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synced 2025-02-18 21:20:39 +01:00
Refactoring StreamProcessor -> ReasoningHandler
This commit is contained in:
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ import { initSettingsSearch } from './scripts/setting-search.js';
import { initBulkEdit } from './scripts/bulk-edit.js';
import { deriveTemplatesFromChatTemplate } from './scripts/chat-templates.js';
import { getContext } from './scripts/st-context.js';
import { extractReasoningFromData, initReasoning, isHiddenReasoningModel, PromptReasoning, updateReasoningUI } from './scripts/reasoning.js';
import { extractReasoningFromData, initReasoning, PromptReasoning, ReasoningHandler, updateReasoningUI } from './scripts/reasoning.js';
globalThis.SillyTavern = {
@ -3128,10 +3128,6 @@ class StreamingProcessor {
this.messageTimerDom = null;
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
this.messageTokenCounterDom = null;
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
this.messageReasoningDom = null;
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
this.messageReasoningHeaderDom = null;
/** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */
this.sendTextarea = document.querySelector('#send_textarea');
this.type = type;
@ -3147,20 +3143,8 @@ class StreamingProcessor {
/** @type {import('./scripts/logprobs.js').TokenLogprobs[]} */
this.messageLogprobs = [];
this.toolCalls = [];
this.reasoning = '';
/** @type {Date} */
this.reasoningStartTime = null;
/** @type {Date} */
this.reasoningEndTime = null;
this.isHiddenReasoning = isHiddenReasoningModel();
/** @type {() => number} Reasoning duration in milliseconds */
#reasoningDuration() {
if (this.reasoningStartTime && this.reasoningEndTime) {
return (this.reasoningEndTime.getTime() - this.reasoningStartTime.getTime());
return null;
// Initialize reasoning in its own handler
this.reasoningHandler = new ReasoningHandler(type, timeStarted);
#checkDomElements(messageId) {
@ -3169,11 +3153,8 @@ class StreamingProcessor {
this.messageTextDom = this.messageDom?.querySelector('.mes_text');
this.messageTimerDom = this.messageDom?.querySelector('.mes_timer');
this.messageTokenCounterDom = this.messageDom?.querySelector('.tokenCounterDisplay');
this.messageReasoningDom = this.messageDom?.querySelector('.mes_reasoning');
this.messageReasoningHeaderDom = this.messageDom?.querySelector('.mes_reasoning_header_title');
this.messageDom.classList.toggle('reasoning_hidden', this.isHiddenReasoning);
#updateMessageBlockVisibility() {
@ -3184,19 +3165,11 @@ class StreamingProcessor {
showMessageButtons(messageId) {
if (messageId == -1) {
$(`#chat .mes[mesid="${messageId}"] .mes_buttons`).css({ 'display': 'none' });
hideMessageButtons(messageId) {
if (messageId == -1) {
$(`#chat .mes[mesid="${messageId}"] .mes_buttons`).css({ 'display': 'flex' });
@ -3207,14 +3180,12 @@ class StreamingProcessor {
if (this.type == 'impersonate') {
this.sendTextarea.value = '';
this.sendTextarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
else {
} else {
await saveReply(this.type, text, true, '', [], '');
messageId = chat.length - 1;
return messageId;
@ -3232,11 +3203,9 @@ class StreamingProcessor {
let processedText = cleanUpMessage(text, isImpersonate, isContinue, !isFinal, this.stoppingStrings);
// Predict unbalanced asterisks / quotes during streaming
const charsToBalance = ['*', '"', '```'];
for (const char of charsToBalance) {
if (!isFinal && isOdd(countOccurrences(processedText, char))) {
// Add character at the end to balance it
const separator = char.length > 1 ? '\n' : '';
processedText = processedText.trimEnd() + separator + char;
@ -3245,48 +3214,24 @@ class StreamingProcessor {
if (isImpersonate) {
this.sendTextarea.value = processedText;
this.sendTextarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
else {
} else {
const mesChanged = chat[messageId]['mes'] !== processedText;
const currentTime = new Date();
chat[messageId]['mes'] = processedText;
chat[messageId]['gen_started'] = this.timeStarted;
chat[messageId]['gen_finished'] = currentTime;
if (!chat[messageId]['extra']) {
chat[messageId]['extra'] = {};
if (this.reasoning || this.isHiddenReasoning) {
const reasoning = power_user.trim_spaces ? this.reasoning.trim() : this.reasoning;
const reasoningChanged = chat[messageId]['extra']['reasoning'] !== reasoning;
chat[messageId]['extra']['reasoning'] = reasoning;
// Update reasoning
await this.reasoningHandler.process(messageId, mesChanged, currentTime);
if ((this.isHiddenReasoning || reasoningChanged) && this.reasoningStartTime === null) {
this.reasoningStartTime = this.timeStarted;
if ((this.isHiddenReasoning || !reasoningChanged) && mesChanged && this.reasoningStartTime !== null && this.reasoningEndTime === null) {
this.reasoningEndTime = currentTime;
await eventSource.emit(event_types.STREAM_REASONING_DONE, this.reasoning, this.#reasoningDuration);
await this.#updateReasoningTime(messageId);
if (this.messageReasoningDom instanceof HTMLElement) {
const formattedReasoning = messageFormatting(this.reasoning, '', false, false, messageId, {}, true);
this.messageReasoningDom.innerHTML = formattedReasoning;
if (this.messageDom instanceof HTMLElement) {
// Don't waste time calculating token count for streaming
const tokenCountText = (this.reasoning || '') + processedText;
// Token count update.
const tokenCountText = this.reasoningHandler.reasoning + processedText;
const currentTokenCount = isFinal && power_user.message_token_count_enabled ? getTokenCount(tokenCountText, 0) : 0;
if (currentTokenCount) {
chat[messageId]['extra']['token_count'] = currentTokenCount;
if (this.messageTokenCounterDom instanceof HTMLElement) {
@ -3312,7 +3257,7 @@ class StreamingProcessor {
this.messageTextDom.innerHTML = formattedText;
const timePassed = formatGenerationTimer(this.timeStarted, currentTime, currentTokenCount, this.#reasoningDuration());
const timePassed = formatGenerationTimer(this.timeStarted, currentTime, currentTokenCount, this.reasoningHandler.getDuration());
if (this.messageTimerDom instanceof HTMLElement) {
this.messageTimerDom.textContent = timePassed.timerValue;
this.messageTimerDom.title = timePassed.timerTitle;
@ -3326,23 +3271,12 @@ class StreamingProcessor {
async #updateReasoningTime(messageId, { forceEnd = false } = {}) {
const duration = this.#reasoningDuration();
chat[messageId]['extra']['reasoning_duration'] = duration;
updateReasoningUI(this.messageDom, this.reasoning, duration, { forceEnd: forceEnd });
async onFinishStreaming(messageId, text) {
await this.onProgressStreaming(messageId, text, true);
addCopyToCodeBlocks($(`#chat .mes[mesid="${messageId}"]`));
// Ensure reasoning finish time is recorded if not already
if (this.reasoningStartTime !== null && this.reasoningEndTime === null) {
this.reasoningEndTime = new Date();
await eventSource.emit(event_types.STREAM_REASONING_DONE, this.reasoning, this.#reasoningDuration);
await this.#updateReasoningTime(messageId, { forceEnd: true });
await this.reasoningHandler.finish(messageId);
if (Array.isArray(this.swipes) && this.swipes.length > 0) {
const message = chat[messageId];
@ -3443,7 +3377,8 @@ class StreamingProcessor {
if (logprobs) {
this.messageLogprobs.push(...(Array.isArray(logprobs) ? logprobs : [logprobs]));
this.reasoning = getRegexedString(state?.reasoning ?? '', regex_placement.REASONING);
// Get the updated reasoning string into the handler
this.reasoningHandler.updateReasoning(state?.reasoning ?? '');
await eventSource.emit(event_types.STREAM_TOKEN_RECEIVED, text);
await sw.tick(async () => await this.onProgressStreaming(this.messageId, this.continueMessage + text));
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ export function updateReasoningUI(messageIdOrElement, reasoning = null, reasonin
* @param {object} [options={}] Options for the function
* @param {boolean} [options.forceEnd=false] If true, there will be no "Thinking..." when no duration exists
export function updateReasoningTimeUI(element, duration, { forceEnd = false } = {}) {
function updateReasoningTimeUI(element, duration, { forceEnd = false } = {}) {
if (duration) {
const durationStr = moment.duration(duration).locale(getCurrentLocale()).humanize({ s: 50, ss: 3 });
const secondsStr = moment.duration(duration).asSeconds();
@ -163,6 +163,160 @@ export function updateReasoningTimeUI(element, duration, { forceEnd = false } =
/** @enum {string} */
export const ReasoningState = {
None: 'none',
Thinking: 'thinking',
Done: 'done',
Hidden: 'hidden',
* Handles reasoning-specific logic and DOM updates for messages.
* Used inside the @see {StreamingProcessor}
export class ReasoningHandler {
* @param {string} type - The streaming type
* @param {Date} timeStarted - When the generation started
constructor(type, timeStarted) {
/** @type {ReasoningState} The current state of the reasoning process */
this.state = ReasoningState.None;
/** @type {string} The reasoning output */
this.reasoning = '';
/** @type {Date} When the reasoning started */
this.startTime = null;
/** @type {Date} When the reasoning ended */
this.endTime = null;
/** @type {string} Generation type (normal, continue, impersonation, etc) */
this.type = type;
/** @type {Date} Initial starting time of the generation */
this.initialTime = timeStarted;
/** @type {boolean} True if the model supports reasoning, but hides the reasoning output */
this.#isHidden = isHiddenReasoningModel();
// Cached DOM elements for reasoning
/** @type {HTMLElement} Main message DOM element `.mes` */
this.messageDom = null;
/** @type {HTMLElement} Reasoning details DOM element `.mes_reasoning_details` */
this.messageReasoningDetailsDom = null;
/** @type {HTMLElement} Reasoning content DOM element `.mes_reasoning_content` */
this.messageReasoningContentDom = null;
/** @type {HTMLElement} Reasoning header DOM element `.mes_reasoning_header` */
this.messageReasoningHeaderDom = null;
* Gets the duration of the reasoning in milliseconds.
* @returns {number|null} The duration in milliseconds, or null if the start or end time is not set.
getDuration() {
if (this.startTime && this.endTime) {
return this.endTime.getTime() - this.startTime.getTime();
return null;
* Finds and caches reasoning-related DOM elements for the given message.
* @param {number} messageId The message ID
checkDomElements(messageId) {
// Make sure we reset dom elements if we are checking for a different message (shouldn't happen, but be sure)
if (this.messageDom !== null && this.messageDom.getAttribute('mesid') !== messageId.toString()) {
this.messageDom = null;
// Cache the DOM elements once
if (this.messageDom === null) {
this.messageDom = document.querySelector(`#chat .mes[mesid="${messageId}"]`);
this.messageReasoningDetailsDom = this.messageDom.querySelector('.mes_reasoning_details');
this.messageReasoningContentDom = this.messageDom.querySelector('.mes_reasoning');
this.messageReasoningHeaderDom = this.messageDom.querySelector('.mes_reasoning_header_title');
// Update the DOM with the current reasoning state.
this.messageDom.dataset.state = this.state;
this.messageDom.classList.toggle('reasoning_hidden', this.#isHidden);
// Update main DOM state
#updateDomState() {
this.messageDom.dataset.state = this.state;
this.messageDom.classList.toggle('reasoning_hidden', this.#isHidden);
updateReasoning(reasoning = null) {
reasoning = reasoning ?? this.reasoning;
this.reasoning = getRegexedString(reasoning ?? '', regex_placement.REASONING);
* Processes and updates reasoning info for the message.
* @param {number} messageId - The ID of the message.
* @param {boolean} mesChanged - True if the message text changed.
* @param {Date} currentTime - The current time.
async process(messageId, mesChanged, currentTime) {
if (!this.reasoning && !this.#isHidden) return;
// Ensure the chat extra exists.
if (!chat[messageId]['extra']) {
chat[messageId]['extra'] = {};
const extra = chat[messageId]['extra'];
const finalReasoning = power_user.trim_spaces ? this.reasoning.trim() : this.reasoning;
const reasoningChanged = extra['reasoning'] !== finalReasoning;
extra['reasoning'] = finalReasoning;
if ((this.#isHidden || reasoningChanged) && this.startTime === null) {
this.startTime = this.initialTime;
if ((this.#isHidden || !reasoningChanged) && mesChanged && this.startTime !== null && this.endTime === null) {
this.endTime = currentTime;
await eventSource.emit(event_types.STREAM_REASONING_DONE, finalReasoning, () => this.getDuration());
await this.updateTime(messageId);
if (this.messageReasoningContentDom instanceof HTMLElement) {
const formattedReasoning = messageFormatting(finalReasoning, '', false, false, messageId, {}, true);
this.messageReasoningContentDom.innerHTML = formattedReasoning;
if (this.messageDom instanceof HTMLElement) {
async finish(messageId) {
// Make sure the finish time is recorded if a reasoning was in process and it wasn't ended correctly during streaming
if (this.startTime !== null && this.endTime === null) {
this.endTime = new Date();
const finalReasoning = power_user.trim_spaces ? this.reasoning.trim() : this.reasoning;
await eventSource.emit(event_types.STREAM_REASONING_DONE, finalReasoning, () => this.getDuration());
await this.updateTime(messageId);
* Updates the reasoning duration in the UI.
* @param {number} messageId - The ID of the message
* @param {object} [options={}] - Optional argument
* @param {boolean} [options.forceEnd=false] - If true, there will be no "Thinking..." when no duration exists
async updateTime(messageId, { forceEnd = false } = {}) {
const duration = this.getDuration();
chat[messageId]['extra']['reasoning_duration'] = duration;
updateReasoningUI(this.messageDom, this.reasoning, duration, { forceEnd });
* Helper class for adding reasoning to messages.
* Keeps track of the number of reasoning additions.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user