import { getBase64Async } from "../../utils.js"; import { getContext, getApiUrl, doExtrasFetch, extension_settings } from "../../extensions.js"; import { callPopup, saveSettingsDebounced } from "../../../script.js"; import { getMessageTimeStamp } from "../../RossAscends-mods.js"; export { MODULE_NAME }; const MODULE_NAME = 'caption'; const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000; async function moduleWorker() { $('#send_picture').toggle(getContext().onlineStatus !== 'no_connection'); } async function setImageIcon() { try { const sendButton = $('#send_picture .extensionsMenuExtensionButton'); sendButton.addClass('fa-image'); sendButton.removeClass('fa-hourglass-half'); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } async function setSpinnerIcon() { try { const sendButton = $('#send_picture .extensionsMenuExtensionButton'); sendButton.removeClass('fa-image'); sendButton.addClass('fa-hourglass-half'); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } async function sendCaptionedMessage(caption, image) { const context = getContext(); let messageText = `[${context.name1} sends ${context.name2 ?? ''} a picture that contains: ${caption}]`; if (extension_settings.caption.refine_mode) { messageText = await callPopup( '

Review and edit the generated message:

Press "Cancel" to abort the caption sending.', 'input', messageText, { rows: 5, okButton: 'Send' }); if (!messageText) { throw new Error('User aborted the caption sending.'); } } const message = { name: context.name1, is_user: true, is_name: true, send_date: getMessageTimeStamp(), mes: messageText, extra: { image: image, title: messageText, }, };; context.addOneMessage(message); await context.generate('caption'); } async function onSelectImage(e) { setSpinnerIcon(); const file =[0]; if (!file) { return; } try { const base64Img = await getBase64Async(file); const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/caption'; const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder': 'bypass', }, body: JSON.stringify({ image: base64Img.split(',')[1] }) }); if (apiResult.ok) { const data = await apiResult.json(); const caption = data.caption; const imageToSave = data.thumbnail ? `data:image/jpeg;base64,${data.thumbnail}` : base64Img; await sendCaptionedMessage(caption, imageToSave); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } finally {; setImageIcon(); } } function onRefineModeInput() { extension_settings.caption.refine_mode = $('#caption_refine_mode').prop('checked'); saveSettingsDebounced(); } jQuery(function () { function addSendPictureButton() { const sendButton = $(`
Send a picture
`); $('#extensionsMenu').prepend(sendButton); $(sendButton).hide(); $(sendButton).on('click', () => $('#img_file').trigger('click')); } function addPictureSendForm() { const inputHtml = ``; const imgForm = document.createElement('form'); = 'img_form'; $(imgForm).append(inputHtml); $(imgForm).hide(); $('#form_sheld').append(imgForm); $('#img_file').on('change', onSelectImage); } function addSettings() { const html = `
Image Captioning
`; $('#extensions_settings2').append(html); } addSettings(); addPictureSendForm(); addSendPictureButton(); setImageIcon(); moduleWorker(); $('#caption_refine_mode').prop('checked', !!(extension_settings.caption.refine_mode)); $('#caption_refine_mode').on('input', onRefineModeInput); setInterval(moduleWorker, UPDATE_INTERVAL); });