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synced 2025-03-13 18:40:11 +01:00
Refactor: move persona slash commands
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import {
} from '../script.js';
import { persona_description_positions, power_user } from './power-user.js';
import { getTokenCountAsync } from './tokenizers.js';
import { PAGINATION_TEMPLATE, clearInfoBlock, debounce, delay, download, ensureImageFormatSupported, flashHighlight, getBase64Async, getCharIndex, onlyUnique, parseJsonFile, setInfoBlock } from './utils.js';
import { PAGINATION_TEMPLATE, clearInfoBlock, debounce, delay, download, ensureImageFormatSupported, flashHighlight, getBase64Async, getCharIndex, isFalseBoolean, isTrueBoolean, onlyUnique, parseJsonFile, setInfoBlock } from './utils.js';
import { debounce_timeout } from './constants.js';
import { FILTER_TYPES, FilterHelper } from './filters.js';
import { groups, selected_group } from './group-chats.js';
@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ import { openWorldInfoEditor, world_names } from './world-info.js';
import { renderTemplateAsync } from './templates.js';
import { saveMetadataDebounced } from './extensions.js';
import { accountStorage } from './util/AccountStorage.js';
import { SlashCommand } from './slash-commands/SlashCommand.js';
import { SlashCommandNamedArgument, ARGUMENT_TYPE, SlashCommandArgument } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandArgument.js';
import { commonEnumProviders } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandCommonEnumsProvider.js';
import { SlashCommandEnumValue } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandEnumValue.js';
import { SlashCommandParser } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandParser.js';
* @typedef {object} PersonaConnection A connection between a character and a character or group entity
@ -1605,8 +1610,186 @@ async function migrateNonPersonaUser() {
await getUserAvatars(true, user_avatar);
* Locks or unlocks the persona of the current chat.
* @param {{type: string}} _args Named arguments
* @param {string} value The value to set the lock to
* @returns {Promise<string>} The value of the lock after setting
async function lockPersonaCallback(_args, value) {
const type = /** @type {PersonaLockType} */ (_args.type ?? 'chat');
if (!['chat', 'character', 'default'].includes(type)) {
toastr.warning(t`Unknown lock type "${type}"`, t`Persona Management`);
return '';
if (!value) {
return String(isPersonaLocked(type));
if (['toggle', 't'].includes(value.trim().toLowerCase())) {
const result = await togglePersonaLock(type);
return String(result);
if (isTrueBoolean(value)) {
await setPersonaLockState(true, type);
return 'true';
if (isFalseBoolean(value)) {
await setPersonaLockState(false, type);
return 'false';
return '';
* Sets a persona name and optionally an avatar.
* @param {{mode: 'lookup' | 'temp' | 'all'}} namedArgs Named arguments
* @param {string} name Name to set
* @returns {string}
function setNameCallback({ mode = 'all' }, name) {
if (!name) {
toastr.warning('You must specify a name to change to');
return '';
if (!['lookup', 'temp', 'all'].includes(mode)) {
toastr.warning('Mode must be one of "lookup", "temp" or "all"');
return '';
name = name.trim();
// If the name matches a persona avatar, or a name, auto-select it
if (['lookup', 'all'].includes(mode)) {
let persona = Object.entries(power_user.personas).find(([avatar, _]) => avatar === name)?.[1];
if (!persona) persona = Object.entries(power_user.personas).find(([_, personaName]) => personaName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase())?.[1];
if (persona) {
return '';
} else if (mode === 'lookup') {
toastr.warning(`Persona ${name} not found`);
return '';
if (['temp', 'all'].includes(mode)) {
// Otherwise, set just the name
setUserName(name); //this prevented quickReply usage
return '';
function syncCallback() {
return '';
function registerPersonaSlashCommands() {
name: 'persona-lock',
callback: lockPersonaCallback,
returns: 'The current lock state for the given type',
helpString: 'Locks/unlocks a persona (name and avatar) to the current chat. Gets the current lock state for the given type if no state is provided.',
namedArgumentList: [
name: 'type',
description: 'The type of the lock, where it should apply to',
defaultValue: 'chat',
enumList: [
new SlashCommandEnumValue('chat', 'Lock the persona to the current chat.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('character', 'Lock this persona to the currently selected character. If the setting is enabled, mutliple personas can be locked to the same character.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('default', 'Lock this persona as the default persona for all new chats.'),
unnamedArgumentList: [
description: 'state',
enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.boolean('onOffToggle'),
// TODO: Legacy command. Might be removed in the future and replaced by /persona-lock with aliases.
name: 'lock',
/** @type {(args: { type: string }, value: string) => Promise<string>} */
callback: (args, value) => {
if (!value) {
value = 'toggle';
toastr.warning(t`Using /lock without a provided state to toggle the persona is deprecated. Please use /persona-lock instead.
In the future this command with no state provided will return the current state, instead of toggling it.`, t`Deprecation Warning`);
return lockPersonaCallback(args, value);
returns: 'The current lock state for the given type',
aliases: ['bind'],
helpString: 'Locks/unlocks a persona (name and avatar) to the current chat. Gets the current lock state for the given type if no state is provided.',
namedArgumentList: [
name: 'type',
description: 'The type of the lock, where it should apply to',
defaultValue: 'chat',
enumList: [
new SlashCommandEnumValue('chat', 'Lock the persona to the current chat.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('character', 'Lock this persona to the currently selected character. If the setting is enabled, mutliple personas can be locked to the same character.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('default', 'Lock this persona as the default persona for all new chats.'),
unnamedArgumentList: [
description: 'state',
defaultValue: 'toggle',
enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.boolean('onOffToggle'),
name: 'persona-set',
callback: setNameCallback,
aliases: ['persona', 'name'],
namedArgumentList: [
new SlashCommandNamedArgument(
'mode', 'The mode for persona selection. ("lookup" = search for existing persona, "temp" = create a temporary name, set a temporary name, "all" = allow both in the same command)',
[ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, false, 'all', ['lookup', 'temp', 'all'],
unnamedArgumentList: [
description: 'persona name',
isRequired: true,
enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.personas,
helpString: 'Selects the given persona with its name and avatar (by name or avatar url). If no matching persona exists, applies a temporary name.',
name: 'persona-sync',
aliases: ['sync'],
callback: syncCallback,
helpString: 'Syncs the user persona in user-attributed messages in the current chat.',
export async function initPersonas() {
await migrateNonPersonaUser();
$('#persona_delete_button').on('click', deleteUserAvatar);
$('#lock_persona_default').on('click', () => togglePersonaLock('default'));
$('#lock_user_name').on('click', () => togglePersonaLock('chat'));
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ import {
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ import { getContext, saveMetadataDebounced } from './extensions.js';
import { getRegexedString, regex_placement } from './extensions/regex/engine.js';
import { findGroupMemberId, groups, is_group_generating, openGroupById, resetSelectedGroup, saveGroupChat, selected_group } from './group-chats.js';
import { chat_completion_sources, oai_settings, promptManager } from './openai.js';
import { autoSelectPersona, isPersonaLocked, retriggerFirstMessageOnEmptyChat, setPersonaLockState, togglePersonaLock, user_avatar } from './personas.js';
import { user_avatar } from './personas.js';
import { addEphemeralStoppingString, chat_styles, flushEphemeralStoppingStrings, power_user } from './power-user.js';
import { SERVER_INPUTS, textgen_types, textgenerationwebui_settings } from './textgen-settings.js';
import { decodeTextTokens, getAvailableTokenizers, getFriendlyTokenizerName, getTextTokens, getTokenCountAsync, selectTokenizer } from './tokenizers.js';
@ -75,7 +74,6 @@ import { commonEnumProviders, enumIcons } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandCom
import { SlashCommandBreakController } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandBreakController.js';
import { SlashCommandExecutionError } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandExecutionError.js';
import { slashCommandReturnHelper } from './slash-commands/SlashCommandReturnHelper.js';
import { t } from './i18n.js';
import { accountStorage } from './util/AccountStorage.js';
export {
executeSlashCommands, executeSlashCommandsWithOptions, getSlashCommandsHelp, registerSlashCommand,
@ -124,93 +122,6 @@ export function initDefaultSlashCommands() {
helpString: 'Get help on macros, chat formatting and commands.',
name: 'persona',
callback: setNameCallback,
aliases: ['name'],
namedArgumentList: [
new SlashCommandNamedArgument(
'mode', 'The mode for persona selection. ("lookup" = search for existing persona, "temp" = create a temporary name, set a temporary name, "all" = allow both in the same command)',
[ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, false, 'all', ['lookup', 'temp', 'all'],
unnamedArgumentList: [
description: 'persona name',
isRequired: true,
enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.personas,
helpString: 'Selects the given persona with its name and avatar (by name or avatar url). If no matching persona exists, applies a temporary name.',
name: 'sync',
callback: syncCallback,
helpString: 'Syncs the user persona in user-attributed messages in the current chat.',
name: 'persona-lock',
callback: lockPersonaCallback,
returns: 'The current lock state for the given type',
helpString: 'Locks/unlocks a persona (name and avatar) to the current chat. Gets the current lock state for the given type if no state is provided.',
namedArgumentList: [
name: 'type',
description: 'The type of the lock, where it should apply to',
defaultValue: 'chat',
enumList: [
new SlashCommandEnumValue('chat', 'Lock the persona to the current chat.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('character', 'Lock this persona to the currently selected character. If the setting is enabled, mutliple personas can be locked to the same character.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('default', 'Lock this persona as the default persona for all new chats.'),
unnamedArgumentList: [
description: 'state',
enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.boolean('onOffToggle'),
// TODO: Legacy command. Might be removed in the future and replaced by /persona-lock with aliases.
name: 'lock',
callback: (args, value) => {
if (!value) {
value = 'toggle';
toastr.warning(t`Using /lock without a provided state to toggle the persona is deprecated. Please use /persona-lock instead.
In the future this command with no state provided will return the current state, instead of toggling it.`, t`Deprecation Warning`);
return lockPersonaCallback(args, value);
returns: 'The current lock state for the given type',
aliases: ['bind'],
helpString: 'Locks/unlocks a persona (name and avatar) to the current chat. Gets the current lock state for the given type if no state is provided.',
namedArgumentList: [
name: 'type',
description: 'The type of the lock, where it should apply to',
defaultValue: 'chat',
enumList: [
new SlashCommandEnumValue('chat', 'Lock the persona to the current chat.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('character', 'Lock this persona to the currently selected character. If the setting is enabled, mutliple personas can be locked to the same character.'),
new SlashCommandEnumValue('default', 'Lock this persona as the default persona for all new chats.'),
unnamedArgumentList: [
description: 'state',
defaultValue: 'toggle',
enumProvider: commonEnumProviders.boolean('onOffToggle'),
name: 'bg',
callback: setBackgroundCallback,
@ -3487,37 +3398,6 @@ export async function generateSystemMessage(_, prompt) {
return '';
function syncCallback() {
return '';
async function lockPersonaCallback(_args, value) {
const type = _args.type ?? 'chat';
if (!value) {
return String(isPersonaLocked(type));
if (['toggle', 't'].includes(value.trim().toLowerCase())) {
const result = await togglePersonaLock(type);
return String(result);
if (isTrueBoolean(value)) {
await setPersonaLockState(true, type);
return 'true';
if (isFalseBoolean(value)) {
await setPersonaLockState(false, type);
return 'false';
return '';
function setStoryModeCallback() {
return '';
@ -3533,48 +3413,6 @@ function setFlatModeCallback() {
return '';
* Sets a persona name and optionally an avatar.
* @param {{mode: 'lookup' | 'temp' | 'all'}} namedArgs Named arguments
* @param {string} name Name to set
* @returns {string}
function setNameCallback({ mode = 'all' }, name) {
if (!name) {
toastr.warning('You must specify a name to change to');
return '';
if (!['lookup', 'temp', 'all'].includes(mode)) {
toastr.warning('Mode must be one of "lookup", "temp" or "all"');
return '';
name = name.trim();
// If the name matches a persona avatar, or a name, auto-select it
if (['lookup', 'all'].includes(mode)) {
let persona = Object.entries(power_user.personas).find(([avatar, _]) => avatar === name)?.[1];
if (!persona) persona = Object.entries(power_user.personas).find(([_, personaName]) => personaName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase())?.[1];
if (persona) {
return '';
} else if (mode === 'lookup') {
toastr.warning(`Persona ${name} not found`);
return '';
if (['temp', 'all'].includes(mode)) {
// Otherwise, set just the name
setUserName(name); //this prevented quickReply usage
return '';
async function setNarratorName(_, text) {
const name = text || NARRATOR_NAME_DEFAULT;
chat_metadata[NARRATOR_NAME_KEY] = name;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user