import { animation_duration, animation_easing } from '../script.js'; import { delay } from './utils.js'; /**@readonly*/ /**@enum {Number}*/ export const POPUP_TYPE = { 'TEXT': 1, 'CONFIRM': 2, 'INPUT': 3, }; /**@readonly*/ /**@enum {Boolean}*/ export const POPUP_RESULT = { 'AFFIRMATIVE': true, 'NEGATIVE': false, 'CANCELLED': undefined, }; export class Popup { /**@type {POPUP_TYPE}*/ type; /**@type {HTMLElement}*/ dom; /**@type {HTMLElement}*/ dlg; /**@type {HTMLElement}*/ text; /**@type {HTMLTextAreaElement}*/ input; /**@type {HTMLElement}*/ ok; /**@type {HTMLElement}*/ cancel; /**@type {POPUP_RESULT}*/ result; /**@type {any}*/ value; /**@type {Promise}*/ promise; /**@type {Function}*/ resolver; /**@type {Function}*/ keyListenerBound; /** * @typedef {{okButton?: string, cancelButton?: string, rows?: number, wide?: boolean, large?: boolean, allowHorizontalScrolling?: boolean, allowVerticalScrolling?: boolean }} PopupOptions - Options for the popup. * @param {JQuery|string|Element} text - Text to display in the popup. * @param {POPUP_TYPE} type - One of Popup.TYPE * @param {string} inputValue - Value to set the input to. * @param {PopupOptions} options - Options for the popup. */ constructor(text, type, inputValue = '', { okButton, cancelButton, rows, wide, large, allowHorizontalScrolling, allowVerticalScrolling } = {}) { this.type = type; /**@type {HTMLTemplateElement}*/ const template = document.querySelector('#shadow_popup_template'); // @ts-ignore this.dom = template.content.cloneNode(true).querySelector('.shadow_popup'); const dlg = this.dom.querySelector('.dialogue_popup'); // @ts-ignore this.dlg = dlg; this.text = this.dom.querySelector('.dialogue_popup_text'); this.input = this.dom.querySelector('.dialogue_popup_input'); this.ok = this.dom.querySelector('.dialogue_popup_ok'); this.cancel = this.dom.querySelector('.dialogue_popup_cancel'); if (wide) dlg.classList.add('wide_dialogue_popup'); if (large) dlg.classList.add('large_dialogue_popup'); if (allowHorizontalScrolling) dlg.classList.add('horizontal_scrolling_dialogue_popup'); if (allowVerticalScrolling) dlg.classList.add('vertical_scrolling_dialogue_popup'); this.ok.textContent = okButton ?? 'OK'; this.cancel.textContent = cancelButton ?? template.getAttribute('popup_text_cancel'); switch (type) { case POPUP_TYPE.TEXT: { = 'none'; = 'none'; break; } case POPUP_TYPE.CONFIRM: { = 'none'; this.ok.textContent = okButton ?? template.getAttribute('popup_text_yes'); this.cancel.textContent = cancelButton ?? template.getAttribute('popup_text_no'); break; } case POPUP_TYPE.INPUT: { = 'block'; this.ok.textContent = okButton ?? template.getAttribute('popup_text_save'); break; } default: { // illegal argument } } this.input.value = inputValue; this.input.rows = rows ?? 1; this.text.innerHTML = ''; if (text instanceof jQuery) { $(this.text).append(text); } else if (text instanceof HTMLElement) { this.text.append(text); } else if (typeof text == 'string') { this.text.innerHTML = text; } else { // illegal argument } this.input.addEventListener('keydown', (evt) => { if (evt.key != 'Enter' || evt.altKey || evt.ctrlKey || evt.shiftKey) return; evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); this.completeAffirmative(); }); this.ok.addEventListener('click', () => this.completeAffirmative()); this.cancel.addEventListener('click', () => this.completeNegative()); const keyListener = (evt) => { switch (evt.key) { case 'Escape': { // does it really matter where we check? const topModal = document.elementFromPoint(window.innerWidth / 2, window.innerHeight / 2)?.closest('.shadow_popup'); if (topModal == this.dom) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); this.completeCancelled(); window.removeEventListener('keydown', keyListenerBound); break; } } } }; const keyListenerBound = keyListener.bind(this); window.addEventListener('keydown', keyListenerBound); } async show() { document.body.append(this.dom); = 'block'; switch (this.type) { case POPUP_TYPE.INPUT: { this.input.focus(); break; } } $(this.dom).transition({ opacity: 1, duration: animation_duration, easing: animation_easing, }); this.promise = new Promise((resolve) => { this.resolver = resolve; }); return this.promise; } completeAffirmative() { switch (this.type) { case POPUP_TYPE.TEXT: case POPUP_TYPE.CONFIRM: { this.value = true; break; } case POPUP_TYPE.INPUT: { this.value = this.input.value; break; } } this.result = POPUP_RESULT.AFFIRMATIVE; this.hide(); } completeNegative() { switch (this.type) { case POPUP_TYPE.TEXT: case POPUP_TYPE.CONFIRM: case POPUP_TYPE.INPUT: { this.value = false; break; } } this.result = POPUP_RESULT.NEGATIVE; this.hide(); } completeCancelled() { switch (this.type) { case POPUP_TYPE.TEXT: case POPUP_TYPE.CONFIRM: case POPUP_TYPE.INPUT: { this.value = null; break; } } this.result = POPUP_RESULT.CANCELLED; this.hide(); } hide() { $(this.dom).transition({ opacity: 0, duration: animation_duration, easing: animation_easing, }); delay(animation_duration).then(() => { this.dom.remove(); }); this.resolver(this.value); } } /** * Displays a blocking popup with a given text and type. * @param {JQuery|string|Element} text - Text to display in the popup. * @param {POPUP_TYPE} type * @param {string} inputValue - Value to set the input to. * @param {PopupOptions} options - Options for the popup. * @returns */ export function callGenericPopup(text, type, inputValue = '', { okButton, cancelButton, rows, wide, large, allowHorizontalScrolling, allowVerticalScrolling } = {}) { const popup = new Popup( text, type, inputValue, { okButton, cancelButton, rows, wide, large, allowHorizontalScrolling, allowVerticalScrolling }, ); return; }