import { characters, online_status, main_api, api_server, is_send_press, max_context, saveSettingsDebounced, active_group, active_character, setActiveGroup, setActiveCharacter, getEntitiesList, buildAvatarList, selectCharacterById, eventSource, menu_type, substituteParams, callPopup, sendTextareaMessage, } from '../script.js'; import { power_user, send_on_enter_options, } from './power-user.js'; import { LoadLocal, SaveLocal, LoadLocalBool } from './f-localStorage.js'; import { selected_group, is_group_generating, openGroupById } from './group-chats.js'; import { getTagKeyForEntity, applyTagsOnCharacterSelect } from './tags.js'; import { SECRET_KEYS, secret_state, } from './secrets.js'; import { debounce, delay, getStringHash, isValidUrl } from './utils.js'; import { chat_completion_sources, oai_settings } from './openai.js'; import { getTokenCount } from './tokenizers.js'; import { textgen_types, textgenerationwebui_settings as textgen_settings, getTextGenServer } from './textgen-settings.js'; import Bowser from '../lib/bowser.min.js'; var RPanelPin = document.getElementById('rm_button_panel_pin'); var LPanelPin = document.getElementById('lm_button_panel_pin'); var WIPanelPin = document.getElementById('WI_panel_pin'); var RightNavPanel = document.getElementById('right-nav-panel'); var LeftNavPanel = document.getElementById('left-nav-panel'); var WorldInfo = document.getElementById('WorldInfo'); var SelectedCharacterTab = document.getElementById('rm_button_selected_ch'); var connection_made = false; var retry_delay = 500; const observerConfig = { childList: true, subtree: true }; const countTokensDebounced = debounce(RA_CountCharTokens, 1000); const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { if ('online_status_text')) { RA_checkOnlineStatus(); } else if ( === SelectedCharacterTab) { setTimeout(RA_CountCharTokens, 200); } else if ('mes_text')) { if ( instanceof HTMLElement) { for (const element of'math')) { element.childNodes.forEach(function (child) { if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { child.textContent = ''; } }); } } } }); }); observer.observe(document.documentElement, observerConfig); /** * Converts generation time from milliseconds to a human-readable format. * * The function takes total generation time as an input, then converts it to a format * of "_ Days, _ Hours, _ Minutes, _ Seconds". If the generation time does not exceed a * particular measure (like days or hours), that measure will not be included in the output. * * @param {number} total_gen_time - The total generation time in milliseconds. * @returns {string} - A human-readable string that represents the time spent generating characters. */ export function humanizeGenTime(total_gen_time) { //convert time_spent to humanized format of "_ Hours, _ Minutes, _ Seconds" from milliseconds let time_spent = total_gen_time || 0; time_spent = Math.floor(time_spent / 1000); let seconds = time_spent % 60; time_spent = Math.floor(time_spent / 60); let minutes = time_spent % 60; time_spent = Math.floor(time_spent / 60); let hours = time_spent % 24; time_spent = Math.floor(time_spent / 24); let days = time_spent; time_spent = ''; if (days > 0) { time_spent += `${days} Days, `; } if (hours > 0) { time_spent += `${hours} Hours, `; } if (minutes > 0) { time_spent += `${minutes} Minutes, `; } time_spent += `${seconds} Seconds`; return time_spent; } /** * DON'T OPTIMIZE, don't change this to a const or let, it needs to be a var. */ var parsedUA = null; function getParsedUA() { if (!parsedUA) { try { parsedUA = Bowser.parse(navigator.userAgent); } catch { // In case the user agent is an empty string or Bowser can't parse it for some other reason } } return parsedUA; } /** * Checks if the device is a mobile device. * @returns {boolean} - True if the device is a mobile device, false otherwise. */ export function isMobile() { const mobileTypes = ['mobile', 'tablet']; return mobileTypes.includes(getParsedUA()?.platform?.type); } export function shouldSendOnEnter() { if (!power_user) { return false; } switch (power_user.send_on_enter) { case send_on_enter_options.DISABLED: return false; case send_on_enter_options.AUTO: return !isMobile(); case send_on_enter_options.ENABLED: return true; } } //RossAscends: Added function to format dates used in files and chat timestamps to a humanized format. //Mostly I wanted this to be for file names, but couldn't figure out exactly where the filename save code was as everything seemed to be connected. //Does not break old characters/chats, as the code just uses whatever timestamp exists in the chat. //New chats made with characters will use this new formatting. export function humanizedDateTime() { let baseDate = new Date(; let humanYear = baseDate.getFullYear(); let humanMonth = baseDate.getMonth() + 1; let humanDate = baseDate.getDate(); let humanHour = (baseDate.getHours() < 10 ? '0' : '') + baseDate.getHours(); let humanMinute = (baseDate.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + baseDate.getMinutes(); let humanSecond = (baseDate.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' : '') + baseDate.getSeconds(); let HumanizedDateTime = humanYear + '-' + humanMonth + '-' + humanDate + '@' + humanHour + 'h' + humanMinute + 'm' + humanSecond + 's'; return HumanizedDateTime; } //this is a common format version to display a timestamp on each chat message //returns something like: June 19, 2023 2:20pm export function getMessageTimeStamp() { const date =; const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; const d = new Date(date); const month = months[d.getMonth()]; const day = d.getDate(); const year = d.getFullYear(); let hours = d.getHours(); const minutes = ('0' + d.getMinutes()).slice(-2); let meridiem = 'am'; if (hours >= 12) { meridiem = 'pm'; hours -= 12; } if (hours === 0) { hours = 12; } const formattedDate = month + ' ' + day + ', ' + year + ' ' + hours + ':' + minutes + meridiem; return formattedDate; } // triggers: $('#rm_button_create').on('click', function () { //when "+New Character" is clicked $(SelectedCharacterTab).children('h2').html(''); // empty nav's 3rd panel tab }); //when any input is made to the create/edit character form textareas $('#rm_ch_create_block').on('input', function () { countTokensDebounced(); }); //when any input is made to the advanced editing popup textareas $('#character_popup').on('input', function () { countTokensDebounced(); }); //function: export function RA_CountCharTokens() { let total_tokens = 0; let permanent_tokens = 0; $('[data-token-counter]').each(function () { const counter = $(this); const input = $(document.getElementById('token-counter'))); const isPermanent ='token-permanent') === true; const value = String(input.val()); if (input.length === 0) { counter.text('Invalid input reference'); return; } if (!value) { counter.text(0); return; } const valueHash = getStringHash(value); if ('last-value-hash') === valueHash) { total_tokens += Number(counter.text()); permanent_tokens += isPermanent ? Number(counter.text()) : 0; } else { // We substitute macro for existing characters, but not for the character being created const valueToCount = menu_type === 'create' ? value : substituteParams(value); const tokens = getTokenCount(valueToCount); counter.text(tokens); total_tokens += tokens; permanent_tokens += isPermanent ? tokens : 0;'last-value-hash', valueHash); } }); // Warn if total tokens exceeds the limit of half the max context const tokenLimit = Math.max(((main_api !== 'openai' ? max_context : oai_settings.openai_max_context) / 2), 1024); const showWarning = (total_tokens > tokenLimit); $('#result_info_total_tokens').text(total_tokens); $('#result_info_permanent_tokens').text(permanent_tokens); $('#result_info_text').toggleClass('neutral_warning', showWarning); $('#chartokenwarning').toggle(showWarning); } /** * Auto load chat with the last active character or group. * Fires when active_character is defined and auto_load_chat is true. * The function first tries to find a character with a specific ID from the global settings. * If it doesn't exist, it tries to find a group with a specific grid from the global settings. * If the character list hadn't been loaded yet, it calls itself again after 100ms delay. * The character or group is selected (clicked) if it is found. */ async function RA_autoloadchat() { if (document.querySelector('#rm_print_characters_block .character_select') !== null) { // active character is the name, we should look it up in the character list and get the id if (active_character !== null && active_character !== undefined) { const active_character_id = characters.findIndex(x => getTagKeyForEntity(x) === active_character); if (active_character_id !== null) { await selectCharacterById(String(active_character_id)); // Do a little tomfoolery to spoof the tag selector const selectedCharElement = $(`#rm_print_characters_block .character_select[chid="${active_character_id}"]`); } } if (active_group !== null && active_group !== undefined) { await openGroupById(String(active_group)); } // if the character list hadn't been loaded yet, try again. } else { setTimeout(RA_autoloadchat, 100); } } export async function favsToHotswap() { const entities = getEntitiesList({ doFilter: false }); const container = $('#right-nav-panel .hotswap'); const favs = entities.filter(x => x.item.fav || x.item.fav == 'true'); //helpful instruction message if no characters are favorited if (favs.length == 0) { container.html(`${DOMPurify.sanitize(container.attr('no_favs'))}`); return; } buildAvatarList(container, favs, { selectable: true, highlightFavs: false }); } //changes input bar and send button display depending on connection status function RA_checkOnlineStatus() { if (online_status == 'no_connection') { const send_textarea = $('#send_textarea'); send_textarea.attr('placeholder', send_textarea.attr('no_connection_text')); //Input bar placeholder tells users they are not connected $('#send_form').addClass('no-connection'); //entire input form area is red when not connected $('#send_but').addClass('displayNone'); //send button is hidden when not connected; $('#mes_continue').addClass('displayNone'); //continue button is hidden when not connected; $('#API-status-top').removeClass('fa-plug'); $('#API-status-top').addClass('fa-plug-circle-exclamation redOverlayGlow'); connection_made = false; } else { if (online_status !== undefined && online_status !== 'no_connection') { const send_textarea = $('#send_textarea'); send_textarea.attr('placeholder', send_textarea.attr('connected_text')); //on connect, placeholder tells user to type message $('#send_form').removeClass('no-connection'); $('#API-status-top').removeClass('fa-plug-circle-exclamation redOverlayGlow'); $('#API-status-top').addClass('fa-plug'); connection_made = true; retry_delay = 100; if (!is_send_press && !(selected_group && is_group_generating)) { $('#send_but').removeClass('displayNone'); //on connect, send button shows $('#mes_continue').removeClass('displayNone'); //continue button is shown when connected } } } } //Auto-connect to API (when set to kobold, API URL exists, and auto_connect is true) function RA_autoconnect(PrevApi) { // secrets.js or script.js not loaded if (SECRET_KEYS === undefined || online_status === undefined) { setTimeout(RA_autoconnect, 100); return; } if (online_status === 'no_connection' && power_user.auto_connect) { switch (main_api) { case 'kobold': if (api_server && isValidUrl(api_server)) { $('#api_button').trigger('click'); } break; case 'novel': if (secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.NOVEL]) { $('#api_button_novel').trigger('click'); } break; case 'textgenerationwebui': if ((textgen_settings.type === textgen_types.MANCER && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.MANCER]) || (textgen_settings.type === textgen_types.TOGETHERAI && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.TOGETHERAI]) || (textgen_settings.type === textgen_types.INFERMATICAI && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.INFERMATICAI]) || (textgen_settings.type === textgen_types.DREAMGEN && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.DREAMGEN]) || (textgen_settings.type === textgen_types.OPENROUTER && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENROUTER]) ) { $('#api_button_textgenerationwebui').trigger('click'); } else if (isValidUrl(getTextGenServer())) { $('#api_button_textgenerationwebui').trigger('click'); } break; case 'openai': if (((secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENAI] || oai_settings.reverse_proxy) && oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.OPENAI) || ((secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.CLAUDE] || oai_settings.reverse_proxy) && oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.CLAUDE) || ((secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.SCALE] || secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.SCALE_COOKIE]) && oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.SCALE) || (oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.WINDOWAI) || (secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENROUTER] && oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.OPENROUTER) || (secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.AI21] && oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.AI21) || (secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.MAKERSUITE] && oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.MAKERSUITE) || (secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.MISTRALAI] && oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.MISTRALAI) || (secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.COHERE] && oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.COHERE) || (isValidUrl(oai_settings.custom_url) && oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.CUSTOM) ) { $('#api_button_openai').trigger('click'); } break; } if (!connection_made) { retry_delay = Math.min(retry_delay * 2, 30000); // double retry delay up to to 30 secs // console.log('connection attempts: ' + RA_AC_retries + ' delay: ' + (retry_delay / 1000) + 's'); // setTimeout(RA_autoconnect, retry_delay); } } } function OpenNavPanels() { if (!isMobile()) { //auto-open R nav if locked and previously open if (LoadLocalBool('NavLockOn') == true && LoadLocalBool('NavOpened') == true) { //console.log("RA -- clicking right nav to open"); $('#rightNavDrawerIcon').click(); } //auto-open L nav if locked and previously open if (LoadLocalBool('LNavLockOn') == true && LoadLocalBool('LNavOpened') == true) { console.debug('RA -- clicking left nav to open'); $('#leftNavDrawerIcon').click(); } //auto-open WI if locked and previously open if (LoadLocalBool('WINavLockOn') == true && LoadLocalBool('WINavOpened') == true) { console.debug('RA -- clicking WI to open'); $('#WIDrawerIcon').click(); } } } function restoreUserInput() { if (!power_user.restore_user_input) { console.debug('restoreUserInput disabled'); return; } const userInput = LoadLocal('userInput'); if (userInput) { $('#send_textarea').val(userInput).trigger('input'); } } function saveUserInput() { const userInput = String($('#send_textarea').val()); SaveLocal('userInput', userInput); } const saveUserInputDebounced = debounce(saveUserInput); // Make the DIV element draggable: // THIRD UPDATE, prevent resize window breaks and smartly handle saving export function dragElement(elmnt) { var hasBeenDraggedByUser = false; var isMouseDown = false; var pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0; var height, width, top, left, right, bottom, maxX, maxY, winHeight, winWidth, topbar, topBarFirstX, topBarLastY; var elmntName = elmnt.attr('id'); console.debug(`dragElement called for ${elmntName}`); const elmntNameEscaped = $.escapeSelector(elmntName); console.debug(`dragElement escaped name: ${elmntNameEscaped}`); const elmntHeader = $(`#${elmntNameEscaped}header`); if (elmntHeader.length) {'mousedown').on('mousedown', (e) => { hasBeenDraggedByUser = true; observer.observe(elmnt.get(0), { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style'] }); dragMouseDown(e); }); $(elmnt).off('mousedown').on('mousedown', () => { isMouseDown = true; observer.observe(elmnt.get(0), { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style'] }); }); } const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { const target = mutations[0].target; if (!$(target).is(':visible') || $(target).hasClass('resizing') || Number((String(target.height).replace('px', ''))) < 50 || Number((String(target.width).replace('px', ''))) < 50 || power_user.movingUI === false || isMobile() ) { console.debug('aborting mutator'); return; } //console.debug(left + width, winWidth, hasBeenDraggedByUser, isMouseDown) const style = getComputedStyle(target); //use computed values because not all CSS are set by default height = target.offsetHeight; width = target.offsetWidth; top = parseInt(; left = parseInt(style.left); right = parseInt(style.right); bottom = parseInt(style.bottom); maxX = parseInt(width + left); maxY = parseInt(height + top); winWidth = window.innerWidth; winHeight = window.innerHeight; topbar = document.getElementById('top-bar'); const topbarstyle = getComputedStyle(topbar); topBarFirstX = parseInt(topbarstyle.marginInline); topBarLastY = parseInt(topbarstyle.height); /*console.log(` winWidth: ${winWidth}, winHeight: ${winHeight} sheldWidth: ${sheldWidth} X: ${$(elmnt).css('left')} Y: ${$(elmnt).css('top')} MaxX: ${maxX}, MaxY: ${maxY} height: ${height} width: ${width} Topbar 1st X: ${topBarFirstX} TopBar lastX: ${topBarLastX} `);*/ //prepare an empty poweruser object for the item being altered if we don't have one already if (!power_user.movingUIState[elmntName]) { console.debug(`adding config property for ${elmntName}`); power_user.movingUIState[elmntName] = {}; } //only record position changes if caused by a user click-drag if (hasBeenDraggedByUser && isMouseDown) { power_user.movingUIState[elmntName].top = top; power_user.movingUIState[elmntName].left = left; power_user.movingUIState[elmntName].right = right; power_user.movingUIState[elmntName].bottom = bottom; power_user.movingUIState[elmntName].margin = 'unset'; } //handle resizing if (!hasBeenDraggedByUser && isMouseDown) { console.debug('saw resize, NOT header drag'); //prevent resizing offscreen if (top + elmnt.height() >= winHeight) { console.debug('resizing height to prevent offscreen'); elmnt.css('height', winHeight - top - 1 + 'px'); } if (left + elmnt.width() >= winWidth) { console.debug('resizing width to prevent offscreen'); elmnt.css('width', winWidth - left - 1 + 'px'); } //prevent resizing from top left into the top bar if (top < topBarLastY && maxX >= topBarFirstX && left <= topBarFirstX ) { console.debug('prevent topbar underlap resize'); elmnt.css('width', width - 1 + 'px'); } //set css to prevent weird resize behavior (does not save) elmnt.css('left', left); elmnt.css('top', top); //set a listener for mouseup to save new width/height'mouseup').on('mouseup', () => { console.debug(`Saving ${elmntName} Height/Width`); // check if the height or width actually changed if (power_user.movingUIState[elmntName].width === width && power_user.movingUIState[elmntName].height === height) { console.debug('no change detected, aborting save'); return; } power_user.movingUIState[elmntName].width = width; power_user.movingUIState[elmntName].height = height; eventSource.emit('resizeUI', elmntName); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); } //handle dragging hit detection if (hasBeenDraggedByUser && isMouseDown) { //prevent dragging offscreen if (top <= 0) { elmnt.css('top', '0px'); } else if (maxY >= winHeight) { elmnt.css('top', winHeight - maxY + top - 1 + 'px'); } if (left <= 0) { elmnt.css('left', '0px'); } else if (maxX >= winWidth) { elmnt.css('left', winWidth - maxX + left - 1 + 'px'); } //prevent underlap with topbar div /* if (top < topBarLastY && (maxX >= topBarFirstX && left <= topBarFirstX //elmnt is hitting topbar from left side || left <= topBarLastX && maxX >= topBarLastX //elmnt is hitting topbar from right side || left >= topBarFirstX && maxX <= topBarLastX) //elmnt hitting topbar in the middle ) { console.debug('topbar hit') elmnt.css('top', top + 1 + "px"); } */ } // Check if the element header exists and set the listener on the grabber if (elmntHeader.length) {'mousedown').on('mousedown', (e) => { console.debug('listener started from header'); dragMouseDown(e); }); } else {'mousedown').on('mousedown', dragMouseDown); } }); function dragMouseDown(e) { if (e) { hasBeenDraggedByUser = true; e.preventDefault(); pos3 = e.clientX; //mouse X at click pos4 = e.clientY; //mouse Y at click } $(document).on('mouseup', closeDragElement); $(document).on('mousemove', elementDrag); } function elementDrag(e) { if (!power_user.movingUIState[elmntName]) { power_user.movingUIState[elmntName] = {}; } e = e || window.event; e.preventDefault(); pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX; //X change amt (-1 or 1) pos2 = pos4 - e.clientY; //Y change amt (-1 or 1) pos3 = e.clientX; //new mouse X pos4 = e.clientY; //new mouse Y elmnt.attr('data-dragged', 'true'); //first set css to computed values to avoid CSS NaN results from 'auto', etc elmnt.css('left', (elmnt.offset().left) + 'px'); elmnt.css('top', (elmnt.offset().top) + 'px'); //then update element position styles to account for drag changes elmnt.css('margin', 'unset'); elmnt.css('left', (elmnt.offset().left - pos1) + 'px'); elmnt.css('top', (elmnt.offset().top - pos2) + 'px'); elmnt.css('right', ((winWidth - maxX) + 'px')); elmnt.css('bottom', ((winHeight - maxY) + 'px')); // Height/Width here are for visuals only, and are not saved to settings // required because some divs do hot have a set width/height.. // and will defaults to shrink to min value of 100px set in CSS file elmnt.css('height', height); elmnt.css('width', width); /* console.log(` winWidth: ${winWidth}, winHeight: ${winHeight} sheldWidth: ${sheldWidth} X: ${$(elmnt).css('left')} Y: ${$(elmnt).css('top')} MaxX: ${maxX}, MaxY: ${maxY} height: ${height} width: ${width} Topbar 1st X: ${topBarFirstX} TopBar lastX: ${topBarLastX} `); */ return; } function closeDragElement() { console.debug('drag finished'); hasBeenDraggedByUser = false; isMouseDown = false; $(document).off('mouseup', closeDragElement); $(document).off('mousemove', elementDrag); $('body').css('overflow', ''); // Clear the "data-dragged" attribute elmnt.attr('data-dragged', 'false'); observer.disconnect(); console.debug(`Saving ${elmntName} UI position`); saveSettingsDebounced(); } } export async function initMovingUI() { if (!isMobile() && power_user.movingUI === true) { console.debug('START MOVING UI'); dragElement($('#sheld')); dragElement($('#left-nav-panel')); dragElement($('#right-nav-panel')); dragElement($('#WorldInfo')); dragElement($('#floatingPrompt')); dragElement($('#logprobsViewer')); dragElement($('#cfgConfig')); } } /**@type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ const sendTextArea = document.querySelector('#send_textarea'); const chatBlock = document.getElementById('chat'); const isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1; /** * this makes the chat input text area resize vertically to match the text size (limited by CSS at 50% window height) */ function autoFitSendTextArea() { const originalScrollBottom = chatBlock.scrollHeight - (chatBlock.scrollTop + chatBlock.offsetHeight); if (sendTextArea.scrollHeight == sendTextArea.offsetHeight) { // Needs to be pulled dynamically because it is affected by font size changes const sendTextAreaMinHeight = window.getComputedStyle(sendTextArea).getPropertyValue('min-height'); = sendTextAreaMinHeight; } = sendTextArea.scrollHeight + 0.3 + 'px'; if (!isFirefox) { const newScrollTop = Math.round(chatBlock.scrollHeight - (chatBlock.offsetHeight + originalScrollBottom)); chatBlock.scrollTop = newScrollTop; } } export const autoFitSendTextAreaDebounced = debounce(autoFitSendTextArea); // --------------------------------------------------- export function initRossMods() { // initial status check setTimeout(() => { RA_checkOnlineStatus(); }, 100); if (power_user.auto_load_chat) { RA_autoloadchat(); } if (power_user.auto_connect) { RA_autoconnect(); } $('#main_api').change(function () { var PrevAPI = main_api; setTimeout(() => RA_autoconnect(PrevAPI), 100); }); $('#api_button').click(function () { setTimeout(RA_checkOnlineStatus, 100); }); //toggle pin class when lock toggle clicked $(RPanelPin).on('click', function () { SaveLocal('NavLockOn', $(RPanelPin).prop('checked')); if ($(RPanelPin).prop('checked') == true) { //console.log('adding pin class to right nav'); $(RightNavPanel).addClass('pinnedOpen'); } else { //console.log('removing pin class from right nav'); $(RightNavPanel).removeClass('pinnedOpen'); if ($(RightNavPanel).hasClass('openDrawer') && $('.openDrawer').length > 1) { $(RightNavPanel).slideToggle(200, 'swing'); //$(rightNavDrawerIcon).toggleClass('openIcon closedIcon'); $(RightNavPanel).toggleClass('openDrawer closedDrawer'); } } }); $(LPanelPin).on('click', function () { SaveLocal('LNavLockOn', $(LPanelPin).prop('checked')); if ($(LPanelPin).prop('checked') == true) { //console.log('adding pin class to Left nav'); $(LeftNavPanel).addClass('pinnedOpen'); } else { //console.log('removing pin class from Left nav'); $(LeftNavPanel).removeClass('pinnedOpen'); if ($(LeftNavPanel).hasClass('openDrawer') && $('.openDrawer').length > 1) { $(LeftNavPanel).slideToggle(200, 'swing'); //$(leftNavDrawerIcon).toggleClass('openIcon closedIcon'); $(LeftNavPanel).toggleClass('openDrawer closedDrawer'); } } }); $(WIPanelPin).on('click', function () { SaveLocal('WINavLockOn', $(WIPanelPin).prop('checked')); if ($(WIPanelPin).prop('checked') == true) { console.debug('adding pin class to WI'); $(WorldInfo).addClass('pinnedOpen'); } else { console.debug('removing pin class from WI'); $(WorldInfo).removeClass('pinnedOpen'); if ($(WorldInfo).hasClass('openDrawer') && $('.openDrawer').length > 1) { console.debug('closing WI after lock removal'); $(WorldInfo).slideToggle(200, 'swing'); //$(WorldInfoDrawerIcon).toggleClass('openIcon closedIcon'); $(WorldInfo).toggleClass('openDrawer closedDrawer'); } } }); // read the state of right Nav Lock and apply to rightnav classlist $(RPanelPin).prop('checked', LoadLocalBool('NavLockOn')); if (LoadLocalBool('NavLockOn') == true) { //console.log('setting pin class via local var'); $(RightNavPanel).addClass('pinnedOpen'); } if ($(RPanelPin).prop('checked')) { console.debug('setting pin class via checkbox state'); $(RightNavPanel).addClass('pinnedOpen'); } // read the state of left Nav Lock and apply to leftnav classlist $(LPanelPin).prop('checked', LoadLocalBool('LNavLockOn')); if (LoadLocalBool('LNavLockOn') == true) { //console.log('setting pin class via local var'); $(LeftNavPanel).addClass('pinnedOpen'); } if ($(LPanelPin).prop('checked')) { console.debug('setting pin class via checkbox state'); $(LeftNavPanel).addClass('pinnedOpen'); } // read the state of left Nav Lock and apply to leftnav classlist $(WIPanelPin).prop('checked', LoadLocalBool('WINavLockOn')); if (LoadLocalBool('WINavLockOn') == true) { //console.log('setting pin class via local var'); $(WorldInfo).addClass('pinnedOpen'); } if ($(WIPanelPin).prop('checked')) { console.debug('setting pin class via checkbox state'); $(WorldInfo).addClass('pinnedOpen'); } //save state of Right nav being open or closed $('#rightNavDrawerIcon').on('click', function () { if (!$('#rightNavDrawerIcon').hasClass('openIcon')) { SaveLocal('NavOpened', 'true'); } else { SaveLocal('NavOpened', 'false'); } }); //save state of Left nav being open or closed $('#leftNavDrawerIcon').on('click', function () { if (!$('#leftNavDrawerIcon').hasClass('openIcon')) { SaveLocal('LNavOpened', 'true'); } else { SaveLocal('LNavOpened', 'false'); } }); //save state of Left nav being open or closed $('#WorldInfo').on('click', function () { if (!$('#WorldInfo').hasClass('openIcon')) { SaveLocal('WINavOpened', 'true'); } else { SaveLocal('WINavOpened', 'false'); } }); var chatbarInFocus = false; $('#send_textarea').focus(function () { chatbarInFocus = true; }); $('#send_textarea').blur(function () { chatbarInFocus = false; }); setTimeout(() => { OpenNavPanels(); }, 300); $(SelectedCharacterTab).click(function () { SaveLocal('SelectedNavTab', 'rm_button_selected_ch'); }); $('#rm_button_characters').click(function () { SaveLocal('SelectedNavTab', 'rm_button_characters'); }); // when a char is selected from the list, save them as the auto-load character for next page load // when a char is selected from the list, save their name as the auto-load character for next page load $(document).on('click', '.character_select', function () { const characterId = $(this).attr('chid') || $(this).data('id'); setActiveCharacter(characterId); setActiveGroup(null); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $(document).on('click', '.group_select', function () { const groupId = $(this).attr('chid') || $(this).attr('grid') || $(this).data('id'); setActiveCharacter(null); setActiveGroup(groupId); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $(sendTextArea).on('input', () => { if (sendTextArea.scrollHeight > sendTextArea.offsetHeight || sendTextArea.value === '') { autoFitSendTextArea(); } else { autoFitSendTextAreaDebounced(); } saveUserInputDebounced(); }); restoreUserInput(); //Regenerate if user swipes on the last mesage in chat document.addEventListener('swiped-left', function (e) { if (power_user.gestures === false) { return; } if ($('.mes_edit_buttons, .drawer-content, #character_popup, #dialogue_popup, #WorldInfo, #right-nav-panel, #left-nav-panel, #select_chat_popup, #floatingPrompt').is(':visible')) { return; } var SwipeButR = $('.swipe_right:last'); var SwipeTargetMesClassParent = $('.last_mes'); if (SwipeTargetMesClassParent !== null) { if (SwipeButR.css('display') === 'flex') {; } } }); document.addEventListener('swiped-right', function (e) { if (power_user.gestures === false) { return; } if ($('.mes_edit_buttons, .drawer-content, #character_popup, #dialogue_popup, #WorldInfo, #right-nav-panel, #left-nav-panel, #select_chat_popup, #floatingPrompt').is(':visible')) { return; } var SwipeButL = $('.swipe_left:last'); var SwipeTargetMesClassParent = $('.last_mes'); if (SwipeTargetMesClassParent !== null) { if (SwipeButL.css('display') === 'flex') {; } } }); function isInputElementInFocus() { //return $(document.activeElement).is(":input"); var focused = $(':focus'); if ('input') ||'textarea') || focused.prop('contenteditable') == 'true') { if (focused.attr('id') === 'send_textarea') { return false; } return true; } return false; } $(document).on('keydown', function (event) { processHotkeys(event.originalEvent); }); const hotkeyTargets = { 'send_textarea': sendTextArea, 'dialogue_popup_input': document.querySelector('#dialogue_popup_input'), }; //Additional hotkeys CTRL+ENTER and CTRL+UPARROW /** * @param {KeyboardEvent} event */ function processHotkeys(event) { //Enter to send when send_textarea in focus if (document.activeElement == hotkeyTargets['send_textarea']) { const sendOnEnter = shouldSendOnEnter(); if (!event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && event.key == 'Enter' && sendOnEnter) { event.preventDefault(); sendTextareaMessage(); return; } } if (document.activeElement == hotkeyTargets['dialogue_popup_input'] && !isMobile()) { if (!event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && event.key == 'Enter') { event.preventDefault(); $('#dialogue_popup_ok').trigger('click'); return; } } //ctrl+shift+up to scroll to context line if (event.shiftKey && event.ctrlKey && event.key == 'ArrowUp') { event.preventDefault(); let contextLine = $('.lastInContext'); if (contextLine.length !== 0) { $('#chat').animate({ scrollTop: contextLine.offset().top - $('#chat').offset().top + $('#chat').scrollTop(), }, 300); } else { toastr.warning('Context line not found, send a message first!'); } return; } //ctrl+shift+down to scroll to bottom of chat if (event.shiftKey && event.ctrlKey && event.key == 'ArrowDown') { event.preventDefault(); $('#chat').animate({ scrollTop: $('#chat').prop('scrollHeight'), }, 300); return; } // Alt+Enter or AltGr+Enter to Continue if ((event.altKey || (event.altKey && event.ctrlKey)) && event.key == 'Enter') { if (is_send_press == false) { console.debug('Continuing with Alt+Enter'); $('#option_continue').trigger('click'); return; } } // Ctrl+Enter for Regeneration Last Response. If editing, accept the edits instead if (event.ctrlKey && event.key == 'Enter') { const editMesDone = $('.mes_edit_done:visible'); if (editMesDone.length > 0) { console.debug('Accepting edits with Ctrl+Enter'); editMesDone.trigger('click'); return; } else if (is_send_press == false) { const skipConfirmKey = 'RegenerateWithCtrlEnter'; const skipConfirm = LoadLocalBool(skipConfirmKey); function doRegenerate() { console.debug('Regenerating with Ctrl+Enter'); $('#option_regenerate').trigger('click'); $('#options').hide(); } if (skipConfirm) { doRegenerate(); } else { const popupText = `
Are you sure you want to regenerate the latest message?
`; callPopup(popupText, 'confirm').then(result => { if (!result) { return; } const regenerateWithCtrlEnter = $('#regenerateWithCtrlEnter').prop('checked'); SaveLocal(skipConfirmKey, regenerateWithCtrlEnter); doRegenerate(); }); } return; } else { console.debug('Ctrl+Enter ignored'); } } // Helper function to check if nanogallery2's lightbox is active function isNanogallery2LightboxActive() { // Check if the body has the 'nGY2On' class, adjust this based on actual behavior return document.body.classList.contains('nGY2_body_scrollbar'); } if (event.key == 'ArrowLeft') { //swipes left if ( !isNanogallery2LightboxActive() && // Check if lightbox is NOT active $('.swipe_left:last').css('display') === 'flex' && $('#send_textarea').val() === '' && $('#character_popup').css('display') === 'none' && $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').css('display') === 'none' && !isInputElementInFocus() ) { $('.swipe_left:last').click(); return; } } if (event.key == 'ArrowRight') { //swipes right if ( !isNanogallery2LightboxActive() && // Check if lightbox is NOT active $('.swipe_right:last').css('display') === 'flex' && $('#send_textarea').val() === '' && $('#character_popup').css('display') === 'none' && $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').css('display') === 'none' && !isInputElementInFocus() ) { $('.swipe_right:last').click(); return; } } if (event.ctrlKey && event.key == 'ArrowUp') { //edits last USER message if chatbar is empty and focused if ( hotkeyTargets['send_textarea'].value === '' && chatbarInFocus === true && ($('.swipe_right:last').css('display') === 'flex' || $('.last_mes').attr('is_system') === 'true') && $('#character_popup').css('display') === 'none' && $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').css('display') === 'none' ) { const isUserMesList = document.querySelectorAll('div[is_user="true"]'); const lastIsUserMes = isUserMesList[isUserMesList.length - 1]; const editMes = lastIsUserMes.querySelector('.mes_block .mes_edit'); if (editMes !== null) { $(editMes).trigger('click'); return; } } } if (event.key == 'ArrowUp') { //edits last message if chatbar is empty and focused console.log('got uparrow input'); if ( hotkeyTargets['send_textarea'].value === '' && chatbarInFocus === true && //$('.swipe_right:last').css('display') === 'flex' && $('.last_mes .mes_buttons').is(':visible') && $('#character_popup').css('display') === 'none' && $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').css('display') === 'none' ) { const lastMes = document.querySelector('.last_mes'); const editMes = lastMes.querySelector('.mes_block .mes_edit'); if (editMes !== null) { $(editMes).click(); return; } } } if (event.key == 'Escape') { //closes various panels //dont override Escape hotkey functions from script.js //"close edit box" and "cancel stream generation". if ($('#curEditTextarea').is(':visible') || $('#mes_stop').is(':visible')) { console.debug('escape key, but deferring to script.js routines'); return; } if ($('#dialogue_popup').is(':visible')) { if ($('#dialogue_popup_cancel').is(':visible')) { $('#dialogue_popup_cancel').trigger('click'); return; } else { $('#dialogue_popup_ok').trigger('click'); return; } } if ($('#select_chat_popup').is(':visible')) { $('#select_chat_cross').trigger('click'); return; } if ($('#character_popup').is(':visible')) { $('#character_cross').trigger('click'); return; } if ($('.drawer-content') .not('#WorldInfo') .not('#left-nav-panel') .not('#right-nav-panel') .not('#floatingPrompt') .not('#cfgConfig') .not('#logprobsViewer') .not('#movingDivs > div') .is(':visible')) { let visibleDrawerContent = $('.drawer-content:visible') .not('#WorldInfo') .not('#left-nav-panel') .not('#right-nav-panel') .not('#floatingPrompt') .not('#cfgConfig') .not('#logprobsViewer') .not('#movingDivs > div'); $(visibleDrawerContent).parent().find('.drawer-icon').trigger('click'); return; } if ($('#floatingPrompt').is(':visible')) { $('#ANClose').trigger('click'); return; } if ($('#WorldInfo').is(':visible')) { $('#WIDrawerIcon').trigger('click'); return; } if ($('#cfgConfig').is(':visible')) { $('#CFGClose').trigger('click'); return; } if ($('#logprobsViewer').is(':visible')) { $('#logprobsViewerClose').trigger('click'); return; } $('#movingDivs > div').each(function () { if ($(this).is(':visible')) { $('#movingDivs > div .floating_panel_close').trigger('click'); return; } }); if ($('#left-nav-panel').is(':visible') && $(LPanelPin).prop('checked') === false) { $('#leftNavDrawerIcon').trigger('click'); return; } if ($('#right-nav-panel').is(':visible') && $(RPanelPin).prop('checked') === false) { $('#rightNavDrawerIcon').trigger('click'); return; } if ($('.draggable').is(':visible')) { // Remove the first matched element $('.draggable:first').remove(); return; } } if (event.ctrlKey && /^[1-9]$/.test(event.key)) { // This will eventually be to trigger quick replies event.preventDefault(); console.log('Ctrl +' + event.key + ' pressed!'); } } }