FROM node:lts-alpine3.19 # Arguments ARG APP_HOME=/home/node/app # Install system dependencies RUN apk add gcompat tini git # Ensure proper handling of kernel signals ENTRYPOINT [ "tini", "--" ] # Create app directory WORKDIR ${APP_HOME} # Set NODE_ENV to production ENV NODE_ENV=production # Install app dependencies COPY package*.json post-install.js ./ RUN \ echo "*** Install npm packages ***" && \ npm i --no-audit --no-fund --quiet --omit=dev && npm cache clean --force # Bundle app source COPY . ./ # Copy default chats, characters and user avatars to .default folder RUN \ rm -f "config.yaml" || true && \ ln -s "./config/config.yaml" "config.yaml" || true && \ mkdir "config" || true # Cleanup unnecessary files RUN \ echo "*** Cleanup ***" && \ mv "./docker/" "./" && \ rm -rf "./docker" && \ echo "*** Make executable ***" && \ chmod +x "./" && \ echo "*** Convert line endings to Unix format ***" && \ dos2unix "./" EXPOSE 8000 CMD [ "./" ]