import { power_user } from '../power-user.js'; import { isTrueBoolean, uuidv4 } from '../utils.js'; import { SlashCommand } from './SlashCommand.js'; import { ARGUMENT_TYPE, SlashCommandArgument } from './SlashCommandArgument.js'; import { SlashCommandClosure } from './SlashCommandClosure.js'; import { SlashCommandExecutor } from './SlashCommandExecutor.js'; import { SlashCommandParserError } from './SlashCommandParserError.js'; import { AutoCompleteNameResult } from '../autocomplete/AutoCompleteNameResult.js'; import { SlashCommandQuickReplyAutoCompleteOption } from './SlashCommandQuickReplyAutoCompleteOption.js'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars import { SlashCommandScope } from './SlashCommandScope.js'; import { SlashCommandVariableAutoCompleteOption } from './SlashCommandVariableAutoCompleteOption.js'; import { SlashCommandNamedArgumentAssignment } from './SlashCommandNamedArgumentAssignment.js'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars import { SlashCommandAbortController } from './SlashCommandAbortController.js'; import { SlashCommandAutoCompleteNameResult } from './SlashCommandAutoCompleteNameResult.js'; import { SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment } from './SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment.js'; import { SlashCommandEnumValue } from './SlashCommandEnumValue.js'; import { MacroAutoCompleteOption } from '../autocomplete/MacroAutoCompleteOption.js'; /**@readonly*/ /**@enum {Number}*/ export const PARSER_FLAG = { 'STRICT_ESCAPING': 1, 'REPLACE_GETVAR': 2, }; export class SlashCommandParser { // @ts-ignore /**@type {Object.}*/ static commands = {}; /** * @deprecated Use SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject() instead. * @param {string} command Command name * @param {(namedArguments:Object., unnamedArguments:string|SlashCommandClosure|(string|SlashCommandClosure)[])=>string|SlashCommandClosure|void|Promise} callback The function to execute when the command is called * @param {string[]} aliases List of alternative command names * @param {string} helpString Help text shown in autocomplete and command browser */ static addCommand(command, callback, aliases, helpString = '') { this.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: command, callback, aliases, helpString, })); } /** * * @param {SlashCommand} command */ static addCommandObject(command) { const reserved = ['/', '#', ':', 'parser-flag']; for (const start of reserved) { if ( || (command.aliases ?? []).find(a=>a.toLowerCase().startsWith(start))) { throw new Error(`Illegal Name. Slash command name cannot begin with "${start}".`); } } this.addCommandObjectUnsafe(command); } /** * * @param {SlashCommand} command */ static addCommandObjectUnsafe(command) { if ([, ...command.aliases].some(x => Object.hasOwn(this.commands, x))) { console.trace('WARN: Duplicate slash command registered!', [, ...command.aliases]); } this.commands[] = command; if (Array.isArray(command.aliases)) { command.aliases.forEach((alias) => { this.commands[alias] = command; }); } } get commands() { return SlashCommandParser.commands; } // @ts-ignore /**@type {Object.}*/ helpStrings = {}; /**@type {boolean}*/ verifyCommandNames = true; /**@type {string}*/ text; /**@type {number}*/ index; /**@type {SlashCommandAbortController}*/ abortController; /**@type {SlashCommandScope}*/ scope; /**@type {SlashCommandClosure}*/ closure; /**@type {Object.}*/ flags = {}; /**@type {boolean}*/ jumpedEscapeSequence = false; /**@type {{start:number, end:number}[]}*/ closureIndex; /**@type {{start:number, end:number, name:string}[]}*/ macroIndex; /**@type {SlashCommandExecutor[]}*/ commandIndex; /**@type {SlashCommandScope[]}*/ scopeIndex; get userIndex() { return this.index; } get ahead() { return this.text.slice(this.index + 1); } get behind() { return this.text.slice(0, this.index); } get char() { return this.text[this.index]; } get endOfText() { return this.index >= this.text.length || /^\s+$/.test(this.ahead); } constructor() { // add dummy commands for help strings / autocomplete if (!Object.keys(this.commands).includes('parser-flag')) { const help = {}; help[PARSER_FLAG.REPLACE_GETVAR] = 'Replace all {{getvar::}} and {{getglobalvar::}} macros with scoped variables to avoid double macro substitution.'; help[PARSER_FLAG.STRICT_ESCAPING] = 'Allows to escape all delimiters with backslash, and allows escaping of backslashes.'; SlashCommandParser.addCommandObjectUnsafe(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'parser-flag', unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'The parser flag to modify.', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: true, enumList: Object.keys(PARSER_FLAG).map(flag=>new SlashCommandEnumValue(flag, help[PARSER_FLAG[flag]])), }), SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'The state of the parser flag to set.', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN], defaultValue: 'on', enumList: ['on', 'off'], }), ], splitUnnamedArgument: true, helpString: 'Set a parser flag.', })); } if (!Object.keys(this.commands).includes('/')) { SlashCommandParser.addCommandObjectUnsafe(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: '/', aliases: ['#'], unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'commentary', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], }), ], helpString: 'Write a comment.', })); } //TODO should not be re-registered from every instance this.registerLanguage(); } registerLanguage() { // NUMBER mode is copied from highlightjs's own implementation for JavaScript // const decimalDigits = '[0-9](_?[0-9])*'; const frac = `\\.(${decimalDigits})`; // DecimalIntegerLiteral, including Annex B NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral // const decimalInteger = '0|[1-9](_?[0-9])*|0[0-7]*[89][0-9]*'; const NUMBER = { className: 'number', variants: [ // DecimalLiteral { begin: `(\\b(${decimalInteger})((${frac})|\\.)?|(${frac}))` + `[eE][+-]?(${decimalDigits})\\b` }, { begin: `\\b(${decimalInteger})\\b((${frac})\\b|\\.)?|(${frac})\\b` }, // DecimalBigIntegerLiteral { begin: '\\b(0|[1-9](_?[0-9])*)n\\b' }, // NonDecimalIntegerLiteral { begin: '\\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*n?\\b' }, { begin: '\\b0[bB][0-1](_?[0-1])*n?\\b' }, { begin: '\\b0[oO][0-7](_?[0-7])*n?\\b' }, // LegacyOctalIntegerLiteral (does not include underscore separators) // { begin: '\\b0[0-7]+n?\\b' }, ], relevance: 0, }; function getQuotedRunRegex() { try { return new RegExp('(".+?(?({ case_insensitive: false, keywords: ['|'], contains: [ hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, COMMENT, ABORT, RUN, LET, GETVAR, SETVAR, COMMAND, CLOSURE, ], })); } getHelpString() { return '
'; } /** * * @param {*} text The text to parse. * @param {*} index Index to check for names (cursor position). */ async getNameAt(text, index) { if (this.text != text) { try { this.parse(text, false); } catch (e) { // do nothing console.warn(e); } } const executor = this.commandIndex .filter(it=>it.start <= index && (it.end >= index || it.end == null)) .slice(-1)[0] ?? null ; if (executor) { const childClosure = this.closureIndex .find(it=>it.start <= index && (it.end >= index || it.end == null) && it.start > executor.start) ?? null ; if (childClosure !== null) return null; const macro = this.macroIndex.findLast(it=>it.start <= index && it.end >= index); if (macro) { const frag = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(await (await fetch('/scripts/templates/macros.html')).text()); const options = [...frag.querySelectorAll('ul:nth-of-type(2n+1) > li')].map(li=>new MacroAutoCompleteOption( li.querySelector('tt').textContent.slice(2, -2).replace(/^([^\s:]+[\s:]+).*$/, '$1'), li.querySelector('tt').textContent, (li.querySelector('tt').remove(),li.innerHTML), )); const result = new AutoCompleteNameResult(, macro.start + 2, options, false, ()=>`No matching macros for "{{${}}}"`, ()=>'No macros found.', ); return result; } if ( == ':') { const options = this.scopeIndex[this.commandIndex.indexOf(executor)] ?.allVariableNames ?.map(it=>new SlashCommandVariableAutoCompleteOption(it)) ?? [] ; try { const qrApi = (await import('../extensions/quick-reply/index.js')).quickReplyApi; options.push(...qrApi.listSets() .map(set=>qrApi.listQuickReplies(set).map(qr=>`${set}.${qr}`)) .flat() .map(qr=>new SlashCommandQuickReplyAutoCompleteOption(qr)), ); } catch { /* empty */ } const result = new AutoCompleteNameResult( executor.unnamedArgumentList[0]?.value.toString(), executor.start, options, true, ()=>`No matching variables in scope and no matching Quick Replies for "${}"`, ()=>'No variables in scope and no Quick Replies found.', ); return result; } const result = new SlashCommandAutoCompleteNameResult(executor, this.commands); return result; } return null; } /** * Moves the index number of characters forward and returns the last character taken. * @param {number} length Number of characters to take. * @param {boolean} keep Whether to add the characters to the kept text. * @returns The last character taken. */ take(length = 1) { this.jumpedEscapeSequence = false; let content = this.char; this.index++; if (length > 1) { content = this.take(length - 1); } return content; } discardWhitespace() { while (/\s/.test(this.char)) { this.take(); // discard whitespace this.jumpedEscapeSequence = false; } } /** * Tests if the next characters match a symbol. * Moves the index forward if the next characters are backslashes directly followed by the symbol. * Expects that the current char is taken after testing. * @param {string|RegExp} sequence Sequence of chars or regex character group that is the symbol. * @param {number} offset Offset from the current index (won't move the index if offset != 0). * @returns Whether the next characters are the indicated symbol. */ testSymbol(sequence, offset = 0) { if (!this.flags[PARSER_FLAG.STRICT_ESCAPING]) return this.testSymbolLooseyGoosey(sequence, offset); // /echo abc | /echo def // -> TOAST: abc // -> TOAST: def // /echo abc \| /echo def // -> TOAST: abc | /echo def // /echo abc \\| /echo def // -> TOAST: abc \ // -> TOAST: def // /echo abc \\\| /echo def // -> TOAST: abc \| /echo def // /echo abc \\\\| /echo def // -> TOAST: abc \\ // -> TOAST: def // /echo title=\:} \{: | /echo title=\{: \:} // -> TOAST: *:}* {: // -> TOAST: *{:* :} const escapeOffset = this.jumpedEscapeSequence ? -1 : 0; const escapes = this.text.slice(this.index + offset + escapeOffset).replace(/^(\\*).*$/s, '$1').length; const test = (sequence instanceof RegExp) ? (text) => new RegExp(`^${sequence.source}`).test(text) : (text) => text.startsWith(sequence) ; if (test(this.text.slice(this.index + offset + escapeOffset + escapes))) { // no backslashes before sequence // -> sequence found if (escapes == 0) return true; // uneven number of backslashes before sequence // = the final backslash escapes the sequence // = every preceding pair is one literal backslash // -> move index forward to skip the backslash escaping the first backslash or the symbol // even number of backslashes before sequence // = every pair is one literal backslash // -> move index forward to skip the backslash escaping the first backslash if (!this.jumpedEscapeSequence && offset == 0) { this.index++; this.jumpedEscapeSequence = true; } return false; } } testSymbolLooseyGoosey(sequence, offset = 0) { const escapeOffset = this.jumpedEscapeSequence ? -1 : 0; const escapes = this.text[this.index + offset + escapeOffset] == '\\' ? 1 : 0; const test = (sequence instanceof RegExp) ? (text) => new RegExp(`^${sequence.source}`).test(text) : (text) => text.startsWith(sequence) ; if (test(this.text.slice(this.index + offset + escapeOffset + escapes))) { // no backslashes before sequence // -> sequence found if (escapes == 0) return true; // otherwise // -> sequence found if (!this.jumpedEscapeSequence && offset == 0) { this.index++; this.jumpedEscapeSequence = true; } return false; } } replaceGetvar(value) { return value.replace(/{{(get(?:global)?var)::([^}]+)}}/gi, (_, cmd, name) => { name = name.trim(); // store pipe const pipeName = `_PARSER_${uuidv4()}`; const storePipe = new SlashCommandExecutor(null); { storePipe.command = this.commands['let']; = 'let'; const nameAss = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); nameAss.value = pipeName; const valAss = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); valAss.value = '{{pipe}}'; storePipe.unnamedArgumentList = [nameAss, valAss]; this.closure.executorList.push(storePipe); } // getvar / getglobalvar const getvar = new SlashCommandExecutor(null); { getvar.command = this.commands[cmd]; = 'cmd'; const nameAss = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); nameAss.value = name; getvar.unnamedArgumentList = [nameAss]; this.closure.executorList.push(getvar); } // set to temp scoped var const varName = `_PARSER_${uuidv4()}`; const setvar = new SlashCommandExecutor(null); { setvar.command = this.commands['let']; = 'let'; const nameAss = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); nameAss.value = varName; const valAss = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); valAss.value = '{{pipe}}'; setvar.unnamedArgumentList = [nameAss, valAss]; this.closure.executorList.push(setvar); } // return pipe const returnPipe = new SlashCommandExecutor(null); { returnPipe.command = this.commands['return']; = 'return'; const varAss = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); varAss.value = `{{var::${pipeName}}}`; returnPipe.unnamedArgumentList = [varAss]; this.closure.executorList.push(returnPipe); } return `{{var::${varName}}}`; }); } parse(text, verifyCommandNames = true, flags = null, abortController = null) { this.verifyCommandNames = verifyCommandNames; for (const key of Object.keys(PARSER_FLAG)) { this.flags[PARSER_FLAG[key]] = flags?.[PARSER_FLAG[key]] ?? power_user.stscript.parser.flags[PARSER_FLAG[key]] ?? false; } this.abortController = abortController; this.text = text; this.index = 0; this.scope = null; this.closureIndex = []; this.commandIndex = []; this.scopeIndex = []; this.macroIndex = []; const closure = this.parseClosure(true); return closure; } testClosure() { return this.testSymbol('{:'); } testClosureEnd() { if (!this.scope.parent) { // "root" closure does not have {: and :} if (this.index >= this.text.length) return true; return false; } if (!this.verifyCommandNames) { if (this.index >= this.text.length) return true; } else { if (this.ahead.length < 1) throw new SlashCommandParserError(`Unclosed closure at position ${this.userIndex}`, this.text, this.index); } return this.testSymbol(':}'); } parseClosure(isRoot = false) { const closureIndexEntry = { start:this.index + 1, end:null }; this.closureIndex.push(closureIndexEntry); let injectPipe = true; if (!isRoot) this.take(2); // discard opening {: let closure = new SlashCommandClosure(this.scope); closure.abortController = this.abortController; this.scope = closure.scope; this.closure = closure; this.discardWhitespace(); while (this.testNamedArgument()) { const arg = this.parseNamedArgument(); closure.argumentList.push(arg); this.scope.variableNames.push(; this.discardWhitespace(); } while (!this.testClosureEnd()) { if (this.testComment()) { this.parseComment(); } else if (this.testParserFlag()) { this.parseParserFlag(); } else if (this.testRunShorthand()) { const cmd = this.parseRunShorthand(); closure.executorList.push(cmd); injectPipe = true; } else if (this.testCommand()) { const cmd = this.parseCommand(); cmd.injectPipe = injectPipe; closure.executorList.push(cmd); injectPipe = true; } else { while (!this.testCommandEnd()) this.take(); // discard plain text and comments } this.discardWhitespace(); // first pipe marks end of command if (this.testSymbol('|')) { this.take(); // discard first pipe // second pipe indicates no pipe injection for the next command if (this.testSymbol('|')) { injectPipe = false; this.take(); // discard second pipe } } this.discardWhitespace(); // discard further whitespace } if (!isRoot) this.take(2); // discard closing :} if (this.testSymbol('()')) { this.take(2); // discard () closure.executeNow = true; } closureIndexEntry.end = this.index - 1; this.discardWhitespace(); // discard trailing whitespace this.scope = closure.scope.parent; return closure; } testComment() { return this.testSymbol(/\/[/#]/); } testCommentEnd() { return this.testCommandEnd(); } parseComment() { const start = this.index + 1; const cmd = new SlashCommandExecutor(start); cmd.command = this.commands['/']; this.commandIndex.push(cmd); this.scopeIndex.push(this.scope.getCopy()); this.take(); // discard "/" = this.take(); // set second "/" or "#" as name while (!this.testCommentEnd()) this.take(); cmd.end = this.index; } testParserFlag() { return this.testSymbol('/parser-flag '); } testParserFlagEnd() { return this.testCommandEnd(); } parseParserFlag() { const start = this.index + 1; const cmd = new SlashCommandExecutor(start); = 'parser-flag'; cmd.unnamedArgumentList = []; cmd.command = this.commands[]; this.commandIndex.push(cmd); this.scopeIndex.push(this.scope.getCopy()); this.take(13); // discard "/parser-flag " cmd.startNamedArgs = -1; cmd.endNamedArgs = -1; cmd.startUnnamedArgs = this.index; cmd.unnamedArgumentList = this.parseUnnamedArgument(true); const [flag, state] = cmd.unnamedArgumentList ?? [null, null]; cmd.endUnnamedArgs = this.index; if (Object.keys(PARSER_FLAG).includes(flag.value.toString())) { this.flags[PARSER_FLAG[flag.value.toString()]] = isTrueBoolean(state?.value.toString() ?? 'on'); } cmd.end = this.index; } testRunShorthand() { return this.testSymbol('/:') && !this.testSymbol(':}', 1); } testRunShorthandEnd() { return this.testCommandEnd(); } parseRunShorthand() { const start = this.index + 2; const cmd = new SlashCommandExecutor(start); = ':'; cmd.unnamedArgumentList = []; cmd.command = this.commands['run']; this.commandIndex.push(cmd); this.scopeIndex.push(this.scope.getCopy()); this.take(2); //discard "/:" const assignment = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); if (this.testQuotedValue()) assignment.value = this.parseQuotedValue(); else assignment.value = this.parseValue(); cmd.unnamedArgumentList = [assignment]; this.discardWhitespace(); while (this.testNamedArgument()) { const arg = this.parseNamedArgument(); cmd.namedArgumentList.push(arg); this.discardWhitespace(); } this.discardWhitespace(); // /run shorthand does not take unnamed arguments (the command name practically *is* the unnamed argument) if (this.testRunShorthandEnd()) { cmd.end = this.index; return cmd; } else { console.warn(this.behind, this.char, this.ahead); throw new SlashCommandParserError(`Unexpected end of command at position ${this.userIndex}: "/${}"`, this.text, this.index); } } testCommand() { return this.testSymbol('/'); } testCommandEnd() { return this.testClosureEnd() || this.testSymbol('|'); } parseCommand() { const start = this.index + 1; const cmd = new SlashCommandExecutor(start); cmd.parserFlags = Object.assign({}, this.flags); this.commandIndex.push(cmd); this.scopeIndex.push(this.scope.getCopy()); this.take(); // discard "/" while (!/\s/.test(this.char) && !this.testCommandEnd()) += this.take(); // take chars until whitespace or end this.discardWhitespace(); if (this.verifyCommandNames && !this.commands[]) throw new SlashCommandParserError(`Unknown command at position ${this.index -}: "/${}"`, this.text, this.index -; cmd.command = this.commands[]; cmd.startNamedArgs = this.index; cmd.endNamedArgs = this.index; while (this.testNamedArgument()) { const arg = this.parseNamedArgument(); cmd.namedArgumentList.push(arg); cmd.endNamedArgs = this.index; this.discardWhitespace(); } this.discardWhitespace(); cmd.startUnnamedArgs = this.index; cmd.endUnnamedArgs = this.index; if (this.testUnnamedArgument()) { cmd.unnamedArgumentList = this.parseUnnamedArgument(cmd.command?.unnamedArgumentList?.length && cmd?.command?.splitUnnamedArgument); cmd.endUnnamedArgs = this.index; if ( == 'let') { const keyArg = cmd.namedArgumentList.find(it=> == 'key'); if (keyArg) { this.scope.variableNames.push(keyArg.value.toString()); } else if (typeof cmd.unnamedArgumentList[0]?.value == 'string') { this.scope.variableNames.push(cmd.unnamedArgumentList[0].value); } } } if (this.testCommandEnd()) { cmd.end = this.index; return cmd; } else { console.warn(this.behind, this.char, this.ahead); throw new SlashCommandParserError(`Unexpected end of command at position ${this.userIndex}: "/${}"`, this.text, this.index); } } testNamedArgument() { return /^(\w+)=/.test(`${this.char}${this.ahead}`); } parseNamedArgument() { let assignment = new SlashCommandNamedArgumentAssignment(); assignment.start = this.index; let key = ''; while (/\w/.test(this.char)) key += this.take(); // take chars this.take(); // discard "=" = key; if (this.testClosure()) { assignment.value = this.parseClosure(); } else if (this.testQuotedValue()) { assignment.value = this.parseQuotedValue(); } else if (this.testListValue()) { assignment.value = this.parseListValue(); } else if (this.testValue()) { assignment.value = this.parseValue(); } assignment.end = this.index; return assignment; } testUnnamedArgument() { return !this.testCommandEnd(); } testUnnamedArgumentEnd() { return this.testCommandEnd(); } parseUnnamedArgument(split) { /**@type {SlashCommandClosure|String}*/ let value = this.jumpedEscapeSequence ? this.take() : ''; // take the first, already tested, char if it is an escaped one let isList = split; let listValues = []; /**@type {SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment}*/ let assignment = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); assignment.start = this.index; while (!this.testUnnamedArgumentEnd()) { if (this.testClosure()) { isList = true; if (value.length > 0) { assignment.end = assignment.end - (value.length - value.trim().length); this.indexMacros(this.index - value.length, value); assignment.value = value.trim(); listValues.push(assignment); assignment = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); assignment.start = this.index; value = ''; } assignment.start = this.index; assignment.value = this.parseClosure(); assignment.end = this.index; listValues.push(assignment); assignment = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); assignment.start = this.index; } else if (split) { if (this.testQuotedValue()) { assignment.start = this.index; assignment.value = this.parseQuotedValue(); assignment.end = this.index; listValues.push(assignment); assignment = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); } else if (this.testListValue()) { assignment.start = this.index; assignment.value = this.parseListValue(); assignment.end = this.index; listValues.push(assignment); assignment = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); } else if (this.testValue()) { assignment.start = this.index; assignment.value = this.parseValue(); assignment.end = this.index; listValues.push(assignment); assignment = new SlashCommandUnnamedArgumentAssignment(); } else { throw new SlashCommandParserError(`Unexpected end of unnamed argument at index ${this.userIndex}.`); } this.discardWhitespace(); } else { value += this.take(); assignment.end = this.index; } } if (isList && value.trim().length > 0) { assignment.value = value.trim(); listValues.push(assignment); } if (isList) { return listValues; } this.indexMacros(this.index - value.length, value); value = value.trim(); if (this.flags[PARSER_FLAG.REPLACE_GETVAR]) { value = this.replaceGetvar(value); } assignment.value = value; return [assignment]; } testQuotedValue() { return this.testSymbol('"'); } testQuotedValueEnd() { if (this.endOfText) { if (this.verifyCommandNames) throw new SlashCommandParserError(`Unexpected end of quoted value at position ${this.index}`, this.text, this.index); else return true; } if (!this.verifyCommandNames && this.testClosureEnd()) return true; if (this.verifyCommandNames && !this.flags[PARSER_FLAG.STRICT_ESCAPING] && this.testCommandEnd()) { throw new SlashCommandParserError(`Unexpected end of quoted value at position ${this.index}`, this.text, this.index); } return this.testSymbol('"') || (!this.flags[PARSER_FLAG.STRICT_ESCAPING] && this.testCommandEnd()); } parseQuotedValue() { this.take(); // discard opening quote let value = ''; while (!this.testQuotedValueEnd()) value += this.take(); // take all chars until closing quote this.take(); // discard closing quote if (this.flags[PARSER_FLAG.REPLACE_GETVAR]) { value = this.replaceGetvar(value); } this.indexMacros(this.index - value.length, value); return value; } testListValue() { return this.testSymbol('['); } testListValueEnd() { if (this.endOfText) throw new SlashCommandParserError(`Unexpected end of list value at position ${this.index}`, this.text, this.index); return this.testSymbol(']'); } parseListValue() { let value = this.take(); // take the already tested opening bracket while (!this.testListValueEnd()) value += this.take(); // take all chars until closing bracket value += this.take(); // take closing bracket if (this.flags[PARSER_FLAG.REPLACE_GETVAR]) { value = this.replaceGetvar(value); } this.indexMacros(this.index - value.length, value); return value; } testValue() { return !this.testSymbol(/\s/); } testValueEnd() { if (this.testSymbol(/\s/)) return true; return this.testCommandEnd(); } parseValue() { let value = this.jumpedEscapeSequence ? this.take() : ''; // take the first, already tested, char if it is an escaped one while (!this.testValueEnd()) value += this.take(); // take all chars until value end if (this.flags[PARSER_FLAG.REPLACE_GETVAR]) { value = this.replaceGetvar(value); } this.indexMacros(this.index - value.length, value); return value; } indexMacros(offset, text) { const re = /{{(?:((?:(?!}})[^\s:])+[\s:]*)((?:(?!}}).)*)(}}|}$|$))?/s; let remaining = text; let localOffset = 0; while (remaining.length > 0 && re.test(remaining)) { const match = re.exec(remaining); this.macroIndex.push({ start: offset + localOffset + match.index, end: offset + localOffset + match.index + (match[0]?.length ?? 0), name: match[1] ?? '', }); localOffset += match.index + (match[0]?.length ?? 0); remaining = remaining.slice(match.index + (match[0]?.length ?? 0)); } } }