import { saveSettingsDebounced, substituteParams } from "../../../script.js"; import { debounce } from "../../utils.js"; import { promptQuietForLoudResponse, sendMessageAs, sendNarratorMessage } from "../../slash-commands.js"; import { extension_settings, getContext, renderExtensionTemplate } from "../../extensions.js"; import { registerSlashCommand } from "../../slash-commands.js"; const extensionName = "idle"; let idleTimer = null; let repeatCount = 0; let defaultSettings = { enabled: false, timer: 120, prompts: [ "*stands silently, looking deep in thought*", "*pauses, eyes wandering over the surroundings*", "*hesitates, appearing lost for a moment*", "*takes a deep breath, collecting their thoughts*", "*gazes into the distance, seemingly distracted*", "*remains still, absorbing the ambiance*", "*lingers in silence, a contemplative look on their face*", "*stops, fingers brushing against an old memory*", "*seems to drift into a momentary daydream*", "*waits quietly, allowing the weight of the moment to settle*", ], useContinuation: true, repeats: 2, // 0 = infinite sendAs: "user", randomTime: false, timeMin: 60, includePrompt: false, }; //TODO: Can we make this a generic function? /** * Load the extension settings and set defaults if they don't exist. */ async function loadSettings() { if (!extension_settings.idle) { console.log("Creating extension_settings.idle"); extension_settings.idle = {}; } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(defaultSettings)) { if (!extension_settings.idle.hasOwnProperty(key)) { console.log(`Setting default for: ${key}`); extension_settings.idle[key] = value; } } populateUIWithSettings(); } //TODO: Can we make this a generic function too? /** * Populate the UI components with values from the extension settings. */ function populateUIWithSettings() { $("#idle_timer").val(extension_settings.idle.timer).trigger("input"); $("#idle_prompts").val(extension_settings.idle.prompts.join("\n")).trigger("input"); $("#idle_use_continuation").prop("checked", extension_settings.idle.useContinuation).trigger("input"); $("#idle_enabled").prop("checked", extension_settings.idle.enabled).trigger("input"); $("#idle_repeats").val(extension_settings.idle.repeats).trigger("input"); $("#idle_sendAs").val(extension_settings.idle.sendAs).trigger("input"); $("#idle_random_time").prop("checked", extension_settings.idle.randomTime).trigger("input"); $("#idle_timer_min").val(extension_settings.idle.timerMin).trigger("input"); $("#idle_include_prompt").prop("checked", extension_settings.idle.includePrompt).trigger("input"); } /** * Reset the idle timer based on the extension settings and context. */ function resetIdleTimer() { console.debug("Resetting idle timer"); if (idleTimer) clearTimeout(idleTimer); let context = getContext(); if (!context.characterId && !context.groupID) return; if (!extension_settings.idle.enabled) return; if (extension_settings.idle.randomTime) { // ensure these are ints let min = extension_settings.idle.timerMin; let max = extension_settings.idle.timer; min = parseInt(min); max = parseInt(max); let randomTime = (Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; idleTimer = setTimeout(sendIdlePrompt, 1000 * randomTime); } else { idleTimer = setTimeout(sendIdlePrompt, 1000 * extension_settings.idle.timer); } } /** * Send a random idle prompt to the AI based on the extension settings. * Checks conditions like if the extension is enabled and repeat conditions. */ async function sendIdlePrompt() { if (!extension_settings.idle.enabled) return; // Check repeat conditions and waiting for a response if (repeatCount >= extension_settings.idle.repeats || $('#mes_stop').is(':visible')) { //console.debug("Not sending idle prompt due to repeat conditions or waiting for a response."); resetIdleTimer(); return; } const randomPrompt = extension_settings.idle.prompts[ Math.floor(Math.random() * extension_settings.idle.prompts.length) ]; sendPrompt(randomPrompt); repeatCount++; resetIdleTimer(); } /** * Add our prompt to the chat and then send the chat to the backend. * @param {string} sendAs - The type of message to send. "user", "char", or "sys". * @param {string} prompt - The prompt text to send to the AI. */ function sendLoud(sendAs, prompt) { if (sendAs === "user") { prompt = substituteParams(prompt); $("#send_textarea").val(prompt); // Set the focus back to the textarea $("#send_textarea").focus(); $("#send_but").trigger('click'); } else if (sendAs === "char") { sendMessageAs("", `${getContext().name2}\n${prompt}`); promptQuietForLoudResponse(sendAs, ""); } else if (sendAs === "sys") { sendNarratorMessage("", prompt); promptQuietForLoudResponse(sendAs, ""); } else { console.error(`Unknown sendAs value: ${sendAs}`); } } /** * Send the provided prompt to the AI. Determines method based on continuation setting. * @param {string} prompt - The prompt text to send to the AI. */ function sendPrompt(prompt) { clearTimeout(idleTimer); $("#send_textarea").off("input"); if (extension_settings.idle.useContinuation) { $('#option_continue').trigger('click'); console.debug("Sending idle prompt with continuation"); } else { console.debug("Sending idle prompt"); console.log(extension_settings.idle); if (extension_settings.idle.includePrompt) { sendLoud(extension_settings.idle.sendAs, prompt); } else { promptQuietForLoudResponse(extension_settings.idle.sendAs, prompt); } } } /** * Load the settings HTML and append to the designated area. */ async function loadSettingsHTML() { const settingsHtml = renderExtensionTemplate(extensionName, "dropdown"); $("#extensions_settings2").append(settingsHtml); } /** * Update a specific setting based on user input. * @param {string} elementId - The HTML element ID tied to the setting. * @param {string} property - The property name in the settings object. * @param {boolean} [isCheckbox=false] - Whether the setting is a checkbox. */ function updateSetting(elementId, property, isCheckbox = false) { let value = $(`#${elementId}`).val(); if (isCheckbox) { value = $(`#${elementId}`).prop('checked'); } if (property === "prompts") { value = value.split("\n"); } extension_settings.idle[property] = value; saveSettingsDebounced(); } /** * Attach an input listener to a UI component to update the corresponding setting. * @param {string} elementId - The HTML element ID tied to the setting. * @param {string} property - The property name in the settings object. * @param {boolean} [isCheckbox=false] - Whether the setting is a checkbox. */ function attachUpdateListener(elementId, property, isCheckbox = false) { $(`#${elementId}`).on('input', debounce(() => { updateSetting(elementId, property, isCheckbox); }, 250)); } /** * Handle the enabling or disabling of the idle extension. * Adds or removes the idle listeners based on the checkbox's state. */ function handleIdleEnabled() { if (!extension_settings.idle.enabled) { clearTimeout(idleTimer); removeIdleListeners(); } else { resetIdleTimer(); attachIdleListeners(); } } /** * Setup input listeners for the various settings and actions related to the idle extension. */ function setupListeners() { const settingsToWatch = [ ['idle_timer', 'timer'], ['idle_prompts', 'prompts'], ['idle_use_continuation', 'useContinuation', true], ['idle_enabled', 'enabled', true], ['idle_repeats', 'repeats'], ['idle_sendAs', 'sendAs'], ['idle_random_time', 'randomTime', true], ['idle_timer_min', 'timerMin'], ['idle_include_prompt', 'includePrompt', true] ]; settingsToWatch.forEach(setting => { attachUpdateListener(...setting); }); // Idleness listeners, could be made better $('#idle_enabled').on('input', debounce(handleIdleEnabled, 250)); // Add the idle listeners initially if the idle feature is enabled if (extension_settings.idle.enabled) { attachIdleListeners(); } //show/hide timer min parent div $('#idle_random_time').on('input', function () { if ($(this).prop('checked')) { $('#idle_timer_min').parent().show(); } else { $('#idle_timer_min').parent().hide(); } $('#idle_timer').trigger('input'); }); // if we're including the prompt, hide raw from the sendAs dropdown $('#idle_include_prompt').on('input', function () { if ($(this).prop('checked')) { $('#idle_sendAs option[value="raw"]').hide(); } else { $('#idle_sendAs option[value="raw"]').show(); } }); //make sure timer min is less than timer $('#idle_timer').on('input', function () { if ($('#idle_random_time').prop('checked')) { if ($(this).val() < $('#idle_timer_min').val()) { $('#idle_timer_min').val($(this).val()); $('#idle_timer_min').trigger('input'); } } }); } const debouncedActivityHandler = debounce((event) => { // Check if the event target (or any of its parents) has the id "option_continue" if ($('#option_continue').length) { return; // Do not proceed if the click was on (or inside) an element with id "option_continue" } console.debug("Activity detected, resetting idle timer"); resetIdleTimer(); repeatCount = 0; }, 250); function attachIdleListeners() { $(document).on("click keypress", debouncedActivityHandler); document.addEventListener('keydown', debouncedActivityHandler); } /** * Remove idle-specific listeners. */ function removeIdleListeners() { $(document).off("click keypress", debouncedActivityHandler); document.removeEventListener('keydown', debouncedActivityHandler); } function toggleIdle() { extension_settings.idle.enabled = !extension_settings.idle.enabled; $('#idle_enabled').prop('checked', extension_settings.idle.enabled); $('#idle_enabled').trigger('input');`Idle mode ${extension_settings.idle.enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"}.`); resetIdleTimer(); } jQuery(async () => { await loadSettingsHTML(); loadSettings(); setupListeners(); if (extension_settings.idle.enabled) { resetIdleTimer(); } // once the doc is ready, check if random time is checked and hide/show timer min if ($('#idle_random_time').prop('checked')) { $('#idle_timer_min').parent().show(); } registerSlashCommand('idle', toggleIdle, [], '– toggles idle mode', true, true); });