import { api_server_textgenerationwebui, getRequestHeaders, setGenerationParamsFromPreset } from "../script.js"; import { getDeviceInfo } from "./RossAscends-mods.js"; let models = []; /** * @param {string} modelId */ export function getMancerModelURL(modelId) { return `${modelId}/api`; } export async function loadMancerModels() { try { const response = await fetch('/api/mancer/models', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), }); if (!response.ok) { return; } const data = await response.json(); models = data; $('#mancer_model').empty(); for (const model of data) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value =; option.text =; option.selected = api_server_textgenerationwebui === getMancerModelURL(; $('#mancer_model').append(option); } } catch { console.warn('Failed to load Mancer models'); } } function onMancerModelSelect() { const modelId = String($('#mancer_model').val()); const url = getMancerModelURL(modelId); $('#mancer_api_url_text').val(url); $('#api_button_textgenerationwebui').trigger('click'); const context = models.find(x => === modelId)?.context; setGenerationParamsFromPreset({ max_length: context }); } function getMancerModelTemplate(option) { const model = models.find(x => === option?.element?.value); if (! || !model) { return option.text; } return $((`
${DOMPurify.sanitize(} | ${model.context} ctx
`)); } jQuery(function () { $('#mancer_model').on('change', onMancerModelSelect); const deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(); if (deviceInfo && deviceInfo.device.type === 'desktop') { $('#mancer_model').select2({ placeholder: 'Select a model', searchInputPlaceholder: 'Search models...', searchInputCssClass: 'text_pole', width: '100%', templateResult: getMancerModelTemplate, }); } });