import { characters, saveChat, system_messages, system_message_types, this_chid, openCharacterChat, chat_metadata, getRequestHeaders, getThumbnailUrl, getCharacters, chat, saveChatConditional, saveItemizedPrompts, } from '../script.js'; import { humanizedDateTime, getMessageTimeStamp } from './RossAscends-mods.js'; import { getGroupPastChats, group_activation_strategy, groups, openGroupById, openGroupChat, saveGroupBookmarkChat, selected_group, } from './group-chats.js'; import { hideLoader, showLoader } from './loader.js'; import { getLastMessageId } from './macros.js'; import { Popup } from './popup.js'; import { SlashCommand } from './slash-commands/SlashCommand.js'; import { ARGUMENT_TYPE, SlashCommandArgument, SlashCommandNamedArgument } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandArgument.js'; import { commonEnumProviders } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandCommonEnumsProvider.js'; import { SlashCommandParser } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandParser.js'; import { createTagMapFromList } from './tags.js'; import { renderTemplateAsync } from './templates.js'; import { t } from './i18n.js'; import { getUniqueName, isTrueBoolean, } from './utils.js'; const bookmarkNameToken = 'Checkpoint #'; async function getExistingChatNames() { if (selected_group) { const data = await getGroupPastChats(selected_group); return => x.file_name); } else { const response = await fetch('/api/characters/chats', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ avatar_url: characters[this_chid].avatar }), }); if (response.ok) { const data = await response.json(); return Object.values(data).map(x => x.file_name.replace('.jsonl', '')); } } } async function getBookmarkName({ isReplace = false, forceName = null } = {}) { const chatNames = await getExistingChatNames(); const body = await renderTemplateAsync('createCheckpoint', { isReplace: isReplace }); let name = forceName ?? await'Create Checkpoint', body); // Special handling for confirmed empty input (=> auto-generate name) if (name === '') { for (let i = chatNames.length; i < 1000; i++) { name = bookmarkNameToken + i; if (!chatNames.includes(name)) { break; } } } if (!name) { return null; } return `${name} - ${humanizedDateTime()}`; } function getMainChatName() { if (chat_metadata) { if (chat_metadata['main_chat']) { return chat_metadata['main_chat']; } // groups didn't support bookmarks before chat metadata was introduced else if (selected_group) { return null; } else if (characters[this_chid].chat && characters[this_chid].chat.includes(bookmarkNameToken)) { const tokenIndex = characters[this_chid].chat.lastIndexOf(bookmarkNameToken); chat_metadata['main_chat'] = characters[this_chid].chat.substring(0, tokenIndex).trim(); return chat_metadata['main_chat']; } } return null; } export function showBookmarksButtons() { try { if (selected_group) { $('#option_convert_to_group').hide(); } else { $('#option_convert_to_group').show(); } if (chat_metadata['main_chat']) { // In bookmark chat $('#option_back_to_main').show(); $('#option_new_bookmark').show(); } else if (!selected_group && !characters[this_chid].chat) { // No chat recorded on character $('#option_back_to_main').hide(); $('#option_new_bookmark').hide(); } else { // In main chat $('#option_back_to_main').hide(); $('#option_new_bookmark').show(); } } catch { $('#option_back_to_main').hide(); $('#option_new_bookmark').hide(); $('#option_convert_to_group').hide(); } } async function saveBookmarkMenu() { if (!chat.length) { toastr.warning('The chat is empty.', 'Checkpoint creation failed'); return; } return await createNewBookmark(chat.length - 1); } // Export is used by Timelines extension. Do not remove. export async function createBranch(mesId) { if (!chat.length) { toastr.warning('The chat is empty.', 'Branch creation failed'); return; } if (mesId < 0 || mesId >= chat.length) { toastr.warning('Invalid message ID.', 'Branch creation failed'); return; } const lastMes = chat[mesId]; const mainChat = selected_group ? groups?.find(x => == selected_group)?.chat_id : characters[this_chid].chat; const newMetadata = { main_chat: mainChat }; let name = `Branch #${mesId} - ${humanizedDateTime()}`; if (selected_group) { await saveGroupBookmarkChat(selected_group, name, newMetadata, mesId); } else { await saveChat(name, newMetadata, mesId); } // append to branches list if it exists // otherwise create it if (typeof lastMes.extra !== 'object') { lastMes.extra = {}; } if (typeof lastMes.extra['branches'] !== 'object') { lastMes.extra['branches'] = []; } lastMes.extra['branches'].push(name); return name; } /** * Creates a new bookmark for a message. * * @param {number} mesId - The ID of the message. * @param {Object} [options={}] - Optional parameters. * @param {string?} [options.forceName=null] - The name to force for the bookmark. * @returns {Promise<string?>} - A promise that resolves to the bookmark name when the bookmark is created. */ export async function createNewBookmark(mesId, { forceName = null } = {}) { if (this_chid === undefined && !selected_group) {'No character selected.', 'Create Checkpoint'); return null; } if (!chat.length) { toastr.warning('The chat is empty.', 'Create Checkpoint'); return null; } if (!chat[mesId]) { toastr.warning('Invalid message ID.', 'Create Checkpoint'); return null; } const lastMes = chat[mesId]; if (typeof lastMes.extra !== 'object') { lastMes.extra = {}; } const isReplace = lastMes.extra.bookmark_link; let name = await getBookmarkName({ isReplace: isReplace, forceName: forceName }); if (!name) { return null; } const mainChat = selected_group ? groups?.find(x => == selected_group)?.chat_id : characters[this_chid].chat; const newMetadata = { main_chat: mainChat }; await saveItemizedPrompts(name); if (selected_group) { await saveGroupBookmarkChat(selected_group, name, newMetadata, mesId); } else { await saveChat(name, newMetadata, mesId); } lastMes.extra['bookmark_link'] = name; const mes = $(`.mes[mesid="${mesId}"]`); updateBookmarkDisplay(mes, name); await saveChatConditional(); toastr.success('Click the flag icon next to the message to open the checkpoint chat.', 'Create Checkpoint', { timeOut: 10000 }); return name; } /** * Updates the display of the bookmark on a chat message. * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} mes - The message element * @param {string?} [newBookmarkLink=null] - The new bookmark link (optional) */ export function updateBookmarkDisplay(mes, newBookmarkLink = null) { newBookmarkLink && mes.attr('bookmark_link', newBookmarkLink); const bookmarkFlag = mes.find('.mes_bookmark'); bookmarkFlag.attr('title', `Checkpoint\n${mes.attr('bookmark_link')}\n\n${'tooltip')}`); } async function backToMainChat() { const mainChatName = getMainChatName(); const allChats = await getExistingChatNames(); if (allChats.includes(mainChatName)) { if (selected_group) { await openGroupChat(selected_group, mainChatName); } else { await openCharacterChat(mainChatName); } return mainChatName; } return null; } export async function convertSoloToGroupChat() { if (selected_group) { console.log('Already in group. No need for conversion'); return; } if (this_chid === undefined) { console.log('Need to have a character selected'); return; } const confirm = await`Convert to group chat`, t`Are you sure you want to convert this chat to a group chat?` + `<br />` + t`This cannot be reverted.`); if (!confirm) { return; } const character = characters[this_chid]; // Populate group required fields const name = getUniqueName(`Group: ${}`, y => groups.findIndex(x => === y) !== -1); const avatar = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', character.avatar); const chatName = humanizedDateTime(); const chats = [chatName]; const members = [character.avatar]; const activationStrategy = group_activation_strategy.NATURAL; const allowSelfResponses = false; const favChecked = character.fav || character.fav == 'true'; /** @type {any} */ const metadata = Object.assign({}, chat_metadata); delete metadata.main_chat; const createGroupResponse = await fetch('/api/groups/create', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ name: name, members: members, avatar_url: avatar, allow_self_responses: activationStrategy, activation_strategy: allowSelfResponses, disabled_members: [], chat_metadata: metadata, fav: favChecked, chat_id: chatName, chats: chats, }), }); if (!createGroupResponse.ok) { console.error('Group creation unsuccessful'); return; } const group = await createGroupResponse.json(); // Convert tags list and assign to group createTagMapFromList('#tagList',; // Update chars list await getCharacters(); // Convert chat to group format const groupChat = chat.slice(); const genIdFirst =; // Add something if the chat is empty if (groupChat.length === 0) { const newMessage = { ...system_messages[system_message_types.GROUP], send_date: getMessageTimeStamp(), extra: { type: system_message_types.GROUP }, }; groupChat.push(newMessage); } for (let index = 0; index < groupChat.length; index++) { const message = groupChat[index]; // Save group-chat marker if (index == 0) { message.is_group = true; } // Skip messages we don't care about if (message.is_user || message.is_system || message.extra?.type === system_message_types.NARRATOR || message.force_avatar !== undefined) { continue; } // Set force fields for solo character =; message.original_avatar = character.avatar; message.force_avatar = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', character.avatar); // Allow regens of a single message in group if (typeof message.extra !== 'object') { message.extra = { gen_id: genIdFirst + index }; } } // Save group chat const createChatResponse = await fetch('/api/chats/group/save', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ id: chatName, chat: groupChat }), }); if (!createChatResponse.ok) { console.error('Group chat creation unsuccessful'); toastr.error('Group chat creation unsuccessful'); return; } // Click on the freshly selected group to open it await openGroupById(; toastr.success('The chat has been successfully converted!'); } /** * Creates a new branch from the message with the given ID * @param {number} mesId Message ID * @returns {Promise<string?>} Branch file name */ export async function branchChat(mesId) { if (this_chid === undefined && !selected_group) {'No character selected.', 'Create Branch'); return null; } const fileName = await createBranch(mesId); await saveItemizedPrompts(fileName); if (selected_group) { await openGroupChat(selected_group, fileName); } else { await openCharacterChat(fileName); } return fileName; } function registerBookmarksSlashCommands() { /** * Validates a message ID. (Is a number, exists as a message) * * @param {number} mesId - The message ID to validate. * @param {string} context - The context of the slash command. Will be used as the title of any toasts. * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the message ID is valid, otherwise false. */ function validateMessageId(mesId, context) { if (isNaN(mesId)) { toastr.warning('Invalid message ID was provided', context); return false; } if (!chat[mesId]) { toastr.warning(`Message for id ${mesId} not found`, context); return false; } return true; } SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'branch-create', returns: 'Name of the new branch', callback: async (args, text) => { const mesId = Number(args.mesId ?? text ?? getLastMessageId()); if (!validateMessageId(mesId, 'Create Branch')) return ''; const branchName = await branchChat(mesId); return branchName ?? ''; }, unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Message ID', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.messages(), }), ], helpString: ` <div> Create a new branch from the selected message. If no message id is provided, will use the last message. </div> <div> Creating a branch will automatically choose a name for the branch.<br /> After creating the branch, the branch chat will be automatically opened. </div> <div> Use Checkpoints and <code>/checkpoint-create</code> instead if you do not want to jump to the new chat. </div>`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-create', returns: 'Name of the new checkpoint', callback: async (args, text) => { const mesId = Number(args.mesId ?? getLastMessageId()); if (!validateMessageId(mesId, 'Create Checkpoint')) return ''; if (typeof text !== 'string') { toastr.warning('Checkpoint name must be a string or empty', 'Create Checkpoint'); return ''; } const checkPointName = await createNewBookmark(mesId, { forceName: text }); return checkPointName ?? ''; }, namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'mesId', description: 'Message ID', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.messages(), }), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Checkpoint name', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], }), ], helpString: ` <div> Create a new checkpoint for the selected message with the provided name. If no message id is provided, will use the last message.<br /> Leave the checkpoint name empty to auto-generate one. </div> <div> A created checkpoint will be permanently linked with the message.<br /> If a checkpoint already exists, the link to it will be overwritten.<br /> After creating the checkpoint, the checkpoint chat can be opened with the checkpoint flag, using the <code>/go</code> command with the checkpoint name or the <code>/checkpoint-go</code> command on the message. </div> <div> Use Branches and <code>/branch-create</code> instead if you do want to jump to the new chat. </div> <div> <strong>Example:</strong> <ul> <li> <pre><code>/checkpoint-create mes={{lastCharMessage}} Checkpoint for char reply | /setvar key=rememberCheckpoint {{pipe}}</code></pre> Will create a new checkpoint to the latest message of the current character, and save it as a local variable for future use. </li> </ul> </div>`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-go', returns: 'Name of the checkpoint', callback: async (args, text) => { const mesId = Number(args.mesId ?? text ?? getLastMessageId()); if (!validateMessageId(mesId, 'Open Checkpoint')) return ''; const checkPointName = chat[mesId].extra?.bookmark_link; if (!checkPointName) { toastr.warning('No checkpoint is linked to the selected message', 'Open Checkpoint'); return ''; } if (selected_group) { await openGroupChat(selected_group, checkPointName); } else { await openCharacterChat(checkPointName); } return checkPointName; }, unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Message ID', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.messages(), }), ], helpString: ` <div> Open the checkpoint linked to the selected message. If no message id is provided, will use the last message. </div> <div> Use <code>/checkpoint-get</code> if you want to make sure that the selected message has a checkpoint. </div>`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-exit', returns: 'The name of the chat exited to. Returns an empty string if not in a checkpoint chat.', callback: async () => { const mainChat = await backToMainChat(); return mainChat ?? ''; }, helpString: 'Exit the checkpoint chat.<br />If not in a checkpoint chat, returns empty string.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-parent', returns: 'Name of the parent chat for this checkpoint', callback: async () => { const mainChatName = getMainChatName(); return mainChatName ?? ''; }, helpString: 'Get the name of the parent chat for this checkpoint.<br />If not in a checkpoint chat, returns empty string.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-get', returns: 'Name of the chat', callback: async (args, text) => { const mesId = Number(args.mesId ?? text ?? getLastMessageId()); if (!validateMessageId(mesId, 'Get Checkpoint')) return ''; const checkPointName = chat[mesId].extra?.bookmark_link; return checkPointName ?? ''; }, unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'Message ID', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.NUMBER], enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.messages(), }), ], helpString: ` <div> Get the name of the checkpoint linked to the selected message. If no message id is provided, will use the last message.<br /> If no checkpoint is linked, the result will be empty. </div>`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'checkpoint-list', returns: 'JSON array of all existing checkpoints in this chat, as an array', /** @param {{links?: string}} args @returns {Promise<string>} */ callback: async (args, _) => { const result = Object.entries(chat) .filter(([_, message]) => message.extra?.bookmark_link) .map(([mesId, message]) => isTrueBoolean(args.links) ? message.extra.bookmark_link : Number(mesId)); return JSON.stringify(result); }, namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'links', description: 'Get a list of all links / chat names of the checkpoints, instead of the message ids', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN], enumList: commonEnumProviders.boolean('trueFalse')(), defaultValue: 'false', }), ], helpString: ` <div> List all existing checkpoints in this chat. </div> <div> Returns a list of all message ids that have a checkpoint, or all checkpoint links if <code>links</code> is set to <code>true</code>.<br /> The value will be a JSON array. </div>`, })); } export function initBookmarks() { $('#option_new_bookmark').on('click', saveBookmarkMenu); $('#option_back_to_main').on('click', backToMainChat); $('#option_convert_to_group').on('click', convertSoloToGroupChat); $(document).on('click', '.select_chat_block, .mes_bookmark', async function (e) { // If shift is held down, we are not following the bookmark, but creating a new one const mes = $(this).closest('.mes'); if (e.shiftKey && mes.length) { const selectedMesId = mes.attr('mesid'); await createNewBookmark(Number(selectedMesId)); return; } const fileName = $(this).hasClass('mes_bookmark') ? $(this).closest('.mes').attr('bookmark_link') : $(this).attr('file_name').replace('.jsonl', ''); if (!fileName) { return; } try { showLoader(); if (selected_group) { await openGroupChat(selected_group, fileName); } else { await openCharacterChat(fileName); } } finally { await hideLoader(); } $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').css('display', 'none'); }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_create_bookmark', async function () { const mesId = $(this).closest('.mes').attr('mesid'); if (mesId !== undefined) { await createNewBookmark(Number(mesId)); } }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_create_branch', async function () { const mesId = $(this).closest('.mes').attr('mesid'); if (mesId !== undefined) { await branchChat(Number(mesId)); } }); registerBookmarksSlashCommands(); }