import { eventSource, this_chid, characters, callPopup, getRequestHeaders, } from "../../../script.js"; import { selected_group } from "../../group-chats.js"; import { loadFileToDocument } from "../../utils.js"; import { loadMovingUIState } from '../../power-user.js'; import { dragElement } from '../../RossAscends-mods.js' const extensionName = "gallery"; const extensionFolderPath = `scripts/extensions/${extensionName}/`; let firstTime = true; // TODO:Some user wanted the gallery to be detachable / movable.For hmm, good chatting experience.I think it's easy to make any block movable with Ross's function, you need to check this out. // TODO:Haven't seen any guidance on how to populate the gallery in-app still. /** * Retrieves a list of gallery items based on a given URL. This function calls an API endpoint * to get the filenames and then constructs the item list. * * @param {string} url - The base URL to retrieve the list of images. * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with an array of gallery item objects, rejects on error. */ async function getGalleryItems(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.get(`/listimgfiles/${url}`, function (files) { const items = => ({ src: `user/images/${url}/${file}`, srct: `user/images/${url}/${file}`, title: "", // Optional title for each item })); resolve(items); }).fail(reject); }); } /** * Initializes a gallery using the provided items and sets up the drag-and-drop functionality. * It uses the nanogallery2 library to display the items and also initializes * event listeners to handle drag-and-drop of files onto the gallery. * * @param {Array} items - An array of objects representing the items to display in the gallery. * @param {string} url - The URL to use when a file is dropped onto the gallery for uploading. * @returns {Promise} - Promise representing the completion of the gallery initialization. */ async function initGallery(items, url) { $("#zoomFor_test").nanogallery2({ "items": items, thumbnailWidth: 'auto', thumbnailHeight: 150, paginationVisiblePages: 5, paginationMaxLinesPerPage: 2, galleryMaxRows : 3, "galleryDisplayMode": "pagination", "fnThumbnailOpen": viewWithFancybox, }); $(document).ready(function () { $('.nGY2GThumbnailImage').on('click', function () { let imageUrl = $(this).find('.nGY2GThumbnailImg').attr('src'); // Do what you want with the imageUrl, for example: // Display it in a full-size view or replace the gallery grid content with this image console.log(imageUrl); }); }); eventSource.on('resizeUI', function (elmntName) { console.log('resizeUI saw', elmntName); // Your logic here // If you want to resize the nanogallery2 instance when this event is triggered: jQuery("#zoomFor_test").nanogallery2('resize'); }); // Initialize dropzone handlers const dropZone = $('#zoomFor_test'); dropZone.on('dragover', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); // Ensure this event doesn't propagate e.preventDefault(); $(this).addClass('dragging'); // Add a CSS class to change appearance during drag-over }); dropZone.on('dragleave', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); // Ensure this event doesn't propagate $(this).removeClass('dragging'); }); dropZone.on('drop', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); // Ensure this event doesn't propagate e.preventDefault(); $(this).removeClass('dragging'); let file = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files[0]; uploadFile(file, url); // Added url parameter to know where to upload }); } /** * Displays a character gallery using the nanogallery2 library. * * This function takes care of: * - Loading necessary resources for the gallery on the first invocation. * - Preparing gallery items based on the character or group selection. * - Handling the drag-and-drop functionality for image upload. * - Displaying the gallery in a popup. * - Cleaning up resources when the gallery popup is closed. * * @returns {Promise} - Promise representing the completion of the gallery display process. */ async function showCharGallery() { // Load necessary files if it's the first time calling the function if (firstTime) { await loadFileToDocument( `${extensionFolderPath}nanogallery2.woff.min.css`, "css" ); await loadFileToDocument( `${extensionFolderPath}jquery.nanogallery2.min.js`, "js" ); firstTime = false; } try { let url = selected_group || this_chid; if (!selected_group && this_chid) { const char = characters[this_chid]; url = char.avatar.replace(".png", ""); } const items = await getGalleryItems(url); makeMovable(); let close = callPopup('', "text"); console.log("close", close); if ($("body").css("position") === "fixed") { $("body").css("position", "static"); } setTimeout(async () => { await initGallery(items, url); }, 100); //next, we add `
` to zoomFor_test document.getElementById(`zoomFor_test`).innerHTML += `
`; // close.then(() => { // $("#my-gallery").nanogallery2("destroy"); // if ($("body").css("position") === "static") { // $("body").css("position", "fixed"); // } // const dropZone = $('#dialogue_popup'); //'dragover dragleave drop'); // }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } /** * Uploads a given file to a specified URL. * Once the file is uploaded, it provides a success message using toastr, * destroys the existing gallery, fetches the latest items, and reinitializes the gallery. * * @param {File} file - The file object to be uploaded. * @param {string} url - The URL indicating where the file should be uploaded. * @returns {Promise} - Promise representing the completion of the file upload and gallery refresh. */ async function uploadFile(file, url) { // Convert the file to a base64 string const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = async function () { const base64Data = reader.result; // Create the payload const payload = { image: base64Data }; // Add the ch_name from the provided URL (assuming it's the character name) payload.ch_name = url; try { const headers = await getRequestHeaders(); // Merge headers with content-type for JSON Object.assign(headers, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const response = await fetch('/uploadimage', { method: 'POST', headers: headers, body: JSON.stringify(payload) }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`); } const result = await response.json(); toastr.success('File uploaded successfully. Saved at: ' + result.path); // Refresh the gallery $("#my-gallery").nanogallery2("destroy"); // Destroy old gallery const newItems = await getGalleryItems(url); // Fetch the latest items initGallery(newItems, url); // Reinitialize the gallery with new items and pass 'url' } catch (error) { console.error("There was an issue uploading the file:", error); // Replacing alert with toastr error notification toastr.error('Failed to upload the file.'); } } reader.readAsDataURL(file); } $(document).ready(function () { // Register an event listener eventSource.on("charManagementDropdown", (selectedOptionId) => { if (selectedOptionId === "show_char_gallery") { showCharGallery(); } }); // Add an option to the dropdown $("#char-management-dropdown").append( $("