Refactor WI log messages

- This should only be changes to logging messages, and splitting some if into multiple blocks. No actual code/flow changes
This commit is contained in:
Wolfsblvt 2024-07-05 20:49:17 +02:00
parent 47d99a0047
commit dfa2236fba

View File

@ -3413,13 +3413,12 @@ async function createNewWorldInfo(worldName, { interactive = false } = {}) {
async function getCharacterLore() {
const character = characters[this_chid];
const name = character?.name;
/** @type {Set<string>} */
let worldsToSearch = new Set();
const baseWorldName = character?.data?.extensions?.world;
if (baseWorldName) {
} else {
console.debug(`Character ${name}'s base world could not be found or is empty! Skipping...`);
// TODO: Maybe make the utility function not use the window context?
@ -3429,29 +3428,37 @@ async function getCharacterLore() {
worldsToSearch = new Set([...worldsToSearch, ...extraCharLore.extraBooks]);
if (!worldsToSearch.size) {
return [];
let entries = [];
for (const worldName of worldsToSearch) {
if (selected_world_info.includes(worldName)) {
console.debug(`Character ${name}'s world ${worldName} is already activated in global world info! Skipping...`);
console.debug(`[WI] Character ${name}'s world ${worldName} is already activated in global world info! Skipping...`);
if (chat_metadata[METADATA_KEY] === worldName) {
console.debug(`Character ${name}'s world ${worldName} is already activated in chat lore! Skipping...`);
console.debug(`[WI] Character ${name}'s world ${worldName} is already activated in chat lore! Skipping...`);
const data = await loadWorldInfoData(worldName);
const newEntries = data ? Object.keys(data.entries).map((x) => data.entries[x]).map(x => ({ ...x, world: worldName })) : [];
entries = entries.concat(newEntries);
if (!newEntries.length) {
console.debug(`[WI] Character ${name}'s world ${worldName} could not be found or is empty`);
console.debug(`Character ${name} lore (${Array.from(worldsToSearch)}) has ${entries.length} world info entries`);
console.debug(`[WI] Character ${name}'s lore has ${entries.length} world info entries`, [...worldsToSearch]);
return entries;
async function getGlobalLore() {
if (!selected_world_info) {
if (!selected_world_info?.length) {
return [];
@ -3462,7 +3469,7 @@ async function getGlobalLore() {
entries = entries.concat(newEntries);
console.debug(`Global world info has ${entries.length} entries`);
console.debug(`[WI] Global world info has ${entries.length} entries`, selected_world_info);
return entries;
@ -3475,14 +3482,14 @@ async function getChatLore() {
if (selected_world_info.includes(chatWorld)) {
console.debug(`Chat world ${chatWorld} is already activated in global world info! Skipping...`);
console.debug(`[WI] Chat world ${chatWorld} is already activated in global world info! Skipping...`);
return [];
const data = await loadWorldInfoData(chatWorld);
const entries = data ? Object.keys(data.entries).map((x) => data.entries[x]).map(x => ({ ...x, world: chatWorld })) : [];
const newEntries = data ? Object.keys(data.entries).map((x) => data.entries[x]).map(x => ({ ...x, world: chatWorld })) : [];
console.debug(`Chat lore has ${entries.length} entries`);
console.debug(`[WI] Chat lore has ${entries.length} entries`, [chatWorld]);
return entries;
@ -3506,7 +3513,7 @@ export async function getSortedEntries() {
entries = [...globalLore.sort(sortFn), ...characterLore.sort(sortFn)];
console.error('Unknown WI insertion strategy: ', world_info_character_strategy, 'defaulting to evenly');
console.error('[WI] Unknown WI insertion strategy:', world_info_character_strategy, 'defaulting to evenly');
entries = [...globalLore, ...characterLore].sort(sortFn);
@ -3514,7 +3521,7 @@ export async function getSortedEntries() {
// Chat lore always goes first
entries = [...chatLore.sort(sortFn), ...entries];
console.debug(`Sorted ${entries.length} world lore entries using strategy ${world_info_character_strategy}`);
console.debug(`[WI] Found ${entries.length} world lore entries. Sorted by strategy`, Object.entries(world_info_insertion_strategy).find((x) => x[1] === world_info_character_strategy));
// Need to deep clone the entries to avoid modifying the cached data
return structuredClone(entries);
@ -3537,6 +3544,8 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext, isDryRun) {
const context = getContext();
const buffer = new WorldInfoBuffer(chat);
console.debug(`[WI] --- START WI SCAN (on ${chat.length} messages) ---`);
// Combine the chat
// Add the depth or AN if enabled
@ -3560,11 +3569,11 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext, isDryRun) {
let budget = Math.round(world_info_budget * maxContext / 100) || 1;
if (world_info_budget_cap > 0 && budget > world_info_budget_cap) {
console.debug(`Budget ${budget} exceeds cap ${world_info_budget_cap}, using cap`);
console.debug(`[WI] Budget ${budget} exceeds cap ${world_info_budget_cap}, using cap`);
budget = world_info_budget_cap;
console.debug(`Context size: ${maxContext}; WI budget: ${budget} (max% = ${world_info_budget}%, cap = ${world_info_budget_cap})`);
console.debug(`[WI] Context size: ${maxContext}; WI budget: ${budget} (max% = ${world_info_budget}%, cap = ${world_info_budget_cap})`);
const sortedEntries = await getSortedEntries();
const timedEffects = new WorldInfoTimedEffects(chat, sortedEntries);
@ -3574,21 +3583,32 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext, isDryRun) {
return { worldInfoBefore: '', worldInfoAfter: '', WIDepthEntries: [], EMEntries: [], allActivatedEntries: new Set() };
console.debug(`[WI] --- SEARCHING ENTRIES (on ${sortedEntries.length} entries) ---`);
while (scanState) {
// Track how many times the loop has run. May be useful for debugging.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
console.debug(`[WI] Loop #${count}. Search state`, Object.entries(scan_state).find(x => x[1] === scanState));
let activatedNow = new Set();
for (let entry of sortedEntries) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} from '${}' processing`, entry);
if (entry.disable == true) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} disabled`);
// Check if this entry applies to the character or if it's excluded
if (entry.characterFilter && entry.characterFilter?.names?.length > 0) {
const nameIncluded = entry.characterFilter.names.includes(getCharaFilename());
const filtered = entry.characterFilter.isExclude ? nameIncluded : !nameIncluded;
if (filtered) {
console.debug(`WI entry ${entry.uid} filtered out by character`);
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} filtered out by character`);
@ -3605,7 +3625,7 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext, isDryRun) {
const filtered = entry.characterFilter.isExclude ? includesTag : !includesTag;
if (filtered) {
console.debug(`WI entry ${entry.uid} filtered out by tag`);
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} filtered out by tag`);
@ -3617,108 +3637,124 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext, isDryRun) {
const isDelay = timedEffects.isEffectActive('delay', entry);
if (isDelay) {
console.debug(`WI entry ${entry.uid} suppressed by delay`, entry);
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} suppressed by delay`);
if (isCooldown && !isSticky) {
console.debug(`WI entry ${entry.uid} suppressed by cooldown`, entry);
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} suppressed by cooldown`);
if (failedProbabilityChecks.has(entry)) {
if (allActivatedEntries.has(entry) || entry.disable == true) {
// Already processed, considered and then skipped entries should still be skipped
if (failedProbabilityChecks.has(entry) || allActivatedEntries.has(entry)) {
// Only use checks for recursion flags if the scan step was activated by recursion
if (scanState !== scan_state.RECURSION && entry.delayUntilRecursion) {
console.debug(`WI entry ${entry.uid} suppressed by delay until recursion`, entry);
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} suppressed by delay until recursion`);
if (scanState === scan_state.RECURSION && world_info_recursive && entry.excludeRecursion) {
console.debug(`WI entry ${entry.uid} suppressed by exclude recursion`, entry);
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} suppressed by exclude recursion`);
if (entry.constant || buffer.isExternallyActivated(entry) || isSticky) {
// Now do checks for immediate activations
if (entry.constant) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} activated because of constant`);
if (Array.isArray(entry.key) && entry.key.length) { //check for keywords existing
// If selectiveLogic isn't found, assume it's AND, only do this once per entry
const selectiveLogic = entry.selectiveLogic ?? 0;
if (buffer.isExternallyActivated(entry)) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} externally activated`);
primary: for (let key of entry.key) {
const substituted = substituteParams(key);
const textToScan = buffer.get(entry, scanState);
if (isSticky) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} activated because active sticky`);
if (substituted && buffer.matchKeys(textToScan, substituted.trim(), entry)) {
console.debug(`WI UID ${entry.uid} found by primary match: ${substituted}.`);
if (!Array.isArray(entry.key) || !entry.key.length) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} has no keys defined, skipped`);
//selective logic begins
if (
entry.selective && //all entries are selective now
Array.isArray(entry.keysecondary) && //always true
entry.keysecondary.length //ignore empties
) {
console.debug(`WI UID:${entry.uid} found. Checking logic: ${entry.selectiveLogic}`);
let hasAnyMatch = false;
let hasAllMatch = true;
secondary: for (let keysecondary of entry.keysecondary) {
const secondarySubstituted = substituteParams(keysecondary);
const hasSecondaryMatch = secondarySubstituted && buffer.matchKeys(textToScan, secondarySubstituted.trim(), entry);
console.debug(`WI UID:${entry.uid}: Filtering for secondary keyword - "${secondarySubstituted}".`);
// If selectiveLogic isn't found, assume it's AND, only do this once per entry
const selectiveLogic = entry.selectiveLogic ?? 0;
if (hasSecondaryMatch) {
hasAnyMatch = true;
primary: for (let key of entry.key) {
const substituted = substituteParams(key);
const textToScan = buffer.get(entry, scanState);
if (!hasSecondaryMatch) {
hasAllMatch = false;
if (substituted && buffer.matchKeys(textToScan, substituted.trim(), entry)) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} has match on primary keyword`, substituted);
// Simplified AND ANY / NOT ALL if statement. (Proper fix for PR#1356 by Bronya)
// If AND ANY logic and the main checks pass OR if NOT ALL logic and the main checks do not pass
if ((selectiveLogic === world_info_logic.AND_ANY && hasSecondaryMatch) || (selectiveLogic === world_info_logic.NOT_ALL && !hasSecondaryMatch)) {
// Differ both logic statements in the debugger
if (selectiveLogic === world_info_logic.AND_ANY) {
console.debug(`(AND ANY Check) Activating WI Entry ${entry.uid}. Found match for word: ${substituted} ${secondarySubstituted}`);
} else {
console.debug(`(NOT ALL Check) Activating WI Entry ${entry.uid}. Found match for word "${substituted}" without secondary keyword: ${secondarySubstituted}`);
break secondary;
//selective logic begins
if (
entry.selective && //all entries are selective now
Array.isArray(entry.keysecondary) && //always true
entry.keysecondary.length //ignore empties
) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} has secondary keywords. Checking logic`, Object.entries(world_info_logic).find(x => x[1] === entry.selectiveLogic));
let hasAnyMatch = false;
let hasAllMatch = true;
secondary: for (let keysecondary of entry.keysecondary) {
const secondarySubstituted = substituteParams(keysecondary);
const hasSecondaryMatch = secondarySubstituted && buffer.matchKeys(textToScan, secondarySubstituted.trim(), entry);
if (hasSecondaryMatch) {
hasAnyMatch = true;
// Handle NOT ANY logic
if (selectiveLogic === world_info_logic.NOT_ANY && !hasAnyMatch) {
console.debug(`(NOT ANY Check) Activating WI Entry ${entry.uid}, no secondary keywords found.`);
if (!hasSecondaryMatch) {
hasAllMatch = false;
// Simplified AND ANY / NOT ALL if statement. (Proper fix for PR#1356 by Bronya)
// If AND ANY logic and the main checks pass OR if NOT ALL logic and the main checks do not pass
if ((selectiveLogic === world_info_logic.AND_ANY && hasSecondaryMatch) || (selectiveLogic === world_info_logic.NOT_ALL && !hasSecondaryMatch)) {
if (selectiveLogic === world_info_logic.AND_ANY) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} activated. (AND ANY) Found match secondary keyword`, secondarySubstituted);
} else {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} activated. (NOT ALL) Found not matching secondary keyword`, secondarySubstituted);
break secondary;
// Handle AND ALL logic
if (selectiveLogic === world_info_logic.AND_ALL && hasAllMatch) {
console.debug(`(AND ALL Check) Activating WI Entry ${entry.uid}, all secondary keywords found.`);
} else {
// Handle cases where secondary is empty
console.debug(`WI UID ${entry.uid}: Activated without filter logic.`);
break primary;
// Handle NOT ANY logic
if (selectiveLogic === world_info_logic.NOT_ANY && !hasAnyMatch) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} activated. (NOT ANY) No secondary keywords found`, entry.keysecondary);
// Handle AND ALL logic
if (selectiveLogic === world_info_logic.AND_ALL && hasAllMatch) {
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} activated. (AND ALL) All secondary keywords found`, entry.keysecondary);
// console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} skipped. Secondary keywords not satisfied`, entry.keysecondary);
} else {
// Handle cases where secondary is empty
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} activated by primary keyword`, substituted);
break primary;
console.debug(`[WI] Search done. Found ${activatedNow.size} possible entries.`);
scanState = world_info_recursive && activatedNow.size > 0 ? scan_state.RECURSION : scan_state.NONE;
const newEntries = [...activatedNow]
.sort((a, b) => sortedEntries.indexOf(a) - sortedEntries.indexOf(b));
@ -3728,7 +3764,7 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext, isDryRun) {
filterByInclusionGroups(newEntries, allActivatedEntries, buffer, scanState);
console.debug('-- PROBABILITY CHECKS BEGIN --');
console.debug('[WI] --- PROBABILITY CHECKS ---');
for (const entry of newEntries) {
const rollValue = Math.random() * 100;
@ -3760,15 +3796,13 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext, isDryRun) {
console.debug('WI entry activated:', entry);
const probabilityChecksAfter = failedProbabilityChecks.size;
if ((probabilityChecksAfter - probabilityChecksBefore) === activatedNow.size) {
console.debug('WI probability checks failed for all activated entries, stopping');
if (newEntries.length && (failedProbabilityChecks.size - probabilityChecksBefore) === activatedNow.size) {
console.debug('[WI] Probability checks failed for all activated entries, stopping');
scanState = scan_state.NONE;
if (newEntries.length === 0) {
console.debug('No new entries activated, stopping');
console.debug('[WI] No new entries activated, stopping');
scanState = scan_state.NONE;
@ -3784,19 +3818,26 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext, isDryRun) {
// world_info_min_activations
if (!scanState && !token_budget_overflowed) {
if (world_info_min_activations > 0 && (allActivatedEntries.size < world_info_min_activations)) {
console.debug('[WI] --- MIN ACTIVATIONS CHECK ---');
let over_max = (
world_info_min_activations_depth_max > 0 &&
buffer.getDepth() > world_info_min_activations_depth_max
) || (buffer.getDepth() > chat.length);
if (!over_max) {
console.debug(`[WI] Min activations not reached (${allActivatedEntries.size}/${world_info_min_activations}), advancing depth to ${buffer.getDepth() + 1} and checking again`);
scanState = scan_state.MIN_ACTIVATIONS; // loop
} else {
console.debug(`[WI] Min activations not reached (${allActivatedEntries.size}/${world_info_min_activations}), but reached on of depth. Stopping`);
console.debug('[WI] --- BUILDING PROMPT ---');
// Forward-sorted list of entries for joining
const WIBeforeEntries = [];
const WIAfterEntries = [];
@ -3812,7 +3853,7 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext, isDryRun) {
const content = getRegexedString(entry.content, regex_placement.WORLD_INFO, { depth: regexDepth, isMarkdown: false, isPrompt: true });
if (!content) {
console.debug('Skipping adding WI entry to prompt due to empty content:', entry);
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} skipped adding to prompt due to empty content`, entry);
@ -3870,6 +3911,9 @@ async function checkWorldInfo(chat, maxContext, isDryRun) {
console.debug(`[WI] Adding ${allActivatedEntries.size} entries to prompt`);
console.debug('[WI] --- DONE ---');
return { worldInfoBefore, worldInfoAfter, EMEntries, WIDepthEntries, allActivatedEntries };
@ -3884,13 +3928,13 @@ function filterGroupsByScoring(groups, buffer, removeEntry, scanState) {
for (const [key, group] of Object.entries(groups)) {
// Group scoring is disabled both globally and for the group entries
if (!world_info_use_group_scoring && !group.some(x => x.useGroupScoring)) {
console.debug(`Skipping group scoring for group '${key}'`);
console.debug(`[WI] Skipping group scoring for group '${key}'`);
const scores = => buffer.getScore(entry, scanState));
const maxScore = Math.max(...scores);
console.debug(`Group '${key}' max score: ${maxScore}`);
console.debug(`[WI] Group '${key}' max score:`, maxScore);
//console.table(, i) => ({ uid: entry.uid, key: JSON.stringify(entry.key), score: scores[i] })));
for (let i = 0; i < group.length; i++) {
@ -3901,7 +3945,7 @@ function filterGroupsByScoring(groups, buffer, removeEntry, scanState) {
if (scores[i] < maxScore) {
console.debug(`Removing score loser from inclusion group '${key}' entry '${group[i].uid}'`, group[i]);
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${group[i].uid} removed as score loser from inclusion group '${key}'`, group[i]);
group.splice(i, 1);
scores.splice(i, 1);
@ -3919,7 +3963,8 @@ function filterGroupsByScoring(groups, buffer, removeEntry, scanState) {
* @param {number} scanState The current scan state
function filterByInclusionGroups(newEntries, allActivatedEntries, buffer, scanState) {
console.debug('-- INCLUSION GROUP CHECKS BEGIN --');
console.debug('[WI] --- INCLUSION GROUP CHECKS ---');
const grouped = newEntries.filter(x =>, item) => {,\s*/).filter(x => x).forEach(group => {
if (!acc[group]) {
@ -3931,7 +3976,7 @@ function filterByInclusionGroups(newEntries, allActivatedEntries, buffer, scanSt
}, {});
if (Object.keys(grouped).length === 0) {
console.debug('No inclusion groups found');
console.debug('[WI] No inclusion groups found');
@ -3942,7 +3987,7 @@ function filterByInclusionGroups(newEntries, allActivatedEntries, buffer, scanSt
if (logging) console.debug(`Removing loser from inclusion group '${}' entry '${entry.uid}'`, entry);
if (logging) console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} removed as loser from inclusion group '${}'`, entry);
@ -3950,24 +3995,24 @@ function filterByInclusionGroups(newEntries, allActivatedEntries, buffer, scanSt
filterGroupsByScoring(grouped, buffer, removeEntry, scanState);
for (const [key, group] of Object.entries(grouped)) {
console.debug(`Checking inclusion group '${key}' with ${group.length} entries`, group);
console.debug(`[WI] Checking inclusion group '${key}' with ${group.length} entries`, group);
if (Array.from(allActivatedEntries).some(x => === key)) {
console.debug(`Skipping inclusion group check, group already activated '${key}'`);
console.debug(`[WI] Skipping inclusion group check, group '${key}' was already activated`);
// We need to forcefully deactivate all other entries in the group
removeAllBut(group, null, false);
if (!Array.isArray(group) || group.length <= 1) {
console.debug('Skipping inclusion group check, only one entry');
console.debug('[WI] Skipping inclusion group check, only one entry');
// Check for group prio
const prios = group.filter(x => x.groupOverride).sort(sortFn);
if (prios.length) {
console.debug(`Activated inclusion group '${key}' with by prio winner entry '${prios[0].uid}'`, prios[0]);
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${prios[0].uid} activated as prio winner from inclusion group '${key}'`, prios[0]);
removeAllBut(group, prios[0]);
@ -3982,14 +4027,14 @@ function filterByInclusionGroups(newEntries, allActivatedEntries, buffer, scanSt
currentWeight += (entry.groupWeight ?? DEFAULT_WEIGHT);
if (rollValue <= currentWeight) {
console.debug(`Activated inclusion group '${key}' with roll winner entry '${entry.uid}'`, entry);
console.debug(`[WI] Entry ${entry.uid} activated as roll winner from inclusion group '${key}'`, entry);
winner = entry;
if (!winner) {
console.debug(`Failed to activate inclusion group '${key}', no winner found`);
console.debug(`[WI] Failed to activate inclusion group '${key}', no winner found`);