- Fix that annoying horizontal scrollbar appearing in popups, e.g. the tag popup when you drag tags around
- Still provide possibility to make popups actually utilize scrollbars
- Improve bulk edit popup with display of avatars and better format
- Refactor both calls of bulk delete to use the same method
- Add display of filename on avatar hover for inline avatars (@Cohee you forgot this one (: )
1. Remove yellow highlights in hotswaps list.
2. Decrease font size of group members list, make it respect the block limits (1 row for small avatars, 3 rows for big avatars).
3. Fix autoload loading the first character if the latest selected entity was a group.
4. Fix tag key potentially skipping the first character.
5. Fix being unable to open groups from the hotswaps panel.
6. Fix left alignment of hotswaps panel, now centered.
7. Fix rounding of missing group avatars (most noticeable when favorited).
- Update global tag filters to three-state filters
- Add filter for folders (showing empty folders or no folders)
- Final fix of filtering (should be correct now)
- Implement folder types: Open, Closed, None
- Closed folders hide characters from most places
- "character(s)" singular wording on entity list
- small refactoring for that code
- Add list of character avatars to folders (overflow hidden)
- Add and/or move count of characters for both groups and folders in overview
- Add name list of all chars for groups, above tags
- Replace alt texts of all avatar images with the entity name
- Made title/mouseover tooltip more useful with separation between types and their names
- refactored CSS usage of avatar sizes to global variables
- grid view alignment changes