import { api_server_textgenerationwebui, getRequestHeaders, getStoppingStrings, max_context, saveSettingsDebounced, setGenerationParamsFromPreset, } from "../script.js"; import { loadMancerModels } from "./mancer-settings.js"; import { power_user, } from "./power-user.js"; import { getTextTokens, tokenizers } from "./tokenizers.js"; import { delay, onlyUnique } from "./utils.js"; export { textgenerationwebui_settings, loadTextGenSettings, generateTextGenWithStreaming, formatTextGenURL, } export const textgen_types = { OOBA: 'ooba', MANCER: 'mancer', APHRODITE: 'aphrodite', }; const textgenerationwebui_settings = { temp: 0.7, top_p: 0.5, top_k: 40, top_a: 0, tfs: 1, epsilon_cutoff: 0, eta_cutoff: 0, typical_p: 1, rep_pen: 1.2, rep_pen_range: 0, no_repeat_ngram_size: 0, penalty_alpha: 0, num_beams: 1, length_penalty: 1, min_length: 0, encoder_rep_pen: 1, do_sample: true, early_stopping: false, seed: -1, preset: 'Default', add_bos_token: true, stopping_strings: [], truncation_length: 2048, ban_eos_token: false, skip_special_tokens: true, streaming: false, streaming_url: 'ws://', mirostat_mode: 0, mirostat_tau: 5, mirostat_eta: 0.1, guidance_scale: 1, negative_prompt: '', grammar_string: '', banned_tokens: '', type: textgen_types.OOBA, }; export let textgenerationwebui_banned_in_macros = []; export let textgenerationwebui_presets = []; export let textgenerationwebui_preset_names = []; const setting_names = [ "temp", "rep_pen", "rep_pen_range", "no_repeat_ngram_size", "top_k", "top_p", "top_a", "tfs", "epsilon_cutoff", "eta_cutoff", "typical_p", "penalty_alpha", "num_beams", "length_penalty", "min_length", "encoder_rep_pen", "do_sample", "early_stopping", "seed", "add_bos_token", "ban_eos_token", "skip_special_tokens", "streaming", "streaming_url", "mirostat_mode", "mirostat_tau", "mirostat_eta", "guidance_scale", "negative_prompt", "grammar_string", "banned_tokens", ]; function selectPreset(name) { const preset = textgenerationwebui_presets[textgenerationwebui_preset_names.indexOf(name)]; if (!preset) { return; } textgenerationwebui_settings.preset = name; for (const name of setting_names) { const value = preset[name]; setSettingByName(name, value, true); } setGenerationParamsFromPreset(preset); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function formatTextGenURL(value, use_mancer) { try { const url = new URL(value); if (!power_user.relaxed_api_urls) { if (use_mancer) { // If Mancer is in use, only require the URL to *end* with `/api`. if (!url.pathname.endsWith('/api')) { return null; } } else { url.pathname = '/api'; } } return url.toString(); } catch { } // Just using URL as a validation check return null; } function convertPresets(presets) { return Array.isArray(presets) ? => JSON.parse(p)) : []; } /** * @returns {string} String with comma-separated banned token IDs */ function getCustomTokenBans() { if (!textgenerationwebui_settings.banned_tokens && !textgenerationwebui_banned_in_macros.length) { return ''; } const result = []; const sequences = textgenerationwebui_settings.banned_tokens .split('\n') .concat(textgenerationwebui_banned_in_macros) .filter(x => x.length > 0) .filter(onlyUnique); //debug if (textgenerationwebui_banned_in_macros.length) { console.log("=== Found banned word sequences in the macros:", textgenerationwebui_banned_in_macros, "Resulting array of banned sequences (will be used this generation turn):", sequences); } //clean old temporary bans found in macros before, for the next generation turn. textgenerationwebui_banned_in_macros = []; for (const line of sequences) { // Raw token ids, JSON serialized if (line.startsWith('[') && line.endsWith(']')) { try { const tokens = JSON.parse(line); if (Array.isArray(tokens) && tokens.every(t => Number.isInteger(t))) { result.push(...tokens); } else { throw new Error('Not an array of integers'); } } catch (err) { console.log(`Failed to parse bad word token list: ${line}`, err); } } else { try { const tokens = getTextTokens(tokenizers.LLAMA, line); result.push(...tokens); } catch { console.log(`Could not tokenize raw text: ${line}`); } } } return result.filter(onlyUnique).map(x => String(x)).join(','); } function loadTextGenSettings(data, settings) { textgenerationwebui_presets = convertPresets(data.textgenerationwebui_presets); textgenerationwebui_preset_names = data.textgenerationwebui_preset_names ?? []; Object.assign(textgenerationwebui_settings, settings.textgenerationwebui_settings ?? {}); if (settings.api_use_mancer_webui) { textgenerationwebui_settings.type = textgen_types.MANCER; } for (const name of textgenerationwebui_preset_names) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = name; option.innerText = name; $('#settings_preset_textgenerationwebui').append(option); } if (textgenerationwebui_settings.preset) { $('#settings_preset_textgenerationwebui').val(textgenerationwebui_settings.preset); } for (const i of setting_names) { const value = textgenerationwebui_settings[i]; setSettingByName(i, value); } $('#textgen_type').val(textgenerationwebui_settings.type).trigger('change'); } export function isMancer() { return textgenerationwebui_settings.type === textgen_types.MANCER; } export function isAphrodite() { return textgenerationwebui_settings.type === textgen_types.APHRODITE; } export function isOoba() { return textgenerationwebui_settings.type === textgen_types.OOBA; } export function getTextGenUrlSourceId() { switch (textgenerationwebui_settings.type) { case textgen_types.MANCER: return "#mancer_api_url_text"; case textgen_types.OOBA: return "#textgenerationwebui_api_url_text"; case textgen_types.APHRODITE: return "#aphrodite_api_url_text"; } } jQuery(function () { $('#textgen_type').on('change', function () { const type = String($(this).val()); textgenerationwebui_settings.type = type; $('[data-tg-type]').each(function () { const tgType = $(this).attr('data-tg-type'); if (tgType == type) { $(this).show(); } else { $(this).hide(); } }); if (isMancer()) { loadMancerModels(); } saveSettingsDebounced(); $('#api_button_textgenerationwebui').trigger('click'); }); $('#settings_preset_textgenerationwebui').on('change', function () { const presetName = $(this).val(); selectPreset(presetName); }); for (const i of setting_names) { $(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).attr("x-setting-id", i); $(document).on("input", `#${i}_textgenerationwebui`, function () { const isCheckbox = $(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox'; const isText = $(this).attr('type') == 'text' || $(this).is('textarea'); const id = $(this).attr("x-setting-id"); if (isCheckbox) { const value = $(this).prop('checked'); textgenerationwebui_settings[id] = value; } else if (isText) { const value = $(this).val(); textgenerationwebui_settings[id] = value; } else { const value = Number($(this).val()); $(`#${id}_counter_textgenerationwebui`).text(value.toFixed(2)); textgenerationwebui_settings[id] = value; } saveSettingsDebounced(); }); } }) function setSettingByName(i, value, trigger) { if (value === null || value === undefined) { return; } const isCheckbox = $(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).attr('type') == 'checkbox'; const isText = $(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).attr('type') == 'text' || $(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).is('textarea'); if (isCheckbox) { const val = Boolean(value); $(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).prop('checked', val); } else if (isText) { $(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).val(value); } else { const val = parseFloat(value); $(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).val(val); $(`#${i}_counter_textgenerationwebui`).text(val.toFixed(2)); } if (trigger) { $(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).trigger('input'); } } async function generateTextGenWithStreaming(generate_data, signal) { let streamingUrl = textgenerationwebui_settings.streaming_url; if (isMancer()) { streamingUrl = api_server_textgenerationwebui.replace("http", "ws") + "/v1/stream"; } if (isAphrodite()) { streamingUrl = api_server_textgenerationwebui; } if (isMancer() || isOoba()) { try { const parsedUrl = new URL(streamingUrl); if (parsedUrl.protocol !== 'ws:' && parsedUrl.protocol !== 'wss:') { throw new Error('Invalid protocol'); } } catch { toastr.error('Invalid URL for streaming. Make sure it starts with ws:// or wss://'); return async function* () { throw new Error('Invalid URL for streaming.'); } } } const response = await fetch('/generate_textgenerationwebui', { headers: { ...getRequestHeaders(), 'X-Response-Streaming': String(true), 'X-Streaming-URL': streamingUrl, }, body: JSON.stringify(generate_data), method: 'POST', signal: signal, }); return async function* streamData() { const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const reader = response.body.getReader(); let getMessage = ''; while (true) { const { done, value } = await; let response = decoder.decode(value); if (isAphrodite()) { const events = response.split('\n\n'); for (const event of events) { if (event.length == 0) { continue; } try { const { results } = JSON.parse(event); if (Array.isArray(results) && results.length > 0) { getMessage = results[0].text; yield getMessage; // unhang UI thread await delay(1); } } catch { // Ignore } } if (done) { return; } } else { getMessage += response; if (done) { return; } yield getMessage; } } } } export function getTextGenGenerationData(finalPrompt, this_amount_gen, isImpersonate, cfgValues) { return { 'prompt': finalPrompt, 'max_new_tokens': this_amount_gen, 'do_sample': textgenerationwebui_settings.do_sample, 'temperature': textgenerationwebui_settings.temp, 'top_p': textgenerationwebui_settings.top_p, 'typical_p': textgenerationwebui_settings.typical_p, 'repetition_penalty': textgenerationwebui_settings.rep_pen, 'repetition_penalty_range': textgenerationwebui_settings.rep_pen_range, 'encoder_repetition_penalty': textgenerationwebui_settings.encoder_rep_pen, 'top_k': textgenerationwebui_settings.top_k, 'min_length': textgenerationwebui_settings.min_length, 'no_repeat_ngram_size': textgenerationwebui_settings.no_repeat_ngram_size, 'num_beams': textgenerationwebui_settings.num_beams, 'penalty_alpha': textgenerationwebui_settings.penalty_alpha, 'length_penalty': textgenerationwebui_settings.length_penalty, 'early_stopping': textgenerationwebui_settings.early_stopping, 'guidance_scale': cfgValues?.guidanceScale?.value ?? textgenerationwebui_settings.guidance_scale ?? 1, 'negative_prompt': cfgValues?.negativePrompt ?? textgenerationwebui_settings.negative_prompt ?? '', 'seed': textgenerationwebui_settings.seed, 'add_bos_token': textgenerationwebui_settings.add_bos_token, 'stopping_strings': getStoppingStrings(isImpersonate), 'truncation_length': max_context, 'ban_eos_token': textgenerationwebui_settings.ban_eos_token, 'skip_special_tokens': textgenerationwebui_settings.skip_special_tokens, 'top_a': textgenerationwebui_settings.top_a, 'tfs': textgenerationwebui_settings.tfs, 'epsilon_cutoff': textgenerationwebui_settings.epsilon_cutoff, 'eta_cutoff': textgenerationwebui_settings.eta_cutoff, 'mirostat_mode': textgenerationwebui_settings.mirostat_mode, 'mirostat_tau': textgenerationwebui_settings.mirostat_tau, 'mirostat_eta': textgenerationwebui_settings.mirostat_eta, 'grammar_string': textgenerationwebui_settings.grammar_string, 'custom_token_bans': getCustomTokenBans(), 'use_mancer': isMancer(), 'use_aphrodite': isAphrodite(), }; }