import { Fuse } from '../../../lib.js'; import { callPopup, eventSource, event_types, generateRaw, getRequestHeaders, main_api, online_status, saveSettingsDebounced, substituteParams, substituteParamsExtended, system_message_types } from '../../../script.js'; import { dragElement, isMobile } from '../../RossAscends-mods.js'; import { getContext, getApiUrl, modules, extension_settings, ModuleWorkerWrapper, doExtrasFetch, renderExtensionTemplateAsync } from '../../extensions.js'; import { loadMovingUIState, power_user } from '../../power-user.js'; import { onlyUnique, debounce, getCharaFilename, trimToEndSentence, trimToStartSentence, waitUntilCondition, findChar } from '../../utils.js'; import { hideMutedSprites } from '../../group-chats.js'; import { isJsonSchemaSupported } from '../../textgen-settings.js'; import { debounce_timeout } from '../../constants.js'; import { SlashCommandParser } from '../../slash-commands/SlashCommandParser.js'; import { SlashCommand } from '../../slash-commands/SlashCommand.js'; import { ARGUMENT_TYPE, SlashCommandArgument, SlashCommandNamedArgument } from '../../slash-commands/SlashCommandArgument.js'; import { SlashCommandEnumValue, enumTypes } from '../../slash-commands/SlashCommandEnumValue.js'; import { commonEnumProviders } from '../../slash-commands/SlashCommandCommonEnumsProvider.js'; import { slashCommandReturnHelper } from '../../slash-commands/SlashCommandReturnHelper.js'; import { generateWebLlmChatPrompt, isWebLlmSupported } from '../shared.js'; import { Popup, POPUP_RESULT } from '../../popup.js'; import { t } from '../../i18n.js'; export { MODULE_NAME }; /** * @typedef {object} Expression Expression definition with label and file path * @property {string} label The label of the expression * @property {ExpressionImage[]} files One or more images to represent this expression */ /** * @typedef {object} ExpressionImage An expression image * @property {string?} [expression=null] - The expression * @property {boolean?} [isCustom=null] - If the expression is added by user * @property {string} fileName - The filename with extension * @property {string} title - The title for the image * @property {string} imageSrc - The image source / full path * @property {'success' | 'additional' | 'failure'} type - The type of the image */ const MODULE_NAME = 'expressions'; const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2000; const STREAMING_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 10000; const TALKINGCHECK_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 500; const DEFAULT_FALLBACK_EXPRESSION = 'joy'; const DEFAULT_LLM_PROMPT = 'Ignore previous instructions. Classify the emotion of the last message. Output just one word, e.g. "joy" or "anger". Choose only one of the following labels: {{labels}}'; const DEFAULT_EXPRESSIONS = [ 'talkinghead', 'admiration', 'amusement', 'anger', 'annoyance', 'approval', 'caring', 'confusion', 'curiosity', 'desire', 'disappointment', 'disapproval', 'disgust', 'embarrassment', 'excitement', 'fear', 'gratitude', 'grief', 'joy', 'love', 'nervousness', 'optimism', 'pride', 'realization', 'relief', 'remorse', 'sadness', 'surprise', 'neutral', ]; /** @enum {number} */ const EXPRESSION_API = { local: 0, extras: 1, llm: 2, webllm: 3, }; /** @type {ExpressionImage} */ const NO_IMAGE_PLACEHOLDER = { title: 'No Image', type: 'failure', fileName: 'No-Image-Placeholder.svg', imageSrc: '/img/No-Image-Placeholder.svg' }; let expressionsList = null; let lastCharacter = undefined; let lastMessage = null; let lastTalkingState = false; let lastTalkingStateMessage = null; // last message as seen by `updateTalkingState` (tracked separately, different timer) /** @type {{[characterKey: string]: Expression[]}} */ let spriteCache = {}; let inApiCall = false; let lastServerResponseTime = 0; export let lastExpression = {}; function isTalkingHeadEnabled() { return extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead && extension_settings.expressions.api == EXPRESSION_API.extras; } /** * Returns the fallback expression if explicitly chosen, otherwise the default one * @returns {string} expression name */ function getFallbackExpression() { return extension_settings.expressions.fallback_expression ?? DEFAULT_FALLBACK_EXPRESSION; } /** * Toggles Talkinghead mode on/off. * * Implements the `/th` slash command, which is meant to be bound to a Quick Reply button * as a quick way to switch Talkinghead on or off (e.g. to conserve GPU resources when AFK * for a long time). */ function toggleTalkingHeadCommand(_) { setTalkingHeadState(!extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead); return String(extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead); } function isVisualNovelMode() { return Boolean(!isMobile() && power_user.waifuMode && getContext().groupId); } async function forceUpdateVisualNovelMode() { if (isVisualNovelMode()) { await updateVisualNovelMode(); } } const updateVisualNovelModeDebounced = debounce(forceUpdateVisualNovelMode, debounce_timeout.quick); async function updateVisualNovelMode(name, expression) { const container = $('#visual-novel-wrapper'); await visualNovelRemoveInactive(container); const setSpritePromises = await visualNovelSetCharacterSprites(container, name, expression); // calculate layer indices based on recent messages await visualNovelUpdateLayers(container); await Promise.allSettled(setSpritePromises); // update again based on new sprites if (setSpritePromises.length > 0) { await visualNovelUpdateLayers(container); } } async function visualNovelRemoveInactive(container) { const context = getContext(); const group = context.groups.find(x => == context.groupId); const removeInactiveCharactersPromises = []; // remove inactive characters after 1 second container.find('.expression-holder').each((_, current) => { const promise = new Promise(resolve => { const element = $(current); const avatar ='avatar'); if (!group.members.includes(avatar) || group.disabled_members.includes(avatar)) { element.fadeOut(250, () => { element.remove(); resolve(); }); } else { resolve(); } }); removeInactiveCharactersPromises.push(promise); }); await Promise.allSettled(removeInactiveCharactersPromises); } async function visualNovelSetCharacterSprites(container, name, expression) { const context = getContext(); const group = context.groups.find(x => == context.groupId); const labels = await getExpressionsList(); const createCharacterPromises = []; const setSpritePromises = []; for (const avatar of group.members) { const isDisabled = group.disabled_members.includes(avatar); // skip disabled characters if (isDisabled && hideMutedSprites) { continue; } const character = context.characters.find(x => x.avatar == avatar); if (!character) { continue; } const spriteFolderName = getSpriteFolderName({ original_avatar: character.avatar },; // download images if not downloaded yet if (spriteCache[spriteFolderName] === undefined) { spriteCache[spriteFolderName] = await getSpritesList(spriteFolderName); } const sprites = spriteCache[spriteFolderName]; const expressionImage = container.find(`.expression-holder[data-avatar="${avatar}"]`); const defaultExpression = getFallbackExpression(); const defaultSpritePath = sprites.find(x => x.label === defaultExpression)?.path; const noSprites = sprites.length === 0; if (expressionImage.length > 0) { if (name == spriteFolderName) { await validateImages(spriteFolderName, true); setExpressionOverrideHtml(true); // <= force clear expression override input const currentSpritePath = labels.includes(expression) ? sprites.find(x => x.label === expression)?.path : ''; const path = currentSpritePath || defaultSpritePath || ''; const img = expressionImage.find('img'); await setImage(img, path); } expressionImage.toggleClass('hidden', noSprites); } else { const template = $('#expression-holder').clone(); template.attr('id', `expression-${avatar}`); template.attr('data-avatar', avatar); template.find('.drag-grabber').attr('id', `expression-${avatar}header`); $('#visual-novel-wrapper').append(template); dragElement($(template[0])); template.toggleClass('hidden', noSprites); await setImage(template.find('img'), defaultSpritePath || ''); const fadeInPromise = new Promise(resolve => { template.fadeIn(250, () => resolve()); }); createCharacterPromises.push(fadeInPromise); const setSpritePromise = setLastMessageSprite(template.find('img'), avatar, labels); setSpritePromises.push(setSpritePromise); } } await Promise.allSettled(createCharacterPromises); return setSpritePromises; } async function visualNovelUpdateLayers(container) { const context = getContext(); const group = context.groups.find(x => == context.groupId); const recentMessages = => x.original_avatar).filter(x => x).reverse().filter(onlyUnique); const filteredMembers = group.members.filter(x => !group.disabled_members.includes(x)); const layerIndices = filteredMembers.slice().sort((a, b) => { const aRecentIndex = recentMessages.indexOf(a); const bRecentIndex = recentMessages.indexOf(b); const aFilteredIndex = filteredMembers.indexOf(a); const bFilteredIndex = filteredMembers.indexOf(b); if (aRecentIndex !== -1 && bRecentIndex !== -1) { return bRecentIndex - aRecentIndex; } else if (aRecentIndex !== -1) { return 1; } else if (bRecentIndex !== -1) { return -1; } else { return aFilteredIndex - bFilteredIndex; } }); const setLayerIndicesPromises = []; const sortFunction = (a, b) => { const avatarA = $(a).data('avatar'); const avatarB = $(b).data('avatar'); const indexA = filteredMembers.indexOf(avatarA); const indexB = filteredMembers.indexOf(avatarB); return indexA - indexB; }; const containerWidth = container.width(); const pivotalPoint = containerWidth * 0.5; let images = $('#visual-novel-wrapper .expression-holder'); let imagesWidth = []; images.sort(sortFunction).each(function () { imagesWidth.push($(this).width()); }); let totalWidth = imagesWidth.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); let currentPosition = pivotalPoint - (totalWidth / 2); if (totalWidth > containerWidth) { let totalOverlap = totalWidth - containerWidth; let totalWidthWithoutWidest = imagesWidth.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) - Math.max(...imagesWidth); let overlaps = => (width / totalWidthWithoutWidest) * totalOverlap); imagesWidth =, index) => width - overlaps[index]); currentPosition = 0; // Reset the initial position to 0 } images.sort(sortFunction).each((index, current) => { const element = $(current); const elementID = element.attr('id'); // skip repositioning of dragged elements if ('dragged') || (power_user.movingUIState[elementID] && (typeof power_user.movingUIState[elementID] === 'object') && Object.keys(power_user.movingUIState[elementID]).length > 0)) { loadMovingUIState(); //currentPosition += imagesWidth[index]; return; } const avatar ='avatar'); const layerIndex = layerIndices.indexOf(avatar); element.css('z-index', layerIndex);; const promise = new Promise(resolve => { element.animate({ left: currentPosition + 'px' }, 500, () => { resolve(); }); }); currentPosition += imagesWidth[index]; setLayerIndicesPromises.push(promise); }); await Promise.allSettled(setLayerIndicesPromises); } async function setLastMessageSprite(img, avatar, labels) { const context = getContext(); const lastMessage = => x.original_avatar == avatar || (x.force_avatar && x.force_avatar.includes(encodeURIComponent(avatar)))); if (lastMessage) { const text = lastMessage.mes || ''; const spriteFolderName = getSpriteFolderName(lastMessage,; const sprites = spriteCache[spriteFolderName] || []; const label = await getExpressionLabel(text); const path = labels.includes(label) ? sprites.find(x => x.label === label)?.path : ''; if (path) { setImage(img, path); } } } async function setImage(img, path) { // Cohee: If something goes wrong, uncomment this to return to the old behavior /* img.attr('src', path); img.removeClass('default');'error'); img.on('error', function () { console.debug('Error loading image', path); $(this).off('error'); $(this).attr('src', ''); }); */ return new Promise(resolve => { const prevExpressionSrc = img.attr('src'); const expressionClone = img.clone(); const originalId ='filename'); //only swap expressions when necessary if (prevExpressionSrc !== path && !img.hasClass('expression-animating')) { //clone expression expressionClone.addClass('expression-clone'); //make invisible and remove id to prevent double ids //must be made invisible to start because they share the same Z-index'filename', '').css({ opacity: 0 }); //add new sprite path to clone src expressionClone.attr('src', path); //add invisible clone to html expressionClone.appendTo(img.parent()); const duration = 200; //add animation flags to both images //to prevent multiple expression changes happening simultaneously img.addClass('expression-animating'); // Set the parent container's min width and height before running the transition const imgWidth = img.width(); const imgHeight = img.height(); const expressionHolder = img.parent(); expressionHolder.css('min-width', imgWidth > 100 ? imgWidth : 100); expressionHolder.css('min-height', imgHeight > 100 ? imgHeight : 100); //position absolute prevent the original from jumping around during transition img.css('position', 'absolute').width(imgWidth).height(imgHeight); expressionClone.addClass('expression-animating'); //fade the clone in expressionClone.css({ opacity: 0, }).animate({ opacity: 1, }, duration) //when finshed fading in clone, fade out the original .promise().done(function () { img.animate({ opacity: 0, }, duration); //remove old expression img.remove(); //replace ID so it becomes the new 'original' expression for next change'filename', originalId); expressionClone.removeClass('expression-animating'); // Reset the expression holder min height and width expressionHolder.css('min-width', 100); expressionHolder.css('min-height', 100); resolve(); }); expressionClone.removeClass('expression-clone'); expressionClone.removeClass('default');'error'); expressionClone.on('error', function () { console.debug('Expression image error', path); $(this).attr('src', ''); $(this).off('error'); resolve(); }); } else { resolve(); } }); } function onExpressionsShowDefaultInput() { const value = $(this).prop('checked'); extension_settings.expressions.showDefault = value; saveSettingsDebounced(); const existingImageSrc = $('img.expression').prop('src'); if (existingImageSrc !== undefined) { //if we have an image in src if (!value && existingImageSrc.includes('/img/default-expressions/')) { //and that image is from /img/ (default) $('img.expression').prop('src', ''); //remove it lastMessage = null; } if (value) { lastMessage = null; } } } /** * Stops animating Talkinghead. */ async function unloadTalkingHead() { if (!modules.includes('talkinghead')) { console.debug('talkinghead module is disabled'); return; } console.debug('expressions: Stopping Talkinghead'); try { const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/talkinghead/unload'; const loadResponse = await doExtrasFetch(url); if (!loadResponse.ok) { throw new Error(loadResponse.statusText); } //console.log(`Response: ${loadResponseText}`); } catch (error) { //console.error(`Error unloading - ${error}`); } } /** * Posts `talkinghead.png` of the current character to the talkinghead module in SillyTavern-extras, to start animating it. */ async function loadTalkingHead() { if (!modules.includes('talkinghead')) { console.debug('talkinghead module is disabled'); return; } console.debug('expressions: Starting Talkinghead'); const spriteFolderName = getSpriteFolderName(); const talkingheadPath = `/characters/${encodeURIComponent(spriteFolderName)}/talkinghead.png`; const emotionsSettingsPath = `/characters/${encodeURIComponent(spriteFolderName)}/_emotions.json`; const animatorSettingsPath = `/characters/${encodeURIComponent(spriteFolderName)}/_animator.json`; try { const spriteResponse = await fetch(talkingheadPath); if (!spriteResponse.ok) { throw new Error(spriteResponse.statusText); } const spriteBlob = await spriteResponse.blob(); const spriteFile = new File([spriteBlob], 'talkinghead.png', { type: 'image/png' }); const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', spriteFile); const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/talkinghead/load'; const loadResponse = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: formData, }); if (!loadResponse.ok) { throw new Error(loadResponse.statusText); } const loadResponseText = await loadResponse.text(); console.log(`Load talkinghead response: ${loadResponseText}`); // Optional: per-character emotion templates let emotionsSettings; try { const emotionsResponse = await fetch(emotionsSettingsPath); if (emotionsResponse.ok) { emotionsSettings = await emotionsResponse.json(); console.log(`Loaded ${emotionsSettingsPath}`); } else { throw new Error(); } } catch (error) { emotionsSettings = {}; // blank -> use server defaults (to unload the previous character's customizations) console.log(`No valid config at ${emotionsSettingsPath}, using server defaults`); } try { const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/talkinghead/load_emotion_templates'; const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder': 'bypass', }, body: JSON.stringify(emotionsSettings), }); if (!apiResult.ok) { throw new Error(apiResult.statusText); } } catch (error) { // it's ok if not supported console.log('Failed to send _emotions.json (backend too old?), ignoring'); } // Optional: per-character animator and postprocessor config let animatorSettings; try { const animatorResponse = await fetch(animatorSettingsPath); if (animatorResponse.ok) { animatorSettings = await animatorResponse.json(); console.log(`Loaded ${animatorSettingsPath}`); } else { throw new Error(); } } catch (error) { animatorSettings = {}; // blank -> use server defaults (to unload the previous character's customizations) console.log(`No valid config at ${animatorSettingsPath}, using server defaults`); } try { const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/talkinghead/load_animator_settings'; const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder': 'bypass', }, body: JSON.stringify(animatorSettings), }); if (!apiResult.ok) { throw new Error(apiResult.statusText); } } catch (error) { // it's ok if not supported console.log('Failed to send _animator.json (backend too old?), ignoring'); } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error loading talkinghead image: ${talkingheadPath} - ${error}`); } } function handleImageChange() { const imgElement = document.querySelector('img#expression-image.expression'); if (!imgElement || !(imgElement instanceof HTMLImageElement)) { console.log('Cannot find addExpressionImage()'); return; } if (isTalkingHeadEnabled() && modules.includes('talkinghead')) { const talkingheadResultFeedSrc = `${getApiUrl()}/api/talkinghead/result_feed`; $('#expression-holder').css({ display: '' }); if (imgElement.src !== talkingheadResultFeedSrc) { const expressionImageElement = document.querySelector('.expression_list_image'); if (expressionImageElement && expressionImageElement instanceof HTMLImageElement) { doExtrasFetch(expressionImageElement.src, { method: 'HEAD', }) .then(response => { if (response.ok) { imgElement.src = talkingheadResultFeedSrc; } }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); }); } } } else { imgElement.src = ''; // remove in case char doesn't have expressions // When switching Talkinghead off, force-set the character to the last known expression, if any. // This preserves the same expression Talkinghead had at the moment it was switched off. const charName = getContext().name2; const last = lastExpression[charName]; const targetExpression = last ? last : getFallbackExpression(); setExpression(charName, targetExpression, true); } } async function moduleWorker() { const context = getContext(); // Hide and disable Talkinghead while not in extras $('#image_type_block').toggle(extension_settings.expressions.api == EXPRESSION_API.extras); if (extension_settings.expressions.api != EXPRESSION_API.extras && extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead) { $('#image_type_toggle').prop('checked', false); setTalkingHeadState(false); } // non-characters not supported if (!context.groupId && context.characterId === undefined) { removeExpression(); return; } const vnMode = isVisualNovelMode(); const vnWrapperVisible = $('#visual-novel-wrapper').is(':visible'); if (vnMode) { $('#expression-wrapper').hide(); $('#visual-novel-wrapper').show(); } else { $('#expression-wrapper').show(); $('#visual-novel-wrapper').hide(); } const vnStateChanged = vnMode !== vnWrapperVisible; if (vnStateChanged) { lastMessage = null; $('#visual-novel-wrapper').empty(); $('#expression-holder').css({ top: '', left: '', right: '', bottom: '', height: '', width: '', margin: '' }); } const currentLastMessage = getLastCharacterMessage(); let spriteFolderName = context.groupId ? getSpriteFolderName(currentLastMessage, : getSpriteFolderName(); // character has no expressions or it is not loaded if (Object.keys(spriteCache).length === 0) { await validateImages(spriteFolderName); lastCharacter = context.groupId || context.characterId; } const offlineMode = $('.expression_settings .offline_mode'); if (!modules.includes('classify') && extension_settings.expressions.api == EXPRESSION_API.extras) { $('#open_chat_expressions').show(); $('#no_chat_expressions').hide(); offlineMode.css('display', 'block'); lastCharacter = context.groupId || context.characterId; if (context.groupId) { await validateImages(spriteFolderName, true); await forceUpdateVisualNovelMode(); } return; } else { // force reload expressions list on connect to API if (':visible')) { expressionsList = null; spriteCache = {}; expressionsList = await getExpressionsList(); await validateImages(spriteFolderName, true); await forceUpdateVisualNovelMode(); } if (context.groupId && !Array.isArray(spriteCache[spriteFolderName])) { await validateImages(spriteFolderName, true); await forceUpdateVisualNovelMode(); } offlineMode.css('display', 'none'); } // Don't bother classifying if current char has no sprites and no default expressions are enabled if ((!Array.isArray(spriteCache[spriteFolderName]) || spriteCache[spriteFolderName].length === 0) && !extension_settings.expressions.showDefault) { return; } const lastMessageChanged = !((lastCharacter === context.characterId || lastCharacter === context.groupId) && lastMessage === currentLastMessage.mes); // check if last message changed if (!lastMessageChanged) { return; } // If using LLM api then check if streamingProcessor is finished to avoid sending multiple requests to the API if (extension_settings.expressions.api === EXPRESSION_API.llm && context.streamingProcessor && !context.streamingProcessor.isFinished) { return; } // API is busy if (inApiCall) { console.debug('Classification API is busy'); return; } // Throttle classification requests during streaming if (!context.groupId && context.streamingProcessor && !context.streamingProcessor.isFinished) { const now =; const timeSinceLastServerResponse = now - lastServerResponseTime; if (timeSinceLastServerResponse < STREAMING_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { console.log('Streaming in progress: throttling expression update. Next update at ' + new Date(lastServerResponseTime + STREAMING_UPDATE_INTERVAL)); return; } } try { inApiCall = true; let expression = await getExpressionLabel(currentLastMessage.mes); // If we're not already overriding the folder name, account for group chats. if (spriteFolderName === && !context.groupId) { spriteFolderName = context.name2; } const force = !!context.groupId; // Character won't be angry on you for swiping if (currentLastMessage.mes == '...' && expressionsList.includes(getFallbackExpression())) { expression = getFallbackExpression(); } await sendExpressionCall(spriteFolderName, expression, force, vnMode); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } finally { inApiCall = false; lastCharacter = context.groupId || context.characterId; lastMessage = currentLastMessage.mes; lastServerResponseTime =; } } /** * Starts/stops Talkinghead talking animation. * * Talking starts only when all the following conditions are met: * - The LLM is currently streaming its output. * - The AI's current last message is non-empty, and also not just '...' (as produced by a swipe). * - The AI's current last message has changed from what we saw during the previous call. * * In all other cases, talking stops. * * A Talkinghead API call is made only when the talking state changes. * * Note that also the TTS system, if enabled, starts/stops the Talkinghead talking animation. * See `talkingAnimation` in `SillyTavern/public/scripts/extensions/tts/index.js`. */ async function updateTalkingState() { // Don't bother if Talkinghead is disabled or not loaded. if (!isTalkingHeadEnabled() || !modules.includes('talkinghead')) { return; } const context = getContext(); const currentLastMessage = getLastCharacterMessage(); try { // TODO: Not sure if we need also "&& !context.groupId" here - the classify check in `moduleWorker` // (that similarly checks the streaming processor state) does that for some reason. // Talkinghead isn't currently designed to work with groups. const lastMessageChanged = !((lastCharacter === context.characterId || lastCharacter === context.groupId) && lastTalkingStateMessage === currentLastMessage.mes); const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); let newTalkingState; if (context.streamingProcessor && !context.streamingProcessor.isFinished && currentLastMessage.mes.length !== 0 && currentLastMessage.mes !== '...' && lastMessageChanged) { url.pathname = '/api/talkinghead/start_talking'; newTalkingState = true; } else { url.pathname = '/api/talkinghead/stop_talking'; newTalkingState = false; } try { // Call the Talkinghead API only if the talking state changed. if (newTalkingState !== lastTalkingState) { console.debug(`updateTalkingState: calling ${url.pathname}`); await doExtrasFetch(url); } } catch (error) { // it's ok if not supported } finally { lastTalkingState = newTalkingState; } } catch (error) { // console.log(error); } finally { lastTalkingStateMessage = currentLastMessage.mes; } } /** * Checks whether the current character has a talkinghead image available. * @returns {Promise} True if the character has a talkinghead image available, false otherwise. */ async function isTalkingHeadAvailable() { let spriteFolderName = getSpriteFolderName(); try { await validateImages(spriteFolderName); let talkingheadObj = spriteCache[spriteFolderName].find(obj => obj.label === 'talkinghead'); let talkingheadPath = talkingheadObj ? talkingheadObj.path : null; if (talkingheadPath != null) { return true; } else { await unloadTalkingHead(); return false; } } catch (err) { return err; } } function getSpriteFolderName(characterMessage = null, characterName = null) { const context = getContext(); let spriteFolderName = characterName ?? context.name2; const message = characterMessage ?? getLastCharacterMessage(); const avatarFileName = getFolderNameByMessage(message); const expressionOverride = extension_settings.expressionOverrides.find(e => == avatarFileName); if (expressionOverride && expressionOverride.path) { spriteFolderName = expressionOverride.path; } return spriteFolderName; } function setTalkingHeadState(newState) { console.debug(`expressions: New talkinghead state: ${newState}`); extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead = newState; // Store setting saveSettingsDebounced(); if ([EXPRESSION_API.local, EXPRESSION_API.llm, EXPRESSION_API.webllm].includes(extension_settings.expressions.api)) { return; } isTalkingHeadAvailable().then(result => { if (result) { //console.log("talkinghead exists!"); if (extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead) { loadTalkingHead(); } else { unloadTalkingHead(); } handleImageChange(); // Change image as needed } else { //console.log("talkinghead does not exist."); } }); } function getFolderNameByMessage(message) { const context = getContext(); let avatarPath = ''; if (context.groupId) { avatarPath = message.original_avatar || context.characters.find(x => message.force_avatar && message.force_avatar.includes(encodeURIComponent(x.avatar)))?.avatar; } else if (context.characterId) { avatarPath = getCharaFilename(); } if (!avatarPath) { return ''; } const folderName = avatarPath.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ''); return folderName; } async function sendExpressionCall(name, expression, force, vnMode) { lastExpression[name.split('/')[0]] = expression; if (!vnMode) { vnMode = isVisualNovelMode(); } if (vnMode) { await updateVisualNovelMode(name, expression); } else { setExpression(name, expression, force); } } async function setSpriteSetCommand(_, folder) { if (!folder) { console.log('Clearing sprite set'); folder = ''; } if (folder.startsWith('/') || folder.startsWith('\\')) { folder = folder.slice(1); const currentLastMessage = getLastCharacterMessage(); folder = `${}/${folder}`; } $('#expression_override').val(folder.trim()); onClickExpressionOverrideButton(); // removeExpression(); // moduleWorker(); const vnMode = isVisualNovelMode(); await sendExpressionCall(folder, lastExpression, true, vnMode); return ''; } async function classifyCallback(/** @type {{api: string?, prompt: string?}} */ { api = null, prompt = null }, text) { if (!text) { toastr.warning('No text provided'); return ''; } if (api && !Object.keys(EXPRESSION_API).includes(api)) { toastr.warning('Invalid API provided'); return ''; } const expressionApi = EXPRESSION_API[api] || extension_settings.expressions.api; if (!modules.includes('classify') && expressionApi == EXPRESSION_API.extras) { toastr.warning('Text classification is disabled or not available'); return ''; } const label = await getExpressionLabel(text, expressionApi, { customPrompt: prompt }); console.debug(`Classification result for "${text}": ${label}`); return label; } async function setSpriteSlashCommand(_, spriteId) { if (!spriteId) { console.log('No sprite id provided'); return ''; } spriteId = spriteId.trim().toLowerCase(); // In Talkinghead mode, don't check for the existence of the sprite // (emotion names are the same as for sprites, but it only needs "talkinghead.png"). const currentLastMessage = getLastCharacterMessage(); const spriteFolderName = getSpriteFolderName(currentLastMessage,; let label = spriteId; if (!isTalkingHeadEnabled() || !modules.includes('talkinghead')) { await validateImages(spriteFolderName); // Fuzzy search for sprite const fuse = new Fuse(spriteCache[spriteFolderName], { keys: ['label'] }); const results =; const spriteItem = results[0]?.item; if (!spriteItem) { console.log('No sprite found for search term ' + spriteId); return ''; } label = spriteItem.label; } const vnMode = isVisualNovelMode(); await sendExpressionCall(spriteFolderName, label, true, vnMode); return label; } /** * Returns the sprite folder name (including override) for a character. * @param {object} char Character object * @param {string} char.avatar Avatar filename with extension * @returns {string} Sprite folder name * @throws {Error} If character not found or avatar not set */ function spriteFolderNameFromCharacter(char) { const avatarFileName = char.avatar.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ''); const expressionOverride = extension_settings.expressionOverrides.find(e => === avatarFileName); return expressionOverride?.path ? expressionOverride.path : avatarFileName; } /** * Slash command callback for /uploadsprite * * label= is required * if name= is provided, it will be used as a findChar lookup * if name= is not provided, the last character's name will be used * if folder= is a full path, it will be used as the folder * if folder= is a partial path, it will be appended to the character's name * if folder= is not provided, the character's override folder will be used, if set * * @param {object} args * @param {string} Character name or avatar key, passed through findChar * @param {string} args.label Expression label * @param {string} args.folder Sprite folder path, processed using backslash rules * @param {string} imageUrl Image URI to fetch and upload * @returns {Promise} */ async function uploadSpriteCommand({ name, label, folder }, imageUrl) { if (!imageUrl) throw new Error('Image URL is required'); if (!label || typeof label !== 'string') throw new Error('Expression label is required'); label = label.replace(/[^a-z]/gi, '').toLowerCase().trim(); if (!label) throw new Error('Expression label must contain at least one letter'); name = name || getLastCharacterMessage().original_avatar || getLastCharacterMessage().name; const char = findChar({ name }); if (!folder) { folder = spriteFolderNameFromCharacter(char); } else if (folder.startsWith('/') || folder.startsWith('\\')) { const subfolder = folder.slice(1); folder = `${}/${subfolder}`; } try { const response = await fetch(imageUrl); const blob = await response.blob(); const file = new File([blob], 'image.png', { type: 'image/png' }); const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('name', folder); // this is the folder or character name formData.append('label', label); // this is the expression label formData.append('avatar', file); // this is the image file await handleFileUpload('/api/sprites/upload', formData); console.debug(`[${MODULE_NAME}] Upload of ${imageUrl} completed for ${name} with label ${label}`); } catch (error) { console.error(`[${MODULE_NAME}] Error uploading file:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Processes the classification text to reduce the amount of text sent to the API. * Quotes and asterisks are to be removed. If the text is less than 300 characters, it is returned as is. * If the text is more than 300 characters, the first and last 150 characters are returned. * The result is trimmed to the end of sentence. * @param {string} text The text to process. * @returns {string} */ function sampleClassifyText(text) { if (!text) { return text; } // Replace macros, remove asterisks and quotes let result = substituteParams(text).replace(/[*"]/g, ''); // If using LLM api there is no need to check length of characters if (extension_settings.expressions.api === EXPRESSION_API.llm) { return result.trim(); } const SAMPLE_THRESHOLD = 500; const HALF_SAMPLE_THRESHOLD = SAMPLE_THRESHOLD / 2; if (text.length < SAMPLE_THRESHOLD) { result = trimToEndSentence(result); } else { result = trimToEndSentence(result.slice(0, HALF_SAMPLE_THRESHOLD)) + ' ' + trimToStartSentence(result.slice(-HALF_SAMPLE_THRESHOLD)); } return result.trim(); } /** * Gets the classification prompt for the LLM API. * @param {string[]} labels A list of labels to search for. * @returns {Promise} Prompt for the LLM API. */ async function getLlmPrompt(labels) { if (isJsonSchemaSupported()) { return ''; } const labelsString = => `"${x}"`).join(', '); const prompt = substituteParamsExtended(String(extension_settings.expressions.llmPrompt), { labels: labelsString }); return prompt; } /** * Parses the emotion response from the LLM API. * @param {string} emotionResponse The response from the LLM API. * @param {string[]} labels A list of labels to search for. * @returns {string} The parsed emotion or the fallback expression. */ function parseLlmResponse(emotionResponse, labels) { try { const parsedEmotion = JSON.parse(emotionResponse); const response = parsedEmotion?.emotion?.trim()?.toLowerCase(); if (!response || !labels.includes(response)) { console.debug(`Parsed emotion response: ${response} not in labels: ${labels}`); throw new Error('Emotion not in labels'); } return response; } catch { const fuse = new Fuse(labels, { includeScore: true }); console.debug('Using fuzzy search in labels:', labels); const result =; if (result.length > 0) { console.debug(`fuzzy search found: ${result[0].item} as closest for the LLM response:`, emotionResponse); return result[0].item; } const lowerCaseResponse = String(emotionResponse || '').toLowerCase(); for (const label of labels) { if (lowerCaseResponse.includes(label.toLowerCase())) { console.debug(`Found label ${label} in the LLM response:`, emotionResponse); return label; } } } throw new Error('Could not parse emotion response ' + emotionResponse); } /** * Gets the JSON schema for the LLM API. * @param {string[]} emotions A list of emotions to search for. * @returns {object} The JSON schema for the LLM API. */ function getJsonSchema(emotions) { return { $schema: '', type: 'object', properties: { emotion: { type: 'string', enum: emotions, }, }, required: [ 'emotion', ], }; } function onTextGenSettingsReady(args) { // Only call if inside an API call if (inApiCall && extension_settings.expressions.api === EXPRESSION_API.llm && isJsonSchemaSupported()) { const emotions = DEFAULT_EXPRESSIONS.filter((e) => e != 'talkinghead'); Object.assign(args, { top_k: 1, stop: [], stopping_strings: [], custom_token_bans: [], json_schema: getJsonSchema(emotions), }); } } /** * Retrieves the label of an expression via classification based on the provided text. * Optionally allows to override the expressions API being used. * @param {string} text - The text to classify and retrieve the expression label for. * @param {EXPRESSION_API} [expressionsApi=extension_settings.expressions.api] - The expressions API to use for classification. * @param {object} [options={}] - Optional arguments. * @param {string?} [options.customPrompt=null] - The custom prompt to use for classification. * @returns {Promise} - The label of the expression. */ export async function getExpressionLabel(text, expressionsApi = extension_settings.expressions.api, { customPrompt = null } = {}) { // Return if text is undefined, saving a costly fetch request if ((!modules.includes('classify') && expressionsApi == EXPRESSION_API.extras) || !text) { return getFallbackExpression(); } if (extension_settings.expressions.translate && typeof window['translate'] === 'function') { text = await window['translate'](text, 'en'); } text = sampleClassifyText(text); try { switch (expressionsApi) { // Local BERT pipeline case EXPRESSION_API.local: { const localResult = await fetch('/api/extra/classify', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ text: text }), }); if (localResult.ok) { const data = await localResult.json(); return data.classification[0].label; } } break; // Using LLM case EXPRESSION_API.llm: { try { await waitUntilCondition(() => online_status !== 'no_connection', 3000, 250); } catch (error) { console.warn('No LLM connection. Using fallback expression', error); return getFallbackExpression(); } const expressionsList = await getExpressionsList(); const prompt = substituteParamsExtended(customPrompt, { labels: expressionsList }) || await getLlmPrompt(expressionsList); eventSource.once(event_types.TEXT_COMPLETION_SETTINGS_READY, onTextGenSettingsReady); const emotionResponse = await generateRaw(text, main_api, false, false, prompt); return parseLlmResponse(emotionResponse, expressionsList); } // Using WebLLM case EXPRESSION_API.webllm: { if (!isWebLlmSupported()) { console.warn('WebLLM is not supported. Using fallback expression'); return getFallbackExpression(); } const expressionsList = await getExpressionsList(); const prompt = substituteParamsExtended(customPrompt, { labels: expressionsList }) || await getLlmPrompt(expressionsList); const messages = [ { role: 'user', content: text + '\n\n' + prompt }, ]; const emotionResponse = await generateWebLlmChatPrompt(messages); return parseLlmResponse(emotionResponse, expressionsList); } // Extras default: { const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/classify'; const extrasResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder': 'bypass', }, body: JSON.stringify({ text: text }), }); if (extrasResult.ok) { const data = await extrasResult.json(); return data.classification[0].label; } } break; } } catch (error) {'Could not classify expression. Check the console or your backend for more information.'); console.error(error); return getFallbackExpression(); } } function getLastCharacterMessage() { const context = getContext(); const reversedChat =; for (let mes of reversedChat) { if (mes.is_user || mes.is_system || mes.extra?.type === system_message_types.NARRATOR) { continue; } return { mes: mes.mes, name:, original_avatar: mes.original_avatar, force_avatar: mes.force_avatar }; } return { mes: '', name: null, original_avatar: null, force_avatar: null }; } function removeExpression() { lastMessage = null; $('img.expression').off('error'); $('img.expression').prop('src', ''); $('img.expression').removeClass('default'); $('#open_chat_expressions').hide(); $('#no_chat_expressions').show(); } /** * Validate a character's sprites, and redraw the sprites list if not done before or forced to redraw. * @param {string} character - The character to validate * @param {boolean} [forceRedrawCached=false] - Whether to force redrawing the sprites list even if it's already been drawn before */ async function validateImages(character, forceRedrawCached = false) { if (!character) { return; } const labels = await getExpressionsList(); if (spriteCache[character]) { if (forceRedrawCached && $('#image_list').data('name') !== character) { console.debug('force redrawing character sprites list'); await drawSpritesList(character, labels, spriteCache[character]); } return; } const sprites = await getSpritesList(character); let validExpressions = await drawSpritesList(character, labels, sprites); spriteCache[character] = validExpressions; } /** * Takes a given sprite as returned from the server, and enriches it with additional data for display/sorting * @param {{ path: string, label: string }} sprite * @returns {ExpressionImage} */ function getExpressionImageData(sprite) { const fileName = sprite.path.split('/').pop().split('?')[0]; const fileNameWithoutExtension = fileName.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ''); return { expression: sprite.label, fileName: fileName, title: fileNameWithoutExtension, imageSrc: sprite.path, type: fileNameWithoutExtension == sprite.label ? 'success' : 'additional', isCustom: extension_settings.expressions.custom?.includes(sprite.label), }; } /** * Populate the character expression list with sprites for the given character. * @param {string} character - The name of the character to populate the list for * @param {string[]} labels - An array of expression labels that are valid * @param {Expression[]} sprites - An array of sprites * @returns {Promise} An array of valid expression labels */ async function drawSpritesList(character, labels, sprites) { /** @type {Expression[]} */ let validExpressions = []; $('#no_chat_expressions').hide(); $('#open_chat_expressions').show(); $('#image_list').empty(); $('#image_list').data('name', character); $('#image_list_header_name').text(character); if (!Array.isArray(labels)) { return []; } for (const expression of labels.sort()) { const isCustom = extension_settings.expressions.custom?.includes(expression); const images = sprites .filter(s => s.label === expression) .map(s => s.files) .flat() .sort((a, b) => a.title.localeCompare(b.title)); if (images.length === 0) { const listItem = await getListItem(expression, { isCustom, images: [{ expression, isCustom, ...NO_IMAGE_PLACEHOLDER }], }); $('#image_list').append(listItem); continue; } // TODO: Fix valid expression lists/caching and group them correctly validExpressions.push({ label: expression, files: images }); // Render main = first file, additional = rest let listItem = await getListItem(expression, { isCustom, images, }); $('#image_list').append(listItem); } return validExpressions; } /** * Renders a list item template for the expressions list. * @param {string} expression Expression name * @param {object} args Arguments object * @param {ExpressionImage[]} [args.images] Array of image objects * @param {boolean} [args.isCustom=false] If expression is added by user * @returns {Promise} Rendered list item template */ async function getListItem(expression, { images, isCustom = false } = {}) { return renderExtensionTemplateAsync(MODULE_NAME, 'list-item', { expression, images, isCustom: isCustom ?? false }); } /** * Fetches and processes the list of sprites for a given character name. * Retrieves sprite data from the server and organizes it into labeled groups. * * @param {string} name - The character name to fetch sprites for * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to an array of grouped expression objects, each containing a label and associated image data */ async function getSpritesList(name) { console.debug('getting sprites list'); try { const result = await fetch(`/api/sprites/get?name=${encodeURIComponent(name)}`); /** @type {{ label: string, path: string }[]} */ let sprites = result.ok ? (await result.json()) : []; /** @type {Expression[]} */ const grouped = sprites.reduce((acc, sprite) => { const imageData = getExpressionImageData(sprite); let existingExpression = acc.find(exp => exp.label === sprite.label); if (existingExpression) { existingExpression.files.push(imageData); } else { acc.push({ label: sprite.label, files: [imageData] }); } return acc; }, []); return grouped; } catch (err) { console.log(err); return []; } } async function renderAdditionalExpressionSettings() { renderCustomExpressions(); await renderFallbackExpressionPicker(); } function renderCustomExpressions() { if (!Array.isArray(extension_settings.expressions.custom)) { extension_settings.expressions.custom = []; } const customExpressions = extension_settings.expressions.custom.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); $('#expression_custom').empty(); for (const expression of customExpressions) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = expression; option.text = expression; $('#expression_custom').append(option); } if (customExpressions.length === 0) { $('#expression_custom').append(''); } } async function renderFallbackExpressionPicker() { const expressions = await getExpressionsList(); const defaultPicker = $('#expression_fallback'); defaultPicker.empty(); const fallbackExpression = getFallbackExpression(); for (const expression of expressions) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = expression; option.text = expression; option.selected = expression == fallbackExpression; defaultPicker.append(option); } } /** * Retrieves a unique list of cached expressions. * Combines the default expressions list with custom user-defined expressions. * * @returns {string[]} An array of unique expression labels */ function getCachedExpressions() { if (!Array.isArray(expressionsList)) { return []; } return [...expressionsList, ...extension_settings.expressions.custom].filter(onlyUnique); } export async function getExpressionsList() { // Return cached list if available if (Array.isArray(expressionsList)) { return getCachedExpressions(); } /** * Returns the list of expressions from the API or fallback in offline mode. * @returns {Promise} */ async function resolveExpressionsList() { // See if we can retrieve a specific expression list from the API try { // Check Extras api first, if enabled and that module active if (extension_settings.expressions.api == EXPRESSION_API.extras && modules.includes('classify')) { const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/classify/labels'; const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder': 'bypass' }, }); if (apiResult.ok) { const data = await apiResult.json(); expressionsList = data.labels; return expressionsList; } } // If running the local classify model (not using the LLM), we ask that one if (extension_settings.expressions.api == EXPRESSION_API.local) { const apiResult = await fetch('/api/extra/classify/labels', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), }); if (apiResult.ok) { const data = await apiResult.json(); expressionsList = data.labels; return expressionsList; } } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } // If there was no specific list, or an error, just return the default expressions expressionsList = DEFAULT_EXPRESSIONS.filter(e => e !== 'talkinghead').slice(); return expressionsList; } const result = await resolveExpressionsList(); return [...result, ...extension_settings.expressions.custom].filter(onlyUnique); } /** * Set the expression of a character. * @param {string} character - The name of the character * @param {string} expression - The expression to set * @param {boolean} [force=false] - Whether to force the expression change even if Visual Novel mode is on. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the expression has been set. */ async function setExpression(character, expression, force = false) { if (!isTalkingHeadEnabled() || !modules.includes('talkinghead')) { console.debug('entered setExpressions'); await validateImages(character); const img = $('img.expression'); const prevExpressionSrc = img.attr('src'); const expressionClone = img.clone(); /** @type {Expression} */ const sprite = (spriteCache[character] && spriteCache[character].find(x => x.label === expression)); console.debug('checking for expression images to show..'); if (sprite) { console.debug('setting expression from character images folder'); let spriteFile = sprite.files[0]; // Calculate next expression, if multiple are allowed if (extension_settings.expressions.allowMultiple && sprite.files.length > 1) { let possibleFiles = sprite.files; if (extension_settings.expressions.rerollIfSame) { possibleFiles = possibleFiles.filter(x => x.imageSrc !== prevExpressionSrc); } spriteFile = possibleFiles[Math.floor(Math.random() * possibleFiles.length)]; } if (force && isVisualNovelMode()) { const context = getContext(); const group = context.groups.find(x => === context.groupId); for (const member of group.members) { const groupMember = context.characters.find(x => x.avatar === member); if (!groupMember) { continue; } if ( == character) { await setImage($(`.expression-holder[data-avatar="${member}"] img`), spriteFile.imageSrc); return; } } } //only swap expressions when necessary if (prevExpressionSrc !== spriteFile.imageSrc && !img.hasClass('expression-animating')) { //clone expression expressionClone.addClass('expression-clone'); //make invisible and remove id to prevent double ids //must be made invisible to start because they share the same Z-index expressionClone.attr('id', '').css({ opacity: 0 }); //add new sprite path to clone src expressionClone.attr('src', spriteFile.imageSrc); //add invisible clone to html expressionClone.appendTo($('#expression-holder')); const duration = 200; //add animation flags to both images //to prevent multiple expression changes happening simultaneously img.addClass('expression-animating'); // Set the parent container's min width and height before running the transition const imgWidth = img.width(); const imgHeight = img.height(); const expressionHolder = img.parent(); expressionHolder.css('min-width', imgWidth > 100 ? imgWidth : 100); expressionHolder.css('min-height', imgHeight > 100 ? imgHeight : 100); //position absolute prevent the original from jumping around during transition img.css('position', 'absolute').width(imgWidth).height(imgHeight); expressionClone.addClass('expression-animating'); //fade the clone in expressionClone.css({ opacity: 0, }).animate({ opacity: 1, }, duration) //when finshed fading in clone, fade out the original .promise().done(function () { img.animate({ opacity: 0, }, duration); //remove old expression img.remove(); //replace ID so it becomes the new 'original' expression for next change expressionClone.attr('id', 'expression-image'); expressionClone.removeClass('expression-animating'); // Reset the expression holder min height and width expressionHolder.css('min-width', 100); expressionHolder.css('min-height', 100); }); expressionClone.removeClass('expression-clone'); expressionClone.removeClass('default');'error'); expressionClone.on('error', function () { console.debug('Expression image error', spriteFile.imageSrc); $(this).attr('src', ''); $(this).off('error'); if (force && extension_settings.expressions.showDefault) { setDefault(); } }); } } else { if (extension_settings.expressions.showDefault) { setDefault(); } } function setDefault() { console.debug('setting default'); const defImgUrl = `/img/default-expressions/${expression}.png`; //console.log(defImgUrl); img.attr('src', defImgUrl); img.addClass('default'); } document.getElementById('expression-holder').style.display = ''; } else { // Set the Talkinghead emotion to the specified expression // TODO: For now, Talkinghead emote only supported when VN mode is off; see also updateVisualNovelMode. try { let result = await isTalkingHeadAvailable(); if (result) { const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/talkinghead/set_emotion'; await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ emotion_name: expression }), }); } } catch (error) { // `set_emotion` is not present in old versions, so let it 404. } try { // Find the element with id="expression-image" and class="expression" const imgElement = document.querySelector('img#expression-image.expression'); //console.log("searching"); if (imgElement && imgElement instanceof HTMLImageElement) { //console.log("setting value"); imgElement.src = getApiUrl() + '/api/talkinghead/result_feed'; } } catch (error) { //console.log("The fetch failed!"); } } } function onClickExpressionImage() { const expression = $(this).data('expression'); setSpriteSlashCommand({}, expression); } async function onClickExpressionAddCustom() { const template = await renderExtensionTemplateAsync(MODULE_NAME, 'add-custom-expression'); let expressionName = await callPopup(template, 'input'); if (!expressionName) { console.debug('No custom expression name provided'); return; } expressionName = expressionName.trim().toLowerCase(); // a-z, 0-9, dashes and underscores only if (!/^[a-z0-9-_]+$/.test(expressionName)) {'Invalid custom expression name provided'); return; } // Check if expression name already exists in default expressions if (DEFAULT_EXPRESSIONS.includes(expressionName)) {'Expression name already exists'); return; } // Check if expression name already exists in custom expressions if (extension_settings.expressions.custom.includes(expressionName)) {'Custom expression already exists'); return; } // Add custom expression into settings extension_settings.expressions.custom.push(expressionName); await renderAdditionalExpressionSettings(); saveSettingsDebounced(); // Force refresh sprites list expressionsList = null; spriteCache = {}; moduleWorker(); } async function onClickExpressionRemoveCustom() { const selectedExpression = String($('#expression_custom').val()); if (!selectedExpression) { console.debug('No custom expression selected'); return; } const template = await renderExtensionTemplateAsync(MODULE_NAME, 'remove-custom-expression', { expression: selectedExpression }); const confirmation = await callPopup(template, 'confirm'); if (!confirmation) { console.debug('Custom expression removal cancelled'); return; } // Remove custom expression from settings const index = extension_settings.expressions.custom.indexOf(selectedExpression); extension_settings.expressions.custom.splice(index, 1); if (selectedExpression == getFallbackExpression()) { toastr.warning(`Deleted custom expression '${selectedExpression}' that was also selected as the fallback expression.\nFallback expression has been reset to '${DEFAULT_FALLBACK_EXPRESSION}'.`); extension_settings.expressions.fallback_expression = DEFAULT_FALLBACK_EXPRESSION; } await renderAdditionalExpressionSettings(); saveSettingsDebounced(); // Force refresh sprites list expressionsList = null; spriteCache = {}; moduleWorker(); } function onExpressionApiChanged() { const tempApi = this.value; if (tempApi) { extension_settings.expressions.api = Number(tempApi); $('.expression_llm_prompt_block').toggle([EXPRESSION_API.llm, EXPRESSION_API.webllm].includes(extension_settings.expressions.api)); expressionsList = null; spriteCache = {}; moduleWorker(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } } function onExpressionFallbackChanged() { const expression = this.value; if (expression) { extension_settings.expressions.fallback_expression = expression; saveSettingsDebounced(); } } async function handleFileUpload(url, formData) { try { const data = await jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: formData, beforeSend: function () { }, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, }); // Refresh sprites list const name = formData.get('name'); delete spriteCache[name]; await fetchImagesNoCache(); await validateImages(name); return data; } catch (error) { toastr.error('Failed to upload image'); } } /** * Removes the file extension from a file name * @param {string} fileName The file name to remove the extension from * @returns {string} The file name without the extension */ function withoutExtension(fileName) { return fileName.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ''); } async function onClickExpressionUpload(event) { // Prevents the expression from being set event.stopPropagation(); const expressionListItem = $(this).closest('.expression_list_item'); const clickedFileName = expressionListItem.attr('data-expression-type') !== 'failure' ? expressionListItem.attr('data-filename') : null; const expression ='expression'); const name = $('#image_list').data('name'); const handleExpressionUploadChange = async (e) => { const file =[0]; if (!file) { return; } const existingFiles = spriteCache[name]?.find(x => x.label === expression)?.files || []; let spriteName = expression; if (extension_settings.expressions.allowMultiple) { const matchesExisting = existingFiles.some(x => x.fileName ===; const fileNameWithoutExtension = withoutExtension(; const filenameValidationRegex = new RegExp(`^${expression}(?:[-\\.].*?)?$`); const validFileName = filenameValidationRegex.test(fileNameWithoutExtension); // If there is no expression yet and it's a valid expression, we just take it if (!clickedFileName && validFileName) { spriteName = fileNameWithoutExtension; } // If the filename matches the one that was clicked, we just take it and replace it else if (clickedFileName === { spriteName = fileNameWithoutExtension; } // If it's a valid filename and there's no existing file with the same name, we just take it else if (!matchesExisting && validFileName) { spriteName = fileNameWithoutExtension; } else { /** @type {import('../../popup.js').CustomPopupButton[]} */ const customButtons = []; if (clickedFileName) { customButtons.push({ text: t`Replace Existing`, result: POPUP_RESULT.NEGATIVE, action: () => { console.debug('Replacing existing sprite'); spriteName = withoutExtension(clickedFileName); }, }); } const message = await renderExtensionTemplateAsync(MODULE_NAME, 'templates/upload-expression', { expression, clickedFileName }); spriteName = null; const result = await`Upload Expression Sprite`, message, `${expression}-${existingFiles.length}`, { customButtons: customButtons }); if (result) { if (!filenameValidationRegex.test(result)) { toastr.warning(t`The name you entered does not follow the naming schema for the selected expression '${expression}'.`, t`Invalid Expression Sprite Name`); return; } spriteName = result; } } } else { spriteName = withoutExtension(clickedFileName); } if (!spriteName) { toastr.warning(t`Cancelled uploading sprite.`, t`Upload Cancelled`); return; } const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('name', name); formData.append('label', expression); formData.append('avatar', file); formData.append('spriteName', spriteName); await handleFileUpload('/api/sprites/upload', formData); // Reset the input; // In Talkinghead mode, when a new talkinghead image is uploaded, refresh the live char. if (expression === 'talkinghead' && isTalkingHeadEnabled() && modules.includes('talkinghead')) { await loadTalkingHead(); } }; $('#expression_upload') .off('change') .on('change', handleExpressionUploadChange) .trigger('click'); } async function onClickExpressionOverrideButton() { const context = getContext(); const currentLastMessage = getLastCharacterMessage(); const avatarFileName = getFolderNameByMessage(currentLastMessage); // If the avatar name couldn't be found, abort. if (!avatarFileName) { console.debug(`Could not find filename for character with name ${} and ID ${context.characterId}`); return; } const overridePath = String($('#expression_override').val()); const existingOverrideIndex = extension_settings.expressionOverrides.findIndex((e) => == avatarFileName, ); // If the path is empty, delete the entry from overrides if (overridePath === undefined || overridePath.length === 0) { if (existingOverrideIndex === -1) { return; } extension_settings.expressionOverrides.splice(existingOverrideIndex, 1); console.debug(`Removed existing override for ${avatarFileName}`); } else { // Properly override objects and clear the sprite cache of the previously set names const existingOverride = extension_settings.expressionOverrides[existingOverrideIndex]; if (existingOverride) { Object.assign(existingOverride, { path: overridePath }); delete spriteCache[]; } else { const characterOverride = { name: avatarFileName, path: overridePath }; extension_settings.expressionOverrides.push(characterOverride); delete spriteCache[]; } console.debug(`Added/edited expression override for character with filename ${avatarFileName} to folder ${overridePath}`); } saveSettingsDebounced(); // Refresh sprites list. Assume the override path has been properly handled. try { inApiCall = true; $('#visual-novel-wrapper').empty(); await validateImages(overridePath.length === 0 ? : overridePath, true); const expression = await getExpressionLabel(currentLastMessage.mes); await sendExpressionCall(overridePath.length === 0 ? : overridePath, expression, true); forceUpdateVisualNovelMode(); } catch (error) { console.debug(`Setting expression override for ${avatarFileName} failed with error: ${error}`); } finally { inApiCall = false; } } async function onClickExpressionOverrideRemoveAllButton() { // Remove all the overrided entries from sprite cache for (const element of extension_settings.expressionOverrides) { delete spriteCache[]; } extension_settings.expressionOverrides = []; saveSettingsDebounced(); console.debug('All expression image overrides have been cleared.'); // Refresh sprites list to use the default name if applicable try { $('#visual-novel-wrapper').empty(); const currentLastMessage = getLastCharacterMessage(); await validateImages(, true); const expression = await getExpressionLabel(currentLastMessage.mes); await sendExpressionCall(, expression, true); forceUpdateVisualNovelMode(); console.debug(extension_settings.expressionOverrides); } catch (error) { console.debug(`The current expression could not be set because of error: ${error}`); } } async function onClickExpressionUploadPackButton() { const name = $('#image_list').data('name'); const handleFileUploadChange = async (e) => { const file =[0]; if (!file) { return; } const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('name', name); formData.append('avatar', file); const { count } = await handleFileUpload('/api/sprites/upload-zip', formData); toastr.success(`Uploaded ${count} image(s) for ${name}`); // Reset the input; // In Talkinghead mode, refresh the live char. if (isTalkingHeadEnabled() && modules.includes('talkinghead')) { await loadTalkingHead(); } }; $('#expression_upload_pack') .off('change') .on('change', handleFileUploadChange) .trigger('click'); } async function onClickExpressionDelete(event) { // Prevents the expression from being set event.stopPropagation(); const confirmation = await callPopup('

Are you sure?

Once deleted, it\'s gone forever!', 'confirm'); if (!confirmation) { return; } const expression = $(this).closest('.expression_list_item').data('expression'); const name = $('#image_list').data('name'); try { await fetch('/api/sprites/delete', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ name, label: expression }), }); } catch (error) { toastr.error('Failed to delete image. Try again later.'); } // Refresh sprites list delete spriteCache[name]; await fetchImagesNoCache(); await validateImages(name); } function setExpressionOverrideHtml(forceClear = false) { const currentLastMessage = getLastCharacterMessage(); const avatarFileName = getFolderNameByMessage(currentLastMessage); if (!avatarFileName) { return; } const expressionOverride = extension_settings.expressionOverrides.find((e) => == avatarFileName, ); if (expressionOverride && expressionOverride.path) { $('#expression_override').val(expressionOverride.path); } else if (expressionOverride) { delete extension_settings.expressionOverrides[]; } if (forceClear && !expressionOverride) { $('#expression_override').val(''); } } async function fetchImagesNoCache() { const promises = []; $('#image_list img').each(function () { const src = $(this).attr('src'); if (!src) { return; } const promise = fetch(src, { method: 'GET', cache: 'no-cache', headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Expires': '0', }, }); promises.push(promise); }); return await Promise.allSettled(promises); } function migrateSettings() { if (extension_settings.expressions.api === undefined) { extension_settings.expressions.api = EXPRESSION_API.extras; saveSettingsDebounced(); } if (Object.keys(extension_settings.expressions).includes('local')) { if (extension_settings.expressions.local) { extension_settings.expressions.api = EXPRESSION_API.local; } delete extension_settings.expressions.local; saveSettingsDebounced(); } if (extension_settings.expressions.llmPrompt === undefined) { extension_settings.expressions.llmPrompt = DEFAULT_LLM_PROMPT; saveSettingsDebounced(); } } (async function () { function addExpressionImage() { const html = `
`; $('body').append(html); loadMovingUIState(); } function addVisualNovelMode() { const html = `
`; const element = $(html); element.hide(); $('body').append(element); } async function addSettings() { const template = await renderExtensionTemplateAsync(MODULE_NAME, 'settings'); $('#expressions_container').append(template); $('#expression_override_button').on('click', onClickExpressionOverrideButton); $('#expressions_show_default').on('input', onExpressionsShowDefaultInput); $('#expression_upload_pack_button').on('click', onClickExpressionUploadPackButton); $('#expressions_show_default').prop('checked', extension_settings.expressions.showDefault).trigger('input'); $('#expression_translate').prop('checked', extension_settings.expressions.translate).on('input', function () { extension_settings.expressions.translate = !!$(this).prop('checked'); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#expressions_allow_multiple').prop('checked', extension_settings.expressions.allowMultiple).on('input', function () { extension_settings.expressions.allowMultiple = !!$(this).prop('checked'); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#expressions_reroll_if_same').prop('checked', extension_settings.expressions.rerollIfSame).on('input', function () { extension_settings.expressions.rerollIfSame = !!$(this).prop('checked'); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#expression_override_cleanup_button').on('click', onClickExpressionOverrideRemoveAllButton); $(document).on('dragstart', '.expression', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); return false; }); $(document).on('click', '.expression_list_item', onClickExpressionImage); $(document).on('click', '.expression_list_upload', onClickExpressionUpload); $(document).on('click', '.expression_list_delete', onClickExpressionDelete); $(window).on('resize', updateVisualNovelModeDebounced); $('#open_chat_expressions').hide(); $('#image_type_toggle').on('click', function () { if (this instanceof HTMLInputElement) { setTalkingHeadState(this.checked); } }); await renderAdditionalExpressionSettings(); $('#expression_api').val(extension_settings.expressions.api ?? EXPRESSION_API.extras); $('.expression_llm_prompt_block').toggle([EXPRESSION_API.llm, EXPRESSION_API.webllm].includes(extension_settings.expressions.api)); $('#expression_llm_prompt').val(extension_settings.expressions.llmPrompt ?? ''); $('#expression_llm_prompt').on('input', function () { extension_settings.expressions.llmPrompt = $(this).val(); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#expression_llm_prompt_restore').on('click', function () { $('#expression_llm_prompt').val(DEFAULT_LLM_PROMPT); extension_settings.expressions.llmPrompt = DEFAULT_LLM_PROMPT; saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#expression_custom_add').on('click', onClickExpressionAddCustom); $('#expression_custom_remove').on('click', onClickExpressionRemoveCustom); $('#expression_fallback').on('change', onExpressionFallbackChanged); $('#expression_api').on('change', onExpressionApiChanged); } // Pause Talkinghead to save resources when the ST tab is not visible or the window is minimized. // We currently do this via loading/unloading. Could be improved by adding new pause/unpause endpoints to Extras. document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function (event) { let pageIsVisible; if (document.hidden) { console.debug('expressions: SillyTavern is now hidden'); pageIsVisible = false; } else { console.debug('expressions: SillyTavern is now visible'); pageIsVisible = true; } if (isTalkingHeadEnabled() && modules.includes('talkinghead')) { isTalkingHeadAvailable().then(result => { if (result) { if (pageIsVisible) { loadTalkingHead(); } else { unloadTalkingHead(); } handleImageChange(); // Change image as needed } else { //console.log("talkinghead does not exist."); } }); } }); addExpressionImage(); addVisualNovelMode(); migrateSettings(); await addSettings(); const wrapper = new ModuleWorkerWrapper(moduleWorker); const updateFunction = wrapper.update.bind(wrapper); setInterval(updateFunction, UPDATE_INTERVAL); moduleWorker(); // For setting the Talkinghead talking animation on/off quickly enough for realtime use, we need another timer on a shorter schedule. const wrapperTalkingState = new ModuleWorkerWrapper(updateTalkingState); const updateTalkingStateFunction = wrapperTalkingState.update.bind(wrapperTalkingState); setInterval(updateTalkingStateFunction, TALKINGCHECK_UPDATE_INTERVAL); updateTalkingState(); dragElement($('#expression-holder')); eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, () => { // character changed removeExpression(); spriteCache = {}; lastExpression = {}; //clear expression let imgElement = document.getElementById('expression-image'); if (imgElement && imgElement instanceof HTMLImageElement) { imgElement.src = ''; } //set checkbox to global var $('#image_type_toggle').prop('checked', extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead); if (extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead) { setTalkingHeadState(extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead); } setExpressionOverrideHtml(); if (isVisualNovelMode()) { $('#visual-novel-wrapper').empty(); } updateFunction(); }); eventSource.on(event_types.MOVABLE_PANELS_RESET, updateVisualNovelModeDebounced); eventSource.on(event_types.GROUP_UPDATED, updateVisualNovelModeDebounced); eventSource.on(event_types.EXTRAS_CONNECTED, () => { if (extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead) { setTalkingHeadState(extension_settings.expressions.talkinghead); } }); const localEnumProviders = { expressions: () => getCachedExpressions().map(expression => { const isCustom = extension_settings.expressions.custom?.includes(expression); return new SlashCommandEnumValue(expression, null, isCustom ? : enumTypes.enum, isCustom ? 'C' : 'D'); }), }; SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'sprite', aliases: ['emote'], callback: setSpriteSlashCommand, unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'spriteId', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: true, enumProvider: localEnumProviders.expressions, }), ], helpString: 'Force sets the sprite for the current character.', returns: 'the currently set sprite label after setting it.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'spriteoverride', aliases: ['costume'], callback: setSpriteSetCommand, unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'optional folder', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, ), ], helpString: 'Sets an override sprite folder for the current character. If the name starts with a slash or a backslash, selects a sub-folder in the character-named folder. Empty value to reset to default.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'lastsprite', callback: (_, name) => { if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new Error('name must be a string'); const char = findChar({ name: name }); const sprite = lastExpression[char?.name ?? name] ?? ''; return sprite; }, returns: 'the last set sprite / expression for the named character.', unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Character name - or unique character identifier (avatar key)', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: true, enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.characters('character'), forceEnum: true, }), ], helpString: 'Returns the last set sprite / expression for the named character.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'th', callback: toggleTalkingHeadCommand, aliases: ['talkinghead'], helpString: 'Character Expressions: toggles Image Type - talkinghead (extras) on/off.', returns: 'the current state of the Image Type - talkinghead (extras) on/off.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'classify-expressions', aliases: ['expressions'], callback: async (args) => { /** @type {import('../../slash-commands/SlashCommandReturnHelper.js').SlashCommandReturnType} */ // @ts-ignore let returnType = args.return; // Old legacy return type handling if (args.format) { toastr.warning(`Legacy argument 'format' with value '${args.format}' is deprecated. Please use 'return' instead. Routing to the correct return type...`, 'Deprecation warning'); const type = String(args?.format).toLowerCase().trim(); switch (type) { case 'json': returnType = 'object'; break; default: returnType = 'pipe'; break; } } // Now the actual new return type handling const list = await getExpressionsList(); return await slashCommandReturnHelper.doReturn(returnType ?? 'pipe', list, { objectToStringFunc: list => list.join(', ') }); }, namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'return', description: 'The way how you want the return value to be provided', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], defaultValue: 'pipe', enumList: slashCommandReturnHelper.enumList({ allowObject: true }), forceEnum: true, }), // TODO remove some day SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'format', description: '!!! DEPRECATED - use "return" instead !!! The format to return the list in: comma-separated plain text or JSON array. Default is plain text.', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], enumList: [ new SlashCommandEnumValue('plain', null, enumTypes.enum, ', '), new SlashCommandEnumValue('json', null, enumTypes.enum, '[]'), ], }), ], returns: 'The comma-separated list of available expressions, including custom expressions.', helpString: 'Returns a list of available expressions, including custom expressions.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'classify', callback: classifyCallback, namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'api', description: 'The Classifier API to classify with. If not specified, the configured one will be used.', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], enumList: Object.keys(EXPRESSION_API).map(api => new SlashCommandEnumValue(api, null, enumTypes.enum)), }), SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'prompt', description: 'Custom prompt for classification. Only relevant if Classifier API is set to LLM.', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], }), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'text', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], true, ), ], returns: 'emotion classification label for the given text', helpString: `
Performs an emotion classification of the given text and returns a label.
Allows to specify which Classifier API to perform the classification with.
  • /classify I am so happy today!
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'uploadsprite', callback: async (args, url) => { await uploadSpriteCommand(args, url); return ''; }, unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'URL of the image to upload', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: true, }), ], namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'name', description: 'Character name or avatar key (default is current character)', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: false, acceptsMultiple: false, }), SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'label', description: 'Sprite label/expression name', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], enumProvider: localEnumProviders.expressions, isRequired: true, acceptsMultiple: false, }), SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'folder', description: 'Override folder to upload into', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], isRequired: false, acceptsMultiple: false, }), ], helpString: '
Upload a sprite from a URL.
/uploadsprite name=Seraphina label=joy /user/images/Seraphina/Seraphina_2024-12-22@12h37m57s.png
', })); })();