import { characters, saveChat, system_messages, system_message_types, this_chid, openCharacterChat, chat_metadata, getRequestHeaders, getThumbnailUrl, getCharacters, chat, saveChatConditional, saveItemizedPrompts, } from '../script.js'; import { humanizedDateTime, getMessageTimeStamp } from './RossAscends-mods.js'; import { getGroupPastChats, group_activation_strategy, groups, openGroupById, openGroupChat, saveGroupBookmarkChat, selected_group, } from './group-chats.js'; import { hideLoader, showLoader } from './loader.js'; import { getLastMessageId } from './macros.js'; import { Popup } from './popup.js'; import { SlashCommand } from './slash-commands/SlashCommand.js'; import { ARGUMENT_TYPE, SlashCommandArgument, SlashCommandNamedArgument } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandArgument.js'; import { commonEnumProviders } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandCommonEnumsProvider.js'; import { SlashCommandParser } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandParser.js'; import { createTagMapFromList } from './tags.js'; import { renderTemplateAsync } from './templates.js'; import { getUniqueName, isTrueBoolean, } from './utils.js'; const bookmarkNameToken = 'Checkpoint #'; async function getExistingChatNames() { if (selected_group) { const data = await getGroupPastChats(selected_group); return => x.file_name); } else { const response = await fetch('/api/characters/chats', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ avatar_url: characters[this_chid].avatar }), }); if (response.ok) { const data = await response.json(); return Object.values(data).map(x => x.file_name.replace('.jsonl', '')); } } } async function getBookmarkName({ isReplace = false, forceName = null } = {}) { const chatNames = await getExistingChatNames(); const body = await renderTemplateAsync('createCheckpoint', { isReplace: isReplace }); let name = forceName ?? await'Create Checkpoint', body); // Special handling for confirmed empty input (=> auto-generate name) if (name === '') { for (let i = chatNames.length; i < 1000; i++) { name = bookmarkNameToken + i; if (!chatNames.includes(name)) { break; } } } if (!name) { return null; } return `${name} - ${humanizedDateTime()}`; } function getMainChatName() { if (chat_metadata) { if (chat_metadata['main_chat']) { return chat_metadata['main_chat']; } // groups didn't support bookmarks before chat metadata was introduced else if (selected_group) { return null; } else if (characters[this_chid].chat && characters[this_chid].chat.includes(bookmarkNameToken)) { const tokenIndex = characters[this_chid].chat.lastIndexOf(bookmarkNameToken); chat_metadata['main_chat'] = characters[this_chid].chat.substring(0, tokenIndex).trim(); return chat_metadata['main_chat']; } } return null; } export function showBookmarksButtons() { try { if (selected_group) { $('#option_convert_to_group').hide(); } else { $('#option_convert_to_group').show(); } if (chat_metadata['main_chat']) { // In bookmark chat $('#option_back_to_main').show(); $('#option_new_bookmark').show(); } else if (!selected_group && !characters[this_chid].chat) { // No chat recorded on character $('#option_back_to_main').hide(); $('#option_new_bookmark').hide(); } else { // In main chat $('#option_back_to_main').hide(); $('#option_new_bookmark').show(); } } catch { $('#option_back_to_main').hide(); $('#option_new_bookmark').hide(); $('#option_convert_to_group').hide(); } } async function saveBookmarkMenu() { if (!chat.length) { toastr.warning('The chat is empty.', 'Checkpoint creation failed'); return; } return await createNewBookmark(chat.length - 1); } // Export is used by Timelines extension. Do not remove. export async function createBranch(mesId) { if (!chat.length) { toastr.warning('The chat is empty.', 'Branch creation failed'); return; } if (mesId < 0 || mesId >= chat.length) { toastr.warning('Invalid message ID.', 'Branch creation failed'); return; } const lastMes = chat[mesId]; const mainChat = selected_group ? groups?.find(x => == selected_group)?.chat_id : characters[this_chid].chat; const newMetadata = { main_chat: mainChat }; let name = `Branch #${mesId} - ${humanizedDateTime()}`; if (selected_group) { await saveGroupBookmarkChat(selected_group, name, newMetadata, mesId); } else { await saveChat(name, newMetadata, mesId); } // append to branches list if it exists // otherwise create it if (typeof lastMes.extra !== 'object') { lastMes.extra = {}; } if (typeof lastMes.extra['branches'] !== 'object') { lastMes.extra['branches'] = []; } lastMes.extra['branches'].push(name); return name; } /** * Creates a new bookmark for a message. * * @param {number} mesId - The ID of the message. * @param {Object} [options={}] - Optional parameters. * @param {string?} [options.forceName=null] - The name to force for the bookmark. * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves to the bookmark name when the bookmark is created. */ export async function createNewBookmark(mesId, { forceName = null } = {}) { if (this_chid === undefined && !selected_group) {'No character selected.', 'Create Checkpoint'); return null; } if (!chat.length) { toastr.warning('The chat is empty.', 'Create Checkpoint'); return null; } if (!chat[mesId]) { toastr.warning('Invalid message ID.', 'Create Checkpoint'); return null; } const lastMes = chat[mesId]; if (typeof lastMes.extra !== 'object') { lastMes.extra = {}; } const isReplace = lastMes.extra.bookmark_link; let name = await getBookmarkName({ isReplace: isReplace, forceName: forceName }); if (!name) { return null; } const mainChat = selected_group ? groups?.find(x => == selected_group)?.chat_id : characters[this_chid].chat; const newMetadata = { main_chat: mainChat }; await saveItemizedPrompts(name); if (selected_group) { await saveGroupBookmarkChat(selected_group, name, newMetadata, mesId); } else { await saveChat(name, newMetadata, mesId); } lastMes.extra['bookmark_link'] = name; const mes = $(`.mes[mesid="${mesId}"]`); updateBookmarkDisplay(mes, name); await saveChatConditional(); toastr.success('Click the flag icon next to the message to open the checkpoint chat.', 'Create Checkpoint', { timeOut: 10000 }); return name; } /** * Updates the display of the bookmark on a chat message. * @param {JQuery} mes - The message element * @param {string?} [newBookmarkLink=null] - The new bookmark link (optional) */ export function updateBookmarkDisplay(mes, newBookmarkLink = null) { newBookmarkLink && mes.attr('bookmark_link', newBookmarkLink); const bookmarkFlag = mes.find('.mes_bookmark'); bookmarkFlag.attr('title', `Checkpoint\n${mes.attr('bookmark_link')}\n\n${'tooltip')}`); } async function backToMainChat() { const mainChatName = getMainChatName(); const allChats = await getExistingChatNames(); if (allChats.includes(mainChatName)) { if (selected_group) { await openGroupChat(selected_group, mainChatName); } else { await openCharacterChat(mainChatName); } return mainChatName; } return null; } export async function convertSoloToGroupChat() { if (selected_group) { console.log('Already in group. No need for conversion'); return; } if (this_chid === undefined) { console.log('Need to have a character selected'); return; } const confirm = await'Convert to group chat', 'Are you sure you want to convert this chat to a group chat?
This cannot be reverted.'); if (!confirm) { return; } const character = characters[this_chid]; // Populate group required fields const name = getUniqueName(`Group: ${}`, y => groups.findIndex(x => === y) !== -1); const avatar = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', character.avatar); const chatName = humanizedDateTime(); const chats = [chatName]; const members = [character.avatar]; const activationStrategy = group_activation_strategy.NATURAL; const allowSelfResponses = false; const favChecked = character.fav || character.fav == 'true'; /** @type {any} */ const metadata = Object.assign({}, chat_metadata); delete metadata.main_chat; const createGroupResponse = await fetch('/api/groups/create', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ name: name, members: members, avatar_url: avatar, allow_self_responses: activationStrategy, activation_strategy: allowSelfResponses, disabled_members: [], chat_metadata: metadata, fav: favChecked, chat_id: chatName, chats: chats, }), }); if (!createGroupResponse.ok) { console.error('Group creation unsuccessful'); return; } const group = await createGroupResponse.json(); // Convert tags list and assign to group createTagMapFromList('#tagList',; // Update chars list await getCharacters(); // Convert chat to group format const groupChat = chat.slice(); const genIdFirst =; // Add something if the chat is empty if (groupChat.length === 0) { const newMessage = { ...system_messages[system_message_types.GROUP], send_date: getMessageTimeStamp(), extra: { type: system_message_types.GROUP }, }; groupChat.push(newMessage); } for (let index = 0; index < groupChat.length; index++) { const message = groupChat[index]; // Save group-chat marker if (index == 0) { message.is_group = true; } // Skip messages we don't care about if (message.is_user || message.is_system || message.extra?.type === system_message_types.NARRATOR || message.force_avatar !== undefined) { continue; } // Set force fields for solo character =; message.original_avatar = character.avatar; message.force_avatar = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', character.avatar); // Allow regens of a single message in group if (typeof message.extra !== 'object') { message.extra = { gen_id: genIdFirst + index }; } } // Save group chat const createChatResponse = await fetch('/api/chats/group/save', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ id: chatName, chat: groupChat }), }); if (!createChatResponse.ok) { console.error('Group chat creation unsuccessful'); toastr.error('Group chat creation unsuccessful'); return; } // Click on the freshly selected group to open it await openGroupById(; toastr.success('The chat has been successfully converted!'); } /** * Creates a new branch from the message with the given ID * @param {number} mesId Message ID * @returns {Promise} Branch file name */ export async function branchChat(mesId) { if (this_chid === undefined && !selected_group) {'No character selected.', 'Create Branch'); return null; } const fileName = await createBranch(mesId); await saveItemizedPrompts(fileName); if (selected_group) { await openGroupChat(selected_group, fileName); } else { await openCharacterChat(fileName); } return fileName; } function registerBookmarksSlashCommands() { /** * Validates a message ID. (Is a number, exists as a message) * * @param {number} mesId - The message ID to validate. * @param {string} context - The context of the slash command. Will be used as the title of any toasts. * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the message ID is valid, otherwise false. */ function validateMessageId(mesId, context) { if (isNaN(mesId)) { toastr.warning('Invalid message ID was provided', context); return false; } if (!chat[mesId]) { toastr.warning(`Message for id ${mesId} not found`, context); return false; } return true; } SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'branch-create', returns: 'Name of the new branch', callback: async (args, text) => { const mesId = Number(args.mesId ?? text ?? getLastMessageId()); if (!validateMessageId(mesId, 'Create Branch')) return ''; const branchName = await branchChat(mesId); return branchName ?? ''; }, unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Message ID', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.messages(), }), ], helpString: `
Create a new branch from the selected message. If no message id is provided, will use the last message.
Creating a branch will automatically choose a name for the branch.
After creating the branch, the branch chat will be automatically opened.
Use Checkpoints and /checkpoint-create instead if you do not want to jump to the new chat.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-create', returns: 'Name of the new checkpoint', callback: async (args, text) => { const mesId = Number(args.mesId ?? getLastMessageId()); if (!validateMessageId(mesId, 'Create Checkpoint')) return ''; if (typeof text !== 'string') { toastr.warning('Checkpoint name must be a string or empty', 'Create Checkpoint'); return ''; } const checkPointName = await createNewBookmark(mesId, { forceName: text }); return checkPointName ?? ''; }, namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'mesId', description: 'Message ID', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.messages(), }), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Checkpoint name', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], }), ], helpString: `
Create a new checkpoint for the selected message with the provided name. If no message id is provided, will use the last message.
Leave the checkpoint name empty to auto-generate one.
A created checkpoint will be permanently linked with the message.
If a checkpoint already exists, the link to it will be overwritten.
After creating the checkpoint, the checkpoint chat can be opened with the checkpoint flag, using the /go command with the checkpoint name or the /checkpoint-go command on the message.
Use Branches and /branch-create instead if you do want to jump to the new chat.
  • /checkpoint-create mes={{lastCharMessage}} Checkpoint for char reply | /setvar key=rememberCheckpoint {{pipe}}
    Will create a new checkpoint to the latest message of the current character, and save it as a local variable for future use.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-go', returns: 'Name of the checkpoint', callback: async (args, text) => { const mesId = Number(args.mesId ?? text ?? getLastMessageId()); if (!validateMessageId(mesId, 'Open Checkpoint')) return ''; const checkPointName = chat[mesId].extra?.bookmark_link; if (!checkPointName) { toastr.warning('No checkpoint is linked to the selected message', 'Open Checkpoint'); return ''; } if (selected_group) { await openGroupChat(selected_group, checkPointName); } else { await openCharacterChat(checkPointName); } return checkPointName; }, unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Message ID', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.messages(), }), ], helpString: `
Open the checkpoint linked to the selected message. If no message id is provided, will use the last message.
Use /checkpoint-get if you want to make sure that the selected message has a checkpoint.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-exit', returns: 'The name of the chat exited to. Returns an empty string if not in a checkpoint chat.', callback: async () => { const mainChat = await backToMainChat(); return mainChat ?? ''; }, helpString: 'Exit the checkpoint chat.
If not in a checkpoint chat, returns empty string.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-parent', returns: 'Name of the parent chat for this checkpoint', callback: async () => { const mainChatName = getMainChatName(); return mainChatName ?? ''; }, helpString: 'Get the name of the parent chat for this checkpoint.
If not in a checkpoint chat, returns empty string.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-get', returns: 'Name of the chat', callback: async (args, text) => { const mesId = Number(args.mesId ?? text ?? getLastMessageId()); if (!validateMessageId(mesId, 'Get Checkpoint')) return ''; const checkPointName = chat[mesId].extra?.bookmark_link; return checkPointName ?? ''; }, unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Message ID', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.messages(), }), ], helpString: `
Get the name of the checkpoint linked to the selected message. If no message id is provided, will use the last message.
If no checkpoint is linked, the result will be empty.
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-list', returns: 'JSON array of all existing checkpoints in this chat, as an array', /** @param {{links?: string}} args @returns {Promise} */ callback: async (args, _) => { const result = Object.entries(chat) .filter(([_, message]) => message.extra?.bookmark_link) .map(([mesId, message]) => isTrueBoolean(args.links) ? message.extra.bookmark_link : Number(mesId)); return JSON.stringify(result); }, namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'links', description: 'Get a list of all links / chat names of the checkpoints, instead of the message ids', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN], enumList: commonEnumProviders.boolean('trueFalse')(), defaultValue: 'false', }), ], helpString: `
List all existing checkpoints in this chat.
Returns a list of all message ids that have a checkpoint, or all checkpoint links if links is set to true.
The value will be a JSON array.
`, })); } export function initBookmarks() { $('#option_new_bookmark').on('click', saveBookmarkMenu); $('#option_back_to_main').on('click', backToMainChat); $('#option_convert_to_group').on('click', convertSoloToGroupChat); $(document).on('click', '.select_chat_block, .mes_bookmark', async function (e) { // If shift is held down, we are not following the bookmark, but creating a new one const mes = $(this).closest('.mes'); if (e.shiftKey && mes.length) { const selectedMesId = mes.attr('mesid'); await createNewBookmark(Number(selectedMesId)); return; } const fileName = $(this).hasClass('mes_bookmark') ? $(this).closest('.mes').attr('bookmark_link') : $(this).attr('file_name').replace('.jsonl', ''); if (!fileName) { return; } try { showLoader(); if (selected_group) { await openGroupChat(selected_group, fileName); } else { await openCharacterChat(fileName); } } finally { await hideLoader(); } $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').css('display', 'none'); }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_create_bookmark', async function () { const mesId = $(this).closest('.mes').attr('mesid'); if (mesId !== undefined) { await createNewBookmark(Number(mesId)); } }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_create_branch', async function () { const mesId = $(this).closest('.mes').attr('mesid'); if (mesId !== undefined) { await branchChat(Number(mesId)); } }); registerBookmarksSlashCommands(); }