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synced 2025-03-04 11:57:44 +01:00
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d="m 2100,5608 c 0,-164 46,-382 117,-560 45,-113 157,-307 236,-412 34,-44 113,-134 176,-200 89,-91 111,-120 100,-126 -8,-5 -71,-18 -139,-29 -69,-11 -180,-32 -246,-45 -221,-45 -410,-68 -472,-56 -83,15 -126,13 -145,-8 -21,-23 -21,-41 -1,-71 15,-21 22,-23 74,-18 31,2 74,14 96,25 86,44 429,55 522,17 35,-14 42,-22 42,-44 0,-15 -6,-34 -12,-43 -35,-42 -303,-198 -342,-198 -96,0 -144,-93 -60,-114 30,-8 53,5 134,75 97,83 248,154 436,204 131,35 288,65 342,65 40,0 43,2 37,23 -12,38 -58,153 -152,377 -109,261 -169,440 -220,664 -21,93 -39,162 -41,152 -6,-26 -20,-19 -48,27 -63,99 -380,387 -426,387 -5,0 -8,-42 -8,-92 z"
id="path14" />
d="m 5474,5649 c -136,-39 -96,-227 118,-548 58,-87 142,-236 170,-303 5,-13 -23,-40 -134,-125 -251,-191 -498,-415 -727,-656 -56,-60 -104,-107 -106,-105 -4,4 109,136 315,369 80,90 184,209 230,264 47,55 128,150 180,210 118,136 131,152 110,140 -38,-22 -416,-329 -510,-414 -58,-53 -233,-222 -390,-376 -157,-154 -327,-319 -378,-367 -83,-78 -92,-90 -92,-123 0,-71 6,-76 290,-287 171,-127 374,-292 436,-353 67,-67 138,-164 182,-250 29,-58 36,-85 42,-158 5,-65 12,-95 27,-115 45,-61 163,-68 223,-12 25,23 30,36 30,75 0,43 -4,51 -55,103 -42,44 -71,88 -121,191 -77,155 -86,183 -74,217 13,33 43,42 104,32 73,-13 143,-50 246,-129 133,-103 216,-185 278,-272 64,-91 86,-108 151,-115 59,-5 110,16 134,57 40,69 8,128 -97,177 -41,18 -99,55 -129,81 -31,27 -120,104 -199,172 -173,149 -218,197 -218,232 0,47 21,54 159,52 213,-3 380,-45 533,-134 83,-48 99,-54 150,-54 71,1 108,29 108,83 0,70 -75,111 -200,111 -70,0 -251,48 -510,136 -209,71 -563,166 -675,182 l -46,6 113,75 c 197,131 284,209 741,661 152,151 277,283 289,306 62,119 -49,352 -353,746 -114,148 -165,194 -233,214 -55,17 -67,17 -112,4 z"
id="path16" />
d="m 7525,5477 c -155,-93 -271,-175 -324,-229 -27,-28 -63,-87 -102,-167 -66,-134 -120,-226 -179,-305 -21,-28 -66,-102 -101,-165 -58,-106 -63,-118 -67,-190 -5,-94 10,-119 77,-128 l 43,-6 -6,-44 c -20,-150 -116,-199 -515,-264 -241,-39 -386,-68 -379,-74 2,-2 60,-6 128,-10 69,-3 195,-10 280,-16 399,-24 651,4 950,107 319,110 688,402 913,721 139,198 191,437 124,575 -30,62 -74,106 -140,140 -64,33 -207,37 -317,8 -90,-23 -322,-114 -405,-158 -30,-16 -103,-80 -180,-157 -71,-71 -125,-123 -119,-115 54,74 250,309 341,409 105,114 125,142 106,141 -5,-1 -62,-33 -128,-73 z m 688,-272 c 26,-11 47,-23 47,-27 0,-10 -43,-38 -150,-98 -224,-126 -622,-405 -940,-659 -182,-145 -201,-159 -140,-101 84,81 135,125 244,215 61,50 137,113 170,140 88,73 313,256 351,285 18,14 63,50 101,82 76,62 256,188 264,185 3,-1 27,-11 53,-22 z"
id="path18" />
d="m 3623,5458 c -81,-76 -224,-202 -273,-239 l -34,-26 54,-20 c 30,-11 119,-44 198,-73 l 142,-53 48,15 c 46,16 205,77 210,82 3,4 -236,334 -269,370 -4,5 -38,-20 -76,-56 z"
id="path20" />
d="m 2581,5324 c 0,-11 3,-14 6,-6 3,7 2,16 -1,19 -3,4 -6,-2 -5,-13 z"
id="path22" />
d="m 4440,5141 c -410,-165 -674,-277 -753,-317 -36,-19 -37,-21 -20,-36 30,-26 82,-38 223,-53 74,-8 205,-23 290,-34 305,-40 776,-91 838,-91 h 64 l 141,109 c 78,61 175,137 214,169 l 73,59 -43,16 c -62,24 -254,78 -497,141 -118,31 -248,65 -289,76 -41,11 -79,20 -85,20 -6,0 -76,-27 -156,-59 z"
id="path24" />
d="m 6793,5056 c -122,-91 -299,-254 -463,-422 -136,-141 -440,-467 -480,-517 l -25,-30 30,7 c 144,33 344,62 578,85 103,10 190,20 192,23 3,2 -4,30 -15,61 -43,123 -20,278 70,462 60,124 175,329 208,373 13,17 20,32 14,32 -6,0 -55,-33 -109,-74 z"
id="path26" />
d="m 3342,4963 c 41,-81 134,-280 156,-335 17,-40 47,-113 67,-163 20,-49 54,-142 75,-205 l 38,-115 260,-86 c 143,-48 274,-90 292,-94 31,-7 31,-6 19,17 -22,41 -200,257 -369,447 -167,188 -514,541 -532,541 -5,0 -8,-3 -6,-7 z"
id="path28" />
d="m 7606,3981 c -126,-89 -286,-156 -446,-186 -41,-8 -183,-24 -314,-35 -211,-18 -251,-25 -333,-52 -88,-30 -97,-31 -149,-20 -63,13 -94,5 -118,-30 -36,-52 -4,-102 57,-88 18,4 75,22 127,41 89,31 103,33 230,33 153,1 203,-10 254,-55 60,-52 69,-151 30,-304 -28,-108 -51,-147 -107,-185 -87,-59 -100,-119 -34,-161 26,-16 42,-19 82,-14 70,8 93,35 110,123 16,81 47,147 103,218 154,195 283,236 365,117 35,-51 79,-150 112,-253 23,-75 26,-95 20,-166 -8,-94 6,-134 55,-159 61,-32 175,-12 200,34 25,48 11,90 -59,167 -34,38 -56,77 -84,151 -77,200 -96,313 -59,346 23,21 74,22 115,2 59,-28 391,-304 421,-350 22,-34 87,-65 137,-65 34,0 47,6 76,35 29,29 34,40 28,63 -12,50 -54,81 -145,108 -37,11 -80,42 -191,140 -79,69 -145,129 -147,133 -5,14 57,21 187,21 199,0 287,-23 475,-124 64,-34 115,-34 155,0 35,29 40,66 15,102 -24,35 -53,45 -154,53 -94,8 -536,104 -617,135 -41,15 -65,47 -46,64 24,22 89,30 243,30 234,0 353,-14 439,-50 92,-40 170,-41 206,-5 14,13 25,35 25,49 0,34 -44,83 -82,91 -17,4 -123,8 -237,10 -153,2 -240,8 -336,24 -284,46 -324,51 -430,56 l -110,5 z"
id="path30" />
After Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB |
@ -2570,6 +2570,11 @@
<span data-i18n="Chat Timestamps">Chat Timestamps</span>
<label for="messageModelIconEnabled" class="checkbox_label">
<input id="messageModelIconEnabled" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Model Icon">Show Model Icons</span>
<label for="mesIDDisplayEnabled" class="checkbox_label">
<input id="mesIDDisplayEnabled" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Message IDs">Show Message IDs</span>
@ -1353,6 +1353,49 @@ function messageFormatting(mes, ch_name, isSystem, isUser) {
return mes;
* Inserts or replaces an SVG icon adjacent to the provided message's timestamp.
* If the `extra.api` is "openai" and `extra.model` contains the substring "claude",
* the function fetches the "claude.svg". Otherwise, it fetches the SVG named after
* the value in `extra.api`.
* @param {jQuery} mes - The message element containing the timestamp where the icon should be inserted or replaced.
* @param {Object} extra - Contains the API and model details.
* @param {string} extra.api - The name of the API, used to determine which SVG to fetch.
* @param {string} extra.model - The model name, used to check for the substring "claude".
function insertSVGIcon(mes, extra) {
// Determine the SVG filename
let modelName;
if (extra.api === "openai" && extra.model.toLowerCase().includes("claude")) {
modelName = "claude";
} else {
modelName = extra.api;
// Fetch the SVG based on the modelName
$.get(`/img/${modelName}.svg`, function (data) {
// Extract the SVG content from the XML data
let svg = $(data).find('svg');
// Add classes for styling and identification
svg.addClass('icon-svg timestamp-icon');
// Check if an SVG already exists adjacent to the timestamp
let existingSVG = mes.find('.timestamp').next('.timestamp-icon');
if (existingSVG.length) {
// Replace existing SVG
} else {
// Append the new SVG if none exists
function getMessageFromTemplate({
@ -1386,6 +1429,10 @@ function getMessageFromTemplate({
title && mes.attr('title', title);
timerValue && mes.find('.mes_timer').attr('title', timerTitle).text(timerValue);
if (power_user.timestamp_model_icon && extra?.api) {
insertSVGIcon(mes, extra);
return mes;
@ -1577,6 +1624,9 @@ function addOneMessage(mes, { type = "normal", insertAfter = null, scroll = true
appendImageToMessage(mes, $("#chat").find(`[mesid="${count_view_mes - 1}"]`));
$("#chat").find(`[mesid="${count_view_mes - 1}"]`).attr('title', title);
$("#chat").find(`[mesid="${count_view_mes - 1}"]`).find('.timestamp').text(timestamp).attr('title', `${params.extra.api} - ${params.extra.model}`);
if (power_user.timestamp_model_icon && params.extra?.api) {
insertSVGIcon($("#chat").find(`[mesid="${count_view_mes - 1}"]`), params.extra);
if (mes.swipe_id == mes.swipes.length - 1) {
$("#chat").find(`[mesid="${count_view_mes - 1}"]`).find('.mes_timer').text(params.timerValue);
@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ let power_user = {
hotswap_enabled: true,
timer_enabled: true,
timestamps_enabled: true,
timestamp_model_icon: false,
mesIDDisplay_enabled: false,
max_context_unlocked: false,
prefer_character_prompt: true,
@ -224,6 +225,7 @@ const storage_keys = {
hotswap_enabled: 'HotswapEnabled',
timer_enabled: 'TimerEnabled',
timestamps_enabled: 'TimestampsEnabled',
timestamp_model_icon: 'TimestampModelIcon',
mesIDDisplay_enabled: 'mesIDDisplayEnabled',
@ -302,6 +304,13 @@ function switchTimestamps() {
$("#messageTimestampsEnabled").prop("checked", power_user.timestamps_enabled);
function switchIcons() {
const value = localStorage.getItem(storage_keys.timestamp_model_icon);
power_user.timestamp_model_icon = value === null ? true : value == "true";
$("body").toggleClass("no-modelIcons", !power_user.timestamp_model_icon);
$("#messageModelIconEnabled").prop("checked", power_user.timestamp_model_icon);
function switchMesIDDisplay() {
const value = localStorage.getItem(storage_keys.mesIDDisplay_enabled);
power_user.mesIDDisplay_enabled = value === null ? true : value == "true";
@ -565,6 +574,13 @@ async function applyTheme(name) {
key: 'timestamp_model_icon',
action: async () => {
localStorage.setItem(storage_keys.timestamp_model_icon, power_user.timestamp_model_icon);
key: 'mesIDDisplay_enabled',
action: async () => {
@ -624,6 +640,7 @@ noShadows();
function loadPowerUserSettings(settings, data) {
@ -733,6 +750,7 @@ function loadPowerUserSettings(settings, data) {
$("#hotswapEnabled").prop("checked", power_user.hotswap_enabled);
$("#messageTimerEnabled").prop("checked", power_user.timer_enabled);
$("#messageTimestampsEnabled").prop("checked", power_user.timestamps_enabled);
$("#messageModelIconEnabled").prop("checked", power_user.timestamp_model_icon);
$("#mesIDDisplayEnabled").prop("checked", power_user.mesIDDisplay_enabled);
$("#prefer_character_prompt").prop("checked", power_user.prefer_character_prompt);
$("#prefer_character_jailbreak").prop("checked", power_user.prefer_character_jailbreak);
@ -1082,6 +1100,7 @@ async function saveTheme() {
chat_width: power_user.chat_width,
timer_enabled: power_user.timer_enabled,
timestamps_enabled: power_user.timestamps_enabled,
timestamp_model_icon: power_user.timestamp_model_icon,
mesIDDisplay_enabled: power_user.mesIDDisplay_enabled,
hotswap_enabled: power_user.hotswap_enabled,
@ -1961,6 +1980,13 @@ $(document).ready(() => {
$("#messageModelIconEnabled").on("input", function () {
const value = !!$(this).prop('checked');
power_user.timestamp_model_icon = value;
localStorage.setItem(storage_keys.timestamp_model_icon, power_user.timestamp_model_icon);
$("#mesIDDisplayEnabled").on("input", function () {
const value = !!$(this).prop('checked');
power_user.mesIDDisplay_enabled = value;
@ -916,7 +916,8 @@ body.no-timer .mes_timer {
body.no-timestamps .timestamp,
body.no-mesIDDisplay .mesIDDisplay {
body.no-mesIDDisplay .mesIDDisplay,
body.no-modelIcons .icon-svg {
display: none !important;
@ -5549,4 +5550,11 @@ body.waifuMode .zoomed_avatar {
line-height: 14px;
.icon-svg {
fill: currentColor;
/* Takes on the color of the surrounding text */
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
vertical-align: middle;
/* To align with adjacent text */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user