import { callPopup, getCurrentChatId, reloadCurrentChat, saveSettingsDebounced } from '../../../script.js';
import { extension_settings } from '../../extensions.js';
import { registerSlashCommand } from '../../slash-commands.js';
import { download, getFileText, getSortableDelay, uuidv4 } from '../../utils.js';
import { resolveVariable } from '../../variables.js';
import { regex_placement, runRegexScript } from './engine.js';

async function saveRegexScript(regexScript, existingScriptIndex) {
    // If not editing

    // Is the script name undefined or empty?
    if (!regexScript.scriptName) {
        toastr.error('Could not save regex script: The script name was undefined or empty!');

    if (existingScriptIndex === -1) {
        // Does the script name already exist?
        if (extension_settings.regex.find((e) => e.scriptName === regexScript.scriptName)) {
            toastr.error(`Could not save regex script: A script with name ${regexScript.scriptName} already exists.`);
    } else {
        // Does the script name already exist somewhere else?
        // (If this fails, make it a .filter().map() to index array)
        const foundIndex = extension_settings.regex.findIndex((e) => e.scriptName === regexScript.scriptName);
        if (foundIndex !== existingScriptIndex && foundIndex !== -1) {
            toastr.error(`Could not save regex script: A script with name ${regexScript.scriptName} already exists.`);

    // Is a find regex present?
    if (regexScript.findRegex.length === 0) {
        toastr.warning('This regex script will not work, but was saved anyway: A find regex isn\'t present.');

    // Is there someplace to place results?
    if (regexScript.placement.length === 0) {
        toastr.warning('This regex script will not work, but was saved anyway: One "Affects" checkbox must be selected!');

    if (existingScriptIndex !== -1) {
        extension_settings.regex[existingScriptIndex] = regexScript;
    } else {

    await loadRegexScripts();

    // Reload the current chat to undo previous markdown
    const currentChatId = getCurrentChatId();
    if (currentChatId !== undefined && currentChatId !== null) {
        await reloadCurrentChat();

async function deleteRegexScript({ existingId }) {
    let scriptName = $(`#${existingId}`).find('.regex_script_name').text();

    const existingScriptIndex = extension_settings.regex.findIndex((script) => script.scriptName === scriptName);
    if (!existingScriptIndex || existingScriptIndex !== -1) {
        extension_settings.regex.splice(existingScriptIndex, 1);

        await loadRegexScripts();

async function loadRegexScripts() {

    const scriptTemplate = $(await $.get('scripts/extensions/regex/scriptTemplate.html'));

    extension_settings.regex.forEach((script) => {
        // Have to clone here
        const scriptHtml = scriptTemplate.clone();
        scriptHtml.attr('id', uuidv4());
        scriptHtml.find('.disable_regex').prop('checked', script.disabled ?? false)
            .on('input', function () {
                script.disabled = !!$(this).prop('checked');
        scriptHtml.find('.regex-toggle-on').on('click', function () {
            scriptHtml.find('.disable_regex').prop('checked', true).trigger('input');
        scriptHtml.find('.regex-toggle-off').on('click', function () {
            scriptHtml.find('.disable_regex').prop('checked', false).trigger('input');
        scriptHtml.find('.edit_existing_regex').on('click', async function () {
            await onRegexEditorOpenClick(scriptHtml.attr('id'));
        scriptHtml.find('.export_regex').on('click', async function () {
            const fileName = `${script.scriptName.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_').toLowerCase()}.json`;
            const fileData = JSON.stringify(script, null, 4);
            download(fileData, fileName, 'application/json');
        scriptHtml.find('.delete_regex').on('click', async function () {
            const confirm = await callPopup('Are you sure you want to delete this regex script?', 'confirm');

            if (!confirm) {

            await deleteRegexScript({ existingId: scriptHtml.attr('id') });


async function onRegexEditorOpenClick(existingId) {
    const editorHtml = $(await $.get('scripts/extensions/regex/editor.html'));

    // If an ID exists, fill in all the values
    let existingScriptIndex = -1;
    if (existingId) {
        const existingScriptName = $(`#${existingId}`).find('.regex_script_name').text();
        existingScriptIndex = extension_settings.regex.findIndex((script) => script.scriptName === existingScriptName);
        if (existingScriptIndex !== -1) {
            const existingScript = extension_settings.regex[existingScriptIndex];
            if (existingScript.scriptName) {
            } else {
                toastr.error('This script doesn\'t have a name! Please delete it.');

            editorHtml.find('.find_regex').val(existingScript.findRegex || '');
            editorHtml.find('.regex_replace_string').val(existingScript.replaceString || '');
            editorHtml.find('.regex_trim_strings').val(existingScript.trimStrings?.join('\n') || []);
            editorHtml.find('input[name="disabled"]').prop('checked', existingScript.disabled ?? false);
            editorHtml.find('input[name="only_format_display"]').prop('checked', existingScript.markdownOnly ?? false);
            editorHtml.find('input[name="only_format_prompt"]').prop('checked', existingScript.promptOnly ?? false);
            editorHtml.find('input[name="run_on_edit"]').prop('checked', existingScript.runOnEdit ?? false);
            editorHtml.find('input[name="substitute_regex"]').prop('checked', existingScript.substituteRegex ?? false);
            editorHtml.find('input[name="min_depth"]').val(existingScript.minDepth ?? '');
            editorHtml.find('input[name="max_depth"]').val(existingScript.maxDepth ?? '');

            existingScript.placement.forEach((element) => {
                    .prop('checked', true);
    } else {
            .prop('checked', true);

            .prop('checked', true);

            .prop('checked', true);

    editorHtml.find('#regex_test_mode_toggle').on('click', function () {

    function updateTestResult() {
        if (!editorHtml.find('#regex_test_mode').is(':visible')) {

        const testScript = {
            scriptName: editorHtml.find('.regex_script_name').val(),
            findRegex: editorHtml.find('.find_regex').val(),
            replaceString: editorHtml.find('.regex_replace_string').val(),
            trimStrings: String(editorHtml.find('.regex_trim_strings').val()).split('\n').filter((e) => e.length !== 0) || [],
            substituteRegex: editorHtml.find('input[name="substitute_regex"]').prop('checked'),
        const rawTestString = String(editorHtml.find('#regex_test_input').val());
        const result = runRegexScript(testScript, rawTestString);

    editorHtml.find('input, textarea, select').on('input', updateTestResult);

    const popupResult = await callPopup(editorHtml, 'confirm', undefined, { okButton: 'Save' });
    if (popupResult) {
        const newRegexScript = {
            scriptName: editorHtml.find('.regex_script_name').val(),
            findRegex: editorHtml.find('.find_regex').val(),
            replaceString: editorHtml.find('.regex_replace_string').val(),
            trimStrings: editorHtml.find('.regex_trim_strings').val().split('\n').filter((e) => e.length !== 0) || [],
                    .map(function () { return parseInt($(this).val()); })
                    .filter((e) => !isNaN(e)) || [],
            disabled: editorHtml.find('input[name="disabled"]').prop('checked'),
            markdownOnly: editorHtml.find('input[name="only_format_display"]').prop('checked'),
            promptOnly: editorHtml.find('input[name="only_format_prompt"]').prop('checked'),
            runOnEdit: editorHtml.find('input[name="run_on_edit"]').prop('checked'),
            substituteRegex: editorHtml.find('input[name="substitute_regex"]').prop('checked'),
            minDepth: parseInt(String(editorHtml.find('input[name="min_depth"]').val())),
            maxDepth: parseInt(String(editorHtml.find('input[name="max_depth"]').val())),

        saveRegexScript(newRegexScript, existingScriptIndex);

// Common settings migration function. Some parts will eventually be removed
// TODO: Maybe migrate placement to strings?
function migrateSettings() {
    let performSave = false;

    // Current: If MD Display is present in placement, remove it and add new placements/MD option
    extension_settings.regex.forEach((script) => {
        if (script.placement.includes(regex_placement.MD_DISPLAY)) {
            script.placement = script.placement.length === 1 ?
                Object.values(regex_placement).filter((e) => e !== regex_placement.MD_DISPLAY) :
                script.placement = script.placement.filter((e) => e !== regex_placement.MD_DISPLAY);

            script.markdownOnly = true;
            script.promptOnly = true;

            performSave = true;

        // Old system and sendas placement migration
        // 4 - sendAs
        if (script.placement.includes(4)) {
            script.placement = script.placement.length === 1 ?
                [regex_placement.SLASH_COMMAND] :
                script.placement = script.placement.filter((e) => e !== 4);

            performSave = true;

    if (performSave) {

 * /regex slash command callback
 * @param {object} args Named arguments
 * @param {string} value Unnamed argument
 * @returns {string} The regexed string
function runRegexCallback(args, value) {
    if (! {
        toastr.warning('No regex script name provided.');
        return value;

    const scriptName = String(resolveVariable(;

    for (const script of extension_settings.regex) {
        if (String(script.scriptName).toLowerCase() === String(scriptName).toLowerCase()) {
            if (script.disabled) {
                toastr.warning(`Regex script "${scriptName}" is disabled.`);
                return value;

            console.debug(`Running regex callback for ${scriptName}`);
            return runRegexScript(script, value);

    toastr.warning(`Regex script "${scriptName}" not found.`);
    return value;

 * Performs the import of the regex file.
 * @param {File} file Input file
async function onRegexImportFileChange(file) {
    if (!file) {
        toastr.error('No file provided.');

    try {
        const fileText = await getFileText(file);
        const regexScript = JSON.parse(fileText);
        if (!regexScript.scriptName) {
            throw new Error('No script name provided.');


        await loadRegexScripts();
        toastr.success(`Regex script "${regexScript.scriptName}" imported.`);
    } catch (error) {
        toastr.error('Invalid JSON file.');

// Workaround for loading in sequence with other extensions
// NOTE: Always puts extension at the top of the list, but this is fine since it's static
jQuery(async () => {
    if (extension_settings.regex) {

    // Manually disable the extension since static imports auto-import the JS file
    if (extension_settings.disabledExtensions.includes('regex')) {

    const settingsHtml = await $.get('scripts/extensions/regex/dropdown.html');
    $('#open_regex_editor').on('click', function () {
    $('#import_regex_file').on('change', async function () {
        const inputElement = this instanceof HTMLInputElement && this;
        await onRegexImportFileChange(inputElement.files[0]);
        inputElement.value = '';
    $('#import_regex').on('click', function () {

        delay: getSortableDelay(),
        stop: function () {
            let newScripts = [];
            $('#saved_regex_scripts').children().each(function () {
                const scriptName = $(this).find('.regex_script_name').text();
                const existingScript = extension_settings.regex.find((e) => e.scriptName === scriptName);
                if (existingScript) {

            extension_settings.regex = newScripts;

            console.debug('Regex scripts reordered');
            // TODO: Maybe reload regex scripts after move

    await loadRegexScripts();

    registerSlashCommand('regex', runRegexCallback, [], '(name=scriptName [input]) – runs a Regex extension script by name on the provided string. The script must be enabled.', true, true);