import { chat_metadata, callPopup, saveSettingsDebounced, is_send_press } from "../../../script.js"; import { getContext, extension_settings, saveMetadataDebounced } from "../../extensions.js"; import { substituteParams, eventSource, event_types, generateQuietPrompt, } from "../../../script.js"; import { registerSlashCommand } from "../../slash-commands.js"; import { waitUntilCondition } from "../../utils.js"; import { is_group_generating, selected_group } from "../../group-chats.js"; const MODULE_NAME = "Objective" let taskTree = null let globalTasks = [] let currentChatId = "" let currentObjective = null let currentTask = null let checkCounter = 0 let lastMessageWasSwipe = false const defaultPrompts = { "createTask": `Pause your roleplay. Please generate a numbered list of plain text tasks to complete an objective. The objective that you must make a numbered task list for is: "{{objective}}". The tasks created should take into account the character traits of {{char}}. These tasks may or may not involve {{user}} directly. Include the objective as the final task.`, "checkTaskCompleted": `Pause your roleplay. Determine if this task is completed: [{{task}}]. To do this, examine the most recent messages. Your response must only contain either true or false, and nothing else. Example output: true`, 'currentTask':`Your current task is [{{task}}]. Balance existing roleplay with completing this task.`, } let objectivePrompts = defaultPrompts //###############################// //# Task Management #// //###############################// // Return the task and index or throw an error function getTaskById(taskId){ if (taskId == null) { throw `Null task id` } return getTaskByIdRecurse(taskId, taskTree) } function getTaskByIdRecurse(taskId, task) { if ( == taskId){ return task } for (const childTask of task.children) { const foundTask = getTaskByIdRecurse(taskId, childTask); if (foundTask != null) { return foundTask; } } return null; } function substituteParamsPrompts(content, substituteGlobal) { content = content.replace(/{{objective}}/gi, currentObjective.description) content = content.replace(/{{task}}/gi, currentTask.description) if (currentTask.parent){ content = content.replace(/{{parent}}/gi, currentTask.parent.description) } if (substituteGlobal) { content = substituteParams(content) } return content } // Call Quiet Generate to create task list using character context, then convert to tasks. Should not be called much. async function generateTasks() { const prompt = substituteParamsPrompts(objectivePrompts.createTask, false); console.log(`Generating tasks for objective with prompt`)'Generating tasks for objective', 'Please wait...'); const taskResponse = await generateQuietPrompt(prompt) // Clear all existing objective tasks when generating currentObjective.children = [] const numberedListPattern = /^\d+\./ // Create tasks from generated task list for (const task of taskResponse.split('\n').map(x => x.trim())) { if (task.match(numberedListPattern) != null) { currentObjective.addTask(task.replace(numberedListPattern,"").trim()) } } updateUiTaskList(); setCurrentTask();`Response for Objective: '${currentObjective.description}' was \n'${taskResponse}', \nwhich created tasks \n${JSON.stringify( => {return v.toSaveState()}), null, 2)} `) toastr.success(`Generated ${currentObjective.children.length} tasks`, 'Done!'); } // Call Quiet Generate to check if a task is completed async function checkTaskCompleted() { // Make sure there are tasks if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(currentTask)) { return } try { // Wait for group to finish generating if (selected_group) { await waitUntilCondition(() => is_group_generating === false, 1000, 10); } // Another extension might be doing something with the chat, so wait for it to finish await waitUntilCondition(() => is_send_press === false, 30000, 10); } catch { console.debug("Failed to wait for group to finish generating") return; } checkCounter = $('#objective-check-frequency').val()"Checking for task completion.") const prompt = substituteParamsPrompts(objectivePrompts.checkTaskCompleted, false); const taskResponse = (await generateQuietPrompt(prompt)).toLowerCase() // Check response if task complete if (taskResponse.includes("true")) {`Character determined task '${currentTask.description} is completed.`) currentTask.completeTask() } else if (!(taskResponse.includes("false"))) { console.warn(`checkTaskCompleted response did not contain true or false. taskResponse: ${taskResponse}`) } else { console.debug(`Checked task completion. taskResponse: ${taskResponse}`) } } function getNextIncompleteTaskRecurse(task){ if (task.completed === false // Return task if incomplete && task.children.length === 0 // Ensure task has no children, it's subtasks will determine completeness && task.parentId !== "" // Must have parent id. Only root task will be missing this and we dont want that ){ return task } for (const childTask of task.children) { if (childTask.completed === true){ // Don't recurse into completed tasks continue } const foundTask = getNextIncompleteTaskRecurse(childTask); if (foundTask != null) { return foundTask; } } return null; } // Set a task in extensionPrompt context. Defaults to first incomplete function setCurrentTask(taskId = null, skipSave = false) { const context = getContext(); // TODO: Should probably null this rather than set empty object currentTask = {}; // Find the task, either next incomplete, or by provided taskId if (taskId === null) { currentTask = getNextIncompleteTaskRecurse(taskTree) || {}; } else { currentTask = getTaskById(taskId); } // Don't just check for a current task, check if it has data const description = currentTask.description || null; if (description) { const extensionPromptText = substituteParamsPrompts(objectivePrompts.currentTask, true); // Remove highlights $('.objective-task').css({'border-color':'','border-width':''}) // Highlight current task let highlightTask = currentTask while (highlightTask.parentId !== ""){ if (highlightTask.descriptionSpan){ highlightTask.descriptionSpan.css({'border-color':'yellow','border-width':'2px'}); } const parent = getTaskById(highlightTask.parentId) highlightTask = parent } // Update the extension prompt context.setExtensionPrompt(MODULE_NAME, extensionPromptText, 1, $('#objective-chat-depth').val());`Current task in context.extensionPrompts.Objective is ${JSON.stringify(context.extensionPrompts.Objective)}`); } else { context.setExtensionPrompt(MODULE_NAME, '');`No current task`); } // Save state if not skipping if (!skipSave) { saveState(); } } function getHighestTaskIdRecurse(task) { let nextId =; for (const childTask of task.children) { const childId = getHighestTaskIdRecurse(childTask); if (childId > nextId) { nextId = childId; } } return nextId; } //###############################// //# Task Class #// //###############################// class ObjectiveTask { id description completed parentId children // UI Elements taskHtml descriptionSpan completedCheckbox deleteTaskButton addTaskButton constructor ({id=undefined, description, completed=false, parentId=""}) { this.description = description this.parentId = parentId this.children = [] this.completed = completed // Generate a new ID if none specified if (id==undefined){ = getHighestTaskIdRecurse(taskTree) + 1 } else { } } // Accepts optional index. Defaults to adding to end of list. addTask(description, index = null) { index = index != null ? index: index = this.children.length this.children.splice(index, 0, new ObjectiveTask( {description: description, parentId:} )) saveState() } getIndex(){ if (this.parentId !== null) { const parent = getTaskById(this.parentId) const index = parent.children.findIndex(task => === if (index === -1){ throw `getIndex failed: Task '${this.description}' not found in parent task '${parent.description}'` } return index } else { throw `getIndex failed: Task '${this.description}' has no parent` } } // Used to set parent to complete when all child tasks are completed checkParentComplete() { let all_completed = true; if (this.parentId !== ""){ const parent = getTaskById(this.parentId); for (const child of parent.children){ if (!child.completed){ all_completed = false; break; } } if (all_completed){ parent.completed = true;`Parent task '${parent.description}' completed after all child tasks complated.`) } else { parent.completed = false; } } } // Complete the current task, setting next task to next incomplete task completeTask() { this.completed = true`Task successfully completed: ${JSON.stringify(this.description)}`) this.checkParentComplete() setCurrentTask() updateUiTaskList() } // Add a single task to the UI and attach event listeners for user edits addUiElement() { const template = `

`; // Add the filled out template $('#objective-tasks').append(template); this.completedCheckbox = $(`#objective-task-complete-${}`); this.descriptionSpan = $(`#objective-task-description-${}`); this.addButton = $(`#objective-task-add-${}`); this.deleteButton = $(`#objective-task-delete-${}`); this.taskHtml = $(`#objective-task-label-${}`); this.branchButton = $(`#objective-task-add-branch-${}`) // Handle sub-task forking style if (this.children.length > 0){ this.branchButton.css({'color':'#33cc33'}) } else { this.branchButton.css({'color':''}) } // Add event listeners and set properties $(`#objective-task-complete-${}`).prop('checked', this.completed); $(`#objective-task-complete-${}`).on('click', () => (this.onCompleteClick())); $(`#objective-task-description-${}`).on('keyup', () => (this.onDescriptionUpdate())); $(`#objective-task-description-${}`).on('focusout', () => (this.onDescriptionFocusout())); $(`#objective-task-delete-${}`).on('click', () => (this.onDeleteClick())); $(`#objective-task-add-${}`).on('click', () => (this.onAddClick())); this.branchButton.on('click', () => (this.onBranchClick())) } onBranchClick() { currentObjective = this updateUiTaskList(); setCurrentTask(); } onCompleteClick(){ this.completed = this.completedCheckbox.prop('checked') this.checkParentComplete() setCurrentTask(); } onDescriptionUpdate(){ this.description = this.descriptionSpan.text(); } onDescriptionFocusout(){ setCurrentTask(); } onDeleteClick(){ const index = this.getIndex() const parent = getTaskById(this.parentId) parent.children.splice(index, 1) updateUiTaskList() setCurrentTask() } onAddClick(){ const index = this.getIndex() const parent = getTaskById(this.parentId) parent.addTask("", index + 1); updateUiTaskList(); setCurrentTask(); } toSaveStateRecurse() { let children = [] if (this.children.length > 0){ for (const child of this.children){ children.push(child.toSaveStateRecurse()) } } return { "id", "description":this.description, "completed":this.completed, "parentId": this.parentId, "children": children, } } } //###############################// //# Custom Prompts #// //###############################// function onEditPromptClick() { let popupText = '' popupText += `
Edit prompts used by Objective for this session. You can use {{objective}} or {{task}} plus any other standard template variables. Save template to persist changes.
` callPopup(popupText, 'text') populateCustomPrompts() // Set current values $('#objective-prompt-generate').val(objectivePrompts.createTask) $('#objective-prompt-check').val(objectivePrompts.checkTaskCompleted) $('#objective-prompt-extension-prompt').val(objectivePrompts.currentTask) // Handle value updates $('#objective-prompt-generate').on('input', () => { objectivePrompts.createTask = $('#objective-prompt-generate').val() }) $('#objective-prompt-check').on('input', () => { objectivePrompts.checkTaskCompleted = $('#objective-prompt-check').val() }) $('#objective-prompt-extension-prompt').on('input', () => { objectivePrompts.currentTask = $('#objective-prompt-extension-prompt').val() }) // Handle new $('#objective-custom-prompt-new').on('click', () => { newCustomPrompt() }) // Handle save $('#objective-custom-prompt-save').on('click', () => { saveCustomPrompt() }) // Handle delete $('#objective-custom-prompt-delete').on('click', () => { deleteCustomPrompt() }) // Handle load $('#objective-custom-prompt-select').on('change', loadCustomPrompt) } async function newCustomPrompt() { const customPromptName = await callPopup('

Custom Prompt name:

', 'input'); if (customPromptName == "") { toastr.warning("Please set custom prompt name to save.") return } if (customPromptName == "default"){ toastr.error("Cannot save over default prompt") return } extension_settings.objective.customPrompts[customPromptName] = {} Object.assign(extension_settings.objective.customPrompts[customPromptName], objectivePrompts) saveSettingsDebounced() populateCustomPrompts() } function saveCustomPrompt() { const customPromptName = $("#objective-custom-prompt-select").find(':selected').val() if (customPromptName == "default"){ toastr.error("Cannot save over default prompt") return } Object.assign(extension_settings.objective.customPrompts[customPromptName], objectivePrompts) saveSettingsDebounced() populateCustomPrompts() } function deleteCustomPrompt(){ const customPromptName = $("#objective-custom-prompt-select").find(':selected').val() if (customPromptName == "default"){ toastr.error("Cannot delete default prompt") return } delete extension_settings.objective.customPrompts[customPromptName] saveSettingsDebounced() populateCustomPrompts() loadCustomPrompt() } function loadCustomPrompt(){ const optionSelected = $("#objective-custom-prompt-select").find(':selected').val() Object.assign(objectivePrompts, extension_settings.objective.customPrompts[optionSelected]) $('#objective-prompt-generate').val(objectivePrompts.createTask) $('#objective-prompt-check').val(objectivePrompts.checkTaskCompleted) $('#objective-prompt-extension-prompt').val(objectivePrompts.currentTask) } function populateCustomPrompts(){ // Populate saved prompts $('#objective-custom-prompt-select').empty() for (const customPromptName in extension_settings.objective.customPrompts){ const option = document.createElement('option'); option.innerText = customPromptName; option.value = customPromptName; option.selected = customPromptName $('#objective-custom-prompt-select').append(option) } } //###############################// //# UI AND Settings #// //###############################// const defaultSettings = { currentObjectiveId: null, taskTree: null, chatDepth: 2, checkFrequency: 3, hideTasks: false, prompts: defaultPrompts, } // Convenient single call. Not much at the moment. function resetState() { lastMessageWasSwipe = false loadSettings(); } // function saveState() { const context = getContext(); if (currentChatId == "") { currentChatId = context.chatId } chat_metadata['objective'] = { currentObjectiveId:, taskTree: taskTree.toSaveStateRecurse(), checkFrequency: $('#objective-check-frequency').val(), chatDepth: $('#objective-chat-depth').val(), hideTasks: $('#objective-hide-tasks').prop('checked'), prompts: objectivePrompts, } saveMetadataDebounced(); } // Dump core state function debugObjectiveExtension() { console.log(JSON.stringify({ "currentTask": currentTask, "currentObjective": currentObjective, "taskTree": taskTree.toSaveStateRecurse(), "chat_metadata": chat_metadata['objective'], "extension_settings": extension_settings['objective'], "prompts": objectivePrompts }, null, 2)) } window.debugObjectiveExtension = debugObjectiveExtension // Populate UI task list function updateUiTaskList() { $('#objective-tasks').empty() // Show button to navigate back to parent objective if parent exists if (currentObjective){ if (currentObjective.parentId !== "") { $('#objective-parent').show() } else { $('#objective-parent').hide() } } $('#objective-text').val(currentObjective.description) if (currentObjective.children.length > 0){ // Show tasks if there are any to show for (const task of currentObjective.children) { task.addUiElement() } } else { // Show button to add tasks if there are none $('#objective-tasks').append(` `) $("#objective-task-add-first").on('click', () => { currentObjective.addTask("") setCurrentTask() updateUiTaskList() }) } } function onParentClick() { currentObjective = getTaskById(currentObjective.parentId) updateUiTaskList() setCurrentTask() } // Trigger creation of new tasks with given objective. async function onGenerateObjectiveClick() { await generateTasks() saveState() } // Update extension prompts function onChatDepthInput() { saveState() setCurrentTask() // Ensure extension prompt is updated } function onObjectiveTextFocusOut(){ if (currentObjective){ currentObjective.description = $('#objective-text').val() saveState() } } // Update how often we check for task completion function onCheckFrequencyInput() { checkCounter = $("#objective-check-frequency").val() $('#objective-counter').text(checkCounter) saveState() } function onHideTasksInput() { $('#objective-tasks').prop('hidden', $('#objective-hide-tasks').prop('checked')) saveState() } function loadTaskChildrenRecurse(savedTask) { let tempTaskTree = new ObjectiveTask({ id:, description: savedTask.description, completed: savedTask.completed, parentId: savedTask.parentId, }) for (const task of savedTask.children){ const childTask = loadTaskChildrenRecurse(task) tempTaskTree.children.push(childTask) } return tempTaskTree } function loadSettings() { // Load/Init settings for chatId currentChatId = getContext().chatId // Reset Objectives and Tasks in memory taskTree = null; currentObjective = null; // Init extension settings if (Object.keys(extension_settings.objective).length === 0) { Object.assign(extension_settings.objective, { 'customPrompts': {'default':defaultPrompts}}) } // Bail on home screen if (currentChatId == undefined) { return } // Migrate existing settings if (currentChatId in extension_settings.objective) { // TODO: Remove this soon chat_metadata['objective'] = extension_settings.objective[currentChatId]; delete extension_settings.objective[currentChatId]; } if (!('objective' in chat_metadata)) { Object.assign(chat_metadata, { objective: defaultSettings }); } // Migrate legacy flat objective to new objectiveTree and currentObjective if ('objective' in chat_metadata.objective) { // Create root objective from legacy objective taskTree = new ObjectiveTask({id:0, description: chat_metadata.objective.objective}); currentObjective = taskTree; // Populate root objective tree from legacy tasks if ('tasks' in chat_metadata.objective) { let idIncrement = 0; taskTree.children = => { idIncrement += 1; return new ObjectiveTask({ id: idIncrement, description: task.description, completed: task.completed, parentId:, }) }); } saveState(); delete chat_metadata.objective.objective; delete chat_metadata.objective.tasks; } else { // Load Objectives and Tasks (Normal path) if (chat_metadata.objective.taskTree){ taskTree = loadTaskChildrenRecurse(chat_metadata.objective.taskTree) } } // Make sure there's a root task if (!taskTree) { taskTree = new ObjectiveTask({id:0,description:$('#objective-text').val()}) } currentObjective = taskTree checkCounter = chat_metadata['objective'].checkFrequency // Update UI elements $('#objective-counter').text(checkCounter) $("#objective-text").text(taskTree.description) updateUiTaskList() $('#objective-chat-depth').val(chat_metadata['objective'].chatDepth) $('#objective-check-frequency').val(chat_metadata['objective'].checkFrequency) $('#objective-hide-tasks').prop('checked', chat_metadata['objective'].hideTasks) $('#objective-tasks').prop('hidden', $('#objective-hide-tasks').prop('checked')) setCurrentTask(null, true) } function addManualTaskCheckUi() { $('#extensionsMenu').prepend(`
Manual Task Check
`) $('#objective-task-manual-check-menu-item').attr('title', 'Trigger AI check of completed tasks').on('click', checkTaskCompleted) } jQuery(() => { const settingsHtml = `
Go to parent task

(0 = disabled)
Messages until next AI task completion check 0

`; addManualTaskCheckUi() $('#extensions_settings').append(settingsHtml); $('#objective-generate').on('click', onGenerateObjectiveClick) $('#objective-chat-depth').on('input', onChatDepthInput) $("#objective-check-frequency").on('input', onCheckFrequencyInput) $('#objective-hide-tasks').on('click', onHideTasksInput) $('#objective_prompt_edit').on('click', onEditPromptClick) $('#objective-parent').hide() $('#objective-parent').on('click',onParentClick) $('#objective-text').on('focusout',onObjectiveTextFocusOut) loadSettings() eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, () => { resetState() }); eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_SWIPED, () => { lastMessageWasSwipe = true }) eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, () => { if (currentChatId == undefined || jQuery.isEmptyObject(currentTask) || lastMessageWasSwipe) { lastMessageWasSwipe = false return } if ($("#objective-check-frequency").val() > 0) { // Check only at specified interval if (checkCounter <= 0) { checkTaskCompleted(); } checkCounter -= 1 } setCurrentTask(); $('#objective-counter').text(checkCounter) }); registerSlashCommand('taskcheck', checkTaskCompleted, [], '– checks if the current task is completed', true, true); });