/** * Convert a prompt from the ChatML objects to the format used by Claude. * @param {object[]} messages Array of messages * @param {boolean} addAssistantPostfix Add Assistant postfix. * @param {string} addAssistantPrefill Add Assistant prefill after the assistant postfix. * @param {boolean} withSyspromptSupport Indicates if the Claude model supports the system prompt format. * @param {boolean} useSystemPrompt Indicates if the system prompt format should be used. * @param {string} addSysHumanMsg Add Human message between system prompt and assistant. * @returns {string} Prompt for Claude * @copyright Prompt Conversion script taken from RisuAI by kwaroran (GPLv3). */ function convertClaudePrompt(messages, addAssistantPostfix, addAssistantPrefill, withSyspromptSupport, useSystemPrompt, addSysHumanMsg) { //Prepare messages for claude. if (messages.length > 0) { messages[0].role = 'system'; //Add the assistant's message to the end of messages. if (addAssistantPostfix) { messages.push({ role: 'assistant', content: addAssistantPrefill || '', }); } // Find the index of the first message with an assistant role and check for a "'user' role/Human:" before it. let hasUser = false; const firstAssistantIndex = messages.findIndex((message, i) => { if (i >= 0 && (message.role === 'user' || message.content.includes('\n\nHuman: '))) { hasUser = true; } return message.role === 'assistant' && i > 0; }); // When 2.1+ and 'Use system prompt" checked, switches to the system prompt format by setting the first message's role to the 'system'. // Inserts the human's message before the first the assistant one, if there are no such message or prefix found. if (withSyspromptSupport && useSystemPrompt) { messages[0].role = 'system'; if (firstAssistantIndex > 0 && addSysHumanMsg && !hasUser) { messages.splice(firstAssistantIndex, 0, { role: 'user', content: addSysHumanMsg, }); } } else { // Otherwise, use the default message format by setting the first message's role to 'user'(compatible with all claude models including 2.1.) messages[0].role = 'user'; // Fix messages order for default message format when(messages > Context Size) by merging two messages with "\n\nHuman: " prefixes into one, before the first Assistant's message. if (firstAssistantIndex > 0) { messages[firstAssistantIndex - 1].role = firstAssistantIndex - 1 !== 0 && messages[firstAssistantIndex - 1].role === 'user' ? 'FixHumMsg' : messages[firstAssistantIndex - 1].role; } } } // Convert messages to the prompt. let requestPrompt = messages.map((v, i) => { // Set prefix according to the role. let prefix = { 'assistant': '\n\nAssistant: ', 'user': '\n\nHuman: ', 'system': i === 0 ? '' : v.name === 'example_assistant' ? '\n\nA: ' : v.name === 'example_user' ? '\n\nH: ' : '\n\n', 'FixHumMsg': '\n\nFirst message: ', }[v.role] ?? ''; // Claude doesn't support message names, so we'll just add them to the message content. return `${prefix}${v.name && v.role !== 'system' ? `${v.name}: ` : ''}${v.content}`; }).join(''); return requestPrompt; } /** * Convert a prompt from the ChatML objects to the format used by Google MakerSuite models. * @param {object[]} messages Array of messages * @param {string} model Model name * @returns {object[]} Prompt for Google MakerSuite models */ function convertGooglePrompt(messages, model) { // This is a 1x1 transparent PNG const PNG_PIXEL = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mNkYAAAAAYAAjCB0C8AAAAASUVORK5CYII='; const contents = []; let lastRole = ''; let currentText = ''; const isMultimodal = model === 'gemini-pro-vision'; if (isMultimodal) { const combinedText = messages.map((message) => { const role = message.role === 'assistant' ? 'MODEL: ' : 'USER: '; return role + message.content; }).join('\n\n').trim(); const imageEntry = messages.find((message) => message.content?.[1]?.image_url); const imageData = imageEntry?.content?.[1]?.image_url?.data ?? PNG_PIXEL; contents.push({ parts: [ { text: combinedText }, { inlineData: { mimeType: 'image/png', data: imageData, }, }, ], role: 'user', }); } else { messages.forEach((message, index) => { const role = message.role === 'assistant' ? 'model' : 'user'; if (lastRole === role) { currentText += '\n\n' + message.content; } else { if (currentText !== '') { contents.push({ parts: [{ text: currentText.trim() }], role: lastRole, }); } currentText = message.content; lastRole = role; } if (index === messages.length - 1) { contents.push({ parts: [{ text: currentText.trim() }], role: lastRole, }); } }); } return contents; } /** * Convert a prompt from the ChatML objects to the format used by Text Completion API. * @param {object[]} messages Array of messages * @returns {string} Prompt for Text Completion API */ function convertTextCompletionPrompt(messages) { if (typeof messages === 'string') { return messages; } const messageStrings = []; messages.forEach(m => { if (m.role === 'system' && m.name === undefined) { messageStrings.push('System: ' + m.content); } else if (m.role === 'system' && m.name !== undefined) { messageStrings.push(m.name + ': ' + m.content); } else { messageStrings.push(m.role + ': ' + m.content); } }); return messageStrings.join('\n') + '\nassistant:'; } module.exports = { convertClaudePrompt, convertGooglePrompt, convertTextCompletionPrompt, };