// statsHelper.js
import { getRequestHeaders, callPopup, characters, this_chid } from "../script.js";
import { humanizeGenTime } from "./RossAscends-mods.js";

let charStats = {};

 * Creates an HTML stat block.
 * @param {string} statName - The name of the stat to be displayed.
 * @param {number|string} statValue - The value of the stat to be displayed.
 * @returns {string} - An HTML string representing the stat block.
function createStatBlock(statName, statValue) {
    return `<div class="rm_stat_block">
                <div class="rm_stat_name">${statName}:</div>
                <div class="rm_stat_value">${statValue}</div>

 * Verifies and returns a numerical stat value. If the provided stat is not a number, returns 0.
 * @param {number|string} stat - The stat value to be checked and returned.
 * @returns {number} - The stat value if it is a number, otherwise 0.
function verifyStatValue(stat) {
    return isNaN(Number(stat)) ? 0 : Number(stat);

 * Calculates total stats from character statistics.
 * @returns {Object} - Object containing total statistics.
function calculateTotalStats() {
    let totalStats = {
        total_gen_time: 0,
        user_msg_count: 0,
        non_user_msg_count: 0,
        user_word_count: 0,
        non_user_word_count: 0,
        total_swipe_count: 0,
        date_last_chat: 0,
        date_first_chat: new Date("9999-12-31T23:59:59.999Z").getTime(),

    for (let stats of Object.values(charStats)) {
        totalStats.total_gen_time += verifyStatValue(stats.total_gen_time);
        totalStats.user_msg_count += verifyStatValue(stats.user_msg_count);
        totalStats.non_user_msg_count += verifyStatValue(
        totalStats.user_word_count += verifyStatValue(stats.user_word_count);
        totalStats.non_user_word_count += verifyStatValue(
        totalStats.total_swipe_count += verifyStatValue(

        if (verifyStatValue(stats.date_last_chat) != 0) {
            totalStats.date_last_chat = Math.max(
        if (verifyStatValue(stats.date_first_chat) != 0) {
            totalStats.date_first_chat = Math.min(

    return totalStats;

 * Generates an HTML report of stats.
 * This function creates an HTML report from the provided stats, including chat age,
 * chat time, number of user messages and character messages, word count, and swipe count.
 * The stat blocks are tailored depending on the stats type ("User" or "Character").
 * @param {string} statsType - The type of stats (e.g., "User", "Character").
 * @param {Object} stats - The stats data. Expected keys in this object include:
 *      total_gen_time - total generation time
 *      date_first_chat - timestamp of the first chat
 *      date_last_chat - timestamp of the most recent chat
 *      user_msg_count - count of user messages
 *      non_user_msg_count - count of non-user messages
 *      user_word_count - count of words used by the user
 *      non_user_word_count - count of words used by the non-user
 *      total_swipe_count - total swipe count
function createHtml(statsType, stats) {
    // Get time string
    let timeStirng = humanizeGenTime(stats.total_gen_time);
    let chatAge = "Never";
    if (stats.date_first_chat < Date.now()) {
        chatAge = moment
            .duration(stats.date_last_chat - stats.date_first_chat)

    // Create popup HTML with stats
    let html = `<h3>${statsType} Stats</h3>`;
    if (statsType === "User") {
        html += createStatBlock("Chatting Since", `${chatAge} ago`);
    } else {
        html += createStatBlock("First Interaction", `${chatAge} ago`);
    html += createStatBlock("Chat Time", timeStirng);
    html += createStatBlock("User Messages", stats.user_msg_count);
    html += createStatBlock(
        "Character Messages",
        stats.non_user_msg_count - stats.total_swipe_count
    html += createStatBlock("User Words", stats.user_word_count);
    html += createStatBlock("Character Words", stats.non_user_word_count);
    html += createStatBlock("Swipes", stats.total_swipe_count);

    callPopup(html, "text");

 * Handles the user stats by getting them from the server, calculating the total and generating the HTML report.
 * @param {Object} charStats - Object containing character statistics.
async function userStatsHandler() {
    // Get stats from server
    await getStats();

    // Calculate total stats
    let totalStats = calculateTotalStats(charStats);

    // Create HTML with stats
    createHtml("User", totalStats);

 * Handles the character stats by getting them from the server and generating the HTML report.
 * @param {Object} charStats - Object containing character statistics.
 * @param {Object} characters - Object containing character data.
 * @param {string} this_chid - The character id.
async function characterStatsHandler(characters, this_chid) {
    // Get stats from server
    await getStats();
    // Get character stats
    let myStats = charStats[characters[this_chid].avatar];
    if (myStats === undefined) {
        myStats = {
            total_gen_time: 0,
            user_msg_count: 0,
            non_user_msg_count: 0,
            user_word_count: 0,
            non_user_word_count: countWords(characters[this_chid].first_mes),
            total_swipe_count: 0,
            date_last_chat: 0,
            date_first_chat: new Date("9999-12-31T23:59:59.999Z").getTime(),
        charStats[characters[this_chid].avatar] = myStats;
    // Create HTML with stats
    createHtml("Character", myStats);

 * Fetches the character stats from the server.
 * @param {Object} charStats - Object containing character statistics.
 * @returns {Object} - Object containing fetched character statistics.
async function getStats() {
    const response = await fetch("/getstats", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: getRequestHeaders(),
        body: JSON.stringify({}),
        cache: "no-cache",

    if (!response.ok) {
        toastr.error("Stats could not be loaded. Try reloading the page.");
        throw new Error("Error getting stats");
    charStats = await response.json();

 * Calculates the generation time based on start and finish times.
 * @param {string} gen_started - The start time in ISO 8601 format.
 * @param {string} gen_finished - The finish time in ISO 8601 format.
 * @returns {number} - The difference in time in milliseconds.
function calculateGenTime(gen_started, gen_finished) {
    if (gen_started === undefined || gen_finished === undefined) {
        return 0;
    let startDate = new Date(gen_started);
    let endDate = new Date(gen_finished);
    return endDate - startDate;

 * Sends a POST request to the server to update the statistics.
 * @param {Object} stats - The stats data to update.
async function updateStats() {
    const response = await fetch("/updatestats", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: getRequestHeaders(),
        body: JSON.stringify(charStats),

    if (response.status !== 200) {
        console.error("Failed to update stats");

 * Returns the count of words in the given string.
 * A word is a sequence of alphanumeric characters (including underscore).
 * @param {string} str - The string to count words in.
 * @returns {number} - Number of words.
function countWords(str) {
    const match = str.match(/\b\w+\b/g);
    return match ? match.length : 0;

 * Handles stat processing for messages.
 * @param {Object} line - Object containing message data.
 * @param {string} type - The type of the message processing (e.g., 'append', 'continue', 'appendFinal', 'swipe').
 * @param {Object} characters - Object containing character data.
 * @param {string} this_chid - The character id.
 * @param {Object} charStats - Object containing character statistics.
 * @param {string} oldMesssage - The old message that's being processed.
async function statMesProcess(line, type, characters, this_chid, oldMesssage) {
    if (this_chid === undefined) {
    await getStats();

    let stat = charStats[characters[this_chid].avatar];

    if (!stat) {
        stat = {
            total_gen_time: 0,
            user_word_count: 0,
            non_user_msg_count: 0,
            user_msg_count: 0,
            non_user_msg_count: 0,
            total_swipe_count: 0,
            date_first_chat: Date.now(),
            date_last_chat: Date.now(),

    stat.total_gen_time += calculateGenTime(
    if (line.is_user) {
        if (type != "append" && type != "continue" && type != "appendFinal") {
            stat.user_word_count += countWords(line.mes);
        } else {
            let oldLen = oldMesssage.split(" ").length;
            stat.user_word_count += countWords(line.mes) - oldLen;
    } else {
        // if continue, don't add a message, get the last message and subtract it from the word count of
        // the new message
        if (type != "append" && type != "continue" && type != "appendFinal") {
            stat.non_user_word_count += countWords(line.mes);
        } else {
            let oldLen = oldMesssage.split(" ").length;
            stat.non_user_word_count += countWords(line.mes) - oldLen;

    if (type === "swipe") {
    stat.date_last_chat = Date.now();
    stat.date_first_chat = Math.min(
        stat.date_first_chat ?? new Date("9999-12-31T23:59:59.999Z").getTime(),

jQuery(() => {
    $(".rm_stats_button").on('click', function () {
        characterStatsHandler(characters, this_chid);

export { userStatsHandler, characterStatsHandler, getStats, statMesProcess, charStats };