diff --git a/public/scripts/world-info.js b/public/scripts/world-info.js
index d08a93a99..afe281f3d 100644
--- a/public/scripts/world-info.js
+++ b/public/scripts/world-info.js
@@ -1779,6 +1779,7 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext) {
const secondarySubstituted = substituteParams(keysecondary);
console.debug(`WI UID:${entry.uid}: Filtering for secondary keyword - "${secondarySubstituted}".`);
+ // Simplified AND/NOT if statement. (Proper fix for PR#1356 by Bronya)
if (selectiveLogic === 0 && secondarySubstituted && matchKeys(textToScan, secondarySubstituted.trim()) ||
selectiveLogic === 1 && !(secondarySubstituted && matchKeys(textToScan, secondarySubstituted.trim()))) {
if (selectiveLogic === 0) {
diff --git a/public/scripts/world-info.js.bak b/public/scripts/world-info.js.bak
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19626a44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/scripts/world-info.js.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,2494 @@
+import { saveSettings, callPopup, substituteParams, getRequestHeaders, chat_metadata, this_chid, characters, saveCharacterDebounced, menu_type, eventSource, event_types, getExtensionPromptByName, saveMetadata, getCurrentChatId } from '../script.js';
+import { download, debounce, initScrollHeight, resetScrollHeight, parseJsonFile, extractDataFromPng, getFileBuffer, getCharaFilename, getSortableDelay, escapeRegex, PAGINATION_TEMPLATE, navigation_option, waitUntilCondition, isTrueBoolean } from './utils.js';
+import { extension_settings, getContext } from './extensions.js';
+import { NOTE_MODULE_NAME, metadata_keys, shouldWIAddPrompt } from './authors-note.js';
+import { registerSlashCommand } from './slash-commands.js';
+import { getDeviceInfo } from './RossAscends-mods.js';
+import { FILTER_TYPES, FilterHelper } from './filters.js';
+import { getTokenCount } from './tokenizers.js';
+import { power_user } from './power-user.js';
+import { getTagKeyForCharacter } from './tags.js';
+import { resolveVariable } from './variables.js';
+export {
+ world_info,
+ world_info_budget,
+ world_info_depth,
+ world_info_min_activations,
+ world_info_min_activations_depth_max,
+ world_info_recursive,
+ world_info_overflow_alert,
+ world_info_case_sensitive,
+ world_info_match_whole_words,
+ world_info_character_strategy,
+ world_info_budget_cap,
+ world_names,
+ checkWorldInfo,
+ deleteWorldInfo,
+ setWorldInfoSettings,
+ getWorldInfoPrompt,
+const world_info_insertion_strategy = {
+ evenly: 0,
+ character_first: 1,
+ global_first: 2,
+let world_info = {};
+let selected_world_info = [];
+let world_names;
+let world_info_depth = 2;
+let world_info_min_activations = 0; // if > 0, will continue seeking chat until minimum world infos are activated
+let world_info_min_activations_depth_max = 0; // used when (world_info_min_activations > 0)
+let world_info_budget = 25;
+let world_info_recursive = false;
+let world_info_overflow_alert = false;
+let world_info_case_sensitive = false;
+let world_info_match_whole_words = false;
+let world_info_character_strategy = world_info_insertion_strategy.character_first;
+let world_info_budget_cap = 0;
+const saveWorldDebounced = debounce(async (name, data) => await _save(name, data), 1000);
+const saveSettingsDebounced = debounce(() => {
+ Object.assign(world_info, { globalSelect: selected_world_info });
+ saveSettings();
+}, 1000);
+const sortFn = (a, b) => b.order - a.order;
+let updateEditor = (navigation) => { navigation; };
+// Do not optimize. updateEditor is a function that is updated by the displayWorldEntries with new data.
+const worldInfoFilter = new FilterHelper(() => updateEditor());
+const SORT_ORDER_KEY = 'world_info_sort_order';
+const METADATA_KEY = 'world_info';
+const DEFAULT_DEPTH = 4;
+export function getWorldInfoSettings() {
+ return {
+ world_info,
+ world_info_depth,
+ world_info_min_activations,
+ world_info_min_activations_depth_max,
+ world_info_budget,
+ world_info_recursive,
+ world_info_overflow_alert,
+ world_info_case_sensitive,
+ world_info_match_whole_words,
+ world_info_character_strategy,
+ world_info_budget_cap,
+ };
+const world_info_position = {
+ before: 0,
+ after: 1,
+ ANTop: 2,
+ ANBottom: 3,
+ atDepth: 4,
+const worldInfoCache = {};
+async function getWorldInfoPrompt(chat2, maxContext) {
+ let worldInfoString = '', worldInfoBefore = '', worldInfoAfter = '';
+ const activatedWorldInfo = await checkWorldInfo(chat2, maxContext);
+ worldInfoBefore = activatedWorldInfo.worldInfoBefore;
+ worldInfoAfter = activatedWorldInfo.worldInfoAfter;
+ worldInfoString = worldInfoBefore + worldInfoAfter;
+ return {
+ worldInfoString,
+ worldInfoBefore,
+ worldInfoAfter,
+ worldInfoDepth: activatedWorldInfo.WIDepthEntries,
+ };
+function setWorldInfoSettings(settings, data) {
+ if (settings.world_info_depth !== undefined)
+ world_info_depth = Number(settings.world_info_depth);
+ if (settings.world_info_min_activations !== undefined)
+ world_info_min_activations = Number(settings.world_info_min_activations);
+ if (settings.world_info_min_activations_depth_max !== undefined)
+ world_info_min_activations_depth_max = Number(settings.world_info_min_activations_depth_max);
+ if (settings.world_info_budget !== undefined)
+ world_info_budget = Number(settings.world_info_budget);
+ if (settings.world_info_recursive !== undefined)
+ world_info_recursive = Boolean(settings.world_info_recursive);
+ if (settings.world_info_overflow_alert !== undefined)
+ world_info_overflow_alert = Boolean(settings.world_info_overflow_alert);
+ if (settings.world_info_case_sensitive !== undefined)
+ world_info_case_sensitive = Boolean(settings.world_info_case_sensitive);
+ if (settings.world_info_match_whole_words !== undefined)
+ world_info_match_whole_words = Boolean(settings.world_info_match_whole_words);
+ if (settings.world_info_character_strategy !== undefined)
+ world_info_character_strategy = Number(settings.world_info_character_strategy);
+ if (settings.world_info_budget_cap !== undefined)
+ world_info_budget_cap = Number(settings.world_info_budget_cap);
+ // Migrate old settings
+ if (world_info_budget > 100) {
+ world_info_budget = 25;
+ }
+ // Reset selected world from old string and delete old keys
+ // TODO: Remove next release
+ const existingWorldInfo = settings.world_info;
+ if (typeof existingWorldInfo === 'string') {
+ delete settings.world_info;
+ selected_world_info = [existingWorldInfo];
+ } else if (Array.isArray(existingWorldInfo)) {
+ delete settings.world_info;
+ selected_world_info = existingWorldInfo;
+ }
+ world_info = settings.world_info ?? {};
+ $('#world_info_depth_counter').val(world_info_depth);
+ $('#world_info_depth').val(world_info_depth);
+ $('#world_info_min_activations_counter').val(world_info_min_activations);
+ $('#world_info_min_activations').val(world_info_min_activations);
+ $('#world_info_min_activations_depth_max_counter').val(world_info_min_activations_depth_max);
+ $('#world_info_min_activations_depth_max').val(world_info_min_activations_depth_max);
+ $('#world_info_budget_counter').val(world_info_budget);
+ $('#world_info_budget').val(world_info_budget);
+ $('#world_info_recursive').prop('checked', world_info_recursive);
+ $('#world_info_overflow_alert').prop('checked', world_info_overflow_alert);
+ $('#world_info_case_sensitive').prop('checked', world_info_case_sensitive);
+ $('#world_info_match_whole_words').prop('checked', world_info_match_whole_words);
+ $(`#world_info_character_strategy option[value='${world_info_character_strategy}']`).prop('selected', true);
+ $('#world_info_character_strategy').val(world_info_character_strategy);
+ $('#world_info_budget_cap').val(world_info_budget_cap);
+ $('#world_info_budget_cap_counter').val(world_info_budget_cap);
+ world_names = data.world_names?.length ? data.world_names : [];
+ // Add to existing selected WI if it exists
+ selected_world_info = selected_world_info.concat(settings.world_info?.globalSelect?.filter((e) => world_names.includes(e)) ?? []);
+ if (world_names.length > 0) {
+ $('#world_info').empty();
+ }
+ world_names.forEach((item, i) => {
+ $('#world_info').append(``);
+ $('#world_editor_select').append(``);
+ });
+ $('#world_info_sort_order').val(localStorage.getItem(SORT_ORDER_KEY) || '0');
+ $('#world_editor_select').trigger('change');
+ eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, () => {
+ const hasWorldInfo = !!chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY] && world_names.includes(chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY]);
+ $('.chat_lorebook_button').toggleClass('world_set', hasWorldInfo);
+ });
+ // Add slash commands
+ registerWorldInfoSlashCommands();
+function registerWorldInfoSlashCommands() {
+ function reloadEditor(file) {
+ const selectedIndex = world_names.indexOf(file);
+ if (selectedIndex !== -1) {
+ $('#world_editor_select').val(selectedIndex).trigger('change');
+ }
+ }
+ async function getEntriesFromFile(file) {
+ if (!file || !world_names.includes(file)) {
+ toastr.warning('Valid World Info file name is required');
+ return '';
+ }
+ const data = await loadWorldInfoData(file);
+ if (!data || !('entries' in data)) {
+ toastr.warning('World Info file has an invalid format');
+ return '';
+ }
+ const entries = Object.values(data.entries);
+ if (!entries || entries.length === 0) {
+ toastr.warning('World Info file has no entries');
+ return '';
+ }
+ return entries;
+ }
+ async function getChatBookCallback() {
+ const chatId = getCurrentChatId();
+ if (!chatId) {
+ toastr.warning('Open a chat to get a name of the chat-bound lorebook');
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY] && world_names.includes(chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY])) {
+ return chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY];
+ }
+ // Replace non-alphanumeric characters with underscores, cut to 64 characters
+ const name = `Chat Book ${getCurrentChatId()}`.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_').replace(/_{2,}/g, '_').substring(0, 64);
+ await createNewWorldInfo(name);
+ chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY] = name;
+ await saveMetadata();
+ $('.chat_lorebook_button').addClass('world_set');
+ return name;
+ }
+ async function findBookEntryCallback(args, value) {
+ const file = resolveVariable(args.file);
+ const field = args.field || 'key';
+ const entries = await getEntriesFromFile(file);
+ if (!entries) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ const fuse = new Fuse(entries, {
+ keys: [{ name: field, weight: 1 }],
+ includeScore: true,
+ threshold: 0.3,
+ });
+ const results = fuse.search(value);
+ if (!results || results.length === 0) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ const result = results[0]?.item?.uid;
+ if (result === undefined) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ async function getEntryFieldCallback(args, uid) {
+ const file = resolveVariable(args.file);
+ const field = args.field || 'content';
+ const entries = await getEntriesFromFile(file);
+ if (!entries) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ const entry = entries.find(x => x.uid === uid);
+ if (!entry) {
+ toastr.warning('Valid UID is required');
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (newEntryTemplate[field] === undefined) {
+ toastr.warning('Valid field name is required');
+ return '';
+ }
+ const fieldValue = entry[field];
+ if (fieldValue === undefined) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(fieldValue)) {
+ return fieldValue.map(x => substituteParams(x)).join(', ');
+ }
+ return substituteParams(String(fieldValue));
+ }
+ async function createEntryCallback(args, content) {
+ const file = resolveVariable(args.file);
+ const key = args.key;
+ const data = await loadWorldInfoData(file);
+ if (!data || !('entries' in data)) {
+ toastr.warning('Valid World Info file name is required');
+ return '';
+ }
+ const entry = createWorldInfoEntry(file, data, true);
+ if (key) {
+ entry.key.push(key);
+ entry.addMemo = true;
+ entry.comment = key;
+ }
+ if (content) {
+ entry.content = content;
+ }
+ await saveWorldInfo(file, data, true);
+ reloadEditor(file);
+ return entry.uid;
+ }
+ async function setEntryFieldCallback(args, value) {
+ const file = resolveVariable(args.file);
+ const uid = resolveVariable(args.uid);
+ const field = args.field || 'content';
+ if (value === undefined) {
+ toastr.warning('Value is required');
+ return '';
+ }
+ const data = await loadWorldInfoData(file);
+ if (!data || !('entries' in data)) {
+ toastr.warning('Valid World Info file name is required');
+ return '';
+ }
+ const entry = data.entries[uid];
+ if (!entry) {
+ toastr.warning('Valid UID is required');
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (newEntryTemplate[field] === undefined) {
+ toastr.warning('Valid field name is required');
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(entry[field])) {
+ entry[field] = value.split(',').map(x => x.trim()).filter(x => x);
+ } else if (typeof entry[field] === 'boolean') {
+ entry[field] = isTrueBoolean(value);
+ } else if (typeof entry[field] === 'number') {
+ entry[field] = Number(value);
+ } else {
+ entry[field] = value;
+ }
+ if (originalDataKeyMap[field]) {
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, originalDataKeyMap[field], entry[field]);
+ }
+ await saveWorldInfo(file, data, true);
+ reloadEditor(file);
+ return '';
+ }
+ registerSlashCommand('getchatbook', getChatBookCallback, ['getchatlore', 'getchatwi'], '– get a name of the chat-bound lorebook or create a new one if was unbound, and pass it down the pipe', true, true);
+ registerSlashCommand('findentry', findBookEntryCallback, ['findlore', 'findwi'], '(file=bookName field=field [texts]) – find a UID of the record from the specified book using the fuzzy match of a field value (default: key) and pass it down the pipe, e.g. /findentry file=chatLore field=key Shadowfang', true, true);
+ registerSlashCommand('getentryfield', getEntryFieldCallback, ['getlorefield', 'getwifield'], '(file=bookName field=field [UID]) – get a field value (default: content) of the record with the UID from the specified book and pass it down the pipe, e.g. /getentryfield file=chatLore field=content 123', true, true);
+ registerSlashCommand('createentry', createEntryCallback, ['createlore', 'createwi'], '(file=bookName key=key [content]) – create a new record in the specified book with the key and content (both are optional) and pass the UID down the pipe, e.g. /createentry file=chatLore key=Shadowfang The sword of the king', true, true);
+ registerSlashCommand('setentryfield', setEntryFieldCallback, ['setlorefield', 'setwifield'], '(file=bookName uid=UID field=field [value]) – set a field value (default: content) of the record with the UID from the specified book. To set multiple values for key fields, use comma-delimited list as a value, e.g. /setentryfield file=chatLore uid=123 field=key Shadowfang,sword,weapon', true, true);
+// World Info Editor
+async function showWorldEditor(name) {
+ if (!name) {
+ hideWorldEditor();
+ return;
+ }
+ const wiData = await loadWorldInfoData(name);
+ displayWorldEntries(name, wiData);
+async function loadWorldInfoData(name) {
+ if (!name) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (worldInfoCache[name]) {
+ return worldInfoCache[name];
+ }
+ const response = await fetch('/getworldinfo', {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: getRequestHeaders(),
+ body: JSON.stringify({ name: name }),
+ cache: 'no-cache',
+ });
+ if (response.ok) {
+ const data = await response.json();
+ worldInfoCache[name] = data;
+ return data;
+ }
+ return null;
+async function updateWorldInfoList() {
+ const result = await fetch('/getsettings', {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: getRequestHeaders(),
+ body: JSON.stringify({}),
+ });
+ if (result.ok) {
+ var data = await result.json();
+ world_names = data.world_names?.length ? data.world_names : [];
+ $('#world_info').find('option[value!=""]').remove();
+ $('#world_editor_select').find('option[value!=""]').remove();
+ world_names.forEach((item, i) => {
+ $('#world_info').append(``);
+ $('#world_editor_select').append(``);
+ });
+ }
+function hideWorldEditor() {
+ displayWorldEntries(null, null);
+function getWIElement(name) {
+ const wiElement = $('#world_info').children().filter(function () {
+ return $(this).text().toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase();
+ });
+ return wiElement;
+ * @param {any[]} data WI entries
+ * @returns {any[]} Sorted data
+ */
+function sortEntries(data) {
+ const option = $('#world_info_sort_order').find(':selected');
+ const sortField = option.data('field');
+ const sortOrder = option.data('order');
+ const sortRule = option.data('rule');
+ const orderSign = sortOrder === 'asc' ? 1 : -1;
+ if (sortRule === 'custom') {
+ // First by display index, then by order, then by uid
+ data.sort((a, b) => {
+ const aValue = a.displayIndex;
+ const bValue = b.displayIndex;
+ return (aValue - bValue || b.order - a.order || a.uid - b.uid);
+ });
+ } else if (sortRule === 'priority') {
+ // First constant, then normal, then disabled. Then sort by order
+ data.sort((a, b) => {
+ const aValue = a.constant ? 0 : a.disable ? 2 : 1;
+ const bValue = b.constant ? 0 : b.disable ? 2 : 1;
+ return (aValue - bValue || b.order - a.order);
+ });
+ } else {
+ const primarySort = (a, b) => {
+ const aValue = a[sortField];
+ const bValue = b[sortField];
+ // Sort strings
+ if (typeof aValue === 'string' && typeof bValue === 'string') {
+ if (sortRule === 'length') {
+ // Sort by string length
+ return orderSign * (aValue.length - bValue.length);
+ } else {
+ // Sort by A-Z ordinal
+ return orderSign * aValue.localeCompare(bValue);
+ }
+ }
+ // Sort numbers
+ return orderSign * (Number(aValue) - Number(bValue));
+ };
+ const secondarySort = (a, b) => a.order - b.order;
+ const tertiarySort = (a, b) => a.uid - b.uid;
+ data.sort((a, b) => {
+ const primary = primarySort(a, b);
+ if (primary !== 0) {
+ return primary;
+ }
+ const secondary = secondarySort(a, b);
+ if (secondary !== 0) {
+ return secondary;
+ }
+ return tertiarySort(a, b);
+ });
+ }
+ return data;
+function nullWorldInfo() {
+ toastr.info('Create or import a new World Info file first.', 'World Info is not set', { timeOut: 10000, preventDuplicates: true });
+function displayWorldEntries(name, data, navigation = navigation_option.none) {
+ updateEditor = (navigation) => displayWorldEntries(name, data, navigation);
+ $('#world_popup_entries_list').empty().show();
+ if (!data || !('entries' in data)) {
+ $('#world_popup_new').off('click').on('click', nullWorldInfo);
+ $('#world_popup_name_button').off('click').on('click', nullWorldInfo);
+ $('#world_popup_export').off('click').on('click', nullWorldInfo);
+ $('#world_popup_delete').off('click').on('click', nullWorldInfo);
+ $('#world_popup_entries_list').hide();
+ $('#world_info_pagination').html('');
+ return;
+ }
+ function getDataArray(callback) {
+ // Convert the data.entries object into an array
+ let entriesArray = Object.keys(data.entries).map(uid => {
+ const entry = data.entries[uid];
+ entry.displayIndex = entry.displayIndex ?? entry.uid;
+ return entry;
+ });
+ // Sort the entries array by displayIndex and uid
+ entriesArray.sort((a, b) => a.displayIndex - b.displayIndex || a.uid - b.uid);
+ entriesArray = sortEntries(entriesArray);
+ entriesArray = worldInfoFilter.applyFilters(entriesArray);
+ typeof callback === 'function' && callback(entriesArray);
+ return entriesArray;
+ }
+ let startPage = 1;
+ if (navigation === navigation_option.previous) {
+ startPage = $('#world_info_pagination').pagination('getCurrentPageNum');
+ }
+ const storageKey = 'WI_PerPage';
+ const perPageDefault = 25;
+ $('#world_info_pagination').pagination({
+ dataSource: getDataArray,
+ pageSize: Number(localStorage.getItem(storageKey)) || perPageDefault,
+ sizeChangerOptions: [10, 25, 50, 100],
+ showSizeChanger: true,
+ pageRange: 1,
+ pageNumber: startPage,
+ position: 'top',
+ showPageNumbers: false,
+ prevText: '<',
+ nextText: '>',
+ formatNavigator: PAGINATION_TEMPLATE,
+ showNavigator: true,
+ callback: function (/** @type {object[]} */ page) {
+ $('#world_popup_entries_list').empty();
+ const keywordHeaders = `
+ const blocks = page.map(entry => getWorldEntry(name, data, entry)).filter(x => x);
+ const isCustomOrder = $('#world_info_sort_order').find(':selected').data('rule') === 'custom';
+ if (!isCustomOrder) {
+ blocks.forEach(block => {
+ block.find('.drag-handle').remove();
+ });
+ }
+ $('#world_popup_entries_list').append(keywordHeaders);
+ $('#world_popup_entries_list').append(blocks);
+ },
+ afterSizeSelectorChange: function (e) {
+ localStorage.setItem(storageKey, e.target.value);
+ },
+ });
+ if (typeof navigation === 'number' && Number(navigation) >= 0) {
+ const selector = `#world_popup_entries_list [uid="${navigation}"]`;
+ const data = getDataArray();
+ const uidIndex = data.findIndex(x => x.uid === navigation);
+ const perPage = Number(localStorage.getItem(storageKey)) || perPageDefault;
+ const page = Math.floor(uidIndex / perPage) + 1;
+ $('#world_info_pagination').pagination('go', page);
+ waitUntilCondition(() => document.querySelector(selector) !== null).finally(() => {
+ const element = $(selector);
+ if (element.length === 0) {
+ console.log(`Could not find element for uid ${navigation}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ const elementOffset = element.offset();
+ const parentOffset = element.parent().offset();
+ const scrollOffset = elementOffset.top - parentOffset.top;
+ $('#WorldInfo').scrollTop(scrollOffset);
+ element.addClass('flash animated');
+ setTimeout(() => element.removeClass('flash animated'), 2000);
+ });
+ }
+ $('#world_popup_new').off('click').on('click', () => {
+ createWorldInfoEntry(name, data);
+ });
+ $('#world_popup_name_button').off('click').on('click', async () => {
+ await renameWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ $('#world_backfill_memos').off('click').on('click', async () => {
+ let counter = 0;
+ for (const entry of Object.values(data.entries)) {
+ if (!entry.comment && Array.isArray(entry.key) && entry.key.length > 0) {
+ entry.comment = entry.key[0];
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, entry.uid, 'comment', entry.comment);
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (counter > 0) {
+ toastr.info(`Backfilled ${counter} titles`);
+ await saveWorldInfo(name, data, true);
+ updateEditor(navigation_option.previous);
+ }
+ });
+ $('#world_popup_export').off('click').on('click', () => {
+ if (name && data) {
+ const jsonValue = JSON.stringify(data);
+ const fileName = `${name}.json`;
+ download(jsonValue, fileName, 'application/json');
+ }
+ });
+ $('#world_popup_delete').off('click').on('click', async () => {
+ const confirmation = await callPopup(`Delete the World/Lorebook: "${name}"?
This action is irreversible!`, 'confirm');
+ if (!confirmation) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (world_info.charLore) {
+ world_info.charLore.forEach((charLore, index) => {
+ if (charLore.extraBooks?.includes(name)) {
+ const tempCharLore = charLore.extraBooks.filter((e) => e !== name);
+ if (tempCharLore.length === 0) {
+ world_info.charLore.splice(index, 1);
+ } else {
+ charLore.extraBooks = tempCharLore;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ }
+ // Selected world_info automatically refreshes
+ await deleteWorldInfo(name);
+ });
+ // Check if a sortable instance exists
+ if ($('#world_popup_entries_list').sortable('instance') !== undefined) {
+ // Destroy the instance
+ $('#world_popup_entries_list').sortable('destroy');
+ }
+ $('#world_popup_entries_list').sortable({
+ delay: getSortableDelay(),
+ handle: '.drag-handle',
+ stop: async function (event, ui) {
+ const firstEntryUid = $('#world_popup_entries_list .world_entry').first().data('uid');
+ const minDisplayIndex = data?.entries[firstEntryUid]?.displayIndex ?? 0;
+ $('#world_popup_entries_list .world_entry').each(function (index) {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ // Update the display index in the data array
+ const item = data.entries[uid];
+ if (!item) {
+ console.debug(`Could not find entry with uid ${uid}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ item.displayIndex = minDisplayIndex + index;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'extensions.display_index', item.displayIndex);
+ });
+ console.table(Object.keys(data.entries).map(uid => data.entries[uid]).map(x => ({ uid: x.uid, key: x.key.join(','), displayIndex: x.displayIndex })));
+ await saveWorldInfo(name, data, true);
+ },
+ });
+ //$("#world_popup_entries_list").disableSelection();
+const originalDataKeyMap = {
+ 'displayIndex': 'extensions.display_index',
+ 'excludeRecursion': 'extensions.exclude_recursion',
+ 'selectiveLogic': 'selectiveLogic',
+ 'comment': 'comment',
+ 'constant': 'constant',
+ 'order': 'insertion_order',
+ 'depth': 'extensions.depth',
+ 'probability': 'extensions.probability',
+ 'position': 'extensions.position',
+ 'content': 'content',
+ 'enabled': 'enabled',
+ 'key': 'keys',
+ 'keysecondary': 'secondary_keys',
+ 'selective': 'selective',
+function setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, key, value) {
+ if (data.originalData && Array.isArray(data.originalData.entries)) {
+ let originalEntry = data.originalData.entries.find(x => x.uid === uid);
+ if (!originalEntry) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const keyParts = key.split('.');
+ let currentObject = originalEntry;
+ for (let i = 0; i < keyParts.length - 1; i++) {
+ const part = keyParts[i];
+ if (!Object.hasOwn(currentObject, part)) {
+ currentObject[part] = {};
+ }
+ currentObject = currentObject[part];
+ }
+ currentObject[keyParts[keyParts.length - 1]] = value;
+ }
+function deleteOriginalDataValue(data, uid) {
+ if (data.originalData && Array.isArray(data.originalData.entries)) {
+ const originalIndex = data.originalData.entries.findIndex(x => x.uid === uid);
+ if (originalIndex >= 0) {
+ data.originalData.entries.splice(originalIndex, 1);
+ }
+ }
+function getWorldEntry(name, data, entry) {
+ if (!data.entries[entry.uid]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const template = $('#entry_edit_template .world_entry').clone();
+ template.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ template.attr('uid', entry.uid);
+ // key
+ const keyInput = template.find('textarea[name="key"]');
+ keyInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ keyInput.on('click', function (event) {
+ // Prevent closing the drawer on clicking the input
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ keyInput.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = String($(this).val());
+ resetScrollHeight(this);
+ data.entries[uid].key = value
+ .split(',')
+ .map((x) => x.trim())
+ .filter((x) => x);
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'keys', data.entries[uid].key);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ keyInput.val(entry.key.join(', ')).trigger('input');
+ //initScrollHeight(keyInput);
+ // logic AND/NOT
+ const selectiveLogicDropdown = template.find('select[name="entryLogicType"]');
+ selectiveLogicDropdown.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ selectiveLogicDropdown.on('click', function (event) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ selectiveLogicDropdown.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = Number($(this).val());
+ console.debug(`logic for ${entry.uid} set to ${value}`);
+ data.entries[uid].selectiveLogic = !isNaN(value) ? value : 0;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'selectiveLogic', data.entries[uid].selectiveLogic);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ template
+ .find(`select[name="entryLogicType"] option[value=${entry.selectiveLogic}]`)
+ .prop('selected', true)
+ .trigger('input');
+ // Character filter
+ const characterFilterLabel = template.find('label[for="characterFilter"] > small');
+ characterFilterLabel.text(entry.characterFilter?.isExclude ? 'Exclude Character(s)' : 'Filter to Character(s)');
+ // exclude characters checkbox
+ const characterExclusionInput = template.find('input[name="character_exclusion"]');
+ characterExclusionInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ characterExclusionInput.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = $(this).prop('checked');
+ characterFilterLabel.text(value ? 'Exclude Character(s)' : 'Filter to Character(s)');
+ if (data.entries[uid].characterFilter) {
+ if (!value && data.entries[uid].characterFilter.names.length === 0 && data.entries[uid].characterFilter.tags.length === 0) {
+ delete data.entries[uid].characterFilter;
+ } else {
+ data.entries[uid].characterFilter.isExclude = value;
+ }
+ } else if (value) {
+ Object.assign(
+ data.entries[uid],
+ {
+ characterFilter: {
+ isExclude: true,
+ names: [],
+ tags: [],
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'character_filter', data.entries[uid].characterFilter);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ characterExclusionInput.prop('checked', entry.characterFilter?.isExclude ?? false).trigger('input');
+ const characterFilter = template.find('select[name="characterFilter"]');
+ characterFilter.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ const deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo();
+ if (deviceInfo && deviceInfo.device.type === 'desktop') {
+ $(characterFilter).select2({
+ width: '100%',
+ placeholder: 'All characters will pull from this entry.',
+ allowClear: true,
+ closeOnSelect: false,
+ });
+ }
+ const characters = getContext().characters;
+ characters.forEach((character) => {
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ const name = character.avatar.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '') ?? character.name;
+ option.innerText = name;
+ option.selected = entry.characterFilter?.names?.includes(name);
+ option.setAttribute('data-type', 'character');
+ characterFilter.append(option);
+ });
+ const tags = getContext().tags;
+ tags.forEach((tag) => {
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.innerText = `[Tag] ${tag.name}`;
+ option.selected = entry.characterFilter?.tags?.includes(tag.id);
+ option.value = tag.id;
+ option.setAttribute('data-type', 'tag');
+ characterFilter.append(option);
+ });
+ characterFilter.on('mousedown change', async function (e) {
+ // If there's no world names, don't do anything
+ if (world_names.length === 0) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return;
+ }
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const selected = $(this).find(':selected');
+ if ((!selected || selected?.length === 0) && !data.entries[uid].characterFilter?.isExclude) {
+ delete data.entries[uid].characterFilter;
+ } else {
+ const names = selected.filter('[data-type="character"]').map((_, e) => e instanceof HTMLOptionElement && e.innerText).toArray();
+ const tags = selected.filter('[data-type="tag"]').map((_, e) => e instanceof HTMLOptionElement && e.value).toArray();
+ Object.assign(
+ data.entries[uid],
+ {
+ characterFilter: {
+ isExclude: data.entries[uid].characterFilter?.isExclude ?? false,
+ names: names,
+ tags: tags,
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'character_filter', data.entries[uid].characterFilter);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ // keysecondary
+ const keySecondaryInput = template.find('textarea[name="keysecondary"]');
+ keySecondaryInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ keySecondaryInput.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = String($(this).val());
+ resetScrollHeight(this);
+ data.entries[uid].keysecondary = value
+ .split(',')
+ .map((x) => x.trim())
+ .filter((x) => x);
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'secondary_keys', data.entries[uid].keysecondary);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ keySecondaryInput.val(entry.keysecondary.join(', ')).trigger('input');
+ initScrollHeight(keySecondaryInput);
+ // comment
+ const commentInput = template.find('textarea[name="comment"]');
+ const commentToggle = template.find('input[name="addMemo"]');
+ commentInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ commentInput.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = $(this).val();
+ resetScrollHeight(this);
+ data.entries[uid].comment = value;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'comment', data.entries[uid].comment);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ commentToggle.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ commentToggle.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = $(this).prop('checked');
+ //console.log(value)
+ const commentContainer = $(this)
+ .closest('.world_entry')
+ .find('.commentContainer');
+ data.entries[uid].addMemo = value;
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ value ? commentContainer.show() : commentContainer.hide();
+ });
+ commentInput.val(entry.comment).trigger('input');
+ initScrollHeight(commentInput);
+ commentToggle.prop('checked', true /* entry.addMemo */).trigger('input');
+ commentToggle.parent().hide();
+ // content
+ const counter = template.find('.world_entry_form_token_counter');
+ const countTokensDebounced = debounce(function (counter, value) {
+ const numberOfTokens = getTokenCount(value);
+ $(counter).text(numberOfTokens);
+ }, 1000);
+ const contentInput = template.find('textarea[name="content"]');
+ contentInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ contentInput.on('input', function (_, { skipCount } = {}) {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = $(this).val();
+ data.entries[uid].content = value;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'content', data.entries[uid].content);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ if (skipCount) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // count tokens
+ countTokensDebounced(counter, value);
+ });
+ contentInput.val(entry.content).trigger('input', { skipCount: true });
+ //initScrollHeight(contentInput);
+ template.find('.inline-drawer-toggle').on('click', function () {
+ if (counter.data('first-run')) {
+ counter.data('first-run', false);
+ countTokensDebounced(counter, contentInput.val());
+ }
+ });
+ // selective
+ const selectiveInput = template.find('input[name="selective"]');
+ selectiveInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ selectiveInput.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = $(this).prop('checked');
+ data.entries[uid].selective = value;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'selective', data.entries[uid].selective);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ const keysecondary = $(this)
+ .closest('.world_entry')
+ .find('.keysecondary');
+ const keysecondarytextpole = $(this)
+ .closest('.world_entry')
+ .find('.keysecondarytextpole');
+ const keyprimarytextpole = $(this)
+ .closest('.world_entry')
+ .find('.keyprimarytextpole');
+ const keyprimaryHeight = keyprimarytextpole.outerHeight();
+ keysecondarytextpole.css('height', keyprimaryHeight + 'px');
+ value ? keysecondary.show() : keysecondary.hide();
+ });
+ //forced on, ignored if empty
+ selectiveInput.prop('checked', true /* entry.selective */).trigger('input');
+ selectiveInput.parent().hide();
+ // constant
+ /*
+ const constantInput = template.find('input[name="constant"]');
+ constantInput.data("uid", entry.uid);
+ constantInput.on("input", function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data("uid");
+ const value = $(this).prop("checked");
+ data.entries[uid].constant = value;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, "constant", data.entries[uid].constant);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ constantInput.prop("checked", entry.constant).trigger("input");
+ */
+ // order
+ const orderInput = template.find('input[name="order"]');
+ orderInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ orderInput.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = Number($(this).val());
+ data.entries[uid].order = !isNaN(value) ? value : 0;
+ updatePosOrdDisplay(uid);
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'insertion_order', data.entries[uid].order);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ orderInput.val(entry.order).trigger('input');
+ orderInput.css('width', 'calc(3em + 15px)');
+ // probability
+ if (entry.probability === undefined) {
+ entry.probability = null;
+ }
+ // depth
+ const depthInput = template.find('input[name="depth"]');
+ depthInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ depthInput.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = Number($(this).val());
+ data.entries[uid].depth = !isNaN(value) ? value : 0;
+ updatePosOrdDisplay(uid);
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'extensions.depth', data.entries[uid].depth);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ depthInput.val(entry.depth ?? DEFAULT_DEPTH).trigger('input');
+ depthInput.css('width', 'calc(3em + 15px)');
+ // Hide by default unless depth is specified
+ if (entry.position === world_info_position.atDepth) {
+ //depthInput.parent().hide();
+ }
+ const probabilityInput = template.find('input[name="probability"]');
+ probabilityInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ probabilityInput.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = parseInt($(this).val());
+ data.entries[uid].probability = !isNaN(value) ? value : null;
+ // Clamp probability to 0-100
+ if (data.entries[uid].probability !== null) {
+ data.entries[uid].probability = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, data.entries[uid].probability));
+ if (data.entries[uid].probability !== value) {
+ $(this).val(data.entries[uid].probability);
+ }
+ }
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'extensions.probability', data.entries[uid].probability);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ probabilityInput.val(entry.probability).trigger('input');
+ probabilityInput.css('width', 'calc(3em + 15px)');
+ // probability toggle
+ if (entry.useProbability === undefined) {
+ entry.useProbability = false;
+ }
+ const probabilityToggle = template.find('input[name="useProbability"]');
+ probabilityToggle.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ probabilityToggle.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = $(this).prop('checked');
+ data.entries[uid].useProbability = value;
+ const probabilityContainer = $(this)
+ .closest('.world_entry')
+ .find('.probabilityContainer');
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ value ? probabilityContainer.show() : probabilityContainer.hide();
+ if (value && data.entries[uid].probability === null) {
+ data.entries[uid].probability = 100;
+ }
+ if (!value) {
+ data.entries[uid].probability = null;
+ }
+ probabilityInput.val(data.entries[uid].probability).trigger('input');
+ });
+ //forced on, 100% by default
+ probabilityToggle.prop('checked', true /* entry.useProbability */).trigger('input');
+ probabilityToggle.parent().hide();
+ // position
+ if (entry.position === undefined) {
+ entry.position = 0;
+ }
+ const positionInput = template.find('select[name="position"]');
+ initScrollHeight(positionInput);
+ positionInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ positionInput.on('click', function (event) {
+ // Prevent closing the drawer on clicking the input
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ positionInput.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = Number($(this).val());
+ data.entries[uid].position = !isNaN(value) ? value : 0;
+ if (value === world_info_position.atDepth) {
+ depthInput.prop('disabled', false);
+ depthInput.css('visibility', 'visible');
+ //depthInput.parent().show();
+ } else {
+ depthInput.prop('disabled', true);
+ depthInput.css('visibility', 'hidden');
+ //depthInput.parent().hide();
+ }
+ updatePosOrdDisplay(uid);
+ // Spec v2 only supports before_char and after_char
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'position', data.entries[uid].position == 0 ? 'before_char' : 'after_char');
+ // Write the original value as extensions field
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'extensions.position', data.entries[uid].position);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ template
+ .find(`select[name="position"] option[value=${entry.position}]`)
+ .prop('selected', true)
+ .trigger('input');
+ //add UID above content box (less important doesn't need to be always visible)
+ template.find('.world_entry_form_uid_value').text(`(UID: ${entry.uid})`);
+ // disable
+ /*
+ const disableInput = template.find('input[name="disable"]');
+ disableInput.data("uid", entry.uid);
+ disableInput.on("input", function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data("uid");
+ const value = $(this).prop("checked");
+ data.entries[uid].disable = value;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, "enabled", !data.entries[uid].disable);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ disableInput.prop("checked", entry.disable).trigger("input");
+ */
+ //new tri-state selector for constant/normal/disabled
+ const entryStateSelector = template.find('select[name="entryStateSelector"]');
+ entryStateSelector.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ console.log(entry.uid);
+ entryStateSelector.on('click', function (event) {
+ // Prevent closing the drawer on clicking the input
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ entryStateSelector.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = entry.uid;
+ const value = $(this).val();
+ switch (value) {
+ case 'constant':
+ data.entries[uid].constant = true;
+ data.entries[uid].disable = false;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'enabled', true);
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'constant', true);
+ template.removeClass('disabledWIEntry');
+ console.debug('set to constant');
+ break;
+ case 'normal':
+ data.entries[uid].constant = false;
+ data.entries[uid].disable = false;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'enabled', true);
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'constant', false);
+ template.removeClass('disabledWIEntry');
+ console.debug('set to normal');
+ break;
+ case 'disabled':
+ data.entries[uid].constant = false;
+ data.entries[uid].disable = true;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'enabled', false);
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'constant', false);
+ template.addClass('disabledWIEntry');
+ console.debug('set to disabled');
+ break;
+ }
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ const entryState = function () {
+ console.log(`constant: ${entry.constant}, disabled: ${entry.disable}`);
+ if (entry.constant === true) {
+ console.debug('found constant');
+ return 'constant';
+ } else if (entry.disable === true) {
+ console.debug('found disabled');
+ return 'disabled';
+ } else {
+ console.debug('found normal');
+ return 'normal';
+ }
+ };
+ template
+ .find(`select[name="entryStateSelector"] option[value=${entryState()}]`)
+ .prop('selected', true)
+ .trigger('input');
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ // exclude recursion
+ const excludeRecursionInput = template.find('input[name="exclude_recursion"]');
+ excludeRecursionInput.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ excludeRecursionInput.on('input', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ const value = $(this).prop('checked');
+ data.entries[uid].excludeRecursion = value;
+ setOriginalDataValue(data, uid, 'extensions.exclude_recursion', data.entries[uid].excludeRecursion);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ });
+ excludeRecursionInput.prop('checked', entry.excludeRecursion).trigger('input');
+ // delete button
+ const deleteButton = template.find('.delete_entry_button');
+ deleteButton.data('uid', entry.uid);
+ deleteButton.on('click', function () {
+ const uid = $(this).data('uid');
+ deleteWorldInfoEntry(data, uid);
+ deleteOriginalDataValue(data, uid);
+ saveWorldInfo(name, data);
+ updateEditor(navigation_option.previous);
+ });
+ template.find('.inline-drawer-content').css('display', 'none'); //entries start collapsed
+ function updatePosOrdDisplay(uid) {
+ // display position/order info left of keyword box
+ let entry = data.entries[uid];
+ let posText = entry.position;
+ switch (entry.position) {
+ case 0:
+ posText = '↑CD';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ posText = 'CD↓';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ posText = '↑AN';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ posText = 'AN↓';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ posText = `@D${entry.depth}`;
+ break;
+ }
+ template.find('.world_entry_form_position_value').text(`(${posText} ${entry.order})`);
+ }
+ return template;
+async function deleteWorldInfoEntry(data, uid) {
+ if (!data || !('entries' in data)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!confirm(`Delete the entry with UID: ${uid}? This action is irreversible!`)) {
+ throw new Error('User cancelled deletion');
+ }
+ delete data.entries[uid];
+const newEntryTemplate = {
+ key: [],
+ keysecondary: [],
+ comment: '',
+ content: '',
+ constant: false,
+ selective: true,
+ selectiveLogic: 0,
+ addMemo: false,
+ order: 100,
+ position: 0,
+ disable: false,
+ excludeRecursion: false,
+ probability: 100,
+ useProbability: true,
+ group: '',
+function createWorldInfoEntry(name, data, fromSlashCommand = false) {
+ const newUid = getFreeWorldEntryUid(data);
+ if (!Number.isInteger(newUid)) {
+ console.error('Couldn\'t assign UID to a new entry');
+ return;
+ }
+ const newEntry = { uid: newUid, ...structuredClone(newEntryTemplate) };
+ data.entries[newUid] = newEntry;
+ if (!fromSlashCommand) {
+ updateEditor(newUid);
+ }
+ return newEntry;
+async function _save(name, data) {
+ await fetch('/editworldinfo', {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: getRequestHeaders(),
+ body: JSON.stringify({ name: name, data: data }),
+ });
+async function saveWorldInfo(name, data, immediately) {
+ if (!name || !data) {
+ return;
+ }
+ delete worldInfoCache[name];
+ if (immediately) {
+ return await _save(name, data);
+ }
+ saveWorldDebounced(name, data);
+async function renameWorldInfo(name, data) {
+ const oldName = name;
+ const newName = await callPopup('Rename World Info
Enter a new name:', 'input', oldName);
+ if (oldName === newName || !newName) {
+ console.debug('World info rename cancelled');
+ return;
+ }
+ const entryPreviouslySelected = selected_world_info.findIndex((e) => e === oldName);
+ await saveWorldInfo(newName, data, true);
+ await deleteWorldInfo(oldName);
+ const existingCharLores = world_info.charLore?.filter((e) => e.extraBooks.includes(oldName));
+ if (existingCharLores && existingCharLores.length > 0) {
+ existingCharLores.forEach((charLore) => {
+ const tempCharLore = charLore.extraBooks.filter((e) => e !== oldName);
+ tempCharLore.push(newName);
+ charLore.extraBooks = tempCharLore;
+ });
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ }
+ if (entryPreviouslySelected !== -1) {
+ const wiElement = getWIElement(newName);
+ wiElement.prop('selected', true);
+ $('#world_info').trigger('change');
+ }
+ const selectedIndex = world_names.indexOf(newName);
+ if (selectedIndex !== -1) {
+ $('#world_editor_select').val(selectedIndex).trigger('change');
+ }
+async function deleteWorldInfo(worldInfoName) {
+ if (!world_names.includes(worldInfoName)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const response = await fetch('/deleteworldinfo', {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: getRequestHeaders(),
+ body: JSON.stringify({ name: worldInfoName }),
+ });
+ if (response.ok) {
+ const existingWorldIndex = selected_world_info.findIndex((e) => e === worldInfoName);
+ if (existingWorldIndex !== -1) {
+ selected_world_info.splice(existingWorldIndex, 1);
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ }
+ await updateWorldInfoList();
+ $('#world_editor_select').trigger('change');
+ if ($('#character_world').val() === worldInfoName) {
+ $('#character_world').val('').trigger('change');
+ setWorldInfoButtonClass(undefined, false);
+ if (menu_type != 'create') {
+ saveCharacterDebounced();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function getFreeWorldEntryUid(data) {
+ if (!data || !('entries' in data)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ const MAX_UID = 1_000_000; // <- should be safe enough :)
+ for (let uid = 0; uid < MAX_UID; uid++) {
+ if (uid in data.entries) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ return uid;
+ }
+ return null;
+function getFreeWorldName() {
+ const MAX_FREE_NAME = 100_000;
+ for (let index = 1; index < MAX_FREE_NAME; index++) {
+ const newName = `New World (${index})`;
+ if (world_names.includes(newName)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ return newName;
+ }
+ return undefined;
+async function createNewWorldInfo(worldInfoName) {
+ const worldInfoTemplate = { entries: {} };
+ if (!worldInfoName) {
+ return;
+ }
+ await saveWorldInfo(worldInfoName, worldInfoTemplate, true);
+ await updateWorldInfoList();
+ const selectedIndex = world_names.indexOf(worldInfoName);
+ if (selectedIndex !== -1) {
+ $('#world_editor_select').val(selectedIndex).trigger('change');
+ } else {
+ hideWorldEditor();
+ }
+// Gets a string that respects the case sensitivity setting
+function transformString(str) {
+ return world_info_case_sensitive ? str : str.toLowerCase();
+async function getCharacterLore() {
+ const character = characters[this_chid];
+ const name = character?.name;
+ let worldsToSearch = new Set();
+ const baseWorldName = character?.data?.extensions?.world;
+ if (baseWorldName) {
+ worldsToSearch.add(baseWorldName);
+ } else {
+ console.debug(`Character ${name}'s base world could not be found or is empty! Skipping...`);
+ return [];
+ }
+ // TODO: Maybe make the utility function not use the window context?
+ const fileName = getCharaFilename(this_chid);
+ const extraCharLore = world_info.charLore?.find((e) => e.name === fileName);
+ if (extraCharLore) {
+ worldsToSearch = new Set([...worldsToSearch, ...extraCharLore.extraBooks]);
+ }
+ let entries = [];
+ for (const worldName of worldsToSearch) {
+ if (selected_world_info.includes(worldName)) {
+ console.debug(`Character ${name}'s world ${worldName} is already activated in global world info! Skipping...`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY] === worldName) {
+ console.debug(`Character ${name}'s world ${worldName} is already activated in chat lore! Skipping...`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const data = await loadWorldInfoData(worldName);
+ const newEntries = data ? Object.keys(data.entries).map((x) => data.entries[x]) : [];
+ entries = entries.concat(newEntries);
+ }
+ console.debug(`Character ${characters[this_chid]?.name} lore (${baseWorldName}) has ${entries.length} world info entries`);
+ return entries;
+async function getGlobalLore() {
+ if (!selected_world_info) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ let entries = [];
+ for (const worldName of selected_world_info) {
+ const data = await loadWorldInfoData(worldName);
+ const newEntries = data ? Object.keys(data.entries).map((x) => data.entries[x]) : [];
+ entries = entries.concat(newEntries);
+ }
+ console.debug(`Global world info has ${entries.length} entries`);
+ return entries;
+async function getChatLore() {
+ const chatWorld = chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY];
+ if (!chatWorld) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ if (selected_world_info.includes(chatWorld)) {
+ console.debug(`Chat world ${chatWorld} is already activated in global world info! Skipping...`);
+ return [];
+ }
+ const data = await loadWorldInfoData(chatWorld);
+ const entries = data ? Object.keys(data.entries).map((x) => data.entries[x]) : [];
+ console.debug(`Chat lore has ${entries.length} entries`);
+ return entries;
+async function getSortedEntries() {
+ try {
+ const globalLore = await getGlobalLore();
+ const characterLore = await getCharacterLore();
+ const chatLore = await getChatLore();
+ let entries;
+ switch (Number(world_info_character_strategy)) {
+ case world_info_insertion_strategy.evenly:
+ console.debug('WI using evenly');
+ entries = [...globalLore, ...characterLore].sort(sortFn);
+ break;
+ case world_info_insertion_strategy.character_first:
+ console.debug('WI using char first');
+ entries = [...characterLore.sort(sortFn), ...globalLore.sort(sortFn)];
+ break;
+ case world_info_insertion_strategy.global_first:
+ console.debug('WI using global first');
+ entries = [...globalLore.sort(sortFn), ...characterLore.sort(sortFn)];
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.error('Unknown WI insertion strategy: ', world_info_character_strategy, 'defaulting to evenly');
+ entries = [...globalLore, ...characterLore].sort(sortFn);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Chat lore always goes first
+ entries = [...chatLore.sort(sortFn), ...entries];
+ console.debug(`Sorted ${entries.length} world lore entries using strategy ${world_info_character_strategy}`);
+ // Need to deep clone the entries to avoid modifying the cached data
+ return structuredClone(entries);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ return [];
+ }
+async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext) {
+ const context = getContext();
+ const messagesToLookBack = world_info_depth * 2 || 1;
+ // Combine the chat
+ let textToScan = chat.slice(0, messagesToLookBack).join('');
+ let minActivationMsgIndex = messagesToLookBack; // tracks chat index to satisfy `world_info_min_activations`
+ // Add the depth or AN if enabled
+ // Put this code here since otherwise, the chat reference is modified
+ if (extension_settings.note.allowWIScan) {
+ for (const key of Object.keys(context.extensionPrompts)) {
+ if (key.startsWith('DEPTH_PROMPT')) {
+ const depthPrompt = getExtensionPromptByName(key);
+ if (depthPrompt) {
+ textToScan = `${depthPrompt}\n${textToScan}`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const anPrompt = getExtensionPromptByName(NOTE_MODULE_NAME);
+ if (anPrompt) {
+ textToScan = `${anPrompt}\n${textToScan}`;
+ }
+ }
+ // Transform the resulting string
+ textToScan = transformString(textToScan);
+ let needsToScan = true;
+ let token_budget_overflowed = false;
+ let count = 0;
+ let allActivatedEntries = new Set();
+ let failedProbabilityChecks = new Set();
+ let allActivatedText = '';
+ let budget = Math.round(world_info_budget * maxContext / 100) || 1;
+ if (world_info_budget_cap > 0 && budget > world_info_budget_cap) {
+ console.debug(`Budget ${budget} exceeds cap ${world_info_budget_cap}, using cap`);
+ budget = world_info_budget_cap;
+ }
+ console.debug(`Context size: ${maxContext}; WI budget: ${budget} (max% = ${world_info_budget}%, cap = ${world_info_budget_cap})`);
+ const sortedEntries = await getSortedEntries();
+ if (sortedEntries.length === 0) {
+ return { worldInfoBefore: '', worldInfoAfter: '' };
+ }
+ while (needsToScan) {
+ // Track how many times the loop has run
+ count++;
+ let activatedNow = new Set();
+ for (let entry of sortedEntries) {
+ // Check if this entry applies to the character or if it's excluded
+ if (entry.characterFilter && entry.characterFilter?.names?.length > 0) {
+ const nameIncluded = entry.characterFilter.names.includes(getCharaFilename());
+ const filtered = entry.characterFilter.isExclude ? nameIncluded : !nameIncluded;
+ if (filtered) {
+ console.debug(`WI entry ${entry.uid} filtered out by character`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (entry.characterFilter && entry.characterFilter?.tags?.length > 0) {
+ const tagKey = getTagKeyForCharacter(this_chid);
+ if (tagKey) {
+ const tagMapEntry = context.tagMap[tagKey];
+ if (Array.isArray(tagMapEntry)) {
+ // If tag map intersects with the tag exclusion list, skip
+ const includesTag = tagMapEntry.some((tag) => entry.characterFilter.tags.includes(tag));
+ const filtered = entry.characterFilter.isExclude ? includesTag : !includesTag;
+ if (filtered) {
+ console.debug(`WI entry ${entry.uid} filtered out by tag`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (failedProbabilityChecks.has(entry)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (allActivatedEntries.has(entry) || entry.disable == true || (count > 1 && world_info_recursive && entry.excludeRecursion)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (entry.constant) {
+ entry.content = substituteParams(entry.content);
+ activatedNow.add(entry);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(entry.key) && entry.key.length) { //check for keywords existing
+ // If selectiveLogic isn't found, assume it's AND, only do this once per entry
+ const selectiveLogic = entry.selectiveLogic ?? 0;
+ let causeWords = {
+ primary: "",
+ secondary: ""
+ };
+ primary: for (let key of entry.key) {
+ // For Debug Purposes
+ causeWords = {
+ primary: "",
+ secondary: ""
+ };
+ const substituted = substituteParams(key);
+ console.debug(`${entry.uid}: ${substituted}`);
+ if (substituted && matchKeys(textToScan, substituted.trim())) {
+ console.debug(`${entry.uid}: got primary match`);
+ // Add Primary to Debug Dictionary
+ causeWords.primary = substituted;
+ //selective logic begins
+ if (
+ entry.selective && //all entries are selective now
+ Array.isArray(entry.keysecondary) && //always true
+ entry.keysecondary.length //ignore empties
+ ) {
+ console.debug(`uid:${entry.uid}: checking logic: ${entry.selectiveLogic}`);
+ secondary: for (let keysecondary of entry.keysecondary) {
+ const secondarySubstituted = substituteParams(keysecondary);
+ console.debug(`uid:${entry.uid}: filtering ${secondarySubstituted}`);
+ //AND operator
+ if (selectiveLogic === 0) {
+ console.debug('Saw AND logic, checking...');
+ if (secondarySubstituted && matchKeys(textToScan, secondarySubstituted.trim())) {
+ console.debug(`activating entry ${entry.uid} with AND found: ${substituted} ${secondarySubstituted}`);
+ // Add Secondary to Debug Dictionary
+ causeWords.secondary = secondarySubstituted;
+ activatedNow.add(entry);
+ break secondary;
+ }
+ }
+ //NOT operator
+ if (selectiveLogic === 1) {
+ console.debug('Saw NOT logic, checking...');
+ // Since AND is opposite of NOT, this should be opposite too.
+ if (!(secondarySubstituted && matchKeys(textToScan, secondarySubstituted.trim()))) {
+ console.debug(`activating entry ${entry.uid} with NOT found: ${substituted} ${secondarySubstituted}`);
+ causeWords.secondary = secondarySubstituted;
+ activatedNow.add(entry);
+ break secondary;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //handle cases where secondary is empty
+ } else {
+ console.debug(`uid ${entry.uid}: activated without filter logic`);
+ activatedNow.add(entry);
+ break primary;
+ }
+ } else { console.debug('no active entries for logic checks yet'); }
+ }
+ console.debug(`DEBUG Output: ${entry.uid}. Primary Word Trigger: ${causeWords.primary} | Secondary Word Trigger: ${causeWords.secondary}.`)
+ }
+ }
+ needsToScan = world_info_recursive && activatedNow.size > 0;
+ const newEntries = [...activatedNow]
+ .sort((a, b) => sortedEntries.indexOf(a) - sortedEntries.indexOf(b));
+ let newContent = '';
+ const textToScanTokens = getTokenCount(allActivatedText);
+ const probabilityChecksBefore = failedProbabilityChecks.size;
+ console.debug('-- PROBABILITY CHECKS BEGIN --');
+ for (const entry of newEntries) {
+ const rollValue = Math.random() * 100;
+ if (entry.useProbability && rollValue > entry.probability) {
+ console.debug(`WI entry ${entry.uid} ${entry.key} failed probability check, skipping`);
+ failedProbabilityChecks.add(entry);
+ continue;
+ } else { console.debug(`uid:${entry.uid} passed probability check, inserting to prompt`); }
+ newContent += `${substituteParams(entry.content)}\n`;
+ if (textToScanTokens + getTokenCount(newContent) >= budget) {
+ console.debug('WI budget reached, stopping');
+ if (world_info_overflow_alert) {
+ console.log('Alerting');
+ toastr.warning(`World info budget reached after ${allActivatedEntries.size} entries.`, 'World Info');
+ }
+ needsToScan = false;
+ token_budget_overflowed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ allActivatedEntries.add(entry);
+ console.debug('WI entry activated:', entry);
+ }
+ const probabilityChecksAfter = failedProbabilityChecks.size;
+ if ((probabilityChecksAfter - probabilityChecksBefore) === activatedNow.size) {
+ console.debug('WI probability checks failed for all activated entries, stopping');
+ needsToScan = false;
+ }
+ if (needsToScan) {
+ const text = newEntries
+ .filter(x => !failedProbabilityChecks.has(x))
+ .map(x => x.content).join('\n');
+ const currentlyActivatedText = transformString(text);
+ textToScan = (currentlyActivatedText + '\n' + textToScan);
+ allActivatedText = (currentlyActivatedText + '\n' + allActivatedText);
+ }
+ // world_info_min_activations
+ if (!needsToScan && !token_budget_overflowed) {
+ if (world_info_min_activations > 0 && (allActivatedEntries.size < world_info_min_activations)) {
+ let over_max = false;
+ over_max = (
+ world_info_min_activations_depth_max > 0 &&
+ minActivationMsgIndex > world_info_min_activations_depth_max
+ ) || (minActivationMsgIndex >= chat.length);
+ if (!over_max) {
+ needsToScan = true;
+ textToScan = transformString(chat.slice(minActivationMsgIndex, minActivationMsgIndex + 1).join(''));
+ minActivationMsgIndex += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Forward-sorted list of entries for joining
+ const WIBeforeEntries = [];
+ const WIAfterEntries = [];
+ const ANTopEntries = [];
+ const ANBottomEntries = [];
+ const WIDepthEntries = [];
+ // Appends from insertion order 999 to 1. Use unshift for this purpose
+ [...allActivatedEntries].sort(sortFn).forEach((entry) => {
+ switch (entry.position) {
+ case world_info_position.before:
+ WIBeforeEntries.unshift(substituteParams(entry.content));
+ break;
+ case world_info_position.after:
+ WIAfterEntries.unshift(substituteParams(entry.content));
+ break;
+ case world_info_position.ANTop:
+ ANTopEntries.unshift(entry.content);
+ break;
+ case world_info_position.ANBottom:
+ ANBottomEntries.unshift(entry.content);
+ break;
+ case world_info_position.atDepth: {
+ const existingDepthIndex = WIDepthEntries.findIndex((e) => e.depth === entry.depth ?? DEFAULT_DEPTH);
+ if (existingDepthIndex !== -1) {
+ WIDepthEntries[existingDepthIndex].entries.unshift(entry.content);
+ } else {
+ WIDepthEntries.push({
+ depth: entry.depth,
+ entries: [entry.content],
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ const worldInfoBefore = WIBeforeEntries.length ? WIBeforeEntries.join('\n') : '';
+ const worldInfoAfter = WIAfterEntries.length ? WIAfterEntries.join('\n') : '';
+ if (shouldWIAddPrompt) {
+ const originalAN = context.extensionPrompts[NOTE_MODULE_NAME].value;
+ const ANWithWI = `${ANTopEntries.join('\n')}\n${originalAN}\n${ANBottomEntries.join('\n')}`;
+ context.setExtensionPrompt(NOTE_MODULE_NAME, ANWithWI, chat_metadata[metadata_keys.position], chat_metadata[metadata_keys.depth]);
+ }
+ return { worldInfoBefore, worldInfoAfter, WIDepthEntries };
+function matchKeys(haystack, needle) {
+ const transformedString = transformString(needle);
+ if (world_info_match_whole_words) {
+ const keyWords = transformedString.split(/\s+/);
+ if (keyWords.length > 1) {
+ return haystack.includes(transformedString);
+ }
+ else {
+ const regex = new RegExp(`\\b${escapeRegex(transformedString)}\\b`);
+ if (regex.test(haystack)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return haystack.includes(transformedString);
+ }
+ return false;
+function convertAgnaiMemoryBook(inputObj) {
+ const outputObj = { entries: {} };
+ inputObj.entries.forEach((entry, index) => {
+ outputObj.entries[index] = {
+ uid: index,
+ key: entry.keywords,
+ keysecondary: [],
+ comment: entry.name,
+ content: entry.entry,
+ constant: false,
+ selective: false,
+ order: entry.weight,
+ position: 0,
+ disable: !entry.enabled,
+ addMemo: !!entry.name,
+ excludeRecursion: false,
+ displayIndex: index,
+ probability: null,
+ useProbability: false,
+ group: '',
+ };
+ });
+ return outputObj;
+function convertRisuLorebook(inputObj) {
+ const outputObj = { entries: {} };
+ inputObj.data.forEach((entry, index) => {
+ outputObj.entries[index] = {
+ uid: index,
+ key: entry.key.split(',').map(x => x.trim()),
+ keysecondary: entry.secondkey ? entry.secondkey.split(',').map(x => x.trim()) : [],
+ comment: entry.comment,
+ content: entry.content,
+ constant: entry.alwaysActive,
+ selective: entry.selective,
+ order: entry.insertorder,
+ position: world_info_position.before,
+ disable: false,
+ addMemo: true,
+ excludeRecursion: false,
+ displayIndex: index,
+ probability: entry.activationPercent ?? null,
+ useProbability: entry.activationPercent ?? false,
+ group: '',
+ };
+ });
+ return outputObj;
+function convertNovelLorebook(inputObj) {
+ const outputObj = {
+ entries: {},
+ };
+ inputObj.entries.forEach((entry, index) => {
+ const displayName = entry.displayName;
+ const addMemo = displayName !== undefined && displayName.trim() !== '';
+ outputObj.entries[index] = {
+ uid: index,
+ key: entry.keys,
+ keysecondary: [],
+ comment: displayName || '',
+ content: entry.text,
+ constant: false,
+ selective: false,
+ order: entry.contextConfig?.budgetPriority ?? 0,
+ position: 0,
+ disable: !entry.enabled,
+ addMemo: addMemo,
+ excludeRecursion: false,
+ displayIndex: index,
+ probability: null,
+ useProbability: false,
+ group: '',
+ };
+ });
+ return outputObj;
+function convertCharacterBook(characterBook) {
+ const result = { entries: {}, originalData: characterBook };
+ characterBook.entries.forEach((entry, index) => {
+ // Not in the spec, but this is needed to find the entry in the original data
+ if (entry.id === undefined) {
+ entry.id = index;
+ }
+ result.entries[entry.id] = {
+ uid: entry.id,
+ key: entry.keys,
+ keysecondary: entry.secondary_keys || [],
+ comment: entry.comment || '',
+ content: entry.content,
+ constant: entry.constant || false,
+ selective: entry.selective || false,
+ order: entry.insertion_order,
+ position: entry.extensions?.position ?? (entry.position === 'before_char' ? world_info_position.before : world_info_position.after),
+ excludeRecursion: entry.extensions?.exclude_recursion ?? false,
+ disable: !entry.enabled,
+ addMemo: entry.comment ? true : false,
+ displayIndex: entry.extensions?.display_index ?? index,
+ probability: entry.extensions?.probability ?? null,
+ useProbability: entry.extensions?.useProbability ?? false,
+ depth: entry.extensions?.depth ?? DEFAULT_DEPTH,
+ selectiveLogic: entry.extensions?.selectiveLogic ?? 0,
+ group: entry.extensions?.group ?? '',
+ };
+ });
+ return result;
+export function setWorldInfoButtonClass(chid, forceValue = undefined) {
+ if (forceValue !== undefined) {
+ $('#set_character_world, #world_button').toggleClass('world_set', forceValue);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!chid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const world = characters[chid]?.data?.extensions?.world;
+ const worldSet = Boolean(world && world_names.includes(world));
+ $('#set_character_world, #world_button').toggleClass('world_set', worldSet);
+export function checkEmbeddedWorld(chid) {
+ $('#import_character_info').hide();
+ if (chid === undefined) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (characters[chid]?.data?.character_book) {
+ $('#import_character_info').data('chid', chid).show();
+ // Only show the alert once per character
+ const checkKey = `AlertWI_${characters[chid].avatar}`;
+ const worldName = characters[chid]?.data?.extensions?.world;
+ if (!localStorage.getItem(checkKey) && (!worldName || !world_names.includes(worldName))) {
+ localStorage.setItem(checkKey, 1);
+ if (power_user.world_import_dialog) {
+ const html = `This character has an embedded World/Lorebook.
+ Would you like to import it now?
+ If you want to import it later, select "Import Card Lore" in the "More..." dropdown menu on the character panel.
+ const checkResult = (result) => {
+ if (result) {
+ importEmbeddedWorldInfo(true);
+ }
+ };
+ callPopup(html, 'confirm', '', { okButton: 'Yes' }).then(checkResult);
+ }
+ else {
+ toastr.info(
+ 'To import and use it, select "Import Card Lore" in the "More..." dropdown menu on the character panel.',
+ `${characters[chid].name} has an embedded World/Lorebook`,
+ { timeOut: 5000, extendedTimeOut: 10000, positionClass: 'toast-top-center' },
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+export async function importEmbeddedWorldInfo(skipPopup = false) {
+ const chid = $('#import_character_info').data('chid');
+ if (chid === undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const bookName = characters[chid]?.data?.character_book?.name || `${characters[chid]?.name}'s Lorebook`;
+ const confirmationText = (`Are you sure you want to import "${bookName}"?
`) + (world_names.includes(bookName) ? 'It will overwrite the World/Lorebook with the same name.' : '');
+ if (!skipPopup) {
+ const confirmation = await callPopup(confirmationText, 'confirm');
+ if (!confirmation) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ const convertedBook = convertCharacterBook(characters[chid].data.character_book);
+ await saveWorldInfo(bookName, convertedBook, true);
+ await updateWorldInfoList();
+ $('#character_world').val(bookName).trigger('change');
+ toastr.success(`The world "${bookName}" has been imported and linked to the character successfully.`, 'World/Lorebook imported');
+ const newIndex = world_names.indexOf(bookName);
+ if (newIndex >= 0) {
+ //show&draw the WI panel before..
+ $('#WIDrawerIcon').trigger('click');
+ //..auto-opening the new imported WI
+ $('#world_editor_select').val(newIndex).trigger('change');
+ }
+ setWorldInfoButtonClass(chid, true);
+function onWorldInfoChange(_, text) {
+ if (_ !== '__notSlashCommand__') { // if it's a slash command
+ if (text.trim() !== '') { // and args are provided
+ const slashInputSplitText = text.trim().toLowerCase().split(',');
+ slashInputSplitText.forEach((worldName) => {
+ const wiElement = getWIElement(worldName);
+ if (wiElement.length > 0) {
+ selected_world_info.push(wiElement.text());
+ wiElement.prop('selected', true);
+ toastr.success(`Activated world: ${wiElement.text()}`);
+ } else {
+ toastr.error(`No world found named: ${worldName}`);
+ }
+ });
+ $('#world_info').trigger('change');
+ } else { // if no args, unset all worlds
+ toastr.success('Deactivated all worlds');
+ selected_world_info = [];
+ $('#world_info').val(null).trigger('change');
+ }
+ } else { //if it's a pointer selection
+ let tempWorldInfo = [];
+ let selectedWorlds = $('#world_info').val().map((e) => Number(e)).filter((e) => !isNaN(e));
+ if (selectedWorlds.length > 0) {
+ selectedWorlds.forEach((worldIndex) => {
+ const existingWorldName = world_names[worldIndex];
+ if (existingWorldName) {
+ tempWorldInfo.push(existingWorldName);
+ } else {
+ const wiElement = getWIElement(existingWorldName);
+ wiElement.prop('selected', false);
+ toastr.error(`The world with ${existingWorldName} is invalid or corrupted.`);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ selected_world_info = tempWorldInfo;
+ }
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ eventSource.emit(event_types.WORLDINFO_SETTINGS_UPDATED);
+export async function importWorldInfo(file) {
+ if (!file) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const formData = new FormData();
+ formData.append('avatar', file);
+ try {
+ let jsonData;
+ if (file.name.endsWith('.png')) {
+ const buffer = new Uint8Array(await getFileBuffer(file));
+ jsonData = extractDataFromPng(buffer, 'naidata');
+ } else {
+ // File should be a JSON file
+ jsonData = await parseJsonFile(file);
+ }
+ if (jsonData === undefined || jsonData === null) {
+ toastr.error(`File is not valid: ${file.name}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Convert Novel Lorebook
+ if (jsonData.lorebookVersion !== undefined) {
+ console.log('Converting Novel Lorebook');
+ formData.append('convertedData', JSON.stringify(convertNovelLorebook(jsonData)));
+ }
+ // Convert Agnai Memory Book
+ if (jsonData.kind === 'memory') {
+ console.log('Converting Agnai Memory Book');
+ formData.append('convertedData', JSON.stringify(convertAgnaiMemoryBook(jsonData)));
+ }
+ // Convert Risu Lorebook
+ if (jsonData.type === 'risu') {
+ console.log('Converting Risu Lorebook');
+ formData.append('convertedData', JSON.stringify(convertRisuLorebook(jsonData)));
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ toastr.error(`Error parsing file: ${error}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: '/importworldinfo',
+ data: formData,
+ beforeSend: () => { },
+ cache: false,
+ contentType: false,
+ processData: false,
+ success: async function (data) {
+ if (data.name) {
+ await updateWorldInfoList();
+ const newIndex = world_names.indexOf(data.name);
+ if (newIndex >= 0) {
+ $('#world_editor_select').val(newIndex).trigger('change');
+ }
+ toastr.info(`World Info "${data.name}" imported successfully!`);
+ }
+ },
+ error: (jqXHR, exception) => { },
+ });
+function assignLorebookToChat() {
+ const selectedName = chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY];
+ const template = $('#chat_world_template .chat_world').clone();
+ const worldSelect = template.find('select');
+ const chatName = template.find('.chat_name');
+ chatName.text(getCurrentChatId());
+ for (const worldName of world_names) {
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.value = worldName;
+ option.innerText = worldName;
+ option.selected = selectedName === worldName;
+ worldSelect.append(option);
+ }
+ worldSelect.on('change', function () {
+ const worldName = $(this).val();
+ if (worldName) {
+ chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY] = worldName;
+ $('.chat_lorebook_button').addClass('world_set');
+ } else {
+ delete chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY];
+ $('.chat_lorebook_button').removeClass('world_set');
+ }
+ saveMetadata();
+ });
+ callPopup(template, 'text');
+jQuery(() => {
+ $(document).ready(function () {
+ registerSlashCommand('world', onWorldInfoChange, [], '(optional name) – sets active World, or unsets if no args provided', true, true);
+ });
+ $('#world_info').on('mousedown change', async function (e) {
+ // If there's no world names, don't do anything
+ if (world_names.length === 0) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return;
+ }
+ onWorldInfoChange('__notSlashCommand__');
+ });
+ //**************************WORLD INFO IMPORT EXPORT*************************//
+ $('#world_import_button').on('click', function () {
+ $('#world_import_file').trigger('click');
+ });
+ $('#world_import_file').on('change', async function (e) {
+ const file = e.target.files[0];
+ await importWorldInfo(file);
+ // Will allow to select the same file twice in a row
+ e.target.value = '';
+ });
+ $('#world_create_button').on('click', async () => {
+ const tempName = getFreeWorldName();
+ const finalName = await callPopup('Create a new World Info?
Enter a name for the new file:', 'input', tempName);
+ if (finalName) {
+ await createNewWorldInfo(finalName);
+ }
+ });
+ $('#world_editor_select').on('change', async () => {
+ $('#world_info_search').val('');
+ worldInfoFilter.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.WORLD_INFO_SEARCH, '', true);
+ const selectedIndex = String($('#world_editor_select').find(':selected').val());
+ if (selectedIndex === '') {
+ hideWorldEditor();
+ } else {
+ const worldName = world_names[selectedIndex];
+ showWorldEditor(worldName);
+ }
+ });
+ const saveSettings = () => {
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ eventSource.emit(event_types.WORLDINFO_SETTINGS_UPDATED);
+ };
+ $('#world_info_depth').on('input', function () {
+ world_info_depth = Number($(this).val());
+ $('#world_info_depth_counter').val($(this).val());
+ saveSettings();
+ });
+ $('#world_info_min_activations').on('input', function () {
+ world_info_min_activations = Number($(this).val());
+ $('#world_info_min_activations_counter').val($(this).val());
+ saveSettings();
+ });
+ $('#world_info_min_activations_depth_max').on('input', function () {
+ world_info_min_activations_depth_max = Number($(this).val());
+ $('#world_info_min_activations_depth_max_counter').val($(this).val());
+ saveSettings();
+ });
+ $('#world_info_budget').on('input', function () {
+ world_info_budget = Number($(this).val());
+ $('#world_info_budget_counter').val($(this).val());
+ saveSettings();
+ });
+ $('#world_info_recursive').on('input', function () {
+ world_info_recursive = !!$(this).prop('checked');
+ saveSettings();
+ });
+ $('#world_info_case_sensitive').on('input', function () {
+ world_info_case_sensitive = !!$(this).prop('checked');
+ saveSettings();
+ });
+ $('#world_info_match_whole_words').on('input', function () {
+ world_info_match_whole_words = !!$(this).prop('checked');
+ saveSettings();
+ });
+ $('#world_info_character_strategy').on('change', function () {
+ world_info_character_strategy = Number($(this).val());
+ saveSettings();
+ });
+ $('#world_info_overflow_alert').on('change', function () {
+ world_info_overflow_alert = !!$(this).prop('checked');
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ });
+ $('#world_info_budget_cap').on('input', function () {
+ world_info_budget_cap = Number($(this).val());
+ $('#world_info_budget_cap_counter').val(world_info_budget_cap);
+ saveSettings();
+ });
+ $('#world_button').on('click', async function (event) {
+ const chid = $('#set_character_world').data('chid');
+ if (chid) {
+ const worldName = characters[chid]?.data?.extensions?.world;
+ const hasEmbed = checkEmbeddedWorld(chid);
+ if (worldName && world_names.includes(worldName) && !event.shiftKey) {
+ if (!$('#WorldInfo').is(':visible')) {
+ $('#WIDrawerIcon').trigger('click');
+ }
+ const index = world_names.indexOf(worldName);
+ $('#world_editor_select').val(index).trigger('change');
+ } else if (hasEmbed && !event.shiftKey) {
+ await importEmbeddedWorldInfo();
+ saveCharacterDebounced();
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#char-management-dropdown').val($('#set_character_world').val()).trigger('change');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('#world_info_search').on('input', function () {
+ const term = $(this).val();
+ worldInfoFilter.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.WORLD_INFO_SEARCH, term);
+ });
+ $('#world_refresh').on('click', () => {
+ updateEditor(navigation_option.previous);
+ });
+ $('#world_info_sort_order').on('change', function () {
+ const value = String($(this).find(':selected').val());
+ localStorage.setItem(SORT_ORDER_KEY, value);
+ updateEditor(navigation_option.none);
+ });
+ $(document).on('click', '.chat_lorebook_button', assignLorebookToChat);
+ // Not needed on mobile
+ const deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo();
+ if (deviceInfo && deviceInfo.device.type === 'desktop') {
+ $('#world_info').select2({
+ width: '100%',
+ placeholder: 'No Worlds active. Click here to select.',
+ allowClear: true,
+ closeOnSelect: false,
+ });
+ }