{ "UI Language": "言語", "clickslidertips": "スライダーの右側の数字をクリックすると手動で入力できます。", "kobldpresets": "Kobold 設定", "guikoboldaisettings": "GUI KoboldAI 設定", "novelaipreserts": "NovelAI 設定", "default": "デフォルト", "openaipresets": "OpenAI 設定", "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "テキスト生成WebUI(ooba) 設定", "response legth(tokens)": "応答長(トークン数)", "select": "選択 ", "context size(tokens)": "コンテキストサイズ(トークン数)", "unlocked": "解除", "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "4096トークンより大きいコンテキストサイズをサポートするのは、一部のモデルのみです。このオプションを変更する前に、自分が何をしているかを理解してください。", "rep.pen": "Rep. Pen.", "rep.pen range": "Rep. Pen. 範囲", "temperature": "温度", "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "エンコーダー Rep. Pen.", "No Repeat Ngram Size": "Ngram の非重複サイズ", "Min Length": "最小長", "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "OpenAI 逆プロキシ", "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "代替サーバーの URL (空白のままでデフォルト値を使用)。", "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "このボックスに何かを入力する前に、APIパネルから本物のOAI APIキーを削除してください", "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "非公式のOpenAIプロキシを使用して問題が発生した場合にはサポートを提供できません", "Legacy Streaming Processing": "旧式のストリーミング処理", "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "ストリーミングがプロキシと互換性がない場合には、これを有効にしてください", "Context Size (tokens)": "コンテキストサイズ(トークン数)", "Max Response Length (tokens)": "最大応答長(トークン数)", "Temperature": "温度", "Frequency Penalty": "頻度ペナルティ", "Presence Penalty": "存在ペナルティ", "Top-p": "Top-p", "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "生成されたボットの応答テキストチャンクを表示します", "Top A": "Top-a", "Typical Sampling": "典型的なサンプリング", "Tail Free Sampling": "テイルフリーサンプリング", "Rep. Pen. Slope": "Rep. Pen. スロープ", "Single-line mode": "シングルラインモード", "Top K": "Top-k", "Top P": "Top-p", "Do Sample": "サンプリングする", "Add BOS Token": "BOSトークンを追加", "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative.": "プロンプトの先頭にbos_tokenを追加します。これを無効にすると、回答がよりクリエイティブになることがあります。", "Ban EOS Token": "EOSトークンを禁止", "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "eos_tokenを禁止します。これにより、モデルは生成を早期に終了することはなくなります。", "Skip Special Tokens": "特殊トークンをスキップ", "Beam search": "ビームサーチ", "Number of Beams": "ビーム数", "Length Penalty": "長さペナルティ", "Early Stopping": "早期停止", "Contrastive search": "対照的探索", "Penalty Alpha": "ペナルティアルファ", "Seed": "シード", "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "最後のシステムメッセージに越狱を挿入します。", "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "これにより、AIは通常のコンテンツ制限を無視するように指示されます。", "NSFW Encouraged": "NSFW推奨", "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "AIにNSFWが許可されていることを伝えます。", "NSFW Prioritized": "NSFW優先", "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "NSFWプロンプトテキストは、効果を強調するために最初に表示されます。", "Streaming": "ストリーミング", "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "生成されると、レスポンスをビットごとに表示します。", "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "これをオフにすると、レスポンスは完了時に一度にすべて表示されます。", "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "リクエストごとに 1 行のみ生成します (KoboldAI のみ、KoboldCpp では無視されます)。", "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "End-of-Sequence (EOS) トークンを禁止します (KoboldCpp を使用し、場合によっては KoboldAI を使用する他のトークンも禁止します)。", "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "ストーリーを書くのには適していますが、チャットや指示モードには使用しないでください。", "Enhance Definitions": "定義を強化", "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "公共人物および既知の架空のキャラクターの定義を強化するためにOAIの知識ベースを使用する", "Wrap in Quotes": "引用符で囲む", "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "送信前にユーザーメッセージ全体を引用符で囲みます。", "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "手動で引用符を使用する場合は省略してください。", "Main prompt": "メインプロンプト", "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "モデルの振る舞いを設定するために使用されるメインプロンプト", "NSFW prompt": "NSFWプロンプト", "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "NSFWトグルがオンの場合に使用されるプロンプト", "Jailbreak prompt": "越狱プロンプト", "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "越狱トグルがオンの場合に使用されるプロンプト", "Impersonation prompt": "なりすましプロンプト", "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "なりすまし機能に使用されるプロンプト", "Logit Bias": "Logitバイアス", "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "特定の単語の使用を禁止または強化するのに役立ちます", "View / Edit bias preset": "バイアスプリセットの表示/編集", "Add bias entry": "バイアスエントリを追加", "Jailbreak activation message": "越狱アクティベーションメッセージ", "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "自動越狱がオンの場合に送信するメッセージ。", "Jailbreak confirmation reply": "越狱確認返信", "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "ボットは越狱を確認するためにこれを送信する必要があります。", "Character Note": "キャラクターノート", "Influences bot behavior in its responses": "返信中のボットの振る舞いに影響を与えます", "API": "API", "KoboldAI": "KoboldAI", "Use Horde": "ホルドを使用", "API url": "API URL", "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "より高速なキュータイムのために Horde アカウントを登録する", "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "空いている GPU サイクルを Hord に貢献する方法を学ぶ", "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "ワーカー機能に合わせてコンテキストサイズを調整する", "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "ワーカー機能に合わせて応答長を調整する", "API key": "API キー", "Register": "登録する", "For privacy reasons": "プライバシーのため、API キーはページをリロードするまで非表示になります", "Model": "モデル", "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "複数のモデルを選択するには、Control / Command キーを押してください。", "Horde models not loaded": "Horde モデルがロードされていない", "Not connected": "接続されていません", "Novel API key": "NovelAI API キー", "Follow": "以下の", "these directions": "指示", "to get your NovelAI API key.": "あなたの NovelAI API キーを取得するために。", "Enter it in the box below": "以下のボックスに入力してください", "Novel AI Model": "NovelAI モデル", "No connection": "接続なし", "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "", "Make sure you run it with": "必ず --extensions openai の引数を含めて起動してください", "Blocking API url": "ブロッキング API URL", "Streaming API url": "ストリーミング API URL", "to get your OpenAI API key.": "あなたの OpenAI API キーを取得するために。", "OpenAI Model": "OpenAI モデル", "View API Usage Metrics": "API 使用メトリックスの表示", "Bot": "ボット", "Connect to the API": "API に接続", "Auto-connect to Last Server": "前回のサーバーに自動接続", "View hidden API keys": "非表示 API キーを表示", "Advanced Formatting": "高度なフォーマット", "AutoFormat Overrides": "自動フォーマットのオーバーライド", "Disable description formatting": "説明フォーマットを無効にする", "Disable personality formatting": "パーソナリティフォーマットを無効にする", "Disable scenario formatting": "シナリオフォーマットを無効にする", "Disable example chats formatting": "チャットの例のフォーマットを無効にする", "Disable chat start formatting": "チャット開始フォーマットを無効にする", "Custom Chat Separator": "カスタムチャットセパレーター", "Instruct Mode": "インストラクトモード", "Enabled": "有効", "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "シーケンスを改行でラップする", "Include Names": "名前を含める", "System Prompt": "システムプロンプト", "Instruct Mode Sequences": "命令モードシーケンス", "Input Sequence": "入力シーケンス", "First Output Sequence": "最初の出力シーケンス", "Last Output Sequence": "最後の出力シーケンス", "System Sequence Prefix": "システムシーケンスプレフィックス", "System Sequence Suffix": "システムシーケンスサフィックス", "Stop Sequence": "停止シーケンス", "Context Formatting": "コンテキストフォーマッティング", "Tokenizer": "トークナイザー", "None / Estimated": "なし/推定", "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Sentencepiece(LLaMA)", "Token Padding": "トークンパディング", "Always add character's name to prompt": "常にキャラクター名をプロンプトに追加", "Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "プロンプトに例示メッセージを保持", "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "出力から空の改行を削除", "Disabled for all models": "すべてのモデルで無効", "Automatic (based on model name)": "自動(モデル名に基づく)", "Enabled for all models": "すべてのモデルで有効", "Anchors Order": "アンカーオーダー", "Character then Style": "キャラクター、次にスタイル", "Style then Character": "スタイル、次にキャラクター", "Character Anchor": "キャラクターアンカー", "Style Anchor": "スタイルアンカー", "World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Scan Depth": "スキャン深度", "depth": "深さ", "Token Budget": "トークン予算", "budget": "予算", "Recursive scanning": "再帰的スキャン", "None": "なし", "User Settings": "ユーザー設定", "UI Customization": "UIカスタマイズ", "Avatar Style": "アバタースタイル", "Circle": "丸", "Rectangle": "四角形", "Chat Style": "チャットスタイル:", "Default": "デフォルト", "Bubbles": "吹き出し", "Chat Width (PC)": "チャット幅(PC):", "No Blur Effect": "ボケ効果なし", "No Text Shadows": "テキストシャドウなし", "Waifu Mode": "♡ Waifuモード♡", "Message Timer": "メッセージタイマー", "Characters Hotswap": "キャラクターのホットスワップ", "Movable UI Panels": "移動可能なUIパネル", "Reset Panels": "パネルをリセットする", "UI Colors": "UIの色", "Main Text": "本文", "Italics Text": "斜体テキスト", "Quote Text": "引用テキスト", "Shadow Color": "シャドウカラー", "FastUI BG": "FastUI BG", "Blur Tint": "ぼかし色合い", "Font Scale": "フォントスケール", "Blur Strength": "ぼかしの強度", "Text Shadow Width": "テキストシャドウの幅", "UI Theme Preset": "UIテーマプリセット", "Power User Options": "パワーユーザーオプション", "Swipes": "スワイプ", "Background Sound Only": "背景音のみ", "Auto-load Last Chat": "最後のチャットを自動読み込み", "Auto-save Message Edits": "メッセージの編集を自動保存", "Auto-fix Markdown": "Markdownを自動修正", "Allow : in bot messages": "ボットメッセージで「:」を許可する", "Auto-scroll Chat": "チャット自動スクロール", "Render Formulas": "数式のレンダリング", "Send on Enter": "エンター入力で送信", "Always disabled": "常に無効", "Automatic (desktop)": "自動(デスクトップ)", "Always enabled": "常に有効", "Name": "名前", "Your Avatar": "あなたのアバター", "Extensions API:": "拡張機能API:", "SillyTavern-extras": "SillyTavern-extras", "Auto-connect": "自動接続", "Active extensions": "アクティブな拡張機能", "Extension settings": "拡張機能の設定", "Description": "説明", "First message": "最初のメッセージ", "Group Controls": "グループのコントロール", "Group reply strategy": "グループの返信戦略", "Natural order": "自然な順序", "List order": "リストの順序", "Allow self responses": "自己応答を許可する", "Auto Mode": "自動モード", "Add Members": "メンバーを追加", "Current Members": "現在のメンバー", "text": "テキスト", "Delete": "削除", "Cancel": "キャンセル", "Advanced Defininitions": "高度な定義", "Personality summary": "性格の概要", "A brief description of the personality": "性格の簡単な説明", "Scenario": "シナリオ", "Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "対話の状況と文脈", "Talkativeness": "おしゃべり度", "How often the chracter speaks in": "グループチャットでの話し方", "group chats!": "", "Shy": "内気", "Normal": "普通", "Chatty": "おしゃべりさん", "Examples of dialogue": "対話の例", "Forms a personality more clearly": "個性をより明確に形成する", "Save": "保存", "World Info Editor": "情報エディタ", "New Entry": "新規エントリ", "Export": "エクスポート", "Delete World": "ワールドの削除", "Chat History": "チャット履歴", "Group Chat Scenario Override": "グループチャットシナリオのオーバーライド", "All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "すべてのグループメンバーは、キャラクターカードで指定されたものではなく、以下のシナリオテキストを使用します。", "Keywords": "キーワード", "Separate with commas": "コンマで区切る", "Secondary Required Keywords": "必須の秒要キーワード", "Content": "内容", "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "このキーワードがAIにとってどういう意味を持つべきか", "Memo/Note": "メモ/ノート", "Not sent to AI": "AIに送信されない", "Constant": "定数", "Selective": "選択", "Before Char": "文字の前に", "After Char": "文字の後に", "Insertion Order": "挿入順", "Tokens:": "トークン", "Disable": "無効にする", "${characterName}": "${キャラクター名}", "CHAR": "文字", "is typing": "入力中...", "Back to parent chat": "親チャットに戻る", "Save bookmark": "ブックマークに保存", "Convert to group": "グループに変換", "Start new chat": "新しいチャットを開始", "View past chats": "過去のチャットを表示", "Delete messages": "メッセージを削除", "Impersonate": "なりすます", "Regenerate": "再生成", "PNG": "PNG", "JSON": "JSON", "presets": "プリセット", "Message Sound": "メッセージ音", "Author's Note": "作者の注記", "Send Jailbreak": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Replace empty message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "NSFW avoidance prompt": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Advanced prompt bits": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "World Info format template": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Chat Completion Source": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Review the Privacy statement": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Trusted workers only": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "-- Horde models not loaded --": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Example: ": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "No connection...": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Get your NovelAI API Key": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "KoboldAI Horde": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "NovelAI": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "OpenAI API key": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Trim spaces": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Include Newline": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Non-markdown strings": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Replace Macro in Sequences": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Presets": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Separator": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Start Reply With": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Show reply prefix in chat": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Worlds/Lorebooks": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Active World(s)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Sorted Evenly": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Character Lore First": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Global Lore First": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "-- World Info not found --": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Recursive Scan": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Case Sensitive": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Match whole words": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "World/Lore Editor": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "--- None ---": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Comma seperated (ignored if empty)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Use Probability": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Exclude from recursion": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Position:": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Before Char Defs": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "After Char Defs": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Before AN": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "After AN": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Order:": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Probability:": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Delete Entry": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "User Message Blur Tint": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "AI Message Blur Tint": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Chat Style:": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Chat Width (PC):": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Chat Timestamps": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Message IDs": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Press Send to continue": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Log prompts to console": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Never resize avatars": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Show avatar filenames": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Import Card Tags": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Confirm message deletion": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Spoiler Free Mode": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Auto-swipe": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Minimum generated message length": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Blacklisted words": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Reload Chat": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Not Connected": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Persona Management": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Persona Description": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Top of Author's Note": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Bottom of Author's Note": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "How do I use this?": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "More...": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Link to World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Import Card Lore": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Scenario Override": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Rename": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Character Description": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Creator's Notes": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "A-Z": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Z-A": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Newest": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Oldest": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Favorites": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Recent": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Most chats": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Least chats": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Back": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Main Prompt": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Jailbreak": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Everything here is optional": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Created by": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Character Version": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Tags to Embed": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Important to set the character's writing style.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "ATTENTION!": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Samplers Order": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Repetition Penalty": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Epsilon Cutoff": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Eta Cutoff": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Rep. Pen. Range.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Rep. Pen. Presence": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Enter it in the box below:": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "separate with commas w/o space between": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Document": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Suggest replies": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Continue": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Editing:": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "AI reply prefix": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Custom Stopping Strings": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "JSON serialized array of strings": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Extensions URL": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "API Key": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Enter your name": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Name this character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Search / Create Tags": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Chat Name (Optional)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Filter...": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Search...": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "(If you want to track character versions)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "(A brief description of the personality)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Injection text (supports parameters)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Injection depth": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Type here...": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Comma separated (required)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Not sent to the AI": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Not connected to API!": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "AI Response Configuration": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Update current preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Create new preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Import preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Export preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Delete the preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Restore default prompt": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "New preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Delete preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Restore default jailbreak": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Restore default reply": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Restore defaul note": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "API Connections": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Clear your API key": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Refresh models": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Create New": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Edit": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Open all Entries": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Close all Entries": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Create": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Import World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Export World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Delete World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Rename World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Save changes to a new theme file": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "AI Response Formatting": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Change Background Image": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Extensions": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Click to set a new User Name": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Click to set user name for all messages": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Create a dummy persona": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Character Management": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Select/Create Characters": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Add to Favorites": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Advanced Definition": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Character Lore": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Export and Download": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Duplicate Character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Create Character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Delete Character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "View all tags": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Click to set additional greeting messages": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Show / Hide Description and First Message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Set a group chat scenario": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Restore collage avatar": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Create New Character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Import Character from File": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Import content from external URL": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Create New Chat Group": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Characters sorting order": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Add chat injection": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Remove injection": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Remove": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Select a World Info file for": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Primary Lorebook": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Additional Lorebooks": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Rename chat file": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Export JSONL chat file": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Download chat as plain text document": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Delete chat file": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Delete tag": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Translate message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Generate Image": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Narrate": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Prompt": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Create Bookmark": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Copy": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Open bookmark chat": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Confirm": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Copy this message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Delete this message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Move message up": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Move message down": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Enlarge": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Enable automatic replies from this character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Trigger a message from this character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Move up": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Move down": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "View character card": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Remove from group": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Add to group": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Add": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Abort request": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Send a message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Ask AI to write your message for you": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Continue the last message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Bind user name to that avatar": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Change persona image": "NEEDS TRANSLATION", "Delete persona": "NEEDS TRANSLATION" }