import { saveSettingsDebounced, getCurrentChatId, system_message_types, extension_prompt_types, eventSource, event_types, getRequestHeaders, CHARACTERS_PER_TOKEN_RATIO, substituteParams, max_context, } from "../../../script.js"; import { humanizedDateTime } from "../../RossAscends-mods.js"; import { getApiUrl, extension_settings, getContext, doExtrasFetch } from "../../extensions.js"; import { getFileText, onlyUnique, splitRecursive, IndexedDBStore } from "../../utils.js"; export { MODULE_NAME }; const MODULE_NAME = 'chromadb'; const dbStore = new IndexedDBStore('SillyTavern', MODULE_NAME); const defaultSettings = { strategy: 'original', sort_strategy: 'date', keep_context: 10, keep_context_min: 1, keep_context_max: 500, keep_context_step: 1, n_results: 20, n_results_min: 0, n_results_max: 500, n_results_step: 1, chroma_depth: 20, chroma_depth_min: -1, chroma_depth_max: 500, chroma_depth_step: 1, chroma_default_msg: "In a past conversation: [{{memories}}]", chroma_default_hhaa_wrapper: "Previous messages exchanged between {{user}} and {{char}}:\n{{memories}}", chroma_default_hhaa_memory: "- {{name}}: {{message}}\n", hhaa_token_limit: 512, split_length: 384, split_length_min: 64, split_length_max: 4096, split_length_step: 64, file_split_length: 1024, file_split_length_min: 512, file_split_length_max: 4096, file_split_length_step: 128, keep_context_proportion: 0.5, keep_context_proportion_min: 0.0, keep_context_proportion_max: 1.0, keep_context_proportion_step: 0.05, auto_adjust: true, freeze: false, query_last_only: true, }; const postHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder': 'bypass', }; async function invalidateMessageSyncState(messageId) { console.log('CHROMADB: invalidating message sync state', messageId); const state = await getChatSyncState(); state[messageId] = 0; await dbStore.put(getCurrentChatId(), state); } async function getChatSyncState() { const currentChatId = getCurrentChatId(); if (!checkChatId(currentChatId)) { return; } const context = getContext(); const chatState = (await dbStore.get(currentChatId)) || []; // if the chat length has decreased, it means that some messages were deleted if (chatState.length > { for (let i =; i < chatState.length; i++) { // if the synced message was deleted, notify the user if (chatState[i]) { toastr.warning( 'Purge your ChromaDB to remove it from there too. See the "Smart Context" tab in the Extensions menu for more information.', 'Message deleted from chat, but it still exists inside the ChromaDB database.', { timeOut: 0, extendedTimeOut: 0, preventDuplicates: true }, ); break; } } } chatState.length =; for (let i = 0; i < chatState.length; i++) { if (chatState[i] === undefined) { chatState[i] = 0; } } await dbStore.put(currentChatId, chatState); return chatState; } async function loadSettings() { if (Object.keys(extension_settings.chromadb).length === 0) { Object.assign(extension_settings.chromadb, defaultSettings); } console.debug(`loading chromadb strat:${extension_settings.chromadb.strategy}`); $("#chromadb_strategy option[value=" + extension_settings.chromadb.strategy + "]").attr( "selected", "true" ); $("#chromadb_sort_strategy option[value=" + extension_settings.chromadb.sort_strategy + "]").attr( "selected", "true" ); $('#chromadb_keep_context').val(extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context).trigger('input'); $('#chromadb_n_results').val(extension_settings.chromadb.n_results).trigger('input'); $('#chromadb_split_length').val(extension_settings.chromadb.split_length).trigger('input'); $('#chromadb_file_split_length').val(extension_settings.chromadb.file_split_length).trigger('input'); $('#chromadb_keep_context_proportion').val(extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context_proportion).trigger('input'); $('#chromadb_custom_depth').val(extension_settings.chromadb.chroma_depth).trigger('input'); $('#chromadb_custom_msg').val(extension_settings.chromadb.recall_msg).trigger('input'); $('#chromadb_hhaa_wrapperfmt').val(extension_settings.chromadb.hhaa_wrapper_msg).trigger('input'); $('#chromadb_hhaa_memoryfmt').val(extension_settings.chromadb.hhaa_memory_msg).trigger('input'); $('#chromadb_hhaa_token_limit').val(extension_settings.chromadb.hhaa_token_limit).trigger('input'); $('#chromadb_auto_adjust').prop('checked', extension_settings.chromadb.auto_adjust); $('#chromadb_freeze').prop('checked', extension_settings.chromadb.freeze); $('#chromadb_query_last_only').val(extension_settings.chromadb.query_last_only).trigger('input'); enableDisableSliders(); onStrategyChange(); } function onStrategyChange() { console.debug('changing chromadb strat'); extension_settings.chromadb.strategy = $('#chromadb_strategy').val(); if (extension_settings.chromadb.strategy === "custom") { $('#chromadb_custom_depth').show(); $('label[for="chromadb_custom_depth"]').show(); $('#chromadb_custom_msg').show(); $('label[for="chromadb_custom_msg"]').show(); } else if(extension_settings.chromadb.strategy === "hh_aa"){ $('#chromadb_hhaa_wrapperfmt').show(); $('label[for="chromadb_hhaa_wrapperfmt"]').show(); $('#chromadb_hhaa_memoryfmt').show(); $('label[for="chromadb_hhaa_memoryfmt"]').show(); $('#chromadb_hhaa_token_limit').show(); $('label[for="chromadb_hhaa_token_limit"]').show(); } saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onRecallStrategyChange() { console.log('changing chromadb recall strat'); extension_settings.chromadb.recall_strategy = $('#chromadb_recall_strategy').val(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onSortStrategyChange() { console.log('changing chromadb sort strat'); extension_settings.chromadb.sort_strategy = $('#chromadb_sort_strategy').val(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onKeepContextInput() { extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context = Number($('#chromadb_keep_context').val()); $('#chromadb_keep_context_value').text(extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onNResultsInput() { extension_settings.chromadb.n_results = Number($('#chromadb_n_results').val()); $('#chromadb_n_results_value').text(extension_settings.chromadb.n_results); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onChromaDepthInput() { extension_settings.chromadb.chroma_depth = Number($('#chromadb_custom_depth').val()); $('#chromadb_custom_depth_value').text(extension_settings.chromadb.chroma_depth); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onChromaMsgInput() { extension_settings.chromadb.recall_msg = $('#chromadb_custom_msg').val(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onChromaHHAAWrapper() { extension_settings.chromadb.hhaa_wrapper_msg = $('#chromadb_hhaa_wrapperfmt').val(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onChromaHHAAMemory() { extension_settings.chromadb.hhaa_memory_msg = $('#chromadb_hhaa_memoryfmt').val(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onChromaHHAATokens() { extension_settings.chromadb.hhaa_token_limit = Number($('#chromadb_hhaa_token_limit').val()); $('#chromadb_hhaa_token_limit_value').text(extension_settings.chromadb.hhaa_token_limit); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onSplitLengthInput() { extension_settings.chromadb.split_length = Number($('#chromadb_split_length').val()); $('#chromadb_split_length_value').text(extension_settings.chromadb.split_length); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onFileSplitLengthInput() { extension_settings.chromadb.file_split_length = Number($('#chromadb_file_split_length').val()); $('#chromadb_file_split_length_value').text(extension_settings.chromadb.file_split_length); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onChunkNLInput() { let shouldSplit = $('#onChunkNLInput').is(':checked'); if (shouldSplit) { extension_settings.chromadb.file_split_type = "newline"; } else { extension_settings.chromadb.file_split_type = "length"; } saveSettingsDebounced(); } function checkChatId(chat_id) { if (!chat_id || chat_id.trim() === '') { toastr.error('Please select a character and try again.'); return false; } return true; } async function addMessages(chat_id, messages) { if (extension_settings.chromadb.freeze) { return { count: 0 }; } const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/chromadb'; const messagesDeepCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messages)); let splitMessages = []; let id = 0; messagesDeepCopy.forEach((m, index) => { const split = splitRecursive(m.mes, extension_settings.chromadb.split_length); splitMessages.push( => ({ ...m, mes: text, send_date: id, id: `msg-${id++}`, index: index, extra: undefined, }))); }); splitMessages = await filterSyncedMessages(splitMessages); // no messages to add if (splitMessages.length === 0) { return { count: 0 }; } const transformedMessages = => ({ id:, role: m.is_user ? 'user' : 'assistant', content: m.mes, date: m.send_date, meta: JSON.stringify(m), })); const addMessagesResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: postHeaders, body: JSON.stringify({ chat_id, messages: transformedMessages }), }); if (addMessagesResult.ok) { const addMessagesData = await addMessagesResult.json(); return addMessagesData; // { count: 1 } } return { count: 0 }; } async function filterSyncedMessages(splitMessages) { const syncState = await getChatSyncState(); const removeIndices = []; const syncedIndices = []; for (let i = 0; i < splitMessages.length; i++) { const index = splitMessages[i].index; if (syncState[index]) { removeIndices.push(i); continue; } syncedIndices.push(index); } for (const index of syncedIndices) { syncState[index] = 1; } console.debug('CHROMADB: sync state',, i) => ({ id: i, synced: v }))); await dbStore.put(getCurrentChatId(), syncState); // remove messages that are already synced return splitMessages.filter((_, i) => !removeIndices.includes(i)); } async function onPurgeClick() { const chat_id = getCurrentChatId(); if (!checkChatId(chat_id)) { return; } const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/chromadb/purge'; const purgeResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: postHeaders, body: JSON.stringify({ chat_id }), }); if (purgeResult.ok) { await dbStore.delete(chat_id); toastr.success('ChromaDB context has been successfully cleared'); } } async function onExportClick() { const currentChatId = getCurrentChatId(); if (!checkChatId(currentChatId)) { return; } const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/chromadb/export'; const exportResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: postHeaders, body: JSON.stringify({ chat_id: currentChatId }), }); if (exportResult.ok) { const data = await exportResult.json(); const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)], { type: 'application/json' }); const href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = href; = currentChatId + '.json'; document.body.appendChild(link);; document.body.removeChild(link); } else { //Show the error from the result without the html, only what's in the body paragraph let parser = new DOMParser(); let error = await exportResult.text(); let doc = parser.parseFromString(error, 'text/html'); let errorMessage = doc.querySelector('p').textContent; toastr.error(`An error occurred while attempting to download the data from ChromaDB: ${errorMessage}`); } } function tinyhash(text) { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) { hash = ((hash<<5) - hash) + text.charCodeAt(i); hash = hash & hash; // Keeps it 32-bit allegedly. } return hash; } async function onSelectImportFile(e) { const file =[0]; const currentChatId = getCurrentChatId(); if (!checkChatId(currentChatId)) { return; } if (!file) { return; } try {'This may take some time, depending on the file size', 'Processing...'); const text = await getFileText(file); const imported = JSON.parse(text); const id_salt = "-" + tinyhash(imported.chat_id).toString(36); for (let entry of imported.content) { = + id_salt; } imported.chat_id = currentChatId; const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/chromadb/import'; const importResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: postHeaders, body: JSON.stringify(imported), }); if (importResult.ok) { const importResultData = await importResult.json(); toastr.success(`Number of chunks: ${importResultData.count}`, 'Injected successfully!'); return importResultData; } else { throw new Error(); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); toastr.error('Something went wrong while importing the data'); } finally {; } } async function queryMessages(chat_id, query) { const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/chromadb/query'; const queryMessagesResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: postHeaders, body: JSON.stringify({ chat_id, query, n_results: extension_settings.chromadb.n_results }), }); if (queryMessagesResult.ok) { const queryMessagesData = await queryMessagesResult.json(); return queryMessagesData; } return []; } async function queryMultiMessages(chat_id, query) { const context = getContext(); const response = await fetch("/getallchatsofcharacter", { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ avatar_url: context.characters[context.characterId].avatar }), headers: getRequestHeaders(), }); if (!response.ok) { return; } let data = await response.json(); data = Object.values(data); let chat_list = data.sort((a, b) => a["file_name"].localeCompare(b["file_name"])).reverse(); // Extracting chat_ids from the chat_list chat_list = => chat.file_name.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")); const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/chromadb/multiquery'; const queryMessagesResult = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ chat_list, query, n_results: extension_settings.chromadb.n_results }), headers: postHeaders, }); if (queryMessagesResult.ok) { const queryMessagesData = await queryMessagesResult.json(); return queryMessagesData; } return []; } async function onSelectInjectFile(e) { const file =[0]; const currentChatId = getCurrentChatId(); if (!checkChatId(currentChatId)) { return; } if (!file) { return; } try {'This may take some time, depending on the file size', 'Processing...'); const text = await getFileText(file); extension_settings.chromadb.file_split_type = "newline"; //allow splitting on newlines or splitrecursively let split = []; if (extension_settings.chromadb.file_split_type == "newline") { split = text.split(/\r?\n/).filter(onlyUnique); } else { split = splitRecursive(text, extension_settings.chromadb.file_split_length).filter(onlyUnique); } const baseDate =; const messages =, i) => ({ id: `${}-${split.indexOf(m)}`, role: 'system', content: m, date: baseDate + i, meta: JSON.stringify({ name:, is_user: false, is_name: false, is_system: false, send_date: humanizedDateTime(), mes: m, extra: { type: system_message_types.NARRATOR, } }), })); const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); url.pathname = '/api/chromadb'; const addMessagesResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: postHeaders, body: JSON.stringify({ chat_id: currentChatId, messages: messages }), }); if (addMessagesResult.ok) { const addMessagesData = await addMessagesResult.json(); toastr.success(`Number of chunks: ${addMessagesData.count}`, 'Injected successfully!'); return addMessagesData; } else { throw new Error(); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); toastr.error('Something went wrong while injecting the data'); } finally {; } } // Gets the length of character description in the current context function getCharacterDataLength() { const context = getContext(); const character = context.characters[context.characterId]; if (typeof character?.data !== 'object') { return 0; } let characterDataLength = 0; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( { if (typeof value !== 'string') { continue; } if (['description', 'personality', 'scenario'].includes(key)) { characterDataLength +=[key].length; } } return characterDataLength; } /* * Automatically adjusts the extension settings for the optimal number of messages to keep and query based * on the chat history and a specified maximum context length. */ function doAutoAdjust(chat, maxContext) { console.debug('CHROMADB: Auto-adjusting sliders (messages: %o, maxContext: %o)', chat.length, maxContext); // Get mean message length const meanMessageLength = chat.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + (cur?.mes?.length ?? 0), 0) / chat.length; if (Number.isNaN(meanMessageLength) || meanMessageLength === 0) { console.debug('CHROMADB: Mean message length is zero or NaN, aborting auto-adjust'); return; } // Adjust max context for character defs length maxContext = Math.floor(maxContext - (getCharacterDataLength() / CHARACTERS_PER_TOKEN_RATIO)); console.debug('CHROMADB: Max context adjusted for character defs: %o', maxContext); console.debug('CHROMADB: Mean message length (characters): %o', meanMessageLength); // Convert to number of "tokens" const meanMessageLengthTokens = Math.ceil(meanMessageLength / CHARACTERS_PER_TOKEN_RATIO); console.debug('CHROMADB: Mean message length (tokens): %o', meanMessageLengthTokens); // Get number of messages in context const contextMessages = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(maxContext / meanMessageLengthTokens)); // Round up to nearest 10 const contextMessagesRounded = Math.ceil(contextMessages / 10) * 10; console.debug('CHROMADB: Estimated context messages (rounded): %o', contextMessagesRounded); // Messages to keep (proportional, rounded to nearest 5, minimum 5, maximum 500) const messagesToKeep = Math.min(defaultSettings.keep_context_max, Math.max(5, Math.floor(contextMessagesRounded * extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context_proportion / 5) * 5)); console.debug('CHROMADB: Estimated messages to keep: %o', messagesToKeep); // Messages to query (rounded, maximum 500) const messagesToQuery = Math.min(defaultSettings.n_results_max, contextMessagesRounded - messagesToKeep); console.debug('CHROMADB: Estimated messages to query: %o', messagesToQuery); // Set extension settings extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context = messagesToKeep; extension_settings.chromadb.n_results = messagesToQuery; // Update sliders $('#chromadb_keep_context').val(messagesToKeep); $('#chromadb_n_results').val(messagesToQuery); // Update labels $('#chromadb_keep_context_value').text(extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context); $('#chromadb_n_results_value').text(extension_settings.chromadb.n_results); } window.chromadb_interceptGeneration = async (chat, maxContext) => { if (extension_settings.chromadb.auto_adjust) { doAutoAdjust(chat, maxContext); } const currentChatId = getCurrentChatId(); if (!currentChatId) return; //log the current settings console.debug("CHROMADB: Current settings: %o", extension_settings.chromadb); const selectedStrategy = extension_settings.chromadb.strategy; const recallStrategy = extension_settings.chromadb.recall_strategy; let recallMsg = extension_settings.chromadb.recall_msg || defaultSettings.chroma_default_msg; const chromaDepth = extension_settings.chromadb.chroma_depth; const chromaSortStrategy = extension_settings.chromadb.sort_strategy; const chromaQueryLastOnly = extension_settings.chromadb.query_last_only; const messagesToStore = chat.slice(0, -extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context); if (messagesToStore.length > 0 && !extension_settings.chromadb.freeze) { //log the messages to store console.debug("CHROMADB: Messages to store: %o", messagesToStore); //log the messages to store length vs keep context console.debug("CHROMADB: Messages to store length vs keep context: %o vs %o", messagesToStore.length, extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context); await addMessages(currentChatId, messagesToStore); } const lastMessage = chat[chat.length - 1]; let queriedMessages; if (lastMessage) { let queryBlob = ""; if (chromaQueryLastOnly) { queryBlob = lastMessage.mes; } else { for (let msg of chat.slice(-extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context)) { queryBlob += `${msg.mes}\n` } } console.debug("CHROMADB: Query text:", queryBlob); if (recallStrategy === 'multichat') { console.log("Utilizing multichat") queriedMessages = await queryMultiMessages(currentChatId, queryBlob); } else { queriedMessages = await queryMessages(currentChatId, queryBlob); } if (chromaSortStrategy === "date") { queriedMessages.sort((a, b) => -; } else { queriedMessages.sort((a, b) => b.distance - a.distance); } console.debug("CHROMADB: Query results: %o", queriedMessages); let newChat = []; if (selectedStrategy === 'ross') { //adds chroma to the end of chat and allows Generate() to cull old messages naturally. const context = getContext(); const charname = context.name2; newChat.push( { is_name: false, is_user: false, mes: `[Use these past chat exchanges to inform ${charname}'s next response:`, name: "system", send_date: 0, } ); newChat.push( => m.meta).filter(onlyUnique).map(JSON.parse)); newChat.push( { is_name: false, is_user: false, mes: `]\n`, name: "system", send_date: 0, } ); chat.splice(chat.length, 0, ...newChat); } if (selectedStrategy === 'hh_aa') { // Insert chroma history messages as a list at the AFTER_SCENARIO anchor point const context = getContext(); const chromaTokenLimit = extension_settings.chromadb.hhaa_token_limit; let wrapperMsg = extension_settings.chromadb.hhaa_wrapper_msg || defaultSettings.chroma_default_hhaa_wrapper; wrapperMsg = substituteParams(wrapperMsg, context.name1, context.name2); if (!wrapperMsg.includes("{{memories}}")) { wrapperMsg += " {{memories}}"; } let memoryMsg = extension_settings.chromadb.hhaa_memory_msg || defaultSettings.chroma_default_hhaa_memory; memoryMsg = substituteParams(memoryMsg, context.name1, context.name2); if (!memoryMsg.includes("{{message}}")) { memoryMsg += " {{message}}"; } // Reversed because we want the most 'important' messages at the bottom. let recalledMemories = => m.meta).filter(onlyUnique).map(JSON.parse).reverse(); let tokenApprox = 0; let allMemoryBlob = ""; let seenMemories = new Set(); // Why are there even duplicates in chromadb anyway? for (const msg of recalledMemories) { const memoryBlob = memoryMsg.replace('{{name}}','{{message}}', msg.mes); const memoryTokens = (memoryBlob.length / CHARACTERS_PER_TOKEN_RATIO); if (!seenMemories.has(memoryBlob) && tokenApprox + memoryTokens <= chromaTokenLimit) { allMemoryBlob += memoryBlob; tokenApprox += memoryTokens; seenMemories.add(memoryBlob); } } // No memories? No prompt. const promptBlob = (tokenApprox == 0) ? "" : wrapperMsg.replace('{{memories}}', allMemoryBlob); console.debug("CHROMADB: prompt blob: %o", promptBlob); context.setExtensionPrompt(MODULE_NAME, promptBlob, extension_prompt_types.AFTER_SCENARIO); } if (selectedStrategy === 'custom') { const context = getContext(); recallMsg = substituteParams(recallMsg, context.name1, context.name2); if (!recallMsg.includes("{{memories}}")) { recallMsg += " {{memories}}"; } let recallStart = recallMsg.split('{{memories}}')[0] let recallEnd = recallMsg.split('{{memories}}')[1] newChat.push( { is_name: false, is_user: false, mes: recallStart, name: "system", send_date: 0, } ); newChat.push( => m.meta).filter(onlyUnique).map(JSON.parse)); newChat.push( { is_name: false, is_user: false, mes: recallEnd + `\n`, name: "system", send_date: 0, } ); //prototype chroma duplicate removal let chatset = new Set( => obj.mes)); newChat = newChat.filter(obj => !chatset.has(obj.mes)); if(chromaDepth === -1) { chat.splice(chat.length, 0, ...newChat); } else { chat.splice(chromaDepth, 0, ...newChat); } } if (selectedStrategy === 'original') { //removes .length # messages from the start of 'kept messages' //replaces them with chromaDB results (with no separator) newChat.push( => m.meta).filter(onlyUnique).map(JSON.parse)); chat.splice(0, messagesToStore.length, ...newChat); } } } function onFreezeInput() { extension_settings.chromadb.freeze = $('#chromadb_freeze').is(':checked'); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onAutoAdjustInput() { extension_settings.chromadb.auto_adjust = $('#chromadb_auto_adjust').is(':checked'); enableDisableSliders(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function onFullLogQuery() { extension_settings.chromadb.query_last_only = $('#chromadb_query_last_only').is(':checked'); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function enableDisableSliders() { const auto_adjust = extension_settings.chromadb.auto_adjust; $('label[for="chromadb_keep_context"]').prop('hidden', auto_adjust); $('#chromadb_keep_context').prop('hidden', auto_adjust) $('label[for="chromadb_n_results"]').prop('hidden', auto_adjust); $('#chromadb_n_results').prop('hidden', auto_adjust) $('label[for="chromadb_keep_context_proportion"]').prop('hidden', !auto_adjust); $('#chromadb_keep_context_proportion').prop('hidden', !auto_adjust) } function onKeepContextProportionInput() { extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context_proportion = $('#chromadb_keep_context_proportion').val(); $('#chromadb_keep_context_proportion_value').text(Math.round(extension_settings.chromadb.keep_context_proportion * 100)); saveSettingsDebounced(); } jQuery(async () => { const settingsHtml = `
Smart Context
This extension rearranges the messages in the current chat to keep more relevant information in the context. Adjust the sliders below based on average amount of messages in your prompt (refer to the chat cut-off line). Memory Injection Strategy
Memory Recall Strategy Memory Sort Strategy
Local ChromaDB now persists to disk by default. The default folder is .chroma_db, and you can set a different folder with the --chroma-folder argument. If you are using the Extras Colab notebook, you will need to inject the text data every time the Extras API server is restarted.
`; $('#extensions_settings2').append(settingsHtml); $('#chromadb_strategy').on('change', onStrategyChange); $('#chromadb_recall_strategy').on('change', onRecallStrategyChange); $('#chromadb_sort_strategy').on('change', onSortStrategyChange); $('#chromadb_keep_context').on('input', onKeepContextInput); $('#chromadb_n_results').on('input', onNResultsInput); $('#chromadb_custom_depth').on('input', onChromaDepthInput); $('#chromadb_custom_msg').on('input', onChromaMsgInput); $('#chromadb_hhaa_wrapperfmt').on('input', onChromaHHAAWrapper); $('#chromadb_hhaa_memoryfmt').on('input', onChromaHHAAMemory); $('#chromadb_hhaa_token_limit').on('input', onChromaHHAATokens); $('#chromadb_split_length').on('input', onSplitLengthInput); $('#chromadb_file_split_length').on('input', onFileSplitLengthInput); $('#chromadb_inject').on('click', () => $('#chromadb_inject_file').trigger('click')); $('#chromadb_import').on('click', () => $('#chromadb_import_file').trigger('click')); $('#chromadb_inject_file').on('change', onSelectInjectFile); $('#chromadb_import_file').on('change', onSelectImportFile); $('#chromadb_purge').on('click', onPurgeClick); $('#chromadb_export').on('click', onExportClick); $('#chromadb_freeze').on('input', onFreezeInput); $('#chromadb_chunk_nl').on('input', onChunkNLInput); $('#chromadb_auto_adjust').on('input', onAutoAdjustInput); $('#chromadb_query_last_only').on('input', onFullLogQuery); $('#chromadb_keep_context_proportion').on('input', onKeepContextProportionInput); await loadSettings(); // Not sure if this is needed, but it's here just in case eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_DELETED, getChatSyncState); eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, getChatSyncState); eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_SENT, getChatSyncState); // Will make the sync state update when a message is edited or swiped eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_EDITED, invalidateMessageSyncState); eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_SWIPED, invalidateMessageSyncState); });