); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.character); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.group_member); // need to return false to keep the input clear return false; } function getExistingTags(new_tags) { let existing_tags = []; for (let tag of new_tags) { let foundTag = tags.find(t => === tag.toLowerCase()) if (foundTag) { existing_tags.push(; } } return existing_tags } async function importTags(imported_char) { let imported_tags = imported_char.tags.filter(t => t !== "ROOT" && t !== "TAVERN"); let existingTags = await getExistingTags(imported_tags); //make this case insensitive let newTags = imported_tags.filter(t => !existingTags.some(existingTag => existingTag.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase())); let selected_tags = ""; const existingTagsString = existingTags.length ? (': ' + existingTags.join(', ')) : ''; if (newTags.length === 0) { await callPopup(`

Importing Tags For ${}

${existingTags.length} existing tags have been found${existingTagsString}.

`, 'text'); } else { selected_tags = await callPopup(`

Importing Tags For ${}

${existingTags.length} existing tags have been found${existingTagsString}.

The following ${newTags.length} new tags will be imported.

`, 'input', newTags.join(', ')); } selected_tags = existingTags.concat(selected_tags.split(',')); selected_tags = => t.trim()).filter(t => t !== ""); //Anti-troll measure if (selected_tags.length > 15) { selected_tags = selected_tags.slice(0, 15); } for (let tagName of selected_tags) { let tag = tags.find(t => === tagName); if (!tag) { tag = createNewTag(tagName); } if (!tag_map[imported_char.avatar].includes( { tag_map[imported_char.avatar].push(; console.debug('added tag to map', tag,; } }; saveSettingsDebounced(); await getCharacters(); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.character); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.group_member); // need to return false to keep the input clear return false; } function createNewTag(tagName) { const tag = { id: uuidv4(), name: tagName, color: '', color2: '', }; tags.push(tag); return tag; } function appendTagToList(listElement, tag, { removable, selectable, action, isGeneralList }) { if (!listElement) { return; } let tagElement = $('#tag_template .tag').clone(); tagElement.attr('id',; //tagElement.css('color', 'var(--SmartThemeBodyColor)'); tagElement.css('background-color', tag.color); tagElement.css('color', tag.color2); tagElement.find('.tag_name').text(; const removeButton = tagElement.find(".tag_remove"); removable ? : removeButton.hide(); if (tag.class) { tagElement.addClass(tag.class); } if (tag.icon) { tagElement.find('.tag_name').text('').attr('title',; } if (tag.excluded && isGeneralList) { $(tagElement).addClass('excluded'); } if (selectable) { tagElement.on('click', () => onTagFilterClick.bind(tagElement)(listElement)); } if (action) { const filter = getFilterHelper($(listElement)); tagElement.on('click', () => action.bind(tagElement)(filter)); tagElement.addClass('actionable'); } if (action && === 2) { tagElement.addClass('innerActionable hidden'); } $(listElement).append(tagElement); } function onTagFilterClick(listElement) { let excludeTag; if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { $(this).removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('excluded'); excludeTag = true } else if ($(this).hasClass('excluded')) { $(this).removeClass('excluded'); excludeTag = false; } else { $(this).addClass('selected'); } // Manual undefined check required for three-state boolean if (excludeTag !== undefined) { const tagId = $(this).attr('id'); const existingTag = tags.find((tag) => === tagId); if (existingTag) { existingTag.excluded = excludeTag; saveSettingsDebounced(); } } runTagFilters(listElement); } function runTagFilters(listElement) { const tagIds = [...($(listElement).find(".tag.selected:not(.actionable)").map((_, el) => $(el).attr("id")))]; const excludedTagIds = [...($(listElement).find(".tag.excluded:not(.actionable)").map((_, el) => $(el).attr("id")))]; const filterHelper = getFilterHelper($(listElement)); filterHelper.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.TAG, { excluded: excludedTagIds, selected: tagIds }); } function printTagFilters(type = tag_filter_types.character) { const FILTER_SELECTOR = type === tag_filter_types.character ? CHARACTER_FILTER_SELECTOR : GROUP_FILTER_SELECTOR; const selectedTagIds = [...($(FILTER_SELECTOR).find(".tag.selected").map((_, el) => $(el).attr("id")))]; $(FILTER_SELECTOR).empty(); const characterTagIds = Object.values(tag_map).flat(); const tagsToDisplay = tags .filter(x => characterTagIds.includes( .sort((a, b) =>; for (const tag of Object.values(ACTIONABLE_TAGS)) { appendTagToList(FILTER_SELECTOR, tag, { removable: false, selectable: false, action: tag.action, isGeneralList: true }); } $(FILTER_SELECTOR).find('.actionable').last().addClass('margin-right-10px'); for (const tag of Object.values(InListActionable)) { appendTagToList(FILTER_SELECTOR, tag, { removable: false, selectable: false, action: tag.action, isGeneralList: true }); } for (const tag of tagsToDisplay) { appendTagToList(FILTER_SELECTOR, tag, { removable: false, selectable: true, isGeneralList: true }); if (tag.excluded) { runTagFilters(FILTER_SELECTOR); } } for (const tagId of selectedTagIds) { $(`${FILTER_SELECTOR} .tag[id="${tagId}"]`).trigger('click'); } } function onTagRemoveClick(event) { event.stopPropagation(); const tag = $(this).closest(".tag"); const tagId = tag.attr("id"); tag.remove(); removeTagFromMap(tagId); $(`${getInlineListSelector()} .tag[id="${tagId}"]`).remove(); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.character); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.group_member); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onTagInput(event) { let val = $(this).val(); if (tags.find(t => === val)) return; $(this).autocomplete("search", val); } function onTagInputFocus() { $(this).autocomplete('search', $(this).val()); } function onCharacterCreateClick() { $("#tagList").empty(); } function onGroupCreateClick() { $("#groupTagList").empty(); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.character); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.group_member); } export function applyTagsOnCharacterSelect() { //clearTagsFilter(); const chid = Number($(this).attr('chid')); const key = characters[chid].avatar; const tags = getTagsList(key); $("#tagList").empty(); for (const tag of tags) { appendTagToList("#tagList", tag, { removable: true }); } } function applyTagsOnGroupSelect() { //clearTagsFilter(); const key = $(this).attr('grid'); const tags = getTagsList(key); $("#groupTagList").empty(); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.character); printTagFilters(tag_filter_types.group_member); for (const tag of tags) { appendTagToList("#groupTagList", tag, { removable: true }); } } function createTagInput(inputSelector, listSelector) { $(inputSelector) .autocomplete({ source: (i, o) => findTag(i, o, listSelector), select: (e, u) => selectTag(e, u, listSelector), minLength: 0, }) .focus(onTagInputFocus); // <== show tag list on click } function onViewTagsListClick() { $('#dialogue_popup').addClass('large_dialogue_popup'); const list = document.createElement('div'); const everything = Object.values(tag_map).flat(); $(list).append('


Click on the tag name to edit it.
'); $(list).append('Click on color box to assign new color.

'); for (const tag of tags.slice().sort((a, b) => a?.name?.toLowerCase()?.localeCompare(b?.name?.toLowerCase()))) { const count = everything.filter(x => x ==; const template = $('#tag_view_template .tag_view_item').clone(); template.attr('id',; template.find('.tag_view_counter_value').text(count); template.find('.tag_view_name').text(; template.find('.tag_view_name').addClass('tag'); template.find('.tag_view_name').css('background-color', tag.color); template.find('.tag_view_name').css('color', tag.color2); const colorPickerId = + "-tag-color"; const colorPicker2Id = + "-tag-color2"; template.find('.tagColorPickerHolder').html( `` ); template.find('.tagColorPicker2Holder').html( `` ); template.find('.tag-color').attr('id', colorPickerId); template.find('.tag-color2').attr('id', colorPicker2Id); list.appendChild(template.get(0)); setTimeout(function () { document.querySelector(`.tag-color[id="${colorPickerId}"`).addEventListener('change', (evt) => { onTagColorize(evt); }); }, 100); setTimeout(function () { document.querySelector(`.tag-color2[id="${colorPicker2Id}"`).addEventListener('change', (evt) => { onTagColorize2(evt); }); }, 100); $(colorPickerId).color = tag.color; $(colorPicker2Id).color = tag.color2; } callPopup(list.outerHTML, 'text'); } function onTagDeleteClick() { if (!confirm("Are you sure?")) { return; } const id = $(this).closest('.tag_view_item').attr('id'); for (const key of Object.keys(tag_map)) { tag_map[key] = tag_map[key].filter(x => !== id); } const index = tags.findIndex(x => === id); tags.splice(index, 1); $(`.tag[id="${id}"]`).remove(); $(`.tag_view_item[id="${id}"]`).remove(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onTagRenameInput() { const id = $(this).closest('.tag_view_item').attr('id'); const newName = $(this).text(); const tag = tags.find(x => === id); = newName; $(`.tag[id="${id}"] .tag_name`).text(newName); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onTagColorize(evt) { console.debug(evt); const id = $('.tag_view_item').attr('id'); const newColor = evt.detail.rgba; $('.tag_view_name').css('background-color', newColor); $(`.tag[id="${id}"]`).css('background-color', newColor); const tag = tags.find(x => === id); tag.color = newColor; console.debug(tag); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onTagColorize2(evt) { console.debug(evt); const id = $('.tag_view_item').attr('id'); const newColor = evt.detail.rgba; $('.tag_view_name').css('color', newColor); $(`.tag[id="${id}"]`).css('color', newColor); const tag = tags.find(x => === id); tag.color2 = newColor; console.debug(tag); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onTagListHintClick() { console.log($(this)); $(this).toggleClass('selected'); $(this).siblings(".tag:not(.actionable)").toggle(100); $(this).siblings(".innerActionable").toggleClass('hidden'); } $(document).ready(() => { createTagInput('#tagInput', '#tagList'); createTagInput('#groupTagInput', '#groupTagList'); $(document).on("click", "#rm_button_create", onCharacterCreateClick); $(document).on("click", "#rm_button_group_chats", onGroupCreateClick); $(document).on("click", ".character_select", applyTagsOnCharacterSelect); $(document).on("click", ".group_select", applyTagsOnGroupSelect); $(document).on("click", ".tag_remove", onTagRemoveClick); $(document).on("input", ".tag_input", onTagInput); $(document).on("click", ".tags_view", onViewTagsListClick); $(document).on("click", ".tag_delete", onTagDeleteClick); $(document).on("input", ".tag_view_name", onTagRenameInput); });